The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 03, 1892, Image 2

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    ?f ood Iiver Slacier. !
a sriiAr iv.MKr.
HOOD IUVKU, Oil., DEC. 3, 1892.
The D&IIm ChronMe makea tlio as
ortlua that Bherniun county Las not
done to well since Its creation as It
Would have done hud It rvmnlued a
J)rt of Wasco, and that It l.nnl arc
Metered at a higher rate, and intimates
that taxes are higher and the debt
greater lu proportion. We would like
our contemporary to give sotuo figures
in support of lu assertion, as w are
pan to conviction and want light on
litis Kuhject. The report of the clerk
and treasurer of Sherman sotiut y last
jear shows that the couuty Is ptaett
cally out of debt, w ith a 0 mill levy
on a 50 per cent valuation; while
Wasco's levy, was 25 mills on a "3 cent
valuation, iconic one, it seems Is in
error, and so us Hood Kiwrites would
like the figures
The Birgfeld ease Is over ard is do.
elded just as everyone supposed it
would be. There never wus any evi
dence against him sufficient to convict,
nd yet perhaps sufficient to justify his
being placed on trial. The county has
been put to large expense, and this is
all that is tangible of the whole affair.
It has been a case founded on circum
stantial evidence, of owl-downy char
ter. The hatred of defendant, for the
deceased, the latters sudden death, dis
like of the children of the dead woman
fir their brother-in-law: these were the ! murks, and the owner
i '
unoerpniuing on wnicu trie case was
commenced, jind which caused the
body after tw o weeks to be exhumed.
The presence of zinc iu the stomach of
an embalmed body, zinc beii!g nn in
gredient of the embalming fiuid, was
given undue importance, and on these,
the case rested. The
The comet has come and gone, and
up to date the most learned star ex-
IMTlH of I III) Uill'lil MIS U l.l.dv lit Vufl.
l """V "
.-..anceiii (heir opinions as to whoae
comet it was. The niht of the 27 1 h of
lust mouth was tlxed by all as the time
when the heavenly visitor was to col
lide with the earth, or at least pass su
near it that ft tine display of tire Work
lu the shaj o of a inetoi le storm w as to
be exhibited. Thu comet failed to ma
terialize, and the lire works were evi
dently ordered by the wrong putty, and
w ere not to be seen. The clouds clear
ed away about 1U;;!0 o'clock and, An
dromeda, "the lady iu chains," looked
down from almost diuvtly overhead,
undisturbed by meteoric stones, and as
quiet as Orion, or I run us. I'rsa Ma
jor, was apparently washing his feet
in the bhj Uippcrj I'assiopca was bit
ting head downwards iu her chair;
Corvus, the bright particular coiistcl
tion of the rvpublicau patty this year,
wus turning up her noe at Cygnet,
and the balance of the old timers of
the upper d Iictv, were all, ns Suxo
says: Having a "high old time." !So
was thucoinct, w hich term, Is iiulcoil.a
misnomer, us it wus taking a horn
with Aries, and vanishing front earth
at the rale of fifteen miles per second, it
came more nearly tilling the bill as a
go it. The wise men of the east, who
are up on the stars, now tell us that
the comet Is 15.000.000 miles away, had
passed our ci oss roads last spring, and
was at least nine mouths gone.
j Whence It came or whither it goes no
one seems to know. It was a sUk-car,
so to speak, without brands or ear
can have the
IjitulollUvnl Vancouver w ash, Oct' ur.lsra
To Leonard II, Alloy and nil whnn ll uu,
Notice la hereby itlven Unit tho nrilowlib
IIMIUCd NvIIUtH lllltclltisl llotlC ol tlu'lr li
tendon i niiiko ttiml prool In mipp ut ,, the
claims and I hut wiliI piool'will he uiiulo hcfoi
W. H, Imnhur, CoiiuniKMoiicr I', M. Cireu
Omi t for Idstrlctot wunhtuuiou, ui iloldei
dale wiithlntilnti on January IT, lM;(,vt(:
Herman Kuhuliauscn.; .,
Homestead Application No. CtCl, for thee'
ii 11 o , nudo of o, hoc M Tp u r 1 11 fll
will mcr.
