Comparative Tests. Royal Baking Powder Purest and Strongest. Dr. PETER COLLIER, late Chemist-in-Chicf of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, having analyzed the chief brands of baking powder, Reports the Royal Baking Powder the greatest in leavening strength, Yielding over 27 per cent, more gas than , the average of the others tested. Dr. Collier adds: "I have made many analyses of various brands of baking powders and "1 have always found the Royal composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. " Peter Collier, M. D., Ph. D." 'April 2, 1S92." State or Ohio. City of Toledo, ( Lcois t'oirsm " Fa KKJ Ck sky make oath that ho ts the senior partner of the arm of r . J. Chxnkv ifc Co.. doiiii; t'atiinesx in the city of Toledo, county and State f rosHid, and that said Arm will pay the auut 01 u.t Ml MKt.n iK'l aks (or each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by me use ot hall s i atarkh t. ire. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in y pret ence ims Kin aav ot Decern Der. A. i. in seal. " A. W. ULEASOV. yotaru Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter tally, and acta directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces ot me system. Kurt tor testimonials, tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. . Sold by DrURgisw; 75 cents. Tut Giumia for breakfast If MASTIFF PLUG CUT was not all that is claimed for it, how else could so great a business aid sale have developed in so short a time? A pure, mild, sweet smoke no wonder it has become the standard smoking tobacco, even in competition with long-established brands of recognized merit. J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Ricnmond, Virginia." Savage Legem!. The savage islanders of the south Pacific bolieve that the world is a cocoa- nut shell of enormous dimensions, at the top of which is a single aperture communicating with the tipper air, where human beings dwell. At the very bottom of this imaginary shell is a stem gradually tajiering to a point which represents the beginning of all things. This point is a spirit or demon without human form, whose name is, "Root of All Existence." By him the entire fabric of creation is sustained. In the interior of the cocoanut shell, at its very bottom, lives a female demon. So narrow is the space into which she is crowded that she is obliged to sit for ever with knee and chin touching. Her name is "The Very Beginning," and from her are sprung numerous spirits. They inhabit five different floors, into which the great cocoannt is divided. From certain of these spirits mankind is descended. The islanders, regarding themselves as the only real men and women, were formerly accustomed to regard strangers as evil spirits in the gtiise of humanity, whom they killed when they could, offering them as sacri fices. Exchange. 99 'August Flower I have been troubled with dyspep sia, but after a fair trial of August Flower, am freed from the vexatious trouble J. B. Young, Daughters College, Harrodsburg, Ky. I had headache one year steady. One bottle of August Flower cured me. It was positively worth one hundred dollars to me J. W. Smith, P.M. and Gen. Merchant, Townsend, Ont. I have used it myself for constipation and dyspepsia and it cured me, It is the best seller I ever handled C. Rugh, Druggist, Mechanicsburg, Pa. O Elys catarrh CREAM BiLJrZ5 S at (HAY FEVER Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. . cr V i Indian Soldiers. "There is one feature of the United States army that few people are aware of, said an ex-army officer. It isn't generaUy known that there is a company in the army composed en tirely of beminole Indians, and that they are maintained and supported by the government as a distinct and separate military organization. By reterence to the army appropriation bill you will see that the appropna tion for the Seminole company is a separate item, having nothing what ever to do with the general appro priation. This company has been in existence since 1801, did valiant serv ice in the rebellion, and has been of incalculable value in frontier service since the war. I think the Seminole company is now stationed at Fort Clark, Texas. In my judgment its record answers the long mooted ques tion as to the Indian's value as a sol dier." