The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 19, 1892, Image 4

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Prof. W. B. Rising,
Ot the State University, and State Ana
lyst, says that " the Royal Baking
Powder has greater leavening power
than any other of which we have any
knowledge." This makes the Royal the
most economical, as it is also the purest
Wife Poor Maude, how sa t she fool st the
loss ( her husband; she's covered wilh weeds
from head to fool. Husband (dubiously) - Yes,
so Is the grave of ber lamented.
The English Consul Webb, who re
eitrneJ his post in the Phillippine Isl
ands in consequence of his conversion
to Islamism, intends to preach tbe Koran
to English-speaking people.
Holiday presents in Jewelry for every
body. Jn'ml to A. Feldenheimer, leading
Jeweler, First and Morrison, Portland. Or.
Three things which all
wofliingmen know give
the most trouble in their
hard-strain work are :
Sprains, Bruises and
Three supreme afflic
tions, which all the world
knows afflict mankind the
most with Aches and
Pains arc : Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Lumbago.
' to do are simply these
Buy it,
try it
and be
ly and perma
nently cured by
the use of
Tobacco is man's most uni
versal luxury; the fragrant
aroma of Mastiff Plug Cut
starts people to pipe smoking,
even those who never used
tobacco before.
J. B. Face Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
I must say a word as to the ef
ficacy of German Syrup. I have
used it in my family for Bronchitis,
the result of Colds, with most ex
cellent success. I have taken it my
self for Throat Troubles, and have
derived good results therefrom. I
therefore recommend it to my neigh
bors as an excellent remedy in such
cases. James T. Durette, Earlys
ville, Va. Beware of dealers who
offer you "something iust as eood."
Always insist on having Boschee's
Uerman Syrup.
Hercules Gas Engine
Made for Power or Pumping Purposes.
Tbe Cheapest Reliable Gas Engine
on the Market.
Cut or Enoink and
Tot Simplicity It Beats the World.
Xt oils Itself from a Reservoir,
No Carburetor to get out of order.
No Batteries or Electrlo Spark.
It ran with a Cheaper Grade of Gasoline than any
other Engine.
PALMER & REY, Manufacturers.
405 Saiuomt Strut. San Franasct, U.
The Indiana he slashed ami gashed and slapped
ami slew ami slaughtered:
He'd loot and shoot the howling I'te, who squealed
ami reeled and tottered;
He'd ltig ami whang at ever; gang of robber
and marauder.
The horse thief strung on the limb be hung, and
thus kept law ami order
In every fight l-g luck be struck, and never met
In glen and den, tuld brute and men, be never
found a master;
No :tsh or clash could ever dash against his front
to foe could stand his red right band that slugged
so scientiflo.
The rattlesnake he punched and crunched; he
overthrow the bison;
fie sought and fought au awful lot each beast
nieutti the horixon.
No scar or jar could ever mar, no harm could ever
get hiiu.
But want of breath and speedy death o'ertook all
things that met mm!
But to the town he came for fame, be moved Into
the city;
He fell, ah well ! I grieve to tell the pity I oh, the
He'd hit and split his head, and get a bruise at
every erasing.
And the herdio man and the moving van his
luangled form w as tossing.
Whene'er he crossed the street his feel with
wheels and things were Uncled:
And his frame became a bloody shame, all maimed
and mussed and mangled;
He'd fall and sprawl right thro' It all, his bones
all dislocated.
With most of his face stuck on the wrong place.
aud both of bis feel uusiuated.
And soon It came to pars tbe gas tbe big ga
house exploded
And be ah me: was hit, you see, be dulu't know
it was loaded.
Oh. my I in the sky he shot as high as war con
tractor's bounties.
And his scattered Inime was found, they claim, in
niueteen different counties!
S. W. Foss in Yankee Blade.
He Left Uis Sympathy.
A stranger who was innking loud inquiries
at the city ball yesterday for the mayor was
finally asked by au officer to state his errand.
"I want to make a complaint against the
way I was used at the postofllce," he replied.
"But the mayor has nothing to do with the
"He hasn't r
"No, sir. Uuclo Sam runs that,"
"Well, I've bad my satchel stolen, and 1
want to see him about that,"
"It's no use, sir. You should go to the po
lice." "Hasn't the mayor anything to do with itP
"ota thing."
"But they put me of! a street car up here.
f want to see him about that."
"He couldn't help you any."
"Say! You don't mean to tell me that
your mayor hasn't got aiiy power, do your
"Not in such cases."
