3food Iivcr Slacio hood uivku. ou iii:c. i, imm. TJ!i: MAILS. Tin hinll arrlvm frimi Ml. II I t n . rlni'li A. M. Wnlnrmliiva iiul Hulnnl.i.vx: ill finr ''hi npniiit iIiih .ii, i ii, Kort'l mi-Ill, limi'i nt M A, M. in-riven nl I', M. Hlllill.liu n. I'nr Wlilln Hiiliniiii li itvi'D d.illy Ml M A. M. ari'lvpD ill nun n i Ini k I', M, Kniiu WlilliiHiil i li'itri'H fur I'iiIiIii, Ul. mnr. 'I'ioiiI i.iilu' iiml i il.'invno.l Mni'iluyx, Wi'iIihuiIii.i mill I' l Hliiva, lltli:i' LOCAL MVITKKS. Merry Christ ntim to nil. ChiMinim dinner at. Imiitilllc'H mi Hominy nl I ;.'Hi. Helmut rlow'il In this district yester day. Millinery piods nt. oiwtot Mw, How. oils'. Tim day are growing longer and tho miow deeper. New line of 11 no billet soups at (lie drug nl ore, Pictures fr.uiieil to order ut tlx fur niture nl i ire. True to name --"perfection" lyen ut (he drug Htoi'e. Home Hue violins for mile at M. II. Nleki Imui'M, Fresh cigars, of the best linnnlK only, krpt ut the drug stout. Hinoke the Hermann 10 mil rlgar ut M. II. NIoUcIsou'h. Ollllger A Hone Will exchange wheat, Iithii or short lor tiny. Flower potH, il:iln nml fancy, In pro fiiMlon, ut the drug hloro, Mcn'd nil wool under clothes at. re duced prices at llaiinuV. 9 Simla Clans U inulimg his head quarters nt M. ll.Mirki ImchV. Harrison will give you prices tlmt M ill UHtoulnli you; call ami mc. I. X. Ij. tree spray mm well as nil other Insecticide at the drug More. A largo supply of IimiiiIhoiiu- wall pa kt J nut received hy S. K. l!aitmet.. Get your lamp wick with the cleo trie safety cap, at M. 1 1. NiekelwiiV. New slock of Oliver chilled nth I oilier plow Just rei'eiveil at Oil tiger il' I '.mil 's. Leuvo your orders fur liewttpa crs J Uliil inaga.iiics, with M. II. . h -UcUoii. hewing inaelilue llceilles Inf all Ilia chines, oil and extras at M. II. Nickcl on'a. llanilkerehlef extrai In ami toilet per fumes of the best grinds, ut the drug utore. Captain Lombard wax up from Port lanil Sunday, looking tiller his lee llOIIIH'N, clC, If you want to Insure vour property, reinemlier that we represent tlnee ofi the Is-sl companies In existence. I H. K. UiirtmcM tiiiVH I fore iiiirchuH-! Inn your Christina presents, eall ami hod the Japanese liazuur ut the furni ture, store. Flour t" ct per caek, ?:;.7" per bar rel. t-ihoi l- $1.10 per nuudred, t-.iM er ton. ( hop hurley $l.lV per huu Ored, f'SiM per ton, lit J lamia h. Tablets, uceordeollH, violins, IhmiIs tiud hIiih'h, ami many other things at TllekiT'M, cheaper than ever he fore of fered In Hood River. Try 'em umt see. Tin big snow storm has not been partial, but has extended nil over the north went. At Olympiu, Wash. .where mow Ih ii rarity, it fell to the depth of live feet. Jim nml Will Lunelle, Will Mercer and others who made the hiiow plow and broke the paths through thest roots deserve and have tho thanks of the conimunily. T. H. Roldlngof Minuoatmlls, Minn., uncle of I). L. nml L. V.. Morwo urriveii Lure Monduv. Afteru hrief vinit, lie will K' to ('nllforniii. Ills wife and grund-child aeeoinpaiiy him. S. A, Fo.ster, whose disappearance we noted last week, still remains uwny, much to tho annoyance of nearly all rurtlcA connected with work on tho buildings ho lnnl in charge. Hidney Voting, The Hani's jeweler, desires to say that he is still in husiness und cuu lie found in I. C. Mekelsen's Htoro on Hooond street, next door to his old Htand. Watch repairing n fjie ciulty. Judge llr.idshaw, nfler holding two week' court ut 1'ortluml, visited his old home in tho valley. lie became misplelouH of