The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 24, 1892, Image 1

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l A
iver Glacier
VOL. 1.
NO. 30.
3fcod Iiver (5 lacier.
rrni.iNiiKii avrur batuiuut Monmmi nr
The Glacier Mllsbty Company.
"n ir t ne
hi month , I or
1 lllvtt Ml-tlilli., , fc
"-!' 'uy I C.tit
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
fWoild Si. , ueur Oak, flood iUvur. Or'
Shaving km) Hair cuttiiiK nt-ntly dona.
SlttlnftirlKIII (illltlmiltwoil.
The great onyx Utirrii wt 1a) Tules,
Lower California, have Im-hu sold for
fiOO.OitO. Kli Murriiy, ex- Jovernor ol
Utah, I one of tint purchasers.
The Donahue Httu in suing for pus
session of land In South Westminister,
It. C, valued Ht tlf'OUOO. The title was
found in peter Donahue's possesion af
ter hia tlcuth.
There Is initi'li fueling at San D'ego
iver the murder of the hoy, George. K.
N nit. by Captain Hum Smith an 1 whom
l.o ly was thrown Into the sea, A lynch
ing party in cliaciiKKi'd w th earnestness
The smallpox M'-iuu at Marahlleld in
a'Miut at an end. The town authorities,
aided by the medical Isiard, have re
ceived IIih t tin. n k it of the roininnnity for
their flllc out work In saving the town
ffotii the diseat-o.
Thu Hradstreet mercantile agency re
"irt thirteen failures in the Pacific
Const States hihI Territorlea for the past
week, as compared w ith thirteen for iIih
previous week and tea for the corre
sponding week of lh'.l-.
Tne una haa received nearly live thou
mi ml carload, or alwut three million
hiiHhelH, of wheat during the pant two
mouths. The IndicationH are that the
receipts tliiH year, if ill resi'h o.fiUO.OOO
bushels, no against 4,100,000 bushels last
J utna Trimmer, the Mexican wifeofa
reHiit(-t:tbln German living at Janalul,
forty-two mileri east of Han Diego, ha
eloped wl h a yoiuiK ranch hand named
l-t u i. The woman in fit) years old
and the mother of marrngable Bona and
Montana hall crank a are fiicurinx on a
lentil ' (or next year. It la pimaible that
Oitden and Salt like will m aaked to
join in lorminxan inter-mountain leitKiie,
If thia In (Iom(, Helena will be left out,
unlcna MiriHoula ahould come to the front
w ith a club.
Ttie bank atatiatica of Idaho IsMied re
cently nhow the indivdual deptnita of
thu Hrtvm banka over $'JtS,IKH).(XK, and in
the State banka to be lid.tMH) (KM). The
total of chhIi aaneta of bolh cIuhh of banka
ia nearly 'It.lHHI.iHX). Those flxuresare
aurpriainK, nd certainly very clear proof
of Jhe State's pioaperity.
About one hundred species of deep aea
fishes have been obtained by the Alba
tross in the depths of the o:-eanoirthe
c iast of California. These creatures are
as a rule very soft in body, almost black
in color and many of them covered with
phosphorescent spots, by which they can
aee their way in the darkness.
Success has at laat crowned the ellVta
of the railway company to obtain arte
sian water on the desert, says the Yuma
Sentinel. When the reat well at Walter's
Siatlon, 1 (1 miles west of Yuma, had
reached the depth of 500 feet a bountiful
stream of excellent water was struck,
which instantly aioe to Bnd four feet
ab ive the surface and ran off down the
desert as free y aa if It had always done
ao. Such was the flow of water that the
company waa obliged at once to protect
its roadbed from being washed away.
Charles Vandorn, who is interested in
the alleged diamond discovery on Snake
river, Idaho, tells the following story in
reg ml to the discovery and his connec
tion with it: In the 'tiO's he was at
Kimberly, Houih Africa, and became ac
quainted with diamond mining. About
six years ago, after coming to Boise, a
prospector Bhowed him a stone, which
tie pronounced to be a Kimberly dia
mond. When the man told him that he
picked It up on Snake river he ridiculed
the idea. Subsequently he made an in
vestigation, and found that there was a
formation there similar to that at Kim
berly. He bad II. Bratnoben, the widely
known mining man, look into it, and that
gentleman told him to have the ground
prospected. He then took Mr. Waters,
who was running a ferry in the vicinity,
into his confidence, and the latter has
been quietly prospecting the country,
having recently found the alleged gems.