"Humphl Just sits right in bis office, eh?
Just smokes cigars aud looks big ami bosses
the city hall, eh f Sayl What's the use! If
a feller can't boss the whole roost what's the
use of holding office I Sayl I'm sorry for
him. Give him my love and tell him he has
my sympathy." Detroit Free Press.
We used to hear that con
sumption was curable if one
took it in hand in time ; but
people in general had to re
gard it as fatal.
Since we know more about
it, we know how to fight it.
Now we do begin in time.
We begin before you suspect
any danger.
Our means are careful
living and Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil. Shall we
send you a book on both?
Scott & Bowns, Chemists, 13s South th Avenue,
New York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil all druggists everywhere do. f 1.
Purely a vegetable compound,
made entirety of roots and herbs
gathered from the forests of
Georgia, and has been used by millions
of people with the best results. It
All manner of Blood diseases, from the
pestiferous little boil on your noss to
the worst cases of inherited blood
taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Catarrh and
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
free. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, Ga.
Tne Best
In the
m mi
The FISH BRAND SLICKER Is warranted water
proof, and will keep you dry in tho hardest storm. The
new POMMEL SUCKER is a perfect riding coat, and
coversttiecntirosaddle. Bewarcof Imitations. Don't
buy a coat if the " 1 isti Brand" is not on it. Illustra-
itl (.'atalniniefre. A, J. TOWER, Boston, Mast,
Its Depths Jut I'vplored, Although It
KsWtrnr Was I ong Known.
The great rave in the Ornrk. ridge of
soul h western .Mlsxoun mm been thorough
ly explored at UM, ami now the wonder Is
that It whs never explored liefore. The
country Is very tunned and Ihhily nettled
tlio crater is very dullcult of access, nui
until recently the untaught deulsens of
those wilds had a superstitious il rend V
the place, which they called the Devil's
IH'it-a name niven to many gorges lu the
south and west,
All that was then known was that on
the top of lionrk's tcak, 1,K75 feet hov
sea level, a gtvat round hole opened and
1 wi1 -.- v
showed far Ih'Iow a dim, cons shajMnl pile
iuadesp cavern. Apparently that cone
was once the rmint of the peak, but
simply fell through, mid now Its summit
is sixty feet below the Inittom of the basin
formed In the summit. To that spot soon
after the civil war the nelKhliors brought
one Frank Oavlor, a guerrilla. They tie
his arms and legs aud flung him In.
dull concussion far lielow showsd that
had struck bottom, hut there was do
shriek or cry.
Eighteen vears later a woman came to
the Hotirk settlement and announced her
self as llarlor's Kister. She hml heard that
explorers had fixed a regular method ol
descent, uud she wanted her brother's
bones collected for Christian burial. It was
soon shown, however, that the guerrilla
had rolled down into a vast bed of guano
deposited by the bats on one side of the
cave, and of his bones not even dust re
In 1SO0 Ilarry T. Wow and party, frm
St. Louis, went down the crater, nut ven
tured only a few rods from the cave. In
ISS'J the Grand Army men from Ijimsr,
Barton county, organized a regularexplor-
ing expedition and made the routes prac
ticable, and one of them, Truman S. I'ow
ell, remained to continue explorations and
servo as a guide for visitors. The crater is
the ouly known ojM-ning, and from the
cave at the bottom all the routes lead down
hill, so that at the farthest polot yet
reached the eiplorer is near level. Far
above him, in other directions, are rivers
and lakes, great halls, thick set with na
ture s marvelous statuary, narrow pas
sages, vaulted chambers, tiny waterfalls
and mysterious whispering galleries.
At one tints the visitor sees the dome
hundreds of feet above his head, at others
he has to crawl between floor and roof, and
of course there is a "Fat Man's Misery."
There is also "The Great Whits Throne"
of limestone, the big waterfall, the "Senti
nel Rock" and, most wonderful of all, the
"Dead Animal lloom." Into this cham
ber for many ages the animals native to
the vicinity retreated to die, as it seems.
Their bones were strangely preserved and
the skeletons number tens of thousands.
Such are a few of the wonders of Marble
cave, which, as recent visitors think,
equals if it does not exceed either the Wy
andotte, of Indiana, or the Mammoth cave.
Europe's Itoyal Gambler.
