Mooi Jiver (Slacier. ItOODlUVKIl, OIL, JAN. 14, ISM. v; waxf it Afior mature ttoIilHnttion wo have miwu our lightning rod nml pnttcnttv nwnlt (he storm nfler the 4th of March, in hopes tho lightning niny ttrlkilt In tho Rh:ixiof the appointment of regis ter of Tho Dalles hunt oflleo. V r,j ppoetfully suggst In our own favor Hint ftinee tho Sth day of November last we have waxed fat, gaining L'2 pounds in that time, on diet such s the country editor usually tackles, which is proof jKTbitive that tho political pudding Is I io cause of it. We have grown too hrge indeed to longer renin! n a private individual, and must either have an office or have the Oregon legislature incorporate us. Wo feel that wo are competent to till tho office and strong enough to draw the salary, thus rellevting credit on the party and de flecting cash to oureelf supplying a great need in either case. lUsidcs this it would be a fitting recognition of tho newspaper fraternity the people who put others in ofilee and got nothing themselves; the men who "lead the columns" in political battle, who mar shal and drill the foroes in time of pence; the men wtioget all the scare, no cash and a very limited credit. The truth U, the newspaper man is, so to speak, the war horse in time of polit ical battle, the beast of burden between fights, turned out to pick a precarious living on tho range, fenced out of the public pasture, and only groomed when it is time for him to stand un and be shot at. Those are our claims to recog nition, and if we are to be turned down, we ask in all justice to an overworked and underpaid class of party workers that some other newspaper mnn lie given the pi ice. lwmfamwa "'Gala Sa i iioi milium mum uiiuu uuiu. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY Feb.15, In order to mako room for our spring stock, we will for 30 days sell our entire stock of Gen eral Merchandise at actual cost for cash. Our stock is complete in all departments, new and well selected. Ootclo Eaxl3T And O-ot UTIrct Clxoicc- RANB DENT & CO. CASCADE CUL'STY. It is tho history of all movenieuts, political or otherwise, that the parties to be benefitted are generally the last to be converted. It is so in the present couuty division question. The prep osition is undoubtedly true that a small, compact couuty can be run at less pro portional expense than a large one. It KliouiJ be borne in mind that outside of the county judge, school superintend ent and stock inspector, all county of ficers are paid fees, and if they have little work, they have also little pay. The salaries of the officers named would not amount to more than six hundred j dollars yearly, and the other officers would be paid by those employing them, except as to criminal business, and in this line the proposed county of Cascade would be at tnfling expense. Another bugbear used to frighten the unthinking is thestatement that costly county buildings would be erected at once, and thus taxes increased. Who is to build these costly buildings, and who to order them built? The town of Hood River could not do it, and if done at ull it would be by officers elected by the people, and that only when the county is out of debt, and so increased both in wealth and population as to make them necessary. Besides, the object ot county division is to lower taxes, not to raise them. More than this, the town of Hood liiver will guar antee to furnish suitable offices and court room, free of charge to the coun ty, for four years, should she remain the county seat that long. The Iwiun daries of the proposed county are nat ural ones, and the formation of a coun ty within them is only a question of time. Nature has so shut in this sec tion that but one wagon road crosses the boundary lines ot the proposed county, and that is the old Dalles and Bandy wagon road along the