The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 24, 1892, Image 2

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    'Xood livcr (alacicr.
hood uivku, oh,, dec. 24, isnu.
Theft wat a gather 1 11 of tlio oftlevra
of th tutlilia at Salem last week for
th purpose of considering what legis
lation was necessary to place the or
ganization on a rtpectal)lc haul Wo
believe lu the militia system, ami so
believing, think the state houKl pro
vide liberally towards its support. As
at present maintained the system is no
credit to the state, Its boys not being
properly clothed or armed. Kithcr the
state should abnudon the system alto
gether or should provide, literally, the
"sinews of war."
Gilliam couuty furnishes a caw this
year that stumps the state board of
equalization. It seems the assessor
failed to assess mortgages at all. Now
the state board is only authorized to
equalize assessments, and does not have
the power to make a new assessment
As uo assessment was made on mort
gages, the board is confronted with this
proposition: It looks to us as though
the only remedy is for the county to go
after its assessor, as the board has noth
ing to equalize.
i- .. .1
The Northern Pacific is making a de
termined effort to obtain till to all
mineral lauds within the forty-mile
limit of the grant. The democrats will
do well, as soon as the power is In their
hands, to forfeit the entire grant from
Bismarck west. That grand aggrega
tion of pork needs a lesson, and should
receive it at once.
The McGarrihan case, being a claim
for a Mexican grunt in California that
has been before congress for thirty
years, and was thought to be settled
forever, is again up in the shape of a
bill to authorize him to bring suit in
the court of claims.
The legislature meets Monday, Jan
uary 9th. county division and
as many county eeat tights will be up
befors that body, and the hottest one
will probably be the county-seat fight
between LaUrende and Union.
The Brussels monetary conference
has adjourned to meet again after the
holidays. It is not probable that any
agreement will be reached.
The death of lion. James Q. Blaine
Is liable to be announced any day, his
family as well as his physicians having
given up all hope.
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of tho stock
holders of the Hood River Water Com
pany, for the purpose of electing di
rectors, will be held here next Satur
day afternoon. To make the election
legal a majority of the stock must be
represented. See to it, if you cannot
attend, that you give your proxy to
tome one who will.
Frankton Notes.
The snow storm Monday prevented
work being done on the new grade at
Rogers' hill. The citizens of the neigh
borhood had agreed to turn out on that
day and complete the work commenced
by Supervisor Dukes last spring. It is
thought that with a good turn out of
workers the grade can be finished in
two days. It is an important piece of
work, and every one in the neighbor
hood who expects to travel the road
should lend a hand.
Mr. Robert Foley of Crook, county
came here last week and will spend
the winter with his parents.
Mr. Guy Parrish, who lately moved
into the Crockett house, has bought
six acres of land of Mr. W. B. Perry.
The land is situated north of the state
road. Mr. Parrish expects to build and
make this his permanent home.
The Christmas tree at the M. E.
church promises a big crop of good
things for the young folks. There was
an increased attendance last Sunday
at Sunday school, in anticipation of
the good things Santa Claus is expected
to bring. Mr. Sherrieb, the superinten
dent, requests those who have resents
for the tree to bring them to the church
by noon on Saturday.
Mrs. Gibson and children left Tues
day for Yoncolla, Oregon, to visit Mrs.
Gibson's sister.
The freeze-up stopped work at the
Mr. J. T. Neff, who, Jell here last
September to teach school jj .Minne
sota, has never fceen JkJ A
letter addressed to him at.BatotSi . mtm
Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great Or
gan and Piano manufacturer, is build
ing and shipping more Organs and
Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty
left home a penniless plow boy, and by
his indomitable will he has worked his
way up so as to sell so far nearly 100,000
of Beatty's Organs and Pianos since
1870. Nothing seems to dishearten
him: obstacles laid in his way, that
would have wrecked any ordinary man
forever, he turns to an advertisement
and comes out of it brighter than ever.
His Instruments, as is well known, are
very popular and are to be fouud la ail
parts of the world. We are informed
that during the next ten years be in
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make;
that means a business of $20,000,000, if
we average them at $100 each. It is
already the largest business of the kind
in existence. Send to Daniel F.Beatty,
Washington, New Jersey, for catalogue.