ll IIHIIleSthO following Witnesses til IIIMV
hlit continuous tvldcinv upon mid eolllvi
Hon of witil Inn.! vl: Henry M. Tretinc
Andrew Wcllctihivck, Itord.., nil 1 1
tllenwood l. O. Washington, Halsey l, Colt
of Kulda, P. o, Washington.
suiuo by proving property aud paying
for this notice.
tue mosey cos eeeesce.
Tho monetary conierenee being held
at Jirussels, will probally prove to be
uiieaiisiaeiory 10 America. I lie piv-
ynijvcuwuu was Host urn m,..irt i-tttA
.. .: . . , i " -1 - uinu knam
" uu a peine, auu every imilg
caught was called fish. The prosecu
tion and defense were both ably con
ducted, but the fight was made on evi
deuce as diaphanous as the tail of
Uielas' comet that wiun't his, and the
Herman Kulinhaiiseu,
I Jl'iiivluise Ai'i'lli nllnn No, Imi umler
KoNeiluiv Art Nel., .M ,vni foi' ihe no ' ,
J I'" a r l'J-al Mill mer.
lie luniu's Hie following witnesses to iro.
Ills eliiltu to wiUI hunt, lleurv M. 1'ien
ner, Amlivw W ellenlmn k, Vlur.en' llonle, u.
ot t.ienuooil I', n. tii.-lilii;:toti, ;i:tl HuUev I
l.lo' of t'lllilil I'.O, wusitii);ton.
Osknr KuluiliuiiHen.
rnivhuse Alli'iillon No. tsj nmler see :
l-'oi leltmv Aet Sei., '.li lsui lor the n e urn
, of 11 w 4 mv J,' i'tMi li r I'J will inn
He iiiiiiieH the follow Iiik w linpv to provi
Ills elaliii to miUI himl, i n; Henry M. T nm i
AiiiIitw WellentniH'k, VIiimmi lionle, nil
Wlenwooit ! 1 1, wiifhliiKotn, iiiul il.iUey I'
llo, of KuUlil l l. W iiNhliton. .,
I'liiirleii Kuluiluinwn.
t'nivlnisf Applleiitlon No. 1st under n.v '
Koi feliiiiv Aet Jet., j!" ls:) the k e t mv i
Ti tl n r 12 ent will tner.
lie iuime the follow tin; wltnessi-ii to rovi
his elimii to snlvl hintl, vi: Henry M. Tien
uer, Andrew w ellenlnm k, Vln.eii lionle. nl
oftilenwoiHl 1'. i, witshliDtton, mid Hiilwy
fVleof Kiildii I'. O. wnslilnKlon.
IH'ISKltV-t Jollll 1, liKOtillKOAN, lttf IstlT.
Umil OHUvut Vuinvriiver, W iisli CK-t, 21, IStC
NotUvts hereby Riven that the loliowlin:
nmiied seulei-x have tiled uotleo of Ihelr Intent
loiyoiiwUelliiiil irooln suiUMrtof their eliilin
innl thai suld pimf w ill be made beloru .
H. 1'milnu 'oinnilsMoner 1', s. t'lreint t'onri
for lilMilet of washliik'ton nt (lohtenduh
wash hi); ion, on IHAVimler 1'.', IS"ivk:
lteinrleli Kelno.
rurv'lm.w Apullcnllnu No. 41 J umler sec I
Forfeiture Acl, l., 1S0 for llir n ', ol ,
S and -, of i o SI Tp 4 n r II hiiU i.
md oilhv nt VmuMiiver WiimIi.Nov.I , Wf
VollettU beivhy given that Ihe nilhiwhur
ilined neltler shnvo tiled tiolliv ot their luteii
on to iniike flnnl iiisif in HiiiiHii' or their
iiliiiN, and that Mild proof will be iiinde
etinv W . It. Iiuubnr. t'oiniiilKxIon!' II, ,
limit tv.iut or lUNirlel of wii'hliilon m
I Holdemlnle wash, on January ;Klt Isia vl.