Columbia river. tion, aud ask ourselves the question: What do we owe The Dalle that we should any longer pay them tribute? Why should our farmers any longer take their earnings there to enrich the overpaid officers, saying nothing of money paid for traveling expenses, ho tel bills and time taken, which means to agriculrlst as well as mechanic and merchant, so much cash, according to time lost. In the ordinary affairs of life, when a young man attains his majority, his great desire is to start house-keeping on his own account, aud cruel would bo the parent who would put obstacles in his way for mere selfish ends. Now, I would like to ask the question of not only the people of Hood liiver valley, but of Mosier and Cascade precincts, are we not of age? Have we pot at tained our majority? Are we not capa ble of managing our own affairs? Yea, rather, if we could not do better than increase our taxes year after year, and also our county indebtedness, as our guardians at The Dalles have done, and have given us so little in return. Then, I say, let us be bankrupt if we cannot, as it Is only a question of time as mat ters are run now. I think I hear some say, "Oh, it will benefit Hood River if the county seat is there." Admitted, to a certain extent it would benefit Hood River and Hood River would appreciate it by providing the county building but not more than it would the balance of the county. Yesterday a capitalist was here mak ing inquiries respecting our enterprises, andwas desirous of iuvesting $:'5,000; but he said he could not see his way clear unless the county was divided; then he would invest at its county seat. Now, friends, let us set aside all feel ing, and each one ask himself the ques tion, Will it benefit me, or can I possi bly be worse off? For answer, ask any resident of any county in this state that has been divided, and the answer will be, "I don't want to go back." Avt Vixcebe Aut Mori. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.mul Ofllee nt Viiiuvuvf-r wash Nov IS)PJ, Notice Is hereby nlcn that (ho follow Inn luiinol not tier has lileil not lee of his intention to make Hmil contiiitilalloii nol In suprt of Ins claim. nml that saltl proof will hi' intuit) before the Hcntsier anil Kiveivor of the l !. 1 ,11ml otlieo at Vancouver un Jan uary 14. h lsw, vl:: Ailklim M. Oasey. Homesteiut Kntry Xo. SlT, for tho n o sec 2 Tp 3 n r II east will mer. Ho mimes tho following w itnesses to prove his continuous rvniloiice U)kiii anil cultiva tion of salt! In ml vii: Henry Johnson, rntncisN. iiuriluin, .Minimis r. horn, John L. Morris, all of, white Kulinou, Klickitat Co. wn.sii. de UK) nil Jollu I. UKooiiKUAn, llCRlxlar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OlUce tit Vitneouver wash .IVe. 7. IS!1! .Not ire is hereby given that tho rolluwiiiK nuineil svltlcr ha-s tiled notieo of his Intention I to imiko II i uili'i mi in in al ion proof In support I of his claim, unit tiitit siilil proof will In; made iK'loro uio UcgiMer una lieceiver I. n. I .ana Office tit aiicoucr WaMi. oil Jamil y 21 lstU.vne: Kreilrick W. White. Hil entry Xo. SOW for tho sec 5 Tp 3 n r Hew in. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cuillva tum of, said land, viz: Hubert . Clemens. Iru W. 1. Kuthbone, William A. Mjiiims, Mike Zimmerman, all of white ."salmon wasii. uvUl-deii John 1. Ukouhkoax, Register. THE PORTAGE MO AD. Governor Pennoyer is opposed to the state building the portage road around the Celilo-Dali38 rapids, not because lie doe3 not believe it would be of great benefit, but because he thinks the gen eral government should build it. With all due deference to our good governor, for whose opinions we have the great est respect, we are compelled to view the matter iii another light. We do not believe the general government will, for the next few years at