To all whom it waj conwn:
Nolle In liereoy given Hint HicWutor 8llv
1 l'lllilll III lliHHl HlVt'l' Vlklle.V, H WIHir-
mm iiirvniiuiv uuij ininiptuttiiM uuuer ino
laws 1 tlie Maw of oivitim, uiut ticivtnl'iiiv
i union business 111 lliHHl liner I'levlncl, W'nwo
umiuy invent), niu- Hum mi the ouiuty
I'lerit s oillcenl Wuseu fuunty tnvmm, mm in
tm lUilev i tln Svviviiii.v of Mule ill rsiltii),
uniton, suppiciiieiitiir.v ni'tlelcs of i ue)i'por
Hi Itni. lieivtoiotv ilul.v Mduplcd by Hi stock
holders, ntul duly eiviued ,11 triplicate liy
Mini ihihiiiIii, thronim Its rtiKr mllivcs
iiml bonnl nt dinners; uml tho tivt m ui.
upturn mill 111ms tin" sumo Is nnA vas to In
eivuso tin-iMi:I slis-k. inun sHUHI toJ iHHUM
to better fniilitute tlu cnuyum out ot tiu
oi'iKiitul ohuvis mill pilinuty mi,xi.M tifsnld
liu-.H'ioi'non, uml to moiv tilivuuilly avail
ll.-l It Of lllCplMI IMUI1S 01 tho I.CKIsllltlVO Act
Approved ri bi'inuy Isili, Isd, lite sivntul sis
tmu 01 Mild .nippliun ntarj iihi. Iom is us fol
lows; Ncoond. Tho enterprise anil business In
W ti It-It Iho l oi'imlnl ion propose to eiiNiijje Is to
ppt)vmtii tin' unlet 1 1 it vtluit Is known
n-"Indian I r.vK' "IMliu riwk" "Pcutl
iMtoi 1'ivtV mill "linvn lo'iii
I'twk" nil Miiil creeks lioliur in hmhi Couuly
t'rorun, hiiu till ti'i.iuuti on of tlio west lurk i f
HihiiI 1 ior, (except mi.u iikiiiui I'i'ivk' 1 mitt
to convey MiUl iii. i by menus ot ditches,
Humes iiiul ennuis, tiiiniu'li or to any point ut
thiMhy luniiit iiiHni llivor ullcv", lit mihI
usoo t'ouuty, lor tho iuriKiM of riiiiini:.
sclltii or ilitribtuln; iho Mimo umoiu mi
ln'ixius Wiiose iiiiiuk 110 iiitj.xiiiiiiT 10 or niv
witlitn ivhi'Ii ot Milil tnimos. i'iiiiiiIs mill
ilttoltos for tho ;hii'h)m of irriy.itiiin mul Mif
iu mvj M inor tor iiou-oii..t 1111,1 10 ooii
siiiupilon mul xiiitoi'tni; Mih k uihiii tho thy
li'iuts of siilil ulioy, w lililn Mini Wnsoo
loutity; to oonstriiot n suiuiluo illtoli or
ilitoliok, 0111111I or omiiiis, H.11110 or lliinios, for
iMiivoylnit ami utilir.iuc Miiil wntor, lor tho
iirMisos iiioivsmtl, to oMoml tho illioli Ihto-
totoro mul now usoil by sunt ooiiimny tiimi
whor tlio smno Inns mul lakes tho iiator Ihini
smil "Pitoiu nvk aioiur Iho lino ol survey
lioretotoiv niauo by suiit I'oiupahy to a Hilnt
where sniil survey tas an,, lutorwvlx suhl
'lvail rolut Cnvli mul from tliotut to
point on (unit "oiwn roiiii t'tvek" fiMui
where the wmors m sal. I Inst 1111111111 ereek run
bo innvoyoil ami usoil in tuo ill oh tiloivsulil;
Hint tu uppropriiiu) missiiry unit sulllolent
laiul for riiit of w ay mul in Uo till ami every
neotlful m l or uem ueeesxnry In omryliiK out
the object mm purHsos lioivln stoioil.
lHUuii ullliMMt Uiver, Oreuuti, lK-eeiuber 1?,
Tub a atkb si pi-ly Compan y or Hood
II. J. ihniiARt),
IjuhI Oilleo at Vtineouver wash IVe lti, ltMi
Not lee is hereby irivoti that the followlii'r-
tianiiil keltlors huvo nloil ihhu'o of thou
Intoniion to make tiniil prisil In suiuhii'I
01 their eliilin, mul salit piisif will bo
niaito li'toio tiit! i.etjisior anil Kiroiver ol the
1.8. Itnil 1'ihivui .luoouioi' wuoli on re.
ruary Jud ls-s 1.:
ThtHKlor t'urstons.
rurrhase Appllriitioii No. lot umler mH S
h 01 loilmo no 1 .-vpi :v l.xyO lor luu e MiwH
see up 11 r lue 111.
