The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 05, 1892, Image 4

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    No Substitutes
Return to the grocer all substitutes
sent you for Royal Baking Powder.
There is no substitute for ROYAL.
OH for lliivy M.ti lilnrl-T.
Forluluiciitinjr ili journals of heavy
limchiiifiy, t'itlur ripo oil or ixrm oil
i tht Ix-st to use in mixture with min
eral oil, ns tin y huvo the loast I'tToct on
brvs and iron, which two uietals gon-
ally constitute the bearing surfaces of
an ougi ie. of Steel.
Out or Date.
ITonswife Marie, these fowls aretle
ciiHlly too tonsil again, you cannot
have put them into the gtewpau early
Ctxk Right you are, mum; they
should have leon nut in three years ago!
Good advice to pipe smokers
is to try a pipe full of Mastiff
rlug Lut. Its the favorite
with all who delight in the sub
tle charms and fragrant aroma
o a pure, mild-flavored, slow
burning tobacco.
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
Babies are always happy
when comfortable. They
are comfortable when well.
They are apt to be well when
fat ; they worry and cry when
They ought to be fat ; their
nature is to be fat.
If your baby is thin, we
have a book for you care
ful living free.
Scott & Bowne, Chemists, 131 South 5th Avenue,
New York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil all druggists everywhere do. f 1.
William McKeekan, Druggist at
Bloomingdale, Mich. ' ' I have had
the Asthma badly ever since I came
out of the army and though I have
been in the drug business for fifteen
years, and have tried nearly every
thing on the market, nothing has
given me the slightest relief until a
few months ago, when I used Bo
schee's German Syrup. I am now
glad to acknowledge the great good
it has done me. I am greatly reliev
ed during the day and at night go to
sleep without the least trouble." 9
Ceverai bottles of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.)
entirely cleansed my system of contagious
blood poison of the very worst type.
Wm. S. Loomis, Shreveport, La.
T HAD scrofula In 1884. and cleansed my
A system entirely from it by taking seven
bottles of S. S. S. I have not had any symp
toms since. C. W. Wilcox,
Spartanburg, S. C.
Treatise on Blood and Bkin Diseases mailed
tree. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ca.
Bt(f O la the acknowlearM
leading- remedy for all li
unnatural discharges; act
private dineasns of men, &
certain core for the debili
tatlnf weakness paeailftj
to women.
fT Iprescribeltandfeeltaif
HEWiritM. In recommeoainc it r
, OlaOINNU,Q..FaP lJ"?-K a.
,5,1 a. . Ol until, u.,uiosMiijii
old ny urngrciauh
FBlCJE &..
MAGIC COSES are sold on guarantee. If they
fall '0 benefit or cure, return cones, not used, in
good order, and money will be n f unded. A
remedy that CURES can be. Gl'AKANTEKD.
Ladies can cure themselves at home without loss
of time and the expanse a uifte. Harticulais
(sealed) free. 1 HE MAGIC CONE CO.,
134 Third street, Portland, Or.
F JrCam ln I
I - isniHarfnivll
wm atrassi
V v v. a. a.
A oiiriiiinii's I. Sprcrb,.
The other !ay I was listening ton cot
(rresMiian relating to a small circle hia
exrterienee at a recent convention. 1
will make a secret of Ins name, as I pro
pose to live long aiul uninterruptedly iu
the land which the Lord elected, and iu
no wise crave to he cut i ff in the blush
ing morning of my days. The fact is,
this statesman is a verv hroad, athletic
one, of a shifty anil uncertain temper.
"1 oz should have heard me speech,"
he said. "It was a lulu. And I paid
me respects to I ongresh, too, me loy
I Tooui em t ne way matters nail been
inisliiuanuged we wouldn't have the
Sioney to meet the expinscs of the pris'
hit physical year. Thin 1 bore down on
thehypnorkin prachticed in this house.
"The hypnotism':" (pieiied a listener.