least, go into the railroad building business, aud if the road is to be built at all, it will have to be done by the state. It should be done, and it should be done this year. Beitig below the proposed road, we have no direct interest In it other than that of a citizen of the state, de siring to see the people of Eastern Ore gon assisted in their laudable desire to make a living- For a New County. . Editor Glacier: It appears that me east ana west siaes oi Jriooa river are passing through a season of unrest on account of the question of the divi sion of the county. From what source this disquietude arises I don't think it is hard to conjecture; but what is most surprising, that the opposing element, most of them intelligent and excellent citizens, should allow themselves to be biased and hoodwinked by those who are fishing for their money and their patronage their money principally; and I think if they would give this matter a thorough investigation they would f-ee through the thin gauze. Let us awaken to the realities of our posi- j Senator Kenna, of West Virginia, died Wednesday morning. He had been sick for some time and his death had been expected at any moment during the past week. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oltleeat Vancouver, Wash Dec. 5, 1S!C Notice is hereby given that tho followlng nained settlers have fiieu not ice of their Intcni iun toniiikeliniil prootin supportof their claims nnii tiinl wild proof will he made beloro W. It. Dunbur-Commissioner V. b. Circuit Court for District of Washington at (ioidcuuaic Washington, on January 1., IHIM viz: Klchurd Kelly. Purchase Application Xo. 5.V1 under sec S Forfeiture Act nepl., 2) 1WJ for the n w of s w H sec a 'i'p g II r U castwlll mcr. Ha names the following witnesses to provo disclaim u said land, viz: August Hllillng, Herman KuhuhitUHcn, Uskur Ruhniiauscu, Charles Kuhnhuuseu, ull of Ulcuwooii l".;o. wash, August lllldlng. Purchase Application Xo. 4M under sec 3 Forfeiture Ael,.sept., 2) lsao for thee y u( a e Jsec 15 Tp 6 u r 2 east will mcr. ne names the following witnesses to provo his claim to said land, viz: ltoy O. lladley, John C. Cochran, Chester W. Hell, allot Ulen wooe 1. U. wash Kichard Kelly, ol ulila 1'. u. wash. dclOJanU John D. Geogiiegax, Register. NOTICE. To all whom it way concern: Xotlc is hereoy given that the Water Sup. piy company oi niwu irviver vuuey. a corpor tion heretofore duly incorporated under the laws of the Htato of Oregon, and heretofore uoing business in nooa lliverl'recinct, Wasco County Oregon has filed in the County uierit omee oi w asco vjouniy uregon, una in the office of the Secretary of Htate at Kalem. Oregon, supplementary articles of incorpor ation, uereioiure uuiy auopiea Dy in stock holders, and duly executed in triplicate by said corporation, through Its proper oilicers ana Doara ot airecters; ana tne object ofad opting and filing the same is and was to in. crease the capital stock from $SU0U.OO to (MJOO.OO to better facilitate the carrying out of the original objects and primary purposes of said incorporation, and to more effectually avail ltseJl of the provisions of the Legislative Act Approved t ebruary 18th, 1891, the second sec tion of said supplementary articles Is as fol lows: Hecond. Tho enterprise and business In which the corporation proposes to enetu:e is to appropriate uie waters iroin wnai is Known os "Indian Creek" "Ditch Creek" "Dead Point Creek" and "Green Point(;raek"nll wild erects Doing in waseo county Oregon, and all tributaries of tha west fork of Hood river, (except said "Indian and Ditch Creeks") and to convey said waters bv means of ditches. flumes and canals, through or to an v noint of tue ury lanusoi noon iuver v aiicy, in saia Wasco County, for the purpose of renting, selling or distributing the same among all )xrsons