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Growth of Seaweed. Seaweeds vary surprisingly in their habits of life, borne species grow alto gether beneath the water, attaching themselves below the lowest tide level; others frequent heights where they are left dry at every retreating tide, while others yet are found in situations where they are scarcely ever covered by water. Wnereas most of them attach them selves to rocks or solid bottom, keeping to the shallows, there are exceptions to the rule, among which the most remark able is the "sergasso," or "gulf weed,'' which floats on the surface of the ocean. Immense fields of it are seen by the navigator, extending as far as the eye can reach. It is sometimes so abundant as seriously to interfere with the prog ress of ships, and it was this which so alarmed the crew of Columbus on his first voyage of discovery. Interview in Washington Star. TBI THE OTJEE. JIAY-KEVER A particle is applied Into each nostril an Is agree able. Price. cents at druggists' or by mall. ELY BROTHEKS, 58 Warren Street, New York. ISH BRf This Trade Mark is on the best WATERPROOF COAT SiSSSm1 ln the Wor,d ' A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. N. P, N. V, No. 463-8. F. N. U. No. 540 It is better to take Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil when that decline in health begins the decline which precedes consumption rather than wait for the germ to begin to grow in our lungs. "Prevention is better than cure ; " and surer. The say ing never was truer than here. What is it to prevent con sumption ? Let us send you a book on careful living ; free. Scott& Bownr, Chemists, 13a South 5th Avenue, New Vork. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. ft. 39 GIRLS AT MEN'S WOK K VOUNQ WOMEN IN PITTSBURG MAKE IRON BOLTS AND NUTS. Work Hint Kevin II ami for Iruilnlim Hands, but U til. It U I.IUpiI by Hi tilrls, Who Aro Vol) Skillful They Ai Nrt Mini liilt'lllgrnt-their I'M)'. There are probably n thousuml women In Pittsburg who work in iron mills making bolls, nuts, hinges iitul barbeil ire. It coiiim almost ineivdiblo that girls should bo employed in an occupa tion which is associated only with brawn and niusi'lo, but such is the case. At the first sight of the Klt works one can not believe that anything bright or in teresting could live inside. At the call of the 0:110 a. in. whistle girls are seen coming from all directions toward the factory. They aro generally dressed tidy and well, and with their lunch bas kets on their arms are not unlike any working girl one may see. The first thing they do after entering the building is to change their street dress for one to work in, tie up their hair, roll up their sleeves, and, putting on n coft'eesack apron, aro ready to be gin tho day's lalvr. At 7 oYl'iK'k the last whistle blows, the wheels groan and screech as If they were wearv to resume another day's work, but in a little while they begin to move with more rapidity ami the noise amounts to something ter rific. A sulphur smoke arises, and as it embraces everything in a dim color, it needs but the dull red burning of tho oil, tho horrible noises and the occiv eional sound of a human voice halloing a command to stamp the sceno on one's memory as a study from sheol. The bolts and nuts, as thev are called aro fashioned bv the brawnv men 011 tho first floor. In a crude state thev aro sent to other departments, when tho fin ishing touches are applied bv feminine fingers, ofttimes verv delicate ones, Tho bolts aro dumped into different bins, according to size and length, am each girl has one special kind to work on. Alio hrst work ou tho bolt is to "poiut" it that is, to mako a rouud end so that it will enter tho machine which cuts tho thread on it. Tho point ing maehino has an immovable socket at one sido and steam revolving knives tacmg it. The operator, who is known as "pointer," places the head of