The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 03, 1892, Image 4

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    In Every Receipt
that calls for baking powder, use the
"Royal." Better results will be obtained
because it is the purest. It will make the
food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more
digestible and wholesome. It is always
reliable and uniform in its work.
I regard tha Royal Baking Powder as the best manufactured. Since its intro
Juctioo into my kitchen I bare used no other. Marion Harlano."
We offer One Handred Dollars' reward for any
rae of catarrh that cannot be cured byUlUug
HaU'a Catarrh Cure. . .
F J. CH KS KY CO., FTor-, Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the la l fl teen year, and believe him per
fectly honorable In all b'itnea transactions and
finauctally abl to Carry out any obligations
made by their firm. WKST TKl'AX,
Waolea '1 Pr!Uts. Toledo. 0.
vho eaale lrtiglta T -ledo, O.
Hal 'a Ca'arrh Cure is taken internally, aetlug
directly upou the blood and musrnus urfKea of
the system Teatlutoniali sent free. I'rice, 75
ceuta per bottle. Mia by all aruggiaia.
Man alwavs buries the hatchet where hecan
get It rei.nly wbcu n wants tt again.
Tobacco is man's most
universal luxury ; the
fragrant aroma of Mastiff
Plug Cut starts people
to pipe smoking, even
those who never used
tobacco before.
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va.
A troublesome skin disease
caused me to scratch for ten
mouths, and has been
by a few days' use of
1L II. Wolff, Upper Marlboro, Md.
I was cared several years ago of white swelling
In my leg by using gSSJSl and have no
symptoms of re fKKM turn of the dis
ease. Many prominent physician attended me
and all failed, but S. S. 8. did the work.
Fact. W. Kibkpatrick, Johnson City, Term.
Treatise on Blcod and Skin Dis
eases mailed free.
Swift Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga,
I; Guaranteed
Jbsolukls Waten
ICckerj havt
bedde the FUh Ban Q TCIa
TRADUUKOnevtryCottl s '
5oftWooIeo 'ty
WatCh Outl Collar.
i SinftJr
A I TOWW. MfK. I0ST0N. MASS Catslcpa
Ban WitU Gat or Gasoline.
Tour Wife can run it. Requires no licensed
engineer. Makes no smell or dirt. No Batteries
or ileetrlc Spark.
Bam Fbascisco, Cau Poetland, Ob.
Posltlv ly Cured with Vegetable Remedial
Have cured thousan ds of cases. Cure cases pro
Bounced bopelesa by beetphyalclans. From tlrstdoit
symptoms disappear: tn ten daysatleaet two-tnlrdi
all symptom; removed. Send for free book testimo
nials of miraculous cures. Ten Jays' treatment
free by mall. If you order trial, send 10c. In atampa
orpay postage. Da. H.H.GKISNSONS,Atlanta,Ga
If you ordertrial return this advertisement to as.
Pianos and Organs.
71 Morrison
Street, Portiana.
Box 80S.
Old Gold ard Sllrer Bought; send your old Oolc
and Sllrer by niall to the old and reliable h-'aMJ"'
Ooieman, Third street, San Francisco; I will seadb)
iSVoWn tha cash, aooordio to assay; if the amoum
to not satisfactory will rotnrn sold
J. H. FIM,
The prawned spirit la set free at last.
The seed up springeth to a tree at last;
The truant brooklet wanders tnrouun iue meaa,
But rune to meet his low the sea at last;
The honey bee collects all day her store.
Yet homeward turns the weary bee at last;
The clouds that hide the beauty of the sun
Strew out their fleecy winir anil nee at last;
The stubborn lock defends the treasure house.
But cunning locksmiths find the key at last;
My soul hath songht for bliss In every clime.
And finds tu only blisa in thee at last.
Whatever fortune gives, in. haste collect.
And seise the moment whilst thou mayst col
Misguided pilgrims fainting sore for food.
A meal of berries from the waste collect;
nisnortlnff children on the shore the sheila
The scornful sea has thither chased, collect;
The penetrating bees the hidden sweeta
Peep in the lily's bosom placed collect;
Unwearied scholars bend them o'er their books,
And words which time baa nigh effaced collect.
So, too, doth she to whom my songs are due.
The llnea my fevered hand hath traced collect.
Hasil U Uildersleeve.
A Tramp's Keaat.
