The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 14, 1893, Image 4

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Where the best food is required, the
Royal Baking Powder only can be used.
I have found the Royal Rikin Towilcr superior
tO all Others. C. Csrfu, Lu t , Domtnuv't, X. V.
There Is ti enemv with whum thousands an1
Imuiliir all their Yvea, btt'a'iw itiev are born
with a tendency to hiltuumw. itli tht enem,v
they are r'tittantly battling with lut'rtVctunl
wiapotn. Hostelb r's St miu h Hitlers w ill tat
tle it. Mere purgative w i 1 not reform a dUor
dered con llnon of th livtr indicated, not by
cotiailpaliou alone, but also by tick headache,
yellow nen of the ktn ami 'eyeballs, iiauea,
lurre i tongue and miea;.ti;es, niore particularly
upon pressure on the iWhl side, upon and below
the short ribs. Avoid lranic purgatives w hich
gripe and weaken tlie intestines, and tmlwtitute
this wor'd famous ant bilious cordial, which
likewise removes msUrUl.aioinscliicaiid kidney
comp aiuts, rneitntaffra and nervoitsimm. As a
laxatiteof t e Ix'wels, pain es hut ettcctnal. It
Improves appetite. sleep and theability todlgot,
and the additional advantage of a
standard touie.
"What do you mean by thrashing your boy
without provocation?" "Well, you see. a busy
man like tne must discipline his children wheu
he happeua to have time."
The Rev. Mark Guy Pearse, the eminent
English divine, writes:
" Bedford Place, Ktsskll &ii'ark,i
London, December 10, isss. i
"I think it only right that I should tell
you of how much use I find Allcck-k's Po
Rors Planters in my family and among
those to whom I have recommended them.
I find them a very breastplate against colds
and coughs."
M a. Dix What is 11 the sign of t have the
family cat how! outside at night? Iix f a
death iu the family, it' the man is a RJod sho .
Sudden changes of the weather often
cause pulmonary, bronchial and asthmatic
troubles. "Uraim't Branchial troche" will
allay the irritation which induces cough
ing, giving immediate relief.
Put the right kind of a good man lu any com
munity ni he will soon make every mean mau
among hli neighbors feel ashamed of him.-e.f.
We positively cure rupture, pile and all rec
tal dUeaaea without pain or detention from busi
ness, No cure, no pay. Also all Private dis
eases. Address for pamphlet Dn. Ponerfleld A
Losey, 838 Market street, baa FrancUco.
If a mau stays at home nights, be will not be
found out
Judge J. B. Hiix, of the Superior
Court, Walker county, Georgia,
thinks enough of German Syrup to
send us voluntarily a strong letter
endorsing it. When men of rank
and education thus use and recom
mend an article, what they say is
worth the attention of the public.
It is above suspicion . "I have used
your German Syrup," he says, "for
my Coughs and Colds on the Throat
and Lungs. I can recommend it for
them as a first-class medicine."
Take no substitute.
A Kara l'irce of Wood.
A singularly beautiful oak plank in
tended as a jamb of a clothes closet
came to the Pulitzer building recently.
Its rare markings evidently escaped tlu
eye of the sawmill man. It ia uKntt 8
feet long and U inches wide. Near the
outer edge the longitudinal grain of the
wood resembles ridges of sand on the
seashore. The middle is a combination
of "bird's eyes" that at a distance ap
pear to stand out in relief, and elliptical
lines delicately shaded from a deep
brown to a white. The gradation of the
coloring is exquisite, and looks to l the
result of art rather than of nature. The
"eyes" are perfect and resemble inlaid
mosaics. There is not a split nor a flaw
in the entire plank. Its beauty lies in
the fact that the markings are finer than
those fonnd in maple, and it has all the
aatin like apjHirance of that beautiful
wood. Instead of adorning the mantel
of a broad throated fireplace its prosaic
place will be as the guardian of over
coats and 71 bats. New York World.
"John Orth" and His Mother.
