The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 28, 1893, Image 2

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    :A ood Jivcr lacier.
Ott JAN. 2S, 1$!S.
anon suowixa.
Whether the Mil ctviitlng; Cascade
county pnssci or not, our citizcui can
feel ntisfled in having m.vio a splendid
ehowing. With 3." votes cost in Hood
Kiver and Baldwin preelncts, at the
November election, the petition sent
down Wednesday contained 3-3 names.
There are probably 400 voters in these
preciucts, but many of thorn live at
uch a distance that it was impossibly
to present the petition. Of those to
whom it was presented not more than
a dozen, and we do not thluk that
muny, refused to sign it. We aro glad
to see such unauiniity among Hood
lilver people. At Mrwlor fully one-half
of the touts have signed the petition,
nd no doubt many more would have
done so if ,they hud been seen by thoae
circulating it. At the Cascade Locks
the sentiment against county division
is somewhat stronger, but a really
strong petition is sent from there, con
taining l!4 names, and representing at
least two-thirds of the taxable prop
First Annua Clearance
to r ea i
Attorneys ia Washington are fending
power-of-attorneys to all persons who
have located and proved upon the even
sections of government land within the
limit of the Northern Pacific grant,
asking that they be filled out and re
turned. These attorneys offer for 25
per cent, of the money collected to
bring suit in the court of claims and to
iccover the $1.25 per acre extra charged
by the government for theso lands. As
matters stand at present no such suit
can be prosecuted, nor would the gov
eminent pay back this money. It is
quite probable that congress will in the
ery near future pass a bill authorizing
the return of this excess money, but,
until it does, neither the court of claims
nor the Washington attorneys can re
store it. These legal sharks', anticl
pating such action on the part of con
gress, have simply put up this job to
divert one-fourth of tho money to be
returned to their own pockets. Thr.y
will do nothing to earn it, and will
only have to notify the department to
pay them the one-fourth of each
amount for which they held
power-of-attorney. The best thing to
do in the premises Is to do iiothing.and
let the Washington attorneys do the
In order to xnako room for our spring stock,
we will for 30 days sell our entiro stock of Gen
eral Merchandise at actual cost for ca3h. Our
stock is complete in all departments, now and
well selected.
Coigcl Eaxly" n.6i C-ct
st C-bLoice.
insi wnac Etna or u colored man
lingers in the Cuscado Locks wood-pile
is hard to discern, but he ia there and
of large size and extremely malodorous
The government officers lu chargo of
the plant say they have orders to turn
the plant over to the contractors, the
Day brothers, on demand. The Day
brothers, however, assert that they are
ready and anxious to receive the plant
and to commence work at once. They
insist that the government refuses to
turn over the plant and that they can
do nothing until the government gets
a move on. One party declares and
publishes its readiness to deliver the
goods, the other just as strenuously in
slsts they are ready to receive. The
aforesaid colored man is therefore ap
parent and evidently the boss of the
wood-pile. For years the great, meek
public of Eastern Oregon have been
praying for the completion of these
locks, and for years the press has been
urging the completion of the works by
eontract and asserting that then only
would the glad light of day dawn for
them. Their prayers have been too
fervid, for instead of one Day, two have
Appeared, and between them all ia nat
urally yet in darkness. Another Day
like these and we and the locks are un
done. Let us hope the memorial from
the Oregon legislature may give us a
little Daylight.
It is said that President-elect Cleve
land has about completed his cabinet.
Whitney is to be in charge of the navy,
Dayard his former secretary of state, to
again fill that position, Carlisle to have
the treasury portfolio, and the other
places have centralized on two or three
for each place, of whom one will be
chosen. We are not so deeply inter
ested in the cabinet as we are in The
Dalles land oflice, which seems to be
about our size; when, of oourse, the
present worthy incumbent retires. We
stated before that it is our humble
opinion that the newspaper fraternity
ought to be recognized, and the wisdom
of the remark is emphasized by the
fact that nearly every newspaper in the
state indorses our views. Let the rec
ord be broken and one newspaper man
be given an office; if not us, some other
man who with his pen has earned the
right at least of reward.