wnose lands lie adjoining to or are within reach of said flumes, canals and ditches for the purpose of irrigat ion and sup plying water for household and domestic con sumption and watering stock upon the dry lrnds of said Valley, within said Wasco Connty; to construct a suitable ditch or ditches, canal or canals, flume or flumes, for conveying and utilizing said water, for the purposes aforesaid, to extend the ditch here tofore and now used by said company from where the same taps and takes the water from said "Ditch Creek'' along the line of nurvey heretofore made by said Company to a point where said survey taps and intersects said "Dead Point Creek" and from thence to a point on said "Green Point Creek" from where the waters of said last named creek can be conveyed and used in the ditch aforesaid; and to appropriate necessary and sufficient land for right of way and to do all and cverv needtul act or acts necessary in carrying out the objects and purposes herein stated. Dated atllood Kiver, Oregon, December 17, loilic. The Water Supply Company of Hood 1UVER VALI.BY. II. J. JIlHIIAIU), President, VS Davidson, Seecetary. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land ofllee at Vancouver wash, Dec. 5,MH2. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers havellled notice of their In tention to make final proof in support of their claims and that said prooi will bo made before W. It. Dunbar, Commissioner U. .H. Circuit Court for District ot Washington, at (iolden dale Washington on January 21, IsiM, viz: Lucinda V. Chapman. Purchase Application Xo. 421 for the o 4 of n w sec i:i'l p a n r 11 east w in. Hlie names the following witnesses to prove iter eiaiiii wj nam tanii, viz: naisey i), cole, Ui..l...l L'oll.. ..f L-..I.I.. U t I. IJ...1..1..1. iiituniu miij, via i- uiuu x . U., .IVUMFMJJII Heyting, of Gilmer P. O. wash. Albert Shaw, ' of (.lenu'oofl P. II wnsh Albeit Shaw. Purchase Application Xo. .401 under sec 3 Forfeiture Act Sept., 2 18!W for the s w see 15Tp 0 n r 12 east will mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: Halsey I). Cole, Hichurd Kelly, of FuhlaP. O. wash. August Hilding, Charles Adams, Glen wood, I', O. wash. declOJanla Jonn D. Geogiieoan, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 6,189:t. To John K. Hensel, and all whom it may concern.. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make . final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado before the Register and Receiver of the U. K. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Feb ruary 21rd, 1893, viz: Joseph A. Arrnent. Applications No. 487 and 4M to Pnrehnse under sec 3 act Sept 29 1890 for the lots 2 and 3 Rc3;iand8eXandseg;w8eo85 Tp In r 12 ew. m. He names the followinr wltnessaa to nrnva bis continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land viz: James 0. Lyle. Thomas M. Whltcornb, Levi. Smith, John R. Whltcomb, all of Lyle Klickitat Co.. wash. JnHfeblS John D. Geoohegan. Register NOT I (.'!: FOU ITlU.K'ATION. Ijind Oltlco at Vancouver. Wash. Dir. I'.', Isv.'. To Kilsun Wrlnltt, and till whom ll inuv concern. Mot lee Is he.i'hy given tlmt tho following, mulled senil is have tiled notice id lin n' in tention to make final proof in support Hun claims mid llial s;d proof will l.e mud. be fore W. H. Dunbar Commissioner I . s, i i -. cull I ourt District of wnsliiiiginn hi Uoldcii ilule uiLshliifctoiton January , M.: Frank li Reynolds, Purchase Application No. ft: under see:! Koifcltuie Act Sept., Ism lor flic n w 1-4 wo ;a Tp 4 it r I- east w ill mer. lieuiiiiieN the follow lug witnesses to prove hlselahii to said land, vl.: iru llcwetl John Olson, T. l- Wright, George II. l- le, all ol Lyle I'.o. wa.sli. George It. Lyle. Purchase Application No. Ill, under section 3 iMiricltuie net Sept., a', Kn) for the e ' oi n e 4, and s w t oi n e i,,sec n p, it r U east will. mer. He nuuie.s the follow lie,' w itnesses to , his claim to said land h i ii.h.ip joiini'ison. i. I.. rigni, r iMiiii u. Keyiioltl. ail of Lyle P, O. Washington. dlTTJumJl Joltn D. GKoiillKliAN. Itcgister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION."' IJinil uttleo at ancotiver W ash Dee in, Issr.'