The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 17, 1892, Image 3

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    od livcr Slacicr
IIOOIl, KMI'T. 17, 1S!IU.
Tin: MtlhN.
'I'ln mull iiiilvcK h.iiii Ml. II.miiI nt II n'.
cIch'I, , M, WVilin hiImvn ii 1 1 I; ill -
U( ''ill Ml HIM illlyM ill llllllll,
f ''In iiowi'lli, !, vi'jj nt N , M. iit'rlvi'K ill
I'. M, WiiIiii.Iiivm.
!" i While Siilmuh iiivmh ilnlly Hi K A. M,
uri'lx i'i ill mi" ii'rlui'lt I', M,
I'l'iilil W lllli' Willlliull ImiVl'H fill' I'lll'lll, 'ill
nii'i', Tn. ul' mill lUi'iirtuiiil ,Miiii,Ih h,
Vt i'iIih'kiIii) iiinl !'! Iiliivx,
is!Mi:t i.oca .n.TTi:its.
lee cold Mi I :t lit MlH'VllI Hand's,
Mix. I Ihiii; chiiii' over ('nun Trout lake
Now lini' of line tullct woiipM ut (ho
drug hIuI'i'.
I'IoIiiicm fr.Ulled Ik order nt Hie fill'-
llllllll' hlllll'.
Triii' to iiiinii
1 1 if drug More,
-"lVrfirtloii" ilyi'M nt i
Kmnc linn vlollim for Main ill, M. Jl.l
i lu mull n. ;
i ... i i . f ,i i , i .. . i .i !
kr.i nt ii.c iii.u: hioi... j
All klinln of cnunlrv rniliii'i' linii-.'lil
iiml Hold ul IIuitImiii m, ;
liowcr ioIm, jilalii ninl fiincy, In jnn.
flHlnu, n( the ilrilK ntnf.
I. X. I,, (no hprny iw well nn all
ollu r lll-i liliiilrH nl till' ill'll't Htnl'f.
McMt ijiinllty of Itoclid llniiinr lime
lit X I. .10 ui liill lti. f I'. JiAII I .MI.h-.
A liti',c hiiiily of Iniiid-iiiiiu' w nll n
ierjii.l I'ci't'iM'il hy S. I liirl iiifnM.
I.ciivc your onlcM for
ninl iM,i;::iiiii i, with M. II.
MlekeNnn, '
ml. i:i ..I hu W..II r
I'orthiiiil, tilt' vliitlii-; Mih. J. I'. Ar-
inor. i
...... ...ifn Mlllllio. "I
I lamlkeriiilcf cxliin tsaud toilet per
fuinesof the ln'.it Hindis, at the dru-j;
S. i:. ILuimcss Is irradlni' Ids lot,
nud will put ii
.'in.'.VU IVel.
n two Mory liulldiii)',
( 'iiptnlu II. (', Cue, lut moved his
family to I'niikiud to iciunlii ilui'ln;'
the W in!''!'.
Iiltiians cctliir Hhill-iles .U..m per
I doll-Hid nl the llnnd HiVer M. 1'. (i.
t 'o's. Htnle,
Mr. and Mrs. hiistln, nf I'm I land,
niv llii'i;!ii'.i;iii' Mr, and Mis. W. .1,
It.lkel' lllis Week. ,
Sl.'.'M per h.imi for lIiint':ii';toii lime, '
tie Instill lilt' lllal'Kel 111 till' Momi:
KiviT Mi'l;,, ( n h' Ntnri'. I
A lmu-c, ninl six (iridic l"ls for sale
at a I i r , ; a 1 1 1 lor euli. f or nilm uiul ion
call on i. I;'nr . Whuns.
Mis. 1 low ills (im jiHi, opened a new
Mock ol konii--, ninl Miliclls all inspect
ion lllel'e.'l l till' i.l'i.en. !
i '
Mr. A. K. i'..i i k'll has :'0'l tons ol
day lor s.ilc nl Until! r-.iiliioii. im!
oil or v, ill. 1 1 1 in i,i no, i piiiee,
I'd s. t lis and i'iil kel, iiiid J. K.
