The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 17, 1892, Image 2

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CiV;.v.v.i J7v..(.7.,.V(v:.
It strikes tis that the administration
! IVsident Harrison is at his wife's
IxtUUle, at I.ihii Luke. Mrs. Harrison
is ia u critical condition nnd tho fam
ily have been summoned. lr. Dough
erty, t lie eminent specialist on pulmo
nary diseases, is assisting Drs. Gordon
;ind Trucdeau. The president has lieen
Issa.lly lacking in tletormiiuti n in u,nncd that there I strong
.i.'alin;;vii, uie inii.i;iraiio!i .istcM.o:) j(v u j.,, ,VsU,u Tvvo ,.,,,,,1,,
HH coliitcclcit Willi Hie cholera
dlsirictsnf l'.urope. Tin
in feet oil
Uvn iieecssurv to remove the
iresuleiit 1ms i, ,,.,,) ;,. i, i,.iit (Oii'sl.
stated that'.i'.rt companies ; ,uul ,holh.,j js unavoidable. Mrs. Har
rison's vitality Is at low ebb, she is in u
very nervotweoiutitkni. It is probable
the end is not faraw ay.
coniiiuie to lirmvi linini ;imuIs troin
1 lanibtin;, ami odur such ports, Ihe
ships !o n'Ut buk. There
shonkl lie no temporising it!) the sub
Vet. With the tir; knowledge of the
cholera having broken out in I laniburg, '
i-ervmn'.orv initio should have Ihvu j
The water diieli is b.mnd to go. The
brass band has furnished music for n
long time, but the procession is now
The Prather, Building,Second &0ak St
rimuloit Notes,
m i v, I . it tlie Miiipauies t under way. It ps as it moves, tmi
ui,... vessels sailed fitful that port, that ' it moves royally. Those not in it,
!!iV- ships would be refused t landing . nui.-t elear the ro;.d or be trampled nil
at anv I idled Mates port. A private ' der foot, tialhcr up your b inner and
vnei" vi properiy
Sehool eommeneed last wwk In this j That Marvin Uuud has the llnest brands
district with about thirty scholars. of cigars, and an exeellent stock of
It. S. Andrews teacher. ehoice candies. He will have Ice cream
Mr I' ............ .....f ...ui i every .-Himiay, aim iciiioiiiiuc, suua
would eertaifllv
I ) k u !'o'.H if 'jeeiiell io a neignnor
'v.: th.eo'iet of .Ms sewer so that
eont-.'ins w ould b'. dumped on his
an 1 would take some s'op to
..Kite tin1 nuisamv, Iv-iik's applying
l!sen,eetan:s. The proper way to deal
with the.-e pliii'iie str'.eken immigrants,
is to compel lluni to ivmaiu at home
r.r.ul thev can come here, at least in i
1 si:i
ioin the crowd. lon't be tail-ender,
the last man in the procession Is a in
eessity, and he knows no law
le that man, but get in the ranks, and
make the movement unanimous.
.... ..w.-.O... ...... I O.llll, ,.Olllllll ; ,
accident a few days ago. He was driv-1 ' ' -
iug on a pick handle, which split at the ! Mat tins Lit cents at ltartmcss'.
II I!.. . ... I ... . . . :
Don't ' lie was pomming, nun one pan oi j
it was driven through Ins left hand.
The mother of Mix M. Kolcv mid i 1,1 '"''J'- Washington. New
Mr. Willis died Sundav at South Hcnd, j
Was!,,,,,,!.,., ,r...i r.v vs r in. i' NOTK'K FOlt l'l'llLICATlOX
Bsatty's Pianos
Ulll'ie. I'll) wl'lllllloi;lle UUlllr-N
III 110
Inuih'l I'.
late-Monday nifjlit, too late for them
to go that distance to attend the fu-
!'.'ii when i !
