The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 14, 1893, Image 1

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7 ' r-",
' " 1 7.
VOL. 1.
NO. 33.
3fcod Iiver Slacier"
Ttio Glacier Publishing Compaoy.
H Uddlll'TION ritlCR.
" )r (1 M
I'll lll'lllttll , I Of
'llnta niuiitht ..,. i
k,il. Hi(.jf., , , CmU
the: glacier
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
S.oxikI Si., near Ouk. . . Jom Uir, Or.
The Aluminium Works In Swlterla
the Largest In the WorlJ Husi
liess In the South.
There lire 673 newspaper In India.
The electric snow jilow ll promlred
Germany ha a 4,000-ton forging press,
Ht. liulswill haven 25,000-pou nl Wit,
Japan iniiien have 160,000,000 tons ol
The Chesapeake oyster crop will be
The Central 1'acltlc ha 123,000-pound
km-umiuu ves
tea plants to grow a
8living an.l Hair cutting neatly don.
Satiafui'tinu (iuaiuuUed.
New Line of Steamships Between
San Dic) and Mazatlan.
A Preposition Made to Extend the Rail
road From Julladta to Lewis
ton, Idaho lite.
Yuma ia jiaving new water work.
Portland iii overrun with burglars and
sneak thieves.
Tlie Piute in Neviulu have Won hav
ing ral)hit drives.
Aurora, Nev., once had 6,000 xjpu!a
tion. It now ha twenty-five.
A ji'tty Ih to he at once constructed at
the.iiKiuih of Sun Diego harhor.
Unusual pro lit are Wing made by
olive cu tnrist in Southern California
thin season.
A general reduction of miners' wage
throughout the territory of Utah i
Orange-growem aru getting f'i.25 per
liox delivered at the depot at Lo An
geles, w hich is a very good ligure.
Tlie jury In the cane of School Super
intendent ilnrwood, charged at Santa
Barbara with altering the records, ha
laileil to agree.
The entire news matter of the Attloriun,
published at Astoria, Or., is now net on
t Mcrganthalcr linotype machine, the
only one in tine on the (Joaat.
A new line of steamships ia about to
he established between San Diego and
M:i.iitlan, Mexico, the first ateainer leav
iug San Diego atxiut January 15.
Two ulliyod witches were tortured to
death by the aim Indiang in New
Mexico a few days ao. Trouble will
probably result in an effort of the United
Mates to make arreBts for the deed.
Farmers in Marin county, Cal., espec
tally in the lowlanda near the coast, are
ciiuipliiiiiing of a weed that has germi
nuii-d of late from the rich eoil, which
the cowi eat and which gives a peculiar
tuate to the milk, bo much bo that In
some dintriet8 the milk la unpalatable.
It affects the butter made from the same.
A proposition has been made toextend
fhe railroad from Juliaetta to Lowiston,
Idaho, before the next crop is harvested,
it h subsidy of 175,000, together with the
right of way through the town, is given.
Tlie people are enthusiastic on the sub
ject, ami the terms will undoubtedly be
Citizens of Idaho Falls have purchased
a whole Hection of school land, which
they oiler as a site for the State Agricul
tural College. In addition to this en
ticing inducement, the argument ia ad
vanced that Idaho Falls is desirably
BituuUd and possesses many features
calculated to render it a suitable place
for the colloge.
Owing to the continued low prices of
silver and lead the Niagara group of
mines, at Bingham, U. T., on which
over $500,000 is invested, have been shut
down, and the managers of the Old Jor
dan group have notified their men that
they will have to accept a reduction in
wages or find themselves out of employ
ment. Reliable persons who have Just re
turned to Boise, Idaho, from Diamond
15asin, in Owyhee county, denounce the
reported find of diamonds in that region
as a hoax. They declare that the story
that Kunz, the expert Irom Amsterdam,
had discovered a great diamond-bearing
ledge over there is false and they assert
positively that Kunz did not drive even
a prospect hole in the imaginary ledge.