I hiiiiui, (). , li.ii.'.iin ks mm ill ,if,'.
(IT, Mini to l,.i, I. me lueiil.i,
,!oe ,S.Hlie, cail.,lil a trout aliow tde
fa;;s iuhi iiim mcasiiii'd li
liain , uud We.iicil CieVcu poiinils.
liie ili i and populists, of Ska
lliani.i eniiuiy U iisii., lu ni li.eir enimty
eon en linn nl liie Low 1 1' l 'asi'utli s, tllir-
Iiil; Hie w ei'U,
I'artii'M in ll'olil Dost akc. leliorttiiat
timiii r Hies aie inn lima near ine lake, i
ninl lliat A. . I. Kami's and Dr. Uitrn'si
cadlns w el'.' ties
Tticrewiisa dance ut .Mrs. I.aivys'
.Monday u i 1 1 1 , ttuti' a number nl lend
ing iioui ilus sale nl the river. Henry
Yoik luriilslied tho music.
The cniilcst hetwocn Mrs. Oiler and
A.J. Kami, over the laud lying In
tw ecu town and Jiuttnii's place has
dceu (icchied in favor of Mrs. Oiler.
l'i'oin the amount of wind coming tip
(he Cnliiuihla Wednesday, wo Jinlgo
the piilitii-al caniiai(iii in cstcru Ore-1
gnu and Washington, must bo waking
li)). " j
DipliUieria lias again made its tip-
pealiinee III t rooK county,
III t rniiK county, t hero lirin
live deaths from il last week, In tin.'!
DlU rty neighborhood, -lo m i Inn east nt" tho last days. All not yet having- picl
I'linovilie. j iires w ill do well tn avail themselves of
Next Sablmth cliwes the conference !
Year and Key. J. W. lilgdy delivers liisi'V'"" J . , " 1 ''
closing sernu... fnr the ymr. lie will I )' j'V!! , u m',ll,y- X 11,0 ll1"''''!'"'
uttemT the onuferenee at Wailu Walla, nt ,1,,?.''J,r l!'"' AU,w,Tk '"'
I...,., I,.,. Mi.ii.I.iu ..ei.nliiir
Fifteen tuns ol hay to the acre is a
jilicnnnional yield, et one acre of al
lall'a on Mr. Jiutlon's place has pro
duced that thin year, and tlio fourth
crop could ho cut from it. Water did it.
J'i'ol'eHsur '. A. Snyder, loft Satur
day evening for Watorville, Washing
ton tn take chnreoof the school there.
XVaterville is in the big bend of the '
Columbia, about 1-0 miles west of j
Spokane Falls. j
Our old friend Amos Underwood, lias
been renominated for the olllee yl'
V-OUIHy 1,'OlllllHM.siuliei, ill itiiwiiii.oii.i,
county, lie lias already served eight
years, and was renominated by accla-
Mrs. Maggie Sumner, of Nortlidelib
Minnesota, and Mrs. Sunnier, of
Clackamas Oregon, who have been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Straiiahan
for n week, left lor I'ortland Monday
F. II. Jhitton, has a crop of corn that
would pass muster in any of the corn
raising states. Tho stalks are twelve
feet high, and the big ears hang two or
three on each stock, at least six feet
from the ground.
10. lining, representing tho popular
real estate linn of Avery Churchill fc
Co., of I'ortland, is in town. Anyone
wishing to invest in improved city
property on low prices and- $5. install
ments, without interest or taxes, will
do well to call on him at tho Mount
Hood Hotel.
Kev. J. Waldrop, addressed a goodly
audience at Armory hall Tuesday even- i
lug on political matters, speaKing m '
theinlereslof the peoples party. t' j
course there is u great dillerenee ol
opinion as to the merits ol' the speech, j
but it is generally spoken of us being a
..strong presentment ot'liis case. j
.1. M. Muri'lilu I uiH on ti IuiimI n eur
1 1 tin I ul' liny. All those wishing to
J m li 1 1 J i - nil' Invllcd In limped the
HlltllC 111 1 1 Id JlllH'l! Ilf lillxllM'HH,
SmI iinln v I .'.rinding day nt llnrlil-
K'lll Ih'o'il lllillM lllllil 1)11-1 m In llllll
Ilin' liii ri'it'"'n. jNi'iir iH'lf,lilnnM nif al
ways ready ! give preeeilenre Id Hume
from u illi-iiiin'c, so llii',V need lint go
Iiiinii' will urn t. Ihi'ir grlnl.