Tellthit J. Hhnw.
rnivlniMO iipplleiitlon NiHIl under sivtlonll
oi feitine net Sept .ti IMM, (r thu n i. of u w
I mv Ij'l'p tl n r IU eimt. w in,
w 4 of u w wc i
tpi u r 11 r;ul will inr.
wIihi'sm' to
the costs, alone remain !
Some of our contemporaries are
worked up over the idea that the duty
will be restored on sugar as soon as the
daasocnu got In power, and that the
ptvm will la consequence advance,
Tt.I lit 1 l .
win prooaoiy oe aone; Dot we
would lika to know what difference
there is between paying for the sugar
directly, aud paying taxes on some
other commodity so that the govern,
ment gives the additional price to the
ugar manufacturer, out of the treasury
The present arrangement concerning
sugar is very similar to that of the old
lady, who when ehickens ware selling
mi cents eacn, generously sold a pullet
la ner grand for half a dollar, and
than presented him with the pullets
" Henry F. Guiuaraee one of the
victims of the Northern Pacific train
robbery has sued that company and
the Pullman Car Co. for $25,925 dama
,ges. He claims to have lost $S75,aud
a watch valued at $50, making the $925.
The other $25,000 is what he figures up
the fright to himself and wife were
worth. He dose not itemize the bill
but we will wager a years subscription
against his chances for a judgment that
fcja wife's portion of the fright was less
than $10. On this basis one more robber
would have scared him to death.
Commisioners, which wus iu substauee i
to give both metals eiiuul value at the
rate of Id to 1 was rejected, liothschild
submitted a protRwition bv which the
legal tender of silver in England, was
to be raised from $10, to $25, and thai
European powers have to purchase sil
ver to the amount of $25,000,000, yearly
at the rate of 43 pence per ounce, pur
chases to be discontinued when the val
ue went above that. It is probable
this may be agreed upon.
The Roslyu bank robbers have been
caught, and proved to bo a gang from
GUliam County iu this sUIe. The cluo
to their discovery was the horses, which
they abandoned, aud of which photo,
graphs were taken, and recognized
The robbers were taken to Itoslyu, and
were identified by Cashier Abernethy,
aud others.
Jay Uould, intends to spend the
winter iu the Southwest, for the benefit
of his health. Good health, is one of the
very few things that Juy, can not get
a corner on, which is indeed some
thing to be thankful for. for if he could
tue rest of us would not have
worth speaking of.
It is reported that Jay Gould is dy
imj, and that it is a question of u few
hours or at most a few days only.
The great muss of the American peo
ple will not go into mourning on his
The report of the Commissioner of
Pensions show that on June 30th there
were 879.069 pensioners on tlia roll,
which number is rapidly increasing.
Those who think the limit has been
reached, or that the time for which
payments must be paid is short, can
find little to back that opinion. The
report shows 20 widows and two daugh
ten of 'the revolutionary army veter"
ns, still on the roll, and 284 widows of
the veterans of 1812. Twenty-two
pensions after a lapse of 110 years,
shows that the system is conducive to
A good many republican papers are
wondering how those who supported
Nathan Pierce expect him to vote for
both Cleveland and Weaver. We sus
pect that most of the democrats voted
for Pierce without considering whom
be would vote for, but perfectly satis
fled as to whom he would not cast his
vote for.
The signal service fellows attribute
the heavy storm of the past week, to
the passing of the comet; but as that
event happened last spring, the con
nection between comet aud storm, is to
say tue least, far fetched.
air. Edward Charles and wife left
Tuesday evening for Negaunee, Mich
igan, to remain until next summer.
