The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 03, 1892, Image 1

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,v ,.r
iver Glacier.
NO. 27.
3(ood Iiver (Slacier.
The Glacier Mining Company.
Oiif vr ,,,,,,,
ki Intiutli. , , , ,
Tlu, iiinnth.. . ,
fi oo
I w
the: glacier
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Pjopr.
Sfcuml St., iii-nr Ouk. Hood River, Or.
g mnl lluir cutting ncutly dune.
.wlllifui tlllll (iimillllUod.
Tin' Ikheated IYojicrly of the
Mormon Church.
Two Indians and a Suspected Moonshiner
Carried Over a l urty-l;oot Wa
terfall In Idaho. ',
Tucson's schools have I) JO pupils.
Burglars have Ix'cn reaping a liar vest
at Sacramento.
Tim American ship Roma had lwen
ri mod at Victoria, B. C, tor not entering
ami clearing under the revenue laws.
Martial law haa Immmi suspended in
"hoshone county, Idaho, ami the civil
aullioritiea willatonco assume control.
A By ridicule of Chicago business men
In reKtteil to Ik negotiating tor the pur--huHe
of the cable system at lfl Angeles.
The new mode of logging with a wire
cable, thereby disiK-nsmg with the line
of oxen, in Umg tried by Captain l'arker
in hiH logging camp on the Coqinlle
A Indue o( tin ore, f ur feet In width,
ban been discovered in Cassia county.
Idaho. The ore also contaiuH tx)th gold
and silver, but in what quantities in not
yet known.
The herein of Eastern Oregon, particu
larly in WaHco, Sherman and (irant
counties, are fast diminishing. The in
riease by no means equals the nuni1er
driven out of the State or slaughtered.
Mihs Lena Litehburn, an elocutionist
formerly of KanHas City, now of Ixmg
Beach, Im Angeles county, lost her
speech, and it is claimed that she has re
gained it after nine months through
1 ayer.
The citizens of Ploehe, Nev., believing
the Shoshone Indian predictions of a
hard winter, are procuring large supplies
of wood for domestic uses, and are other
wise preparing for an extra cold and
snowy season.
The Supremo Court of Utah has ruled
that property of the Mormon Church
which hud been declared as escheated to
the government must go to the public
schools and to the repairs ot Mormon
places of worship. The amount in dis
pute is about $750,000.
The preliminary surveys for the large
storage reservoirs and irrigation canals
to be constructed on Indian creek, about
twenty mites from Boise, are now being
made. The three reservoirs to be built
will cover 1, 200 acres of land each, and
about forty miles of canal will be dug.
Thomas Quiddie and George Basset t,
two young men who held up the wife
and daughter of Joseph Workman
on November 7 at Los Angeles and
roblied them of $700 in jewelry and
money, pleaded guitly and were Ben
tented to ten years each in the peniten
tiary. The DeLamar Nwjgel announces the
discovery of valuable opal fields in Owy
hee county, Idaho. Some of the stones
have been exhibited in DeLamar. Some
are iiery, others are dull white, and a
cut one has been pronounced by an ex
pert as fine a specimen of its size as he
ever Baw.
Since the Inauguration of the North
ern Pacific line to the Orient there has
been considerable falling off in both
passenger and freight business from the
Canadian Pacific Company, as evidenced
by the fact that that company has re
cently inaugurated monthly Instead of
semi-monthly service.
Thomas Butler, formerly an engineer
on the Bteamer Isabel, went hunting in
the vicinity of Comox, B. C, a short
time ago, and as he did not return, a
search party was sent after him. They
found his body. Ho had been caught by
the leg in a bear trap and had died from
hunger and loes of bljod.
Evand and Sontag are reported at
Fresno to have left the United States
and been traced to London, England.
