G " VOL. i. HOOD III V ICR, OUKGON, SATURDAY. .JANUARY 7. IBM. NO. 32. The Hood River Glacier. 3ood Ivjvcr (Slacier. ruui.iumi ivrur aatihimt muhninii nr The Glacier Publishing Company. Ml IIM Kin ION I'lUCK. On. v.r ... , , Mil inmilh. . , 1 1n mmillil. Bugle i-ojiy H Ml 1 Of tu HnU THE GLACIER Grant Evans, Pi opr. (UciiihI Si., mm U.ili. . . II,,,,,! Kivrr, Or. Shaving and Hail ' rutting linitly itiiuo. SullHflll tlllll tillUlttlltllKll, Catholic 1'ik'st Overpnveml ami Knblnl by a Mexican. ANOTHER CALIFORNIA RESERVATION. The Strait ol Fm.i K put u l iu hi; Storked With D ili .iks An Fdi'.or Aiiulttctl of l.lliH. I'liii-nix, A. T., 1 1 mi a (ton delivery pOSUl system. Thi National Bank of Pocatcllo, Idaho, llll U'Oll Nlltliorir.l'll t) tic) bllsillCHS. Iih A tmlH" Council has vulc I toper mil the building of a smelter inside thr city limit. Tim iliainotiil fields In Idaho are creat ing intense excitement at Nampa atlil lieighbol hi od. The four-mast cl harkentine Jane I, Stanford, tlu largest wooden nailing vn el ever Imiit in California, was Micccrs fully launched ill lluinlioldt Bav recent- iy. Turnkey French wni attacked in tln MhIio enitentiury at Boise ly Sammd Hatton, a desperate convict, anil in self defense French stablied and killed Hat ton. The Chamber of Commerce at Los An geles hy a resolution had rcqucsed the Governor to recommend that a brunch of the State Treasury he established in that city. CiticiiH of Florence, Or., desire that that town shall he incorporate!, ami a charter In now being prepared for ttu' mission to the people Is-fore the l.egifl lutnre ineetH. The Wo! colt reports that in the recol lection of aea-fsring men on tiie Coast there has never been ho many drift logs In the Strait of Fnca an at the present tinii). Tke high freshets have swept dow n the (alien logs of ages and sent them adrift to the sea. lgs tliat have been burieit in the Hand for years aloiiK the beach ImiIow I'urt Crescent have been washed up, and in some placeB great d.ims of logs are formed, rendering it danger ous for navigation. The mounter whale that came ashore at Elk Creek ah ut a tnon h ri 1m rap idly melting nwny over hot fires nt Mr. lean's ranch. A large force of men are rendering the blubber, which is in an excellent state of preservation, and the result will lie nearly Hit) tmrielnof ex cellent unrefined oil. The whalebone, which averaged three feet in length, was taken out Koine time ago, and foots up n total weight of aliout 30d pounds. The skeleton, as soon as denned, will b set up in front of the Logan bonne at F.Ik Creek. Articles of incorporation of the North ern American Navigation Company were filed the other day at San Francisco by a number of tins prominent residents of that city. The corporation is formed with a capital stock of $3,000 OOi) and for the purpose of purchasing or build ing vessels to carry on business as com mon carriers between San Francitcoand Panama, and then to make connection witii the Panama Railroad Coin puny 'u lines or other agencies that alloid com munication with New York and another Atiantic ports. The term of the corpo ration is given as live years. On a charge of criminal libel at Port land George H. Moffett, editor of the Telegram, has been acquitted. The al leged libel consisted in an article pub lished prior to the city election last June, charging a numb r of persons with levy ing assessments on gambling homes and the inmates of the houses of ill repute to be used in carrying the election lor the Republican ticket. Judge Shatturk instructed the jury that the levying of of assessments to be used in a political campaign was not a crime, and that, therefore, no libel had been committed. The other night an individual called at the residence of F'ather O'Rielly, a Catholic priest of Ojlton, San Bernar dino county, Cal., and asked him to hurry with him to tho bedside of a dy '.ng man beyond Colton. The priest hur riedly made arrangements, and got into the buggy of the stranger. After they had passed Colton the stranger, who was a Mexican, overpowered the pMeet. robbed him of his watch and money and then put him out in the middle of the road, leaving him to find hie way back to Colton. The robber was afterward arrested. Barber Shoo HUSINIiSS AND IMjUS l'l'IAI The A I'lil Region nl the Jnip,l State-v In. ;iiupM nil I. amp RiiulniiNly Cheap In Sweden. St. Louis leads In hhoe distribution. Oysters cost ID cents a iiart In Dm ver. I here are over 7,000 saloons In Chi cago. Apiculture employs 3,000,000 Italian women. F.lcctricity Is applied t ) the blacking 01 IHIOIH. Paper siicki are mode and worn In iio many, linden has a L'.OOO-horse-power electric locomotive. siuno limn ot approved stvle cos as high in $J 10. A n enormous rice cron has Inst Is-en harvested in ImiImIriih. About 10,'KH) gross of ii'mis are pro duced from a ton of steel. Fifty thoutaiiil Missouri mules are itold in St. Louis every year. Minneapolis