Money Galore.
Joe Wilson's many friends will be
pleased to learn that his mining ven
ture is turning out a wondejful success.
inemiu is runuiug night and day
crusmngJHOore, and thestopes in the
mine show an abundance of like ore,
and much that will yield three or four
times that amount. Joe is going to have
a bank a ccount as long us a tariff speech
und we hope in the near future to see
him invest some of it in or around
Hood liiver.
ut name llieroiiowinir w ltnesxen to ir
niseniini to unlit mini .: Severn Urn,
Noah Ktler, William I'onte Uuhis A. llvrkett,
all ot Tivul Utke r, O. w ahinnioii.
Noah r.iur. Application No. '.'.) under see !i
Forfeiture Aet -ept., lsui for the n ors e
4 mid s t 4 of w 1-1 see ii Tp 0 n r lu east
will mer.
He mimes the follow ln w to prove
hlselaiiu toNild land, vu: Kuiiis A. llvrkett,
SM-vern llenx, Krank M. fonte, V illiuui Yonte,
i.ll of Trunl ljike I', o. wiisiiiui,toii.
Hui'uh A. llyrkett.
rurrliaso Application No. 41:) under sei-:t
Korieiiuie Aei Sept., '.V IsnU for I ne w 1-lolse
1-4 and so 1-4 of h 1-1. n w 1-4 ot'.s w 1-1 mut k
l-lofn w 1-4 see l Tpti in- II east will mer.
He names the follow in w Iiiicsm- to provu
his chum tosiud hunt, Noali l iter, Kniak
M. I'oiile, Severn I Viu, W tlliiim t oalu, ail of
Trout ljikc 1". tl. wtishiiiKtoii.
Krank M. Coate.
rurehat Applleiitlon No. S3 under see S
Korfclture Aei..sopt.12SIs;io for thes w 1-4 ofi
w 1:4 iec 13 Tp u r 10 rui.1 will mar.
n naiurs tb following witneHiie to prov
hliclanu to uid land, tU: Kufui A tiyiketl,
Mh ttur, BTro tlaui Haiorlch 'in, li
t Trot O. VMbiactoa.
VIltlM CoaU.
ParehaM Application No 432, tinder mo S
Forfeiture Act hepl., 29 18i)0 for the u w J-4 of n
w 1-4MC ID Tp 6 n r 11 euit will mer.
He name the follow lug wltucHsen to prove
liU claim to said land, viz: Severn lien., Nnh
Kiter. t'ufiis A. llvrkett. Ileinrlcli hiini. n'l i.r
iroui i.iiKoi', o. wusiiiniiion.
So vein lleiiz. Application No. 176 nnd. r nee 3
forfeiture Acl Sept., ism for tho sj.of s w
1-4 bee ' Tp t a r 10 eat w ill mer.
He liarnen thy following wittu-kBs.nto jirovo
bin claim to Mild land, vln, Wllltmn t uhIc,
Nouh Ktter. Hufu.s A. llvrkett, Krun M.
iaie. an oi i roui Jike 1'. i). wa liingt m.
o.it29dc4 John D. (, u,-)ltr.
In the arrest of the Itoslyn bank rob
bers Sullivan has done a really good
piece of work. It is the only time on
record that he or any of his gang were
above the position of a spotter or a spy.
This case is probably "the exception
that proves the rule," and it is not
probable they will ever make another
attempt of the kind.
Tn time for making final proof on
railjoad land expire Fep., 3rd 1893,
ueept at to those who are actually re
aiding on said lands, who must make
proof by September 29 1893.
Dr. Scott, father-in-law of President
Harrison, died at Washington Tues
day. The funeral took place Thu's
day, the body being interred at Wash
ington, Pennsylvania.
Like (jieiitle Spring.
