.i r. ... . I H ;3 ?' li ! i i Stood Jiver Glacier. tuxes, and the I'lunohil Ktiitement of I ho county' uii'iir made tin, lor oath I last !prinvr show tliul Willi a low uoss-! lu'v. (i. Siv !, !:.",mM w ii1 p.vueli S.ih butli morsii.; ,iu. ;wu,hiv rrnnn m'i?i m in.- i, i.... ..v...,.,,,, viv,., x-r.v-. iu, ,.,,,,,.. .v,i.,m ,.., sj. 3 ! ty lv,pn'i.l'J;r no,rly :dl tho indohted- T' '"' Y' 1 ' n,,,,ia' i nv;v f't.c linn i tvcu. : a ei ;) j:i:yoi:M. Tilt-: .i.Avs .i.,'. The democracy have n Job on bund. that should be Uukled firt, when th government is tunic,', over to them, and that is tlw eoinr-lelo overhauling ei' the ' pension laws. The o:iosi lu:!r.es has liKivad ro nipidly, Mid tiio The president' mosnie was sub- .Vlell.ii.itf iliiil l:;riiiits'. Mrs. M.iitha i'u :,! will oo pie.nod to do mending and uauiii.j; nrall those ilV.litlHi tO (Oll-TYM Wodn.MlhlY. I !. . ;!: out a iVw mild satv.M-nm .-tji ' No PCF lV; IT .U.UW I'U'N the i t of a t.ii id' l'o;' ivvoime, t'oi I.. , ,,, lowe.i i'v jros;;iis.U'r.tii! as to iiauo " ',a ' i u .1 . i, i . ' . 'V v. !... I. ' M 1 ' I ti'.'i . ' ' ': . I. . .'. ,.. i:'.'. f Will l',',! I i ; , . i ', : . , I. ' 1 '. .Is. I. I '.III' tl e I. an.; i Nnl'.i' n .e.i'.l fclouublo list has Lvll exW tided, tai.il; ' ' '' '". a 10- oi u. en ;,,.,.. , about all that I neecsiuy to mvuiv a ! I'1 iA l,u" ! l-ul 'll h 'ii.icut, ; ;',;V', .V 'i fusion Is the, xwmn of disei.ar ; ",ul !' :,i,,v,-v ,,M K':,Slil.v '"r lvp.-o- u, u.a i.,,, lrom the ari'iv. It b iv.inuitcd that i ilu';'u lu ee a. ourmu-i f200,lW,(KW wilt U mju'ivJ toiiuvi il; ,!,',,,a- A l''"'f ivviow h,n y demands from j-eiisu us alone nel ; s:;,u'!,u':1,;J lh ii.-t iu q iiMo ; ;,";,,;. ; ,, yr; Mtm t.jual to fltH) a jcar toi : u au,m'"i: ; ;'.:r,r";V V,:i every man ealisled ilurinS the civil j The (V:W';:.( nor lvouilvr .v.i,'.,.! m war. We believe eery soldier h.) K; t 1 ii 'rinnv.i iv i- . u.. i ! . , ; ' - I'-iirjull .K-'l.l I'. iii.ii.M i. .Mi, lixWi'l'. r.i-iH! luiiroor d ail civi loua v imo.I . ... ' ' ,' . ' M ' I H I', I'l ij i t III u eol.,.nneiu,' i! hum vol notkt: kok ri'iu.it'A riov. I :m.t i-iHi'i' ill Viun'inivi'i' u u.sli.N n , l, NtlriW ln'iN'tty kImmi tlml'ihi' t'niiiiu in':- llilllli'il '.,!!'! , slt.lM' I'm 'i II, i! I, ii ,il (', .i- I II I, mi. I ll"ll liMll:,!,' ll'ilil )i,-.iul Mli'l't i'l' tl.cll' 1 Umx, 'ill. I lunl Mint I'liiul Hill Ii,. iiiiuI.i ! I'l'luh' '. i. I'luii'nr, iHiina-sii'ii!' I', H, l';ii;:ll I ' ki it l'ir 1 'I-; l ft nl ih';iiii.;i,mi lit ,i. inU'i'ii'luii' iif-Y oti ,lair,.:ii, ;Vlli l.vil ; l'i lilliu .1, Sli nv. I I'lm lnni' ni.(.U',i,in S,i in uinliT !'!! Ion n ! I'ort.'ltniv m l S.'in ; KkI, f..r tlu II if li w ' I ! -.' . !.' ,'' ii II V liiilsl M III. l'i' I'a ii,.'n i 'n' loll.iM Iik ll ar'.vn ,i mi,! : ! i' ii'ti '.is.' .1 I "i, I, i, : ,.,.v 1 1 i ., Mimull I . Il','.,s, Imril ..'U,, hi! nl' luKl.i ' '... Ue.l.M!i U 1 1 1 ,,'i'i'i,!liiu r r.u. II. t -IIUl.U1!!. I! y 1'. i .il,'. I'l . I . .' II II. I.'V h i'l lii'l ,1 health or limb in the erviie of i!. conutry slMiiid u-u ie a jviudon. a:i,t 1'inin a- 1,1' ,l..lnis J . I i'l , ,ii im i l II I. ,1.1 I ii. i .U'ATiON. I.'II.IH I!' ?1 1 'I -t. . 1 1... will po further ai.d i-ay thai u old i:Kt' : mno with tbn number, niul in this it, "A'.'