tho leaden clouds and 8turlcd for home in time to ;ct through Tkunklut morning. Tho weather clerk lot nil holds) Wodncsduy nnd just let it nnow, which It proceeded to do to the queen's tustc, Thursday night tho beautiful lsy to tho depth of two feet ns largo ns tho writers, nnd yet there was no let up. Joo Wilson wa hero last Sunday, looking happy ns a clam at high tide, lie huil two good reasons for his smiles, one boing a gold bur valued at $15(1 ami the other a similar bar valued at f 100. After attending tho annual election of the company at Portland Monday lie returned to Ashland. In writing of tho lire at Reynolds' last week wo failed to give credit to all those entitled to it. Mr. Reynolds tells us that Frank JUitton and his boys Edgar und Ralph, Miss Ida Form and Mr. Gullick, were promptly on hand, and to their eilbrts the saving of a por tion of tiie building was due. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ileald expect to go to Southern California shortly, ns soon us Mr. Ileald can got his business afluirs in shape to leave them. The trip is to bo made on account of Mrs. Mould's poor health, a change of cli mate being ordered by the family physician. They will probably remain awuy until next sum hut. Mr. Reynolds, whoso house was burned lust week, had insurance on tho same in the Home Mutual in the sum of$3o0, which amount was promptly paid through tho local agent, Mis. (Jhumplin. Tho furniture ajul clothing ''.were insured in the Northwest, und tho V)ss adjusted at $1UG, which amount. A'us ulso promptly paid through Hie W'ul agent, (Joo. T. Pnither. Tlu heavy lUx 12 Umbers, fy feel, I iiig, which teams arc hauling through the city, eiiino down the Mill creek Huiue of TI.e ImlleH I, umbering coin puny, from their mills In the moun tains south wet of this city. This is a inelly fill r test of ihehliviigtii und durn hlllly of the llmnii, Tin- Umbers un for Wlnuiis Iron' new llsli wlu'elsuud -lile ClIKe llll". Meiwlx. Wlnuiis are using inu.iMio feet of himhei' In their Wheel ImproVeliieiitM tho coming fishing season. Chnmirli , Tlie Slonii. Wedncmlay was the idiorlcMl. day of the ycur, according to tho ulniuiiuc, hut the longest lui'UHlired by our expe rience, We put lii the time In port laud, and can unsure our readers hut I the only term to til llligly tlcM-i ibe the I weather In, "nasty." It snowed Tues. lay iilghl to a depth of four or live InchcH, it Meow tlmt wns one hnlf lain and all slw.h, nnd Wed-iesduy it Kiiowed nml slushed ami blew In a milliner Hint should make (he wen! her clerk ll;.hamed of himself. The rc orln jof heavy snow along fho lino of tho I 1'nlon I'ucllie cuiiued a stampede for home mining the J jihI Orcgonluns who I di Nired to spend t he holidays nl home, j and the cars were crowded. Tho train h'c hole nl pi; III ut night reached Ron I iievllle shortly after that hour, und there it sliu k fast until " o'clock Thuis day morning, the mmw Is lug about four lict deeji. TwocxtraeiigincHWere M ot up from Alhimi to iismIhI in getting the train through, which they did, making the inn to this point In two hours. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davcn port, ('. P. H.tald, C. It. Itono nnd yn editor were among tho lucky ones on the train. .M.iiiitn::). At the rcHldciico of S.C. Smith, In this place, Wedlicsdav, Hee. "Nt, by Itev. C. W.Wells, A fv Hi (I. Jlemhe'v to Ml Fva t'lough, daughter of H. if. 