Every tramp who makes the grand cir
cuit Is sure to stop, both on his northern
and his southern migration, at a certain
fine house in Canton.
The family which occupies the fine house
is as generous as its broad acres, ana as
one tramp recently said to another, "Some
how a fellow can't go to that house and
meet those people without feelin that he is
carryin away somethin good, yer know."
Sunday the family was at dinner, and
with them an unwonted but ever welcome
guest, the youngest sou, whose business
keeps him pretty constantly in Boston.
The son-in-law of the house was carving
the turkey, when a ragged and dirty tramp
knocked and asked for something to eat.
The son-in-law placed a leg, some white
and some dark meat and dressing, with
two vegetables, on a plate, and sent the
butler with it to the door.
"Eh hold on there a minute, John,"
cried the youngest son to the butler; "per
haps it would be well to see if the gentle
man might not prefer to have a jolly chop
cooked for him, you know, with hashed
potatoes nicely browned." Boston Herald.
IH Weeds Grow Apace.
Farmers who allow the weeds on theit
plantations to go to seed have little idea,
many of them, of the labor and trouble
they are storing up for themselves. Some
curious experimentalist has been at th
trouble of counting the seeds produced by
a single plant of some of the commonest
varieties of weeds, with the loiiowing
rather startling results: Wild carrot, 1,200;
dandelion, 1,500; duckweed. 3,000; cockle,
3,200; campsion, 3,425; chess, 3,500; dock,
3,700; ragweed, 4,3?J; groundsel, 6,500; ox
eye daisy, 9,600; mallow, 16,500; mother
wort, 18,000; foxtail, 10,500; sow thistle,
19,000; mustard, 31,000; Canadian thistle,
43,000; red poppy, 50,000; burdock, 400,328;
purslane, 500,000; lambs' quarters, 825,000.
New Orleans Picayune.
Bloorish Architecture.
In order to produce the effect of no weight
at all in architecture, the arch, among the
Moors, is often elongated, its surfaci
broken up by fretted work, its under sur
face hollowed out, its span divided intc
small arches. Above it a molding incloses
a rectangular space, leaving to the arcb
the semblance of leisure or sheer idleness.
The shafts are so light as to take away th
Idea of having any work to do. The roof
is divided into a series of honeycombed
nendants. which confuse the eye and ab
stract the feeling of pressure. The result
la aerial, fairrlike and dreamy. London
No Pleasure in Ancient Languages.
An English professor, reputed to be ont
of the best Latin scholars in his own coun
try, ttave up Latin and Greek entirely
when he turned his attention to modern
languages. The principal of a French
college once confessed to me that he nevel
read Latin or Greek, which were taught in
the place by the specialist masters undet
him. These were what are called "learned
men," certainly educated men. What',
therefore, are we to expect from the half
educated? Philip G. Hamerton in Forum.
A Slight Exaggeration.
Perhaps the habit of exaggeration u
sometimes born of a desire to be pictur
esque in speech. A schoolgirl returning
home the other evening was overheard tc
say to a young friend: "I didn't wake up
this mornins: until Ave minutes before 7.
I'd rather have five minutes' sleep in the
morning than a whole week at night."
Boston Journal.
When I say care I do not mean merely to stop then
for a time and then have tlirm return again. I ni(;.m ,
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, KP1
LKP8Y or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long atudy. 1
warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Becaus
nih have failed is no reason for not now receiving t
enre. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle ol
my infallible remedy. Give fcrpress ana rost omce.
U. G. ROOT. Ill C, 183 Pearl St., N. Y,
Boow to Ladies. No Mobb Wobriment.
X3s G IlVt aS
Also a Positive Cure for Leucorrhora, Infl animations
Etc. HI ner package, six pacKaen .w. necureiy
sacked and mailed free on receipt of price, w rit
i...i,iu T AiTPnis Wanted. J'.O. Box 2ZA.
X '.-!-. r . . Hon Francis
.A iieliable Hatch er,absolutely self
rta7ulatiiiaT. BimDlest to o Derate. Cir-
IcuTarsfree.Illus Catalogue 6c. Addr
J Victor Incubator Co. Quincy. Ili.
Plso's Eemedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Fastest to Use, and Cheapest
db, L. J
Sold by druggists or sent by mull,
80c. K. T. Hazeltrie. Warnm. Psv
1 N-u-No-458 -8-F-N-u-No-632
The Head of tha family Tries to I'ul t'l
Some Screen Hira TUt Ucitult.