.ulv :'V-u creeoa them old -oldici needing Uibnef exKepee he.s irnl a tooth.'l.l ' !:m;!;o..mm.!:T. ': :;,!1''''; houid rcceic i.id, but looti:,;; the t hut w in eral!e it to jutsh v to the'"1 ''lsi ''...: : v ,:i i,. ,, , i, tioasury in the tmon: vi ..l.ie-1 od.ed j hiii i.osition for uhieh i; merit tit it. ' "''' aiu' V 'V.'-,! l'. IVivi'ii',.' ai'i'ii i' mi i in-1 Si i'l ',-i vii, i ir I lia i' ' , ,.!.. I a u,l u ii I-1 ii m i' I I niiil il i' I'l i ,s i II , ! ,i I'l' a II I I.' i .l-l H III. MiMi-imi-s 1'ia r.illnMiiii: m IIihvm'v I,i ihiii liisi'l.iiiii , sni, lainl, vi,': simnii I'. l'n .-., I;' '' 1 1 a' I. luriiar,! U , In . 1 u m , i'."h a!l oi I 'nl.l.i !'. il. ii ; ,' , 1 1 1 1 ., 1 1 a i , 1 1 1 1 ' ' i r, ui.'i".. ruii liasi. api'lli'iiilii'i No. :li,i innl, i- m , u,.ii '' '' 'i'l'.' 'l "' l:.;e l"i Hi.- ' ...f -i I . iv I -I nl ii e I I mill n w l-l i.'l s i' I i i , 11 I n .. hi 'I ' In .-'...i.i I., mi:, I l inil, 1 .11-1 l.e'l.v, , V i ' 1 1 s I ' ! ; I 'il.l ' i', I ', v a .!i' ii",ani. 4 FURNITUHE AND ALl'kinijS OF BUILDING AJ..U. Wall Ppcr, Painter, 0!!s etc. A I M'( o stlpiily I. a . I I'., !::,; ''..Mo'-el! I"1 : ui ,1 !i in ! i:( , ., ,,iM!;, . I'o ii eluvip rndo I'lep.m'd to !'iii ui h ;i, ,.,h , , , ;',, , , -, hill in i( ,'iinl ii' I I Hlitl! 1, 1 I .li.ll. .l-jfl' I'v , a in, an. . Ilia i ! 1 . e i 1 1 .; vi I! i . .. I. !',.. n.iK.'i i. i .. lk.i i'l I li in', nl! u M t. r fi'vjs rt'Vi A j v i.-. ,v i .K)t!ti:i;s AM) KKTAII.Klty, IN 9 llien is liotliine si, oil ei' n I'l'imiv Vi i l. : .. ....i: ..... .... . '. '- ! V v i..: , 1 1 inn. iiHioruiaii, ami snouiii nmt i ., ,,, believe in ncrly ivwardn.g those L ri,w at every thvside ou the IVille n,i,. o. Wior uu. " fi'v v who "served the country' i.ut wo rre-! ,HVwf iiiewm. terthal they shoulii not apiK.nr in llie role ol eoiuueiir und claim ihecouu try for t! they ki Hi' rami' t'u fr'l.iw h." v Om.-v ,s l,i i.ii.vu Dinhlheriii lias Ih-,iL..i. ,i.f in IWt. ' ' HUiiii. iin i.m i 'n.t. i ivii an, I eiailvii- 1 ' ' , him nl km. i l. it-. i . , i: .,, .. . i M...... .. j I ! ll I' I.'. vii...v , i u.i. i i.iii iiii. unii , , i, .ii i'i. .win, .a i.ii . i,; n, "la i i . i ii 'i 1 1, in. . n.i mi.. ,i'. .i, i'i ii i iiii,iii ..iti't'ii hen ivix mi i'u. o". n- 1 it, ,t hunt and laigene, and ollur vkIJov V. liaiii.'.u, ,: 1...11 a. mm.., l-'oiu-jiuri' u.'t n.e ""'li m' .lulUMiUb Oil 1. 10 g.i.Ui.vl that M;Uo .iiairortmui. nil .! i. -. sal,,,..!,' mi Si uml a w M ol w l-l v . U.ld .. T. . n .t w.:ne oi.e el,v from talving it. I "? " K'U of ll'". Ilu- uxj; j ... ,;, ,. . . . ,r. i:.aM,i.. ... . :act tnat it hss comtiieiiivd so earlv in , ll.-tuoni" tin. fi.u.m in,, wiiih -mn t,, irm ",;.:;!;:;;rv , ,., riirr a Ti.fp.r, Ftc. ,'i:.',lii ,' a. ; :.," ': ivmi,,,. ,ii,. lai.s I, ,1 niul ! ou.'i. if o. ! '. ; ml r J.'l t.rvt! T !'.'! I Aforn and Chartor Onk Stoves and n.ini;i'ii. (liiux. Aiuimiiilficii niiil Si-.,ti..- iii,i! ! ,i;i:ms kdh I'll' llllllll'N III,' mllilM illi; Hlllli's.srS III inr lilM'iaini I.i ,u,l Inn,! I; IMm.h.I t'l,..ii, r, Iviilu'i t Mew in I, liiin llriiiiliivi n all nl I 'lililu 1 . 1. nali, Kiulolpli iii i:ii';, l.'J'i'rt, T. i'. M ti-.lt. 1 1. .; 1'. l u ll. I'nri'tiiiH.. !iii"l, i.i a"i N... ;l iin,li-r .nalimi A I 'M' Osborne Vll(;ilii, nil. I l nrrliM r.i...i an 1 ,M.ivl. -i foolj.su 1; r.;:. j the fo.e.-oii oooivnis alarm, it id a ! i UK'ie OK ad and no 1. 