'lough. Alvin Is nu Industrious, dicrotic young gentleman, liked by everybody, und hr und his young bride have t he bent wlkhex of the community in their matrimonial venture. The (ii.ACMit commends their good 'Judgment and extends Its largcut and ntoht numerous congratulations. -lit. IIimhI Notes. I lur corre-pondent at M 1. 1 lood writes us a brief line saying that a pleasant party was had at Norton Smith's the night of the 17th, which was well at tended. An excellent lunch Mas served, and the participants separated about 1 o'clock, wellsatlslled with their night's entertainment. Mr. Hubert Leisure has caught sev eral I it-avers, and says he intend:! to make the fur lly this winter. The thermometer has been down to ten degrees below zero. iui:. At tin- home of 1. Nexson.J Saturday December Kth, Mrs. KnghMi, niotlu'r of Mrs. Nessou. KSTUAY. I have taken np a ,'1-vcar old renn heifer. Ownc- will rovo roperly pay cliar. es and lake her. 1-'. S. l'lacttY. von nam-:, One 1-year old inure with coll; one tl-year old horse; one cow and call; one set good harness. J. L. LANiaU.n. Hanna will sell you goods nt former jificesand (rive you 5 percent, discount, but remember he will not put it on the slate, us the slate bus been broken. Having tried the credit system for two years, and not being able to adjust my prices so as to give cash customers the lienelll of cash prices, I have con cluded to sell for cash only, with a 5 tier cent, discount to all. Wo often hear our customer ask, "Whv can't our merchants sell us cheap as they do at The Dulles?" 1 will tell you why. When you go to The Dalles you pay cash for' your goods and get the benefit of your cash. I will do tho same by you. J. K. Haxna. Nell' Hrolltcr'N. Photograph (lallcry will ho open and ready for work, Monday Dec. 12th. All kinds of portrait work done ut rea sonable rates. "Secure the shadow ere tho substance fades" Mciuling nml Darning. Mrs. Martini Purser will he pleased to do mending and darning for all those requiring such services. Kcail This nnd Profit hy it. Ollngerand Ilono, proprietors of tho Big lied llarn, in addition to their liv ery nnd Htngo business, aro hamlling grain, chop-feed nnd hay. They arc also ngents for tho Knapp'P.urreUfc Co. machinery, llain wagons, hucks, bug gies, windmills unci pumps, Oliver Chill nnd Steel plows; garden cultiva tors, plows nnd narrows; nnd will sell their Alt. Hood coaches, hacks nnd bug gies, now in use, in order to open in t he spring with nn entire new outfit. Call nnd price their goods. Matting 0 cents nt Dartnicss'. CAVPAT3 Mm DESICN PATENTSt I TD Arc UAniif 1 For tnformp.tton nnd free Hnnrthoolt write to MUNN CO., :( IIhoadway, Nkw Youk. Olilot bureau for sucnrlmt patonta tn Amcrli'ii. I'ivury pnttmt tiilion oiitliy tin In bi-oiintit tinl'oro tbe pubilo by a uoOce glvuu f reo of cbargo in tho tnrpost circulation of nny notontlfle papor In tho world. ttptoiuUdly llluntratoil. No lntiMUsront mnii s'lould bo wlllmut It, Weekly, S;(.(K) a yi'iirt l.mlx immtlis. AiltlrvHH aiCNN & CO l'L uusutms o01 iiijiuiuay, Hii-it York Clly. k Scientific American Agency fr Wims nrim. r.r,w town Iuih iwii 1 1 1 U 1 1 J '1 Oil III'' Ji, Olll l'llill)(l'lllllll ill IIhi 1'iirkK iiiel I'm : I h or ...,. river, III, ,yi. lKhllv IoIm, ImiiimI lnilM nml nlev, k-mmI will, Mire rolil Willi i niiil liinle In iiiiilii'lini, feel 'Inillilll'i', ili llf lilflil llHillliliiln i'. iii. ii", ini' 111111,0 ii 1 1 1 mi I ii iti iih n iM'iiililiiln Niiiiiini r ii'Niirt nml for nil i I In run, In iiil' the iii ioi'hI Iuh ii In i Ml.lluoil. II In hIku iiiiinriilli i'il iim H inn ii 1 1 riM'i ii t') f ii iiniiT, iiwini' 1 1 nmiiiiil ei iiliT fur I ii) Miiiiiri' noli'" ! Hie ln l i i ilur nml llr nni.MIII'.lt, iMiuMM-liit? inllllnim llf llUI'KM III Jim er In 10. iIiipIiIiiut min ion nml wnli-r i.illn I'iimly liiiniii i, W'lirri! elii ni iniili .e juiin r i l ii, Ih.