Au expressman brought up a smitll J)
of lumber the other afternoon and left li
at the Ivtrn, and when Mr. Bowser caim
home 1 mentioned the fuct aud what
he intended to do with it.
"It's foracrvou doors for the front door,'
he replied.
"Carpenter coming up to make them?
"Haven't engaged any."
"Mr, Bowser, you are not going to trj
and make them yourself!'"
I "There won't he any trying about it. i
shall proceed to make and hang them."
"I'm ufraid you cau't do it. lt'a a tile
piece of joiner work to make a si-rvou door
especially one for the front of the house,
"I atu well aware," he said as he stroked
hla chin in a complacent way. "Haven't 1
got about (At) worth of tooUr lXm't I know
how to handle tuemf"
I "1 I wish you had given your order at
the shop, as other folks do."
I "I'll be hanged if 1 pay any fS for a pall
of doors when 1 can make 'em for (31 You
arc always dead set agaiust anything
I "Air. Bowser, you cau make a screen
door. You cau't hang one. Dou't blame
me when the failure comes,"
' "Blame you! Are you gettingeraxy? If
those doors are uot a success you won't
hear a won! of fault from mo uot a peep.
1 was thinking of ordering them, but Uing
you have stuck your noao up so high I'll
make 'em now just to show you that I can
do it!'
Aud next morning he put on an old suit
and weut. out to the barn ami before 9
o'clock ho had nie.isured four ditToreut
times for those doors.
It wasn't long before I saw him sneaking
around tothe front with one of the pieces.
I watched him as he tried it and it was all
of twelve inches short. Mr. Bowser
scratched his ear, growled like a bear and
looked as foolish as a boy caught in a bar
vest apple tree. Ton minutes later ho was
at the telephone ordering more stutl.
"Were they toosuortf" I asked as he
hung up the trumpet.
"N no, but I thought I'd get heavier
stuff," he mumbled as no shot out doors.
The slut! came up after dinner, and it
was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon when
he put one of the frames together and stood
it ud in the door. I went out, and as he
began to smile with satisfaction I said:
"Mr. Bowser, that door is soueegawed."
"Squeegawed? Squeegawedf What does
that stand for in the tack counties'"
"Your door is wider at the bottom than
at the top."
"It can't be!"
"But your own eyes will convince you.
There's an inch difference!"
"Neverl I'll bet you a million dollars
there isn't a hair's breadth!"
I ran for my tapeline and soon proved
thnt the difference was over an inch.
"Oh, well, I cau Ox that in a moment,"
he said, but it was 8 o'clock that evening
before he came in.
It was 10 o'clock next forenoon when 1
weut out to the barn. He had the door
covered with the wire cloth aud proudly
called my attentiou to it.
"Which is the outside of the door?" I
"Why, the side this way, of course."
"Then you've tacked the cloth on the in
"That's where it belongs."
"Y'ou never saw it there, Mr. Bowser
never! And look at the way you have
tacked the stuff on. It's humped up in a
dozen different places, because you pulled
"There isn't one hump not the sign of a
hump. I'll give any man a billion uoiiurs
to make a better job of HI All that door
needs now la nauitinif.
But don't they paint the frames before
they tack the cloth ouf How are you going
to Daint the inside of the frame?"
"Don t you worry yourself aooui tins
ob. Mrs. Bowser. I wasn't born alongside
of a huckleberry marsh!"
Mr. Dowser had been at wort an Hour
next morning before I went out. He had
the doors at the front, and he seemed to
ave some trouble about hanging them.
"You see what you've done, don't your
I asked, after a survey of the scene.
"I don't believe I'm either near sighted
or color blind," he said.
"Well, you've got one door wrong side
up, to begin with."
"Look at the panels and see. Then you
have been trying to hang one to swing in
and the other to Bwing out."
"I have, ehf That shows all you know
about it. I'm simply fitting the screens so
they will shut tight."
Just before noon he got a hang on both
doors, and as I looked at them from the
ball I had to sit down on tne noor anu
laugh. They didn't meet in the center
within two inches and each was half an
inch short at the top and bottom. He had
also hung them with the cloth on the in
side. Just then a neighbor came along
and turned in to the steps. After looking
at the doors for half a minute in great as
tonishment he queried:
"Something just from Paris, tJowscrr'
"What do you mean?"