One or more of those st nos was sent to
Tiffany A Co , who made a "favorable
report." Vandorn does not say what
the report was, but states that he will
soon have one of the stones that is being
cut. The party who hai gone to the
fields is composed of Engineer Welling
ton and an assistant, three employes of
Vandorn, who are to take up additional
ground; L. W. Weilan, an expert from
New York, and a Mr. Casscerout and
Mr. Bullfinch, experts from Baltimore.
This i the story of the diamond discov
ery. What it will amount to only time
can tell. It should be staled that the
alleged fields are in that part of the
Btate which shows such great evidences
of volcan o action, being on the border
of the famous lava flow which stretches
in a cheerless desert for hundreds of
mileB across the country
liMiinatei Made for the ItVgular Animal
an J I'rtinantMit Approptlalions for
the Next I'iscal Year.
The Fecretarv of the Treasury Iihb In
formed the Speaker of the House that
the deficiencies for the current fiscal
yoni ai estimated at $1 ,tVM,KU,i)t which
l,r.) i,)ti) is on account of pminions.
The Commit t' e on Military Allairaof
the House has completed the annual ap
proprlHtion It makes the total ap
propriation or H1,7'M less
than for thia year and (t,7'.'U,l'ltf leas
than estimated.
Captain Kymondrj, w ho waa directed to
examine Rogue river iroiti tirsnt'a I'ass
to its mouth, reports to the War Ocpart
ment that the river Is not worthy of Im
provement, and Congresa la advised to
make no appropriali n ior the purpore.
He sttys there are too many waterfalls
and raplila in the river, a id the com
merce does not justify improvements at
the mouth ol the river.
Willlama of Massachusetts haa intro
duced in the House a bill for tl e diseon
t tiuance of silver purchacea after Feb
ruury 1 next, and setting aside as a truat
fund the money received by the Treasury
for i he redemption of the national bank
notes, which, by the Sherman law ol
Imio, waa made a miscellaneous receipt.
The Secretary of the Interior hsa ac-i-epted
the reconveyance to the United
Slates by the Ht. 1'aul, Minneapolis and
Manitoba Kailway Company of 45,(MMI
acres of land in the lted Kiver Valley in
orlli Uakota, ami lias Issued instruc
tions to make Indemnity selections of
non-mineral lands unoccupied in Mm
nesota. North Dakota, South Dakota,
Montana and Idaho.
Captain Symouda reported in favor of
ini roving tue upper Columbia river in
Washingtm at two places, one from the
Little Dalles to the international bound
ary, lltteen miles, and the other from
the bend of Rock Island rapids to Foster
creek, Inst atxive the mouth of the
Okanogan, ninety miles. Tj make the
survey ami prepare f ir the improvements
t t llwl ..ill I 'V.. .i .
f r win im iii-i finrnry. 11115 ueinri'
ineiit concurs in the recjmmendation.
Memlx'rs of Congress are inclined to
lavorahly regard the suggestion that the
face ol Mra. I'jtter l'almer ahould be
used for the head pie::e ol the ailver dol
lar that will be coined next year. Such
a selection would not only tie a compli
ment to the bnardof lady mitnsgersof the
or:i aUolumiiian Kxposition, of which
she is President, but to the entire female
imputation of the country, and that it
would be particularly appropriate to im
mortal i a representative American
woman iu this way during thevxposition
The statement prepared by the Cle-ks
01 Hie Mouse and Senate Committees on
Appropriations to show the estimates
for the regular annual and permanent
appropriations for the fiscal year of 1H!3-
aggregates KlTi.Hti l,:W5, an increase
over the estimates for the current fiscal
year of $l.r).lt'.",l,241 and over the appropri
ations (exclusive of deficiencies and mis
cellaneous) of 7,375,2(10 The appro
priations, however, include $21,154,218
ior rivers and harbrs, for which no es
timates were made. The appropriations,
of ourse, never equal the estimates, but
on the other hand no dellciency nor mis
cellaneous appropriations are included
iu the estimates. Thov do not include
anything for rivers and harliors, on ac
count of which the chief of engineers
estimates that $5S,0o4,()50 can be profit
ably expended.