The Grand Duchess of Tuscany ha
not gone into mourning for her missing
son "John Orth," or Archduke John,
and at the Austrian court there is a sus
picion that this eccentric prince is mere
ly in hiding. Fie did not secure to him
self all the obscurity he wished when he
assumed the name of John Orth, for by
that name he was known to the whole
world, and ewrybody persisted in treat
ing him like an archduke traveling in
cognito. John Orth's friends say that
this worried him considerably, and they
think it highly probable that he has now
assumed another name and is living in
South America. Some also think that
his mother is fiware of this and has com
municated the fact privately to the em
peror, btrt that theecret will be kept so
far as the public is concerned. Pall
Mall Gazette.
Doctors disagree. They
have to. There are differ
ences of opinion among the
best; there will be so long
as knowledge is incomplete.
But there is one subject
on which all physicians are
completely in accord, and
that is the value of cod-liver
oil in consumption and scro
fula, and many other condi
tions in which the loss of fat
is involved. And cod-liver
oil has its greatest usefulness
in Scott's Emulsion.
There is an interesting
book on the subject; sent free.
Scott ft Bowne, Chemists, 13a Sou:h 5th Avenue,
Mew York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Ernulsion of cod-liver
oil ail druggists everywhere do. $i.
Cntrnthfulneaa In Courts of Justice.
The judge of Birmingham county
court is driven to despair by the un
truthfulness of the parties who come be
fore him. In commenting on a case the
other day he declared that this was the
fifth instance that morning in which
more or less respectable persons had been
guilty in the witness box of "the most
deliberate lying." To such a pass have
things now come that he described him
self as going homo sick at heart, day by
day, from hearing people giveeach other
the lie direct in matters about which
there could be no possible mistake. Hap
pily tho state of things at the local quar
ter sessions is not quite so bad, though
according to Mr. Neale, the recorder, it
is bad enough. London Tit-Bita.
An Exhilarating Journey.
The only connection between Rogers
City and Cheboygan two Michigan
towns during the six months exile of
the former town when navigation closes,
is by a stage line sixty-five miles long,
and the grizzled old man who drives
saves sixteen miles by a whizzing ride
across Black lake, six miles long. The
ride is as thoroughly dangerous as exhil
arating, and six people nearly lost their
bves there the other day. The horses
dashed into an airhole near the middle
of the lake, and tho stage went to the
bottom. Fortunately it struck a sand
bar, and the passengers rescued them
selves and the horses. Exchange.
ely's Catarrh
Woman orChlld
suffering from
Cat a rrh
A particle Is applied into each nostril, and Is
agreeable. Price, SO cents at druggists' or by
66 Warren Street, New York.
N. P, N, V, Xo m -8. P, N. U. No 651
A new flashlight fire alarm has re
cently appeared in Copenhagen. It con
sists of a small cartridge filled with Ben
gal light composition and provided with
a fuse which carries a small capsule of
strong sulphuric acid. When the tem
perature of tho room rises above the
melting point of paraffine the sulphuric
acid is liberated and ignites the fuse
which in turn sets fire to the Bengal
light. The device can be supplemented
by a piece of fusible metal wtich in
melting will establish an electric current
and ring a bell.
At the last meeting of the Physical so
ciety in England an electric lamp was
exhibited which lighted itself when dark
ness came on and extinguished itself
when daylight or another strong light
was brought into the field. This lamp is
worked by the selenium cell on the prin
ciple that the strength of the current
varies with the intensity of light falling
on the seleninm.
John Williams (colored) lost his life at
Vicksburg, Miss., last week, in a singu
lar manner. Having an aching tooth,
which pained him severely, he took some
nicotine from an old pipe and applied it
to the cavity. Ten minutes later he fell
from his bunk dead.
Swiftly Taught.
The dorlco lardy bit n;vn by a mciu
ber of tho lyiris poiice fonv for cntdhirrg
a thief ww certainly an ingenious ons
but now that the lijtht tlngvivd fra
ternity know of the trap they will prob
ably Un their Kard m future. At one
of the Urge dress warehouses iu the
Faubourg t. tit riimln there had boou,
it appears, for several weeks pat
nutulvr of robln'ricH commuted, and
though the strictest watch wa kept by
the inspia'tori it had livti to
discover the thief. In the majority of
cases the unknown shoplifter took away
with him elegant and costly mantles ex
posed for Kile on dummies in tho shop,
choosing his time for operating so well
that his identity remained a inyhtery.