Tliemlny, Ml', llal'lmeis commenced
llii-wink nri'lllii.'f liN !ol ready I'H'
linililiiiif. 1 1 wmm iM'f'MHirv In dig up
inn' n' I In1 lii;; niilii', which was really!
ii illy, I'M' im I leu' nri' hi III two It'll mi
till' lot, it Will lint In' llllHKi'il.
i lie wilier illi't lull !h nil lop ull'l Im
I'.uilig In slay tlicl'c, riyiinlless of llic
I I 'i 1 1 ' I II tew nfil III'""! linri.H, mi' oiiOhing
ill 1 1' I In' I . I til' Mill null llinminir
j cni water nn I In- r Hi i li m of otlicl'M, iiml
lull ii 111 I Ii' III t hi' 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 - tiny will be
III belter hindlics.
! Mi'i. Unwell' millinery slorc Iiiih
been III II Hlnli' of lliuocuoilx dew-lit lull'
I. ,. , i i ,...i. .. i ... i ,.,
IIIIIIIIU IIM- III i IV, HiltlllLi ll PI'ill ir--
i;ici' w oii'i'il 1 1 m w ny iicrocM llic hli'i'tt,1
iiml foiiml n t -i 1 1 1 M iiiii v rcHilnjr iiliicc nl
lii)r jiliii'c nl
Ic Mci'i'iT A-
IciimI, mi llic coiner i,,.o,iii. Mciccr A-
I 'il nrn mi 1 1 I r I rn ii,,
i,. i ... ' I... i ..i... ... i.....
Mr. lintt luini, lian I v H'Hi mI, I'ccn
ri iMinif; i"iiii' rjn i iiiii o ii wn mi
(Villi tnlhc I'oiiioIoIhIh ul Wlihliinu-
;hi,m svo.ih , (,
t'oiiiillniciitn tislilj.'lily (iii llic (iiiirmicr
of mir IVuit.
l'ni t l h w Im luivc lwilci (Vliln, ic
ceiilly report llic liver im liciiit,' lllleil
lil It miloiou. liie I'liilni itllLn ol' ( 'e-
lil". Mr. i'lillc. Iiiii ii win t l rum. llii:
I lit I iliHH I lie llsli ml III - thick
Hint It Hl"m ninl turn to tic t Ml in 'I l-y
Iinlul. In llil'llllnli to thlH he Iiiih a
ilileli willed I lie li II Im unit linn
lilt lili'll -.'et III ) Ii. I drive llielil tin W II
strcaiil nver !l wire lielfliur, lilelallV
di ivui'' I lulu out on I he diorc,
, , , . .. i ,i i i ,
i io in nn il i in li nn i im iiiih in ,
ii i i. .i. ....i.i.i ... i. .. . ... . ...
I I'I'IU IIIII I ,111111 llllllll 1 HI I II IHIi: lll
(he pleiiiiiule.t and moot protltahlc
y ears w ork ilinl it Iiiih hccii my pleas
ure to enjoy. I dele linv Item ret i ivcil
hy let Icr and from piohal ion Us inem
hcis; i:i hac liecn reccivt il on luulia-
: tioli lilli US Imvn hecH hniit ,.ed. '1'he
venr c!o-es w iili (lie dent of cnirit. and
all llic societies me III a lioiirihin
cniulilloii. J. W. lJmnv,
'liie county cnilli at lis last sosion
allowed hilli ittliotiutiuir to .',!I.",7.IMI, hill
lisniil v 'J.7" caliic to I his lieielilioi Iiood
we tin not ptiiilisli ine list. Jin- iiiii
iiiiiiI u tin ;illni ii M. '. IliiiUnii I. ii'
lilaltlial for elect ioif hooths, and for!
team hire. The deputy clerk makes' this is "the true ami;
coi left slatelnelll of llic
.i i.i
iiiiiiiii i.n i 1 1 1 -
dilioiof the cotnity," hut we fancy
Hint inl-lil nlUdavil was (he iv-lllt of
ton iiiinii "I. it" in lite print shop.