Hon. James O. Blaine,
morning at 11 o'clock.
died Friday
The Raley bill for a portage railway
from Celilo to The Dalles was the spe
cial order for 2 o'elock Wednesday, but
it did not remain so long, being de
feated by a vote of 17 to 14. This settles
the portage railway bill for this session,
at least, and probably for all time. If
this was Faul Mohr's work it was well
done, and that gentleman can now
complete his road when he gets ready
That he holds the key to opening the
Columbia is rtfadily seen, as a road fifty
odd miles in length would make lt'pos
sible to ship the products of the eastern
country to Astoria with but one port
aire. That he will build his road is
possible but improbable.
L. Q. C. Lamar, associate Justice of
the United States supreme court, died
at Macon, Georgia, Monday, Jan. 23d
His death, like that of the Illustrious
dead who have preceded him this
month, was sudden and unexpected.
Bishop Phillips Brooks of the Epis
copal church died at Boston Monday,
the 23d. It Is a coincidence that he,
like Butler and Lamar, died of heart
failure, and each in the same manner,
having been seised with a violent fit
of coughing, expiring within an honr
or two after it.
Hon. R. O. Dunbar has been selected
as the new Chief Justice of the State of
Washington. The people of Klickitat
are justly proud of this honor conferred
on one of their citizens.
All the counties of Eastern Oregon
and Washington, and many of those
now in Idaho, were at one time a por
tion of Wasoo. Sue is truly tho mother
of counties, and her progeny is numer
ous. It is proposed at this session of
the legislature to have her give birth to
twins, Cascade and Stockman counties,
and then she may retire from the busi
" -
It seems to be definitely settled that
Senator Carlisle is to be a member of
President Cleveland's cabinet. He has
lesigned his seat in the senate.
Klickitat county division.
Captain A. 8. Blowers In TheOregonlnn.
White Salmon, Wash., Jan. 24.
I notice in your issue of the 20th inst.
communication from Ooldendule,
in regard to the petition from this
place for annexation to Skamania
county. A portion of it is true. We
have petitioned the legislature, as stat
ed, but the presumed object is not true;
or, at least, is misleading, viz., that we
expect the county-seat, and can carry
it by popular vote. We have not the
least idea of attempting to get the
county-seat at present, nor have we
ever talked anything of the kind, but,
on the contrary, will be perfectly satis-
z a a n 1 a a
ueu iu go u vascaaes to transact our
county business, where wo can go and
return the same day. This is just why
we wish to leave Klickitat county. At
the present time nearly all the tax
payers west of the Klickitat river have
to cross the Columbia river to Hood
River, Or., then go to Grant's station,
about 50 miles; there remain one night
In order to catch the stage next morn
Ing for a journey of about 12 miles to
Goldendale; thus being compelled to
spend fou or five days and from $15 to
$20 in cash to transact a little business.
The consequence is very few can ever
afford to go; when it should be every
taxpayer's right to attend to his own
anain in an county matters. As we
are now situated, the only privilege
we nave is to send our taxes over bv
mail. The people at Goldendale want
our taxes, but are not willing we
should be represented in any of the
county offices. The mileage from this
2 1 A J 1 1
isomieu piace wouia maice it too ex
pensive for the county. We expect
they will defeat us this time, as we
have put no money into it, but the
day is not far distant when we will
outvote Goldendale; then see if the
county-seat does not come out into the
world, where there is either railroad or
river communication. We don't
want it here, but we can go to Astoria
in less time and for lees money than
we can to Goldendale, and we don't
care where it is located, if it can only
be where the people of the county can
get to it without going across half the
state of Oregon to get over the moun
tains, then go down into a hole isolated
from all the world but Goldendale.
These are some of the reasons why we
want a change.
Practices In all the courts of Oregon unit
Wellington. Hpeclat attention given to rtm
Come and See I's.
We find a large number of our sub
scribers are owing us for a year or raoro,
and we would like to havo it. There
are quite a number owing us sineo 1SS1),
and these can expect no further consid
eration at our hands. We need the
money aud give fair warning that all
accounts of 18S9 now unpaid will he
collected through the courts if unpaid
February 1st. We mean business.
35 shares of the capital stock of
Hood River Townsito Company.
110 acres of land formerly part of the
John Divers' claim.
320 acres being cast half of section 2.'!
township 1 north range 9 east heavily
The above will he sold at a low valu
ation and on liberal terms of payment.
E. L. Smith.
Notice Is hereby given that all notes
and accounts due me, and unpaid
March 1st, next, will be placed in the
hands of a collector. E. L. Smith.
Redaction Sale at Mrs ('. J. Hunt's.
Sweeping reduction of ladles' hats for
cash until March 15th.