That Milun, who was king of Servia, Is
an unmitigated scamp all readers know,
and be does not strenuously deny It him
self. But he has recently made himself
ridiculous by complaining of another scamp
who beat him. It was in Paris, and he bet
M. Mathysens 8,000 francs to 150,000 francs
that he would name the six winning horses
of the races to be rup that day at Long
champs. He succeeded in doing so for tho
first four races, and bis bet was more than
half won. However, he was afraid that
his favorite, Fable, might be beaten in the
fifth race by Livie II.
To prevent the latter from running and
insure the victory of Fable, he tried to buy
ber on the quiet. M. Mathysens, however.
heard of this maneuver and sought to baf
fle it. V bile the ex-king was negotiating
for the purchase of Livie II, he commis
sioned one of his friends to buy Fable.
Milan failed co get possession of Livie,
which ran and won, while Fable, having
become the property of tbe friend of M.
Mathysens, remained quietly in its stall,
It then occurred to bis majesty that it was
an outrage for any one to beat him at his
own game) and he declared that he would
not pay without a decision from the bet
ting committee of the jockey club. The
chances now are that both of them will ba
forbidden the entree of all race tracks, and
possibly lie driven out of France by the
universal disgust.
Had Killed Scores of People.
A few weeks ago there was killed near
the village of Mordaha, in the Kajshabl
district of India, a panther known as the
"Arani-Lalpur man eater," which for cun
ning and bloodthirsty ferocity has seldom
had a rival. This animal used generally
to lie in wait for his victims near villages
concealed in a tree, and was eventually
Killed, alter considerable difficulty, by a
party of sportsmen beating with a line of
eighteen elephants. It took, however, sev
eral shots to kill him, and he received eight
wounds before succumbing. Some idea
may be formed of the taste of human blood
exhibited by this feline scourge. In 18SJ0
he killed eight people; durin1891 and 1882
he was credited with the following: 1891
January, 8; February, 2; March, 6; April,
1; May, 7; June, 0: July, 7: August. 14:
September, 12; October, 12; November, 10;
December, 13. 1892 January, 14; February,
21; March, 8. Of thesesixty were children
under ten years of age, and forty women;
Adventures of a Washing Machine.
After the Salina county (Kan.) cyclone a
grocer missed a washing machine which
was standing on the pavement just beforo
the storm. It was picked up the other day
on the open prairie, several miles from
Salina, in a perfect state of preservation.
A Pittuhurg Fish.
The latest fish story comes from Pitts
burg. The fish is about eighteen inches
long, and its head, about as large as a
marble, is in the centre of its body. Instead
of having fins it baa ten long $alla.
i ; ' fa . ii 1 - .J' w mi t, ii; , 1. .. j
7 -vw
kluw lliiituilii Vhll Was letlvtl.
"Humnn nittur' Is ismwfullv divHllv,
ain't shot" queried iho old limn, after we had
bsvn silent for iiii time,
"You hot she isl I'm a llvlmr In th vll
hiss of R , forty miles down tho ronil,
l'vs Kot a gal mimed Molliu, Mlio't nliout as
dandy a country gal as you'll tlnd In tli
stain. I.sst winter a stranger struck tlis
town, and at ones fell in love with Miillitv
didn't like his looks, aud I said to tho Kali
" 'Mollie, Ihhvhiv of that chap, I kin read
him liks a tHMik, and I tell you h hain't hon
est nor honorable, I'll bet a wheat stack to a
pumpkin that he's a hni'or,'
"TIhi cul ilittered itli mo, ana about a
mouth ago they wore nmri liil,"
"And how did the husband turn out!"
"Mighty honorable rt of a man. I was
clean mistaken in him. They had been mar
riod three days when slong came a woman
from lUmkirk ami claimed hlm nnd showed a
certificate. I expected tin would deny her,
buthodidu't. Owned l ight up like a llttls
man. Bhe was still titers when a second on
camootl from Oswego. Ixx'kivl bilious for
my new sou in-law, and 1 looked to t him
Hunk, but he didn't. J 1st acknowledged tho
com and said he was willing to do the fair
"And how did it end f
"They had him arrested for bigamy. They
wanted us to go agin him, too, but when 1
mentioned It to him he said;
" 'Father, don't do It, Here's my watch
aud fiiO, and they are yours If you don X' 1
"And vou didn't f
"No. Ho was a try in' to do the squar'
thing, and when a man tries to do the wpiar
thing by Romulus White 1 can't go back ou
him. I gin tho gal the money nnd t kept the
watch, audi guess wo couldn't have done
uetter." Now York Sun.
To lUrgatu llunlrra.