. Xotleo Is hereliy given Unit the following- on u siftleis hiiMi (Unl notice ot llicu inicniioii to iiiaiie iinai proof m sii,i,h oi ineir claim, and tlmt snld prsif w ill l liiiulo belore flic Register unit Receiver ol the l . . Ijiml oillce ut aucoiivcr wash on 1'i.t ruary 2nd lsiii, vl.: T'htsidor Carstcns. run-iiitse Applleiitlon Xo. It 1 1 tinder rev .1 rorieituieact .-sept 2tl isno lor tiio so 1-4 w H Bee i i p t it r tv o w in. He liiiines the follow ing w ltiii!s,s to prove his coiitlniiotn ifsidence upon and citlliva tlun of said liiiid, viz: John lictninioi, ot runia wasn., .Mattilus Wilkeli, 1 hcotlore MUKsdoi t, of white Salmon wusli.. Call L. nuKsuun, oi navuitpoi l lowa. Carl L. Suksiiorf. i-ureinise Application No. under sec 3 I'orieituro act Sept 2! IKtM for the s '.. so l-i and s,'a s w 1-1 sec 1 'l p On r 11 east w tn. He mimes the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultiva tion of said laud vl,: John 1 ct liinun, of ! ulda wasn. inroiiorstiKesdoif, .Manilas WllUeti.oI wmio salmon wash., Thcodor Caisteiis, of milliner wtmu. JaeobM. Wilki n. Purchase Application No. Ltd under sect Forfeiture not Sept 2t lsi 'lor the n w 1-1 sec 31 i'i 4 ll r II e w in. Jtc names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ufsajd laud viz: John i H tlnimn, ol h ulda wash. Tliuodor Carsleus, of Gilmer wash., I'licndor stikstlorr, of .'w hite Salmon, wash Carl L.Suksdorf, of DavenMirt Iowa. dc2IJn;il John I). Googhcgan, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllee at Vancouver wash, Dee. 1 1, :i2. Notice Is hereliy glvn that the following named settler hits tiled notice of his Intention hi make final proofln support or his claim and that said proof will be made before W. It, Dunbar, Commissioner J. S. Circuit Court, for District of Washington at, Goldendaie Washington on February 2nd lhl:j, viz: Henry C. Kednnbtirg. Purchase Application No. 4HH under see ;i Forfeiture net Sent 29 1mni for the u u; ut ,.i 1-4 Sec 2) Tp ti ti r 11 cast w in. He names tiie following w itnesses to prove his claim to said land viz, George Sullinger, Harry Sellinger, of Mosier 1'. O. Oregon llein rlch Fleno, Severn lienz, of Trout Lako 1. O. wash. dc24 Jan31 John D, Geoghogan, Register. fc.-T.. w..'- m Vji u y x; Miu FURNITUKE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. cxecutor'of the estate of James; A. Hanklris, late of Wasco county, Oregon, and now de ceased, has filed his final account with said estate, with the clerk of the county court of said Wasco county, and that Hon. George C. Ulakely, judge of said court has by order tiawa January, 7tn jww, appointed Monday the th day of March, at, the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the countv court room in Dalles City, Oregon, a time and place for examining said account, and for hearing any objections made thereto: Now therefore, all persons in anv wav Inter ested in said estate or final account are hereby notified and reauired to an near at said time and place named in said order and show cause, if any there be why said account should not be allowed either in whole or part, and there make any objections they may have against the allowance of said final aitoount. or show cuuse if any why said executor should not he then discharged by the court as exeo- utorof said estate. 