J food Jviver Si noou iciVMit, oi:., nr.r. .u, isn II I mI ii In luii. rii.,(i,i I" iii I'ii vi ir j 1 1 ii 1 1 nit III mi 'I I yon j'ikmIh nl former f mi cl i n M'hxluii t, coii('i'nh to licejn I I'l'iecs III H I tivc on .i per cell I , . I i ei n 1 1 1 1 , i III Sii-i.1,.,,,1 ' I, III n. mi. iii lu. r l,o ti III in, I mil ll .,ii ll. i hlnle, lis Hi.' Ml Im l.ecl, broken. .'..-"-. -'',v xo.,r y.u,-Kt V7. M. WILSON. ATni:.i:y at la . Tin: ,nui,s. Mr. IiIiiiImmv arrived here from I ):ilolii 'I'liiirmliiy, nml In vlnlliiif Dr. iiihI Mim, I'liimiii,!, WiMiihinl, litis niovcil Into 1 1 - new ImlMiiij; nml Alvln 1 1 i.-Ih v will limit krrlvpi fnim Ml ll,t n ... lil'iM- lulu tint Kl riiiiiilinii linon. vn. clorl, A, M. Wr.li,. ,.),, nml rit l rilit v; !" . falo.l I V Ml'. Worn lill .1. I'll I 1 11 1 1 lit Mil H , I )i M lit, I'tii riM-.i.nrih, i. t m , m, it ii i cm hi Witilt I In i If In vr I rain w.im Ivinir nl I . .11. It I 1 1 I lU H ll... .1. . . I i .. . -I I . , , V, , l,v,.- .1 . y . ' .o .M;.,V, lol ol o.irj you ,V. When yoll J'O to Tin" Italics ilm.'ii . -i,vh .,i- I I,, mi.1 . .i --hivi Mil1 or I ll ' Ii I. . , y.illl' eat-il. I X. Ill lu I lie Till; HA 1,1. IN, OI.K.i.iiN, I'l l ! u (V .Mi-ni.i i:n, Attorneys-;.. -Law, Having iii ' I Hi" credit nvl'in for I wo yi ni i, nml in il li"ii nlilc lo iiiljlh-l, my rl ii'i to im lo i-i i' i iiuli cii'iloini'iH tin' liciii'lll of i'iimIi ill ici t, I have cnii- i IiiIimI I,, for !i only, wiih a 'i , Chnjjmon Block, ovorPostofficoi lift i fiil, iIImi'oiiiiI lo nil. I 'Jlli; i.l,l,I.M i,:..iiii. I W'n ollcn tn-ti I our ciifitoine ix (ml;. I "Why run'l ournififlimiiH asdic'ip ! ,("r"!x!T IIH ll,,' V llo III '11,.' Ihlll.-sV" I Will Ifll ! y'-'-IWtJJ.J.N I'l.illl X lllli' r.i.ii. II..HI ii..' uii'i i.i.io, Muiiilm.. XX rilm mi. I r'i Mn . nut i mow ll i nioiiirn h en will, low, I IK' j Millie liy yoll. , liroKi'ii .mmi hlril.liiLr it iie.M'iii'er on i .1. K I! ANNA. it it i r me u. i mti:i;s. Mill I ill),' I'll .Till:. Ill Itlll'llllf'V. I!m. TU iui.I Profit by II. OlillJ'el'llll'l llolie, ploplieloM oflllll I'.i I.Vil I'liun, In iiililii i.n o Iheir liv ery ninl liij.'f Ihimiii .(ri, are limellinir (.' l.-iili, I Iioi.imm iiimI liav. 'I liev lire lilihli I illl Ii II A'. ( 'o. I lie lien. I, .'III I ill),' tt hi-Vere j'li'-li. '11 ii- J I I'O.V Wlio Ilinl Hie l.il.il i-liol Ii II lor Ml j I looil, I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 only ll few of 1 1 ; 1 1 1;.-1 ; Jilne. -i. i Mr. '. I'. , , mil f.joilv emtio Ii 'I'lie Coltinil, lit I-. iinlni' .mil,. nml.iK-. : f'oiii llielr Imni Weihi.-.ln v mel me i "' "" "'"'"I for Hi. " . . . . i.. . . .i, , .... . . i. 1 1 1 p. : i i .. i .. t;illi. ... t i .... ,. i '"T 'inn H I .ll I il 1 1 ii tJ, ii y i s i.i-l ii i ii.i' I., on;;- N,ll","l r. Nut eoitolMr.. llow.!,,,,,.lm,,l( 'oi I Imnl mn In iii-e 1' xvinlmliln ,....( ,,..;.., Oliver I'll.. !,. . . ( -lo'l i,t.,l ..'I....I I i,:.... j o 1 1 i .i v uv r ; . ii 1 1 ii 'i o ran r ntiic: n'o. " " 1 ! , - - i-'mih.-i- Mit M.luiV Ml for The ,'H Moll- ' 'l'l"'V Hi!l ti;i.inl Hie winler nt : nine ! I ' ' " ' ' "111 li.il I'oV.k; mil will eel I 'v '.V I '"",',' i-oll tit wIimI, i t Wi II lilillf. tlnv. l"'iii In Soiilliern '.iliforitln, mil wo i n" "' ' ' 1 eon. In letrkn mol t .i if- I il. i i . ... .i Mi.u. Ii. ii. .. i . ..