The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 24, 1892, Image 1

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    iver Glacier
NO. 17.
VOL. 4.
3food Tiver Slacicr.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
l IIM( II I P I ION I'lllCK.
On vmr ,,. ....... H W
3 inmtOi ..... t. ti I
1 liter tll'ililhi, ...,,, '
khkl. ....y ,..Cnt
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
S.ihjiiiI Kt., near Onk, Hood River, Or.
Sliavtn mill Hair onttli n neatly Join
Sstifu.'litn (u iiulvnl.
Indians Suspend Hoji-rkking to
linkage in Gambling.
Ward tier Union Miners Released An
Attempt to Betray the S.tlt Lake
Chamber of CummiTic.
The Willamette Valley U swarming
with Chinese pheasants.
Coal has been discovered in th hills
one lutio fait of Klamath FaPs, Or.
P. S. Smith, a merchant of Lavina,
Mont , Iih been arrested, identities s a
stagii robber.
Rattlesnakes are unpleasantly n timer
ous in Linn county, Or., in the foothills
of the Cascades.
Tim irovernnipnt commissioners are
examining the different site! lor a deep-
water harbor on the Los Angeles coast.
Twenty-nine candidates for tho ofli.:c
of Fish Commissioner, to be tilled by
the next Oregon L- gielature, are already
lleavv night fogH In Southern Cali
fornia have retarded Iruit drying along
th coatt. The weather lias been warm
and clear in the interior.
The Lane countv. Or.. Hop Growers'
A-sociation have agreed to pay for pick
ing thin veer 40 cents for 7-bushel bjxes
and 50 cents for 0-bin-hel boxes.
One hundred Bnd thirty-five miners
nndur arrest at Wardner. Idaho, liave
b'" released, but the indictments
against them have not been dismissed
la a ciuivoss of Washington on the
nueption ol selecting a State II iwer, the
rhododendon was largely the favorite, re-
i pivinu- 7 704 votes out ol a total ol
It is estimated that the apple crop of
tho Pnhro Vullev will reach 250,000
lioxfs tnis vear. It will take about 40.
car to take that amount of fruit to
At Flagstaff. A. T., Jailer Heniy Banta
wan seized tiv tho prisoners in the county
jail, bound and gagged, and all but two
f the men escaped. I no six now iree
it is thought, will soon be recaptured.
Fishing on the Biuslaw is now in
progress. Two canneries, those of Myer
At k vie and O. amnions, are running
The salmon run, as yet, is light. The
emu of 25 cents each is paid for large
There will be $.140,000 spent on the
!. wo irrigation svstem ; $00,000 on the
East s de Canal ; $100,000 on the Seventy
eight Canal, and about $10,000 on lateral
canals in Kern county within the next
s x months.
As the result of one week's picking in
the Holmes hop Held nearHnlein sixteen
acres yielde 1 21,000 boxes of nine bush
els each. This will give 2,100 pounds of
dried hops. The sum of $1,0-0 was re
quired to pay the pickers.
Ed. Tewkabury, who is charged at
Pucenix, A. T., with the killing of Tom
Graham in Tonto Basin, has been held
for trial without bail. This has tended
somewhat to quiet the feeling against
Tewksbury, which Is very strong.
The widow of Lawyer McWmrter at
Fresno has offered an additional reward
of $10,000 for the arrest and conviction
of the murderers of her huBhand, and
her family have added $5,000 to this
amount, making a total of $25,000 in re
wards. t
An attempt to betray the Salt Lake
. Chamber of Commerce was discovered
in time to prevent any serious damage
t.n the interests of the merchants. S.
W. Sears, Jr., is accused of negotiating tho sale of damaging evidence of
overcharges againBt railroads in posses
sion ot the Chamber.