-iu Ilin iiiiiiiiilnrliirli -w I II i i nl r, kiii ruiiiiilril hy Mill nml ell mule 1 li'tl riiiiniil hv p mi l li 'l niivwlM-ra lor fnill nml itj-t I'-iill inc. roiil Willi lime i'iil'iilnii nlrin.lv iilmiiiiI von will Ilinl IliU III. Jilliee In iniiliou liii Ii it liiiine or ii jmyliuj Invftt iniiil. TITLE PEmFECT. Sco mo cn tho ground, or adress mo at Hood Itivor, Waccc Co., Or. Tfl Ha. & ill a COMMISSION MERCHANTS Will Do A General I ! In all kinclsof fruit and produce mood KivEii mi:;o5. a. s. dennett. attoi:xj:y-at-i.a w. 'I' I'll K I N SI I A NMi'ri III'Il.l'INiiCOUNt :!! OK ( Dl il'I'AMi M:coNI) KTKKl.T, 'J'lli' IllllIl K, I III (.'llll. T. II. EMERSON. All Around Painter. KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING. I'llces rtiiMiimlili' unit Mitlsfuettoii Knnriui linl. HOOD IHVKH, - . - OKKIJOX. Bcatty's Ore:aiis tho r. Vrlle lor i-:it;.;.ii;ii.-. A'IiIh Jiiiuic! F. llratty WaNtilnt.Mi, St-w .Iri'Hi'y liSlKAY. A i!-year-oM rid heifer. Xo brands or ear-marks. II. l'r.n;;i;. rsi'itvY. Two red 2-yenr-old steers, hranded TIi., connected, on the hip; very large for their age. Any one linding them will be rew arded for feeding them ami notifying me. O. 15. IIaktlky. DSTIMY. A npotted in-own und white hull calf, no brands orcar-iuarks. l-'ced him, no tify mo und I will pay chnrt'cs. ('has. ISkkcek. i:stiiay. A two-year old brindlo stag, tin brands or car-marks. Some white in face. A suitable reward will be paid for infor mation leading to his recovery. W'.m. Da'vidso.v. XOTICK FOIt PUBLICATIOX. I.und OllU-e nt Tlie Pnllrs Or. I'ec 1, lSi'-J. Notice Is hereby (riven Unit the followlnir nmiii'il settler has (lied notice of tils Intention In miike (I iim I proof tn support of hi claim, nml tun! Niiltl proof will lie inut'ii liefoit the UeiclMer unit Heeeiver V. S. I,, O. ut Tiie Dulles Dr. on .Molality .Jitniiiiry 11, ImU, viz: 1-evl M. Monroe. Iloinesli'iul AppllcutUia No. UT 1 : t for tho s c n w 1 , s w 1 , n e 1 4 n e 1-1 k w A n w ; 4 e l-i of hti' I!) 'J'p 2 a r lie w in. Me mimes the followinir witnesses to )irovo his i-oiilinuous reslileiiro upon and cultiva tion of, said limit viz: I'. M. Jiu-Uson, lluns l.ii!!i Joseph I'll rser, K. II. I ox, nil of Hood It Ivor Oregon. ilt-l-Jiin7 John W I.kwis, Hot-later. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Lund Olllee ut Vancouver wash. Nov. 19, 1SP2 Not loo In herehy ulvon that the followlm; tuiini'd seltlers have Hied notice of theri lnten Hon to iniiko tlnul proof In support of their elulins, and tlmt suit! proof will lieiiiude before W. It. Diinhur, t'tnninlssloaer U. !S. I'iivuil. I'ourt, District of Washington, nt Goltleudulo wiislilngtoa on Junuiiry 'Jlst, 1S!)3, viz: liudolph HeytitHI. I'urchaso Application No. 72 under wet Ion 3 l-'orleilure net Sept 21 1SIHI, for the s e 14 if n w"1, und n w s w V4' sec Xi Tp ii 11 r 11 east w 111. Ho iiiinu's the following witnesses to prove hts claim to Mild land viz: Hobert Stewart, llalsoy I). Colo. Simon 1", Kreps, Henry; K. Troll, all ol Fuldnl'. O. Washington, Keratin Koel. Homestead application No. 8101 for the lots 1, 2 and S and tho s e l-4of a w 1-4 bcc 1 Tp 4 n r 111 cast w ni. Ho names tho followlnu vitnesses to prove his enntlnuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said lund ziz; Kudolpli HevtiiiK, or (Jilini'i-1'. o. wash, llohert Stewart. Halsev D. Cole both