1 fa'.al di.-ea-.e The gentleman who teletrr.iph's his; than cholera, aad cvei il'ori hou';,l he 1 opinions from Wrifhia -t.m to the tr- ir.aoe ;o pivventji.s j..v.id. Ceiooli, tjwiUtn (is "news," i-tro: rvc.-.i- di iU-.i'.e K-wer;t;.!e c.a.. iiltii .uv at Ica-t ; nwmU that tli- Inter i:tv: :vi: -i:i;M- i-, )nvi,.c.ii lSi t the di.iM', and slu-uld : tion fodow in the fooMe'K of the pivs- . u.vr.e jutii;it atteii'.'.oa. vat one, so far :if the land oo:'Vt:iie:t ! t - ,. 1'tnvii i cDtvrneil nt lo:t. This msv U! s,'i;;' h had two mat tonal :m:r-;!".';. y' I.all'l l' li, a. V a-,v Ni.ii.v is li, i . : i v ... I s : . 1 1 1 . - . . i;;, i . .i , : 1,'n ! ., ... a. . :v i'l i'i U'ATION. ', l i S I . ,' ,., VI'J, I . tl. ,1 ; i',;:ii'i,i-. 1 'i' i ir. I.UlilVt III'.' ... i: 1. 1. 1 at- W . .ai i I'i w. i; good Hdviee in jTeneia!, la.t the u-iniric ! 'ers v ithiu the i:t week, one hvin lia imiii.'. a r i. t:a la1: .. tin. I ! W In- riiiini In s.iiit laa.l I.' Ila I. .'Lilt M. Mini, t'til.ta I', II. v.ll-.'ll ! il''.. ik, ' aiini'i I', li. ..sli. 'I i-l,'. a ,1 t.U'ir,.v,i t' i ". wa.-'i. Ilrniy I ;-.(. i it. I'i'.i.'I'.i -a .i.;'l'.i-1 1 a .a ,i. iitnler ( I ''l!i 111..-, 11,1 .l .' I I-. .' ;',,- I ,. iv I , ,i I I v i' II ', 'i ii i l.'i-asl i in. 'Mr far:. . ' ii.. 1..II m I: ; li 0 .,, w -, t.i in..'. . lallil In Mini lan.t I,- Ci.nis Slam !,. 11. il. , I '. I '"li . 1 1 li !,;.!. I K, I'.v , A , 1 1, ..v U ,., n!, i,., all .'I I llii!. i I-. I i. v. i.vli. il.f.i! J..in I '. ii. ". u i.i, as, i :i 'i r. I'd I s I, IH, lion, Coal, 1 '.!-u'l."ii. it Ii ; ' ir it ' i'.-i, Vu .m.fi!'.. ".' ' ;ei .! I';i', 1 inii. ma, i n .o, I'liinihiiir .-'ii. .. iliiiSibli, I : i i 'i,!.'iir ;.l Ir.ijili mrul i-rv. r.lZB WIRE. dictum of the Hon. Commiiemr Cat-j Uw ;! mr man of , T';t tor. u hi. h ivii:..,..!-. -,.: v ... ,':,..,., Olyij'ria, named llovd bv his wife : i'ia..iv.- k.u,. i ,u i IO pli, i -I tl'... ..' Ill-.lll'-i ,1 ... -Ll I'M, land to im before a cleik if a emit oft :i,:'' UlL' oU"'r nima.'.er of Mrs.! 1 ... ... - . , . .. .1 S'tillV I v 1 ,,r n 1' .. . itcuiu or lliciiiuifis hi a iai:. OIUCO lo ; - .--..i, mkui iliihi'ii ; j itn mi-' ; , i make the cannot too instance, the non-mi tic ml allidavit.und j oase' what is known as the Aunut 30 utll t. i: a;!i'la.-i;s re.,niad by lr.wj MK,?,n who afterwards killed h.ni. l'Yl:;;., i soon be sat down on. For j Jealousy was the catio in eaih ' i.,.- .,,,' u , 1 i:a . davit, must Ik? e worn to before the of ficers above named, while all the other affidavits can be made before a notarv The Dufur Jl:xttci haseea-od to ex i?t and the plant has been moved to Grant. This jiives Hioimati coutilv, public, or any other eilieer nutl.oiized I w'it!l 11 1,,Tlilll'" rw papers, to administer an oath. In making ap plication to purchase forfeited railroad lands, through some oversight of the parties making the papers, this August 90 affidavit waa not made. The rault Is that every applicant Is bow put to the expense of going to the land ofllee or to the county seat to make this atli lavlt. The democratic couinii8.sioner will do well to change this at his first act in assuming charge of the oiliee. LASD ' FORFEITURE. The democrats havo invariably in sisted iti passing upou the forfeited railroad lands, that all lunds unearned in