"lis, the hypnotism, I he appint
mint of all thiiu sons and rcc-latives of
congreshiuin to loocrative utipiuds.
Here the b ys of three eongreshinin ou
the pace's roll naw, he hivins, earnin
their seventy-five dollar a month the
year 'round and them b'vs, mind yez.
only nine and tin veal's old, and tho legs
or thmi no bigger than spluudlea. I
should say it was hypnotism.
"Aud thin," continued the congress
man, "whin our man .vint through all
right 1 jumped up and moved to make
his uomenation ceremonious, and thin
the foon began."
"Lnanimous. you mean." corrected an
"Well, phwativer it is. 1 done it, but
they voted it down. All the same he's
nomenated. which is what we were
after." Washington Cor. Kansas City
i "tmiiKing Itouibs.
A com pan; engaged in the mannfaC'
tare of explosives in this city has for
sale now small bombs about the size of
frankfurter sausages, with which it is
said the farmer can bring down 6mall
showers of rain whenever he sees clouds
over his land.
The constituents of one bomb are di
vided into two parts, liquid and solid,
which are both separately nouexplosive.
These can be kept separate until the
time comes to use them, when they are
The solid part is about an inch in dv
ameter and eight inches in length, and
Is wrapped in cotton. These bombs are
placed in grooved tin boxes, each hold
ing ten. A small tin measure, contain'
ing the limiid part, aci ompanies each
box. It is graduated to show the quail'
tity needed to saturate the bomb to the
exploding point.
Five or tifty bo;nhs may be used, ac
cording to the amount of rai.i needed
or the detonation required. How the
fanner is to know howmncli detonation
is needed is a dubious matter. The
bombs are tied in a bundle, a time fuse
is attached and the whole lot discharged
from a mortar and at the passing cloud.
in may countries clonus olten pass
over the vallevs and discharge their
contents on the barren mountain Rides.
In such regions, it is said, the bombs
will be particularly useful. New York
A City Marshal Abroad.
One of the city marshals who took a
vacation recently and went to France
found what a big man a marshal over
there is and how much a marshal's
badge amounts to, He started to go to
several places of public interest in Paris
at an hour when they were not opeu to
the public. At the entrance he was
stopped and told that the places were
closed. He said that he was an Ameri
can and had only a short time to stay in
Fans, and that if he could not get in
then it would be too late. That made
no difference until he happened to put
his hand in his trousers pocket for some
change with which to try to bribe the
attendant. His coat was unbuttoned,
and his arm pulling back the lapel
showed his big city marshal's badge in
blue, gold and gilt, with the word "Mar
shal on it big enough to be read ten
feet away. As soon as the Frenchman
saw the word marshal he became obse-
quious. The American marshal, as the
city marshal became known, was shown
around with a great deal of considera-
tion, and the Frenchman declined to ac-
cept a fee. New York Sun.
She Aoneaied to uis Patriot!..
A friend of mine has a "polly" that is
verv talkative. Sundav he nut th hirrl
nn tb Trlor,i,vc aiii Pii.,
soon caught sight of a policeman who
was just passing by, who was also a
member of the A. O. H.. and Rhn,,fP t.
him, "What a hat!" The policeman .
turned around, and seeing no one near,
turned to go away. No sooner had he
turned his back than Polly again shout
ed at him. This time Polly was caught.
The policeman drew his club, and shak
ing it at Polly, said: "It's you is it? It's
a good thing you're a polly, for if it
wasn't for your color I'd shoot ye."
New York Recorder.
1 rJg?
Tho FISH I5UAKD RLICKtfR In Wormnf.vl ,.tJ
proof, and willkwp youdry In tlio hardeststorrn. Tilt1
new I'OMMEL SLICKElt is a iM-rfr-rt ri.ii,,.
covers the enllre saddle. Bctvareof Imitations. Don' t
uUy & ttmfc 11 me k jsn Brana is not on It. Illustra
ted Catalogue free. A. J. TOWEK. Boslon.