-.!... i .. :.. v, ii r it ii . ... i o"'.- nun 1 1 y 'ii nil1: iim. Ileum m,' , "".' i" "i" o in ..... . . - .. in- l , ,1-1 M , , u I, i ,,..l III. .... i , . . , ..i I I... .' I 1 1 ' i I . i . . .1 1 .... , .Il l a. u " "i'ii . in-ion 1 i oi- 1 1 1 i. iii . . .. i , - i;rifi f if if l ji I-. 1 1 1 ts or -:, ii t O-a-t Sale of HARRISON'S STOCK of GOODS. STOP BIGHT HERE ! READ THIS AD! v. caki:, Moiie.-j;. .1. , ...... 7 I '"' "-' " - I" I'ennil lliei.l lo i.l I'lel llivw fl llliel to iin'.rr n! Hie fur- MS If'llill. Illll... .loie. I'nie In iimne " i ' 1 1'. fll.iii" .lyen at l-lliK iiie (ii tt ntnii-. p DO YOU KNOW WHY WE ARE DISPOSING OF SO MANY GOODS IT IS BECAUSE WE ARE SELLING LOW KTAIT.K AND I'ANI 'V III! Y (i'tOItM. UKN l -V I- CIC.NHIHNO 1 (;).ilM. ('I.OTIII.V.i. l:H'lH, HlOlM, ilATH, CAI'H.fTAI'I.K ..IKK KKIIX, irAHftWAKn, !!)( K Kit V, fil.AMH W AUK, HAY, .It.U.V, vv,i:u, ETC. 'And turning our stock over often, believing! pintho old adae that "a nimble sixpenco is!; gbotter than a alow shilliinar' Our Willi ( 'all :inl jii in- I li.-ir j ioil i. $500, 000 I in' eiirt.- I 1 - t 'M-. ini.lre.-K lunili I K Kuiltv. i i.inlon, ;i-vv .li-iKi v. I I liare Inl.en lli It .'i-ye.tr oil f.:tii ' i'"' umle iiiic. Ik Jii loctti-l ii"!ir! i iooii niver, n i"iieB lo ni'oi io pari n . Our Fall and Winter Stock -OF- i ii-1 . . , , .. , 1 ),,.; r. .! i ... ...... ,..i n i i io I'.trl.ev.l,in.,.rm I ill........ -"!'" '.UM..t.y l 'V ,.,.,.. , . ,,,.,.... , H,, T.-. nii I 'II - , 1 i .1 hi,.),..,!' . I .....I T .. . W I ... .11.1... 1. .. ! f I ...... . . .. , O.ty at !....'.',, '.: ' ' "''""""'''"' -. n.ani. j vt-yiiix lone, (hat l.c is n imirtical 1 tt Hiirveyor of many yeari exj.. rienej-, j ; .luj-hU'i-..!' Mr. mil Mr-.. W'lie, i eliaie. H mil lake ln-r. F. S. J'Kiiny. nj'.e.l aiioiil I veari. Tin' eollln wim I'ivhIi eijiitrH, (,f i,i )ll4t liniiilnonly, j"''"1 "Ver l.y Mr. r.arlnieHH I'lnirmlriy lft itt the Irilj; hIoiv. Ollnjfer A Uono will luclmngrt wlient, lirmi tr liori for hy. Flower jioU, i)tiii im. fancy, In j,n. Mnioii, hi un nriiior. Inoi iiiii'. ItOltN. Frllay, .-efml.cr i'.'ll, to Mr. anl aim, 1 1. ( nx, tt .liiiijliler. rit sam;. mil lltat work cnlruMel to lltu will Ix; Oi.o 1-vear old mare with coll; .mo i H ' 1 i . ,,;i,'" u,"i """w-(i-veur oil w,r.: ono eow mil n.lf; on.. 1 JI" !l.k,'M l'1"'" I" referriiiK to H.-U"1 Imriien. J. 1,. I.ashiu.k. ' Mr' , h' J,,,U."M. fr yeaw wn ;coiinly coiiiiiii!Mioiier in Minnesota, r.!:VTTYS 1'IANOS AND 0Kt;AS. al"1 f"r lil tv.uiily work its 7VU1 ' K"W!' ; . Hon. I.anl-IF. I'.eat I v, the pent ' r- !y y. t Lin uliili.y. Hen null wool nnlcr rlotJies at re- ( l;n .lia.t, Tre."-.. fan mil I'tano inai.ufaetiiier it, Uiil-I-i 1 if,,,"a w'lU,,tf ""! ut W1" r,;- lil-e.l .., i.l ll:t:,na'. !), tl,o ,-, , c,,-s hal ( 'In ;! i.i-.h iiu: ami hli,.,in m ,ie ( , ,'an-i mil . ''' ' V" l,r,im:l nUentioii. rn rive yo ,,riiVH t,at:"- Sminliy ev.-ninr. Al the F. 'ru';.?,!:''!,',,;.;;,';..,.,,, ' I liiv. r .Vri!'citl,y Is now daily arriving. j' Wo have added , many new attractions j suitable for the season, vhicli we bought in! jthe eastern market at a bargain, and wo in-! f' i x a hiuau lo jivo our customers tno Den3n oi t':thC3 .. ,. I. ft liolne ii .