He nanies the following witnesses to prove
his eimtiiuinin ltsiiloiieu uisui anil cultiva
tion of said lunu, ik: Jimn W'lniuaii. of
ruiiia wusii., .Mannas w ilkon, J mxKlore
Muks.lorl, of white isminon w.isii.. Curl
MuksUurf, of iuvtupoi t iowu.
Curl I SuUsil.irf.
Ptirchase Appllontion No. :i01 under see 3
Forloliurout i.-plLN ISso for the s se H
niiu s w i-i stt; 1 1 p on r 11 ciisi w in.
He mimes the following w itnesses to prove
his eoutiuuous resKlbiiee Umi mul cultiva
tion of suiU Iliad vii.: John liothinan, of It uldu
wash. 1 iietKlor suikesdorf, .Matiiuus W liken, of
White Salmon wusli., inootlor CiiMeus, 01
uumer wiv.11.
Jacob M. AVilkcn.
Pnrehnse AiMiliculion No. il nnder sec 3
Forfeiture net fept 1S ImJ tor the n w 1-1 sec 31
I'p J n r II e w in.
he names the ioliowin wlinesses to qrove
his continuous l osidoniv uqim uud cultiva
tion of sajd land viz: Jonn lA-iluuan, ofKulilu
wash. TueoUor L'ursteus, of Uiliner wash.,
iiieouor isuKsuorr, ot .white .suluiou, wi.U
Carl LJiuksi'orf, of Davenport Iow u.
dci)Jn31 John V. Googheguu, Keglster.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wush. Dec. 12, 1892.
To Edson Wright, and all whom it muy
Kotice is hereby civen thnt tho following
named settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support their
cluinis and that said proof will 00 made be
fore W K. Dunbar t.'ommissloner t'. M. Cir
cuit Court District of Washington at Golden,
dale Washington on January a. ltj!)3,viz:
, Frunk R Reynolds.
Porchase Anulicatlon No. unHor w !
Forfeiture Act eiept.,2u Ws.'J lor the u w M sec
35 Tp 4 n r 12 east will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land, viz: Ira Hewett,
John Olson, T. K. Wrigut, George B. Lyle, ull
nt I vlo 1 I I waiili '
George B. Lyle.
Purchase Acnlication No. 441. nn1ir iioctlnn
3 Forfeiture act Sept., a, l.SUt) for thee S of
neundswofne scc 11 Tp, i nr 12
east.wlli. mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land viz: Ira Huvvett,
jonn uisun, i.e. n rigni, r ranit it. iteynoius.
nu 01 tsyiv ir, j. wasujjiyiiju,
dc!7Jan2l Jonn D. Gkogheoan. Register.
Land office atVancouver wush. Dec. 8, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
nuiiieu seiner him nicu nonce 01 ills intention
to make final proof lu support of Ills claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver U. a. Land Office ut
vuueouver wash., on January 24 1SM3, viz:
Ronald D. Cameron administrator of the
estate or
Colin Cameron, (deceased.) "
Application to purchase No. 204 under sec 3
orteiiure act sept, aitn iwu ror the s . n e i
and n yt s e sec 3 Tp 3 n r 10 e w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resiuence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Hamuel Stollcr, of Van
couver wash., Gerden Palmer; Frank Ijine.
Tbtnirlnaf I'tifiutio nil .t'n.l.lln Li..).... k.'
Ronald D. Cameron.
Application to purchascMo. (H under seo 3
Forieiture act Sept. 2!) 18W for the swji, w
s e 1-4 and g n e 1-4 sec IS Tp 5 n r 10 u w m.
Hq names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uiion nnd i-niiivn.
tion of said land viz: Kamuel istoller. Van
couver, wash., Douglas C. Christie, Gerden
Palmer, Frank Lane, all of white Salmon,
Douglas C. Christie.
Purchase Application No. 332 nnder sec 3
Forfeiture Act Wept., 29 1800 lor the n W 1-4
sec 13 Tp 5 n r 10 east will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Hamuel Btoller, of Van
couver, Wash., Ronald 1). Cameron, Gerden
Paimcr, Frank Lane, all of white Salmon,
del7Jaii21 John D. Geogheoan, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver wash, Dec. 14, 1802.