TliG Eest
in the
'now a mosaic is maw:
Some Information About Mil liitirvatiniz
Art -How (he Old Methods lMtlViv.l
from Thuaa of Today A t'urlxoa An
dent Mot hod of Decoration,
One of the most imttortant recent do
vciopments in giajw luanutaetunng lias
boeu in the art of working in nuv
saie, and they have reproduced In this
method Mr. llolmau Hunt's picture of
"Christ among the Doctors," which many
people may remember in the old Water
color society's exhibition in ISS7. The
mosaic, alnmt eight feet wide and four
feet high, was made for tho reredos of
Clifton college chapel. Few people have
the slightest idea of how a mosaic is
"llio art of working in mosaic, the
most imperishable of wall decorations,
was known to the Homans," said Mr.
Towell, superintendent of a manufac
tory, "and has been revived and practiced
at various times. Thus there was a re
vival in Raphael's time, and Titian also
made designs for mosaic. Iu our own
day it has boon revived by Salviati, in
emce, and it has loen practiced in the
Vatican and at St. IVter's in Homo under
the present and former pope for the pur
pose of reproducing the works of the old
masters in an iiniKrihable form. Most
of the work done in this country and on
the continent for the last quarter of a
century has been bv Salviati.
"For instance, the designs of Alfred
Stevens for tho spandrels in the dome of
St raw s are carried out by him, and
were executed in Venice. We have loen
working at mosaic for about ten years,
and have introduced some very impor
tant improvements. We Have, more
over, trained all our own craftsmen, and
every part of tho work, from the making
of the glass to tho completion of the
picture, is dono by highly skilled En
glish craftsmen."
"And how are the cubes of glass made
and arranged into a picture';" "You
must begin nt tho beginning and see the
glass made," said Mr. Powell, leading
the way into the workshop. "But first
let me show you what the old method
was. This," showing me n piece of
opaque colored glass, for all the world
like a biscuit, "is a piece of glass such as
is used in Venice. It is made by taking
a big drop of molten glass and pressing
it out flat to about a quarter of an inch
in thickness. These are made in every
color. They are cut into littlo cubes and
arranged to form the design, and it is tho
cut face which forms tho picture sur
face. The disadvantages are the disa
greeable glitter of the glass and the dif
ficulty of shaping the pieces."
"And the new method?" I was shown
the maker of the glass at work. The work
man has a shallow mold, into which ho
sifts from the perforated bottom of a tin
jug a colored powder. From another
jug he sifts another thickness of white
powder, and then a considerable thick
ness of coarser powder, making alto
gether about a quarter of an inch. These
powders are of ground glass and are
fused by the heat of the fire into a solid
tile. The first powder is of tho color the
glass is intended to be, tho second ii
white, to give quality to tho surface
color and to resist damp, and the third is
simply a backing of coarser glass to give
strength and thickness.
The tile is then cut up into little pieces
with a steel American wheel into the
shapes required. "The advantage," con
tinued Mr. Powell, "besides tho supe
rior color is that we use the surface in
stead of the cut edge of the tile for
the picture. And so we can cut any
snape we require. I bus, as in Mr. Hoi
man Hunt's picture, we can cut pieces
into the shape of a thumb nail, or of a
nostril, or of parts of an eye, or of any
of the littlo bits of drawing which go to
make up a picture. In the old way these
things would have to be made up of lit
tle cubes, and of course the shapes would
not have been nearly so accurate. Dy
our method we are enabled to approach
much nearer to pictorial effect quite as
near as is desirable in this class of deco
Ana the putting of the pieces to
gether?" "There are several ways. The
most obvious is to cement the glass piece
by piece upon the stonework. But that
makes very uneven work, and it is diffi
cult to make alterations. The methods
we actually practice are two namely,
race down' ana 'lace un.' The former
lo UDCU lul "ecoiuuve panels ana tne lat-
WT Ior important worit, like pictures.