An officer engaged in their pursuit is re
ported as saying that Sontag took the
train atTruckee in disguise as a preacher
and Evans at Mojave as a miner. The
two met at Baltimore, and took the
steamer for Europe. Parties from the
mountains state that the robbers are
thought to have left there early in Octo
ber. No one substantiates the report to
a certainty.
Athens I Lis a Magnificent Academy
Building of iVntellcan Marble
Chill's Primary Schools.
... .
Kentucky has a State colored teachers
In Japan they teach children to write
with either hand.
Theiearo 4ii5,0(X) school children in
England's metropolis.
The enrollment of girl students In the
Harvard annex this year is over .'lot).
Egypt has an elaborate school system,
mo annual reports ol which are full ot
France has 2(1,000 school buildings and
one o( the tmHtsywtemsof normal school
in the world.
In the twenty universities of tho Her
man Empire I he medical students for
last summer numbered 8,HK
A practical Indiana farmer the other
day gave ftfi.OiH) to help the pursuit of
the study of scientific farming at Purdue
The oldest c illege in Chili is the " In
(til u to .Nacional," which leceived its
charter from the King of Spain more
man nm years ago.
Tufts College, Massachusetts, now ad
mits women on an 0411a! footing with
men in the divinity school as well as in
the academic department.
I he United States now spends over
ti,o,'MVHiu a year on Its schools, not In
('lulling over flO.tHHJ.OOO annually spent
111 us coi.eges ami universities.
One of the features of instruction In
the Lasolle Seminary, Massachusetts, is
a three years' course in cooking. It is
free of extra cost to the pupils.
The Sheffield Scientific School is the
beneficiary in Connecticut of the Con
gressional appropriation for the support
01 agricultural sciiooia and colleges.
George K. Vincent, Vice Principal of
the l.Iiautailnua avHtem. hits fiiHt r
I turned from England, where he has been
I securing attractions for the next season
1 . 1 - 1 j - -
, of Chautauqua.
The average expenses of the students
cf Yale were: Freshmen, $7lti; soph
omores, nii..w; juniors, fHM.Ul; sen
iors, fill). 70. The largest expense re
ported was 'J.iKJH.
Without including the recently estab
lished training colleges there are now in
Kngland and Wale forty-one institu
tions at which candidates f r the ele
mentary school profession are trained
and boarded.
A London superintendent lately pro
nounced the schools of New Zealand
among the best in the world, and the
rcorts from the schools of that till
lately barbarous country show phenom
enal chang' s.
Athens has lately completed a magnif
icent academy building of Pentehcan
marble, costing $1, 000,00) given by a
wealthy Greek merchant, Sina by name,
and has a well-equipped university with
a complete school system tieside.
The Committee on FJvening Schools of
tlieew lork Hoard of Education has
made provision for a course of free lect
ures. There will be ten places in which
lectures will 1 delivered on each Mon
day and Thursday evening during the
Mrs. . M. Atkinson of the Woman'
Journal says: "The year of 18t)2marks
an epoch in the history of the higher
education of women. Six noble institu
tions this year open their doors to wom
en. Four of theHe hoary St. Andrews,
Brown, Tufts and young Chicago admit
women to all their courses and honors;
two Yale and the University of Penn
sylvania open the postgraduate courses.
Alas, ' Fair Harvard!' "
Mr. Gladstone Varies His Tree-Chopping
t-xercise by Using a Shovel The
Iron Chancellor,
Prince Bismarck says the American
army lacks officers.
Mrs. Cleveland has an uncle, David
Folsom, living in Montana. Unc'e Dave
is a wealthy ranchman in the State.
Kev. R. Heber New ton, rector of AH
Souls Episcopal Church, New York, will
because of ill health take a year's rest.
Archbishop Redwood of New Zealand
is an accomplished violinist, and recent
ly purchased a guaranteed Stradivarius
for $5,000.
When any foreign visitor is given aud
ience by the Japanese Mikado the latter
insists on being addressed in French,
which he speaks well.