Roses and geraniums yet vie with
the chrysanthemums in giving beauty
10 uie yam and lawn, and in our yard
heliotrope, begonias and oxalis are in
bloom, while a stray tomato vine lifts
its yeliow blossoms, untouched by
frost, hopefully to the misty skiwt
Can any other mountain town in the
world of the same latitude, make as
good a showing?
Hod and Gun Club.
The Rod and Gun Club will meet at
Uartmess' store Monday evening next
at 7 o'clock. All members ata remind
o,l t, A
IU W yicouilt.
U. B. Church Serrices.
mv. U. UickafooM will preach Bab-
batn morning and aTening. Sunday
scnooi at io a. in. r. p. c. U. meeting
atop. m. welcome to all.
lending and Warning.
Mrs. Martha Purser will be pleased
to do mending and darning for all those
requiring such services.
Mr Will Fellbon of Dayton Indiana,
was visiting Mr. 8. E. iiartmess this
(Timber Lao. d, Act June 1, 1S78.J
Tnlted Stutcn Land OfTIco,
The Dalles, Ori son, October at, lfi
Notice U hereby given that In compliance
with the.'provixlonsorthe uct of Conyrcs.n of
Junes, 1H7S. entitled "An oci for the tuil of
timber lands in the ntutca of California, Ore
gon. Nevadaund Wash. Ter" Anilivw Wright,
of Hood River, countv of asn, hluto ot
Oregon, hai thin iluy llli-d in this nftice his
worn Ktati-nient No. 111. for the piir.-lmc of
the w !-4ofs fi4 of section no. 11, in townililp
so. 2 north, nuitfo so. cust. und w ill oHir
pr.Kif to h(iw that the land Kouuht n more
anianio tor Hh timlH-ror Mono tlnin for rnrrl
eultural puriHises, and to establish hU claim
losaid land before the KciMer ai.d iceceiver
of thiH office at The Uallos, orcsmi, on .Mon
day, the Uth day of Jan nary, lsa;l.
lit iiaiiieH as w itnesses: C. A. Ilcll, Cliarlcs
liersor, C. Knapfi, I.. E. Mors-, all ot Hood
Kivcr. Oreaon.
Any and all pemoiu elaimljij Hdveisrly the
above desc ribed lunds are ie(iicsted to III
their cliiims In this office on or before saiduth
day of January, IMC!.
Uvi-Jy7 Joii.vW.I.kivk, Ueluter.
The DallcH, Oregon.
She naiiien the followliw wit III'MSnM lO ll,S,l',
rr claim to khIiI lainl, vl; llalsev l. Cole,
oiiou I'. Krew, Uleliiiid Kelly, nil el Fubhi
O. wash, Kmlolph Heyilnn, orniluier 1'. O,
Hatsey 1. tie.
rnii'luise implication No. l;7 under HeellonH
orielline net sept Jit Isinl. far thee ' ot e I I
id n w 1-1 of n e 14 and li l-l ol h w I I nee A
I'.'i n r IJeasl w m.
lie names the follow Ini; wllnesse to prove
ilHchilin losnld land, l: Simon I'. Kii'iw,
.oiiiii siewart, lilchaid belli, lleiuv .'.
ii'h all of Kulda I'. O. wanhliiKloii.
Simon t'. Krep,
rurebase application No, ,U'i under mvIIoii a
oiieltuivaet Sepl '.ll ISlUHor thee "' " '
l-l of n e I I and n w 14 ol e I I ee II Tp .'i
i r II east w m.
He names the followlnij w llnesscs to proe
ds claim to said land, U: llalsev i. Cole,
Itehard Kelly, I'lillls Cllne, David ( line, all of
1 ulda 1'. i. wiiNhiiiKion.
Chins Ntiiack.
I'liii' appllealloii No. 7.'i under wvllon :!
oilelluiv act pscpt Jli IVAilor 1 1 in loN I, a uud
i we .'i Tp A n r l.' east w in,
He lianiCN the nillow lui; wltmHMi In prove
ilxehiim to nald land ill: Kdward Cliwuer,
ilohert Stc waii, Hans Hennlutiseii nil of h'uldii
'. t wiisli. Itudolph lleytlnu, ttlliuer, V. O,
Henry K. Troll.