Captain Lew is, of The Dalles laud
oflii ( made us a pleasant visit Sunday
and look a ride out tn Wils Winaii's
place. Alter iMiliiiiiiii;; the forks of
I i i liver and liuiin-r that the ti-li
would lio( dite, we repaired to Mr,;
Wiii.iiin' and lilled up mi iluck, audi
liuiiri i.nis t, idol' eood things. The j dents nf the Kast Side at l,:y'ti xtiinn!
i ii i 1 1 has iml In en feelili-,' well for linuso at 1 o'clock Wednesday alter-
the p:. nnailli, and a few trips likcimu (,r the purpose of iK-rfwiiii? ur -
tins mil b, ninl, no tioiiiit, put mm in
trim In clii.l'ciij.
tViihett- hut then di
w ouidni .
, , i ,,. "i U 1 1 I ' i .1, I .1. H II l .i , 1 1. i
have l,,i, ii. Ml. Hood In,- ncniv , VV(1 :
I ..I- i.l M . .. t ...I...
wee!. ciiinc ihiw n Wednesday cveliing.
1 1 1 mad. a line collect inn of cones, j
; which they plioloraphed fnr fntlire1.
ll-e i il I lie poesiii's liook, on ''(tint!
: dcariii-j trees of liie raeillc Coast."
' The pi'ol'o -cor states that he found a
i jo-enter variety of trees ai'ouml Mt.
I llooil lhali in imv otlier loe'iliiv lie
cicr visited. Tliev l. l't tor ttriilnl V.-iil
Wed. u sday eveiiinu. I
Last Sunday we had the pleasure of,
going through Wils Winatis' garden,
I and In sniiic purpose tun, as wo caino !
i u, i.. ,. ... i,,i ,i, ..i,.,,,,., .,r'
awav wild a sack fail of Hiring beans:
ami corn. It is really astonishing to !
see Ihemowtli of all 'kinds of voneta-
tinu, in the red suii of that neighbor-
bond. A small natch o bonus Mr. I
Wiuans told us had supplied the
liciuhliniiiood for the past six weeks,
and yet the vines were loaded even
alicr we got through with them.
Fruit trees set late this spring dad
iiiailo a growth of live foot, ami the
corn would pass muster even in Illi
nois. It is needless to say that he haw
plenty of water for irrigating purposes.
Next week will ho niv
i.'". i. i.. '
Hood Kiver. and Friday and Saturday
'I1,01 ' 11 11 1 ly , SV','!".I1 ,1'atl'M,.
J Yi- !
iiiini siiusiacunii guaiaiiioeii.
A J'Yiglih'iieil Watch.
Mr. H. C. Jlateham, has u wutoh
(hat in iieeuliar to say the least.
Last Huiiinier it was a very poor tune
keeper; either gaining or losing, tinti'
one day while at the Forks, it jumped
ot of his pocket and took u trip down
tho blull' falling sunie 50 feet among
tj,0 roi.iSi Although badly mutilated,
in its attempts to eoinimit suicide, and
fter Mr. Ferguson, had it for a while
under his care, it kept as good time as
any one could wish, until his summer,
when ut the Forks again, just a year
from the lirst trip, tho watch stopped
again, apparently from fright, and
could not bo induced to go until
brought to Mr. Ferguson again. He
could find nothing the matter with
it, as it started readily. It has kept the
best of time ever since, but evidently
does not like to go to the Forks.
SinoKe the Hermann 10 cent cigar at
M. 11. jSickelson's.
Fine Fruit.
jNI. V, Ihuid, sent a box of apples to
10. V. Allen for exhibition at the ex
position in I'ortland; they were the
Malomo (we spell the word hy car) and
liie JeH'erson. We unhesitatingly pro
nounce them as tine as any apples wc
oversaw. This is the second lot Mr.