!i 't is at! undesirable vl:'s . of im-
i:v.--, and the -"e('.in.y; t!ie
t!i of i nr c n, in order to j
Mi :;n asylum for them i carrying ,
: rl'M.l iticory lo an eMcnt
the ridiculous and lioeeiv.e
Tho dispatdies Thursday announce
that cholera had found lodgment in
New York I'ity, and that the tleaths
hud occurred from it. Tho first ease
ll nl iJ'I'luirl.u M.i (v.iv , lliH1
.... ...i. . I I I: . I 1 1 1 I'l. Ti k. I I ..
li'l ' aiLae.v'ii iuiuia men, 1 uesia lie t vnaiuv uii.- imni-ii 111 iiriu
olophia igniau and her liusliaml, ; His rancli ami go no into winter niiar
whodiod last Saturday a'v now ro-Iters In a new house on the hill above
ported to have been Asiatic cholera. ! his father's place.
It Is nut known how tho disease got! Mr.J.T.NoH' left Monday for Duluth,
death was rwened here by toloirra h ..n.-. u i,v iv..n mm n,., i.,n,,i,,u.
uumi'tt M'llU r lias tlio.l nolirc of his Inli'iillou
In luiiVt! final ( omiimtiitlun piiMif In n.xii t
of his claim, mill Unit -nlil iiiiir III bo iiimln
ImCuiv lte Iti'ulsler .mil liivt'lver f. S. t.. o, ut
Tlie lalU"i Or, mi del., 10, bio vU:
llllum i:. Tale.
11. I. N.i.aiKWior then w ' wo J7 Tp '.' n r 9 o
v III.
llo minion tho f.illuu lug ilni'HM'i tn iiiivo
liinooiiliiminiM ivlili'iiio Uhiii unit eiilllvie
iiiiiiiii, wtui land, vi: .nihil riiiuor, ( . J
oast (iiiarantine: but tU'iv is no doubt I Minn., where he hasenuawd to teach a I !'UV,.. K- w- l ,l,,1i 'I"'oh Heritor, nil m
.1 (, (()! SI
Th.o reoort from th
Hvitcd to c;uivass the vallev I'r
p.i:pn-e of discovering how much mon
ey can Iv raised for constructing a
ditch, is gratifying. The committee
is not through with its work, but front
.. o i resent i ut.iHik iu t less than M",- ;s,tn.H ih.hj1o.
H) w i'l be suiiscrlhed i:i ;;ni;).it) or lar-. ' l. ".!
nod tho total will bo not Kov. Sam Mnall, was .called to 11 a-
KLyii ( HVUilll.
but that it ; nine months' term of school. One year j ,,;iooi!t j.iun w. I.r.wis. KouUtor.
' , ! ago Mr. Nell' purchased the old I.uckcy
ine iruasnas i.auM I ue-p us is a; . , , l!t:M 1,11.. ,m.1 neeleel-
i ' -
ed for yi'ars. I'y his energy and indus
try it lias U-eii made to bloom and
write up. It roads like it came out of
a sausage machine, with a chinaman
at tho crank. Wo notice one tiling in
however, pre-cmiticntly correct; and
that is, tied it inves Hie Ihillcs, a pop
ulation of (i.(XX) not, !., two for ouch in.
habitant, and oven that will not ex
press tho whole-souled character of her
r.tioii i,f a company
k commencement of crowd of toughs broke up tho meeting
first, thing ueccssary i !ld that evning when Mr. Small was j
.mall assessment for : retiring, some ono fired through the
. 1 It...- I.?... :.. l... .1.: .1. I
.ill;! a survey, and moow , wouinuiig nun in uie iiiigu.
is done
iter io
less than s-i.i:,
justify tho fori;
and I he
tho work. The
wi!l ! i' to levy a
tho purp.iM' i t" m
K'Icctiti-ra riiute.
should i.e done i;ulek!y, and every per- j
son w'lo iiitend-i helping in t!K good j
cai'-j ln.ti'd not wait for the owiini-'
it too to c-all on him, bu: should hunt!
up the committee. If possible tho j
work shuiitd lie so as to gi-t the;
boiietit of the water next summer, and
we believe, w ith proper t nergy
e:;n be done.
blossom tis the rose, and his straw licrry
U'ds and tlowor garden are things of
U'nuty to tho passeiNdiy. His ncigh
Ihii"s here w ilt w elcome him back at tho
close of his labors in the school room.
Mr. Willis has the lumber on the
ground for a dwelling on his jilaiv.