-ni:ilis-. i.l.AV liov, mil , U"- '., i,l i.,i,l,. ,11 l... I '.. i .... i . i i.'u . o ih i . n: r i ii ,o . i I- i- , 1 1 , ... ,. v . ..- ..' ' I - " . i i . .. , i iiiii-, ill' i : . . i . . , ii i,i , . . .. Ill , ,, ' " ' lO'li'llll .line t III lie n.l V, 111 Kill I,H I. . I,. ttv. -r.iv il t. ll at all V"ni;, I'll".'- H "-. nt!n- .loy, H-.j." , WUy u,, s.i a' Iom-II Car n. arly liKi.tft-i nllier lii-.-e!ii'.i-, al Hie .Im-t-loio. , ainl u'.l tl.e i.tlin ,....! Ciin-.-s, w .-re of 'l ;y '.- H,-;;:n .,.! ;,.. i.i'nco A l.tri-e Miii.i.lv i.l I.:iIi.1-..iim- u.,tl i.i. , 'U' - 1 in Will", to .'!.re.-it .'ilii'eU ''"'" .o.illu,' : . . In.. I" il: In arleil Land Locator. '4 ..i e purcnasea. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. .ii. i 1 .1 I In . I l i-i'. , i ,1 I, . I I '..i . i.,.. ., 1 .. i I . l .... I I .... I I . . . . . - i . i 1 1 .'III I ' J - ' .' ' ' " ' I I I I I 1. I. '" 'I I. 1.1. , lll" Ill I ' , . 1 , I Oil" , , i ' ' , .Volll.l I N.-w r..M-!v ol ( i!ii r eiiili.-l ii '.i. I "i li.-r ami renl.-i-l Ui'-ir .ait- in tt manner I fo;-,-v.-r, ..otjiit I 'i'. iv id ; t ' ii i n".r iV I'.oiie'n. lo evol.e tlie li.-arliiKl mnlan-e. Mr.linl' 11-- ...i.V, tiiat Iui.I el.el , i:e : urn ; ! o ,.n i , ; , .. mi ni F.very lioly wauls laml in Hol : p I! CI' VllleV. I loii. w.liii. vi.rv .1,..' '' h.laltle tr: lor h 'alley. I lii'Ve Mime ci- li-i ' ra.'iw ii .rooil :in,l ,,n my 1',,-;, t .in' -: I- mi'l til, i'k let! b IIF.T DALL j OltLGOX i .-i .no -. i r. Linn. ... io.-oi.i- inn nean t.-hi ii.-iiaii'e. . . I r . . i : n 1 1 . o 1 1 1 , 1 1 i ; i . i ,i nt ijii'.-r t ,i'in Air. . . . , -j m -Man o liters f IlaiilU.relil.feMra.lsanil oil,1T.;'l':"Her, who ha, tl.e' eoiilraet f),r j UMn-1 rime (,.-. m w-li l.aiwn, a.v 't' j f VI Uii(, U.., Ih ! fimtetof, he m.Vtahin, ,he La-h-IIHtt l''-to,ra1,l,,a1!;;:;;';t:1;; Jo im. fail to'see! h, ' ' I (lie wo:-! I'k l:ilr. M-:!..tel .y our loeal ' ii,M' ,!.:, ,, ,,. IL.-n :.l . ,, 1. :' l!".i. Kiv. r I a!iv or allre-H im', i.i,,i iii ). 302 to 304 SECOND STREET. -Mail onliw KoHcitel and promptly filled. fill . r.: lilt' tl '.U 111 I . ... . 'I i . . .. , . t i - 1 . I . l.tya.,1 tool. Lome a w.i-m lo.tl .1 , -3( . f ll." Interior of ;h. Im nilnri-, 11 I I'lHIM'il, tilf.T V. hi.'il the IiIIJ'mW ill -i .el.o1,..mM,.t!11V,o,,o Hie MoeU , .,-,. ,,,.,., Ill t rtor lil. re ill" I.! ,,. oo hheel. ill i . ' , . , , tlii . e unit v. jwa-. iilii. .'.inial.le, flit hoth . Iiljl'i lie. en- well alt. lale.l, i:sii.t. (i.-o. Waikiiif, I'oiineiiv of 'I'lie It.ilie", his lecalil in .jmUaiie I-'aIN ami In ;-.e,eie Mlit.oii ( l.-ll ueot lo l'oi-lli,n,l l ot ' r,nv ''' lai Werk.miil riiinef tov he will lai.e 1:11- ,"l!r v'''11 1 ,'1'1' w '' l!- to liiniw ii a hnle eie le- reliiiii-.. ! '"l'' ' ,l1' u lUl 1,1 rk- '-y 1 oe.e ii n-iiie; or eal .in.-; lol t..iine will he The Oil I '. Mow-, w Mi- lo have hal a Miiial.lv ivwarl.-l. Titov Sin l.l.l.v. Hll;rt.-r last weiU, lint owini; lo hail! ne.ilh.-l ll Wilt llili-linilel V Jmst joined. Cl'llll tirnMfr' I:'.i"l!. Mr. mil Mr-. I. N. M.-Coy, Mh. j 'I'll'1 ine. lin-of the frni! "loweis in WoIi'oiI'm jiareiilt,, ai riv. l h.