Notice is hereby given thut the following
named settler has II led notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be madp before W.
R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court
for District of Washington nt Unldendale
Washington on Februury 2nd 18U3, viz:
Henry C. Kedenburg.
Purchase Application No. 488 under sec 3
Forfeiture act .Sept 29 1890 for the s w 1-4 of s w
1-4 Sec 29 Tp n r 11 east w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land viz, George Sclliiiger,
Harry Bellinger, of Mosler P.O. Oregon Heln
rich Flene, ofTrout Lake P. O. wash,
dc24 Jan31 John D. Geoghegan, Register.
Beatty's Pianos
where. For"cuiulogue address Daniel F.
Beatty, Washington, New rsey.
Practices In all the courts of Oregon and
Washington. Special attention given to con
veyancing. GIr-lER OFFICE,
Lund Ollloo.ut Vancouver, wash. Din; 6, I Ssi-J
Notice Is heivby ntvon '"it tho fnllowlnw
nmnoil seuliTs liavoilloil uolii-o ol 1 licit' 1 11 : 1 1 ,
tlon 10 iiiako tliuil pioof lu HiipiHUi ol iho'.i
olaiuistiiiil thai said pi-oiif will bo iiiml"
Inioiv W. U. Dunhiir 1'iiiiiinlsxlouor t'nlloii
Slates Circuit Ciiuil lor Mslilel of wushliiKhe,,
nt Goldondiile, wasliluutoii 011 Jmiuai ..
'."5, vis:
John R. Whllootul).
Piiniiiis Applloallon No. '.Y. under section
SAirtetttirtMiel Sept., 2)1 IMV lor then 0 ' siv
7 Tp 3 n r 12 oust vv in,
lie names the tolliniini! wlinesses to prove
hlsoliiiui to said In ml vU: Peter 1. Nlills.
Jmn Flu, Isluliih r, Mpenoor, William 11.
XH'iievr, till of l..vlo P. O. washluiilou.
J a men Kttx.
runiiaso Applloalloii No, ."M under sec X
Forfeiture Aot Sept., 211 Ism for the 11 11 w 1-1
sivH'l'p.Hn r I2east will mer.
He mimes the follow inn wlinesses to prove
his claim to said land, vir: John II, Vhlt
eonib, lsialnh C. !S'ouihM', i'honias M, Wliit
oomh, liithumitii ilausiMl, ull ol l.yl P. V.
lsialnh C. Sieiteer.
Purohass Applloallon No. 4:H1 tinder Mi
Fortoituro Aot op.. 2li ISlO ror lb vv of s vv
1-4 mid s lot 11 w l- M-e 29 Tp a B r 12 east
will mer.
lie names tho following witnesses to lunve
his elaliii to said laud, Mr,: John K. lilt -eomb,
Janios bit, Tnomas M, Whltoouib,
Lithuania Hanson, all of l yle P. O, vtiisIi.
Lithuania Hanson.
Purchase Application No. 2oH under siv 3
Forfeiture Ael Sept., Vi ISiM tor tlio so 1-1 see
I" Tp H n r 12 east will mer.
She names the fullou tnit witnesses to provw
Imr elaliii to laid land, vi.: .Iiimut hit,
Peter 1. Mills, Isluliih C. speinvr, illlam H.
flvneor, all of Lyle V. O. vvashluKtoii.
doclTJuJl John 1 (ii:o(iili:u an, Reitlsler.
Lund Olllee at Viineouvor wash., IVe. 12, IS92,
Notieels hereby given that the following,
named set Mors have Med notice of their Inten
tion to make ttnnl proof lu siipHirt of their
claim and that ssld proof will bo made be
fore W. R. Dunbar, CoiniulKsiotior, I nlted
States Circuit Court lor I'lsirlot of wuslilug
ton, ut tiolilondnlo, Wushlufton, ou Jan
uary aim 1&13, vi:
Albert Ilertschl.