Proprietor Wo must do something to sell
those good.
Clerk Yes, they aro going slow. What
would you suggest I
Proprietor-Mark them 10 per eout. higher
and luticl them "damaged remnants," and
they'll bo closed out today. Omaha World.
Dr. Parker's Sure Cough Cure. One
dose will atop a cough. It never (ails.
Try it. Price, 25 centa bottle. For
sale by all. druggists. Pacific CoaBt
Aeut, lieo. Dahlbender A Co., Drug'
gists, 214 Kearny street, San Francisco.
Soft gloves re worn lr f mkIIIhI to prevent
nartt Iociiuk lu a irieinliy ng III.
ror a hrst-class article in Jewelry
Watches, IMumonds, etc., send to A. Fel
denheimer, leading Jeweler, rirst and Mor
rison, 1'ortland, Or.
The proprietors of Fly's Cream Balm do
1101 ciaim 11 10 oe a ciire-uu, nui a sure rem
edy lor catarrh and cold in the head.
I have been alllicted with catarth for
twenty years, It became chronic, and . ex
tended to my throat, causing hoarseness
and great dilllculty in shaking; indeed,
for years I was not able to Speak more than
thirty minutes, and often this with great
ditlioulty. I also to a great extent lost the
sense ot bearing, ny tne use 01 i-.iy s
Cream Halm all dropping of mucus has
ccasco, ana my voice ami neariug nave
greatly improved James W. Davidson,
Attorney-at-law, Monmouth, 111.
Apply Halm into each nostril. It is
quickly ahsorlied. Gives relief at once.
Trice, 50 cents at druggists' 01 by mail.
rLY UHOTiiras,
60 Warren Street, New York
This year the flrst o( tne nut-up Jols so far
visiuie in places is uiv new eiccuou dooius.
T11 Throat. "Brown'i Bronehuil Tro
ches" act directly on the organs of the
voice, ineyiiave an extraordinary enect
in all disorders of the throat. tyxuJerx and
.mt(rr nnd tne irocnes useiui.
Literal. "What Is your fsthei ?" "He's dead."
Hut what was be before be dUd?" "He was
Most reliable and largest Jewelry llouse
in Portland is A. Feldenheimer's, leading
Jeweler, first and Morrison, l'ortianu, or,
II ... . Vn A .It.....
Dr. R. Si'iurrMAHK. St. Paul, Minn., will
mail a trial package of Schitlman Asthma
1 t .. . . ir 1 .: t ........ . A
' uic icc iu any Duuticii umn niotuii, v
Iief in worst cases, and cures where others
mu. .name mis paper aim sena aauress.
"Isn't PhllsdelDhla s hot city?" queried Park
er. "I dou t think so," returned Hicks. "I whs
there last Christmas, and found It imlte cool.
Wa posltively'cure rupture, olios and all reo-
tsl dlsesses without psla or detention from busi
ness. No cure, uo pay. Also all Private dis
eases. Address lor pamphlet Dm. Porterfield A
uwoy, B.J3 usriei siree;, sau rraucisoo.
It Is easier to tnke two steps toward wrons: than
one away from it.
Dse Enamellne Stove Polish; no dost, no smell
Id flying in the .face
of Nature to take tho ordinary pill.
Just consider how it acts. There's
too much bulk and bustle, and not
enough real good. And think how
it leaves you when it's all over I
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets act
naturally. They help Nature to do
her own work. They cleanse and
renovate, mildly but thoroughly, tho
whole system. Requlate it, too.
Tho help that they give, lasts.
They're purely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, tne smallest, easiest,
and best to take. Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Constipation, In
digestion, Bilious Attacks, and all
derangements of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels are promptly relieved
and permanently cured. One tiny,
sugar-coated Pellet for a gentlo
laxative three for a cathartic.
They're the cheapest pill you can
buy, for they're guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. You pay only for the good you
Ibis is true only of Dr. Pierces
Of foiiatdetsliou sr lioMuinn ol whleu It Is
soiled ud them srs nisny such tlmt they euro
liniiisdlMiuly IhhIIIt stlintiiU of Ions intuitu.