Is imiking .'i.H.OOO barrels of flour on an average a day. Great Prltaln bat eno'iich coal stored in hi r mini's to hint her 1)00 years. Sixteen women are employed as ticket ageutnoii the lirooklyn elevated road. According to statistics 11 ():!, (KM) balm of cotton were used by the world hiHt year. Skates which sold for d and a few years ago i n now be bought for from U toH- Bicyelcs are used by some of the Chi cago policemen in the discharge of olll cial duty. More than 1,IH!0,(XK) Canadians have migrated to the Tinted States since the year lHiiO. The iirxluct of American distilleries of all kinds hut year amounted to 117,- I ho, n i gallons. The old-time quill pen Is still used in the British patent olliee, where the steel pen is unknown. It is estimated that alxmt loO.ODO in- candescent lamps are burned in New Yoi k every night. The linen manufactured yearly in Kngland couul Ihj wraiiiied around the earth seven times. A sinule fow of pearls as larno as peas and perfectly round wero sold recently in Paris for f l'.'i).(KK). An apparatus that economically de livers grunts of corn to Hultry oiily as fast as uhihI is a late invention. Furope consumes upward of ILM.O.K).- 0M) worth of gold ami silver annually ior piate, jewelry ami ornaments. The arid region of the United States comprises 1, .100,0 Hi mjuare miles, or uearly one-third of the entire country. Incandescent lamps are ridiculously cheap in Sweden, the price of those with all voltages up to 125 being about 20 cents. Ten thousand iiounils worth of pearls were in three years' time during the last century taken from mussels in the Tay near I'ertti. A single mahogany tree in Honduras w as recently cut into boards, which w hen sold in the F.uropean markets realized nearly f I I.OtHi. During the last six years l.tiOO novels have been published which have suc ceeded so far that they were asked tor at the libraries. The historical egg which Columbus made stand on its little eud has been made the model of a pipe which has just lieen put on the market. The platinum beds of the Ural Mount ains are the only ones in the world in which this metal is found in (.trains. Platinum is found in Brazil and in the Cordilleras in the hard seipentine rock, but never in the form of grains. New York is the richest municipal government with one exception in the world. Paris alone surpasses it in the amount of its revenues and in their pur chasing power. London has a divided authority and a double system of gov ernment. PERSONAL MENTION. Value of the Signature of Three Great American Generals in the Auto graph Market EJison. Oliver Wendell Holmes will be in vited to write the ode for the opening of the World's Fair. General R. E. Leo's signature is wrth $10 in the autograph market, Generai McClellan's $3 and General Sherman's 3. MrB. Emmons Blaine has recently g ven to the' city of Augusta, Me., $10, C0 to found a library in honor of her husband's memory. A costly pipe is that which the Shah of Persia smokes on state occasions. It is stated to he worth $320,000, and is set with rubies, diamonds and emeralds. Mrs. Sarah Kiple of Scranton, Pa., is 00 years old, and has smoked since Bhe was 20. She has spent a thousand times as much in tobacco as jn doctors' bills. M. Legonva, the oldest member of the French Academy, is 85 years old. Pierre Loti. the youngest, is 43. With the ex ception of ten all the academicians are GO or over. Edison, the electrician, is satisfied with cracked wheat and cream for lunch, and dines as plainly as if he was still a poor operator who had to count every quarter he expended. Miss Celeste Staufler, to whom Samuel J. Tilden was onee engaged, anil to whom he left 400.0J0, is a resident of Chicago. She is still beautiful and is reported to have refused many offers. BEYOND Till; ROCKIES, t ....... I An Advanrc in Stocks Increases the Value of Gould Property. BOOMERS READY FOR A RUSH. Ajijillcatlon l ir an Injunction Restraining the Commisslcmers From Closing the Fair on Sundays. The tobacco trust has cptured the Lorillards. The Supreme Court of Mississippi ban decided that alcohol is not a beverage. New York health ollicers are preparing U receive the cholera again next sum mer, Aliout 4,00!) men are without employ ment and on the verge ol starvation in Toronto. Secretary Foster estimates a deficiency of $.r0,0M) in the quarantine estimates for lMUJ-J. Justices of the United States Supreme Court bar cigarette-smoking from their apartments. The Iowa corn cron is reported to lie far short of the usual average, caused by the wet weather. The City Council of Dubuque, la., has lecided to buy the plant of the Dubuuue Water Company. General Bovnton asks the House Ap propria! ions Committee lor f ltiO.COO for the Chickamauga National Park work. For the fun of chasing Gar.a, the Mex ican lionler Imii'lit, the United States government has thus far paid $200,000. A New York syndicate is trying to buy for $7,0iK),(M!0 all the rolling-mill and heat ftirnarcB in and about Youngetown, O. The Hulson river is to Us dreiUad to a uniform depth of twelve fort from Troy southward at an estimated expense of $2,tiO0,O0;). The recent advance in stocks hai made tttV Gould protK'rty worth aliout $15, (XH) (XM) more than it was on the day of Gould's death. The packing in Chicago cince the opening of the winter season is tj.'