Homostond Application No. RiV for tho w li
of n e H e '4 11 vv l- mid 11 c v, of s w ),i 21
1 po u r 12 east will mer.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence iinu ami cultivation
of, said land. Ma: Liley .Murray, Pelcr
lams, Marcus anlniilier, Nelson Anderson,
ail ot r uldu 1'. t. vvusiii'ti;lou'
Albert llertsehl.
lurehusc Application No ,Tl!t under
sir lion 3 forfeiture net tvepp, 21' 1MHI uir iho '
01 s w f4, uud 11 vv )4 of s vf ,' , sec 21 Tp 6 u r ll
cast w in mer.
He names the following wlinesses to prove
his claim to said land, vl: Riley Murray,
Peter Tains, Marcus anbebbor, Nelson An
derson, all of 1 uldu 1. O. wasiiingloii.
Riley Murray.
Purchase Application No. 78 under see 3
Forit-tiuie aolf-opl., IsiOforthe 11 vv ), utne
and u e ' ol 11 w ;4 sec .il Tp .') n r 12 east w 111.
He nanies tli Ituluiv ing wiliii ssi's to pinvu
his claiui to ssid laud, vir.: Albert licrisiiil.
Peter iams, Marcus uiiIh bbcr, ull oi Kulda
t'. it. wusiilngtoii.
ucl.Juu21 Jolts D. Ckouiikuan, Deglster.
Ijind Ofllco at Vuncouvtr wash Nov 28, 1SA3.
Notice is ucrcby kiviii that lue lollo.i inu
niimcd settler has liied notice of liis intention
to make tinitl couiniulution proof in supHu t
of his claim, n id Hint said prtsif will be
liuulo betore the Keglster and Receiver of the
l'.s. IjuhI iilllce ulv uncouvcr w ush on Jan
uary 14. h Inu, vi.::
Adklns M. Casey.
Homcslead Kntry No. 8427, for the no j
sec 22 Tp 3 a T 11 east will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hlscontlniious residence uihiii and cultiva
tion of said land viz: Henry Johnson,
Francis S. lurdom, Alhurtus K Ford, John
L. Morris, all ol w uitu salinou, Klickitat Co.
dill' J nil Jonn D. CiKooitKOAn, Register.
I.and Office ut Vancouver wash .Dee. 7, IXQ.
Notieels hereby given thut tin) followlng
nained svttler has hied notice of Ins Intention
to make nnulcouiiiiututlon proof in supHii t
of ids claim, and thut said pnsif will bu made
before the Register und Receiver V. S. l.iinii
Office at Vuncouver wush. ou Juumy
21 1&.4, vik
Fredrick W. White.
Hd entry No. 8092 for the s e sec a Tp 8 n r
11 e w m.
Ho names the following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence tin and ciiiiivu
tion of, sulu land, viz: Roncrt W. t'ieiuens.
Ira i ' . P. Ruthbonc, V il i lain A. .Symiiis,
Mike Zimmerman, all of white Salmon wash.
nv21-dc2ij John D. Geoghkoax, Reglslcr.
Lund Office at Vancouver, Wash Dec. 6, 18112,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers iiuveiiieil notice of their in tent
Ion tomake final prisiiin supportol tneir ciamis
and that said priMif will be made beforu W.
R. Dunbar- Comniissioner L . Circuit Court
for District of Washington at OoldcuUuic
washingtou, on January 1,, 1893 viz:
Richard Kelly.
Purchase Application No. 53 under sec a
Forteiture Act Sept., 29 WW for the n w 'i of w
ii sec 3 Tp 0 n' r 12 eustwlll mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hisclalm to said land, viz: August Hildiug,
Herman Kulmhuusen, Oskur ivuhiinauscu,
Chillies Ituhuhuuseii, ull of Olenwood l'.jO.
August Hildlng.
Purchase Application No. 4.A under seo 3
Forfeiture Act cpl., 29 1890 for thee of
e Jsec 16 Tp 0 a r 12 eusl will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land, viz: Rov O. Hudlnv.
John C. Cochnui, Chester V. liull, ull ol'tln-
wixie 1-. u. wasu iticiiara lvelly, ot t uldu P. O.
dclOJanll Joiin D. Geoghegas, Register.
Land office at Vancouver wash, Dec. 5,1802.
Notice Is hereby given that the followltiL'-
nanii'd settlers have Med not leu of t heir In
tention to make llnal oroof In sunnort of their
cluinis and thut said proof will be made before
VV. R. Dunbar. Commissioner U. S. Circuit
Conrt for District ot Washington, at Golden.
uuie wasuington ou January 21, 189;j, viz:
Lucinda F. Chapmun.