"Why, you've got a new idea in screen
doors. I suppose the space at the bottom
is for bugs, that at the top for mosquitoes,
and the center for flies. I see you have left
the frames exposed. They will make capi
tal roosting places lor horse flies ana pmcn
bugs. Did you do this job?"
"Well, if I had a cirl 10 years old who
couldn't beat it I'd make her go barefoot
all summer."
"I didn't make these doors tor your
house, sir."
"Thank Heaven for that! bowser, you're
a brick a soft brick! I'll come up this
eveninu with a band and serenade those
When tha neighbor had (zone I suddenly
felt the back end of the house lift up. It
was Mr. Dowser pulling those screen doors
off. He couldn't even wait to take tne
Bcrews out of the hinges. 1 hey came off
in detachments and the pieces were flung
Into the back yard. When he had ttmsnea
he came in and said:
"Mrs. Bowser, I want to have a talk with
vou a very serious talk!"
"But didn't I tell you how it would be?"
"Never! You encouraged me to go ahead,
and to pleane a whim of yours I've lost
three days' time, pounded myself all over,
spent $6 in cash and been made a butt of
ridicule! Mrs. Bowser, this is the limit
the finis the end ! Make out a list of what
furniture you want and let us agree on the
alimony!" Detroit Free Press.
AU Is Settled.
Between the 1st of April and the 1st of
May eight out of every ten tenants in the
United States notified their landlords that
unless the house was repapered, repainted,
repaired and the rent lowered they would
not remain another year. About one land
lord in 500 consented, and about one ten
ant in 1,000 kept his word and moved and
was sorry for it. Ail is now settled until
another spring. Noi-ristown Herald.
IDBAS ltKllilU
AM ltIC A,
Ilia Most Important Rnljeot of tha Fraa
nt day rattled beyond Uuatttow.
Tlio cable didpatohcB which mfntly
ippoaivdin the daily impel indicating
tho great Interest (oli throughout Kurope
upon a subject of international Intercut
liavo naturally awakoued groat attention,
not to my fNciteiiuMit, in thin city and
tliroiiRinmt the land. It Is a well-known
(act that the demands of modern life have
caused a attain which soem to shorten lift)
and utidcrniiiio health universally. Tho
efforts made abroad to Investigate its
cause aro most cxmitiiondable, ana we are
pleased to mtv hav been supplemented
Iv similar efforts in America. Careful
inquiry has befu made among prominent
physicians, and it it surprising what
uniformity ( opinion is expressed by
them all. That opinion seems to be
that the great modern dim-axe in kidney
ttouble, and that the kidneys are the
first organs of the body to bo attacked
bv over -exertion or over-indulgence, and
the tlrst to Uwnw weakened by the
crip. That Una la most lamentable
Tact there can l no doubt, but that
these troubles can be. prevented and
cured the investigations made abroad
clearly show. In the interest ot hutuan
itv we liavo made similar Investigations,
and tho result in given herewith.
lr. N. t. Pavia said: "reopie uo not
know what Bright' disease is. The
term is applied popularly loevery trouble
that even remotely affects the kidneys.
There are two forms of tho trouble ono
an enlargement and tho other a shrink
ing ol the kidneys."
Ir. Frank T. Andrews says: "Tho
term Bi igh t's disease covert a great many
complaints. In fact, any case of album
itiarta is called Bright'a disease. The
majority ol these cases are curable. The
reason a man dies of kidney trouble is
the inability of the organ to perform ita
Dr. S. Clarke declares: 'There was
time when any man or woman Buffering
Irotn any form of kidney trouble had
cause for despair. Hint tune lias passwt.
For tho past eignt years i nave ireiueu
every variety of kidney trouble in ihiUi
men and women, and" I do not believe
there is a caso so severe, no matter of
how long standing, that it cannot lie re
lieved or cured bv the careful and con
scientious use of Warner's Safe Cure."
Dr. Charles W. Purdy says: "inero
aro many diseases groupcu tinner m
head of Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Onn of tho most seriont forma is almost
always accompanied by heart trouble,
which freouetulv canoes the death of trie
iMuciUly oaiwa the deal
The acute form will
kill the
patient within a few years urless he re
ceives proper treatment."
Dr. It. A. liunn. Iean of the United
States Medical College, declares: "1'or
years tho troatment of Hright's disease
has lHen largely experimental. I ait
in.lenendent enough and frank enough
to commend most heartily that great
remedy Warner's Safe Cure."