!2,lKW hogs, or 50 per cent, less than the eanie time last year. Among the Missouri exhibits at Chi cago w ill he twenty-four varieties of to bacco from the experimental furm of the State University. Another appropriation for the govern ment exhibit at the World's Fair of $.0i,()iH) is akedv making the entire ap propriation $l,(X.i0,0ik). A supposed ghost at Flatbush Hos pital, New York, turned out to lie a live man who had been hustled off to the morgue as dead, but returned. Tiiere is trouble with the Welsh tin workers at Flwood, Ind. They relue to- permit the company to operate patent machines with unskilled labor. Boomers are already assembling on the southern Iwrder of Kansas in antici pation of the opening to settlement of 0 (HM.OOO .icres of land in Cherokee Strip. Telephones have been introduced at the government rille ranges at Foit Sher idan, III., as a means of communication between the tiring pointp ami the targets Elmer Perrin of Long Branc h, N. J., is reported to have vomited eight green peppers, each an inch asd a half long, that had grown from seed in his stom ach. J. F. lAe, the American astronomer, who has been studying at Berlin for four years with Prof. Foret-ter, has been ap pointed to the chair of astronomy at the Chicago University. Premier Gladstone will be invited by the World's Fair authorities, they say, to cross the ocean in order that he may deliver the address at the formal open ing of the exposition on May 1. The Eastern railroads are getting ready for the Chicago Fair. Car builders are overrun with orders. One Eastern firm is turning out seventy-five cars per day, and has orders ahead for 5,000 cars. Boston is to get gas for cooking, heat ing and power purposes for $1 per 1,000 feet, while that for illuminating pur poses is to have a candle power of at least twenty-five, instead of sixteen as now. Zinc miners at Webb City, Wis., have noticed lately that a shaft they were dig ging has been growing hotter. At a depth of 1(13 feet the other day they had to stop work, as names burst through into tho shaft. A new serpent mound, the largest now known, has been discovered by Prof. Putnam near Fort Ancient, O. It is 1,000 feet long and about ten thick, and is con sidered one of the most remarkable of prehistoric works. An application for an injunction to re strain the World's Fair Commissioners from closing the fair on Sundays is to be made before the courts at Chicago. The application is based on the assumption that the.Tackson Park is public property halil llV Ilia Pa.lf Pjmmiaa!nna.a I. Li J . .rj vuv i ui . uuuiUllDDluilOia 1U U UOL for the people, and that they have no authority to debar the public from en trance to it any day in the year. For some time John Voorhis has been a teacher in the primary department of the public school at Williamsburg, Col. He was also an amateur dentist. When children were unruly he extracted their teeth as a punishment, threatening them with greater punishment if they should tell their parents. He extracted ten teeth from one Italian boy, who told his parents. This was the direct cause of the mob organizing to lynch the man. Voorhis got wind of their coming, and made his escape on horseback. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. The New Nicaragua Canal Bill lin.rcases the Obligations of the Canal Company lite. There is to m an organized eflort In tho HoiiMi alter the h'didayi to bring about some IIiihucuI legislation, prot ably taking the rhape of an nt. empt to repeal the Sherman law. The expo nents of free coinage believe this daily menacing of the fecurities o! the gov ernment is inevitably leading to gigan tic! losic'Hs On the o her hand, the friends of silver are not lesi active, and expect to see a free-coinage bill forging to tint front before niiiny daysof the new year have passed. Stewart'b amen Irnent to the bill of Hill provid -s lor a r"p al of the Sherman a t, and makes that measure practically a free coinage bill. Stewart thinks that wh';n it comes to a vote it will pas. Representatives Hermann of Oregon and Wilson of Washington wero greatly disappointed at the failure of the bill in Congress lor the increase of trie l;gh home service in the United States, in which l!h Washington and Oregon were largely inten-McI. In the bill was prov sion lor twenty-five beacon lights and buoys on the Willamette river bs tween Portland and Salem ; also lor a light and fog signal at the, mouth of the V illamette, as weil as lights for othr places on the Oregon and Washington coasts. There