he method is this: We have a tracing
mad of say a nea1 which tracing is
pasted down on a plate of glass. The
iitue pieces or mosaic are then, after
"ucn careiui selection ana cuttimr. put
down!upon th,cir 1)la,ces on the tracin
?n4 nxea wun weaK cement, ana bo bit
bv bit the whole is made up,
The advantage is that we see what
B on, ami mat ai-
Nations are easily made. When the
. 18 . in this way it is ready
tor transfernng permanently to the
stone wall or to a slab of slate. This
is easily done. We take a piece of linen,
such as architects use for tracing, and
cement it all over the face of the pieces
of glass. When this is hard the linen
with all the pieces of mosaic is stripped
off the glass plate. The slab of slate or
the wall is then prepared with ceaient,
upon which the mosaic, held together
by the linen, is pressed and left to
harden. The linen is then washed off
and the finished mosaic exposed to view.
And this is how a glass mosaic is made
-Pall Mall Gazette.
Take Your Choice.
Jones You can get the position if you
can find somebody that can go on your
Smith Wliich do you prefer. Willie
Vanderbilt or Jay Gould?
"Are you acquainted with them?"
Not at all; but they can go on my
bond, can't they, if they want to?"
Texas Sittings.
Al.l.CmK'S IVlttH'S I'UHTliltK HID Ulllip
proiu'bablo in curative properties, rapidity
and utty ol action, and are the only reli
able plasters ever produced. They have
Miccrnxfully Mood (lie teat of over thirty
years' use by the public j their virtues have
never been equaled by the uiiNcriipulouii
iiui'HioiM who nave soukiii to undo upon
im rcpiiuiiioti 01 AI.UlHKH nv IUHMIIK'
p'nsteis ith boles in them and elainiintr
them to be " just us good as vi.i.cuck's.
and they stand to -day indoiNed by not only
the highest medical am lioiities, but bv
millions ot j'riileliil palientu who have
proved their ellleaey as a household rem
Heware of imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Ai.l.
cock's, mid let no solicitation or explanu
tion induce you to accept a substitute.
There Is tiotltt ik inoto
Cill'lUl 1.
pretention! tliiui the
Newts the time to treat catarrh of Iomk
stamlinu. Kly's Cream Halm reaches old
and obsiinate cases, w here all other reme
dies fail. lo not neglect procuring h bot
tle, as iu it lies the relief von itoek.
Kev. 11. II. Fairall, 1. 'l .editor of the
iiirg .V.-f,'n,(if, nays editorially: " We have
tested the merits of Kly's Cream Halm, and
believe that by a thorough course of treat
ment it will cure almost every case of ca
tarrh. Ministers as a clasg are alllieted
with head mid throat troubles, and catari'li
seems more prevalent limn ever. We can
not recommend i-.iy I ream Halm too
Apply Dttlni into each nostril. It Is
iiuicklv absorbed, (lives relief at once.
Price, 0 cents ut druggists' or by mail,
I'.i.y ItKorimts,
.'Hi Warren Street, New York.
Cmld Is a mire shot, altho k'i be iniikei many
Static or Ohio, City or ,(
l.ers Cocnty. (
Frank J. Ciikn y iimkes ohiIi that he is t)u
litr ttMrliw.r ,I lli, llrm t1 V I t iivwv.l.l'..
doing tnikiniw III the city of Tu'edo, county niul
siHle alcrvanlil. Mini Hint 'nld tlrmulil iwy tlie
sum of ON K I11NHHK1 POI.I.AKS (or each njiri
eterr esse of t'ArAKMii tbsl rnmiol bo cured by
tltlHIM'Of II ILL'S CAtAKItll I'i hk.
Sworn to b fire me sml Kutm. rlbe.t In my i.rvn-
enee thisnili dny of leceiulH'r. A. H. Innl
(SKAL.J A. M. li fcASON,
.Vodiry 1'ubtli'.