Dr. A. 1. lloxmer affirms: "Acuta
Bright's disease in children is curable.
The kidneys, vou see, are waste gates,
and when they are partially closed
trnnldn must result."
Dr. Tyre York, of Washington, U. Kj.,
asserts: 1 iiiiiik earner s cui vuto
great blessing to mankind, and if taken
regularly w ill cure almost any disease of
the kidneys. 1 prescribe it in my prac-
Dr. C. Washington Earle, of Chicago,
eays: 'Diseases of the kidneys may be
slight or aggravated. The object to be
attained is to limit the over-worked and
worn-out organs to as little exercise as
possible." ,..
Dr. John W. Manes, of Pans, 111.,
says: "I am a living example of the
Tirtues of Warner's Safe Cure, without
which I should long since have been
dead." . .
Throughout the land wherever inves
tigation nsa been made, the sentiment
seems to be the same.
The above unquestioned and unques
tionable testimony proves beyond a
doubt what Mr. II. II. Warner, of Roch
ester, N. Y., lioldly declared more than
ten years ago, namely, mat urigm s ais-
. . 1 , 1 L . I Mm
ease Oi tne muneys can u nnm,
Warner knew whereof he affirmed, for
he himself had been cured of Bright',
disease in its worst form. If any reader
has neculiar pains, stramre sensations,
or unaccountable feelings, which fa toe
often announce the coming on of kidney
trouble, there is no neeu to aesponu ;
there is every reason for hope, A cure
has heen found and r.roven Deyona
question or the possibility of doubt.
Hotter 81111.
He entered the Woodbridge street station
shortly after dinner yesterday, with a torn
coat, his back all dust and a red lump on
his forehead, and when asked to state his
case he began:
"Last March I met an acquaintance on
Grand River street. It was raw and blus
try, and he said it looked as if spring would
never come, bays 1 to him, says i: I
" 'Possess your soul with patience. It is
only a question of time.'
"I met him again in April. It was cold
and rainy, and he said he doubted if we
should ever have warm weather. Says I to
him, says I:
" 'My friend, don't blaspheme. Nature
knows what is for our best good.'
"I met him for tho third time in May,
and he jumped up and down and swore
that it was to be twelvo months winter.
Says I to him, says I:
" 'The impetuosity of some men works
their ruin. Trust in Providence.'
"And just now I met him out here. He
had his coat and hat off and was sitting
on a box and panting like a dog. And I
went up to him and says, says I:
" 'Are this hot 'miff for you, and didn't
I tell you so?'
"And the inconsistent, erratic, impetu
ous chump arose and knocked me down,
and I want him arrested." Detroit Free
A Bright Itoy.
Charlie S is a very bright boy and
never at a loss for an excuse. He is also
something of a naturalist. Walking along
with a young lady one day he heard a tree
toad suddenly bcin its shrill chirp. "It
will rain within twenty-four hours," he
announced, oracularly. "That is a sure
sign; never kuown to fail." His prediction
was received in good faith; but after twenty-four
hours of remarkably pleasant
weather he was taken to task about nis
prediction. "Oh, well," he replied, instant
ly, in an injured tone, "the old tree toad
lied. I am not responsible for his morals."
Another time, having been requested to
perform some little service, he came to re
ceive his reward. His father offered him
his choice between a silver dime and an old
fashioned copper cent. "I have always been
taught to take the smallest piece," he re
marked, gravely, pocketing the dime.
Harper's Basftr. .
To go out of doors In tough weather la nut
alioitg, hut wa are, maiiv ol us, connHillcd lo tacit
muni! weather frequently. lUseasea which M I -
hum a chill are. i'nrlar lo no aeaann ol the
year. This Is tr e; tlietelute, there should he la
the closet ol every household half Not au
miimiltcslca stlmuliuil, absolutely ilevold of
au) thing hut au escltlv action, lint a toulii
comhluliig, In tha cltoctlve form ot an invigor
ate ami au a tetaltve, the quality of oeleuno
sgslukt ehai gea id Weiillier. Iloaleller's htoui
aril IIIUeraliNB throe or lour ihqotlW s thnt no
other article ol tla elaaa lawaiwea Nut only dues
It relieve the eouiilnlnla wlileh It tiveutiiai'y
cure, It forllHe the ayaleui agHlnal the Imd el
(ectaof cliKUKOn of touiiioratiiio, latally si d loo
often ahowu in the ileadly lorm ol " la grlH;"
It produce a tailleiil change III the weak tied
eomltllon of a avatein ei'iillarly liable to he at
tacked b It, and It teiuls to irovlilo auHtuat th
dMiger roaulting from ai luqxiV' rlahwl coii'il
lion of the blood and a dlaorilvrod aisle ol the
liver or bowels.