Mr. Mills of Wisconsin has introduced
a joint resolution in the House directing
the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House to appoint a com
mittee, to consist of three Senators and
five Representatives, whose duty it shall
be to investigate as to the propriety of
making changes in the revenue lawaand
report the result of their inquiry to the
next Congress. The committee is to
have power to send for persons and pa
pers, and a suthcient amount of money
to carry on the investigation is author
ized. A preamble to the resolution
states that the result of the recent elec
tion indicates that a large portion of the
people expect and desire a change in the
revenue laws to the end that the bur
dens of taxatiou may be more equally
distributed among the people.
The proposition to choose a President
by direct vote of the people promises to
meet wit h more than usual consideration
by the Committee on the Election of
President and Vice-President and Repre
sentatives in Congress. The committee
had a meeting the other day. At the
last session of Congress Springer intro
duced a joint resolution providing for a
Presidential and Vice- Presidential term
of Bix years with ineligibility of the in
cumbents of re-election, and a'so provid
ing for a scheme of electing them by a
direct vote of the people. Springer ad
dressed the committee and was followed
by Colonel McClure, who indorsed
Springer's sentiments. Representative
Beltzhoover of Pennsylvania, will intro
duce a resolution in the House in a few
days which has for it s object the election
of President and Vice-President by a di
rect vote of the people, and this will be
referred to a subcommittee.
An unusual incident in the opening pro
ceedings of the Senate was the offering
of a prayer by a Jewish rahbi. Chanlain
Butler introduced to the Vice-President
Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, rabbi of
the Temple Emanuel, New York, and
one of the distinguished attendants at
the Rabbi Convention in progress at
VVashington City at that time ; and Dr.
Silverman then delivered the open:ng
invocation. He did not follow the cus
tom of the fo-called orthodox Jews by
covering his head, but stood bareheaded
during the proceedings. On the occa
sion of the death of Senator Barbour of
Virginia funeral services were held in
the Senate by Bishops and priests of the
Catholic Church, but this is the first oc
casion in which a Jewish prelate has
been invited to conduct religious exer
cises in that body. In the House Isaac
M. VViBe, a Jewish rabbi from Cincin
nati, made the opening prayer.
All flic Houses of 111 K-pute in
Pittsburg Cli'S'jil.
X Moreunday l;unerals In Port Je.jris,
N. V Charged With ImpoMIng
Allen Labor Y:x.
Dretamakera of the Central Statea are
forming a pool at Chicago.
The People's p.uty of Kansas will op
pose the division of that State.
Indianapolis cemeteries have leen
plundered of late in a wholesale manner
by Isjdy snatchera.
Oil (lowed at the rate of 4S,U)0 barrels
a day Ior an hour from a new well in
Hancock county, O.
The Mississippi Ix-gislature la going to
try ami reduce the ctiargea on all alet
iug cars in that State.
Secretary Elkina in hia report aaya
the Indians have shown themselves tit
lor service in the army.
The ministers and most of the under
takers ol Port Jervis, N. Y..have aureed
i) discontinue nunuay mnerals.
The orange crop of Florida aggregates
3,1XK),(M) boxes this year, 70,000 less than
last. Higher prices are expected.
Millions of dollais worth of real estate
iu the city of Baltimore is claimed a9 a
heritage of the Chenoweth family.
A bill has passed the Georgia Legiala
ture to preveut the stock of corporations
from lieing accumulated in a few bands.
The New York Central road is sued for
f ill Otxi damages by a woman whose be
trotbe 1 husband was killed in a wreck,
Tiie famous New Orleans Italian mur
dura have been revived by motions in
ihe couru in connection with the suits
for damages.
Cotton manufacturers of Meinp'.ia are
cnargeu witn linportinii alien labor from
Kngland. The accused are themselves
The craze for combination has struck
the Milwaukee broommakera, who have
tormed an organization and advanced
prices . 0 per cent.
W. II. Bheppard, who waa instructed
by Congresa to investigate the el u ma of
the larger cittea of this country, haa be
gun work in Chicago.
South Dakota's new legislature ap
pears to have a majority of members
who favor resubmission of the prohibi
tory lawB to the people.
Planters of Tennessee who are inter
ested in tobacco growing are making ef
forts t. make its cultivation more gen
eral throughout the South.