tho bolt m the socket, presses her foot on -.1.1 ,.1 , . peuui, aim tuo snarp steel knives aro forced against the iron. Little bits of the iron By, and in an instant she re moves her foot and tho pointed bolt falls down a slide into an iron deposit bos on the Uoor. While the one hand and foot has been accomplishing this, the other ftxit sup ports the girl, gooso stylo, and tho other hand has got a bolt ready to bo placed into tne socket tea moment it u empty Ihus for days, weeks and years the "pointer" handles one bolt after an other for a living, being paid by the thousand. Expert workers have pointed lO.UUU bolts m a ilay. W hen tho bolts aro pointed they are taken to tho cutting quarters. Thoso machines aro largo, with deep sinks filled with a thick black oil. The bolts aie placed in slides and pushed by the worker up into sharp steel dies. In an instant the thread is cut on them. Tho work is rather dangerous, and caro must be exercised to keep the operator's fingers from going into the open dies and having their ends cot off instead of tho iron. The oil in which the girl is com pelled to work in order to keep tho bolts from getting hot and thereby breaking has a very offensive odor and gradually smears the worker from the root of her frizzly bangs down to her runover heels. Girls of any age, from sixteen to fifty, work in this department. Their pay by the thousand averages from fifty cents to one dollar a day. Little girls from six years up to twelve put the nuts on the bolts and pack them. The "nutting on" is also accomplished by machine power. The worker puts a nut on a plate; then, after catching the head of a bolt in the jaws above, she presses her foot on the pedal, when. prestol the work is done. At long tables, built of substantial wood, are rows of young girls, interspersed with a scatter ing of women whom life cast forth in their old age. They pile the bolts, row -U i , .1 aiier row, aiiernare neaus, then wrap them in strong paper. The girls always come to the factory clad neatly and well. Dressing rooms are provided for them, and soap and towels. At noon the girls are given three-quarters of an hour. They lay aside their aprons, wash their hands and devour their wee lunches with energy worthy of a better cause. Formerly the girls would hurry their dinners and de vote the rest of their time to dancing. The orchestra was not the largest, nor did it rival the Mexican band in melody, but it answered the purpose of furnish ing time for the shabby shoed girls. It consisted of one girl and a mouth organ. The men were not permitted to come into the girl's side of the shop, but they would stand at a respectful distance, as though longing to join the merry dan cers. It seems rather stranire. but the girls never mingle with the men in tho same factory. They are good and hon est, and generally intelligent. The girls were very happy, and every thing moved as smoothly as steel on ice, until a forewoman was introduced to take the place of a foreman. Imme diately she put a stop to all singing during the day and all dancing at noon. There was a decided stir among the girls at these new rules, but they were forced to submit. Since then they spend the noon hour reading and doing fancy work. Most of the girls are expert with the needle and those who read would surprise a scholar with their quo tations. There are more handsome girls in this factory than could be found among the same number at a reception. They are beautifully formed, and the influence of the oil keeps the hands white and prevents them hardening from contact with tho iron. New York WILL NOT LEAVE LOUISIANA. What rnsldeiit Conrad Una to Mm About th Mlir Lottery. Nkw Oulkans, Attmist X-IVsltlsnt 1 Hal Conrad o( the Louisiana lottery I oinpany was interviewed to day about me uisptueii regarding tun wiiipiiny Hitentpi to puivliiiBO h locution tn tlm Mtiuiwieli IsliindH. llemitd: "It in 'fako' eensation num mill mIiihiIh . r malicious concoction, designed perhaps i liejuuit' too company m the mlmlH vi uiu poopio ot th United States by ei-oiuuiit. tho inipresnon that our busi ness is to Wi removed from tho loirul r. ...!...! 