General Samuel Wylie Crawford of
Pennsylvania, whose death was reported
last week, commanded the reserve guard
of the Keystone State at the time of the
engagement at Gettysburg,
Mr. Gladstone varied bis ordinary ath
letic programme of tree-chopping the
other day by lifting the first shovelful of
earth on the occasion of the commence
ment of work on a horse railroad at
Prof. Angelo Heilprin, who conducted
the Peary relief expedition, has just
been lecturing in Philadelphia on Aictic
exploration, and expresses the belief that
the North Pole will be discovered within
a few years.
A railway company that filed articles
of incorporation in the office of the Illi
nois Secre ary of State recently is to
have a capital of $100,000, "to be in
creased to $75,000,000 as necessity re
quires." Rev. J. S. Davis of the Church of the
New Jerusalem at Minneapolis aston
ished his congregation the other Sunday
by riding to church on a bicycle and then
E reaching his sermon as though nothing
ad happened.
Tramps Make a Descent on i
Pennsylvania Town.
Last Month the Most Prosperous In the
History of the Drooklyn Ilildge
The Heedpts. j
A now evening paper is to be estab
lished at Washington, D. C.
A Newfoundland company has been
organized to gather ice from icebergs.
Gold has Ixion discovered In Lincoln,
K. I., and a small mine is being worked.
Nineteen babies in New York were
named after Columbus during the week
following the celebration. '
The peanut crop in Virginia will only
average one-half, while that of North
Carolina is also said to be very short.
And now New Orleans is called npon
to face damage suits brought by the
heirs of the lynched membera of the
Large numbers of Chinese are reported
to lie crossing the Rio Grande into the
United States, owing to the lack of river
Thirty-three out of t he forty-four Statee
now vote under new laws, all unon the
general Australian plan, but variously
Plans have been completed by the
Missouri Pacific railroad for a fast-train
service between Denver and the Missis
sippi river, beginning February 1.
Congressman Outhwaite of Ohio will
present bill in Congress to have all s jiled
paper money destroyed in view of dan
ger of its spreading and breeding disease.
Last month was the most prosperous
in tho- history of the Brooklyn bridge.
There were 4,3:10,920 persons carried on
the trains, and the receipts were SI 18.-
Jerome Park, for (hirty years one of
the most famous race tracks in the coun
try, is about to become the property of a
syndicate and be cut up into building
Kansas has elected to Coni'mns f!hr!n
Curtis, a quarter-blood Indian, and 'W.
A. Harris, an ex-Uontederate Colonel.
Tne latter was elected by the State at
The Commissioners of the District nf
Columb.a have issued an order to the ef
fect that all the theaters in Washington
must be fitted throughout with electric
Two cotton-BDinninz firms at Provi
dence, R. I., and the Lowell, MasB.,
cotton 11111:8 have notified their employes
of an increase in their wages after De
cember 6.
The Drexel Hotel Company has baen
incorporated with a capital stock of 13.-
000,000 to lease various apartment and
other buildings for occupancy by World's
ruir vinaurn.
The feeling between the strikers and
non-union men at Homestead, Pa., grows
more bitter daily, and unles the trouble
is quieted soon a bloody riot is almost
sure to follow.
The merchant marine is to be diligent
ly looked after. Senator Hoar has se
cured much valuable information while
abroad, which he proposes to incorporate
into a shipping bill.
The Reading people are sancuine over
the success of their new steel bearings
for mine cars, which by doing away with
the use of oil will effect the saving of
Beveral thousands a year.
General Sherman's old home on Gar
rison avenue in St. Louis is to be Bold by
auction. It is a handsome old mansion.
locally historic, and was presented to the
General by his friends and admirers in
There is a large factory at a small
town near Chicago, employing about 100
to 150 workers, which is wholly given
over to the manufacture of useful arti
cles from waste animal blood.
It is now proposed bv leadinor bic.vcle
men to build an asphalt road thirty or
thirty-five feet wide from Chicago to
New York. If established, there are to
be no tolls for the use of the road.