The violin upon which the wedding
march was played at George Washing
ton's marr age hiB come into the posses
sion of the Sunbury (Pa.) Musical Soci
ety. A Kansas farmer who had had much
trouble in shipping eggs at last succeed
ed in getting a consignment delivered in
good order by marking the box "dynam
ite." Augustus T. Kerr, who embezzled $12.-
000 trom the Jarvis-Conklin Trust Com
pany of Kansas City, Mo., has been
brought back from Liverpool in charite
of officers.
M. Satolli, Papal delegate, has been
empowered by the Holy See to hear and
decide without appeal all religious ques
tions between bishops and priests iu the
United States.
Fresh war on oleomargarine is made
in Pennsylvania. Dairymen come for
ward to prove that it is dangerous to
health, and that it carries millions of
microbes. Prof. Clarke says it is full of
all sorts of things.
Georgia's Legislature expects to Daes
a bill for more and better-paid Judges.
The State's Circuit Jurists receive only
$2,000 a year, and are compelled to pay
their own expenses, including a consid
erable outlay for railroad fares.
North Dakota church circles have been
thrown into a furor of excitement over
the remarkable utterances of Rsv. John
Shanley, Bishop of the Catholic diocese
of that State. He asserts that prohibi
tion aa a fact is a flat failure in North
Mr. Harrison will make a long visit to
Europe next summer or fall and spend
several months in the large manufactur
ing cities of England and possibly Ger
many and other continental, countries.
His purpose, it is said, is to study the
economic conditions of the countries of
Dr. Graves, who was charged with
poisoning Mrs. Barnaby bv placinsr a
deadly drug in whisky which he had
prescribed lor her, leels so confident that
the court will give him his liberty that
he has already signed a contract to lec
ture through the country on "Colorado
Justice and the Prison I Left."
Last July the Interstate Commerce
Commission began an investigation look
ing to alleged discrimination in freight
rates in favor of the Illinois Steel Com
pany and other heavy shippers by near
ly all the roads running into Chicago.
The ollicials of the roads and the com
pany were required to give material evi
dence or produce the books, and the
United BtateB District Court was called
on to compel them to do so. The deci
sion of the courts is one of the utmost
importance in its bearing on the oracti-
cability of the interstate commerce law.
Judge Gresham has rendered a decision
in the case denying the prayer of peti
tioners, on the ground that the court
could not be made subsidiary to or sub
ordinate or auxiliary to a non-judicial
and administrative body.
IVw anJ Uticient Process of Obtaining
White Lead by Llec ricity Llis
l overej by a Frenchman.
Maine expects a large ice crop.
Germany makes aluminium cr vits
The best isinglass is made in Russia.
Paper Unties are made and utilized in
China boa twenty seven American
Pennsylvania woolen Trillin ainnln
50,000 h'anda.
Europe is reported to have 610XX)
- L. . . 1 '
uimixn lactones.
Over 17,000 atyles of silk goda are
cnown 10 ueaiera.
Nearly half the world 'a railroad mile
age ia within the United Statea.
A Vienna brewer ia doing a profitable
ouaineea. lie la wortti $10,000,000.
Lottie Collins' par arnonnta tn t!2 Kft
or every minuie sue is on the stage.
The number of sheep in Ireland has
increased oy over i.uuu.uuu aince 1819.
A sewing machine weighing 572 tona
ia uoing goou wort in leeda, England.
About 1 00 iron mines are at nrmiAnt Im
operation in the Lake Superior districts.
rour messagea can be telegraphed on
one wire by means of the quadruple!
The total production of maple sugar
in mis country taat year was :tt,8oU,S27
pounds. ' ,
Glass-lined iron tubing adds immense
ly to the enduring capacity of the
A Pneumatic cushion, tn ha n'acxl nn
the ends of telephone receivers, is soine-
uiiiiK new.
It is estimated that tha csnilat In
vested in the electrical industriea in this
country is $72D,000,0u0.
The Japanese use no instrument for
extracting teem, mi nil inem out with
the thumb and forefinger.
There are reported to be 3,000,000
commercial drummers in this country,
only three of whom are women.
The population of many South Sea
Islands manufacture their entire suits
trom the products of palm trees.
Oa a Montana sheep ranch 6,000 sheep
uroppeti o.ouj lamoe. in is is a remark
able record for so large a number.
The value of the 745,112 pairs of boota
and shoes exported during the fiscal year
enueu juue m, usk, waa wt4,U74,
The national debts of Knrnna nmnnnt
to a total which is equivalent to $55 for
eacn innaoiiani oi tne continent.