of Kiildu 1". O. wash. Kc.vi.Tin li'enz, of Trout Luko 1'. O. Washington. llohert Stewart. rurehnse nppl lent Ion, No. tsj under sect Ion !! I-'orl'eltin-e net. Sept 21) 1S!H) for tho e '4 so 1-1 nnd s wi-l of r e 1-4 see 21 Tp 5 n r U oust w 111. lie names.the following witnesses to prove his eonllimous claim to said land viz: Hu dolph lleylins, of t minor P. O, wash, ltalsoy D. Colo, Simon P. Kroptw, Henry F; Troh, nil of 1' iiltlu P. O. Washington. K'.ehard Kelly. Purohiiseaplloatlon No.tH under sections roi-t'i'llureaot Sept. 2D lsim, for the s wjj of n vr 'i see :i Tp 6 n r 12 east w 111. nnd tho s J-jJ of s w 1-1, n 0 1-4 of s w 1-4 sec 33 Tp 11 n r 12 utitt w in. He names tho following witnesses to prove his claim to said lund viz: Simon p. Kreps, 1 lalsov D. Cole, Hubert Stewart. Claus Standi, nil of KuidaJP. O.Jwushlngton. Peter Ortelg. Pni-ehnseiipplleation No. 71 under section S Forfeiture act Sept 2!) IKW for the s of s o 1-4 see 1 Tp 4 n r 10 east vr 111 and n y, of n w 1-1 und s e 1-1 of n w 1-4 see 7 Tp 4 n r II east w ni. He names the following witnesses to prove hie claim to said land viz: Uudolph Itevting, of Uihner P- O. wash., Hobert Stewart, llalsey D. Colo, Henry F. Troh, ull of Fuldiv P. O. wnshiiigtoa. nv2.iut;ll John I), (j 1:0011 khan, Ileglster. W. H. VILtiGN. ATT(H;.i:V AT l.A If. r.OOMH ri, ANI .r(. M'W VO'IT !l,OCK, T;n; i i.i.iih, ''.iv,;y, J'CM'll ,v Mr.M'.IIK, Altor n oy 3-?i t- Ln w, ChnpirVn Hook, over Poctofnco 'Jl'i: lAI,l,KM OIII.MO.N-, i,ni n.r,unm.mrmJ, ' C I I T(-!- ' mmlmmiwiStSmJ-mJmi Vf I O-cit Sale oy HARRISON'S STOCK of GOODS. Kvcrytliiiig sold a!, what it w ill bring. V. M. ,'AKK, Mortgagee. ?'.(Tf in,or?i MTV 'e'l'lil.n t 1 1- i'ii". I .r .nrl. iiaiilnl K. iiiiitty, c -l.il' , ruliili W.'slllliLnn, ii'.v ,li-r Ay, The uinli'isj'm d being lofuted near , Hood I liver, v ilies to llifonn jiurlies , who may be dc-irot: of having sur jveying done, that he in a practical curveyor of many yeaM experietice, 1 1. nd that work en! rusted to him will be i performed with dispatch and eorrect j ii . He tukes peuiiiiv in referring to I Mr. A. S. iSlowei's, (who for years was coimiy comiiiMiioner in Minnesota,) and for whom hit did county work ns county surveyor, u.i to iiis ability. I'liitics writing mo ut Jlood will rc ccivo prompt nttcntion. (J. J. Hayes. Dutcd Hood Hlvcr April Cth. Ififll. Land Locator. ( Hvery body wants land in Hood I I liver Valley. I nave some very de 1 citable tracts of good land on my list : for hoiiieileun.t and timis red claims, with running water on tin-in. I call locale' several stockmen udviintaueoUsly, Do not fail to sec meat Hood Uiver rails or address me at Hood I liver, Vu-co'ounly, Oreyoiu V. llu.-.ri Wi.NA.NS, l.icator. J.W.KENHA, Painter and Paper Hanger, and all kinds cf work neatly and Cheaply Done. 1IOO!) KIVKIt, J. l. lil'MiNOTiiN. C. II. MCKISSTliV. MmM li IcKiBSuy. KI'CCKSSOU TO J. M. MI'NTINOTOS A CO. ir,0S:conl Street - - - - Tia Dalle Or. Real Estate, Loan & Insurance AGENTS. lUmtM colloi'tc I and taxei pnld for non-ri-siitsnls. Land papors.of nil kinds prepared on short notice. Abstracts of Titles a Specialty. til," ON SALE PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH KAST BOUND FK05t HOOD THVEB No. S, Kpriss loaves at No. 2, Mail 1I:.V, A. f. 10:; P. M, west nocxn fuom nooD river. BXo. T, F.x press leaves nt 5;i!0 P. M. No. 1, Mai) " 4:15 A. M THKtxiH si.K.i-:n:r.s rp.cIiIning chaiu CAHS AND D1NKKS. Stoamers from Portland to San Francisco, everv ldays. ffii to ai Em lis. For rates nnd general information r-till on OKI'OT T1CKKT AliKN l'. ' W. 1 1. lirHUiUHT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. 