I'nrehase appllealloii No. Sil tinder ms'tlon.1
iMirielliui' net Sepl. IS!l for the e I I ot mv
."iantl n w I I or n w l-l mv ii iHithof Tp tl nr
H east IV in.
He names the followlntl w llnesses piM(
iisi-utoi, to fmiui iiiiiii vi.:itaisey !, i oie,
lloherl Stewart, Klllda I'. O. Miisli Kildolph
II e HiiK, tillnier V. tl. wali. Telltlia J. Minw,
tileiiw-iHid I', O. WiinIi.
Henry Itcstortf,
Purchase application No. I7N under mrt lou !l
Khrleltuiv net s,pt ai l.sui for the w l-l of w
1-4 wv II Tp.'i u r I'J east w in.
lie names Ihe follow I m; witiicssex to prove his
lalm to Kiild land vix: Chills Slna !, llalsev
I'. Cole, lilchaid Kelly, Andrew Wcllcnbrooli,
innl r mutt l . i w lisii,
nv.' deiai John D. (iKoiiitKiiAN, clter,
Land Oilleeal Vani-oiiver, Wash., Nov, III, I ft! is
Notice Is hereby l v,-n that the followlnif
named wttlcr hie. tiled not lee of hU luleiitlon
to niiike rlnal pnsif in Mtpsirt
of his claim, ami that said pioofwlll he made
before the lieclsli r and lo eelvcr ot the I . H.
Ijiud otlleo at ancotivef, Wash., on Janu
ary 7lh, IsHi, viae:
John I'erry.
Appllealloii No. 10 to purchase under wvllim
S.l'olieltlliv net Sept. n Ism f,,r Hie w 1-4 II w
1-4 e ;ii Tp.4 u r 11 e w m.
He nanus the followlnir w ltnessi s to prove
his I'hilui to wihl hind vl: David strait, K. .-.
Ilurdoln, Joseph W bite, Hctirv .lohason, all of
W lntesiuion Klickitat couiitv wasliliii:ion
lit J.lleiMI JOHN II. liKlM.IUiiAN. Ueijlster
A new stiH'k of Ladies and (ients
SPECIAL attention given toclean
ing and repairing watches.
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
T-4Tnn4VsV fl.,, Are the
Write for ciiIuIokiip. Addre-s Daniel K. lleKtty
w ashliiKlon, New Jerwy
n ofi ( e Fo 1 1 vi :Tt i , i cat i t n .
i.anu ortlee nl v anoouver, wiikIi. tii'l, 21, 1SP2.
Notice Is hereby (flven that tho followlnir
named settler have tiled not leu of their liilcn
lion to mako Ilnal prixif lu HtipiHirt (if their
claimnnnd that mild proof, will he mude
oeiore h. it. fiunnar Commh-sloncr t nlted
jsikii-s i ireijii Lourt for lUstrlct ofwiLshliiKtou
un.olilcinlule, . wufihlntttoii on Dcceiulier,
Henrlch Curl Von Ijidl'-es.
H. D. Kntry No. 8tt for the h c of ne koo.
He naineH the followlm; witnesses to prove
his continuous rciddciieo upon ami eiilllvii.
i M,n m kiiiii iitnii viz: James s ui rav, tlubriel
Wlc iser, i'eter I inns, (ieoigu Tains, all of
r unia, i , ii. wilMlllUKlon.
Henrlch Curl Von Ijiiiluex.
1'urehnse Ar nllciition No. X.I. muler w....n.,,.
; J i-.orteiiuru net tsj-pt., 21, IMtl for the n ;.: of
joe. -4111111 n w;4 oi s e ;., Nee : Tp, n r VI
i-usi , in. inrr.