Hall's Cntnrrh Cure Is tslcen iniuriml y. slid
sei- directly on the blood slid mucous mirbtccs
of (he aystcui. Send for tcsilmiinlsls. Inf.
r. J Cllr.MU v CO., Toledo, ().
f s Sold by Prugglsis; T.'iceiils.
Yen ii nine, niske a nolo of this: Grass wid
ows are uo. treca.
Ilv You Aathunt?
1R. K. SciurrM !!(, St. 1'aul, Minn., will
mail n trial package of Schilt'man's Asthma
t'uroir to any sufferer. Oivea instani re
lief in worst ruses, and cures where others
fail. Name this paper and send address.
The chief hop buyers and the brewers
of the Northwest have formed a combine.
The growers in Washington believe
prices will reach 4 ) cents, and those who
can are holding for better prices than
tnev now receive.
copYRitar eti
On the road
to health tho consumptive who
reasons and thinks. Consumption
is developed through tho blood,
Its a Bcrofulous Affection of tho
lungs a blood-taint. Find a per
lect remedy lor scrofula, in all its
forms something that purifies tho
blood, as well as claims to. That,
if it s taken in tune, will euro Con
Dr. Pierce has found it. It's his
" Golden Medical Discovery." As
a strength -restorer, blood -cleanser,
and flesh-builder, nothing liko it is
known to medical science. For
every form of Scrofula, Bronchial.
Throat, and Lung affections, Weak
Lungs, tovero Coughs, and kindred
aumenis, us tno only remedy so
sure that it can bo guaranteed. If
it doesn't benefit or cure, in every
case, you navo your money back.
" You get well, or you get 500.M
mats what is promised, in good
iaitn, by tho proprietors of Dr,
Sage's Catarrh Kemcdy, to sufferers
irom Uatarrh. 1 he worst cases, no
matter of how long standing, are
permanently cured by this itemedy.
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success
ul CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug
ists on a positive guarantee, a test that no othei
!ure can stand successfully. If you have s
vill cure you promptly. If your child has th
piickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON
iUMPTION, don't watt until your case is hope
ss, but take thi3 Cure at once aud receive lm
nediate help. Large bottles, Soc. and ll.oo
fravelerr convenient pocket size 25c. Asl
our druggist for MilLUll'S tUKE. 11 youi
insjs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's For
us Plasters. Price, 2.?c.
If von havn Malaria. I'llna. Hick Ueail-
acfie, Ciwtlvo liowels, Iumb Ague or tj
It your food doea not aaMliullate,
JJ will core tneae ironmea. Jifwe small,
Price, 25c. mce, 30 Park Place, N. .
tutus hi that tho iiilv who lialiltunlly
illnn-uui'l llirlr liciillli will t ai-li I lull il.'Mruliln
Ui'0, ami avnlil llio lo alliy hli'lt la li' ilu
xlriinlo us an t'luriial ivaliti'iico on iiccoiinl ol Hi"
ImmiI hiuI mm rrtiml mt. iii'iii'iiilly, Hot 111 It vi
tuny In I lilx vale ul ti'Hia, hy ulioulit nt vo nn
(Hilly viutiire llui loiluii's o( uNamlit wlii'ii a
V HI I' III t (1 IIKI llf llllNll'lll'I'S hliMIIMI ll Mil 1 1' IB
Will rlil lis ol llio Htmrlona v w hlrh nil
Iiwk physlrla a are vim v uiiicli ill lunlt I inla to
hoiii'ii llio li'rm ol our rxlKii'inv. Ho rllnuii,
MIlKUkiioaa, i'oiiKtlMilluli iilimml alMia iin'Olii'
I 'iiny thin i- i m I , 1 1 1 1 , niul ail' syiiiHoiiiiilli' ol It.
Vlii'so ll ro nil t' x 1 1 1 1 tt u I lt I liy llio llilloin, u Ii It'll
also i'oiiiIii''N t'oiopli'loly loaliiilii,,
no viuntiioaa anil ilolillliy, Sluoo llio npii'aiiiiii't
ol " In iii'li'po" ll Iota kIioh ii a ttiiKiiliil lioixlory
nvor Hi (oiaililiililo i'oinilalut Unit Iota i aiiicil
oil a i many ol our hrlKhlral anil In si.