1 atd at Hood River, Jan., 9th 1893. Wyatt CoOI'KIt, Kxecutorof the estate of James A. Hankins deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oilice at Vancouver wash Dec 7, 181(2. Notice is hereby given Hint the following named settler 1ms filed not loo of ids intent ion to make llnal proof in support of his claims, and that said proof w ill bo mado before tho Register and Receiver If. S. Land Olllco ut Vuncouvcr wash, on January 21, 1MI3, viz: James R. Warner. Application No. i, to purchas under sec 3 Forfeiture act Scot 2!) IKIKI lor I ke uii u .i sec 211 mid lots 1 and 2 sec 33 Tp 3 n r 11 e w m. He names tiie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land viz: John Purser. George Pur ser. Francis M. Lane, Theodore Siikesdorf, till of White Salmon Klickitat county wash. ocW2-nov29 John D. Gkouhkoan. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlc at Vancouver wash. Nov. 28, 1892. To John Bennett, and all whom It may concern. Notion ! hereby given that tho followlng- nr;iuui well notice OI Ills llllen lion to mime ti mil proof in support of hin ciium, anci mat, said proof will be made before Register and Receiver V. K Land Oilleent v ancouver wasn. on January 21, 1893, viz: William Dritno. Application 'o purchase. No. lifi under sec 3 roc tenure act sept,., si isikj lor t.lio lots 2, 3. 1 aiiu o section ,j i p,i n r u e w m. Ho niimes tiie following witnesses ( prove ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Amos I'nderwood lriiiMiffl IT wl..i.t.....l It.. .... i i- . i T. ........... t, , juti, j.iviu jv. uriiway, oi Hood River, Or:, John Purser, of Chenowilh wash. dciO-Janl4 John D. OKoaiiKOAK. . Register MATEKIAL. Wall Paper, Paints, Gi A l.itvo s-.upjily of, timl .'.i.7tiifr .'A V fot.oll -. mjm w . ft ,.4t... i t'-ft.,lr'9'J('m4 CololM-.lloil 7 Ui'tiiil CO. i i . ml ! ulcil li'.ui -Tf SI Pii'imri'il In I'tit ulsli slaw: lit IMI.'l'i II llllc I'll! Ili'ill ,'ilhl 111 1 Ol -.l ll ! ,! . 1 1 -. t ! II i'lllll! pl'tull) Ti, i nil . i .ioi:iu:i;s 9 AND l'.IM'All Cornoi of. r.o'viml .ami iV, 'il !'tnu l 1T1 1 j -i O, Ftc. ICKI.I'.IIUATKH Acorn and Charter Oak StovoH anil n.uitui. ('mis Ainmiinlllim hihI S-tori Imr (iootls, Iron, Ciml, Blacksmith Huppllos, Wagonmakpr'8 MatorUl, Powr Plpo, PtiitiiH nml Pplpo, Pliinil.iiH: i-'ttpplii i. ? fv Osborne U'llciilU, li ll I I '.ll i ll K "rt limpet Hid Si. in lWDt'4, 1 I 1 .i ;i,M 4 I'oi: Company'.! At,'i Irtiltarnl IuinKuiut nnl tTnrMn(T)r. BAi .joEJ) WIRE. Tli:tt I hil ly il;iyM is us I 1'i'ipii't uitr mi' :is we ll.'tl I'llll'l to ,,iyi I j ( '! 1 1 1 'il'el II .. II 111, II uuiliil le Imi.-I v. -peciflllly Hood JK-Trox -'jo.c s mmfm ' ... W PI El Pros or::. or. .... .: I '! II I..!! DRUGS. GHEIIICAL ii li U t-? D n t n i it n ilDIUI C Youns ron hood mv.: hood EiYER liFA&re mm. - DHALEHS IN Brackets (i u ti - T h r n i b a s. Lime. aster anil J,-t!x C-i?. nig, i'k V- iW u..-rit.w Cofi'I 1. K TH A N A 1 1 A N", i're.lilrnt, 1 ri ON hloI!''t'.ST NoTICi: Coot factors 1 v:;,. r 1 1 ;1 II. C. COR ' ctelary. .7..r:7.'; r lyr:" m4Stk r ! :r : ? iH 1 li i.4 i F-'fl! '. ; '"i IU:- i, J i i .l a s- 'Jt2 -un taw biu. mSu, mJ Ly KaJ HOOD RIVER Pf8Sf MM. 0EEG0N. i i 3 ? 'CI n W (i 5sc r p r; n lifol'IMKI'ul.'.i- Ifaveon liainl a lull ntipply of J-'ruii., t-'!i;w'( vines, mnuill IVuits, JIokch mid olmililirry. Jit- Htiri' (o eet, imr pficcs licfur', pur, Ilciiiidiilicr our trfes tire grown slricll TIIE BALX.ES. - . M W. A. Hlinokhland, Ioctl Afiont, Oniunii'iilnl Iivch: grap liiiMin;; Willi. iscwlicn,, 'tit irri;:nl ion. OBEGON Beatty's Pianos where, r or" catalogue address Ueatty, Washington, New rsey. In use F. JOHN H. CRADLEBAUCH. ATTORNKV AT LAW. Practices in all the courts of Oregon and Washington. .Special attention given to con veyancing. GLACIER OFFICE, HOOD UIVEU OJIEGON iftVi fl if IP! iiii yyf ii ll ML HAVE CONSTANTLY OH HAND THE Choicest Meats, Ham, Poultry, Also Bcaleivj in VEGETABLES AflD Coiner of Oak and Fourth Sltfift.s - - . 1 1 r..V 11 in Ilivi-r. Ort'jrf.n,