strict compliance with the grants to the different roads should be forfeited and returned to the public domain. This stand was boldly taken iu the case of the Northern Pacific, the dem ocrats insisting at the time the lands were forfeited from Wallula to Port land, that the forfeiture should extend to Bismarck, Dakota. After the 4th of March that party will have full sway, and it is highly probable that the! Northern Pacific will he forced to sur render the lands it has never earned. or one to every "00 voters. NOTICK I'Oi: lTlW.lt'ATloW l.-i tut i i!ir,' at an, ...v.r, ii'-h., Ni.v. Ii,, Ivi: j Nmiii'" li.-t, l.y Oii-ii ii.nl i!,,, l.iil.m In.,-, i ll O.I. 'I Ml' I, I- III, I'll,- III .III'. - i.f III-. Ill I I'M lull lai-i.i' loiai i i . , . . I In si ui "It W , ', ,,:n, j.1,,1 (,.,( a-!,: ,r,M.f u hi I... i ai.l. , l..'l,ii .. I 'a1 il ... i si,-1 a ml Hn ,1 .-r i. th,' I , . i l aa.l nun al ain'onii i', W asli., mi .l.a.ii- in y , I !i, l',;i ., i: .Ii.iiii I'liry. '.'li. atli.n ... in I,. 'iir. lia- - niiil.T . linn ! !!.! '..:!'.'. I,l' ' .'' s a i. .i . n !,,, ii., s n i l n m I I I ' '.'. Ti. I ii r I ! a v in. ' .ai.. , ' !!.' Hani. 's I'm' r.,!,m In,. wOiii'.si m tn ..-,.m. ,, In- 1'iallil l sin, I !a:,il 1 1 : I i.iv I.I M i ,1 1 1 . ' ' ll'-'is.l'!. ii. .,,, i i, , i, , ..." : Whiti'Miliiiuti Mii'l.ilnl i.ainly i as 1 1 1 1 1 1 t , a, ' OIK l', l Oit I I ii i , I ( A i i OA . i ii .:.. ..1 j. iiN P. ii' i in l; visi, i lni'l ullli'i- at Y.un'n'.i irr v. 1 its-. ',,1 - '. A j That t hil ly l.i .i i-a ; !.m,, re,; in -1 on;' i:ii ea ;i r: ,,it y. l 'v 'l !l I I,.-;,!-.. ' S . ar., r ism mtm m! J. J Tl' 1 jLmJ ai would rcsprel fully :i . i 1 1 1 u-1 v. Ills ,'l.ulll I J,'ll,t I '. I ,.',,l ,.,, I ... , , , v. ,', .c I'. ii. . a- a :. , p u Wlis!i. i.V'l'Jiilllll Ji'lIN !. (,1 I, 1 1. 1 1 , ;, i.i i , 'in. i.' J,, At n 7 . There Ls Jloney in It. One of the questions frequently asked by a person debating whether to buy land here to raise fruit on, is, "Have you got a good horticultural society here? I don't know any too much about fruit growing and am liable to make some grand mistakes until I learn the best methods." The same might be said also of several of our own fruit growers. There are none of us too old cr wise but what we can still learn something to our advantage from the expericnee of others. The president of the society himself said, not long since, "If I did not think there was u hun dred dollars benefit to me from attend ing the horticultural society, I would give up coming down hero each month." Another prominent member said: ' If I had known as much about Ni.tuv is In n'i.y liiifii thai tl,,. i;. ,1,, in. uamt'il vuL.. ..a., ilu . I nl iinar m- loaMiiii t.i inn!,., lit ,i ( .....ii In ,u;.irt (, th;., i' clalai.t a,i,i i aat Niiil ,;ix.i"i ii, u,' ,a.,,li la W. It. lumbar, ( iiiiiiu ssaiiii r I". s. ('limit Court fur 1'istrK't hi v-.ish I tirl'oi. ut llolili n (lute iviuihiiiKli.u uu January J, inU, u: LuoiuJ K. CliHimiun. Turohaiso Auplicutloa No. 4'J1 fur the o W of n w'i tux mi 5 n r 11 e.uit w m. Slie uiitnt-n the f"lluwiiii wliiiu.n'H to prove Iiit i'lililu u mini liiiiit, vis: liaWt-v 1'. l ulo, Hii'liuril Ki'My, of I' v.a'.: 1'. O, s,"n." . Iiii,i-.l,i lli vtim.'. ..f (oi:i.. r 1'. 1 1. wasli. Alt', i t M'la.v, ol ttKimooil J'. li. i.usn. a;:-, r: si.