f Mrs. Hat-rUon wiu taken In a bihvIuI j train from Loon lake to Washington City Tuesday. She stooil the trip well and is slightly Itetter than wk ago. Mater Meeting, A meeting Is c.ilicd for oVWU Thursday afternoon, at Armory hall, of all iH'rsons interested in t!u west side ditch. The committee eunvas.lng for lands doire to report jmgrv, and to) briny oilier matters to the attention of i our jH-onle. Several lliousaud dollars i nave been sui'scnlicd, and with unan imity ami energy the success of the scheme is assured. Let everyone at tend and do manly service in the good cause. Success is within our grasp, and Thursday, with a good strong pu!l all together, the matter can he finally settled. X OT WK It m IT 15 1. It 'AT ION. Lund DilUv t Ytuieonver wash. Xng. l lssti- food Jiver (Slacicr. HOOD 1UVEH, OK., SKPT. 4, 1S2. MtOUlTY OF JxhiHTS The company represented hy Mr. McCoy lias Hied upon (iO.OdO Inches of water from the cast fork of Hood river and a like amount from the west fork. As the whole river at low water carries not to exceed 50,000 inches, there is likely to lie a severe dry sitcl! in the river. We called httention fluently to the danger our ooonlo ran in ncclect- ing to iile on and appropriate water for irrigating purposes, and fortunately home 5,000 Inches were appropriated liiortoMr. McCoy's tiling. McCoy's filings are properly made and might prove a source of annoyance, at least, to all of us, were it not for these prior appropriations. As it is, Mr. McCoy Will hardly care to invest his money in u ditch where the people ure opposed to his scheme, and w here no market would In; found for the contents of his ditch. In this light, ami from these conditions, it is safe to go ahead with any ditch project, and Mr. McCoy's rights in the premises will, pcrhaps.cut i.o figure, as to maintain them he must commence work. That Abraham Lineol u w as a hard worked man In his early days is evi denced from the following items, gath ered from a free, truthful ana untram-i nicied pass in the course of the past six years. Before .Lincoln reached the age f years he w nipped 4(W bulla's, won S4 wrestling matches, took up the quarrel or defence of sickly hoys, all of whom are now hale and heartv old men; escorted 04 flat boats to New Orleans; and all this besides working a y ear or more each for more than 200 farmers. The papers say so, and we can not help but wonder at the mar tyred president's constitution standing up u nder the demands so freely made Ly the papers upon it. Our young friend Lawrence Blowers writes the Orccjonian on the political usiiect of the country and expresses his opinion freely. Lawrence has no faith in either of the old parties and cannot indorse the financial nosition of the limwUwK, P W III x ' i . - "viv. hiv iiuiiuicun ui I voter In about the same position, dis- ..iSrST ZZ satisfied with present affiliations, and U"",l,wl;.mu'-!mil,'i T,'1 ..J,,,in Vu" uujiijj me 4iuau a uove act. A party with low tariffs and sound money ideas, indorsing the doctrines of elect ing U. S. senators, stopping immigra tion, and issuing pensions only to old soldiers' actual need, would corral vot ers enough to break all the other parties. E2 mmImimimI Q S vna u van u ytyi u IlkVM LMI IV FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING . MATERIAL. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A largo supply of, and l-Mmin 7.7rir tosoll Celebrated liquid colors and tinted loads. Undertaking a Specialty. 1 rcparod to turnish at once, a line flaw of Alius, U if cheap grade hut neat and substantial. Notteels hereby jrlven tlm! tlio f.llim iiitf. i ttnmctl xeitl.r luis li'.i .i II, hi,.,, .if hi-int. n. ft,,,, ti, it) ,i L-. H it. 1 1 m.uif In ui,..,pt ..' I'luini. ami Hint sjiiil inKt Ui tie mutlr Im-Chiv j W. U. IHuiliai', t mniiiMnier t'nueil Mam i nreult Conn lor IMMiiel u Wiishtiixioii ill! llolilt'iiilnli' wtisli.on teitemter ' , lui u: ; Tlmimis t. WhtUvmh. ; A lUllleilt inn til nmelulK.. 11 ,7 ii,i,1.r 1 ! aei .ept -y, 10 Mr I lie o'a e 't s.v at Tp 3 u r i. e u in. lie mimes Hie follmrlni; wilnessox to prove lllSlMUtilUIIHIS resilUMHV U1MII lUlll rlllltVll- liiimit, kiM limit, vU: Levi Mnllh. willmui sjH'iuvr, Kiwi H. Smith, .lunt.s Kit?., nil if I. le Klickitat county, wnshiiu'ton. nKAVoiit'JTi John Ii. tiKiHiiiKciAM. Ktxlstor. Beatty's Organs wJr rile tor CHuT!imic. Aiii;.v. luiiicl K. lU-uttv, W u.shiiij;toii, New Ji'ix-y NOTICE FOU l'l'BLIt'ATlOX. I Mini ot!Ht lit Viuicouvcr nish, Spt., 12. 1 To Krciuoiit r. Foster. Henry Wtwuer mut I nil niiuiu ii iiuty (Mlici i u: Notice Is hereby given that Die follow In;, naiinsl settler has tllcl imtleo ol his in. tentiin to ninke tin.'il nr.Mii' Iti Miitu... ..- i.,.- Cliiilll anil lllut Kiil.l nr.uil 11 ill i, I., l...r..... tliel'leik ol tliexuiieiior t'ourt, of.skiiiiianiu, ctninty wash., at lower I'liMiutes wuU.,tiu rsovemlHrii, li, viz: W illiam A. Kirkinaii. H. K. No. Ml:! for the e s v llm lots a unit 4 sir oil 1 1 a ii r k o w in. He names the followlnit witnesses to prove his coin imams residence upon anil cmtivii. tlon ot, saul laml, viz: John Anderson, Joseph lottsley, John Sweciu-y, William ureer, an ot .Nelson. skHinaniu cmntv wash. spK-octi' Jolln li. tiKoi,m;iiAS. Kealster. THIS SPACE RESEEVI2D FOB PRATHER & GRAHAM, TBCH BITTCHEES. Wirtwwwi That thirty days Utw Ionian we can credit tfondw, ami would rcHjiectfully retjuest our palroim to ptvern thciihtclvcM necordliitfly. PI NOTICE FOU I'Ui'.LlCATION. Ijind OtHceat The Italics Or. Aiijr. 29, lsai, Notice is hereby given t lint the lollowlnx nsuntHi Metier has tiled notice of ids intention to make tlnal commutation pruoi in supimrt if his claim, and thai said pioof will be made before the Ucjtister mid Hci civer I'. .s. U O. at The Italics Or, on tel., 10, lsjrj, viz: William i.. Tate. II. I). No.lWStfor the n w "4 sec 27 To 2 n r 9 e witnesses to provo ana cultlva 'aitier. t'. J. ..,;,... - - . - - " , t. . , vi timni Jkier uri gon. spt3-oct8 Joun W. Lewis. Hegistor. NOTI ( E h mVVUL JCAT ION. Timber Iind, Act June .1, IS7S. t'nltnl .states Land Office, uncouver, W'ush., Sept. 20, lsftj. Not tee Is hereby given that in compliance with the irovisionsorthe act of Congress of June 3, 1S7H entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the states ofCalifornia, Ore Sou.NevuUa, and washing-ton Territorv, "I'eter OroshoiiK, of whiteSnliiioiicouiitv in' Klick itat, state of wash., lias tills diiv riled in tins olhce his swoi n statement So 14 1. for tiie uurehascot thi. ii-i i ...i. ..:.. ..i.... 2 1 in townshipNo j nortn, ransfe no. 10 east, and will otter proof to sliow that the land snuuht is ,1 , .n mum; II1HI1 lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Keglster and Hi ceiver of this