Ut a man loll It himself and ho Is an awfully
good man,
If you suffer with lame bank, especially
In inornlnK, ALU ili a's I'LAsrsas are a sure
If you cannot sleep, try an Ai.i.cock
Piahtkh, well up betwetn the shoulder
blades often rel eves soinetlinei oures.
Try this before you resort to opiates.
ff any of your muscles are lame Joints
stitl'-loel as tf they wanted olllng-or II
vim suffer with any local pains or aches,
these plaster will uure you.
If you use them once you will realise
why so many plasters have been made In
imitation of them. Like all good things,
they are copied as closely as the law allows.
Don't tie tlupcu ty taking au inuumou
when It i as easy to tfot the genuine.
H von always" insist upon having Al t.
cock's 1'oHora I'm mi and neveracuepta
suhstitute, you will not he disappointed.
A ehanmry court Is ono that gives a poor man
a rhaueu far Juatlco.
For allayitiK hoarseness and irritation of
the throat it Is daily proved that "Uruu n't
lirtmchinl Trochr" are a intlii reiueoy, yet
very elllcaolous.
The hello! girl at the telephone esi'hange has
much to ausaer lr.
KVI'TIKK AMI I'lLKS 1 1' 11 at l.
Wpjxialtlvely cure niptnte, piles and all ree-talillaoas.-s palu orileti'iitlmi tnim
tnaa. No cure, no ar. ! all JVtMff itla
eta.w. Aihlnaa fur pamphlet Ura. I'urU-r tli-lil A
Uoajy, S.W Marsot slnwt, nan Frauclsvo.
Home men, If they Use one swallow, will In
sist ou havlnn a h.rfc.
Tit Oiaai for breakfast.
Haa Knamellne Hlota Polish: no dust, no smell.
Th tttd in t.ri',7
when you feel "run-down" ami
bilious fevers spring from it all j
sorts of diseases. Don't tako any
risk. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovery invigorates tho system ,
and repels disease. It starts Uio
torpid liver into healthful action,
purifies and enriches tho blood, and
restores health and vigor. As an
appetizing, restorativo tonio, it sets
at work all tho processes of diges
tion and nutrition, nnd builds up
flesh and strength.
For all diseases
that como from a disordered liver
and impure blood, skin, scalp and
scrofulous affections, it's tho only
remody that's guaranteed. If it
doesn't benefit or cure in every
case, you have your money back.
You pay only for the good you
Tho 'worst cases yield to the
mild, soothing, cleansing and heal
ing properties of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. That's why the proprie
tors can. and do, promise to pay
t500 for a caso of Catarrh in the
Head which they cannot cure.
I used August Flower for Loss of
vitality and general debility. Alter
takine two bottles I gained 69 lbs.
I have sold more of your August
Flower since I have been in business
than any other medicine I ever kept.
Mr. Peter Zinville says he was made
a new man by the use of August
Flower, recommended by me. I
have hundreds tell me that August
Flower has done them more good
than any other medicine they ever
took. Georgb W. Dye, Sardis,
Mason Co.. Ky.
" The. Ilrat dose often astonishes the In-
valid, bIvIiik elasticity of mlnil, Diiny
nnev f body. Rood diKBtln, '"'
ami Hiillil iicwli. I'rie.e, ii.Vt.
aHBiiBes, Alliiyn i'tilii
i Sores, JteHtfirea
(ilves Helietat
f r X ithe
"1 I - .1 g . Iff . J mnm S am V'.J Vl I
J Apply into the Nimtrila. It it (Jiiirkly Abimrbed.
50c Urucirlsts or by mail. ELY BHOS., li Warren St.. N. Y.