-.v. ruivha.-i' A.;i!l.'.i'. am No. i;) ! ua.isT uv ." Koriaituie Ac; ei!.:., ''. I -j i,'i-ii.u .- 'a s v ', si'o rTp (i n r I'J i-asi M ill i::.'i'. ilti liai.ii s la.' l'.ii,..vim; m hiu -si's In prove hiM iiina lo sa'ul ia ,,!, ,.: i l.il-.-v !. Col.', Ka-liarii K.''ly, u l.'ui,'a I'. ( i, uas'li. A.i.;iis UiiiliiU, lliaius Aiiiiin:-, li 'fiiuuoi!, i', ii, v. ::.-h. dt'i'lojanl j Juim li. f.r.ocm.iiAV, K. 'i.stir. NOTICE FOIt rUCLK'ATION. Thubor Iun J, Act Junt 2, U7&. t'nilfrt Htiitrs I.iimt Ofl'ii u, Tho l.i'.ll..'.. (.irr.'ii, iv iiil. ..- lU.lV;.', Notlcv i.i !:cr"t,.y .'iven !l:at in ,: ,.: inn lil'i '.la1.', iov ,:,,:is ... ,,( :. ... . ..' Jr.lic ii. I''..'i. ciii ii a'll "la ; a,.- l, !., ., ""' year a:jo a.s l no now it wou.ii 7 ;'V, . T '''.':' l:. " "''- ve 1 1 .r-.-r it...,i to.sin.n- tiiaiiar i:,,i , t , r: n . , V, ' ' " " " ' ''' " " ' . 'o. in'...' vaiuanir i,,r in iimiI.it or 11, . .,, o n, ...i U...I, !,.! . . Ma-."., M;r.. ol u'.o i.'iiiiiiial .iiri.a s. :,i to i si:,l,.., , Or. oii, ia,s i.,,s ,:.: (.,, i ,., ,.,1,-a ni - ,-h.Mn n, s,.:,l I,.,i i i, . ,. M'.oi ll slal.'la,-',! nt in.- i. r ...a, .'..a. ... ' " JUsST HECEIVED. A new sioek of Ladies' and tieiiU' WATCH MS. riLLEI) AND.SILVKII CA8KS, CHAINfl, CHARMS, ETC. MTCIAI, attetitioi) given toj'eiean tiigand repairing wati hes. J. H. FERGUSON, Hood Rivor, - - - - Oioyon. NOTICK TOR ITT.I.ICATION. IiiiiI.it l.:m l Act JuiicU, IsTs.) t'. H. I, Mill lin n e, OKM'M I 'I TV, 1 1 in iuN Si'i. la, IsV'i. Noti.'i'lH s.T.'l.y k I v i n thai in riiii...lh:inv I'll I in' iiov lsi. -as of tin. ,i,. ,,r r,,ii.ii','., ,,f Juiu'ii, l .;.s, i'nmii.,1 ".',n n, i fur il,'x.iii'iit nm. I..T Ian. I . in I In- Mali nt ( ail mi a ia, (.r.'.a.ii Ne Tiulaiinil Wusliii'.jii.n Tfrntorv," lieoiu c Ji.'im. Jr. of White Siilnum nnin'lv uf Kll.'kl tut main if 'A'asliliinl.'li. Iiii'h tli!s riuv fll.'il in lliiidili.-rt Ins mvorn ,.(.,(,.,,., 2 nt f-ir t.ii i nii'lui'.; ..fll.ee '.. i: ', r-el r'.mr i, t rtrl; )!J .No. a III liMMIhlOj. ..i. 'l .in. un;o mi, i i i, t, m. ri.i.l Fr;.; . j i And a Comploto Lino of '' 1 'Hi M,r. '!! nr. j Uuiiliiutiilliii DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES. YOURH FOR IICOD niVCR, BBS. W17Jj7lA21 Iz 3B0SIUS. HOOD HUE IiiANOFACiilMO - DEALCR3 IN have been jot) in my i.oeket." it seems a little suane why our own fruit growers seem to take so littia in terest In an organization which so vi tally, or rather, financially, concerns them. The society is on a good foot-: l". 'I'l ''H"' '" ' lvi:;M..r aA i:.vv.t .Anyroi.trii ywu I'taiiuir.s iu'vitm-iv thr i, j ui j i ,1 i ii i ii . ii.i .mum- r i - i i.i i u ii j i i i " n'N ' i 'ii in i i -V i ',, - u, ." ""' l;''-.-''W.;..s...f ....iv.-r.'f M,is ,.,n.... nl cr.,,, C.v, in,",,,, 1 ..'V, ';,,r " '' '"''""' Nlu- ''"Ii: 1' I " Tuiiis.iiiy tin, l.'il, ,lay ( Ja.oiai v Is., ..' No. north, raii!.a' so. il . ast. nil.! c.rt.T I i. , r.H,r to Hl..,w Umt iu. lanu s t I "i " r v" .".,!m7, '.7 "lt') A,'"''t H. Wi, valii.'il,!,. li;,-!,s,;,'i.., -or st-.u.' laaii l',r '',::n-I v. ,,,'i , , i ', V:trl"." ' 1m -",i!lur:i! ,,1'ri'i.i ..;,.,,! , s,r,!,!:..i, l,w ,..t(m j "H "I I lo.nl I. it Or. " " . . - ' J III I, iS ,,,, ,, J . I s , ,,., Of court that company will conU-stthe "avi,!S a C0,d liaI1 rented for tae Ua.v, tin- mu uy ..i .ia