were other bills reported irom wie same committee which were sidetracked by the failure of this bill among them being a bill allowing the Great Northern Railway Company to build a bridge acrons the Columbia river, Mr.Fo-ter said rec ently that he thought it a grave mistake to asu:ne that the Monetary Conference will prove to be I failure. The taking of a recess was ex peeled by the administration w hen the American delegates left Washington Oily. Rothchild's proposition and his declaration that unless Homc-t'iing is done to insure the better ne of silver among the nations serious consequences would follow is in itself a hopeiul indication that the prominent bankers of the world feel the necessity of reaching an agree ment of mich a nature as will secure ap proximate nniiormity the world over m dealing with the question. The Secre tary paid that so far as be was personally concerned all he expected of the preliminary-conference had been accomplished. The general feeling of the conference whs even more favorable than he antic ipated. One of thoe peculiar biils whio'a oc casionally finds its way into Congress was introduced the other day by Sen tor Mitchell in the Senate, he elaborate title provides for the prohibition of electro-magnetism, mesmerism and hypno tizing of human lieings, etc . an i pre scribing a punishment. Nainerous pe titions and documents accompanying the Dill anil others equally voluminous are referred to. The bill in brief provides that any person who anyweere within the jurisdiction of the United States 3hall apply a current of electricity upon a person lor the purpose of affecting an other, or which does so affect, bIihII be guilty of a crime punishable by death, and that any person having the' knowl edge of such current having been applied wno mils to noiny the proper authorities shall he deemed an accessory and pun ished by a fine of not less than $o,00J nor more than f zu.uot), or bv punishment ranging from two years to the period of one a natural me. Senator Sherman has introduced bill, which was referred to the Foreign Relations Commit'ee, providing that whenever the government of the United States shall conclude effective interna tional arrangements lor the protection of fur seals in the North aeitic Ocean by agreement with anv power, or as a result of the convention concluded last tebruary between the United States and Great Britain (the Behring Sea Conven tion), and as long as such arrangements Bhall continue, the provisions of the laws, so far as they bIhII be applicable. relative to the protection of lur seals within the limits of Alaska or its waters shall tie extended to and over that, por tion of tho ocean included in such agree ment. The bill further provides that whenever an effective arrangement is concluded the President shall declare the fact by proclamation and designate the portion oi tne facine Ocean to which it is to be applicable. During the exist ence of the laws all violations of them in the designated portions of the Pacific are to be held to be the same as if com mitted within Alaska limits, and they may be prosecuted either in Alaska or in the courts of Oregon, California or Washington. The new Nicaragua canal bill reported by Sonator Sherman is drawn on sub stantially the same lines as the bill re ported from the committee to the last Congress, including as it doe9 the prop osition to guarantee the bonds of the company to the extent of $100,000,000 to aid in the construction of the canal. The new bill, however, contains some additions, which increase the obligations of the company as well as the security of the government. For instance, the real and personal propeity and the fran chises of the company are included in the liabilities. It is provided that all stock heretofore eub?cribed for or issued shall be called in and canceled ; all bonds issued redeemed and canceled, and all outstanding obligations satisfied before the art takes effect. The date is changed to make the bonds issue in January, 1893, and mature in liiu3; but they are aiso made redeemal 1 at the pleasure of the United States after 1913. The section requiring the company to execute a mort gage to the United States as security for the guarantee is amended by the addi tion of a clause requiring the mortgage to contain a provision for a sinking fund for the payment of the bonds at matu rity. If the company defaults in the pavnient of interest or other respects before the canal is put in operation, the right of foreclosure shall at once attach ! f t il. T T : A . Cl. . ' ill lavur oi urn uuiuu Diaieu. Member of Parliament Unseated on a Charge of loiikry. RAILWAY CONCESSIONS IN TURKEY. The Free Iibor Association of England Issues an Address on "Tyranny of 0 gmlzcd Labor." The Sultan of Turkey has just issued a revised edition of the Koran, adapted to his own views. Among the coachmen of Berlin are seven retired army officers, three ex pastors