$5.00 hats for $4.00
4.00 , 3.00
3.00 1.50
Ladies' we solicit patronage.
I'l'lmber I -and, Ai t Jimti .1, 1ST.
fulled Slnti'n I .mul I mien,
The IiuIIch oii'Kon iKvlM, W'A
Notice I hereby kIvoii that In iiiilitiii'i
Willi till1 provisions of tlio iirl of I'iiiikM' of
June :i, I.NiS, entitled "An net for tin' Milf of
tlmlx'r lituii In (iiu Mtiite of t'lillfiiriilii.Oriv.
L-oii, Nc viidiiunil Wii-htnutoii lVmtoi i ," Mur-
mii Kfflu.s, of Itooil lilf r, t oimtv of Whii'o
Mtntf oil ilx"li, lull I lux ilny II lfl III tlilsollliv
lilhHWorn Mtalf mi' nt, No. for (In' puri'liitm-uf
tlio n '.. n f ii1.. n iv1, iiml k n w 1 4 !v '.M
township No. J. nor 111 rniiKi- No, II I.. w. M.iuiit
u III ullcl' i.roor to show Unit tin' liiml soiikIiI I"
inon viiliiutili' for It 1 1 mix r or Htoiif than I
agricultural inirw'H, anil to eNtiiblUli his
f liilm to wiliI Inn. I hi'fort' tin' Ui'kIMit iiml
culver ot 1 1 1 In oillfo ill i He 1'allin UifKoli
on I riiluy llic'lili Uuy of March IkiI.
Ho mime iih witnesses: Frank liiivenpnrt
Alexander Kim k I ii, John Cui'li'iiiaii, Oniric
Hell, all or IIihhI Uiver Ori'Kon.
Any iiml all H'runs c lnlinlnu adversely tin
hImivu ilfjwrllit'il lamlx are ri'iiHHt.'il to tllr
tht'lr f 11111114 In tlilsolIWvnn or before wild '.'Mil
day of MurWi, bsua.
dcslinc lift John W. Ia-wIs, Kfttlxtor.
Read This and Profit by it.
dinger and Bone, proprietors of the
Big Red Barn, in addition to their liv
ery and stage business, are handling
grain, chop-feed and hay. They are
also agents for the Knapp Burrell'& Co.
macninery. lialn wagons, backs, hiiir-
gies, windmills and pumps, Oliver
Chill and Steel plows; garden cultiva
tors, plows and harrows; and will sell
their Mt. Hood coaches, hacks and bug
gies, now in use, in order to open in
the spring with an entiro new outfit.
Call and price their goods.
Land Utiles ut Vuneouver Wiwh lH'f HI,
Notice U liorvby ctven that thu followliiL'.
n.-.iui'd MttliTH liuvo illoii notlfo of thflr
InU'litlnii to initko ttnul proof In mi
ofilit-lr e liilm. ami Unit mlil nroof M ill
liniclo iM'fore thu IUtIhUt ami Uffi'lvrr of the
U. H. I.iiiul illlfu ut Vtiiifoiivcr on r cu-
runry 'ind lsiil, vlz:
Thcoilor Ciitntemi.
PnrchHMi Application No, 101 nnilor rco. S
Korfritiiro ucl Sept i9 InSO for tlio no H w M
(ice 11 p f n r 10 o w in.
He names tho following wltnumifN to prove,
ti Ib continuum rcNhli'iico noon ami ftiltlva
tlon of mild liiml, viz: John lKiliimnn, of
rnlilii witMti., .MulliinM Wilken, Thcoilorc
Hukmlorf, of whllo Salmon wiinIi.. ',. iirl L,
Huksdorf, of linvutipurl lowu.
I'url UHukxdorf.
I'nrchom Application No. .SOI tinder cc a
Forfeiture act Nypi fli ikJio for tho no I -I
mid j w i-4 hoc 1 Tp On r II cant w m.
llonanicn the following wllncHieii to prove
nucouliniiouK realtlonctt upon anil culllva
Moil of nald land viz.: John licthman, of Knlihi
hhsIi. Theodor Hnkesdorf. Muthlui Wilken, of
white Salmon wiwh., Theoiior C'amU'iiH, of
u inner waxn,
Jawiu M. Wilken.