He niiinew the follow lnif wltnrsm's to prove
liiseliilin to said hind viz: Juunm Murray,
Uabrlel Wlehscr, I'eter Tains, tieorKU Tain's,
ail of r'uida 1 O. washlnxton.
DKl.i:it IN
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A larao supply of, and Ervtushr .';VAMo noil
Cclobrntoi! liquid cmIoi-:i ;snd tinliul lo;ul;i.
Pivpaivd to furnlah nl tdb-e, a line . lass nl' coiUm, al io it" elit tip
hut tii'ut ami hiiI-ImhiIuI.
SSajfsMD Crowe-,
Corner of Pccnntl nnd
irm . rsl ,
irt.J .j. Jito. Jt to. Ktiocls. Tiq
Acorn and Chartor Oak
Stovos nnd Ranos.
(tins, Aiiiiiiiiiiltloit anil Sporilii;; (,'.hmN,
Iron, Coal,
PtlackHtnitli Siipplii-H,
Wnoiitiutl'.of'H Material,
Sewer I'ipe,
rumps ami Tplpc,
ritinibliic; Supplies.
and Currlug
mid .Mowerik
AllKM'M I'Ult
Ctujt .. it A "i i tilliinil Inid. inrnt
ll l l M.tcllllMM-V.
lit I',!, anil would rcftioctiully
That thirty dayft iftitfi lotij: nt we enn ci
reipit'Mt cntr patiotis lo (;iivoni llu-iii-.t-lvrs iirrohliiu;ly
ac3r cs
sa j ji i ' v i jr. i f rr
. .1
.1 t?(lL-V It
Pros c:ip H r u.s a?il
Private Pfiraiuia
i i
illv.llUvU j
. : . . i iiiiii,
- - And a Comploto Lino or
James Murray.
rurchnsH Application No 77 and .r)l7 under
n ellon : loMi.ittire uct Sepc. Si IM for the e'..
of ii w t, h w ;.,of n w ! , anil w 'iof n w l4 w o
at 1 1 o u r IJcust will mer. '
He names the lollowimr wltni'sscs to prove
hiselnlin to said hind viz: Henrlch ( url V on
l.adlRcM, (iubrlel Wiebser, Marcus Vanbeber,
all of Kulda 1. tl. wasiiliintoii.
oet,l,. Joll.V U. (jKOOIIKIiA.N. UlBlsler.
All Around Painter.
Pricex reasonable and satisfaction L'tiania-
flflHK NEW TOWN has been
X old camp ground, at tho Forks
platted on tho
ii'lfu itnH ir. iiu
of H.Kid river, with large. (,lKhiy lots,
broud streetH and alleys, good soil, pure
cold water and shade In profusion, per
fect drainage, delightful mountain cli
mate, the central attraction as a
mountain summer resort and for all
Oregon, being the neurest town to
Alt. Hood. It Is also un paralleled
asHrnanufacliiring center, lining
the natural center for 150 siiuare
miles of t.hp hot. fuilu ut,.i fi
rillMIiErt, possessing millions of horse now-
er in us uashlng stream und waterfalls
ensiiy narriesHeu. wtiare cheap motive
pawr existy, tbare the luanufacturles
will cntr, Kirroaaded by oll nnd cli
mU tbt eaaat xcelled anvwhera
for fralt and airicultura. aad with
transporUtla already asurd you
wlllflndthla tha placa to make a
perfect home or a paying invest
See me cn the ground,
or adress me at Hood
River, Wascc Co., Or.
Land Office at Vancouver Wash. Oct. 21, lsirj
Notice Is hereby given that tho followlug-
iiiiiruiiiiOT iinvo nieu nonce ol ineir in
tention to make dual pi-oof In support Ihelr
cliiims and Hint said proof will be made be
fore W. K. Dunbar Commissioner I'. M. cir
cuit Court District of ;waHhlng!on at (lolden
dale wa.Nhingtonon Tuesduy Dm fl, siy viz:
Henry M. Treniier.