-ie troni ! Hie li ar of ( Jraham ,V- I !:ti -tfeh's meal Malm Mon. lay to leinain until .mHii-. j marl.i-t, Salm.lay, Iie.einh. r :Mlh, wa.4 The t. s huiin I j'a-t,enu. r, in eliar.e . im! well atli-nlel on n. vomit of had OI I oil' In. lot' I'ot.HT, e.ot llelf Jl out ,Vi al !iel" htlt a liv. I lie llall. i ( iiil-Minn all. I IVUiailie.l I " 1 . ' i - I 1 I :. . 10 more of iii- nal.e; tnai I. tea 1 hi:- on oi' :,i'o(.i...i nun, if V-e avel..- e Ihet'l al 4 V e;teil. It a if. -eiy !h- l.-tt! ! I.!l. ( Ii..- kiild i:. e I,-,-. ;-. ,i to i I I '. I '.ea' !y, W .' h:.'i.;l .in, Ji r-.-v, . r e.ila- I" aijioo.i mver, v nue.n ount v. ure'im. V. ih,.vi ' l XA.iS-, I.'.e.-it tr. J. w. I il il .lli'iiiii.i-,' i.i i Mi'.. V, tr'h.t ! in- I'own Jer-1 1" do n. "tiding mil d.-.rnm 1 1 . I . I I 1 1 r-'I'-ii f--T a-e-i. i.M!!A.. iM-inatr. wil hi- ii'till llio.-..' i -iioapiy uon.. !!'!) i.l vj: tt. ......... ortrofiN A t-pot led In own and while hull calf, im I, i. inlii oiear-mai !,s. Fen I him, no tify me mil 1 w ill pay eliaireH. ( 'll ,vs. i;i.!'.ii:i;. liMIUY. I. ntit .'.loiilay allei noon. Mr. r.at. hain t ill oeenpy the J h aid l'eliclice illicit),; Hie latteV'M al'M liee. l I W O-Ve.'ir oil ill i lllile st.-l-'llii lii-nliil j ! j ... " ,,,, . . . iii-eii-."!on wiit i ,. i -, i- , ' '" ' ' r"""" ---- j rw ifi'H.i itr. . ill Mli.l nr., , , lllllll HI LIU'. .V DEALER IN Painter and Paper Hanger, and '; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, - all kinds of work neatly and j STATIONERY, 0L ASS WARS, LAHFS, BLANE-BOOXD, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NOTIONS, CANDIES AND TOBACCO. The Prather, BuiIdir.g5S2cond &k Sts. ,i. M. ii I'N l INO'loN. C. II. Mi'I.IN- Hllill k IIMj. til . ioli TD J. Mf II IM I M.TUX ,. I o. lii-nts cillcctc I anil tuxes :U1 for noti- n-flilsiits. i.tnid iiaix-is.of all kiiultt ii-.'inir-il en short nolle.'. hal at', to the I'n'.nre plans of Hie oi;-an- snilal i.ation. The eninmittee on constitu (inn rejniil. il in pari, wlii'li wan ae mi I if we an- anv julue .,f what j, t j 'vpleil with f.-w itllefitioiis. A lull re-1 NOTICF Full IMT'.LIOTIoN. he, he w ill liol o. eiipy it alone. p.Tl, aUo n si-t of hy-law s, an on peeled I i.,,,,,: i mil-, uri'li.. I nll.-s nr. D,,-. ivf .. .!'',o!r.!,,:':' r: . rilr;: I !lt !h: TZ'TtH . . . . . ,,l;.,:.;1iv'';;j!; Abstracts of Tines a specialty "" -' ....."i...., s...-.. o e ,i..-noj-.i. in, -ii u, lejioi k ,,,, .,! p,. , M, ,,,,.-, ,,, ,v,,ui, ..-r ton. fhop l.ail.y f..t per hill.-, npoit the adviHtihilit v of ineonioraliii"!1""1 1 '" l"a'1'' '" l",v ,l'"' olfil, O.IMI pel' loll, at JlaiHIa't,. , .. , .,,,. '- li.ueti-r nti.i K. ,-,-imi-I . s. I.. 1 1. nl T!. n.,, s 1 ' I tinier 111.' laws of (he t-latc j.ir.on .M..ii,l.i .immnr., '.', li.!, u.: Tlie next meetiiift will he TlieslaV, j l vi -M- Monroe. I .... i i. . i , ( I 1 ! . )if--l . in I A i),li.-nt ion N'n. :17I ! for the s c 1 1 i.iu.ai ..... in a i-iocu ii. in. I-.M-I V - m, ., s h i, i , l, e 1-1.-, w n w ',sr 1-1 oi I hod .V inU"fMel in markei intr an v kind j ' 1 J ' i' " r n-u-in. Me n-i Itii-N I In' i! ti i. ill:; Wlfllt-.e to iit-ove 1 hi e.iii. imiiiits i-i-.iil.iii'.' upuii nml culliva-' SJ" '(Eslatc Loa& Insurance j PSARSIOUIJT (POBTLAND) & HO OB .. . .....ii-.-..... ... .. . ;,. ,- ev; Fi i kr....- if-. -,.. t-..i - . a.mw -w - J 11, m w ! .