1 ..... . " pu n uuiih iui Heeountainiitv It is now under by virtue of tho laws of UiiiHlmm Wort) tho lAiuisiana Stato lottery Com pany to become a Hawaiian Instead of n umimniia concern, of courso it would bo practically 1111 iinpiissibilitv to imfnm claims against it; whereas, being duly chartered corporation of this ftnto, it Is amenable to tho laws. Obligations fan lo enforced through the courts against it tho mhiho as airaiiiHt anv lawful ami responsible company." "Hut what aro tho company's plans for tho future? Might not their negotia tions be carried on w ithout vmir knowl. edge?" " S-areelvHueh vast minm ma Aro tula ml of aro not curried in oiio'b vent tun-let nor expended by one member of a con cern w ithout consulting his associates. ine owners 01 me Louisiana lottery are now scattered over the glulm seeking peace or pleasure, according to their condition or taste. Mr. Morris, with fr onds, have been for weeks cruising about 011 his yacht, and I doubt 11 one bus eomintluicated w ith him on busi ness of any description. Certainly he is not giving himself any concern about lottery business, and I repeat there is simply nothing in this alleged Han Fran Cisco story except Idle gossip, so far as I know, end I think I know all the facs. The louisiana iAittery Company w ill live out its at ottetl timeas fixed bvits vested rights, say a couple of years longer, do mg us nusmess nere as it always has ami abiding by the popular decision in the recent contest. "New York Time?, MltN. .MINIS' KKIKMIS. Carrie-How 1 pity poor Mrs. Joiieo w hut n thoUKlitli'M IiumI'iuhI nIio Inn. Minnie-1 that of 1 always thought nun tne I'liiK 01 pi'i'leetloii, ' I arrle Away from lioiun he Is. but he never lightens his wile's cares any mid seems to think she never tires; why. all IiinI spring, when It whs so muddy, he wouldn't buy one of the I lioliiiail 'Wire .Mills (lint had sueh a run at Clark's hard ware store, and whenever 1 enlleil on Mia Jones it seemed as though she hud a broom or 11 mop 111 ner liaiul cleaning up alter her children or her hliNlmml, iMiiiiuo 11 noes make a lilgillllerence, no mistake, ahout the housework; since Char lie noimiit a 1 1 art mini Mat lor our liont door. I haven't had In sweep half its loiiiih as lu'loie, ami that Imrlul smell we iimM to emiiire when we had a eoooa mut Is done away with, Carrie-tine tlilmr sure. Mm lhirlimni I'Mexihle Steel Wire Mats are alieud of any thing I toer saw ; they wear loiever, w III not hold vermin or breed disease, and are really 11 sanitary necessity. Moral: It. "sure when you purchase your mat lias brass tag altai lud slumped " llarlmaii." Tho (ri'HlfsMiliimpli of iiiliut Is h hen n 11111 known k h In mlihl lilnimu IhihIiu-.h. n vi ni l. ir; iiik moon. Uhankhktii's I'ii.i.s are the great blood puritler. They are n purgative and blood lonio; they act j tml ly on the bowels, the kidneys mid the skin, thus demising the system by the natural outlet of the body they may be culled the purgative, sudoiillo mut iliuri'tut iiieilleliie. They stimulate the blood so as to enable nature to throw oil' all morbid humors, tun! cure disease 110 matter lv what name it muv he eullml. One or two of them taken every night will prove mi iufallihle remedy. Sold in every drug unit medicine stow, either plain or sugar-coaled, The mini lilt plenty n! fit nmiUNgea llvennu the Ilea of the Ui:il. "John, ymi it 1 not y whether yn't like pie or not." It bu t iie-eMMirv, Msml. g xl or bmt, ia mill yitva) (le, mid jw." tny lie. OX TIIK WAY TO 1' A It A Ills K. Let us hoH t st the usiple who hultltiislly llsreril tlielr heiiHIi will reneli Hint ileMrnlile I'lni e, ami uvolil lliu lornUty whirlt l les ile MraliUi hh 1111 elerntl resilient e nit 11 ennui ot the heat 1111. 