Kand lias sent and if others will take
an interest Hood River will have the
niK.Bt exhibit in tlio siuto. Such fruit
, .
will keep will be forwarded to the
world's fair, and tints Hood ltiver yvill
c,.f tho very best
In lienor of ( iiliiiiiliiH.
Arriiiigi'incnlM urn lii l made by the
iiililli' hi'IkmiIm of llin tlnlii'il Hlnlc for,
ii 'i'lcliriillnii o( C'nliiiiiliiiM ilny; Oct., I
znn iiici'iniii iiiinivciHiiry u Hie dm-j i,i:m! ,v Mi ni.i ki'.,
cnviiynl' Ainciii'ii. Our Kclionl, uinl Atlorrif!ys--at-Law,
,,clH..'tl,.. vnllcy will cny Chapman Block, ovor Postoffico '
mil, till- lii'ujrnilliinc ilnvii( fur Hie! 'J II C Ii 1.1,1; M (il I ' iON. j
r,,Hl ;;'l,l,'h W" Wll,( 1,11,11 'I'jOHN H. CRADLEISAUCH:
'In coiiiilcti. iiri'iiti,'i'iiii-iiiH 11 iiici iHij '.rn i; vi-y xr t. v
U ciillcil nl, the ic'i'ii mI. of I'rol'i K'inr (ill-' i.,,.,i, ' ,, ,
licit, nl, the Hclmnl Ii'.iikc .Mnli.lay even-
tlllll tlic jiiilintlM of the Hiiinnl will nil
it 1 1 1 i 1 1 tin cMTcl-ti'M, iiiii It Im !H'ci'K"nry
Hint the iiiiniiiiiiin im In otlii-r Ihnii
llii' liiililii'ii lie I'miipli h i! nl unci',
j ' '"' 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 s lined lie appointed iiml nil
1 preliminary work le ilolii- proiiry,
j U H o . mt . i,,,.,.!',,., will
i In' largely ul t t-i i Ii ! .
., ,. ,. ,
I I lie law Di'ciilcil.
Mr. Oiii'ilini',
llic illoto;il-;iilii'r,
1 liavlii nlli rcil n iivlv of:i ilnm pic.
llllVrt , ,. ',,,(,H, i,,,,),;!,,,. ,M,V. w ,o);
, , . , , , . , i. i
I I .Iff llic ln hull liil.cll' It lii'fimii. tii'i'iw.
H:iry Momln v In innkc llic u lcciion.
I'u'V. ('. . Well.-, And Winnns mid T,
( '. Oalla", were Hiiccii d iim JihI'-cm, mid
ui none or them know miytliin;; ahmit
Cerent one. Not one would yicid li w
opinion, ninl hcuci; tlicy took the lunsl
.ciiHihlc way lo holve the dllliculty hy
1 I''' ' l Ml'' ' :'I'"M. l' 'lilc l,y lot
I pietlll'CH WflV IHIIlllicieil, I.ill:ii, of
enlllH' lint lilmwill!' Ihc Illlllll-ei.-', lill'l
he hticctcil liilliilicr J wiiii prnvt'il tn ho
, ' I'" hlack-cyci little tnt helnr'ili;,' tn
! Mr. lill'l Ml'rt. Will ('raliper. liii'il'.'
ilhe l -t -i - ii 1 1 was made puhlic, Mr.
WelU, went to I.osl Ink'' to remain u
, I... i r I ' i:i 'l
W. t-k. Mr. W llinlis lelt for ( el I In. I.
('. Dallas
uiaiue'l at his po--l, hut is
: nlllv
o w hen tlieiv nr no ladies
; ill hi-illt.
i l.'. ft. (Jiiarlcrly ('niiicfcnci'.
KcV, I. Slekllfniisi! Will till the plll
i iit at the I'. II church this cveniii:
: i oiiiorri' .v at 1 1 a. in., and K p. in. ii.c
I hUMIIt ss sf-.ioll of till: I'oliferelli'C W ill
! U' he'd this eveliin-,' afl
K'l vice. i . 1 . ( . I ., lilt
p. m., lonionow eVeliili!
I'lirlliiinl fAiiisitinii, Scplciiilar '.'Id -
. '1" Orltlicr 22ml.