Purchase Application No. 421 fur the e 16 of
u w ncu idjiun I 11 cunii w ill.
Sh names the following witnesses to prove
hercluiuito said land, viz: llalsey D. Cole,
Richard Kelly, of Fulda P. O. wash. tRudwlph
Hey ting, of Gilmer P. O. wash. Albert Shaw.
of Glen wood P. O. wush.
Albert Shw.
Purchase Application No. - 405 under sec 8
Forfeiture Act Sept., 20 1890 for the s s w
sec 15Tp 6 n r 12 east will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land, viz: Halsey D. Cole,
lucnaru Keuy, 01 uiua 1 . u. wasn. August
Hildlng. Charles Adams. Glenwood. p. o.
decl0janl5 Jonn D. Geoghegan, Register.
Timber Lan d, Act Jun S, 1878.
TTnlloil Ulrica Tiinil tlfFtnn
The Dalles, Oregon, October 31, 1892.
' Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuneS, 1878. entitled ''An act for the sule of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, sevuduand Wusli. Tor.," Andrew Wright,
of Hood River, county of wusco, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. Ill, for the purchase of
me s w 5401s wjoi section no. n, in township
no. 2 north, range No. 9 east, and will offer
proof to show thut the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register at.d Receiver
of thisoll'iceat The Dallos, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 9th day of January, 1893.
He names as witnesses: C. A. Roll, Charles
Rergcr, C. Knapp, L. E.. Morse, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above described lands are requested to Mo
their claims in this ofticoon or before sald9th
day of January, 1K93.
uv5-Jy7 Joiix W. Lewis, Register.
Land oilloe;itt Vancouver wash. Nov. 1 9, IstrJ.
Nolle Is hereby given that Iho following.
named sol tier shave Med mil lee of their linen
tlen to ninUo tlnal proof In ku)oi'1 of lluii'
claims, and that suld pt'tioi will bo made
hi'lbivt W, It, lumbar, Commission!' l, 8,
Circuit Court, lor Dlstiiot of wu.ihtnuton at
at (ioldouilale wash, on January Will iMil vis:
Tellthii J. Shaw.
Purchase npplloullnn No III under station 3
I'lii ii'ilnio mi Sept .11 ls!M, lor thti 11 of 11 vv
1-4 siv lu Tp il 11 r 12 east vv lit.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her claim to said laud, vl,; Hulscv I'. Colo,
simon 1'. Keeps, K lii in i.l kiil.v, all or Fulda
P. 11, wash, Ktnloiph llejilng, olHillnu i' P. O.
llalsey D, Colo,
Pnii:base application No. 1T7 under sections
Forfeiture not Sepl .51 ISiHi, for the e or s 0 l-l
and 11 w l-tolso I 4 and lie 1-tol's vv I-l see')
I p .1 n r 12 east vv 111.
lie nanies tho following wit nossos to provo
bis claim to said laud, vln: Simon p, kiops,
lloU'ii stewaii, Uliiiiii'd Kelly, Henry F.
l'roli all of lu Ida P, o, Washington.
Simon P. Krcps.
Purehaso npplleatlon No. :t l, under soollon 3
Forfeiture net Sopt 211 lsso ior thee or u w I I
vv 1-4 of 11 e I I and 11 vv 11 of se 1-4 siv II Tpo
u r 11 east vv 111.
Ho mimes Iho following witnesses to ).ivi
ins I'laim to sain inn. 1, v r,: iiiiim v 11. 1010,
Itiohai'd Kelly, PbllUliluo, David Clluo, nil of
I'liiuii 1. 1. vvasiiiiiKton,
Clans siaaek.
Purchase upplloatlnu No. 7i under stvllon 3,
Forteltiiiv m l Sepl 29 ISiiufoi' thu lots I, 2, J nnd
4 siv ft Tp ft 11 r 12 oust vv in,
lie names tho tollovvliig witnesses to prove
disclaim to said land vir,: kdwaid liosuer,
Kobort Sli'vvmi, Hans llemilUKsen all ot Fuldit
P.O. wash, Rudolph llevltng, lillmor, P. O.
Henry F. Trod.
Purchase application No. SO under sections
Forlelluio net Sept, 29 IMXI for the s o l-l of siv
2!iindn vv 1-4 ofu w l-l siv 2.1 IsithofTp il n r
12 oust w 111.