The San Francisco Morning Call states
that there is a prospect of a lively meat
war in San Francisco as the result of the
establishment of Philip D. Armour's big
stock yards Wid slaughter-house plant
at Baden. Tlie South San Francisco
slaughter house men, who have con
trolled the San Francisco meat trade for
bo many years, do not like the idea of
competition, and are trying to make the
retail butchers boycott Armonr'a cstab
ment. Armour's representative at San
Francisco, Thomas Newton, declares that
if the boycott is attempted bis company
will open retail butcher shops all over
the city and will sell meat at rates with
which other butchers cannot hope to
It takes twelve
ourid of tea.
I here are 40!) electric railroads In the
United States.
Manufacturers of school fiirnltnrn lmv
formed a trust.
Kaunas Is the only State in the Union
that produces reeled silk.
The Congressional library building will
L"iiin. fci,Vim,WSI lit 11 Rfl,
Bridgeport. Conn., Is to have
power furnished by water.
Minneapolis is making 38,01X1 barrels
oi iiour on an average day
This country has 70,O(K) lawyers, 11,000
oi wnom are in rew lork city.
Wry good clothing for South Sea 11
auders is made from palm trees.
The electric slelith Is announced
use in the suowy Northern States.
Restaurants will W provided in
World I Fair to seat 45,000 persons.
A New York bridge company is to is
sun bonds that are to run for 2,150 years.
The smoky taste in Scotch whisky Is
due to the use of peat in the manufact
In 1800 our product of hardware was
valued at flOO.OUO; in 18SH at f.170,000,
ti n n . .
ncaumnavian sailors are said to tire-
dominate on vessels of nearly all nation
The profits from the sale of the work
of Charles Dickens still amount to tlO.
0(H) a year.
A man in Maine has built an Immense
lobster pond, and will put Into it about
ij.lrHJ lobsters.
A mixture of rve flour and peanuts
nas oen recently used bv the Herman
health authorities in bread-making.
AlHiut IUUO.000 kids are slaughtered
In Europe annually to supply the one
town in h ranee where gloves are made.
The last census places the number of
nines oi rmiroad In the world at 370.2so.
of which 41.18 per cent, are in the United
Hilrteen million tons of coal are
burned in Imdon yearly. AIout 4.000.-
0(H) tons are utilized by the gas-manu
facturing companies.
The report of the Michigan State Salt
Inspector shows that last year 3,812,0:14
barrels of salt were inspected, 115,017
oarreis less man in i:u.
One of the most extensive concerns in
Maine has been experimenting on an
ingenious process of burning lime with
oil instead of with wood.
The largest telephone center in the
world is that in the exchange in lterlin,
Uermanv, where 7.000 wires are con
nected with the main cilice.
There are U'lt.OtH) locomotives in the
world ; (13.P0J of them run in Europe,
40,000 in America, 3,3) in Asia, L',000 in
Australia and 700 in Africa.
Probably the heaviest rudder on rec
ord ia that made for tlie torpedo Wat
Vulcan. It was forged in single pieces,
ami weighs twenty-two tons.
Homebody has said that if Pasteur
were paid a royalty on all the inonev he
has saved to the "commercial world he
would be the richest man on earth.
Husiness operations in the South con
tinue to feel the spur growing out of the
rise in cotton. Coal, iron. Bteel and
lumWr industries are particularly active.
The aluminium works in Switzerland,
the largest in the world, use a water
power of 1,500-horse power, and turn
out aWut 1,200 pounds of the metal
The National Council of Women
Fulminates at Chicago.
Crusade Against the Habit of Spitting on
the Moors of Public Convey,
anccs In Drooklyn.
Two old women in Delaware have Wen
arrested as witches.
The valuation of the State of Maine Is
placed at L'ii5,(K);i,00O.
The year's flour outnut promises to W
the greatest ever known.
Kansas mines produced IM.OOO.OM)
i i i . .. ,
uusneis oi coin una vear.
The ladies of lirooklvn are oranlzim
hi uemanu Cleaner streets.
Starvation is reported amomr both t-
tiers and Indians in Oklahoma.