I hei are Mm such tlist i sn. Chronic dlMiidcrt
esuiiol tie Inslsiilsiieeiialy removed, C011II ully
lu tli use ol iiemiliiu inrilleliie. such ss Hos
teller's stmuseh Kilters, will eradicate chronic
rihystrnl evil-. Not the least of llics lal In the
ureeof itaopHiMlloti In medicine is const na
tion, in Hie reiiiov al of w lilt )ridslct In, (he
Hitters Is iMnlleiilarlv adapted. Constriction of
the IkiwcIs Is s Complaint w hich snoiild la) dealt
Willi 1 arW Mid systematically, Ho are Its iibiisI
attendants, liver complaint and rivapcals. K01
these, ( ir malaria, rheumatism, klduc v trouh'e,
and inor recently " Is irlpH," thla hlahly and
prideloually commended ineilli liiu la an nil
doubted eellli, Nothtiin eaii ee(ed It, more
over, sa a meauaof ImpartliiK "In'iitli lo the
(eetilo sh 1 nervous.
It la Imnl for s man wilh a bad liver to helleve
thai anylmdy lii his nclijhUirliood has iliu light
kind ol rollnlon,
ltKANimicTii's 1' are (he siifisl nud
most ell'ectlv remedy for Indigestion, Ir
regularity of the Dowels, Constipation, Dil
iousncasi lleadaohe, Dlr.siuess, Malaria or
any disease arising from au impure state ol
tho blood. They have been in use In this
country for over lllty years, ami the thou
sands of unlmpeaclialile testimonials from
those who have used them, and their con
stantly increasing sale, Is incontrovertlhle
evidence that they perform nil that Is
olalmcd for them.
Solil In every drug nud medicine store,
either plain or sugar-routcd.
It Is s sad fact that none of us are ss hand
some as wv think wo look In a uiilloriii.
Wilh LOCAL A ITI.ICATIi NS, as they can't resell
the seat of the disease. Catarrh la a blood or
eoiialltiilloiial dlaeasi, and III or ler to cure It
you have to lake Internal reiiii ilUv. Hall's Ca
iarrh Cur -Is lukeii lilt nially, and acts dlnatly
mi the blood and tnueoiia mi 1 faces. Hall's C
lirrlil'ure Is no quaek medicine. Ituaanro
allHt by oue ol the heat pliyxlclaiia 111 (Ida
eoiiuiry lor years, and la a rcnulur prt nerl tlou,
II Is eounnied of the best tmiles Slum 11, com
blued with the Ix st blood partners, setluK di
rectly on Hie mueoiis siiiUmo. The rfeel
eiiiibllistlon f the two liiitredUmt la w hat In
duce" Mich wondeifiil reauiia III curliut rnlnrrh,
Send for teatlnioulnla tree.
K. J. CHK.NKY A CO., I'ropa., Toledo, I).
Hold by dniK'klats; price, T.' cents.
Tit Obimea for breakfast.
Both the method and results wlci
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is ploasanv
and refreshing to the tnsto, and auti
eently yet promptly on the Kidney,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
tches and fevers and cures halitua1
constipation permanently. For sail
in 50c and $1 bottles ly all druggists
iomviui. nt. mw toxK. nr.
Cures Consumption, CoiiRha, t'rnnp,
Throtet. Sold by all Ilrucein on a Guar!
Kirs Lams bidt, back orChrt Shlloh's Pi
wfilt viva arrest uitufaclioa.-a Cent
Ho re
Kirs Lams bids. Hack or,hrt bnilon s rorous
Plaster will give great mUfaciioa. ij cents.
Mrs. T. H. Hawkins, ClmttnnooiM, T'onn., says:
"Wiiloh's Vttallzfr'SAVKl MY LlftS. I
ever uard." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble It exools. I'rK , 5 cts.
If ova vnii (inrrhr lYv this ltomodv. ItwIU
relieve and Cure you. Price 60 ot. This In
lector for Its succeasf ill treatment is f urn isheo
free, Shlloh's Kemcdlos are sold by us on
euarantee to give satisfaction.
AND At)-
as Oil
d. and
wo will forward you our Illustrated esta.'iKiie
and price list of Hllverwsre, lms, Crockery,
Glassware an" House Kunilshiug Uools, Free.
Olds & Summers,
Wilt Ml llrv , nw.n
Bones, Meat, Urlstle and all
Oroea Cut BON EH will
double the number of eiwi
will make thein more for
tile will carry the hem
safely through the molting
period and put them Id
condition to luy when kki
rommiind the hlKhest price
and will dovelope you)
chicks fnssur than an
Other food.
Feed Grrcn Bones and
TJW) Creosuzone to kill
th. llrn a.t.l vt ...111
Jifty per cent more prollt.