1 siiroiiinltitm genenillv. Hut hlle We iHtrf 111 iiii vale ot teiirs, why shoulil . e volu tnuit eieitire ine inniirt ot (yni tiln heii systemiitle tine of llitetler'n S.oiniieli Hit to will n.l iniiil the ittrueloiis tiutlmly whleh - tin- icn miys e 11ns are verv miieli -t inn t tern t sltorteu tne term of our existence. Hi unburn, litUoiiMicsji, coiittitioii nliinmt Hlttuts itecoin- fit y llil.i riiiitui, iitul re svinploinstle of It. 1 hi e Hie nil extliKiiWkfl hy the Hitlers, hlch hUo einiilers conihlctWy umlnrln. rheitimitlimi. nervousness on-1 debility, .since u.e iiiUM'srsnce 1 lit ifnpnc 11 iihh ftuown ft n mini ur niHHterv over this ormtilnlile eomplitlnt lluit h carried oil o mitny of our hritflitest uud bet. m AM m. u)hicrfruly cui SWF' oflbe inorSt cases 01 T3 I V inlawed. Tuft's Heir One lrny Intlr or nliUkers cloinucil Inn tiloy ll, o k liy Mohiule itiillcit inn "I lid" !. H loiiitrtn mil 11 in I riilor, iicli liitfiiilititi'iiuo I v hih! cool 11 itt uotli log lnnrtoii lo I lie liutr. Hi'lil lr ilrngulxls, or ill lie Kent 011 n cell's 1. . tif iirlce, wl.titi, (mice, ;u 1 m il l l.uo, fi J II riCV Anariit slid Aimls Hi al riiciiilut, II. llult, ' WikIiIukUII Ht I'ortlHUd, llr BEES FOR SALE. till receipt of lil.ltl I .Ml. U, nv ipldlel III good nr. let h coliuil III trnod cnP'IIU.e'. liK'ler 'III. pr 'lit 111 Hie hii-lnr l( po.pi r V tin ilU d, II, II. II.Vl.l.lNi.l U, I'nrl lu 11., iel, Uiihh. o ncu 11 mm cnu 1 nmi run shirt button ot Sunday morning his wile Is p. tj have trouble w ou ui unuiur. those eomn mining of Sore Throut or i Hoarseness should use "Rtvum'n Bronchial I rochet." the etlect is extruordimtrv. itar- iiuuntny wnen usen uy singers ami siicak- rr.i lor clearing 1 10 Voice. .m oh u in boxen. hen 11 man ii tint dolnur well he Inmulni's tluit he t'ou'il do better it liu could move nd pay more rent. KUl'TI'liK AND 1'ILKS CURED. We txinltlvclv cure rutiturn. nil uml nil rn. tal dleNcs without pslu or detention from busi ness. M cure, no pay. Also all Yfrafe dis ease. Address for pamphlet Drs. Portcrfleld Si uosoy, s.18 Jiarxei struvi, sau rrauvlsco. Caiiitul and latsir cou'd uet on well rnoiifh to gether If there were not so manv men tr Iiil' 1 1 -i. eupiiai won mi lanor. tOKvaiwit no Can be counted on to euro Catarrh Dr. Sago's Catarrh Kemody. It's nothing new. For 25 years it lias born tloint? that very tiling. It gives jirotnpt ami com jdcto relief but you want moro than that. Ami you get it, with this Kcinetly them's a euro that is perfect ami jieniKUiitit. Tho worst chronio cases, no matter of how long Btariding, yield to itn mild, soothing, cleansing and heal ing nroperties. Cold in tho 1 lead " needs but i few aii!ieatioiis. Ca tarrhal Headache, and all tho troubles that cotno from Catarrh, aro at onco relieved ami cured. You can count on sotuethiiijr else. too $300 in cash. You can count on it, but it's moro than doubtful whether you earn it. Tho proprietors 0f Dr. Sacro's Remedy, in good faith, tiller that amount for an incurable caso of Catarrh. Don't think that you bavo one, thoujrh. incyll pay you, if thoy can't euro you. Lliats certain. But they can euro you. That's just about as certain, too. Can you auk more r prune trees; llnllsn, I'cMIe mid Hllver; huh mile or relnll; 'J to HI le, t hlisll 1'lli e ncfi.MtiiK ,i ue, Agent eommliiit given i nn It r te for prices to I lit 1.4, J. li.WIS, Maunder I' .rtlniiil.lir, Nur ery, Mouth .Ml. 'labor, t'r No ageiiia out. fl-;ir--". 's j-.vgji.i.) t ly-'olit'll.a i?Mioorii " if" X'liiy- t l.l!"Ci.i ir. ). if.. c H.Mtwmn'S -iy ji 382 W.tiuiaVttjJlj M-i-m tvwyF- vm xih. Season for Trout Opens April 1st. If You Are In NmI of Trout Fllea, lt tb Kwist. Use Euameltne Stove Polish; no dut, no moll. ..1V , TS 1.- - IJoth the nif:tr?0'i and renults wLei Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleaiian'. tnd refreshing to the taste, and acy gently yf,t. pronjptly on the Ki.lnoya Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho syr rem finect.ualiy, difipt-is colds, heatj tcbes and fevers and curt habitutt jonstipation permanently. For Bah in COcrand SI bottles by all druggistf CALIFORNIA FIG SYPJJP CO. SAN fRAW18U0. (,AL. IGUinVIUE. ?. VtW iQUK. H I. Hiandrd (imllty, 4 to hivoks, Hr dm t OreKim 1'riiiit Klle, 4 In n IhhiIis. per li,r . '." mi Uni. Iteversed Winn Files. 