Mrs. Pratt Whiteomb and daughter
lis amount v. ill zelton, Indiana, Thursday of last week "onruno icu mr incir nonio ui lon-
Itooond ict a prohlbitisii meeting. A ! I;l,1,1 oiinosuay, ancr a iwo wocks
visit wnn .Mrs. iiuiion, .mix. ini
combs' mother.
A horse lulonghig to It
The water cjueption must bo decided
now by our people. Tho present 'at
tempt to provide water without oa!I
in on outsiders, will be the last of its
kind. If it Is successful, there will be
no lo'cd of further attempts; and if un
successful there will be no uae for them.
If it cannot be done now, it will not bo
done until outside capita! takes hold of
J. Kllis was
badly used up in a barU'd-w ire feint
ono day last week.
Mr. Alv Foley has rented Mr. Xelfs
place and has sot out half an acre more
strav.U'rries. Ho lias repaired the
house, which will lie occupied by his
father's family this winter. This leaves
the Crockett place without u tenant.
Tho latter place is still for sale. Y.
Ijinil ollloe ul Vancouver wmkIi, Spt., 0, lsn.
To Fremont F. Foslor, Hi'iiry Wiijtcnor and
aU whom it may concern:
Notice Is hon'by given that tho followlns;
numeil soltlrr has tilctl nolle of Ills in
tontion to mnko tlnul prooi' in xiiHirt of Inn
claim iiixi that said iroofvlll he liniilc hcfnro
the t'lerlt nf the Superior Court, of skiuinuilii,
The New York board of health has I Xovtmbcr a i. "iw!, viz: '
caused the following circular to lie I William A. Klrkmnn.
printed in four or live bmguagos, and j n. k.No. ciis for the e$ w ;4 ami lots 3
vido!y distributed throughout that ami 4 socio lp:in rw m.
city: j
He names tliofollowinK wllnesses to prove
Ilealthv persons "catch" cholera bv ! his continuous resiuVnoi! upon ami ciiulva-
iioo ui, Mim num. it,: unoii .'Vimi'iioii,
Prevention of ('Jwlera.
As the cholera has reached New
York, it is only a question of time un
til it extends over the entire country.
In view of this it is well to provide at
o-ioe for its coming; and to be prepared
; to moot it. Cholera is a disease that
' tiinl ilu lirpoil i rir iil.ow. to filtli fiml
I cleanliness is the irst and liest prevent
; ive. Slops and filthy water holes near
dwelling houses, are simply induce
ments to it, and a thorough and perfect
cleaning up .of nil such places fehould bo
made at once.
. i i. w.. i.i: ...i t'lL-UMr intu Mii'ir til'utpnw tomiKrl, tlui
" "in it.' .'.c uix. , . ., i . .lowph Tows cv. John siwooiiev, W llliiia
fiiin ii- ,lv liviko to thi' iiirii-l'i;ie' of "" ni, o'r, an oi poison, sKamiuna eoumy wiikii. '
U.on.iul.13 awake to tUi. Mipoita.iCv ot fro)) tlwU. ,,ndS) kllivt.( fol.k plates, 1 spn-oct Join. 1. .iromiKiiAN, K.vist. r. j
the matter and another week will . riillix. clothimr. t-tc. tiie irerms ofi . .
's Organs
We must build, or confess our inability
juul stand out of the way for some
company that will. We must shoot or
jiive up the gun. No doubt it will
' crowd heavily every subscrilx-r to ful-
llscharge from tlie wiomach and bow-
els of those sick with cholera.
Thorough cooking dtstruys the chol
era germs; therefore:
Don't cat uncooked articles of any
kind, not even milk.
Don't eat or drink to excess. Use
plain, wholesome digestible food, us in-
111 at-
Write for cuiuioeuc Aildi t-i lumlvl F. Utility,
Washington, New Jersey
till his promises, but tlie burden will
not Have to be carried long, and alter digestion and diarrlxea favor
that comes permanent and ever in- j tack of cholera,
waxing prosperity. Lte every man who j I't M" mihoilod water.