The police were at length appealed to,
and in order to catch the rogue one or
two agents were, at the suggestion of a
memU'r of the force, ordered to substi
tute themselves for the dummies or
rather, to hide themselves inside their
wirvwork frames. It was not long bo
fore the plan succeeded. A day or two
since, just as it richly trimmed mantle
was being cJeverlv removed f(pin tho
shoulders of a dummy, the individual
engaged in the act felt himself grasped
tightly by a pair of strong arms, and
held a prisoner. The shoplifter's fright
at finding the dummy to he, so to say,
inhabited, was so great that it deprived
him of sik-ivIi and net ion, and he made
no attempt to escape from the constable's
grip or to explain away his conduct.
Ho is now lodged iu prison, and on any
future thieving expedition of this kind
he will probably lo suspicious of dum
mies. London Standard.
Football on tho llowrry.
In a shop window on the Bowery is a
most realistic and exciting representa
tion of the Yale-Princeton football
match. The back of the window is cov
ered with a strip of canvas painted to
represent a grand stand tilled with peo
ple, and the lhxir of the window is spread
with green slulT to represent grass, Tho
players are dolls dressed in the appropri
ate costumes and colors of the players,
and a lot of them are massed on top of a
small football in the center of the field.
The names of the players and their po
sitions are posted at the side, with tho
announcement that these two teams have
been engaged to play an exhibition game
for the delectation of tho employes of
the firm making the display.
It would lie interesting to hear Capt.
Poe and Halfback McClnng's remarks if
they heard they were advertised to play
before the cutters and basters of a Bow
ery clothing store. Now York Evening
A Monitlrr Tuning Fork.
While walking along the new elevated
tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad, as a
train passed over it at a fair rate of
speed, the steel work gave forth a dis
tinct miiMcal sound, as though a great
violoncello were stretched from Hender
son to Monmouth stn-ots. There was no
tremble or:ir, or click at tho rail joints.
Indeed, the sound did not como from the
rails, but from tho steel girders and pil
lars, and continued until the locomotive
had struck the. solid ground six blocks
above-. The sound is an octave above
the deej) bass of Niagara falls.
With a long vestibule train the effect
will be startling. I venture to predict
that the dwellers along the line will not
complain of the noise of tho passing
trains, for, though somewhat loud, it is
yet harmoniou.-ly musical. Hence it
will not disturb an vbodv
1 'v often woiwtitreJ It tU.i mau
W ho a ug wliti loul rdJjr to tiunt,
IVIt aalf at bud. about hU Imt o gar
ai 1 Jut ilnt.hUig my tlrst.
"How 1 WroU tlwn llur."
TVM tr 04uil t ew Wallaoa, It una oti from Ilia
oUimluov4 aiut MUoib pitHitatiuiiitf vmltiutit wri
ter ami liitKivmnn aiilt'lv likh Tit a Vocth
Ourisms amioiims't. II rvlalu tin (iliti- lu
W mmiMi ! tli vnraatlllly lln liitri'll'
uoaH ol U tftiit'il arOi'Uk. Hit high Imiui'ler of all
lit toi Ion. I In lirlKhliii'ii oilu UUeill anmiil - Iiimi
It coiiin iiivv iM'rk. anil one Kt't a anHt iti'nl I'nr
1 T'i a year. Vlu iilco vnl al uni'd Mill iMititli' v,m
to tlu ini' r In January, Ist'l Aililivaa I'll
Vol iii'a i'nrN ion, IliMiim, ,M.
A Blother's Story! Guns for Everybody.
It la liaril fur a pMliMHiltir to iiiiilumtatnl uliy
fiHittiHll alio lit do i'iiI led piny, aa lung aa utievi i
lug coal i i'i'UiIiIi'IihI hard work.
V offer $UU row-art fir aitv eiii of catarrh
thai annul he rntvil hv Hall' Catarrh One
K. J. fill' SKY ( CO., I'Mpa., Inlislo, O.
Vi th iiihIi'ixIimiimI, Intvo known K J. I'lm
tuy fur tho ll tllloeii yara. ami lu'llovo HI in
periovtlv houiiiiil'ln In all IimsIiu'" Iniinini'llnna
ami tlnani'lulh nMi to I'an v out any nlillKiiiluii"
maito by their linn. Ksl' A ITUW N,
hnVmilo l'r vkIkU, Yolo o. O.
huli'Mili' I'niviiiKla. Yoli'ilo. O
llall't Catarrh I'uw la taken lnli'mnli) . nettni:
illroctly upon (ho hlooil ami mui'otu aurfiuva i.
the ayatiim. t'rli'o, TAronla 'r liotllu. Sold by
all ilrngKlat. Teallmonlal free.