Hop picking near Ukiah was sus
pended Sunday, and the Indians, to the
number of quite 600, congregated in
Ukiah. Having plenty of money, they
rallied near the Court House, and soon
a banking game was running, owned by
four Indians. On complaint of the
squaws the game was stopped and the
four Indians arrested. Jim Ball, an In
dian, explained that it was almost an
Avnn thimr between the dealer and bet
tor, and on this showing the Justice
took th case under advisement.
arlsian I'liysk iau Thinks I hat
Has I)scovcred a Vaccinatum
Against Cholera.
Mrs. Italllngt iii Booth Is said to re
l ive but 7 per week for her services to
the Salvation Army,
Mrs. Richard King of Corpus Christ.!,
Tex., own 70.1,000 acres and 103,000
head of rattle and horses.
W. K. Vatiderbilt has recoveied from
s sunken yacht Alva f 1 .00 1 In nuney
and $3,000 worth of diamonds.
The Mn of Howell, the novelist, has
arised a brilliant examination for en
ranee to the licolo d'-s Beaux Arts in
Tho mother of Itev. Robert Kultin
I'rary of Poughkeeprle is the only sur
viving clnM o! Robert r niton, the in
ventor of t e steamboat.
Miss May Urahsin, a Wenleyan grad
uate, and Miss Miy Scott, a Vassar
graduate, are named as tho that young
women to receive iale fellowship.
Tho Czar is never lonely on his solen-
lid yacht, the Polar Star, as lie carries a
rew of !WO men, who are selected from
the bent sources in the imperial licet.
The SulUn of Turkey, Abdul Hamld,
s an excellent pianist, and part of his
laily routine consists in giving a couple
of hours' instruction o his daughteis.
Dr. linffkine of Paris, a young hut
liBilnguist.ed biologist, thinks llial alter
many experiments he has discovered a
method of vaccination against cholera.
Professor liolxjrt K. Moore of Phi 1a-
lelphia. who has been giving Mr. Blaine
acotiiseof massage, sjya he considers
him good for fifteen or more years of life.
Mrs. Potter Palmer is to drive the lust
nail In the women s building at the Chi
cago World's Fair. How much of a hit
she will iiiiike is altogether problemat
Mr. Harrison Is quoted as saying the
worst feature of executive life is the vast
amount ot handshaking and document-
signing the President is forced to an
By the death of ex-Governor Siyron
II. Clark Hamilton Fish is now left the
sale curvivor of those distinguished men
who have held ttie 0 jveruorship of New
York prior to 189.
Kossuth, who is now 8) years old, is
about to publish the first volume ot the
memoirs on which he has been engaged
since shortly alter the close oi tne
American civil war.
Charlotte M. i onge, though 70 years
old, is one of the most popular woman
writers in England. She writes regu
larly, except on Sundays, from 9 in the
morning tul I o'clock, and aga n from
11 to 7.
Bishop Paret's ruturn from Europe by
a slow freight steamer not a sailing ves
sel, as was once stated was designed to
secure immunity from cholera. He
knew no immigrants would be likely to
sail on such a steamer.
It is stated that Andrew Carnegie does
not own Clutiy carle in Scotland, but
merely rents it from the head of the
Clan MacPherson. The latter, having
met with business reverses, was com
pelled to lease the ancestral property.
M. Felix Tisserand,' member of the
French Academy of Sciences, has t een
appointed by decree of the Minister of
Public Instruction Director of the Paris
Observatory for a period of live years in
the place of Admiral Mouehez, deceased.
Heleiencii has frequently been made
of late to the rapid way in which the
Prince of Wales is aging. Since the
death of his son it has affected his ap
pearance still more and robled him of
what had been left of the once peculiar
ly healthful hue of his complexion.
Dr. Pellegrini, who recently resigned
the Presidency of the Argentine Repub
lic and then withdrew the resignation a
day or two later, is a relative of the
British publicist. John Bright. The
former' gentleman's grandmother, was
the favorite sister ot the latter one's
Patrick Lynch, who for twenty-four
years guarded the dangerous Broad street
railroad crossing in Elizabeth, N. J.,
where nearly 700 trains pass daily, is
dead. He was 70 veara of age, was on
duty fourteen hours a day and worn out
. i 1 !. .! t. -1
n trie ranroaa service.