. .... . 1 '. 1 1 , 1 , T . . . , 1 ! Don t eat or drink articles unless
OA nau l 1,1 al ll,H l,u' l' and fcb,nv ''-v ! they have been thoroughly and recent
his suoscription how much m earnest , )y linked or boiled, and 'the more re
he is. i cent and hotter they are, the safer.
j Don't employ utensils in eating or
The OrHjmktn is of the opinion that ! (lr'mkin u",Wi8 tlie-v ,1!,ve rt'ntly
the patient's proclamation, to the ; P''li"S water; the more re-
etilcttiiat "all stciimships carrying im-! Don'teator handle food or drink
laigrants from Kurope, to this wit li unwatihed hands, or receive it
country might be compelled to under- fr(;' tlie hands of others.
- .-i .1'.,, . , ,ti,,u n .:m r.T ,.t..n., ! Don't use the hands for any purpose
1 n 1 i , r 1 t lly -hen soiled with cholera discharges;
te.op all immigr.tioii tor at least three UloroURhly t.leantie theIa at OIK.e e '
ycais. This would be a blessing in-j personal cleanliness, and cleanliness
i.H'd, to Americans. One of the great j of the living and sleeping rooms nnd
political mysteries is the manner in j their contents, and thorough ventila
... . Ti . , , , . j tion, (mould c rigidly enforced. Foul
which a nnhion people are absorbed j W!lt 'r.,losolSi .u H HhmM the body politic yearly without ! i,e avoided, and when present should
clogging tiie nitichineiy of the gov- j be referred to the health board at once,
oirment. It would prove a blessing j a,ld remedied.
indeed to the common, unskilled -a-! tr 1 ts v a n c .
b- i!is wb)se work is more largely in. 1 M. Itogular communications at 7 p.
tcrfered with by the immigration of ; 'ni., Saturday on or before each full
these later days. With tins iiuruigra-1
Painter and Paper Hanger, and
all kinds of work neatly and
Cheaply Done.
HOOD RIVEK, ....... ORKflOJt.
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
Everything w ill bo found neat and clean
ASH tub
Tables will he supplied with tho best the
tioii shut oil', the labor market will
not be socruwded, and employment
will be within the reach of all.
Governor Flower, of 2s cw York,
wLen running for office was called by
moon at Odd .bellows hall. .Sojourning
brethren cordially invited.
E. L. Sm ith, W. II.
J)u. F. C. Bkosii s, .See;y.
Innd Oflice at Vuncoiiver. M ash. Hont. B. 1802.
i Notice is hereby given that the following
n:ilnf!tl sitt lei' luis ti Ij.rl iwil iip . if litu InO.n.
liis Jiolitical (i)poi,ents, a nonentity; i tion to make final proof in siipiwrt of his
1 fi. 1 Ci, t. 4l. , I claim and that said proofs will be made
but his action in the case of the Buffalo 1 J(.ro W, It. bmibnr Commissioner t'nited
strikers, and the more recent deter- T-''T1 f'-r ofwast.iniit.a.
, at (oioendale, wasJniiKtou 011 - Octotitr, 27,
mined stand 111 the matter of landing j viz:
the passengers of tlie steamship Norm-1 John (;. fottreii,
., : ,1 r 1 1 1 . I're'riiplion D.H. "o. itf',, for the w V, of n
am 1, al b ire Island, demonstrates that j w n see hi Tj i n r 12 e w m, ' y 1
he is a man of the old Andrew) hu names the following witnesses to prove
Jaeiison striiie. He paid no attention 1 h's i,t,tnaVU!")!ii,,V,,c ufo'V" cultivation
liiiiic luynoiUK, uu or
hooiikoan. Itegistor,
to the injunction issued by Judge Bar- syth, .lames llunnan, K
.... 1 1 1 1 . .1 -v.- ! I.ylo 1J. ., WHshinjflon,
Jiar l, but ordered out the militia, i Kti7-ocUK John b. di
junction proceedings af.crwarJs.
enforced tiie law. and settled the in-i
.and OllJee at Vancouver Wash. Kept. 9, ZSf2
There are some people in this section I Not i.Uioreby Riven that tho followin?
11 ; named settler lias Iiicd notice of licr Intention
that do lint beliei'o 111 irrigation. I ,( make rtnal proof in support
'p;,; . ic e.r!. ;i . i,,i;.., ' 1 of ber rlaiiu, and Hint said proof will be
inis is tiitir privilege, but w no reason ; made before theKistr nnd lieeeiver tr. H.
v. hy they should attempt to discourage j Jtthfiw"! vi' Vanuouvw Wash' on tober
Jtios'3 wlio are
water supply.
eiiueuvuiiiiK lo jrei a 1
John Clarkson,
Pie I). S. No, 2I',0 for the s y. s c v and n w M
e e )i sec 10 Tp 3 n r We w in.