Cm Kuamolluo Htova IMltah; no dint, no amell,
Tst Oirkia for breakfast.
Three things which all
wot kinsmen know pve
the most tiouMc in their
h.iril-sti.iin work are:
Sprains, lliuises anil
Three supreme atllic
tiotis, which all the worKl
knows .fllict ni.inkiiul the
most with Aches and
Tains are : Rheumatism,
Neuralgia anil I.umhao.
to do are simply these
Buy it,
try it
and he
ly and perma
nently cured by
the use of
" Tbna my bor Wu '-n year. 1 1 h a tall
brought ou hip dluuiv, Vi Mi ti grinlnally krT !
Tora0 until, when lu I
ta ti, lia r.uitld not I
uillki utivt vu dad him
tu'Hlv'il t ui.mtlia ut thr
t'lillilH ti'a r.oapltid In j
Iloati n. But hrn liu J
ea mo lie in o li 6 Wan
norm', mill thu rfnetnl'i ,
aid iioltiluif rniiltt i
' ft1) ,l(,l,, 1 IwgHtt ItlV-;
,'liUw! !iti ll.unl'a kUiraaini' i
lllla Wuf f . rlUa , ml,n,Vfd at :
onefi. Tho It abaoraaraou hla lili lii'iilfd lip.lilH
apimlllt Imiinivrit ami ho could walk, at fill!
Hood's ila Cures
with iruti'li, thou wllhout. Ilolanovy v j
lecll-wrll,llvulyaiatiylHiy." Mua. Kmh
V. lu re, WaliHili'.Ma".
HOOD'S PIUS do "t i'UigiM liiorgil,lJot !
aot iianniilly, eatily and tmclantly. VOo.
lit -
Jual ri'i i'lvutl a full lino of
Pnrkor, Smith, Romlnuton, Ithlcrt
Lofuvor, U. M. C, Etc.
I'lio liniat i oinihit atock III 1 1 1 Norlhwi'tit,
Hcml (I onala In aliiiiiia tor ll.''ii(" llluahiiti-il
li;l Ural hCiKft, rOUII.ANK, on.
' liitm tr (inllinMi.
IjiIoiI linphivi'il In r i'okuUi'iI by tin' im'ill
ral iiro iwaioii aa 111" only roinumii ni'Iim' bell
liiinli' for I In' euro o N-iiiliial eaK' ih. I'alria
III Hark, l.naa of Memory, II Nierlu, Nrnoii.
rroilralioii, or any iIIucumi nilhlin from youth
fill ImllM'tetlon. Kelii'vea In one or two iluyn
KheniiiHlUui. I'onalliallon. TaralM't. hlilnev 01
Liver t roubles. I'rlrpOlll. M il l lor elreu'liir.
Hi'iit l . O. I. or on n i p pi ol prleo. Aibliena
IIMaiOII IIIIOM , ItriimiUla,
Oakland California
Now it) a uplcnill.l time to apply. Fur
reliable, prompt, ellectivo service, or in
formation in nny cliiim write to
I. O. H :i7ll. Waa bl ni,-1 mi, It. ',
Best in th eWorld
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
mi. r a it k k.ii'm ni kk nu iiii i iik.
Olnl itoae will alop a mil. II never fulla.
Try II. I Ore, .'1 ren I 1 1 1 . v K. r aule h) a I
all ilrna: Ixla. I'uellle t'oaal AKenla,
QtU. DAHLUENIIt N ft CD,, llr. flglili.
Vlt liriirny Htreet, Nun K r it leo, Cat.
Olil tliiM ami Hllim llauali" aemt t" i' '' .I.I
anil Hllnff lit aiall hi Uia tilil anil relllln lnni A.
iVili'iuan, 41 Tliltd alm't, Han; I will 'iu I f
-tiini mall, aotmnli'ii to imi; If il.u aamuni
I ,iil aallaaMorv will ,mI,i.i vol'!
aTnillif Moiiililno llalilt ill eil In lit
IlKlllC Ito'JOil'i)'. Noinir till enrril.