A recent hailstorm in Texas was of Ice
pellets that weighed two pounds.
A mcnagnrie to cost 11,600,000 is Wing
talked about for the World's Fair.
There Is a report that the (Juion linn
oi steamers Is going out of business.
The Ohio and Mississippi railroad maw
i n .... .. ,
oe comruiiei oy uie isaiiimore and Ohio.
The numWrinit of the people of Phil.
aueiprna py tne oJicecost jnstfi!,Ki.6(l,
tyOiuniDiis (u.i eaioons must c ose at
midnight py order oi the Chief of Police.
Cornelius Vanderbilt has given 5.000
tat he police pension fund of New York
Commercial travelers, it is said, ann-
tiort two-thirds of the country hotels in
A public census of Philadelphia fust
taken shows it to have a population of
There never was such a rush of suirar
and molasses into the New Orleans mar
ket as now.
Secretary of the Treasury Foster savs
there is no occasion for alarm in flnan-
lal circles.
Secretary Foster's efforts to retain cnld
in the Treasury are said to be meeting
with success.
Victorien Sardou Said to be the Possessor
of a Remarkably Fine Collection
of Souvenirs Etc.
Mr. Gladstone has decided not to ap
point any successor to Tennyson as poet
laureate. A very sensible thing to do.
When Mr. Cleveland becomes Presi
dent he will find that there are 24.132
more olliceholders than there were when
he left the White House in 188!).
Franklin W. Smith of Boston is still
agitating the establishment of the na
tional gallery of history and art in Wash
ington to cost ultimately $10,000,000.
Charles Frohman, the theatrical man
ager, has between fifteen and twenty
companies out this season, and is prob
ably entitled to the distinction ot being
tne iNapoieon ot ttie Business.
Miss Flora Stevenson, member of the
Edinburgh School Board, has been made
an Honorary tellow of the Educational
Institute of Scotland. MiBs Stevenson
is the first woman thus honored.
Le Caron is so well pleased with the
success of his book. "The Kemnus-
cences of a Spy," for the manuscript of
wuich ne received $a,uoo, that he pro
poses to start a weekly paper in London.
Victorien Sardou has a remarkably
fine collection of souvenirs in his apart-
ment in the Rue de Madrid, Paris. There
are decorations which came from the
home of Cavonr. the Italian statesman.
and others by Van Blaremberghe and
fragonaru; mere la an original design
by Fredenbord : a splendid chef d'eeuvre
in Florentine marble representing a
church angel of the sixteenth century
holding a gold chandelier.
Larue seizures of illicit distillpripn
have been made in Wilkes and Catawba
counties, N. C.
(treat distress is reported in Western
and Northwestern Kansas as a result of
tlie cold weather.
The packing-house business atCliinaim
has reached a condition of dullness un
paralleled in years.
Congressman Scott proposes tn unsh
bis bill increasing the whisky tax from
WJ cents to f 1.25 per gallon.
South Carolina's Sonato has passed to
ts third reading the bill makinir the
State its own saloonkeeper.
A most exhaustive trial of thedvnam-
Ite cruiser Vesuvius and her guns is to
W made by the government.
Frauds in the weitrhinir of ani?ar for
Wnnty have Wen discovered, so govern
ment oilicials at Atlanta say.
February 25 will witness the formal
opening of the new European steamship
line under the American tlair.
Pierre Lorillard waa horsewhinnpd in
front of a New York hotel bv a cabman
on whom ho attempted to impose.
The scope of the bureau of military
information is Wing extended and per
fected by Secretary of War Elkins.
The Y'aqui Indians have defeated
Mexican troopB sent to suixlua them
and driven from the Indian town of Be-
len all the Spanish traders and their
The National Council of Women, re-
cently in session at Chicago, sent forth
a fulmination against French heels, cor
sets, tight sleeves and Btreet dresses with
long trains.
An electrically controlled machine
which will effectively stamp 30,000 let
ters in an hour is one of the interesting
inventions that has been adopted in the
Postoflice Department.