FmWiici lf.,,niUi t o cm.,il i He names the followlntf witnesses to prove
UIiUi.1 act ot conyiess, at last a small his eontinnous resilience iim and cultivation
tnnount of silver in to be coined into or, mhWI land, viz: Jake Itunsalier, John Pur.
atisi'aetory money. If we have DO i ',!' JX'.'.W Thomas Kliy.alMth ilunsuker,
hom-t silver dollar, we will at least f NUll,e -'o Washinu-
Jjhvc the World's fair half dollar, ' pti'7-wts 4nn V, UnoauwAn, Uegister,
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
SPECIAL attention given toclean
inj and repairing watches.
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
1 until Oilier at The I'lilles dr., Auk. it.
Nolliv Is hctvliy ulven I lint the follow Inn
liaiueil Ki'illrr bus tlleil imiire of his Inieni Ion
In luiike tliiul pi-ool in siipiort of his elulin,
and t J111 1 Mild proof will lie mini.' before the
KcKlxIcriuiil lbvelver -,s. !..). tit Tliu lalles
Ur. 0111 etober IJ Isji-.', vie:
Allied Itoorniiin.
11 t. No. :tifli-j for the w K h w . and no'.
; h w '4 mi- a Tp 11 r IO e w 111.
! 1 le niimcs the follou lin; w llnesM'n lo pmvr
( his iiiiuiuiioas reshb iiei' 11 h 01 mid enlllvtilloii
j of. siiid land, viz: Thomas wlekeitK, I'liiuit's
I Uoiii is, K. I'. Itiiors, t un. ltepp, nil of Hood
j liiUTOr.
j HKl.l-sitl7 ' John w. Lewis, Ketjlsler.
j Land Hltlee at Vtineoiiver Wiisli .Auif. 17, luii
j Miillee Is heteliv i;len Unit the IoIIowIiik
1 named settler has tiled nolle,, of her Intention
; to make Haul - t 1 1 11 1 it 1 .1 1 1' i 1 prisif In siipHirt
; of her eliiim, and Unit miM pitsif will be iiinde
ni'lore me lleiilsior anil liii elver I . S. l.ulol
nitiee ul Vuut'oiiver Mush, on lleloher A,
l.r.', viz:
Kimiiiu ('. Curson.
H. No.SH0forlhe lots laud iiuul h1; 11 c
iii' 1 Tp 8 11 r 11 c w 111.
She names the followlm; wltnessen to prove
her continuous residence Umhi mid eulllvn.
tion of, Mild liind, viz: John Ivuii, llenrv
.lolinsoii, Kdwitrd .Mt'lioniiell, of Millie
10011, wasli., Henry 1'. llurniiaiil, of womlstiH-k
UKJissplii John I. (iF.ooiikoan. Iteijlster.
Land Ofllew at Vunroiiver Wush., Auk. H, Isiii
Notice Is hereby given that the followiiii;.
named siitler has tiled notice of his De
tention to make limit prisif In stipiiort of bis
elnim nnd that suld prisif will Im iniide be
fore W. H. Diuibitr, I'oiiiinlNxloncr, I niteil
Slates l ireull I'mirl for Mstrlet of wiihIiIiik
ton, hi tiolilcndale, Washington, on Hepleiii
beri'llli 1SU, viz.:
James Mnrniy.
Homestead Kntry No. wJZ'i for the 0 '.; of
s e t "n w of se i, nnd n e of s w sei llon
y) township i north of riinue ii east, will iner.
He liuuiMi the following wit nessi-s to prove bis
continuous residence uhhi nnd cultlvntion
of, said Innil, vi.: flnus Hnmck, of Kalila 1'. 1 .
wnsaua;ioii, James 1 1. i.yle, lliomns 1. Itob
Inwin, Mnrcus uubibbei, nil of l.yle p. O.
nugl:l-Kptl7 John I). (Jkikiiikoan, Keclster.