(if I If Vail know anvlhiiiK (hat w ill make tt i Item, hi-nl It in, lor tilt- Mil'ely im the winter a! our liM'onlent, in that locals me a.-t waive as hlnod nller a French duel There was a wreck Tuesday night intaf Tloltldale, three ears leaving III. tiack, hilt loi innalely n one was mill. 'J In; acrid, nl was fallM-d hy a trestle Wii.shin onl. Uwln to the hloekale, no On imtiiin rea'ln-il here iroiit 'J htnsday uniil last M.. ii, nil... -i , 't'li.,v I.', ..I..., i ,.,,, I even to a deii.oeral. even tliot.eh ihev ! wa" ,!,K,, si, U wi,l w,,nt l,,',,Ul1 l of fruit in IIool Kiverand vicinity are li'ipl. sle.T to he present. I'or Sen t Clia.-ily. While Salmon furnishes ease of sickness and destitution (hat appeals! slronly to the puhlic'M sympnthy. I lilt Ti twemm rofn mm Kmit Knnlsoit wnne two liiottlhs api P !J: ON SALE TO .321i PRINCIPAL POINTS were had. uimihers. 1 f you have any proluee of any kind, i'KK-s, liullcf, fltlli, pells, hides, wool, poultry, or wood, in fact, auyl hlntf you Wat 1 1 to ticl!, uo mm) Wallace .V llarnsoii mil they will get you the cash for it. A Miow nli.lt' fiiulil, I he evening pas- e i i i , i .a... fl Illl J UeiMI.IV, ll.", II. Illl.-.l-ll III" IIIMII1' . .. , , , . ,. almvo Slanlev's, hut the train pulled i willmK to do what they fan tluoiiKh it all right except the Ions of j f"' thetn, hut (car of Liking the disease all Hit! Hl.'i'S on the waiUt hidt-of the into Iheir own lamili. s prevents their l'al'rt' Hivlif; that cttre that I hey nlmuld have. Miss Kohcrts, who lias fipcnt the I The fat nil have hut one room in their typhoid fever. Sliuv ( Imt every mein her of tho family, except the mother, twelve in all, have taken tho disease, two of (he ejrls lyin. At present six of the family tire in hed and liaise con valescent are physically niiahlo toearo for the sick. The good people of White- winter in .Portland, passed tlirou,li lion ..I, til'l hunt I-. ,M. .Iiu-ltsoa, llaa l uii-, .li.-i .i t 1 1 s. ,. i 1 1 , ii!l oi ll.ioil j , . . I I . Ml I.l Ml. .;-.; j 1 17 .ion s v i t wis, i;( .r.ti-r. .NUl'lCi; Full l't i'.I.K'A TION. Ii.nl ( T-i i- -it 'ittii-oiiv,-r wit Oi. Nov. l't, i Null.-.- henliv ..Hen Hint Ihe lollinvin llll'lie-l i 1 1 li-r I in V f Ii li-.l mil lee el I htTi inlrll 1 linn I.i make Imnl .mol' iti : ti nt "f Ihcii'i i-lal in anil i na: t.-ibt ii-imI will lie iiiiule li.'I.ir.. I y- r- rjs . . . rr, w. i:. ii.iiii.iii-. t'oainii-: .,iim-i- r. s. cii-.-uit! K Arj I . VV hS ( utit'liin;;!..!! on .laanary -HI. IS'.'.'!, viz: Kli'lah'h Ilr.Vlilie. I'iiivIim'c Ani'lieiitioii No. ;j iniiler'si clioii : Kol leil ui-e iu-1 s.-t.i -.i Iv.M, t'ur l !u- si-1, 'ii w i- 1 ninl ii v.-' , s w ' , :-i c :ii l'i "i a r 1 1 i'ii. vv in. llettaiaos Ihe follotviit:: witnesses to prove I ... . . Itisel'.l... lo .-..ml liin.l xi.: K.iliei-t Slewm-t,! HAST BOT KD FKOM HOOD RIVHB linlsi-y !). Cole. Simon 1', Kt-i-is, lletiry. 1-'. No. S. Express it'll vos nt 11:5? A. M. Troli, nil ol Kill. I.i 1'. ti. Ui1.--I1u114tt.11, j No. 'J, Mail ' 10::t 1'. M. fSerallii Keel. WKST llOl'XD FliOM HOOD IllVKB. 1 loinesleml :i';rn-.-il ion No. Sl'ii for the lots ; -N'i. 7, Kxpress leavos nt. MM) V. M I, 2 ami inn! I lie mi 1-1 ol 11 w l-l see 1 Tp H j "No. 1. Mail " l:l,"i A. M a r uii-a 1 w m. i'! iii:(H;iisi,Ki:ri-:'.:st;Kci,ixi.ti ciiAii! lie 1 1 10 lies 1 ne 10 111 ov 1 1144 jju n ne.