Mow his work
is done bv four flamnen.
M. Dolonclo's Bcheme for a gigantic
telescope for the 'aris Exhibition ot
1UI;0, which would nring tne moon into
the Champ de Mare," has been com
pletely abandoned. One of the reasons
in that the atmosphere would be too
dense and unevenly distributed for the
success of such an experiment.
MisOrmerod, the well-known Eng
lish naturalist, won distinction tome
veara aaa bv biting the tail cf a crested
newt tlllU Bile migui loarn lor uerooii
the character of the acrid secretion the
... ! 1-4. 1 1 W
reDtile trives out when anirry. An in
flamed mouth and convulsions lasting
several hours resulted from her experi
ment. Great reeret is felt in the artistic cir-
, lea of Denmark at tho death of Hane
Riis. the tamom landscape painter. He
was still a compiratively young man
havine recently celebrated the 631 anni
versary of his birth. He waa rich, own
ing a fine estate on the Iale of Falsi er.
and able to devote his time to his pro
Announcement is made of the engage
ment of Miss Louise Beecher, daughter
of Eugene F. Beecher and grand niece
of Mis. Harriet Beecher Stowe and the
late Henrv Ward Beecher, to VV. E
Chancellor. Mies Beecher ia a tall, hand
some blonde of about 21. Mr. Chancel
lor ia a teacher in the Pratt Inatitute,
Gail Hamilton has tiled every othet
means of freeinor Mrs. Maybrick, and
now she invitea all Christian churches
to offer uo prayers in behalf of the im
prisoned woman. If devotion to- what
she believea to be a worthy cause wi
accomplish anything, Gail Hamilton'i
efforts in thia direction should soon
rewarded with success.
Brooklyn Mechanic Invents a Very
Useful Machine.
Iirge Sura of Money Unearthed In Old
Mexico The Rochester Driving
Park for Sale.
Natural gas has been discovered near
El Reno, O. T.
Chicago has been puffed by the Ixn
don 7'iW, and Is happy.
The Standard, Henry George's paper,
at New York has suspended.
Boston physicians generally think the
cholera will net reach that city.
Ruins of an old Spanish mining town
have been discovered in Oklahoma.
Mrs. John A. Logan offers to raise $1,
000,000 for the American University.
Canada is winking at thesmuirg ingof
Chinese acro the Michigan frontier.
A valuable b d of terra-cotta clay has
been discovered near Potoskey, Mich.
The bisket worm is playing aid havoc
with ceilar trees in Southern Indiana.
Senator 1'effnr is pu'ting off the big
victory of his party in Kansas till 1 8itf .
The Homestead affair hss cost Penn
sylvania $15i,000 in b.lls for State troops.
The waters of about tw -nty-flve dif
ferent springs are peddled in Chicago
R. U. Dun A Co.'s review notes a gen
erally Btrong trade in spite of cholera
The new tin-plate mill at Pittsburg, it
is expected, will be in operation by
Pawnees are moving into the Creek
Nation to get a share of land in the pro
posed division.
The cotton season of 1891-2 closed
with August 1 cent lower than on Sep
tember 1 last year.
Charleston, S. C, is making soundings
to deepen its harbor so as to admit the
biggest ocean ships.
F'our Massachusetts cities have ap
plied for Federal Supervisor! at the
residential election.
The insects are doing great damage to
the forests of Virginia, in aome cases
leBtioying them entiiely.
The Order of -Egis, a seven-year en
owment organization of Massachusetts,
b in the throes of d:sso!ution.
New York rs are eating 30,000 water
melons per day, while making a great
ado about the danger of cholera.
The total coit of keeping the soldiers
n the field to maintain the peace at
Homestead will be about $325,000.
The Mexxan government is said to
have unearthed $3,000,000 that was
buried in a convent during French occu
nation. Green Bay (Wis.) business men have
organized a building and loan associa-
lion wttn an autnorizea capuai oi jo,-
..i .1 1 At!