and sixteen nobles. Reports from South Africa show a re markable development of auriferous re sources in the past few months. A firm of machinists in Scandinavia employs a y -ong woman Agent whose territory ceners the whole of Europe. A member of the British Parliament has been unseated on the charge of brib ery, which consisted in treating electore. A large bo!y of musicians in Vienna have entered a public protest against the playing of military binda in public places. TheSpsakerof the House of Commons has a salary of $25,000. When he retires it ia to a peerage and a pension of $20, (XX) a year. The third son of the President of France is a private in the French army, waiting for his admission to the Ecole Polyteihnique. The hordes of idle men in the cities of England and Germany are greater than the combined standing armies of both countries. The Czar's personal expenses are $9, 000,000 a yeir, which is 02' 0.0 H) more than Russia's annual appropriation for common schools. The demand for the late Lord Tenny son's poems has been bo great in Eng land of late that the printers at one time had twenty-six presses working on them. The Lord Mayor of London's badge of office contains diamonds to the value oi 120,000, and the temporary owner has to give a bond for it before lie is sworn in. The medical officer of health of the city of London has resolved to compel evety church to remove the dead lying beneath its Boors and reburv them at II- ford. A Railway Passengers' Protective As sociation, with an Earl at its head, has recently been formed in England to look after I he protection of thoee who traffel by rail. M. Brisson, who was recently invited to form a Cabinet for President Carnot and is Chairman of the committee in vestigating the Panama canal scandal, is freemason. The latest political alliance in Ger many is composed of Conservatives. Anarchists and anti-Semites. In Fiance there are evidences of a coalition of like hostile elements. The .'i-clesiastical authorities in Encr land :;e now beginning to inquire what part the church can play in eoiving the pro'.lem of providing pensions for the aged ana worthy poor. His Holiness the Pope declares that the late tfardinsl Lavigerie was one of the most valuable members of the Sa cred College. He intimates that it will be difficult to nil his place. Archbishop Walsh savs the Question under deliberation bv the Monetary Con ference at Brussels is at the very root of j:rt:....ii.: i a t . , . mio uiuic-uiuea oi me iriBn iana ques tion. He advocates bimetallism. The rivers of Russia grow shallower year alter year, and the V orskia. once an abundant tributary to Dnieper and as wide as the Hudson or Delaware, 50 miles in length, has completely and per manently dried up. The good people of Luxembourg are greariy exerci ed over the possibility of the establishment of a second "Monte Carlo" at Mondorf, a eummer and win ter resort in the little Grand Duchv. Dr. Alexander Werkele, the new Min ister President of Hungary, is a perfect giant m breadth and stature. He ia more than a head taller than the aver age man, and is as erect as an Indian. Ihe ollicers of the German armv are to have anewckoak.thenoveityof which lies in the fact that by an ingenious de vice the cloak may be made thick or thin. It is adapted for winter or sum mer use. It is reported in the Journal du Jardm d'AccUmalalhn that eight or ten days v - i' , , ... ..... .. vj . .iiuicia in Hamburg last summer all the sparrows and other birds left the town and sub nrbs and did not return until the plague nau completely uisappearea. The Turkrsh Sultan has granted con cessions for the construction of long rail ways, wnicn win open up his territory to the eaet, th$ north and the south, ail having their terminal at Constantinople One road is to run to Damascus and an other, the Tigris and Euphrates railway, to the Persian Gulf. The concessions have been granted to German and Bel gian firms, English firms being entirely lew out. ' The Free Labor Association of Entrls-nd has issued an address on the " Tyranny of Organized Labor." The condition of the people, owing to strikes, ia the sub ject of the manifesto, which goes on to eay that " unions which impose restric tions upon trade without b. ing able to prove that the area of employment is thereby increased are a curse to t.hn country and an eneinv to all claeses.and buouiu not, ue roterateo. py womngmen," FOR THE WORLD'S FAIR. A .Mammoth Trra from California to B Kxliihltml. California is to be honored by having a lection ot one) of her famous big trees uiada a prominent feature In the Government building at the Columbian exhibition at Chicago. The project, the accomplishment lit which Is fully assured, is a unique one. Tin: section of the tree will be twenty-three feet in diameter and thirty feet long. This will be divided into three parts, and these will be placed in their natural position, Hie above the other, and