A few days ago. at a depth of nearlv
2,300 feet, a large yein of water was
struck in the artesian well at the State
Orphans' Home, near Corsicana, Texas,
that is now flowing 200.000 irallons per
The bank clearings of Chicaeo for the
ten months ending with October foot up
total ot 4,i77.0l,4 )3. and those of
Boston for the same time $4,181,005,234.
the difference being but about $3,000,000
in favor of the Eastern city.
The New York Herald advocates the
abolition of our foreign Ministries and
the substitution therefor of a perfected
consular service. The Herald attributes
the first utterance on this subject to
James G. Blaine some years ago.
The city of Salzburg, capital of the
Duchy of that name, publicly celebrated
the eighteenth anniversary of the birth
of Count Maximilian O'Donnell, a de
scendant of the Irish E irls of Tyrcon
nel, who saved Emperor Francis Joseph's
life in 1854.
In memory of General Robert E. Lee
wo stained glass windows made in Mu
nich have been put into St. Paul's Epis
copal Church in Richmond. Between
tbem on tne wall a brass tablet is to be
placed in the form of a shield, having on
it a crusader's cross, the Confederate
flag, the Lee coat-of-arms and an inscription.
Ivan Pt-troff Jiscliarged for Civing False
Information in Reports of Alaska
In Behring Sea Cases.
The President has appointed Silas
Alexander of New Mexico Secretary of
tho Territory of New Mexico, vice Ben
jamin M. Thomas deceased.
The annual report of General Casey,
chief of the engineer corps of the army,
is ready for transmission to Congress. It
relates to appropriations for the construc
tion of emplacements for molern rifled
guns and mortars.
Secretary Noble has appointed U'jbtrt
Schellicher of I-ewiston, Idaho; Jarnes
F. Allen of the Indian office and Cyrus
Beebeot Alaka as a commission to ne
gotiate with the Nez Perce Indians in
Idaho for ceinion to the United States of
the surplus lands of their reservation
under provisions of the act of July 14,
Captain W. G. C'oulson of the United
States revenue marine service, has been
detached from duty in command of the
revenue steamer Ktish and ordered to
duty in the life-saving service as in
spector of the stations on the Pacific
Coast, vice Captain J. M. White de
ceased. His successor as commander of
the Rush hai not as yet been selected.
Ilohart Wilcox has been appointed
keeper of the lifu-Biiving station at Cape
It has been dcfinely decided that Gov
ernor Stone, Assibtant Commissioner of
the General Land Oilice, shall be ap-
ointed Commissioner of the Bureau to
succeed 1. II. Carter, who resigned to
accept the chairmanship of tho National
Republican Committee. There are sev
eral applicants for the Assistant Com-
miBHionerohip, and if the policy of pro
motion is followed, M. M. Rose, the
present ellicient Chief Clerk of the land
office, will be given the place.
Superintendent of the Census Porter
has discharged Ivan Petroff, the special
agent, who, it is stated, gave false infor
mation 111 reports of Alanka for the State
Department in the Behring Sea cases.
Secretary Noble approved Porter's ac
tion. Porter in a letter to the Secretary
stated that a complete history of Petroflfs
action precluded the supposition that
Petrolf was suffering from insanity.
Prof. James II. Blodgett of the census
office was placed in charge of the Alaska
work, and after verifying it in every par
ticular will superintend its final publi
cation. The State Department is disposed to
have more respect for Venezuela's posi
tion in the case of refugee Mijares since
the announcement by Senator Pietrie
that General Creepo intended to hold
the consignees of the Philadelphia re
sponsible for her Captain's relusal to
surrender Mijares. It is clear to the of
ficials that the Venezuelan authorities
have a good caee, otherwise they would
be disposed to allow the matter to drop.