PiirehHKo Application No. 21)1 tinder f,1
forfeiture act hept is: fur I ho n wl-lwcUl
Tl 4 ii r II e w in.
iiu iinnieii thu following wttncHscH U prove
III emit in noit residence inpm and cultiva
tion ofxiil land viz: John liethnian, of Kulila
wiiKh. Tlicoilor ( armcim, of ((Inner vnnh.,
ineouor niiUHiiori, .or 'whltu huliuon, wiiuli
Carl L.Huksdorf, of Dnveii)Mrt Iowa.
;.dc2IJn31 John R. OiKighi'Kiin, HcElster,
To all whom it way concern:
Notlcs la herey given that the Water Bujv
ply Company of Hood Klver Valley, a corpor
llon heretofore duly Incorporated under tho
laws of the Htate of Oregon, and heretofore
doing bUHlneRS in Hood III ver Precinct, Wwicii
County Oregon, lias Hied In tho County
Clerk's office of Waaco County Oregon, and in
the office of the Secretary of Htate at Halem,
urcKon, supplementary arucieM oi incorpor
ation, heretofore duly adopted by the stock
holders, and duly executed iu triplicate by
ald corporation, through Its proper officers
and board of direct ers; and tho object of ad
opting and filing the same Is and was to in
crease the capital stock from f.'jOOO.OO to .000.00
to better facilitate the carrying out of the
original objects and primary purposes of said
Incorporation, and to more effectual ly avail
Itaelfof the provisions of the legislative Act
Approved February 18th, 1891, the second sec
tion of said supplementary articles Is as fol
lows: Hecond. The enterprise and business In
which the corporation, proposes to engage Is to
appropriate the waters from what is known
e 'Indian Creek" "Piteh Creek" "Dead
Potat Creek" and "Green-PolntCrMk"all salr)
creeks being in Wasoo County Oregon, and all
tributaries of the west fork of Mood river,
(except said "Indian and Ditch Creeks") and
to convey said waters by means of ditches,
flumes aud canals, through or to any point of
the dry lands of Hood Hivcr Valley, in said
selling or distributing the same among all
persons whoso lands lie adjoining to or aro
Within rMfh nf BoM Humns immilu .....I
ditches for the purpose of irrigation and sup
plying water for household and domestic con
sumption and watering stock upon ttie dry
lrnds of said Valley, within said Wafcco
County; to construct a suitable ditch or
ditches, canal or canals, flume or flumes, for
conveying and utilizing said water, for the
purposes aforesaid, to extend the d teh hern.
.oiore ana now usea bv sairl eomnnnv from
where the same tuns and takes the water froin
antri nilch ImIt a i,n it,... ....
uk'.ih INC HUE . ' 1 Bllfv.-V
I.and Olllco at Vancouver wash, Dec, I I, :s92.
Notice Is hereby given thut tho followlng
niuned wttler Iihs tiled notice of ills Intention
tomnke final proof In support of his claim,
nml tliat Maid prmif will he iniiile before W.
It. Duiibiir, ComnilHslonor II. rt. circuit Court
for District of Washington at OoldeiiilHlo
woslilngton on Fehruury ind 1U.I, viz:
Henry C. Kednnhurg.
Ptirchaso Application No. 4H under sec 3
Korfeiture act Hept a) IH1J0 for tlio s w 1-1 of s w
1-4 Sec !fj Tp U n r 11 w in.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land viz, (icurgo Selllnger,
Harry Kelllnger, of Mosier P.O. Oregon lleln
rlch Kieno, Severn Jiens, of Trout Lake 1'. O.
dc24Jiin31 John I). Googhegan, Reglstur.
Vall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A lartfo supply of, and l-Mimhr .'.iMopoII
Colobratod liquid colorn and llntod loatls.
Undortakiiajs: a Specialty.
rivpitrcJ to I'urnUli ntottcc, n Ihioi'litHM r inilliis, uIh.i u fin-up grmte
lit lu'itt nml KitliMtiiuiliil.
I U Uvl bal l j' ... i eV fa - I
jor.m:us and uktaii.i-:i:. in
Connor of. Second ,and Fodoral Gtroota.
Acorn and Charter Oak
Stovos and Ranos.
(Jims, Animnnlliiiii hik) Sjiorthij; Cmuh,
iron, Ctml,
Itlaokwiuith BopplluN,
WKonmnkcr'N Material,
Sewer Pip,
I'limp fttxl rpljio,
rimuliiiifr Supplies.
nml iWrlM
WM1, Lewis & stayer
fomiianj'a AgTlrnltaral IwpUaut
nnd Xlirhlnory.