Hoinestead A mil lent Ion Xo (Bin t..r l
of n w Hand ej$nur 1-1 m:c, H'lptin r'w'ciui?
will mer.
He namcH the following witnessen to prove
bis coin inuous residence upon und culllvutlon
of, said land, vl.: Oskar Kubiihaiiseii Her
man Kiihnhauseu, Charles KiilinhiiuKen, nil
of.filcnwood P.O. washing on, and iuilseyD.
Cole, of Kulda l O. washlngtijii:
Henry M. Trcnncr.
ItPurehasc Application No. under sec 3
Forfeiture Act Sept., a S!H) for the s w l-l see
11 Iplin rlieiislwlll mer.
lie niiines the following wllnesscH to nrov
Ills claim tosiiid land, viz: Oskar Ktihnhuus
en, Herman Kuhnhausen. f mu les K'uioiiniou.
en, all oi (Kenwood I. . wash iniilon. and
Hulsey I). Colo, of Kulda 1'. O. Washington.
Alclde Wlllard.
rurchuso Application No. 4H under see .1
Korfeltiin: Act Sept.. 2D 1HIK) for the. n w l-l sec
211 Tp li li r l ('list will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land, viz: Kdward Claus
mer, Mary A- Harker, Teler Hlaack, Claus
Staack, ull of Kulda. 1'. O. Washington.
Mary A. Harker.
Purchase Anilllcatloll No. IRt llmler yen x
Forfeiture Act Kept., 211 IS!io for tho lots 1 and i
sec 27 Tp (nr 12 east will mer.
.She names the following witnesses to prove
her claim to said land, viz: Kdward Closnor,
Peter Htmick, Henry H. Haven, all of Kulihi.
w. wasiiuigton, ana Alclde Wlllard, of
ii mwmm mm.
House Builder 's Goods, Sash
and Doors Moldins,
Brackets a n tl Fooii imm
Lime. Plaster r.iitl IAli Coll-
IMP. v -'-.-.
on kiioi: : k;-t voi'ic::.
. D. fSTIt A N A II AN,
It. C. C(iK
" "-"-"-"Till
f-1 ifiT.N f
Contractors and Builder
Proiaptly MM.
HOOD RIVER - - . . -
!W j35?v mOEft.
Tib. IDsullea ."Niarorlea,
liL-m; grap
I'ltf H'ltlKTOHM
J lave on IkhkI it full Hiipjily of l' l tiit, Slculo uml OninrnmUl
viitou, Hiimll IVuits, Kohch innl Hhnthln'1'y.
5o Kiiro to got our piiivH licforc iiiin'linsinol.scwlioi-o.
Itt'tiu'itiluT our tift-HiiruLTowii strictly without iiTij'ut.ion.
V. A. .SMXHKItf.AM, LoC'll At'fltt.
(ilonwood P. O. Washington,
Henry II. Haven.
Purehasa Application No. 384 andar teat
rarrattara Act pl., 29 UM far tba nU of a
MuiifMUi.HwHTrlrlj aaat
win oaar.
He names the following; witnesses to prova
his claim to Raid land, viz: Kdward Claus
ner. Alary A. Harker, both of Kulda P. o.
Washington, Henry M. Trenner, Alclde W1I
la.d, both of (lien wood P. o. waHlilnglon.
Kdward Closner.
Purchase Application No. 81 under sen 8
Forfeiture Acl .Sept., 2(1 18!) for the w 1-1 sec
2!) Tp n r 12 east will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to laid land, viz: Alcido Wlllard,
of Glen wood P. O. washlngbin, Mary A.
Harker, Peter Btaaok, Claus Htuack,nll of Kul
da P. O. Washington.
oclLIMlcl Joitn D. (iKouiiKGAn. Keglstor.
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
poultry, Also Dealers iu
Corner of Oak and Fourth Htrcctn, .... n,,0,i Ujv,.r, Oregon.