Land OHlceat Vancouver wash. Auk. 1". IskJ
Notice Is hereby (riven Hint the followlni.
nnmeil selller tins Iilcd mil Ice of Ills liiten.
Hon to iiiuke final proof in support of his
claim, nnd thntsiild prool'wlli lie iniide before
W. it. lumbar, Commissioner I'nlled Mtutes
rirenit Court for Hiktrlct ot VVnsblmcton ut
(lolileadule wash. on September 2,, l.Mii, viz:
Thomas M. Wblleoinb.
Aiillcnt!on to purchase No. 2i7 under see.1
net Sept., 1, 1SHU for thee , lie ' sec W Tp 3
n r VI w in.
He nnmes the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence liion nnd cultiva
tion of, said lund, viz: Levi Huillh. willlum
Spencer, Kred 11. Smith, .Inmes KHz, till of
l.yle Klickitat county, Washington.
ng20-siit2.j John I). iKoiiilKOAN. lU'ifistcr.
Havo samples of thoir $10,000
stock of dress goods at MRS.
whoro you are invitod to oxam
ino thorn. Ordors llllod promptly
and goods guaranteed to bo samo
as samples. PEASE & MAYS.
One ,1 seated A sprint; mountain hucU.
New. Will carry ',imki pound with
case. Warranted A wheel and 1st
class in every resjicct. Will sell cheap.
Conic and see It at the lloud River
Manufacturing Company's Store.
I will j; Ive. fifi, do reward for the nr
est and con victlou of any person nr
persons cuulit tearing down my fences
or cutting or breaking the barb wire.
JI.C. Cok.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 6, 1W2
Notice is hereby given that the followinK
nauieil settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final commutation proof In supMrt
of his claim, and that said pr'sif will be made
before the Uegister and Iteci lvn-of the I'. H.
I.nnd Olliee nt Vancouver, Wash., on October
lllth, 1112, viz:
Charles V. Patterson,
H. K. 8:174 for the s w see 22 Tp 3 n r 11 c
w III.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous resilience upon and eiililva
tion of, said hind, viz: John I,. Morris, Al
bertusH. Kurd. Jtenry Johnson, John Perry,
all of white Salmon Klickitat County wush.
sptKWwtH John . Okoiih kuan, HeKlstor.
Lund Olliee at Vancouver, wash, Sept., 5, 1HD2.
Notice is hereby given that, the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intenlr
. Ion tomiikc mil proof In supiHirt of his claims
' n...l .1.... ....!.! .... 0 ...III 1 ..I.. .......
.ui,. nun nun miioi win lie I II; iii'ioru lilt;
Register and Hecelver V. H. land olliee at Van
couver, wash, on October W, 1H!, viz:
August .1. Wngnltz.
H. K. No. MIX lor the e n e V h w 4 a e
nnd nwc sec 'iU. Tpjo n r 11) c w m.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, wild lund viz: I'eler Ktoller, of Van
couver wash., Charles Hyrkett, Frank (,'ont',
Joseph Arnie, all of Trout l.iike Washington.
also August J. AVagniU.
Armllcation No ;I2 to nun hnse under section
3 act Sept., 2!), M0, for tlie e ; 8 e see 15 Tp
ii r iuc win.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous claim to nnd cultivation of,
said lund, viz: l'eter Htoller, of Vancou
ver, wash., Charles Hyrkett, Frank Coate,
Joseph Arnie, till of Trout l.uke Washington.
septlO-oclU Joujf I). (inooiiOAN, Uegister.
That thirty days If iih long ns we can credit frond, and would respectfully
reiuct our putroim to govern theinselvcH accordingly,
HoodBivei Fla.amcLSLC3rs
Proscriptions and
Private Formula
And a Complete Lino of
HKATTY'H organs t
ilargitins. For nurti-
e ilars, catalogue, nililress Daniel F. lleutty,
Washington, New Jersey.
Land Locator.
Every body wunta land in Hood
River Valley. I have some very de
niable tracts of good land on my list
for homesteads and timbered
claims, with , running water on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advantageously. Do not fail to see
me nt Hood Itiver Falls or address me
at Hood Kiver, Wasco County, Oregou.
W. ltoss Win'aks,
House Builder's Goods. Sash
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Brackets aid Wool Timings.
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