unary, i- matterin the courts, takiug the ground j n"hK (the hail formerly nl by L ';:l':l',. T'lionliVt'n that subsequent building of the road j 1'"rtmess and a good fund in tho it!v. . m ;,.,"' "'s''" entitled them to the lamid. What the miry. Jt only lacks the hearty ;,i, XJ, !; X Z supreme court -of the United St&tea h'-'PP0" of our fruit growers, one and j i';y;;r'!j;;;;lu1.,,s,"1.:','!,'0,,"or l";f"r -would hold in such a ea:-e cannot be j a11' t0 ftoon ,)e lhe iniluentuil and j nyi ' ' ' ,i'hn w. j.v.wi.-i, K, iki.r. foretold, as there ia to-day in this couu-1 bem'fidal "rgani.ation in Jiood Itiver. try a law for the rich and another lor ' TLlc'ro is "h,t'lldy tall: of hranchi-ig out A- 2. BENNETT, the poor. No poor man could make I ,nto tbe fruit-shipp:nr busine; I hat is, ATTOnSilY-AT-LAW. uch a doctrine .stick for a moment. To I having a good responsible committee. : op Kin. i im :st i'.ci i.i axi ; , ,is Kit I m ir Minis in lie I-'. l;i.v of.iiuii.ui- ins Jll.jy.it) lllio on or l.,'l..ic hull J.T. Al-lTliyoN, r.i'nisli r. the citizen who locates public land the I Ul,uer ino UP" the society, to at wurto would bay, "The government i tend 10 the shipping of all tiie fruit of has agreed to give you title to certain ! ihe meiab"8, finding the best markets lauds upon your compliance with the j a,nd lowest transportation rates, otc. law. If you comply with them you ! ThLs woui(i considerable work du get the land, if you do not vou cannot, rin berry sc'asn. ht it can be done La?eit." This is the rule for the cit-1 aild hus btiUU tlonu wel1 in other soci- izen, why should a diflerent rule be i tlc's' made for a great corporation? Tbe I of fe'Ietit benefit to those with only Northern Pacific, not .satisfied wilii s:nuil orciiards would lie tiie appoitititig1 J of a man with erood outlitmid 1 1 irirviiu. i J"'"""k "Uftft , ... , . . IVI.-es reus. wneu ino Waliula-Ponlaud forfeit tire j """"f l """"es w go irom j lwJ. was made, declared were worth one i u"v i'13 1" iaymg ino trees . JiOOJ iav;-:i: billion of dollars, claimed all mineral 1 1,1 160 m;lCil l'er t!ec' w'th one solution (K CUL'KTA.NM .Srj 'ONK STKKET, llic I'a'.irs, Oi'i'.'oii. UBSB1S0N. All Around Painter. s.v... uv. u in oiiiei hoci- ,wiT OftfT?.Tr?Tn Another plan which would he ,! l'iiO', paper n&mrm XOIK i: ll.'It I'l'liMCATlOX. I.aii.I I iil'nv at; 'ioii'i.iui.. na..li. Nov. I'l, KiJ, Xi.i'i'.' in hi'ii'l.y ovi-n m f , f,,,,i .lain, .1 .si llli'i- ha:, !ili.,l i,,i.,',. ,, .);, ttiti til ion li. niaki-lliial ,...,l in ni....ii of ti h ,'lalin, am! U.at. Mil.l l.r.ii.f Mi! . ,. ,,, li. .'i-i'-r ami f i .--1 v, r r. s, l.iml uii,'i. m -. i.ar')'li I ..as! . .in .li.rii'trv, 7. js'.,;t 1 ' '! A p i lien! Inn N'n. 70 t.i pnri'liasi- iiii.Iit sciilon '! i-'i'ili'itiir'nct I'l'i.'.'.., li-.'ji f,,r iiu: lot No. 1 sit 3.. Tpit n r 11 c iv in. Ilt'lliiilifs Ilia fojlowlm; wltiii'i-":i to prove hlKOlalln lo Mil.! hiral viz: K. ,s. f !n f.l. .) n. .lo.-i'pli Wlillt', II.::, ry .lolinnoii, John 1'i uv, all of ulilU; .Salmon Kiirkiini . oniily wa. li. nvlMfUiiill Jonti li. liitoioiKti.Mi, UiMi.iii r. NOTICK FOit PL'IILICATIOX. I.aiul Oillrcat Vmifoavor, wash, Nov. II, xL Nolice Ik lii n liy ttivi-n tluit I ho folloiv in' naiiaal M-ltliT hiin Illi'. I noiid.of his i i.,,, j lo inal... finai proof In support of ins I'laim, li 1 110 l. li t iJ !! ) ?i U j. u 17 1 n ;i U J j ii TsraiDEs. nt i M"i:n: oi ;:. U. I,. HTI'.ANAM AN, I'l-i'Miili at. '''',.' f .. v . mr -v s V". C3t.v" '. '.