so arranged as to form something like a two story honse. The criiitruet for the tree was made by H. A. Taylor, of the department of the in terior, with the King's River Lumber com pany in the sprint of this year, and the company j now ltJ worf getting it out in their forest of sequoia KHjantea in the Converse basin on King's river in Fresno county. The contract called for a tree 20 feet fl Inches in diameter, but the tree actually found will be three feet greater in diameter. There are of course larger trees in th forest, but the requirement was that this fcection should be perfect in all respects, cylindrical, straiht and without a burn in the bark, and this was the largest found to fill alt these conditions. The tree select ed, says the San Francisco Chronicle, ia one known as the "General Noble." It measures thirty-eight feet in diameter near the ground, but as the object was to have the section of the same diameter at both ends, as nearly as possible, a piece is being taken out of the tree at some distance from the ground. To do this and to preserve the section from harm by falling, as well as to meet other requirements, has proved to be a work of considerable magnitude;. The idcta is not to send a solid section, bnt. rather, the rim of the tree hollowed out and cut into segments of suitable size, and all to be numbered so that they can be erected at Chicago so as to look from the exterior like the solid section of a sequoia thirty feet in height. The three parts into which the section is being cut consist of two parts of fourteen feet each, to be hol lowed out, and one two feet thick, which will serve as a floor between the two stories, as it were. The work of cutting, lowering and box ing the segments is Wing pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and it is expected that the tree will all be shipped by the end of October. To get the tree to a point where wagons can reach it required the building of a road two miles long. The en tire exhibit, including the work, will cost the government several thousand dollars. The tree when erected at Chicago will stand directly under the izreat dome of the Gov ernment building. Religious Differences. In the greater concerns of life there are wonderful illustrations of the con flicts of opinions. There are something over 1,200,000,000 of human beings in the world. Among these are six va rieties of religious belief; three of these are said by one class td be false, and by others three are said to he the true re ligion. And yet every religionist, every sectarian claims that he and she alone are right. What our Chinese neighbors say is "true" we say is "false." We call them "heathens" they class us as "out side barbarians." What we English; speaking people think is the right and the true religion is in a startling minority in human be lief or religious creed for there are only some 330,000,000 Christians in all the world. There are some 6.003,000 Jews, and they have clung with singular persistency in all ages to their religious belief; it is seldom a Jew renounces his faith; it is more seldom that a Chris tian embraces Judaism. There are more than 400,000,000 people who are pagans and Mohammedans. Detroit Free Press. Scarfs That Demand a Pin. The scarf pin should always he worn with the flat, madeups scarf. There is a place for its insertion, and by seeming to hold it toge'ther it attains a utilita rian phase, in that it is an aid in gloss ing over the percentage of inadeup sug gestiveness that is always more or less associated with the imitative article. The niadeup fiat or puff scarf, if worn without a scarfpin, discloses its arti ficiality in all the baldness of its me chanical inferiority. It .j is 'a curious paradox in the fashions, therefore, that the scarfing that does not actually need the scarfpin in reality requires it most of all. In the self tied De Joinville, or its madeup reproduction, the scarfpin must pierce the cross folds at th& intersec tion. Clothier and Furnisherj ,t l A Clever Woman. A lady of fine artistic taste has dis covered that at church parade her prayer book, by its incongruous, color. entirely ruined the effect of a carefully conceived costume. It struck afdiscord in an otherwise perfectly harmonious dress. This has heen remedied by hav ing a cover to her prayer hook which shall be perfectly in accord with the, leading tone of her garments The prayer book cover will henceforth re ceive as attentive consideration as thai bonnet, the gloves and the sunshade.! and no jarring note of color will be in-: troduced by means of a volume bound in blue velvet or in scarlet morocco. London Graphic. At TisitoratSchool- His Best. Little boy, you can cipher iwaarkably well. Little Boy Humph you oughter see m lat Fargo Argus. Baby Anso'i Favorite Aatbor. "Mr. Anson, who is your favorite authorP sked a baseballist of the Chicago captain. "Fielding," was the prompt reply. Now York Sun. 1