Notice Is herehy given that tho underslgnndt
exesutorof ihoestalo of James; A. Hunklns,
liiteofWusco county, Oregon, and now dc
coased, has filed his final account with said
estate, with tho clerk of the county court of
nam v nsco county, aim mat lion, (ieorge (;.
Ulakely, Judge of said court has by order
oau'd January. 7tli IWtt. iinno nted Monilnv
the Hth day of March, at tlio hour of in o'clock
In the forenoon of said day, at tho county
court room In Dalles City, Oregon, a time
mm poire mr ezuminiiig saiu account, anil
lor Hearing tiny objections made thereto;
Now then. fore, all persons in any way inter
esiou in said estate or final account are hereby
notlflod and required tonqtiear at said time
and place hsnied In said order nnd show
cHiine, ii any mere he why snld account should
not bs allowed either in wholo or nart. and
there make any objections they may havo
against the allowance of said final account, or
showcanseif any why suld executor should
not be then discharged by tho court as exeo-
mwi ui am vnuiie,
J'utcd at Hood Illvnr. Jan., Oth ism.
Kxecntor of the estato of James A. HanklnH
Thnt thirty (Iti.vN it km loiifriiN wi enn civilit huim!h, nml wmilil renjifotfully
ri'ipu-st I'tir putroiiN in nvi-rn thi'inwIvi M m-i'niilnnly.
m a
F n fft W r 'a
11 Vv m Ml M II J II Wi
..a- Hcav u vmt y va
Prescriptions autl
Private I'orniYLla
And a Comploto Lino of
Houso Builder's Goods. Sash
ami Doors, Iouldings,
Brackets am fooi! Unim
Lime. Plaster and Lat!i Ceil
ing, Rustic ai:cl Flooring.
Cofflncs dZ
' 1 "I1 ' '' i I muni I .
if. (,-, cur
and Builders.
heretofore made by sulci Comimnv to n i.iin
where said survey taps and Intersects said
"Dead Point Creek" and from thenco t4 a
point on said "Green Point Creek" from
where the waters of said last named creek enn
be conveyed aud used in the dlU:h aforesaid;
and to appropriate necessary and sufliclen
land for rleht of wav and to rlo nil nnl .v,.r,
needful act or acts necessary in carrying otit
iuu vujvi;iii uuii ijiirpimus Herein staled.
at uooa Illver, Oregon, licccniber 17,
Tub Watkh Kupply
Kivck Vallbv.
Company op floon
II. J,
, II inn a mi,
Land Ofllceat Voncouvor, Wash., Jim, 6, 1KW.
io.ioiinll. Ilensel and all whom It may
Notice is hereby plven that the followlnK
namcd settler has filed notice of his Intention
i.i . ,,mu Proor " support
of hiscliilm, and that said proof will be made
mime uiu ui'KiHicr ana itecelver of the U. H.
Land Olllco at Vancouver, Wusli,, on Feb
ruary 2;ird, lsi, viz:
Joseph A. Arnient,
Applications No. 4W nnd 4!l!l to Purchase
under sec 3 act Kept 2M 1890 for the lots 2 nnd 3
sec3.-lnndsennd8 0j;wsecl35 Tp 8 n
r 12 ew. m.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
hl.s continuous residence upon and cultivation
orsald land viz: James O, l.ylc, Thomas M.
Wliitcomb, Levi. Mnitli, John H. Whitcomb,
all of l,yle Klickitat Co., wash.
JnUfcbiS John I). Oko(;iiegan. Register.
BeaUy's Pianos
where. I-orculiilumie uiiiIicns
wcuuy, w asninguin, ew
In use
Huniol K.
Have on hand
vines, email fruitH,
ft full supply of Fruit, Hh.-ulu iiml OnmintMitiil trr--
IltiHcs ami Sliruliljcry.
lie Hiiro to get our prict-H before iiurelmsiii-reisewbr-ro.
Itemeniber our trees are crown strietlv wiflmnf. irrim.i
I'JtLM 131LIjLE3.
W. A. Bumoeiiland, Ixical Agent.
nan mJmmaamJLvtai
Choicest If eats, Hzxx,
Bacon, lard, Game,
' Poultry, Also Dealers in
corner or tj;ii. una l-ourtli Mtroet.i, .... i0Qi
Itivcr, Oregon-