ottice ut Vancouver, wash., m .Saturday, the Hrdduy of Iiccemlwr, 1SU2. was to obtain f 1,000,000 which was be- j tZTk SU'iVffl ItrljS ii. nui.saKer, fcdwaid J. Jones, of White Sal mon, wash. Any and all persons claimins ndverse'v the above described lands are reiitiested to" tiie their elainis in this office, on or before said 3 d day of December, M12. spi24-nov2, JousD. tifconiiEGA.v, Register. Train robbers derailed a passenger train on the Atchison, Topeka and bauta Fe railroad, near Osage City, Wednesday. A switch was put In on a curve and the train ran over an em bankment eight feet high. The engi neer, fireman, expressman and a guard were killed. The object of the robberv OF THE DALLES, Have samples of their $10,000 stock of dress goods at MRS. HOWELL'S MILLINERY STORE, where you are invited to exam ine them. Orders filled promptly and goods guaranteed to be samo as samples. PEASE & MAYS. leciastiesl fcSadu ! AraalElyCoiptt And a Complete Lino of DEUGS, CHEMICALS AND -MEDICINES. YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER, DRS. WILLIAMS 6c BUOSIUS. HOOD WE lllfflllG COMPANY. ingsent from the City of Mexico to Boston. The robbers fled without at tempting to get the money. All the big transcontinental railroads have pulled out from their traffic agree ment, and rate cutting has commenced. It is quite probable if peace is not made soon that the round-trip ticket from Pacific coast points to Chicago will be sold as low as $25. At any rate, the price will be low enough that even a printer can afford to go. It would just be our luck, however, to be unable to catch the low rates without running against the cholera. X0TICE. t'. S. La d Office, ) The Dalles, Or., Auk. 8Hj Is'r' f Complaint having been entered nt thin i .-in. coy jurneti jMnjiiit, Ufc'itiiist John I,, l ameron, for abandoning hi Momesleiul l-ntry o. 2108, dated .November li'iid It.',, upon the s ne J and a n w J. section X lownship l kouiIi runge iO t: w in,; in Wasco county Oregon, with a view to the cancella tion ol mid entry. The said parties are hereby uiimioned to appear at th ioiti e, on the 12, day ot November, nt 1U o'clock a. in.- to respond and turnish testimony concerning unii,lmrm, .ioiiii ii, crauie- bangli, otary Public, is authoiized to take testimony in this ease at 10 a. m. Nov 5th 12. - DEALERS IN House Builder s Goods. Sad r.. ,1 T VC" T 1 Brackets ni ifooJ Tonim Lime. Plaster and latli Ceil ing, Rustic and Floorinj;. Coffins CaslTCto. ON .siKtllTKST OTh i; ). I.. STHAN'AII AN, I'r.'Hldini, lie. iiik Heeretury. 1 Oil SALE. One 3 seated 4 spring mountain hack. .New. Will carry 2,000 pounds with ease. Warranted A wheel and 1st class in every resjiect. Will sell cheap. Come and see it at the Hood Itiver Manufacturing Company's Store. The dispatches Thursday show but j a?oKeJ rT d ,1 l,in,rn ... 41 , I, I .... Gil', , ,,.., , "I'J-""-'" JOHS V. L.EWIS, lie little change in the cholera condition. A few cases are reported as suspects, and one or two deaths in New York ; city nave been pronounced Asiatic cholera. The quarantine is rigidly maintained, and it looks now as though the light was to be won by Dr. Jenkins and his able assistants. Jenkins may Lea Tammany appointment, but he lias proven to be the right man for the occasion. lister. A. A ship having cholera on board ar riving at a Canadian port was met by the city