An otlicial admitted that the Venezuelan
authorities would have a perfect right to
arrest and punish the consignees of the
rnundelphia U it should transpire that
M jares was a criminal under the com
mon lew. The department heretofore
has figured from the assumption that
Minister Scruggs had prima-facie evi
dence that he was a political refugee,
and that the charge of cattle-stealing
was simply trumped up to get him off
the steamer. In this light he would un
doubtedly be upheld by this government,
and the arrest of the consignees would
probably result in a protest.
One Haunting Fear Pervades the Inner
Councils of the Managers of the
World's Fair.
The expense of organizing the Russian
section of Chicago Columbian Exhibi
tion will amount to 80K.0OO roubles.
The Greek government has voted 500,
000 drachmas to be expended on the re
production of antique works of art for
the W'orld's F"air.
The Duke of Veragua, the descendant
of Columbus, who has promised to visit
America as the guest of the nation next
year, has received the famous Order of
the Golden Fleece from the Queen Re
gent of Spain,
Mrs. Langtry is having a doll three
feet high especially modeled ta represent
her in face, and to be dressed exactly
as she was in "Cleopatra." Mrs. Lang
try sends the doll as a contribution to
the Clreago Exhibition.
One haunting fear pervades the inner
councils of the managers of the World's
Fair in Chicago. It relates to the possi
bilities of the return of cholera with the
opening of spring. In that event it is
acknowledged tnat the fair would re
ceive a blow from which it could scarcely
Auditor W. K. Ackerman, of the
World's Fair Commission, has tendered
his resignation and has informed the
local Executive Committee that a leak
exists between the treasurer's offiae and
the gates. Ackerman does not charge
that the shortage is due to dishonesty,
but claims that thousands of tickets of
admission to the Fair have disappeared,
and as he has no control over the men
at the gat' s he declines to jeopardize his
reputation by remaining in his office.
The jelly palace to be erected by the
women of California for the World's
Fair, of which mention ' has before been
made in this column, will be lx20 feet
and twenty-five feet high. The entrance
will be by two doors, approached by
marble steps. The framework of the
building will be of wire, and on this will
be firmly placed several thousand jelly
glasses cuts, globes, prisms, etc. con
taining jellies of many colors and shades
of color arranged with artistic effect and
in beauti'ul designs. The cost of the
frame work and glasses alone is estimated
at $2,700, and the brilliant effect will be
heightened by many electric lights.
The Argentine Republic Wants a
Cardinal Appointed.
Grand Duke Serglus of Russia Received
at the Vatican Lord Hose
berry to Marry.
Queen Victoria has taken altogether
mi agricultural prizes.
The Berlin Military Weekly ridicules
the corpulency of the militia.
The London Time would have all for
eign live cattle excluded from Great
On December 1 a universal census of
the cattle in the German Empire will
take place.
" Do not drown female infants here "
is a sign posted on the banks of a river
in Foo Chow.
New Zealand has eet apart two islands
for the preservation of wild birds and
other animals.
Attorney and Solicitor Generals of
Great Britain must hereafter not accept
private practice.
The wrecked British battle ship Howe
cost in round numbers $4,000,000, exclu
sive of armament.
Prison ships are said to be in course of
construction on the Clyde to take Rus
sian exiles to Siberia.
The supplementary elections for mem
bers of the Italian Parliament show a
sweeping Ministerial victory.
Hamburg has lost thousands of her
wealth-producinir people and fullv 10.-
OOO.OjO marks by the cholera.
There are seven Jewish members in
the British House of Commons, all of
whom were re-elected this year. Giers.the Russian Premier, who
is staying at Monte Carlo, is gradually
recovering from his severe illness.
A number of Japanese actresses are
preparing to start on a tour in Europe
to illustrate the native style of acting.