General Weaver told tne people at
Little Rock, Ark., that they would have
lenty of money if he should be elected
After fiiteen years of failure the vines
at Egf Harbor City, N. J., are heavily
la ien irrapes. and a good year oi
wine making is expected.
A Tissue Paper Trust, which includes
all the large mills in the United States
manufacturing tissue paper, has lately
been formed in New York.
The old home of Mr. Blaine's ances
tors in Carlisle, Penn., a large brick
building, ia soon to ba torn down to
make way for improvements.
Fifty-six miles of electric railways in
St. J seph. Mo., have been forced into a
receiver's hands by Eastern capitalists,
who hold $1,500,000 of the bonds.
The edict has gone forth that no more
hogs or geese are to be sept in loiedo.
For this kind of game the Toledo blades
muBt look to the Burrounding country
It ia said that Mexico will purchase
15.000.000 worth of corn from the
United States tins year, owing to tne
comnlete failure of the corn crop in
Illinois this year will grow S5.000.000
buahela of wheat, nearly 200,000,000 of
corn and 93,000,000 of oats. So there 1b
no chance for calamity candidatea in
that State.
Jay Gould is said to be backing a new
palace car company, which ib to be a
new competitor of the Pullman Car Com
pany. The company haB been formed
at St. Louis.
A cloudburst on Devil's Mountain, six
milea from Alphine, Tex., tore up large
treea by the roots, drowned cattle ana
washed away everything in its course
down the mountain.
A belt line for freight trains may be
built around the city of Reading by the
Philadelphia and Reading Kailroad Oom
pany. Tho company wants tae city to
bear part of the expense.
Georire Liapenard, a Brooklyn me
chanic, has invented a cotton-picker
which removes the cotton from the plant
in the fielda. and a company has been
capitalized at $10,000,000.
The Stamford (Conn.) police had their
helmeta atolen recently, and aa a result
thfi next dav thev went about in varioua
kinds of headgear. Ths small boys of
the town guyed them unmercifully.
Heretofore all street cars in Detroit
have been propelled by horsea, and the
use of the electric trorey, wmcn was oe
gun recently, will shortly be extended
to the numerous other lines in mat city,
Second Phase of the B. bring Sea Arbitra
tion Number of Immigrants for
the Month of July.
The Department of State is advised by
the United States Charge d 'Altai re i at
Constantinople that the Turkish g vern
ment has acqu'esced in the claim of the
United States for protection to American
missionaries in the province ol Konia,
Asia Minor, and in reparation for in
juries to the person nd property of Dr.
The Navy Department has assumed
charge ol the quarantine patrol of New
York imrlior. It will place an officer
from the Brooklyn navy yard in charge
of the patrol vessels in the lower bay.
The old leceiving chip New Hampshire
will be turned over to the State author
ities for use as a hoap.tal or for the de
tention of cabin passengers.
Postmaster-General Wanamaker has
issued the expected order, deputizing
poHtmaeters in free-delivery cities, towns
and rural communities to put up letter
boxes on the request of citizens, for the
collection and delivery of mails at house
doors. The order, it is said, affects
nearly 3,000,0)0 residences to which
Iree-delivery service Is already ex
tended, and it is regarded by post ex
erts aa the most important departu-e
n Iree delivery of mails since the begin
tng of the system under Postmaster
The second phase of the Behrinz Sea
arbitration closed the other day with an
xchange of cases between the agents ol
ie principals. 1 lie preparations of the
original case for the United States has
larely engaged the attention oi Sec re
tary Foster recently. It embodies the
minutes of the historical collection of
the acts connected with the Russian
ownership of Alaska as far aa they bear
pon the question of maritime jurisdic
tion over Bearing Sea. the control of the
seal fisheries, etc. ; also an exhaustive
analysis of the correspondence early in
the present controversy with Great Brit
ain. The American arbitrators have
been supplied with a copy of the British
case, and they will be occupied with
their reply for several weeks.