Colmntitia coulil iml Imvo lr k il it II nor time
ot your lor a soa trio,
INn uiia,-. "Jiiiich'j Hnmrhiiil Troche" liro
iimi'iI Willi iolviiiiliiK'0 to nlli'vlitto CoiikIim,
Soro Throat, I lonrsi'iioaa mid Hioucliiui At
ci'tloiiH. Siltt mil ii in four.
Van al ai a Inirloa tlui hnlohot w lioro ho ran
Kot at It niiillly lion ho wants It aita ll.
W walttviiy runt ruiilurn, llia aiot all roc
Ul ittmmaoa w llliout pain or iloloiillmi Innii bust
uoaa, No euro, no pay. Alao all I'rtinlf ilia
iwaoa. Aihlroaa (or pamphlet Dra. I'orlorllolil A
Uoy, KIM Maikolslrool, San Kraiiclnoo.
KIkIiI. --Toaohor Who w in tho hum ot llio haf
tlool .Sow (irit'Miia? lilok llli ks t'orla lt.
Tit llr.i for brakft.
P Knaimilltio Movn I'ollsli: no dual, nn amoll,
X. At.tiANv Sr.,
Ithaca, N. Y.,
I'cc. K;, l.SSr.
I have been u
victim f rhcti
tiiatisin. 1 was
persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I
have used two bottles, ami a man
more free from rheumatism never
walked our streets. My limbs that
were unco still' and lame are now ns
li;;ht and limber as in my youth.
jos. i:nsi:i.i..
Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1SS7.
Suffered many years injury to
hip resulting; in rheumatism, muscu
lar weakness and contracted cords.
Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil re
lieved 1110 so that I now walk about
nnd attend to daily duties at ( -.
I heartily endorse it.
ios. r.nsn.i..
nai Lilian nrmi d
Wire fflStb.
1 Kill n 11 ini HtrntiL'lli iif nuv nt ..r ul
10 Stock! H IVrfort harm loliro, yot llauilmiino
I'QBi rlptlvi' t'lroiilar aiul Toallinoiiliils; alo ('iitnlonno n( llarlinaii Hloitl llokot Ijiw ii Knnre!
Hartmin Mlg. Co.,
. 1 . , , ..iiniiiK, r 11-AK1113 11 irr .lililn, I'M',
Btaxr Fa III. Pa. T. 0. Carta.
Oavirl M If . Portland Or. Hoily,
No detention from InisliiMa. We rrfrr you to over i'o pnllmts, niul alt
rial iun. 1 1 liuiiks. InvmiiKuIr our mrllnal. Writlru j'li.iiiinu c I n I ! ut-l y
cure all klmlsof R II" Tl' K H of tmtli arnra. willoint l!ie iii- of KM MS OR
BYK INCH, no mutter of IiowIoiik atuuiluii;. KXAMINATIOM I'lUIH.
tuc n r un i rp rnuDiuv rui t
I us. ui l.i mikkun vuini
CoaaiKooNDi.Nci; soi.iciTun. Pim i'oh Cmri'l.AK.
'Confound you t What do von bus arw imsi
v run iiibi wnccioarTOW OTer Bl locar
"Keep 'em out of the way then."
"Fellow. I am PltaAltamont Rutlarl Tahha
the celebrated younf author whose portrait as
peara In the current laaut of tba great Wtrli
rmtr tnaramint.
"Well. I am C. Clovero Leafb. and ni blood 1.
better than youra, because j have naed Dr
Grant's Byrup of Wild Grape, the great Moo4
punuar, prrpareo Bruno, w. K. Mannraetnr
ISlBT Co.. at Portland. nr.Mn. and m rw.r.r.0 mm.
peara daily in their Mtdual Adviur, so put row
B yuur pucaei ana punij your piooa sy ma
D 8yruo of Wild Grape."