Pini: JSCfisSMniii: I!,":! "Mwlfiit'iJil: I )J
Simonds Crescent
Ana au Mnai or kiill
Both tlio metlioil Binl resulta w?if3
iSynip of l-'igH It taken; it in ileui
mill refreshing tu tho taste, act
L'ontly yet jiromptly oil tlio Kidneys,
Liver mnl Jtowels, cleniiset tlio njt
loin fU'ei'timlly, tlispelt cold", li"i
tolict nnil fovert ami curct Imlittin!
iMiiiHtipntion jMTinitnently. For hi
in fiOoBtnl $1 bottlea by nil lruj-i--
six maivisoo, en.
touwiuc. tr. tw rof
I Tsr rin,
Thir.Rr.Trnv:c.M r'lU thifsm-rcji.
fulC-NSUMrTION' t UKi: is . .id hyonu:
pi'.tson positive pttarantre, a te-t that nooihrr
Cure can stand suwevful'f. If y.m li'ive a
will cure you promptly. . If your child hat Ilia
nut. kly and relirf is lure. If you fr.n (.t 'N.
SL'M 1'TH M, don't wait until your raw i lio;.
r . hut I. Ise this Cure at once and twcivc im.
mediate help. Ure h"K 5'X"-
Travelers convenient iocI:'t t 15c. A .
yourdtiiistforSIIlLOirSCUrr.. If v :r
Inn;' a-e sure or ha k l.une, : thdoh s 1 or.
ous rijsters. 2S-
OlJ- WOIlder.Ul HdllliJjf
Kidney and Liver Cure.
A pooltlve aiierlflefiirall Kl.ln
V tt'HI,'lr
DlVlEIES. RlLtUll .VE$
SICK HEADACHE, 4C To the aur.l it iiiuku
larly adapted. To try It onc la tu irt uiumetiil li
rilKI'AKKI) It V
The 0. W. R. Manufacturing Co.,
Portland, Oroon.
I'Olt Sit IK Hft All. Kill I.1.1VIK,
ks if
pacific Medietas Co.. 699 Clay HU, Ban rranelsoa
will put Hry or (Ireen
Soiies, Men t. Ci lint le nml nil.
tireen Cut MONKS will
dnuMo tlio li t1 tn 1 1. r of pk'its
will lnnkii t uiui mure fer
tlio will enrry tlio hens
tmfi-ly tlirnugh thu mnltliiif
jierlixl nnd put. tliem In
coiiillllsn tn In y when cri:
omiiimi'l tl.e highest prieo
mid will dovulopM your
rhleks fiiHlur limn any
otliur food.
Feed Green Times, and
Tiito t'rconozoue, tn kill
1 ho Hen, mi I J im will miika
Jiftll )i:rci nt more proilt.
Houd for Cutuloguu and
The Specific A No. I.
Cures, without full, all eaaes nt llnnorr-
hu unci Jleel, no inniier in Jmw idiik
Una l'i''iitM atrletiire. It lielnir mi In
terim! remely. Cures when everything else
i.... f .ii.i,l Uf.lrihvnll llrnifirlKl.
,,-. ..... .,, .. , u..t t. 1, ..I...
MuiiiiiueiurerH; iuu.oriiiniiii-i. nnin ii
Price. 0.1.O0.
Co., bun June, Cul.
'a mi. ' ffjffltiff'iv.iif 7g v" a'-aiSftJ, i'immJ
We have no lirimoli stores.
Keeps us too busv at our only
plaeo of uiisliiex, which in
416-418 FRONT ST., S. F.
If our price list don't reach you,
notify us-
Smiths' Cash Storo.
r.t(TMnt,iearlrn'!ri '"'
fumna; renie-1v tnr aM u (
unnatural f1whrf( aci
prl vnte lteRe'i ef nitr
curtain enre fur t he DM,i
tailng wcaltnu't (u,lv
to wumin.
Vf'danlTKT Jt preset itis It ann rsa:
lTMEEH8ClltMirlCl. In reenmnmudln ;i m
sm an aunarara.
A.J STONFR, M D .nics'oa Vi
rttit'K nt.6
BALM -t',ie' ." iy r , ,
nun iiiiiimiiniiiiiMi, iiema r;(T
TnsM) ntnl Miieii, Him ""kTjv,' -'ftii '
once for !I1 in I lend.
Ground Cross Cuts,
ssna, aiso saw Kepairine.
Front Street, Portland, Or."Wl
' J-u WW-s. U' s.' w-'l
Jr :JT Cnrss lnit
JF srTfi5!)A YS.VJ
S . ' f UaaianlMd M !jf
J a aauH suUiara.
t T