-.ses io ,ro i1 I.U coiiliiiiiiiiis n-suleiiee i:pon nml enliiva- NORTH and SOUTH CARS AND MXKKS, on her way to 'I'lie I );i IU'h, her home, Monday. Slio win one of the lucky ones w iio were snow hound at Jlonne-ville. house, which is distant .several miles from any neihhors. A collection was taken up ' here Christmas eve for the henelit of (his family, nmountine' to .aid laml Kinlolph lli-ytiiiK, of I Sleamow front rui'tliiml lo Sau Franclseo, (ilhner I'.tt. wii.sii, Koln ri siewiirt. liaise,- It. every liluys, t ele 1 11 a 01 1 niun r. ( 1. xvnsli. .si'veria lieir., 1 , ..11' 1 I .,!.... I 1 1 .. ..... 1 , 1 .... 1 ... , iiltxlrnr: Ilolu-rt Stewart. J iiuMj l u 1 1 1 1. ise 1 1 1 1 p 1 k . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , .Mi, . -v 1 iiiiiii, st vi 1011 ,! 1. . 1 ...j- . . ..1 1 xx'.i 1.... .... .1. r-i,,'i,.,i,i-- s.,,1,1 -1 ismi r.- 11 ... 1. 1 i ''"' '""'s mit. f;e.it-,i.i iiiioiiiunioii .-tut oa Tilt) Welfollie ChillooK, Wlllell llllll ........ir-, a.,., m-uiiwiiij x . I i. w f . - f e Vl see SI T,.:. n r 11 east xv m; i I'HUT TICKirr AUK.N r. Ii.eil llyil.K n'K'l- svtoopeil UtiWII ami laicKey t'olleeleil 5-l.;)U more, luell lie lie ininics.tlio lollow'nn; wilii.'usis to prove; v. II. HliKMll'KT, Asst. (ion. l'nss. Apt caii'.ltl us iMomlay. II, ili.l not last .. OV(,,. Thurslav. to he tisel in car- loll,!, hul hroughl, il section of wehfoot , , f , w, ;fc , ' -, weal her across tno niounttiins and lelt H, ... , J .... il here Mr. and Mrs. Slewartcami! up on tho delayed train Monday, and altliouh t'hristiniiH escaped theni, there was a family reunio.i, just the Btune, at the old home, Mrs. Watt hoing over from Olynipia, The Riound Is coToreA with a foot of flnow. hut tho weathor for tho past few dnyi ha hecm tlolightful. Tho old order of things Intfi peon rovenied, and Hpring; aeeins to ho lingering in tho lap of Winler. It ip'wal tho young and vernal damsel r likely lo abandon on short notice. The snowdiotind passengers who dined at l.ang.'lle'fi hotel Christ-man wore u lucky lot. It was the openi-ig lay of the hotel, and a dinner was aerved that would have done credit to the l'ortland. Tho hungry crowd of passengers was not expected, hut, they were lliled up and made happy just the -Httme. (icorge, son of C. H. Strannhnu, is very low with typhord pneumoniii and there are hut little hopes of his recov ery. Another son, John, has heen very siek willt the same disease, Imt vve are glad to state is recovering. Tli ere will he M. il. services in the Terry it Jones huilding Sunday evening January 1st, heginning at '! o'clock, diss Kiekelsen will preach. The watch night services will lie held in the . . i ...v- ..i i : .. ..: .j... Mime piaee, ;cw t.'in i-vm., .......;; . tl.ir).,.(lms , ii,,1ii,.l.i,orli,-...reaiif.'.;li i.l H.ao I'. M. All are aoidially j.iviic.l 1 ,(!i r :.: It . i.v.. ;. Jo III end holll services. ' .n- Uai.- ;.i .unlit . I,i i. l -, l.e!4i.-'.er under -clothing, sliecl. and pillow- his eo:'.lliuioii.s ciniiii to s.