2-"l Washidgton St., Portland Oregon. B.R. TUCKER, rFJirUlF.TOB- OF 001 MI I LUMBER OF ALL KIXDS. MANUFACTURER OP FRUIT BOXES. HOOD RI VER, OR, ALSO DEAEB IN DRY GOODS, STATIONERY, TOrLET ARTICLES, TERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AND AT Prices never before heard of in Hood River. ILL ii.'.iCij'.sa; STOP EIGHT HEM! BEAD THIS AD! DO YOU KNOW WHY VE APE DISPOSING OF SO MANY -COOD3 " i IT IS DECAUSE WE APE &EUJING LOW f wAnd tuminc Clir P.tnnlr Bin tho old adago that octter tnan a slow shilliing" Our Fall and El Is now daily':4rriving. 1 1 r Wo have added suuaDie ior tne season, vjninn hmip-iit. in fothe eastern market t'x j j. . ienu 10 give our customers tne Denoii ol tnese purchases. ' THE DALLES HEROANTILS CO. 0. 392 lo 304 Sr.C0M) STHEIX Mail orders solicited 2v. HI- 2TZC:E3LSZ3r. DEALER IN, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STATIONERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, BLANK-BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, EOOKS, PERIODICALS, NOTIONS, CANDIES AND TOBACCO. The Prather, Euilding,S2cdnd a Sts. PEARMOXJNT (PORTLAND) & HOOB HIYEB ICORSER1ES. OfTer for sale 500,(XK) Htandard trees grown on Li'h fir lands without Irriga tion or manure. Such trees are incomparably superior to those grown on swales or watered soil Irrigated trees wheu planted on In-rh r,.nl dry soils aro liable to stunt in growth and if they live, it is liable to be 7 of 8 years before they bear to amount to anything. Our trees are frequently in 'hearing tiie 2nd year from setting out. Will send refejencoH, tq substantiate this assertion. Apilex, J'em-s, Iartcs, J'ruucH. I'umx, Ciiwics, Qidnccx and Ajiricot. Small fruits in variety, ornamental trees and shrubs, and 40 varieties (out of 1 1 10 tests) of roses. Kpeciultks, I'runrs, Several varieties of JS'cw reaches and End if Tcmn lilac-kin rries. Special indueemejits to tiiose planting in lots of 100 to 1000. Correspondence invited. Address, 1'ILKINGTON & CO. No. 2 Dektim Building, N. W. Corner 1st; andAVi&hihgton Sts. Portland, Or. GUY PIL-KPNGTON, Hood River, Or. DEALER IN - GROCERIES, ELOUR AND FEED, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Gonfsctionery Cigars. Goods sold at the lowest possible cash price. One price to everybody. FIRST AND OAK STREETS .... HOOD RIVER OREGON. We have a larger supply oT LABIESV, CLOAKS than we ought to have at this time of the year. We have decid ed that we WILL NOT carry them over to another season. We are going to sell them for just ONE HALF OF THE PRICE at which we have been selling them. We will mark the prico at which we have been selling them on every garment in PLAIN FIGURES, and you can buy it fpr ONE HALF that priee. In other words we will sell you a TWENTY DOLLAR garment for TEN DOLLARS, a FIFTEEN ; DOLLAR garment for SEVEN DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS, and so on 'till every LONG CLOAK is disposed of. Don't miss this chance, come at once, as these prices are bound to sell the goods, and first come first served. PEASE & KAYS. MTAI'f.K AND ' 1' A.S'I V III! V 'HUtUA. OK.ST.-C KHIl.N isitlNO . UOOIiH, CI.OI fll.NO, ll,l I.OI II I .!. IKXf.S, MIOI--1, llATH, CA I'M, HTA Pr.R o I an v. i i i h a n f w A I; R, CifOCK KKV, OI.AKS- Vvaiu;, hay, ohai.n,1'I'.i:d, etc. rvrrn-r nffen TMT4nrv "a niinblo sixpenco is Winter Stoc! I m "y ' I inatiV;.new attractions at arbSrorain. and we in- a : ' ., . und promptly filled. j -si