A syndicate of United States capital
ists has secured control of all the bitu
minous coal trade in Lower Canada.
A new ffftsllVhr. burner ia tnnita niV.
, - ' - - - - w " v - nt.u
out cams or Bprings, the gas being turned
on and lighted by operating the key.
No less than K5.000 ine.andenranr lamna
are manufactured every day at an aver
age selling price of about 75 cents apiece.
The three largest railroad centers in
the United States in order of their im
portance are Chicago, Indianapolis and
St. Louis.
The annual ernnrtatinn nf Tnrtia mU.
her from lir ia mild in hn nntrorH nf
2i000,000 pounds, worth from $,000,000
to $I,000,OCO.
Cargo steamers are growing iu size. A
9,000-tonner was launched two weeks
ago, and another one similar in size ia
being laid down.
Pennsylvania, niflkeii flft.v-t.orn nnf nf
every 100 tons of rolled iron in the
United Stales and sixty out of every 100
ions oi ateei rails.
A Frenchman in said tn hava Hiansin.
ered a new and efficient process of ob
taining wnue lead Dy electricity. Tne
action is electrolytic.
The fleece of ten imatu anil tha urnrlr
of several men for half a year are re
quired to mase a genuine cashmere
shawl a yard and a half wide.
Janan has conn nnnrcrnt.irallv intn tha
cotton-spinning business, thirty-three
mills being now at work in that king
dom, employing 21,530 persons.
M. Gounod declares that, hia fi nonf in.
BUirations come whiln ha ia havino o
quiet game of cards.
Justice Field has been a member of
the Supreme Court for almost thirty
years. Onlv six Justices have narvnH
The vienette of General SI tpFtrtan nn
the new $500 notea ia aaiii tn ha nna nf
the most expensive pictures ever taken
of the old soldier.
Harrison Mftchftm a millinnatra nf
Petaluma. Cal., haa given $50,000 as a
mnu irom me income oi .wnicu aid is to
be given to the poor of the district.
The Rmnreoa nf fWmanu umi n oaa
I- WW. RUUfc &,vw
as a present to the lying-in hospital for
nuiuuu IU xC!lllll uu LUO UUUBBlOIl OI
the christening of her infant daughter.
John C. Run. nna nf tha mnat. distin.
guished of the American exiles in Can
ada, is a prominent member of the
Union Club in Montreal, and lives in
fine style.
Bishop Hennessey of St. Louis, it is
believed, will snnn ha namaI aa onoH.
jutor, and hence successor, of Archbishop
iksuiiw, nuuoo ngo imonereH witn ins
performance of the duties of his office.
The BT-Chinf fWnnimn nrhn nrith
other subjugated Apache Indians is liv
iug near mouiie, nas oeen made a gar
dener at the military station where he
is a captive, and is also a Justice of the
Peace tor his tribe.
M. Francois Connfl'araAant. nnfaaainn
of general and frightful ignorance has
met little credence. The Frencu Acad
emy has just put him on a committee
in charge of the academy's gigantic dic
tionary of the French language.
The First Chair of Egyptology in
England Founded.
The New German Emigration Bill The
S.berlan Railroad Scheme Mak
ing Slow Progress.
English farmera are preparing to make
radical demands of Parliament.
The London unemployed will not be
allowed to make a torchlight parade.
Count Leo Tolstoi has settled his en
tile property uoon hia wife and chil
The Argentine Minister of Finance
declares that it will be impossible to re
sume cash payments.
The total receipts of the sramblinir
tables at Monte Carlo last year were
over 23,000,000 franca.
Mme. EtelkaGerster haa made a most
successful appearance in the Grand Dn
cal Theater at Weimar.
The section of London society known
as "The Souls" has abandoned 'its proj
ect of publishing a magazine.
The Amazon warriors of the King of
Dahomey at ogueasa were armed with
Winchesters and sharp sabers.
London's six principal railway lines
carry annually over 200,000 000 people
and the tram ays about 150,000 000.
Russia is az&in active in her efforts to
maintain th very highest degree of ef
ficiency in her military organization. '
Mijor-General Sir George Stewart
White h ia been appointed Commander-
in-chief of the British forces in India.
In Sweeden an 1 in Denmark the Par
liaments have voted that the office of
stenographer shall be filled by women.
The Council of the Society of Authors.
of which Tennyson was President, has
elected George Meredith as his successor.