Senator Cullom proposes amendments
to the interstate commerce law whereby
witnesses can be protected when giving
Dartmouth College at Hanover, N. II.,
has received a bequest of $200,000 from
the late Ralph Butterfield, M. D., of
Kansas City, Mo.
The Continental block at Douglass and
Fifteenth streets, Omaha, has Wen
burned. The building and business
losses are nearly $500,000.
John D. Rockefeller has given another
$1,000,000 to the University of Chicago.
This makes $3,600,000 which the mill
ionaire has given to the university.
The women of Danville, 111,, are arm
ing themselves with revolvers and prac
ticing at shooting since the acquittal of
the man who made an assault upon Nel
lie Henderson in that city.
The Directors of the Women's Health
Protective Association of Brooklyn have
inaugurated a crusade against the habit
of spitting on the floors of public con
veyances and various public waiting sta
tions. Out of the 250 miles of passenger rail
way tracks in Boston 120 are equipped
with heavy girder rails and trolley wires,
and the process of change from horse
power to electric traction goes steadily
The Solicitor of the Treasury is of the
opinion that the use of the Columbian
half-dollar coins in the manufacture of
various articles as souvenirs, such as
spoons, forks, etc., would W a violation
)t tne law.
The Treasury a Large Gainer by the Com
plete Destruction by Casualty of
Outstanding Obligations.
A telegram with alxiut seventy signa
tures attached, including the principal
commercial and manufacturing house
and banking institutions of Han Fran
cisco, has been forwarded to President
Harrison and Secretary Tracy, urging
for their favorable consideration the
claims of the Union Iron Works for
awarding V) it the contract for the con
strnction of one of the new men-of-war
Iowa and Brooklyn.
The Committee on Banking and Cur
rf ncy will W called together soon to act
on tlie bill introduced by Representative
Andrew of Massachusetts, proposing
more liWrai legislation In Whalf of na
tional banks and the repeal of the silver
bullion purchase clause of the Sherman
act. The majority of the committee is
disposed to recommend the first section
of the Andrew bill, which authorizes
national hanks to issue circulating bonds
deposited. Section 2 reduces the amount
of bonds required to W deposited in the
United States Treasury by national banks
to a nominal amount. The section win
have to be modified, as the committee is
hostile to it and Wlieves-in requiring
banks to deposit a considerable amount
oi bonds, hection 3 relates to the tax
on circulation. The committee ia in fa
vor of a reduction of the rate of tax on
national bank circulation, but is opposed
to wiping the tax out entirely on the
ground ttiat banks should War their
snare of the expense of the system
Section 4 repeals the Sherman silver
purchase provision. Whether or not
tins will get the favorable indor-ement
oi the committee cannot W predicted.
The subcommittee having charge of
.1... - t . n .
mr Biiujtiti ui esiauusning a national
quarantine nas agreed upon a bill, which
win oe reported to the full committee
after rejet-s. The bill agreed upon puts
mc national quarantine Bystem into the
hands of the hospital service of the rev
enue marine. Wherever State Quaran
tine regulations exist the hospital serv
ice of the revenue marine shall have
power to enforce the laws and regula
tions of the different States. Where
there are no State regulations, or where
in tne opinion of the marine hosn tal
service tlie quarantine regulation of the
State is not sufficient to prevent th in.
traduction of contagious diseases into
the United States, the marine hospital
service shall report the facts to the Sec
retary of the Treasury, who. if in hia
judgment it is necessary and proper.
Bhall order the marine hospital service
to make such additional mles and regu
lations as are necessary to prevent the
introduction of such diseases into the
United States from foreiarn countries, or
into one State from another State. The
1 resident is also authorised to suspend
immigration from foreign countries
where infectious diseases exist.