'Jiie liiioii I'acilic System will i.-
i , i,w ,,-,,,,. n. l
,v i
: rates on round tiip tickets wliicli will
iutiudo ai!ini-s'iou In Hie exjiositioii;
' scIliiiK Mondays, Wt ilncsilay.s and lii
days of each wn k. Ditailed iiifornm-
, tiou can ho had hy npi lying to ticket
I kast saw: Mt:i:nN;.
There will he a incctii'!i of tho resi.
I'annemeuts tor ut'itinir :i water mipiiIv.
It is urgently reiiicsicii t lint every nuuy
nt tend mid especially all tlio.-e in tho ;
l .ast J'orlv IriiL'tiiin -. we iiavo ,
. - ... 1 .1 . .
Uc requested tn attend the meeting
and will he there.
I liil.lil. mi .:ilc.
Mr. SiM'sho has rented Mrs. I-Iing'n
house opposite t In.' lial'l'tit siiionl house,
and win move Ins family in as suun as
j Ins wile returns twin J'ortland. His
i son w ill still live at tho old homo and
i work tlio farm.
Mr. Mpnia's, largo darn is rapidly
ni'iiiiii'' coinplclion, and will do ready
In slnio his largo crop nf, fodder before
wot weal her. i
Mr. llansbt'iry ami lanuiy, lroni
Kansas, who bought ten aerosol Mr. ;
Hcalil, arc putting up a very neat lit-,
H'' Imnsc, and hope in birin it iii u low;
Mr. 1 hoinjison, on Jtulian crook, is
rushing business on his place just now;
lo get bis planting done, and nis house
completed before uad weather. It. F.
Davidson and Dug. 1'ayto) , are butlr
working there
Mrs. J..N. McCoy, lias been elected by
the Congregational church, to attend
the ineouiiK of the State Association to
be held at I'.uresl (.irove, Sept., 7th to
Is'ow is the time to lay in your win-
ir win-
tor supply of wood, remember what a'
tiine .you had
last winter trying to .
. I I 1 j ! I l )
burn wet wood
t iiu;i,
il(..n. " -
is harvested and;
The wheat crop
ready for tho thresher.
Ciihner brothers baled their hay last
week, and so did K. lleyting, his t'nn- j
otliVi w hieli turned out well
The lat -
tor took Ins baler to Camillas prairie, ;
Saturday to bale his wild hay. j
Camillas prairie has a very large crop j
of wild hay.
unapmiiu urouiers are snipping ineir i
hay, some of it to The Dalles.
Kev, Chapman's health is improving
and we are glad to see him around j
The potato crop is poor.
Mirnts are getting cool, and ice
formed at Camillas the night of the 3rd.
FA KM Kit.
Set) Here ! .
If you want a straw berry patch of j
i 10,000 or more, we will contract to fur-
nish lirstclass plants, and them out,
after the rain begins, at $L00 peY
thousand. Coon & Ckked.
At tlic residence of the brides par
ems Sunday, September, 11th, Edwin
U. l'hillips, of I'ortland, to Miss Etlie
M osier, of iMosier; 15ev. J. W. Iiigby
performing the ceremony. The young
couple tooK the evening passenger for
Portland, their future home.
Friday Sept., fith, to Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. ljoy, a son.
Monday Sept., lth the infant .sojo of
Mr. andilrs.' AI. F. lioy. 1
if'OMH r,;i, ANii sew vot jii-wk,
'I'm: iai,U'.-(. (iiti;if i..
Vsl,l,;iif. H,",n,l i,., iviii, to con
a ''ii'.iioM ici:,
jiooij niVKit oni;o(;N '
Jinn. D.iiiicl r. r,. in ly, llic ;;rcnt Or
I'lin mnl I'iuiin liiniiiifn'ctiircr, lx huild
in;; ii 1 1 f 1 hhipiiin;,' moil,' Oitr.-uiH nmli
I'iaiioH t Jiiin ( Vt r. In S7H Mr. Jlcntlyj
left ll'illlc 11 pi'liliilc.H plow liny, lill'l hy I
Ihh iii'loini'nlile w ill he linn worked Ih'h !