The monthly summary issued by the
bureau of statistics shows that the total
m porta of merchandise into the United
StateB in the month of July last amount
ed to $71,515,000, as against $67,022,000
for the corresponding month of last year.
The exports of domestic merchandise
for the month of July amounted to $57,-
361.000, as against 161,770,000. Imports
from countries with which we have rec
iprocity treaties had increased during
the month as against the corresponding
month of last year as follows : Brazil,
$8,188,000; Cuba, $89,500; Puerto Rico,
$306,000; British Weit Indies, $5,000;
Salvador, $12,000. Our exports of do
mestic products to those countries dur
ing last month increased as follows over
ast year: Brazil, $10,000; uuba, 73,-
000: San Domingo. $30,000; Salvador,
21,000: British Guiana, $34,000. The
total number of immigrants admitted
nto all ports of the United States dur
ing July was 49,000, as against 45,000 in
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Mason talked recently concerning the
issuance of photographic certificates to
Chinese in tria country. Mr. Mason's
attention was called to the reports in the
San Francisco papers to the tuect that
the Chinese d cbned to register until
they get word of a Ivice from the Chinese
Minister. Mr. Mason said he had also
seen such reports printed, but his de
partment had not been advised by col
lectors of revenue or by officials as to
the intentions of the Chinese. "If they
don't choose to reister." aaid Mr.
Maeon. "we will not quarrel with them
about it, for then we will be apared a
great deal of trouble and expense. The
Chinese well know the penalty tor tneir
negligence to provide themselves witn
certificates. All those found without
them at the date stipulated will be sent
to the flowery kingdom. There can be
no doubt about that." "But would you
have funds sufficient to deport them by
the wholesale?" "We would doubtless
find the way," aaid the commissioner.
"We c uld send them in our naval ves
sels or charter ships especially for the
purpose. We can pack them like sar
dines in a box; they are used to incom
modious Quarters, anyhow," said the
Treasury official.
A Siberian Fishing Canoe, With All the
Appliances tor the Industry, Will
Be on Exhibition.
General Milea is talking up a
of Indians for the World's Fair.
It is now said that the War Ministers
of Prussia and Bavaria have refused to
permit any of the regimental bands to
visit tne umcago uxniomon.
Tha Southern Pacific railway subscrin-
tion of $2,000 for stock in the World'i
Columbian .Exposition makes a total
nearly $1,000,000 from the various trana-
Dortation lines in the United Statea.
m. ' 1 M . 1 . 1 . 1 . .
mere is a possiouiiy mat, owing w
the cholera, aome oi the foreign coun
triea may abandon their arrangements
for exhibits at the World's Fair, and
General Grosvenor of Ohio suggests the
advisability of postponing the opening
for a vear.
The value of Washington cedar for
shincrle Dumoses ia illustrated bv
bundle of them which have been on the
roof of John W. Donnelly's house on Se
quim Prairie, Clallam county, aince
1853. Judge Swan of Port Town8end
baa notified Secretary Meany of the
World'a Fair Commission that he has
secured this contribution to the Tacoma
Exposition and the World'a Fair. The
shingles are in a good state of preserva
tion. Thia exhibit will serve aa an ob
iect lesson to illustrate the wonderful
lasting qualities of Washington cedar
The Epidemic of Scarlet Fever in
London Increasing.
The Great Jewish Philanthropist Comlnp
to America Socialist Escapes
From Siberia.
Queen Victoria is growing more serious
with advancing years.
Slaughtering of animals by electricity
is practiced in Scotland.
Hamburg people are treated like lepers
everywhere in Germany.
Switzerland ia erecting what is re
ported to be ita first sugar factory.
Julius (iernaud, the Hungarian So
cialist, has made his escape from Siberia,
Typhus fever is ravaging Sanope, a
seaport town of Asia Minor, on the Black
The Parliament that met on August
4 ia the the thirteenth of the present
In France 8,079 patients were granted
for electrical improvements during the
past year.