Two years airo Senator Frve nrooheaied
that time would show that the Panama
canal scheme was corrupt, and that
within a year or two liirht would W
thrown upon it and the Republic would
tremble under the shock. That conn i.
tion exists to-day. There has Wen some
taiktothe effect that the Panama and
Nicaragua canal schemes are parallel,
and that the disaster that has overtaken
tlie f rench people will cause nuhlic mn
in this country to hesitate in giving their
votes to sanction a guarantee of Nicar
agua Wnds, fearing that a scandal might
result. Mr. Frye sees nothing of the
mna, ana is empnatic in his declaration
to mat enect. Said he : "There ia
very good reason to advance, which is
that the government should exerciee
supervision over the Nicaragua canal
and control all that is done there. There
is no reason why any legislator should
be afraid to cast his ballot for a bill
which has this end in view. I believe
this measure will pass the Senate, but of
course such a prediction cannot be made
as to the House. It can hardly W sup
posed that the bill will meet with favor
there, inasmuch as it contemplates the
expenditure of public money, and such
expenditures are opposed on that side of
tne capitoi."
in ail the recently written matter
about the depleted condition of the
united fetates Treasury little or no ac
count has been taken of the fact that
with each passing year the Treasury
is a large gainer by the complete de.
struction by casualty of its outstanding
uuiiKiiwons. now mucn mis amounts
to the best statisticians of the Treasury
Lfcunrtuiem uave no means oi aenniteiy
ascertaining. No two figures are 'alike.
Since 1802, when the government Wgan
to issue paper money, $5,819,629,108 had
been issued up to July 1, 1892. Within
the same period $4,852,451,620 were re
deemed, leaving outstanding July 1,
1892. a liability against the government
of $907,177,479. In an exhaustive in
quiry on the subject made by United
States Treasurer Hyatt it is estimated
the aggregate loss on all issues, up to
January, 1888, would not W less than
$8,700,000. This estimate did not in
clude fractional currency, the 60 cents,
25 cents, 10 cents and 6-cent shin
piasters in such extensive circulation for
a few years following the war. United
States Treasurer NeWker, in his report
this year, states that more than $15,000,
000 of this fractional currency is out
standing, though it has practically gone
out of circulation, and but little more
than $4,000 was presented for redemp
tion last year. What is outstanding is
held, to a great extent, by collectors of
coin, and its value as such is greater
than its face value. The aggregate
United States currency, fractional and
otherwise, estimated to be destroyed
and not likely to be presented for re
demption, approximates, by these fig
ures, more than $14,000,000. A recent
estimate prepared in the Treasury De
partment places the sum as high as $20,
000,000. The money can only be taken
out of the liabilities of the government
oy Congressional enactment, and this
will probably W attempted in the near
MIIt Exchanged 400 Tear Dafora
nia Father' Illrth Dug Vp.
The Smithsonian institution has re-
fltivA1 i -n f rtr i.tiz-.n r. 9 it,. J .a.
Tl It a n .i Ti- r ti i '-i v- tutwniittwiji ui tuts uinuuverr Ud
llie MOSt COStly FieCe OI Railway Tell-el-Amana, in upper Egypt, of a
Wnrlr in iVi V A I "u'"1-1 ul wmcm iriauug vi tne History
UOIK in tlie V) OriQ. of Jerusalem, and datinz back COO veara
earlier than any records hithertoknown.
When it is understood that these tablets
RINDERPEST SPREADS IN GERMANY, king of Jerusalem and thePharaohof
Egypt 400 years Wfore the birth of Da
vid, who was the father of Solomon,
some notion will lie form mi! i,t ot.
feasants Vying Like Flies From Hunger treme interest. IHvm letters were writ-
and Wsease In the Famine Dis
tricts of Russia.
Violent Bales are ravin? nn lha rnaat
w npatn.
ten, so Dr. Cyrus Adler told a Washing
ton reporter, about the year 1500 B. C.
and cast a great light upon the relations
of Egypk at that ancient epoch. This, of
course, was long Wfore Jerusalem was
captured by the Jews,
At that time Palestine waa a federa
tion of independent cities, each of which.
The cholera in Hamburg is showing Jerualem. was governed by a "pre-
no diminut on. feet 'this word meanins literally "kinir
i . . .
Nottingham ,' England) virl. Kt.a or a city." Nevertheless.
lunnBu. a snort-sicirt eairne.
Emperor William savs he drxn nnt. in.