Ul llllll DH.J.BIlHHtNtf, Lul'Jnun.Olno.
Will rut Pry or (Inei
II,,,,... M I nl n!
JA fA linen nl Im.NM M'
J 1 1 lil iloilbb Iho iniinber of i iK"
,l.l HlllltOllM'lll iitiii-,- i
til. Mill nirry tun hem
aiifely llinmh Iho ineliiint'
peiloil mill I'lll thrill I .
lomlltliiii to lay nheii ernt
roniiiiiunl the hhtheat rt
ami will ilovelniM' yin:
rlileka fn'er '.ban any
oilier fonil.
feri fireeri ponea an''
no In oiin to kl
I liu !. .1. nn I lull 111 innka
Hlly ir i-riU inure jiio it.
Keml for ( ntnloKilo "'.
Ua. pt.i'iv
rJAI.CH IHCUltATOK i:CSP"7. rniLl'SA, cm
- ' .
Have been Imitated, but Never Equalled thoy are Beyond Comparissn !
Why ?
IC'tl II-
.1-' . I H V Oil
Wf M.iUe
9 per cent,
O! the
Wire Mats
Sold in
: t ijaijthi&m u-ik vim i- 1
tr hih that vi ...w, iiimm 1U4 iiu.f iii-il ainitiirfl " llAaTUAM.'
T. I. i NSK. lien'l tt eatolll Hair .tat., .MIH Stair Ht., hleiKo,
OHIO I. CtlMSOI. it., rorllfnl. Or MOUT. IISOI. IMJ I CO.. JpoUM Falls. Riik.
Tlicy are
CurConaiiniptlon,tiii:lia,Cr.up,8oMa H'I Vfl ti I VL 4 1 t-V Xi w 1W A CV
Fora Um. SUle, l'.ack or tli Shlloh'a Porou A A l A A t A W
Platter will give pre it .itisfjciion. aj ccnta,
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, ('luttiinoottH. 'lVnn.,any
".s'hiioh'a Yinilurr'SAYKl) MV LIFK.' I
ennirr it thch .it rrmeily ftrail' l'Ultattiiijiitnn
I ercr twtL" l'nr lyciH'p-lii, Uvcr or Kiilucy
trouble itcxct'ls. I'rice locta.
Have you tntHrrlrr' Trytlila Ilornedy. HwlU
relievo anil (Hire yon. frtre B0 eta. Thla In
jector for ifaauoiiMatiil trt-atment la furnished
(roe. plillnh's lleineilieg are sold by UH OU &V
Tuorauttx) to jrlvo sutlafctloa.
Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cu'
And All Kinds of M'LL SAWS. Also Saw Ropnlrlna.
SIMONDS RAW CO.. 75 Front RtraaAt. Portland. Or
'l'liu Vi ry roiiiHrkaiilo mi'l rottii'ti
nlii( uivrn uoiimn liv MooltK'S
UKVK.M.KD 11 KM KIY Iuih iv. ii
it the nnme of Woman'tf Frionil. It in "T"-1 """N Tr""" iinii'irinlv c'c-.i n--(ul
in relieving tho liarkai'lit'M, !ii':iil;iclin i C 3 ': . Hn'' h n ii k n f h h
whirh burden and rhort'n a wouihu'm lifi. Thou an ml a
of women teHtify fur it. It will o;ivo hiMilth Hnd atreni?th m'tjmmgfm i '
and make life a plenaure. b'OR HAI.K IIY ALL (ill
I)KU(i(HST8. V V-'
The Knowledge of the Whole World
4RtT 1 1 r ai f
fflRiTAtiMirA, r -
IQR ITAUHt f A ' .
(CftfTAMt'flCAl (
iBftlT.ANWf CA( fcf
TIf ITIIOUT a parallel in tin; hintory of tiiliicutioiial i-ntcrpriso Htamls tins tiller of tho Okkuonian
to its thousands of friomls and rwnlcrs. Such an offer has never bwn made he fore, and it
should have your careful conHideration. Tins oiler has already resulted in placing over
twelve carloads of these valuahle hooks in the homes of Portland and vicinity. The Oiikhonian's
contract with the publishers, wherehy it has been enabled to oiler this great library at such extra
ordinary rates, expired some days ago; but for a large consideration an extension of contract for a
few days was obtained. You still have time to make this opportunity your own if you cut out ono
of the acceptance blanks and mail it immediately.