Baron Hirsch will probably sail from
France to this country the middle of
England has no fear ol an epidemic,
owing to its good sanitary vonaition
and pure water.
Fifty thousand pesos in gold have been
voted for the expense of the Arbitration
Commission in Chili.
There is confirmation of the newa re-
aiing to a secret alliance between Peru,
Bolivia and Argentina.
An English railroad has just contracted
for 10,000 incandescent electric lamps to
be placed in their cars.
Germany will recognize the Centigrade
thermometer as the official instrument
in place of the Reaumur.
The English plush trade is in a very
bad way. and the British press lays the
blame upon McMnieyiam.
It ia believed that Queen Natalie of
Servia will remain abroad until her son,
King Alexander, is of age.
The passes of the Andes are to be
guarded to prevent the entry of cholera
into Chill irom Argentina.
The blue book says that, although the
German export in beer has declined, its
production has not diminished.
The Frenchmen and the Englishmen
are going to have an eight-oared race on
the Seme on Sunday, October i.
Court Jeweler Adolf Rehrumann of
Munich has failed. Among hia stock
were found many sham diamonds.
The North German Gazelle urges the
adoption of an international agreement
for concerted action against cholera.
Paris iournalista just now are dia
cussing the probable successor of Presi
dent Carnot of the trench Kepuoiic.
The Banque de la Martinique and the
Martinique agency of the Colonial Bank
of London at Martinique have suspended
It is stated that sixteen persons com
mitted suicide at I nests, owing to in
sanity caused bv the hot weather of last
Americans in London crowd Westmin
ster Abbey to listen to Archdeacon Far-
rar's "meditations" on the Lord's
There is etui a great nue ana cry
among English Libera's that the Queen
dictated the make-up of Gladstone's
The corporation oi undertakers oi
Paris has formed a syndicate, and has
celebrated the event w'ith a banquet and
a concert.
London has a firm of opticians whose
specialty is the sale of spectacles for
horses. The object of the apectaclea is
to promote high stepping.
A clock tower to the memory of Eliz
abeth Barrett Browning is to be erected
in Ledbury, England, wtiere the poetess
passed many youthful years.
The city of Antwerp has celebrated
with great eclal the third centenary of
the last competition of its famons eix-
teenth century school of rhetoric.
Stocks of wheat in free warehouses in
France, seven cities, on August 1 were
7,000,000 buahela. France imported dur
ing July 2,000,000 bushels of whea.
Milan, which ia said to be the beat
lighted city in Europe, has two central
stations for generating electricity
equipped with American machinery.
At the corn fa'r at Vienna an interest
ing address was made on the unprofit
ableness of corn-growing in Europe,
owing to sharp American competition
Marqui8 Venosta, the recently appoint
ed Italian Commissioner for the settle
ment of the Behring Sea question, is
one of the foremost statesmen of Italy.
The Czar haa wired Colonel Yanoff in
command of the Russian troops in the
Pamir country not to do anything that
would be likely to provoke the hoatiuty
y. England.
Thus far this year the ascent of Mont
Blanc, once considered a wonaeriui ieat,
ia reDorted to have been auccessfully
accomplished by fourteen people, four
of whom were Americans.
The epidemic of scarlet fever in Lon
don, England, is daily growing in sever
ity. The hospital accommodations are
entirely exhausted. At present 3,645
patients are under treatment.
Lord Dysart, President of the Wagner
Society of England, ia making an earnest
effort to have evening dreaa done away
with aa one of the obligations attendant
upon grand opera in England.
ItcniHrkablv llrlwrrn Two French
man Wlin Wftn IIItnU in Lot.
A Parisian duel, which nrcaHioned a
great w;nialioii at the time of its occur
rence, was one U-tween Henri Delagrave
and Alphonv) Riviere, the cause being
the success of the former in wooing a
young lady to w hom they were both at
tached. Riviere insulted Ins successful
rival by f-lappiog him on the cheek, and
it was agreed that a duel should take
place in w hich the life of one should be
The details were left to their seconds
to arrange, and until they faced each
other upon the field neither of the young
men knew in what form they were to
brave death. On the following morning
four men met in a quiet wood. They
were Riviere, with Monxieur Savalle, bis
second, Delagrave, who was accom
panied by a doctor named Rocquet.