Ho names tho following witnesses, to prove
hlsolulin to said laud vlnilulscy 1. Cole,
Roln'ii Stewart, Fulda P. (. wash Rudolph
Hoytlng, Otlutcr P. . wash. Tclllhu J. Slinw,
GleuwiMid P, O. wash.
Henry Urstorf
PurtiiHs application No, 178 Under section 3
Fhl folluiv act Sept 29 ISO for the s vv l-l of s w
1-4 sec 1 1 Tp ft n r 12 oast w 111.
He nann's Hie following witnesses to prove his
elaliii to said land vi: tiaus siaaek, llalsey
P. Cole, Kliiianl Kelly, Andrew Wiilcuhrotik,
till of Fulda P. 0. wash.
iiv2'dccM John 1. iIkoiiiikhan, oglstor.
Uind Otllccat Vuniiiuver, Wash., Nov. lii, Isji'J
Notieels hereby given that the follouiiig
uainiii st'ttlcr lias llli il until o of his Intention
to make ititul inf In siipisirt
of his claim, and that said pnsif will bo niiuli
before the lioglstor and lii eiivcr of tho 1'. s
Ijind iMt'.ee at Vancouver, W ash,, on Juno
my 7th, lssti, viz:
John Perry.
Application No. 10 to purehaso under section
orielturi' net Sept. 29 1MO ror the s w 1-4 11 w
1-4 sec ilft Tp;4 11 r 11 e vv in.
1 le nil ines the following witnesses to prove
bis eliilin to said laiul viz: David Strait. F. ".
Kurdoin, Joseph White, ilonrv .lobnsou, nil of
bill 'saluion Kllekllal county w asblimlon
iivaidec;il John D, tiKooiiMiAS. Hegister
A new HttM'k of Lailii-H' mul tientH
SPECIAL attention given tont'leiui
ingand rt'pitlrini; wateht's.
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
Tlmlier l.imd Act Juno:), 1S7S.)
IT. s. I, Ann office,
OltEnr! CITV, (ItlKliON Sept. I", 1S1I2.
Notice In hereby given Unit in compliance
with the provisions of the m l of Congress of
June:), 1STS, cut It led "An act tor the sale of tim
ber lands In the states oil 'alll'ornla. 1 nvuiui Ne
vailaand Washlncton Territory, iiri;e ('.
Jones. Jr. of Wlilte Salmon comity of Klicki
tat Ntuto of Vmhiiiptnn, luis this dav
tiled In thlinfllco his worn slatcmenl No.
for the purehaso ofthue '-.j nw nnd '.jw J,
of section o. 'M In towtuhlp no. ' 1
sooth, ranee No. S east, vr. m. and
wllloner prisiftosliovv tliat Ihe land noncl lls
moru viiluablc for lis timber or stone than for
agricultural iiuriiiM's, nnd to establish his
claim to said laiul betoru the lti glsicr and H--celvcrof
this nilVo nt ttnuou 1'lly, 1 iicgon,
on Thursday tho 12th day of January IMi.'.
Uc.iamcs as witnesses: Albert II. Jones,
Frank H. Hutton, Marion K. ioy, (.'has. D.
Morse, all of Hood Hivcr lir.
Any nnd all persons claiming adversely tin)
nbove-ilesiTibed lauds uru reiiicstcd lo tile
their cluinis In this otllcu on or before, said
12, day of January, ls!i:l.
niy2!-Jy:iO J.T. Appkiihon, Helsler.
Ijind'Olllcc at'Vancouver wasii. Nov. HI, 1K(I2.
Notice Is hereby iflven that the followlng
niimeil settler has filed not ice of his Intention
to make final pnsif In supjHirt of his claim,
nndthatsahl prisif will be mndo beforu tho
ltelster ami Receiver U. H. hind olllco at
Vuncouver wash, on January, 7, lsn:), viz:
David Ktialt.
Application No. 70 to purcliiisc under section
3 Forfeiture, net Sept. 211 1N!X) for the lot No. 1
sec 3.5 Tp 3 n rll e w 111.
He nanies tho following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land vl.: F. M. Kurdoin,
Joseph White, Henry Johnson, John l'erry,
all of white Kalmon Klickitat county wash.
nv2iidec.'il Jonn 1). (iKooiiEUAn, Iti-glster.
Land Ofllco at Vancouver, wash, Nov. M, MffiJ.