The universal opinion of the London
press on the " Lear " of Henry Irving is
mat it ib grand, magnificent and tire
some. The Pope has been requested by the
Argentine Republic to elevate to the
Cardinalate the Archbishop of Buenos
The Egyptian cotton crop is expected
to exceed 5.000.000 cantars (over 12.400.-
000,000), greatly exceeding the previous
Lord Roseberrv. it is rumored in Lon.
don, is to marry Princess Victoria, the
eldest unmarried daughter of the Prince
01 waies.
It is thought that the English cotton-
trade strike will be a short one, as the
traae is bucu as to make the operatives'
demands reasonable.
Theaters in Paris are not naviBs.
There are eighteen leading playhouses,
and their receipts fell off from 22,000,000
The Frenchmen interested in the Pan
ama canal have applied to the Colom
bian government for an extension of one
year on the time allowed for resuming
tne wortc.
The milkmen of Frankfort. Germany.
freely conceded at a recent meeting that
probably not one dealer in that city sold
milk in the same condition in which he
received it.
The grip is beginning its ravaces again
with the cold weather, and has laid siege
to Paris, where many are down with it.
It is said to be more contagious and vir
ulent than ever.
The Hamburg Senate proposes to
widen and deepen the Elbe at the point
known as Koelfleth. The work will cost
1,0J0,000 marks, which will be raised by
a municipal loan.
Grand Duke Sergius of Russia, brother
of the Czar, has been received by Pope
Leo in tne tnrone room ot the Vatican
with every honor accorded to members
of imperial and royal houses.
The new Duke of Marlborough has
promptly deposed bis stepmother, "the
American Duchess," formerly Mrs. Ham
merely of New York, from all the Marl
borough mansions and estates.
Monte Carln is lnninc nnna nf it. nnn.
ularitv as a place of either cramhlinv nr
pleasure in general. Never before, it is
reported, nas tnere been so great an in-
a 1. . 1 ; . 1 .
mil ui Buaiigera so eariy in toe season.
Queen Victoria heard recently that
one 01 ner 01a retainers at Balmoral was
seriously ill, and she not only called on
him in person, but also gave orders that
a basket of fruit should be sent to him
A number of German dentists have
been heavily fined by Justices in Prussia
and Saxony for advertising themselves
as doctors of dentistry on the strength
of diplomas received from American col
leges. A new choregraphic star of the first
magnitude has risen upon the horizon of
London. It is a variable star, and dances .
" La Chahut," which is a kind of mod
ernized cancan, rather more extravagant
than the original. The star's name is
Mme. Pompon, and she comes from
The Methodist congregation in Vienna
has been suppressed by the police. The
Methodist clergyman has been prohib
ited from speaking in public, and Bbould
a member of his former congregation
visit him "a detectective follows into
the house, which is under constant po- j
lice surveillance.
Rewarded lit Timet Over.
A mountaineer aod his wile had come
down out of the mountains ot Kentucky
to go to some new location in Tennessee.
They had a little jag of household goods,
and both were dressed poorly. After he
had paid the freight cn his goods he lacked
a few shillings of having enough to pay
their fare. I heard them talking it over an
they sat on a baggage truck on the plat
form. "We 'nns will her to go back, I reckon,"
said the man.
"But we 'una can't go back," she replied.
"We '11ns has sold out and her no place to
fo to."
"But what kin we 'una do?"
"Heven't we 'una got money 'nnfff"
"And they 'una won't take usf"
"And we'uns is In a fix?"
"But the Ird is down yere as well as
iip'u the hill, hain't her" she asked.
"He mought be, but the chances seem
agin it."
"But I'll go out among tho cotton bales
and find a Hmt to pray. The Lawd never
did desert his own."
"Yon motight try ft," he said donbt
Ingly. I had told three or four of the boys, and
we chipped in $ and handed it to the
man, and he had the money in band whea
the" woman returned.
"Did you pray?" he asked.
"Fur how much?"
"A dollar."
"And the Lord has dun sent us five!"
"Then we 'uns is no longer in a fix."
"Yere it is, and our troubles are over.