The London Timet says that the ereat
bioerian railroad scheme is bdlv man-
aged and is making very slow progress
... . . . -
Christine Nilsaon has given $5,000 to
ward founding a hospital in France for
the treatment of sufferers from throat
The Berlin police are kept in readiness
in the barracks, owing to expected dis
turbances dv tne nnempioyed, who now
numrjer au.uuo.
Indignation meetings are beimr held
and petitions drawn up all over Germany
to protest againBt the proposed increase
ot the Deer tax.
The German health office reports that
there have been in Germany this year
19,647 cases of cholera, of which 8,575
nave oeen latai.
Hercultile. the new French explosive.
ib so powenui inai nan a pound ot it in
a recent contest displaced a stone weigh
ing miriy tons.
In Germany aluminium cravats ark
now on sale. They are advertised as
feather-light, silver-white work goods
that will wear forever.
Eiffel of tower fame will assist Prof.
Janssen, the astronomer, in building his
observatory on the top of Mount Blanc
at an altitude ol 4,1:00 meters.
It is claimed that there is a lighthouse
to every fourteen miles in England, . to
every thirty-four miles in Ireland and fo
every thirty-nine miles in Scotland.
The new German emigration bill.
which is before the Reichstag, prohibit
tne emigration ot men between 17 and
25 years of age who are liable to null
tary service. '"
An outflow of population from Europe
to oouin American ports is now in prog
ress, and promises to assume enormous
proportions as soon as some existing dif-
uuuuies are settieu. ... i..
The Czar of Russia has the stamp-cot
lecting mania. His collection is said to
be worth over $600 000 and to contain
nearly every stamp of the past or pres
ent issues of all nations. '
The Russian government has declined
the offer of a French syndicate to finish
the construction of the Siberian railway,
No foreign capital will be emploved in
furthering the enterprise.
The trial by court-martial of the per
sons concerned in the cholera riots In
Saratoff. Russia, in July last haa ended.
Twenty-three prisoners have been sen
tenced to be hanged and fifty-six-to i.
impriaoueu in oioeria, ., .....
Dr. Cnllimrridfya raivwta tn tKa tAnAn
-. n n vj nj fktu uuuuvu
Port Sanitary Committee that there is
an tttmnat alcnlilta navfatntv t am rtit .
break of cholera in the spring, when afl
ine precautions now adopted will be far
more severely Btrained than hitherto.;.
Forty-six Spanish Anarchists are on
trial by court-martial for complicity iif
an attack on the prison of Xeras. in
January last. At the trial they were J
niuibicu. iu Djjtuu a uitui may nave
his life twice placed in jeopardy ion the
same offanse. ;
There is a report from Jerusalem that
Baron Edmond de Rothschild has com
pleted negotiations with the Turkish
government for the establish ment' of
Jewish colonies on the Rothschild lands;
in Palestine, and also for permitting
Kuseian Jews to settle there.
The first chair of Egvotolosv in Eng
land has been founded bv the will of the
1 te Miss Amelia B. Edwards, who dud
in the spring of this year ; and the Ed
wards professor at University College,
London, is now Flinders Petrie, who has
just been formally appointed. .
AmtiMmenU and Terror of a !)
Water Direr.
HI ward If. Littlefleld, native of Block
Waiitl and resident of Providence, now
Ixty-Mx years old, modestly claims to be
thfljuost experienced submarine diver in
the world. And truly he haa had aome won
derful experiQce in hia forty-four year'
In the busineaa. Use is everything to a
man', and skillful divers really enjoy their
Mr. Littlefleld baa taken IPO bodies out
t sunken ship and haa walked all through
and around some fifty vesseja lying from
l"i to 18 feet, deep. Ilia first great scare
waa in K'J, when diving in tie He aeon net
river for the corpse of a lad who bad been
down eleven days. Of this bn aaya:
"I went down at 7:30 o'clock in the
morning. I wasn't used to (t, ao I took
sick about 9.-30 o'clock, but I got some old
Cognac brandy to drink and went back
about 11. Tbo first thing I saw when I
got down waa n awarm of blueflsh. I went
through tbern and then tanib a lot of dog
fish. These dogfish are tough things, for
theyliave two spurs on the back near the
tail, and they wind around a man's lega
and spur him. They smashed against me
Hfyi Any cumber of them spurred my legs
a good deal aa roosters use tbeir spurs, ao
that I at laat got out my knife and went to
cutting my way through. You know dog
fish will feed on a dogfish that is dead, ao
I pipped them open all around me as they
wejitalong with the tide, and the others
ate the injured ones. I must have killed
r fifty or sixty of them, all two or three feet
. "After I got through them I felt aome
thing "Whirl me around. I could tell it
w'&tn't the current, aot looked around to
what it waa. There was a big shark
off to my left looking at me. . I'd have
given a city to be out of hia way; but, aaya
I. if I go up he'll bite me In two, and ao I
decided to stay there. I felt Just aa if my
helmet was rawing up. I suppose it waa
my hair. Well, Mr. Shark looked at me
awhile. Then he goes aroucd we twice
ami a half, and then I got my knife out
again. He turns on one aide, and I con Id
'have put a barrel in hia mouth e&sj. I
knew what was coming, so I. waited. lie
dashed for me, and as I t- tame I stepped
one side, abut my eyes and (lashed with
tie knife. I caught him in his life, for I
cilt hia heart right in two. .