Notice Is hereby given that tlio follmvlng
nameil m-ttler has filed notlceof hU Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
nnd that said proof will be made beforo thu
Clerk of the Superior Court of .Skamania
Coimty Washington, at Lower Cascades,
Washington on iJec. ill, Wj2, viz:
John Illppolyte Mcspllo.
H. K. No. 7(11 1 for the lot 1, n e 4' n w U and
'A " w 54 8CC JlWTp 3 n r i e w 111.
He names tlio following witnesses to prove
hlH continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or, sain land viz: jsnioro w. Martin,
Kly W. Martin, Tliornus Monughan, Josepli
Monaghnn, all of Hkumuiilii county wash.
nvlO-dec.24 John l, (iKoonitOAN, lteglstcr.
Land Office at Vuncouver wasii I)c, 7, 1801
Notice Is hereby elvon that tho following
numed settler Imsnled notice- of tils intention
to makttflnnl proof in sunnort of liin claims.
und that mild proof will bo mnde oeforo tlie
KeKiKter and Itccciver (I. H. Land Olllco at
vuncouver wash, on Junimry 24, I'M, viz:
James II. Wurncr.
Applicntlon No. iVitn purcluiH under hco S
forieiiureuciHeitaM'.Kj lor tlie s ejd
sec W nd lots I and 2 sec 33 Tp 3 n r 11 o w m.
He mimes the. following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon and culll vutiou
of said land viz: John I'urser. George l'ur
scr, Krancis M. Lane, Theodore Kukesdorf, ull
of White Salmon Kllckitut county wash.
oct2-nov2i) John I). Gkoghegan. KcKlstcr
Lnnd Offlce ut Vancouver wush. Nov. 28, J8fi2.
To John liennett, und ull whom It may
Notico is hereby jrlvcn that the followinfr
numed settler hag tiled notice of liin inten
tion to make final proof in support of Ids
claim, anil 'that said proof will he made before
Heijlster anil Receiver U. H. Lund Olice ut
Vuncouver wash. on January 24, 1803, viz:
. ' 'Wllllnm Drano.
Application to purchase No. (15 under see 3
Forfeiture net Sept.. 20 1H0O for the lots 2, 3. 4
und 5 section 8T Tpa n r i) c w in.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon nnd cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Amos Underwood,
Kdwurd Underwood, David K. Ordwny, of
Hood Hiver, Or:, John I'urser, of t'lieno'wltli
dclO-junll John D. Ukoohuuan. Itcgister.
o isnzix tasf WIS HSa fii M UbWB
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A lai'KO Supply of, mul .'.rcnsir A' (if lo soil
Colobratoil lliiuid cclora ami tinted loads.
TJmloYtfildiift a Swccisrlty.
Pivpnrt'il to 1'uiiiiMi nl tnuv, n line 1 lion of i-olilin, ulso u i lii'u) urnilo
Iml unit uml siilisiiuilliil.
d ""u
Corner oT Second and Gtroota.
Acorn and Charter Oak
Stovos and Hanoa.
('iiim, Animiinitlon ami Spoil Inif (JooiIh,
Iron, ("iml,
ItlttckHimlli Siiiillim, ,
Wnioniikir' Muterlul,
Bower Pipe,
Pump mul Pplx,
Plumbing SupplieM.
Tluit thirty tl:iyn in 11s lon us w mil i'leilll oiuls, ninl wtuiM rt'Hpi'rlfullj
reijuesl our patrons to invent llii'itiselvi'M nii'iu'illnjjly.
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
And a Complcto Lino of
House Builder's Goods. Sash
and Doors, Mouldings,
Brackets oil wood T u r n i n a s.
Lime. Plaster and Lath Ceil
ing, Rustic and Flooring.
UN KlloinT.HT NOTlflC.
Plans and
111,1 I " I I
Cox & BIs!i0On
Have on liand n full Hiipply of Fruit, Bluulo uml OriiaincntHl trocH- gran
vines, umall fruits, RoHemiind HhrtibUsry.
Be Hiiro to get cur prices Imforo purchasing t;Hevliere.
Ilenieinber our trees are grown strictly without Irrigation
W. A. Smncikkland, Local Agent.
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak ami Fourth .Streets,
wa y
mul t iii'rhii!
Aiii: NTH Kilt
Mil!, Lewis & Star
ComjmiijM A(rrlculturk1 ImpUmimt
and Maeliliifrj.
1 A rrnntol
inDTMfl flf
il. (;. eric
and Builders.
Hood River, Oregon.