A 1 . .....
tena to visit the Chicago Exposition.
A company is to W organized in Eng
land for the manufacture of electric bi-
It is stated that Cornelius Here black
mailed Baron Reinach out of 10,000,000
The report that De Freycinet, Minister
of War in France, is to resign is un-
uermanv complains of th T!nif
States quarantine laws as obstructing
Famine in the government of Ulea-
Dorg, wweden, is causing an exodus of
tne poorer people.
The failure of the NovemWr rainfall
has made this the worst cotton season in
inaia in twenty years.
Negotiations are nnderwav for a mili.
tary ride Wtween Vienna and Rome, the
distance Wing 1,200 kilometers.
Tiburzi. an uncantnred Italian
uieu oi oiu age recently. lie had Wen
sentenced to death thirty-seven times.
During the campaign in Dahnmnv th
V L. IJ- .T . . J v
rrciu-n eoiaiers iound me Uahomeyan
women much more redoubtable than the
A French syndicate, it ia said, is ahnnt
to ask for a concession to build a ship
'" ut-roBo tne lstnmus ot Tebaun-
Jules Simon thinks that France wonld
accept me proposal to disarm with en
thusiasm if it were made by another
these towns
paid a tribute to Pharaoh, and it was in
relation to this tribnte that several of
the letters found were addressed to the
ruler of Egypt by the king oi Jerusalem,
Abdi-Taba. In them he trios to explain,
with due respect, that he occupies a
more independent position than the
other prefects, and ought to W treated
accordingly. For example, in one mis
sive he says s
"Behold, this city of Jerusalem neither
my father nor my mother has given
unto me, but the call of a mighty king."
This refers to the ancient custom in
Palestine, by which rulers were some
times chosen in consequence of a sup
posed divine call and without any refer
ence to hereditary law. Having been
summoned to his throne by the Deity,
Abdi-Taba argued that he should be
treated more leniently with regard to
tribute. In another of the letters he
says :
"Behold, neither my father nor my
mother has appointed i;n ia this place,
but the call of the i, ;!0'iity king has made
me enter into the house of my fathers."
That the "mighty king spoken of was
the Deity is proven by the fact that to
him as authority is referred an oracle in-
scriWd upon another tablet, which saya
that "as long as a ship sails upon tne
sea so long will Mesopotamia and Baby
lonia conquer."
The chief aim of the three other letters
written by Abdi-Taba is to ask the Pha
raoh for military aid against foreign con-
1 3! T- 1 a i .
An Australian engineer intends ca rry- f 5aiesi ne' aPecuu-
g passengers from Vienna to Pesth by th district of Jerusalem These war-
unc Biraugens ue cans people or uaDin
in other words, they were Hebrews.
It seems hardly probable that the He
brews as a nation should have invaded
Palestine at so early a date, and so it ia
likely that these were some advanced
tribes of Israel which settled down west
of the Jordan and made incursions from
time to time. In one of the Jetters on
this subject Abdi-Taba says:
"The Habin people are conquering the
cities of the king" i. e.. the cities tribu
tary to the Pharaoh "therefore the king
may turn his face to his subjects and
send troops. If the troops arrive this
year the countries of the king, my lord.
may W saved, but if no troops arrive the
countries of the king, my lord, will exist
no longer."
This tremendous "find" at Tell-el-
Amaria includes 200 tablets, largely of
Babylonian cuneiform script, which ia
thus discovered for the first time to have
been in use at so early a period in Egypt
and Palestine. Many of the other tab
lets are dispatches of about the same
an electric engine at the rate of 123 miles
an nour.
The Colombian OonerpRs has
iw sanctioning tne introduction of Chi
nese workmen for all classes of indus
trial enterprise,
A project tO establish a snhmarinA oa.
ble Wtween Carteorena. Colon and nthr
iOiombian ports is under discussion in
tue ioiomoian senate.
A bill will W presented to tha Rm.n
Reichstag in January to imprison and
fine persons and confiscate nnwaninsn
1: ;i;. .
rovemiug military secrets.