-V V'- - ? ia . rri'.."-. u ..) -l ' '.V 1.1 ,..-. iits C kJ) il It. V. COK HiTrftJiry. h'2' f '.Vi 7 "ii ilV n r'-iTXTiTi ! "'"! h"i'1 l,,M'f will 1... maili. 1,,'fori "A.' AlVsu,i.jLi.. "Ljf. I ' I'TK Ol lands within the 40-miie limit. A democratic administration will do nothing more than its duty when it returns these lands to the public do main, and it will not have done its duty until it does this. The supreme court may, most likely will, hold that the railroad is entitled to the iantis, even though it did dot earn them, but the blame of allowing these lands to be Virtually stolen should be placed on the court, and should not be allowed to rest on the shoulders of the democracy. Our neighbor, The Dalles Chronicle, seems considerably exercised over Sher man county taxes, and says that the joaeeting of the commissioners and the fixing of the rate previous to th meet ing of th state board waa ft tbe pur pose of "holding ber rcor4, which is a difficult thing.". The tax leyy inBher man county is not bothering the cit izens down this way. They feel, and justly, that they have plenty of food forthoughtin that line at home, and that the record of high assessments fol lowed by high rates will not be "a diffi cult thing." Sherman county people eeem satisfied both with their lot and wnic.ii win answer ail purposes and eradicate aphis, scale and codliii moth all at once. It is out of the question for each person with a small orchard to purchase a spraying outfit, and unless some such plan is adopted some or chards are bound to go unsprayed and consequently become breeding places for injurious insects, and fruit becomes unprofitable and unsalable, oniwiii: am! sa: i;.fa,-l iu:i .'iiai - OitWiOX. Bcatiy's Organs 6 W'rio.for cala.'.ii.'iic. A. Pin's Iianifl '. Jli at! v Washington, .'j'.v ."si'y Vhito Fplni-H as I.iiiiiiin;; !oi!. M. Oovaroff, a .Moscow scion tint, has discovered that when lightning strikes in a forest the wiiito poplar (populiw alba) is the Krstrto attract it. lie came to the conclusion that this tree can be nserl as a natural lightning rod. and he II. K. No. 7!'l I for t in- lot 1, n c ' , m w c ', a w1, h"i' i.".r!'p :i ii r lie u-in.' As Mr. Ileald well says: "The time! !,iut.,nttf;1 ameinorial to tho niini.stcr of has come when he who expects to raise good fruit must spray, but it can be done now very simply and with great profit." The society meets the first Saturday in each month. Any one is at liberty to propose a subject for discussion or ask anyemestion for Information. If yon would ba a luccesaful fruit a;rwr, joia tb toaiety at aext nealiag, B0t for anybody else's sak, but for your own good. "There is money in It." ii. c. n ESTIIAY. A two-year old brindk- stag.no brands or ear-marks. Some white in face. A suitable leward will be paid for infor mation leading to his recovery. Vt'M. Da Vi dsox. the interior advocating that thenlantin of a white poplar before every house in a village be made obligatory upon the peasants to prevent firo by lightning. Kew York Sun. The many cases of npoutaneous com bustion in coal cargoes have caused a newspaper in Hamburg to offer prizes of 5.000, 2,1)00 and 1,0X) marks