"I opened my eyes and found him lying
on the bottom fifty .or sixty feet off, the
blood rising from hini in bubbles. I went
up to him and then something happened
to me. I don't know what. I support I
Tainted, for 1 came to with my body lean
ing against the shark's down there on the
bottom. Well, I hadn't given any signal
t toy tender, ao he had kept up the air
Vpply, but pretty quick I felt them pull
ing three times to ak me if i was all right.
They said the blood all around the lines
rose in red bubbles to the top before it
mixed with the water."
It is of course known to' all readers that
the deeper one goes in the water the
greater is the pressure, and under the or
dinary system the air cannot be forced
down to the diver if he is 300 feet deep, and
will not hold his suit out from his body
much below 100 feet. In that case the
diver must go down by alow degrees to
avoid the numbness caused by the tighten
ing of the suit. In 1860 Mr. Littlefleld
went down 168 feet to recover the bodies
of . a lady and her daughter who were
drowned on the ship of the husband and
father. Of this he says:
"Xow, it's queer, but there's something
about bodies under water. Did you know
that if you weut into the cabin of a vessel
where one was that it would start toward
you, almost aa if it were alivef It is that
that makes the shock so terrible. You
can't avoid them. They come as if they
wanted to be taken away. Well, the cap
tain's wife and daughter were in the state
room at the foot of the stairs, and I had to
open the door. I took aome blocks and
braced my whole weight against the door.
I weighed 200 pounds, and the suit weighed
205 more. I knew there'd he a terrible
shock, so I got all ready. The door gave
way at last, and broke into kindling wood
like a flash. The concussion of the water
flung the bodies toward me like lightning. '
I shut my eyes, and reaching out to grab
the bodies caught the woman's as she
'flew toward me.
"I signaled and was taken, up. Then I
weut down to hunt for uthe . little girl. I
found she had come out when her mother
did, and floated under the cabin table.
Why, that table was set just as when the
vessel sunk, and there was. food on the
plates at that very time. 1 was pulled up
with the little girl." '
Divers have their fun like 'other people,
and Mr. Littlefleld tells With'glee of pun
ishing an overbearing fellow by sending a
little tobacco smoke down -with his air.
Take it all in all, it is a wild, sensational
and exciting sort of business, but not
necessarily dangerous. '
Friendly Advice.
.t Brakeman (plainly) Lawrence! Chauge
cars I Lawrence 1 "
Passenger See here, young fellow, do you
want every one to know you're green!
Brakeman Of course not, sir.
Passenger Well, they will if you pro
nounce aa plainly as that. Lawrence Ameri-
that'a So.
Father My aon, you must not dispute with
your mother in that waj.vfc
Boy But she'a in the wrong.
Father TJbat makes no difference; and you
might as well learn, my child, once for all.
that When a'htdy says a.tuiBg ia so it is so,
ven if it isn't ol-rPick-M-IJp.
The Same Old Bee&teak.
"Whafa the matter with the beefsteak V
asked the landlady " .
."I don't know,'! replied, the new boarder,
"but 1 have a . horrible suspicion that tha
cow was afflicted with general ossification.
Washington Capital . .
. Wanderer.'
. First Stranger (meeting. wanderer on tha
eleserti Say, have you come to arrest met
Second Ditto No: I'm Charley Rosa. Will
you kindly find met Whar yout
First Stranger I'm Tascott Lawrence
American. ; - ... - :
t f