-iii! Iiinil vi: Kit- i ilolph lleyllii,:, ol' liilim-r I'. It, wash, l'iilseyj l. t'ole, Simon I'. K rej.ps, lUnry I-': 'JTo.li, nil oi r unta j . ti. w iisiiinjAioii IUfhaiil Kelly UXUUUt 2.M Wnsliidtou SI., i'orilniitl Oieuaa. cases, that they may he kept clean, and i.,1rci,iisl,nppiien,tim No. in' nii,-r section 3 any of our people who have articles of this kind, no matter how hadly worn, will contrihuto to a worthy cause hy giving for those Riilleringnnd deserving people. Contribution), left at Uart meus' furniture storoatany time to-day will ho forwardod Sunday. Dr. Bro Biui? haa heen attending tho fanttly, and from him wo gather the facts of tho case. Cush l-uekey went over Thurs day to assist in caring for them. .NOTICE FOIl 1'FlUiICATIOX. ITiinhiT liiiitil, Acl June ;t, D-VS. t'nlleil Stales l.nnil tlllh e. The l't. lies Orepm la-e Si. Is! -2. N'ollec is ht'ieliy t4lven Hint In ootiijill.'tnce Willi Hie i-ii islons ot the net ol' t'oiii'.ress 01' .lime M, IS7S, t nlllleil "All ni'l, tor Ihe sale of t iiitl... r limits In the Slnles of t'litiloi nm, ire fjon, N.tvinln nml Washington 1'errUory," Al ;i e inn Kccles, of Hood lilver, Coiinly of VVnsco Slnle of. )re)4()n, Inis Ihlsdny alcd In lliisollh-e his sworn sin lenient, No. for Hie purchas.' of the n w1.,' n e'-i, n' j n w1 , and s w nw)-, sec . towii-ihtp No. L'.nor I ii riia:.'' No, II K. w. M . a nil will oiler proof to show In,, I I lie land MHI44I1I is inoi-e xnlunhle lor Us linilier or sliaie than for ie4Tii'iilHmil it:i-.isei', and to eslnhlisii his claim tosnid land liclniv the Keittsler and Ke-i-eiver ol this ollli-e nl The Dalies t .re-uli, on l-Thlny thc'-'l'.h day of March lS:t;i. II? iiinnes as wllittvxes: l''rank .Davenport. Mexandei KanUiii, .loha ( 'tirleiiiiin, (.'iin.'l.'.-i Hell, all of Hood liiver yre141.11. Any nail all persons clnimlnir ailvi'rsel.v the I nViove d.'-ierilied lands are r. oiiesled lit 111, Forfeit il re net Sept. 31 WW, lor Ihe s XV!, of a w 1 , see A Tp 5 It r 12 fast w 111. ami Ihe s of s xv 1-1, ti 0 H of s XV l-l Heelvi T;t (i u r J2 ernsl w lit. - llo nnmcs the folloxvlnt4 xvll aesses to prove Ills cliitni to said hind viz: Simon 1. Kivps, llnlscv D. Colo, Hubert . istoxvart. Cluus HUtack, nil of l'nl(lu;i O.Jwiislilngloa. . Fetor Ortolg. ' v I'nrolinsonppllontlon No. Tl Under section"! FiH-l'elliiiv net Sept 20 1S!M fur tin) K of s p W sec 1 Tp 1 n r 10 curl w 111 nml a of n xv l-l unit s l-l of n xv l- l sec V Tp . n r ll oust w in( lie nnines Ihe follow! us; witnesses to prove hie claim lo said land viz: Hneolpli lleylint;, of t iilinei- I'- ( 1. wash.. Hubert Stexvitrt, 1 Itilsev IK (Vile, Henry K. Troll, all of Fulda 1'. O. Wll.-.'.lltllttoil. nv'J .deeiil .Ioiin I', (ilioiiti lidAK, Ket.4l-.tcr. B. II TUCKER, , rPJdTxMKrOB. op HOOD Ml ILLS: I Hi! D TD L U iVl D C 1 4 -'.-(M' 'I Scionlifio American Agency for IX' '.,;. 111 ..''.... C . W ii C&VEftTS?. VOftnK iiiiipk.'. 1 L-o f-.,,ipvr;i-.u-i-u atn I For Itifiirmatlan aniVfrro iIa(ilKX.k Tire t. - -MllNN X (.. 'l 1-tlo X OH'AY. NKW Yonir. (Mot,t liui'.-nii fef f-ectitt'-i; iiKtents In An.xrt.ti. i;v::ry mI'-'.i.. iala-t. tail y u is l,v..ii.;iii tn-fur. tint itU.l!'.i hy ti l'.oiico uive.i Ireo oi t.bair:e la tin, f JO jfS $mtnt $wmm I-arpoat clrcilrttion of ny sclonUflo p ior In tho vo.IX iiioiulHiiy tlitistrat-Oil. No tf.cllijjoi.t imt, ylic'Hil kj l.tiorn. .'