Tillie, we 'nns orter hev cum down yere
twenty years ago. Up thar when we 'uns
axed the Lord for a dollar we 'una some
times got two bits out of it. Down yere
when we 'una ax fur the same he piles it
on ten times over, and doan' even want to
know whar' we cum from or which churck
we belong to!" New YorK Sun.
The Tobacco Heart.
The Influence of tobacco upon the heart
Is frequently more strongly marked than
in any other direction. There are few per
sons who use this substance to excess who
do not suffer from the disordered action of
the organ in question. The impulse is
rendered weaker an ! more irregular, so
that faintness, intermittent pulse and pal
pitation are induced.
The tobacco heart is so well known arid
recognized by physicians that when the
organ is found to be in an abnormal con
dition questions to the pnt in regard to
toe use or tonacco are t sver omittea, ana
prohibition is insisted upon in every case
without exception. I am very sure, from
my own experience, that many young per
sons lay the seeds of organic disease of the
heart from the excessive use of tobacco or
from beginning it too early in life.
It not only lessens the nervous influence
by which the heart is kept in action, but it
causes a deterioration of the organic mus
cular fibres of which the organ is com
posed. "Weak heart" and "heart failure,"
so commonly met with in our day, are, I
have no doubt, very often the direct con
sequence of the abuse of tobacco.
The use of tobacco by minors should be
absolutely prohibited, not by laws which
are impossible of enforcement and which
encumber the statute books, but by home
influence and command. If this were
done we should have much lessof the dele
terious effects nf tobacco, for it is very cer
tain that no young person can use this
substance, even in moderation, without
suffering more or less severely at the time
and laying up for himself future troubles
of even mora serious import. Dr. William
A. Hamniutid in New York Herald.
Show Window Two Storlei High.
"It stems strange to me," said a man
who had recently returned from Europe,
"that some of the Ne-v York merchants
who sell dry goods, carpets, furniture, etc.,
do not have show windows such as are
seen on the continent, which extend from
the Lasemeut to the ceiling of the ground
floor. If one such were arranged it would
not only attract great attention on account
of its novelty, but also because it would
afford such an excellent opportunity for
the display of goods. The longest portieres
could be hung up in it, and be seen to much
better advantage than is possible in mast
of the present windows.
"An idea of some of the merchants in
Germany is to have their show windows
of this kind divided into two floors. The
top one is fitted up as a library or reception
room and the bottom as a kitchen or din
ing room. The effect is very realistic, as
the window looks like the section of a
house." New York Tribune.
Nutritive Properties of Cream.
The fact is not so well known as it de
serves to be that cream constitutes an ad
mirable nutriment for invalids. It is su
perior to butter, containing more volatile
oils. Persons predisposed to consumption,
aged persons, or those inclined to cold ex
tremities and feeble digestion are especial
ly benefited by a liberal use of sweet cream.
It is far better than cod liver oil, and be
sides being excellent for medicinal proper
ties it is a highly nutritious food. New
York Commercial Advertiser.
Brought to a Fine Polut.
"I call that rug Satsuma," said a head
of a house, who refuses either to know or
to pretend to know anything about pot
tery, although his house is well filled with
specimens collected by members of his
family. Satsuma has come to be his ex
pression for everything that his youngest
boy calls "daisy," and his daughter's new
toque and his wife's latest purchased
painting are classified alike by him, "Very
pretty, quite Satsuma." Boston Tran
script. ' v '
The Monkey Wrench,
The monkey wrench is not called so on
account of its fancied or actual resemblance
to a monkey, or because it is a hand; tool
to "monkey" with, but simply because it
is the invention of Mr. Charles Moncky,
of Kings county, X. Y. Although the
world has pretty nearly lost track of Mr.
Moncky, it seems to be a settled fact that '
he sold his patent for $2,000 and invested;
the proceeds in a homestead in the a bo re
ttmed county. St. Louis Republic
, V'
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