authorities with a fire engine ready to drown any German who at tempted to laud. The water battery served its purpose and none of the im migrants undertook to charge it. Another cruiser, the Cincinnati, will be launched from the Brooklyn navy yard to-day. Her engines are of 10,000 horse power, and she will be able to steam 22 miles an hour. Slowly but aurely the United States is getting a navy tnat will compare lavorably with those of other great nations. The city of Hamburg is at last get ting tree of her terrible scourge, the cases and deaths decreasing steadily eacii day. Those of her citizens who lied to the seaside are returning and business is again opening up. Hood River lodge Xo. 105 A. F. & m. regular communications at 7 n. m., ftaturuay on or before eacli full moon at Odd Fellows hall. Sojourninir brethren cordially invited. Ti E. L. .Smith, W. M. DB.F.OEKo.sjs.Hee-y. notice foiTpublicatiox. Land Office at Vancouver, wash. 8ept. 9, 182. .l'?6 i;,.,1"!re.by iven thilt the following named settler lias li led notice of his inten turn to make nnal proof in support or his belore wU fid l!r'f ?i' made M- utrX: KVl,"b,ir "ini.iiiKsloner United i,t ; i I V"U1 1 V" ",s" lcl "l Washington Wi "vU- ' waMlin8lon on October, 27, John (. Cottrell. Tl . . w y sec 2o Ip i n r 12 e w m. lie ntimnn r. n i his ' "'S'1" ? Pve of fi!, i d i,Vrt ; . W" " cuiiivation Rvt i,,,LVr " -lowpii ranvu, i.ervy jor-I'i-Tffiol,1, r"nk KCyn"ldH' 1111 f -'j'l'.oojiKUAN. iiegister. NOTICE FOJt PU15LICATION. Land Office at Vancouver Wash. Sept. 9, 1802 Notice is hereby given that tiie followlng niullT !'" of her inu2 of her 0 ,im , . ""W , , :. !' naiu uruoi will , ,f i m ,e VUe!!lst,'r nml lift-elver U .1 I OMNI UI II I U1J1I II ill Painter and Paper Hanger, and all kinds of work neatly and Cheaply Done. HOOD RIVEK, ....... OREGON. Ill HOOD flOffl Cleveland and Harrison are before the public, using every available means to gain llie public favor, while Corbett all eady stands on the rtroudest nintm- cie of lame, notwithstanding the fact that lie "beat" his way up. Professor Bernard of the Lick ob servatory has discovered the fifth sat ellite to Jupiter. It is a little fellow, but the discovery is the engrossing sub ject among astronomers. be Laml O I u v"?" "L" :l,v(!r J, H. 2Jth, im, ' viz: " ",on October John Clarkson. Pre D. 8. No, 2V 0 for the s A s e V. and n w V. e e 34 sec 10 Tp 3 n r iOe w m. A Wi lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, nnon n,i in. ,....: of, said land, viz: Jake lliinsaker, John I'ur- """"""i r.nzaoein lliinsaker allof Wlme .Salmon, Klickitat Co., Washing! sptl7-oct22 Jonn D. OKOGHKOAn, Iiegister. NOTICF71rBl7lCATION. Land Office at Vancouver -wash .Au". 17 1802 Notice Is hereby given that the following! named settler has filed notice of her intention nf 1flnal ?""nutiilln proofin support 18iS'vlz- Vancuver wash, on October S, Emma C. Carson. J?4 ?n' n ?n for ,he lots 1 and 2 and 8 n eJ4 sec -1 1 (i ,-i a r 11 e w m. ' She names the following witnesses to prove tion V"11""0"!' residence upon and cultiva tion of. said land, viz: John Kgan, Henrv Johnson, Kdward McDonnell, of white Kal Oregon?" ' l y K llur"httI". of Woodstock ag2Jpt2.i John I). Obooiieoax. Register Has been thoroughly renovated, and a large ell added doubling its CAPACITY. Everything will be found neat and clean A.VB THE Tables will be supplied with the best the MAKKK'f AFFOKDS. GEORGE HERBERT Proprietor. JUST RECEIVED. A new stock of Ladles' and Gents' WATCHES. FILLED AND SILVER CASES, CHAINS, CHARMS, ETC. SPECIAL attention given tol'clean- mg ana repairing watches. J. H. FERGUSON, Hood River, - Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUIJLICATION. Land Olllceat Vancouver, W ash., Hept. 5, 1)2 Notice Ih hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to fmtke tlnnl Miii)iini,,tl,, ........ e I.. . ,.r l, L 7.1 .1... ... ' "" '" i, I'i" M V ... .mini, tin u unit hii mi prooi will lie ItllKIU before the Register and liecelver of the I H. Land i mice at Vancouver, Waiih., on October llrth, Is!)2, viz: Charles V. riitterson. II. E. 8,'iTl lor the iw1; sec 22 Tp 3 n rile win. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: John L. Morris. Al. bertus.S. Kurd, Henry Johnson, John IVrrv, all of white .Salmon Klickitat Countv wash. sptlU-o.ttH John it. Wkuoiikoa.n, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lund Olllce at Vancouver, wash, Kept., 5, IHlri. Notice Is hereby (riven that, the following- named settler lias filed notice of his Intend Ion tomuke tlnal proof in support of Ills claims and that said proof will be inuue beforo tlio iiegisier arm receiver 1 1. H. inn, i olllce at Van couver, wash, on October is, IS!)2, viz: August J. M'agnltz. II. E. No. fflw;x ior I be e , n e V. s w n e V. and n w s e '4 sec 22 Tpjn n r 1(J e w in. Tie nnriw'4 the r,,M,,,L,M,. .o his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or, said land viz: i'e ter Sloller, of Van couver wash., Charles liyrkelt, Krank Conte, Josepli Aruie, all of Trout, Luke Washington, also August J. Wagnltz. Aurilleatlon :'.) Ii, Till (! i (lUfl 11 ltd lit miillnn .1 act Hept., 211, 1890, lor the e , n e A sec 15 Tp U nrlOewm. TT IWllniu lltri r,.l!,.,ln,. ...1 ... i..m; etc, yinj; WIUICSSC'S LO prOVC tils COTltitllloltu Clnitri lix .,,,IH,,..H.,., ,.r said land, viz: 1'eler Hloller, of Vancou ver, wash., Charles liyrkelt, Krank Conte, Joseph Arnie, all ol'Troiil Lake Washington, NeptKHictH Jons It. Okocheoan, Register. ox A bisiioo. a Contractors and Builders. Claris and Estiznat n n n i -i nmm mm. - - - OKEGON. HOOD RIVEE Crandall & Burnet, DEAI.KH.S IN - WindowS. lades. Etc. ALSO CARRY A Full Line of IMertatiiig Goods. Mail Orders Pronplly Attended to 166 Second St The "Dalles. Or, JiKATTY'H organs t ' . r ii.iiKtiiiin, i' ii iitti .liti'k .,,,1,, I.. ...,,1...... I !. ........ WaHhington, iew Jersey. Land Locator. Every body wants land in Hood River Viillev. T L Hirable tracts of gootl land on my list tiuiiiraieaus anu timbered claimF, with running water on tlierr. lean locate wveral stockmen afhantieouHly. Do not fail to see rr e at Hood River Fails or address me it Hood E ver, Wasco County, Oregon. VV. Ross W i. vans, Locator. B. R. TUCKER, PFnPKIKTOB OF HOOD Bill ILLS. L U MBE R OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES, Olinger & Bone, ivory and Feci Stables. Oak Street, near Postojfue, HOOD RIVER, OREGON Wo have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hack and Saddle Horses. A Fine Four-Horse Co.ir.ri. finifn.iilo fnr t j uoiuiig ji cAuureioj parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any accee&i ble point. KeliabJf) drivers. Our Dray delivers baggage or freight anywhere in the Vail T 11. HOOD RIVER, OR.