. Wo'klv. s:,5,kfl' ;i M:x-i 'fi.MiH.x .nuiiltis. A'ti.rf-i-.s AU'ViN A l'0 I t. 1.i.iAj1.u-), iiioau stut. IN'vW VyrttCi.y.,. OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURE ti OP FRUIT BOXES, HOOD RI VER, OR. ALSO PKAEK IN DRY coons, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AND AT Prices! never U'fore heard of in I loot! I!iv.c:-. ) Oiler for sale .r;i.i,iM0 .stainlar.l trees rroxTf on hi-li lir latuls without Irriga tion or nianuie. Stidi trees are iiK'on.inrally superior to tJjone grown on swales or watt red soil Irrigated trees wlieu planted on hi-rli and dry soils are liable to stunt in :rrovtli and if they Jive, it h liable to be 7 or 8 vears licforo they hear to -amount, to anything. Our trees are frequently in 'hearing the 2nd ye;ir from K-ttinj; out. x ill send relerenees to substantfate this assertion. Ai)t -- J'rtrs, J'cactc, TrtttK. Plums, i'herrku, (ttinrca and Aoricot. Small fruits in variety, ornamental trees and shrubs, and 40 varieties (out of lno U'stsi of roses. SHri'illic, J'nmm. Several varieliea of j'c l'eavhes and .Vf' Tew ii'a-kln:rric. Sieeial inducements to those planting in lots of ldl) to HKiO. Correspondence invited. Address, PILKINGTOX & CO. No. " IX'kuin Jiuiltl'tng-, N. V,'. Comer l.st and Washington Sit. Portland, Or. GUY PILKIXGTON. Hooti River, Or. DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, GENTS' FURNISHING -it GOODS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.! GonfeGtionery anfl Cigars. - Goods sold at the lowest possible cash prioe. One price to everybody. FIRST AND OAK STREETS - - - HOOD RIVER OREGON.. TUK NKW TOWN lias luvrt plat.lprt on the old ctunp litMiiiid, nl the Forks and Falls of Mood j-ivvi-j xxitli littfTf siuhlly lots, ' broad streets and alleys, good soii, pniv cold xxaloraad .shade in profusion, jx'f 1'oet dniinage, dclii4htfnl aiouatain cli liiitte, tlio oontrnl attraction .08 a lnoantaia ' summer resort mid for all Di-egon. beins tho lieuiv.-t town to Alt. Hood. His also ;aniariilloleil asanianiifactiirinpt center, b.ing tho natural center for l.V) sqittir. miles of the best cedar nml lir TIMHKH, possessing ltiiili.nis of horso pow er in its dashimr stream mid xvater falls, easily harnessed, AVlicro I'lioup liioiixe j wer exists, there the luaiuilaettiries will c.'iilei', sni-rouMileil hy soii .-mil cli-lnalt-1 h.-it ( an not lu excelled any w here for fruit anil agriculture, and Willi transiiortation iilread.y iisMircd you xvill lind this the. place, to make a 1'crlei-t homo or a -jkij ing invest ment. TITLE PERFECT. See me c n the ground, or adress me at Hood River, Wasec Co., Or. W. ii.fflil. WALLACE & IRK,, "commission merchants" A Genera! ssion A. S. t-ENNflTT. , attoi:xi:y-A'ilaw. OP KICK IN SllANNO'sr.UUplXtUMl.NKl OK CO I'ilTA N O SI'.CtiN 1 SS'.'KKKT, 'I'lie DalU'-s, Oreeo.l. Beatty's Organs Write for cm "osue. AiUln - l-'iin , ' """ Wasiiiuytoii, New Jersey In a)I kinds of fruit and produce, ( UOODKIYES OEEQ03. T. H, EMERSON All Around Fainter. XALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING. Trices reasonable ami satisfaction gaaraii teod. : ' : '' HOOD RIVER, - - - ORKGON. ESTP.AY. A 2-year-old rod beifer. N brands or i.u'-inarks. II. Piugcje. ESTUAY. Two red 2-year-old steers, branded TL., connected, on the hip; very larro ! tor their ae. Any one fitntnijr them I ..-ill I... y.j,..,v,l,.,t-,' t.HlilO.. I.. .!.) 1,1 t f U Ii is 1 . t V j : 4 ! i A II ! t i ! 111.1 'I