The Encyclopedia Biutanntca stands highest
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proportions as in literary work. In its entirety
it contains 250,000 subjects, 22,000 pages, or an
average of 800 pages to each volume, 10,(M3 il
lustrations, exclusive of maps and plans, of which
there are G7l more than one-third of them col
ored maps.
It ia the inoet gigantic aa well aa the moat highly
esteemed literary work that the brain of man ever ac
complished. Fiftv-two of its articlea on enecial aubjecta
have been adopted aa text books in the Colleges of the
Thia ia the Encyclopedia this ia the mine of infor
mation which ia now offered you through the Okkuoman
at the rate of 10 centa a day.
With thia in your possession you will have the infor
mation of the whole world within your reach. IJesidea,
you will have secured a means by the use of which your
child will be raised in the world to a higher plane of
success than you were able to attain. It will equip him
with all the armament of general knowledge and specific
information that any young man has, be he rich or poor,
who takes up the battle of life in thii generation.
Here are some interesting facta about the Okkuoman
Encyclopedia lirilanniea :
The complete work of 28 volumes represents a library
of 170 ordinary octavo volumes, each illustrated with
two full-page engraved plates and 00 separate illustra
tions. Each page of the work contains as much type matter
as live pages of an ordinary octavo volume printed in
the usual style and type for library use.
Taking the ordinary octavo volume aa a basis, there
are in the Encyclopedia Hritanniea 18 volumes of 000
pages each on geography.
On history, 18 volumes.
On philosophy and religion, 15 volumes.
On medicine in ita departmenta, 0 volumes.
On law, 5 volumes.
On industrial and applied aciences, 20 volumes.
On mercantile subjects, 0 volumes.
On agriculture, 7 volumes.
On games, music and legends, 6 volumes.
And libraries on natural history, biography and fine
Cut out one of the Acceptance Blanka and mail it,
carefully giving shipping instructions, etc.
Cut out tbe one you wish and give the other 1
neighbor who will appreciate the favor, j
To the OreooniaN, Portland, Or.:
I accept your special offer. Please ship, as per
Instructions below, one-half the set (frenrht pre
paid) in your style of binding;
also a copy of your regular order blank, and I
will sign same, agreeing to pay f'l.OU upon ur
rival of the books, and the balance at the rate of
10 cent a day, payable mothly.
Postofflce Sta'e
Ship to R- R- Station.
One half of the set (14 volumes) In any stylo of binding you may select
will be forwarded to you (charges prepaid) Immediately upon receipt "f
"Acceptance Blank (A)" properly filled out with directions for delivery,
etc. We also present you with our novel Invention, tho Dime registering
Calendar Savings Hunk, In wblcti you arc to drop a dime each day and at,
the end of each month deliver its contents ($i.Ui)) to us or to some bunk In
vourclty. When the first half of the set is paid for wo will send the re
maining fourteen volumes, to be paid in the same manner. Or e will
ship jou the entire set Immediately upon receipt of "Acceptance Blank
(U) ' propi rly filled out.
All styles of binding have double-hinged, floxlblo bucks, sewed precisely
like the Oxford Teuchcr's Bible, 10 that they arc very durable and conve
nient. Price per volume (charges prepaid to any railroad atatiou in tho
United Statci-):
Levant cloth (ordinary calendered bopk paper) 1.75
Olive cloth (super-sized and calendered book rmper) 2.')
Half Seal Morocco (super-sized and calcndercu-toued book paper, ex
tra weight) 2.75
Full Sheep, library binding (super-sized and calcndered-toned book
pagier, extra weight) 8.00
If you would avail yourself of this oiler, you must tako a year's sub
scription for the Wkkki-Y, the Daily, or tho Sunday Okkuonian, to be
sent either to yoimelf or some friend; but the price of such subscription
need uot bo puid until the last payment on the Encyclopaedia has been
To the Ohkooniam, Portland, Or.:
I accept your special oiler. Please ship, as per
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