w ny up hi in tni iil .so iii'.niy I'HI,IMM)
of ItiiitlyV Oi-niM mi'l I'inii'nH hIiico
IS'I. .olln:i; M-clii'i In tlisliciirlcll '
hliu; ohlniicM ;ii, ,i ,m wny, tliat
would have wrecked any ordiimrv until ;
loi'cver, he turiiM tn mi ml vert iu'lncnt j
nnd cninci out of il hi i;(lilcr than c't r. '
Hi', iii.-lniineiii:', ns U well known, nn- i
very pnpiilar and me in he foil ml iii nil ;
imiiiiof the world. Wo niv iiifnnnei! i
1 llllt 'InniiK the next, ten years ho in-
SVI. aver.i-ic t liiin at riuu encli. It U
nlrca'iy the lal:ct hiNincsn of thckllul I
iiifxi--l'licc. .clnl In l.inlel I'.lJcntty, !
ii niiio;.'ioo, .i ! ,t j'T.icv, ior eaia-'
'liie iindcrsi-riicd hein-; localed near
Ilond I'.ivcr, W ihcK to ililnrin parties
w im may he doirous of haviiitr sur
vcyiii done, that he is a practical
Mincyi.r ol inaiiv vi.trs
,ii,l f I ... t .-. i I ... l.l : 1 1 i ...
.( if iiiiieil wi;h (li-pati-h and convct -
""ii i i iii I i iri I'll in 1 1 1 in ill lie .
lie-is. J e t:di, s ,easi:n; 111 referrilic; to 1
Mr. A. S. Illnwi is, i v.iin for years was 1 M ii j v
cnni'ty eomiiii-sioncr in m in nesnta,) Vvcc Dray delivers baage or
ninl fur whnm he did enuiitv Wnrk lis! (hnrrtr,a
(unity Mirvyor, as to his ahility
I'aities wril'n'ijr me id Hood will i'c
ceivc prompt attent inn.
('. J. JI.vvi:s.
Dated Jlnod I;iv"r April CI h. l"!il.
j in;
Portlnnd, Soptcniber 21
( 'oatiaiii's d:
, 'iliil niirila.
I'lllllli'l' of l.'ie
Tin' foro-
ciiicAfio KXi'osrnoN of m.
Mn-'.f hv l.'.i' r.tiatiiM
(If l'PiVl,r,ICi', 1!. I.
Sill -j.iiv.lii'; n'l f 'i ni 'l' I-.-x ! -! I i..u and
Mill. cil ul :ii.iif,
A lini','iil!!i tail (Inutile
I , B
F 1 0 Cf Til Tl I Fvhlnit I
; l,-l--' L,AIIIWIfc .
linli-r tin- iMinliliii-il TliDinsnn Ilmiston
and KdiMia ( 'niiijKiali's, liuimliiiL;
the Iiili."-I ininptii'.l.iiis of
An i m iiii-niO
I'. S., Is of
I'r.iin the Navy Yard at Vn!ii!ij;tii. j
Stock Department, j
Ksci'i'.ilii',' all funnel- years, with greatly in-1
civasi'd iii.'iiiiniii'... j
SO.IVO sitntrc feet devoted to
tin- 11 nest
Horticultural Exhibit
Kvit niuili.' on tlio l'ai'itli'. Coast.
Agiieiillnrc to 1 lie IVnnt. Miiniit'actoi'ii's in j
full ojieniiiiin. 'liie w.iinlri'lni Hall of Mys. I
tcry. 'I'lie Utile World," l!n' lesiilt of ine j
I'tiiinical Lieniu . l.uixer iuiiiiIk'I' of rxliitilts 1
than ever liefore. Tlic 1 ( ij xi 1 1; l spi'i"iiil days I
continued. Kvcrythlnjj new; nulliinjc dead. )
Greatly Reduced Rates
. On all ti-ans'nirtnt Urn lines.
j T M TTTTlimTUnTlfm 0
,1 fl ft i M T Mil N !' i
W I Jkv W A I A I VI V ' I VWM
illeliable information concerning land
' m1'c'e cy !,n country property for
Conveyancing a Specialty.
ISO Second Sirrt - - - - Tha Dalles Or.