The latter informed the rivals that Mon
sieur Savalle and himself had arrived at
the decision that, in order to secure
fatal result to one of the principals, it
would be best to leave out of the ques
tion swords and pistols, and to trust to
the more sure action of a deadly poison.
As he spoke he drew from hio pocket a
little box, in which lay four black pel
lets, all exactly identical in shape and
In one of these," he said, "I hare
placed a sufficient quantity of prusaio
acid to cause the almost instantaneous
death of him who swallows it. Monsieur
Savalle and I will decide by the toss of a
coin which of you ia to hae the first
choice, and you shall alternately draw
and swallow a pill until the poison
shows the effects."
While speaking the last words the doc
tor spun into the air a glittering gold
piece, and as it fell Savalle cried "Tail8.,,
It fell with the head uppermost, and
Savalle said:
"The first choice is yours, Monsieur
The two whose fate was contained In
those innocent looking black balls had
shown no signs of ire; : !;.iion, while the
doctor explained the- awful preparations
that he had made for the death of one of
them; and Delagrave's face was perfect
ly impassive as he selected and washed
down with a glass of claret one of the
"And now, Monsieur Riviere," said the
Riviere extended his hand and took a
pill, which he swallowed with as little
appearance of concern as his opponent.
A minute passed, two, three, and still
the duelists stood motionless.
"It is your choice again, Monsieur Del
agrave," said the doctor, "but this tim
you must swallow the pill at the same
instant as Monsieur Riviere swallows the
one you leave for him."
Delagrave paused for a moment, look
ing in silence at the two balls that lay
before him. The closest scrutiny showed
not the slightest difference between
them; one was harmless, but in the other
rested the pall of eternity the silence
and peace of that sleep that knows no
awakening in this world.
With a start he drew his eyes from the
box, and putting his finger and thumb
into it, drew forth one of the remaining
pills. Riviere took the solitary one re
maining, and both men simultaneously
gulped dow n their fate.
A few seconds passed without any per
ceptible movement on the part of either
of them, and then Riviere threw up his
hands, and, without a sound, fell fiat
upon the grass. He turned half round,
gave one convulsive shudder, and, as his
rival bent over him, breathed his last.
The fair cause of this awful tragedy was
bo horrified over it that she refused to sea
Delagrave again, and the memory of
those few minutes weighed so heavily
npon him that he foUowed Riviere to tha
grave in a few months time. Glasgow
A New Wild Bone.
The great Russian traveler, Prezeval
sky, has discovered a new wild horse,
more nearly allied to the domestic horse
than any previously known species. Pre
revalsky, on his return from Central
Asia, brought with him one of these new
species. The horse is described as hav
ing warts on his hind legs as well as on
its fore legs, and has hard hoofs like th
true horse. But the long hairs of th
tail, instead of commencing at the base,
do not begin until about half way down.
Only Natural.
Rubinstein was invited by the Princess
Metternich to a soiree given by her at
Vienna. When their lordships were about
to depart; the porter called the carriages
in turn in the following manner: "Equi
page for his excellency, Prince Ester
hazy I Equipage for his excellency, Count
Kolowrat!" and when Rubinstein ap
peared in the hall, muffled up in his furs,
"Wagon for the piano player!" From
A Dramatic Puzzle.
Philosopher (at the theatre) It is most
remarkable to me how that hero and
heroine can act so vividly, like truly im
passioned lovers.
Theatre Habitue Off the stage tho
two are man and wife.
Philosopher Yes, it's remarkabl
very remarkable. New York Weekly.
Fashions in Spoons.
Spoons are assuming individuality.
People who are fastidious are beginning
to discriminate between them according
to their decorations for different courses
at table almost as carefully aajhejrdo
between their ehinaa.-7 "