Bend for Catalogue and
5 sMMini.sfi'fil rv.J
r iisf ri I
Costs nq more than an ordinary clumsy wood picket afl'alr that obstructs the view and will rot or fall
apart in a short lime. The " llartman " Fence Is artistic In (IcsIks. protects the Kroiinds wlllinut con-
tsaNng them and Is practically kvkkihimo. ir.MJSTBATKD OATAIiOOUK WITH PiUUKH AJJU
i n.iiMUi -H,niiAii,Ki) KKKK, Always meniton nils papsr in wnttng. I
Hartman Mfg. Co., Beavsr Falls, Pa. T. D. Gists, (ten. Wtitern Sales Agt., BOB State St., Chicago.
David M. Clarkson, Jr., Portland, Or.
Holly, Mason, Marks & Co., Spokane Falls, Wash.
No detention from business. We refer you to over iooo patients, and six
national banks. Investigate our method. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of RUPTURE of both sexes, without the use of KNIFK OR
pmii.ur,, injumuci di
Mr. Surah MUr
01 Minneapolis.
For Women
Hood's Sarsaparllla la Espovlally
Adapted to Cure Difficulties
Peculiar to tho 8ns
The reitorliiu and Invigorating iroierlleof
IIihhI's SarsaparHla, eoinblned with Its power lo
Vltsllne and eurlcli tlw IiIih, render It picul
larly a.laptcd for all troiiblea peculiar to wmiicu
Unit II -ed fee lug, or debility caused' , kanKO
of n-a-on, ellnuite or life, lloml If ,ll!ia
has aecoinpllalieil very srstltylug lu
many cam's. Head the follow Iiik " ;
1 was for a long time a sultcicr fnun
Fomalo Woaknosa
and tried many remedies and pliyalelatia, to no
good piirnoaa. One day I read one of the IIihhI's
Haraaparllla books, and thought I would try a
Isittle of the medicine. It made so ureal a dif
ference In my Condition that I took three bottles
more and found myself perfectly well. 1
have also glvsu
Hood's Sorsaparilla
to the rlilhlrvu, and find that It kcc.i tbrm In
good health. 1 am willing Hint this shall Ih
used for Hie benefit of others." Man. rUaiil
Hcih, m 10th sr., do. MliineiiM,ll, Minn.
HOOn's) fll.l.H ruixall Liver Ills, Hlllolis
tiess. Jaundice, ludlgcsllou, hick llesdsehn.
M Dynamite
" ii
If you want I0VDKK (or MinliiR,
Railroad Work, Htninp HlastlnK. or Tres
riantlnx, send for l'rlce List.
PAL1EE i BEY, Sao rraacisco, cil. aci ftnuit. or.
Never Fails to Give Relief
f. MINT!
msi & a, Props.
JTrUI bottle by Ksprr prepaid ou receipt
of puce, fi.uu)
MAOlCCONKHareioldonguarantec. If they
fall to bciicllt or cure, relu n cones, not used, In
g iod order, aud money will be refunded. A
remedy that CI'RKS can be UIJAKAS I KKU.
I sdles can cure themselves at home without loss
ol time and the extcn e a tiille. Particulars
(scaled) free. Tli K MAOIC CONK CO ,
134 Third street, I'oitisnd, Or.
Ttl CJ ts tha ark nnwladesg
Ifaillnf ramady tor a',1 Its
onnaliiral tllarhartas ass
prlvatsdlsauaatif ina. M
cartaln cura tor lbs Oabllfc
Utlng wsakosss dsisuIIm
lo woman.
I praacnbalt and fMt tars
In raconnnsndlng 11 M
all sunarsrs.
1 8T0N(
The Speclflo A No. I.
Cores, without (ail, all rases of Uiiaorr
horn and 4JIft, no mailer of how long
slunillns. Prevents atrlctura, It hchiK an In
tcnml remedy. Cures wlien ernrytliing els
has fiUbKl. Hold ny all IiniKKlsts.
Manufacturers: Tho A.Hclioeiihal.Mfsltclne
Pri. SS.OO. 1XX
Morphine Habit Cured In 10
to MO days. No jiuy till curtiil.
DR. J. 8T EP H E Ni, Lsbanon.Ohio.
1. P. N. U. No. 4(10-8. F. N. U. No. 543
now long sianaing. JiAAMlMAl lUM FRKH.
jr Jr Vntm lnt I
I OawaaMS al M H
-J aaaM StflstafS.
I lTHiEynsiCMtsirillCn
Rooms 517-1-9 Marquam Opera Block,