TO -l.:LiXj
BXo. S, Kx press loaves nt 11:54 A.M.
No. fl, Mall " 10:11 1'. M.
wkst nocxn Kiioar jiood bivkk.
Xo. 7, Kxpross loaves nt 5:1" P. M.
Xo. 1, Mail " -1:08 A. M.
Steaiuei's from l'ortlaiul to San Krani'lsco,
every 1 days.
Hi l-l
For rates and general information -call cn
V. II. 11 rm.lU'KT, Asst. (Jen. Tass. Aitt.
.;'.")! W.iis'iiiilnton St., I'ortlnnd Oregon.
! mm 1Mb A
M 1 7 Cj&i'trisi
Wall Paper, Paint::;, Oils etc.
A laro supply oftaru!
mrri .rf..- vj rvk
Colobralcd liquid colors
T? I t-l 1 -Wi Tn 5 ,,-J vt -s
I'rcparcd to fumitii nt o;i'v, u line
hill, lic:il m;i
1 11
it nni 8
j dim
Oak Street, near Poslofficc,
Wo have Firbt-CIass Stock find Outfit1?, Double Bti7g'C9, flacka
and fc'addlu Horses.
A Fine Four-Ilor.'-'e Coach,
x-.-n.'ii(--,,j)?r,c,) carries nine paengers.
; point,
JieliabJT drivers.
w u
11 opened tWy &
Hanna barn on First
to furnish hay
f A "T
Vr bLi Ea bMj
X& yirr
If you want a livery
i Oftur for sale 500,1)1)0 standard trees grown on !ii;:h fir lands without irriga
tion or manure. Such 1ms are nicoiiipiiraniy s-upcnor to i;na yrown on
swales or watered soil Irrigated trees when planted n:i high and dry soils aro
liable to stunt in grnwtli and if they live, it is liable to be 7 or H years U'foro
they U'ltr to am!unt to anything'. Our trvs are frequently in bearing the
liud year from setting out. W ill s.'iid referem.-t s f. suUstantiare t !;!s abortion.
Ajqtl'x. J'i ir, I'ld' hi .1, J'l'i'W". J"t"rt, C.fres, (Jvii-'- and J,ri.'ot.
Small fruits in variety, ornamental trees and shrubs and -') varieties (out
of 100 tests) of roses. Si-fialtkz, Vi'X Several vat ii -ties of .V .-" J ' ru fii.s
and Kurhi Ttxn J!t-!;ii rri Snecial iti'lni.vnients to those planting i.i lotd
i of 10(1 to 1000. Correspondence invited. - Address,
I No. 2 Dekum Kuildimr, X. V.'. Corner 1st and Washiti-rt-Mi St-. I'.i-. f ir.e.d. Or.
! (Jl'V iMLKi-Ntl'()X, I loo-1 Itiver, Or.
Iff 0 I T
11 Mill h nju mu
"Will supply the public with the very
At the Very Lowest Eatcs.
We have constantly on hand a line stock of
In fact, everything in our line.
Our wagon will run through the valley and to the mills Mom
nesdays and Fridays. All orders tilled promptly.
Corner Oak and Fourth Sis., - - - Heed River
Have on hand a full supply of Fruit, Shade and Ora:;ueatal tr
vines, sunill fruits, Koses and Shrubbery.
l?e sure to get our prices before purchasing elsewhere,
llemember our trees are grown strictly without irrigation.
NY. A. Si.iMJKKi.Axn, Local Agent.
Crandall & Burnet,
A Full Line of
I Furniture, Carpets,
WindowSliades, Etc.
enaiiM mm.
. Mail Orders Pronptly Attended to
166 Second St. Thc'iOalles. Or,
r a
,-IW" - t
') leads.
u ( !
ela.-.t of
!'.':i.'t gnule
U l il fJ i
suitable for fisliinrr or excursion
A l
Parties taken to any acceesi.
. . t . . .
irt-iglit finywhere tr. the Valle'
Totv,r.. - .T. "
in tho
Street, and
an pr epared
hy the bol3
VZt'SL i-am j
S I c
T 3 ' .' " V;
" $ i
L ' 1
i " "V-;;:.;i: h Pl '