4 los ImniIis, per dir. 1 10 Any of hlxive ijiluliUi'i wilt t.y insll u reivliit of prlcf. Also full llim of Holm, IiU'.I.M l.l.N'KM KU!.,t ' Hudson's Gun Store, 93 FIRST IT.. P0HTLAND, Off. tr Hi'tul fur HlustrtitiH! raialiiuui., MORPHINE HABIT 1 jee SURE CURE Pacific Medlctn Co., 839 t'Uy Mt., in rrs'i r, A BETTER MAN. Confound yoo t Whit do son nni s. M.. M rm that wheelbarrow over bit tors t" "ttf 'em out of the way then." ' reuow. I am FitKA1ttnnn nni. r.wk. Mara in the current issue of the treat Worll, Fur Ma f mint," "Well. I am C. riimm r .r .-a v, . 7. 1. " j""'", "rcHU"e 1 ne used Dr. Grant'! Bvruo of wild r.r.n. ,. ..... C X ' cl'".,cu. "J1"' w- Manulnctur- .f Por""l, Oregon, ,ml my portrait at peara dally tn their Medical Adviser, so put your toea ln your pocket and nurlfv vour hln,,H Ki .. Inj Syrup of Wild Grape." JBait PitaAltamont ButterW Tuhha forth. ..... tat drug stora. SSfSPf?J!rSjlBS AhHPrn til) 1J lp.4.J!llill V jfiMFZftjML Advertiser. Vjl-jT. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success ful CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug cists on a positive puarantee, a test that no othe Cure can stand successfully. If you have t COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, i will cure you promptly, j If your child has the CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, use i quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON bu MP I ION, don't wait until your case is hope less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im mediale help. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00 Travelers convenient pocket size 25c. Asl your druggist for SIIILOH'S CURE. If you) lunps are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Por ous Plasters. Price, 25c. LADIES. MAGIC CON FH lire sold on iMiariintci'. Tf t h..v full to hem fit or cure, retu n cones, nut used, in K "J" inner, unit iiiiniey will oe r, IIMIllnU. A remedy that CUHKa can bo OUAKANTKKI). I ndli H can cure tlieniHclvcK fit hnmn without r,u; of ilme and tho exptm e n trllle. J'lirllcuIarH (Hcaieuj tree. 'I ll K MAOIG CONK CO , Third Htn-i't, I'o thmd, Or, . YOUNG MEN! The Specific A No. I. Cures, without full, all caxr-s of (Jnnairis. hii'ii und 41lrt, 110 mutter of liuw long Htnii'lliig. I'i events stricture, It hi'hiK mi ln- lerniu remeny. in res wncn everytlung elite has fulled. Hold hy all Druggists,'iiienherfMwlIclne Prion. - Btt" "( Oil Old Gold and Hllver Bonvht: in,1 vnnr nM rinii and Hllver hy mall to the old and reliable house of A OoJeman, 41 Third street, Baa Franoisni; I will soud b return mall the oash. aoairrtlng to assay; If the aiuoou la not satlsfaotorr will return sold. Bones, Meiit.OiWieatid t.reeit t,'ut IUINKh wilt nimlilo tho 11 it in i -r of cvit --will iniiko tnoiil 111. ire fer-tllu-tt-lll eiury tho hens mifi'ly thrniigli tho mottiiitf I'erlod mid put them In condition to In y w hen vtun oiiimniiil llieliiKheiili.riiu und will (loveloi.o your chleks fioitcr tlmu an other food. Fr-ed flrren Tlonns unit nu t'rensnzoiie to kill tho lleo, mid you will mutt -a Jtfty per cent more prollt. H(!inl for CutoloKuo und I'riees. PETALTJBIA INCUBATOR COHP'Y. PETALtJMA. CAL 3. THEN USt VER LECTRiC I IISTRF RTADru mimm . . . i.iuui 1 1 BEST and CHEflPrT t'i only 6c PK. 60c Doz. i WASH r Smiths' Cash Stoue aorNTa 414-416.418 FRONT ST. S. I!thoncnns!1 It ailing; rnmeity fur alk .iiiiiniurAi aisetiarfrAs av prlvatillspsi.s()f oma e ortain euro for th lii. tatlng wnakDDsa pamurat to wornn. V('d.nlly Ipreseribeltandfoa's!' THt EvtNS liHl Mini) I f!n. In recommeudlUf It im OinciNNti,o.lon)Isj ait aunorars. BIUNtH,10..Dfl)T,b fjuM lit rruirirlaA. Pianos and Organs. 71 WINTER & HARPER. Morrison Street, Portland. Or. itoi nut. MOTIVE, P0WEEI Sm and GASOLINE PALMER k REY. San FfiiiciscQ, Cal. mi Paniauil. Or. MERCUL Piso'a Itemedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Foulest to tlsfi, and CheoppBt. Bold by druggists or sent by mall, 60c, K. T. Bazeltkie, Warren, Pa, n flIJMIIHHM'HIlW f'twiKllfHHIIfiyT 1 ' - I M 'H ' (" 1 ' Ul nm in" .niv J Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts r.iLKIn.ds 01 MILL SAWS. Also Saw ReDaMn, WUlS Portland, Or. - SIMON OS SAWCO., 75 Front Street,