-lift PitsAIUmoat Buttert Tnbba far Ik.
tat drug itora.
That we sell
med. fine, ioo lbs.
per package only
beat scouring Soap, each
PILOT BREAD, per lb.
per liarrell
any amount from ioc lb. to
414-416-418 Front Street, B. F.
Best CouRh Byrup. Tantes Oood. Use I
in time, Holil by ani(fistB
. ;'; Ml Vl'J
Both tlio inctliod and icKtilts when
Sjrup of Fijjn io taken; it is iilcnsnnf
nnd refrcHhing to tlio lnntot mid id
gently yet promjilly on tho Kidneys,
liivcr and HowcIh, clcmmm tlio )
tout t'flectuRlly, diMju'ls coMs, lioad
icht'H nnd levers nnd cures haliitu;'!
'oiiHtipntion pcrtimneiitly. For pnln
in fjOoand $1 bottles ly till ilrugiittjv
lovtimie.Kt. Ai ton, n r.
Hercules Gas Eiiine
tVJnd tor Power or Pumplnjt Purpoa.
TUu C ln'it t Iti'lliiMo l,i I.i ,llni
un llio MuiUou
Our of Cninni ano
Tor Slnipllrlly H Urals tlio M'orlil.
It tilla Itai'lf from a Ilo.rrvolr,
No Cnrlinri'tor lo fi t out of onlrr.
No llfillrrlos or i:ioi rlo Nparls.
It runs V.HI1 a(1ioni r (l r,t.. ,,f i ia-...llng an
I'ilHT l.li01i.
sknii roll r.iTAUnit'K Til
PALMEP & r?EY, Manufacturbrs
405 Sansotr.l Slrtol. hn fraixisca. Cal.
I ..... .if t. ... u i
ohoiiiiIi lo Oriiamont a Lin n u 1 1 t.,r i,n. ...
m J IW aS mot! HMD I Ills Mttr.
Kan. sVa.tarn (tain. ni una li.i. n rki....
M"sna. Marks Co.. Sp'ikana f -.'lis Wiih.
i) Mnriiiinin Oprra Mock.
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j-taki rr.i:vATOR
If you want POWDKK for Mining
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ooiililn the iimnhor ol oyK
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aiifi-ly tliroii;li (ho mrltlng
pcrlial ami put tlmm in
condllloti to lay whc-ii CRKi
coinmnml tliRhlRhuHtprlco
and will dovolopo ynur
chirks fnsur tnaa any
otlior food.
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tho 1 1 co, an I you will mak
fifty per ci ul moro pro..t.
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2 to 10 fi'Ot hlgli. I'rlflo ncr-nrcliug to alzo.
Auont'a ooininiHBi)ii (rlvcu i)ur lm r. W'lto for
prlcca to THOH. J DAVIH, MHiutKdr, I'nrtliind, Orl
Nuniory, South Mt. Tabor, Or. No Hgentu out.
Books frost.
Paciaa MoalciM Co.. IS Claj IU Bum Franclsoa,
The Specific A No. I.
Cnres, without fall, all caws (if Oonorr.
hern and Ulws, no miitler nt how loim
atundlnif. I'raventa atrlcturn, It lioltiiraii In.
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MaiiuiiMiturera: I uo A. Wclioen IipI. Morllrlna
Prlcp. S3.00. t0-! Jokv, (Jul.
The third edition of Dr. Sawyer's popular "N riivb
WANTK" (vo..clll nnt.l. m 7 . ! ... V1!
practlcnl Information anil advice conrernii k imrv
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and Nervines and N. rve Tonics are especially Ja
forttwo.ce",t,,';?,,ril!,'8,Uld "re"8 "UWS "'" free
The Bancrott Company, Publishers, San Francisco.
WathluitUm St.. Portland, Or.
N. P. N. U. No. 464 -8, F. N, U. No, 641