for the best threa -chomical or mechanical devices for tho preroatioa of such danger. ' Fewer Traveling niun. It ts claimed that ' all tho big jobbing houses of the Missouri valley will reduce tho number of traveling men in their employ rfhd require tho men retained to cover more territory. An association to which tljo houses all belong will regulate the matter, and regulate tho number of men which a houso may keep cu th road. Atehi.'on Globe. tlx. Mn.i rlor Cii, nl. of si..ii,.!..iii. '''unity V.'n.sliiai.ton. a! Ijhht ( -ii-.,',,,I..s . iishiiitoii on )..'. ,'(, l,sir', viz: lolin li:p.olyli: ."..'splic. ami lia nana s tit- following wllni'ssos to prov( tilh i'iiiiI inuii'.is i'it,ii!i'iii'i. upon unit -iiliva-l ion of, saiil lain! viz: Jsiilurn V. Martin, lily W. .Mailiii, 'I'iioniaK .'.!onii;;lian. Joseph' Alonaiian, nil of Wianiaiiiu ronnl v ivtisli. nvlii.ili'cill John ). (,1';o(jiii;i;a.n, lt.'xihii'r, NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. I.mi.l (ilIliT at VuiiuiiiV'T was'i Dec 7, iS!'i Nolici. is hcii'hy .riven lhal, lha follow ; iy. naineil se.il,.,. liasil,.il nolire ol'hls iiile.n ion f i f i .a In 11 mi t proof In Hiipport ol'hiK cla.i i,,m, loul Unit saiil iiool' will hi; made h" 'o.e i.ae Itcai-.uT mid lleci.iver li. S. Land Oiiiru ut V iOM:oiivcr wash, on Jiiiiiim y 21, it.'.i'.i, vi:': James it. Warner. Application No. -llt lo piirclniK under Kee 3 Forfeil lire net, Sepl :!!i W0 for tin. h v h e. hi.': Aland lots 1 innl Urn: :'J'p.'i n r 11 o w m. lie Hitmen the follouihtf m ltiie;ic: to prove hih continuous residence upon und ciill.ivnllmi ofsiilil land viz: John Purser. (ieoiKo Pur ser FniiielH ,M. I.une, 'J'heoiloi o Wukesdorf, all oi vwnii: .laiinon Klielului county wnsn. o:IK2-r.ov29 John Ii. (iKooiucoA.v. ItctjiKter NOTICE FOIl PUIJLICATION, Lnnd Ofllee at Vancouver wash. Nov. 28, 1892. To John Jlonuett, uud all whom it muy concern. Notlcu Ii hereby (riven that thn following namrd Kcttlcr Iiiib lllcd notlen of till Inten tion to nmkft llnal priKif In supimrt of hlN claim, nd Hint, said proof will lie made In fore K'i?lslrr and Ucccivnr U. K. J.nnd filjiee at Vancouver wash, on Jnuuury 2i, 18!):i, viz: William lii'imo, Application to purehasi. No. 115 under hoc S Forfeiture act .Sept.. 2!l lKM for the iotn 2, il. i and 5 sect ion ! 'J j ;i n r I) e w in. Ho mitnes tho followlnt! witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and ciiltiva lion of, said land, viz: Amos Underwood, Kdwiird Underwood, David K. Orduny, of Jlood Kier,Dr.', John Purser, of (ilicnowitli wash. ilelo-janll John I). (iKooiii iiAN. Krister. dors and Builders. PilliF MM, gQQ RIVEB . . OEEGON. TH o Tin 1 1 r "n n i r-,q , S .ii' aj i-f i i i,X L & i,, l r3! T- en grap I'liDPiiiK'H Have on li.tmi a full supply ol' "ruil, i-.ii:i,!e ai'd Oviiiinn-iitid tin vines, small fruit., hoses uud Shrubbery. J'.o sure to tret our prices before jiurc'iasi'uri'isi'where. r.einenilier our trees a re grown ui rirtlv wilhotit, irri'"il ion THE BALLES. OBEGON V. A. Sl.lNOMIll.AND, Local Al'elil. U I O IM li 1 Mi THE SCJTCECEZG. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HA3TD THE Choicost Heats, Han, BacozE., lard. Gaia, Poultry, Also Bealers in. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Street, - - -' . jl,,,j i;jv;r, Oregon. i:A - -, L 7 !...-. N t --4