Jerusalem has Wen eniovins- a Wom
since the completion of the railroad that
connects it with Jaffa. Over 300 houses,
hotels, stores and residences have Wen
The rinderpest has spread to five hith-
erto-umnfected eetates in Mecklenburg,
Germany, and to seven estates in Hoi
stein. Many cattle are dying of it also
ui i uuttuu.
The most costly piece of railway work
in the world according to Sir E. Watkin
is that Wtween the Mansion House and
Aldgate street in London, which used nn date from prefects of other cities of Pal-
flu,uw,uw a nine. estme to tne f naraoh. Some of the in-
The fact has iust Wen maiin rm)K I Scrintions are in an unknown lancmntra
that during the Trefort Ministry in Hun- which no one has so far been able to
gary 40,000,000 florins were emWzzled translate. It is funny to think that Solo-
in the Department of Education and
ruoiic instruction.
St. Helena, Napoleon's prison place.
is not prospering. The revenue of the
island decreased $75,000 in the past year,
and immigration has fallen off, while
emigration nas increased.
The latest practicable balloon, war
ranted to go in any desired direction,
is the invention of Carl The odor Geiss
ler, a Hamburg gardener. Flxperts have
uiuue lavoraoie reports concerning it,
The question of opening museums of
an on eunaay nas reached in England
the point of Wlligerencv. Just now th
openers nave it all their own way.
Wolves in Russia destroy annually up-
wwu ui DUU.UW neaa or aomeatio an ,
mais valued at 8,000,000 rubles. Their
nurnoer does not appreciably decrease,
The Salvation Armv is aWnt tn
a iresii campaign in ranee, apparently.
At any rate General Booth ia h,in AT.
tensively advertised in the Paris news-
The -British Consul, who h aa vi ni fa3
the famine districts of Kieff, Bessarabia
Khartoff, Khoursk, Razan, Orel, Tula
and Vorenesh, Russia, reports that the
mon himself would have looked upon
these tablets as remote antiquities,
Washington Star.
Power of Pigeons on the Wins;.
The power of pigeons on the wing la
proverbial. All trained birds of this spe
cies have two qualifications in a marked
degree. The first is speed, the second
long and sustained powers of flight.
This proposition can be amply demon
strated, and the following is one of the
most remarkable records: On Oct 6,
1850, Sir John Ross dispatched a pair of
young pigeons from Assistance Bav. a
little west of Wellington Sound, and on
Oct 13 a pigeon made its appearance at
the dovecote in Ayrshire, Scotland,
whence Sir John had the pair taken out
The distance direct Wtween the two
places is 2,000 miles. Cornhill Magazine.
Canada and Newfoundland.
When was the Dominion of Canada
constituted? Is not Newfoundland in it?
The Dominion was formed in 1867.
and is composed of the provinces of
peasants are dvine like flies from hnnwr Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia. Prince
and disease. Edward's Island, New Brunswick. Mani-
There are said to W 15.000 Jewa i.Ua toba. British Onlnmhia. with vrtain
in the East End of London. The dis- territories and arctic islands. New-
tresH ia uo great mat tney had even
offered their children for sale to the
Jewish Unemployed Committee in order
to buy bread.
"Balmaceda's millions" are still aa.
curely retained within the walls of the
Banir. ot England, and it seems bv no
means certain that the bullion will ha
returned to the Chilian government,
even within the next twelve months.
Dormer Medical Director Krana nf
f oundland was invited to come in by the
act of confederation, but she holds aloof,
and remains an independent crown col
ony. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Better Xot Sigh.
A chemical analysis of the food cooked
by our grandmothers, which men sigh
for once in a while, would show it 85
per cent, more dangerous to the stom-
Hamburg. who was driven ont of aARpo ach than food prepared in the modern
during the epidemic of cholera by com- kitchen. As a matter of fact, American
F "u " negligence was resp nsi- women Knew nothing or cooKery up to
ble for the BPreadof the nlafflln. haa Hiail I fnranfir.fiva man cm. TW,n;. Pm.
suddenly. It is suspected that he com-; Press.
mitted suicide. J . -