The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 03, 1892, Image 3

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3Cood Iivcr SlacicrJi.-Cvrr.: ",v,"Hi""" "-ljA
i i: mvii,s.
'I'Iip innll milvi'M li'uiii Ml, II.mhI M i,'.
rlui-U A, M, Wi'dm uliiva mi l Niliihltiv; tin.
' in mt rn iliiyx ,ii i ii.
l''or ClH iniwrlli, I, ,i i a A. M. nn lvcuil
r, M. Ni.innliiVK.
l-'ttr While rtnlliuil, I. ilVi-n lluy M , M
HI ' Ivi'k III mi ' .i'i'l.ii-ll T, M,
I'Viiim While NiiIiiihii , n,- for I'ntiln (ill-
llll'l lilrmv M.hhIhvU.
1'illu ( iiml l-'i iihi vi..
nun:' i.( v i. ,m uii:i:s.
Ici'Cold Willi! III Millvlll IflltKt'H.
Why cough, v. in n I!, will Hlop l.
Nrw II in of lino t .1 It -1 KiinpM at tin
drug More,
I .m-h S. I!. K, ( there? Well flu, ul. I
K I!.
I'lelim". fiMuii-il I
lilt lll'c Mole.
order nt tin- liir-
('. It. Ilnin' U lui-nli'il at (ir.uit-. iiml
In bll.Vlllg w Ihmi,
I 'll Ml fll.'llt. 'f till' best I'l.llllU Hilly,
kept id the l iii r nt. ire.
All MiiiIm nf c(iui,trv iihhiii boiijht
ami wild ut I IhitImoii'm.
Flower pot-, il tin iiml fiiiii-y, In i-(i-
fllMtUI, t (In- ilni ; Mole.
Mr. A. It. Ityihctt, Iiiih tented his
phlt'C nil tin- Inn- ..limn sen-
K.I'.. Karl mu x, lum puielut 1 lot ;;
III III' 1H I- Wlii 1. 1, M ,, i.ui-l-.
I. '. I,. tire Hr:i y lit Wrl, ns nil
Otlu I' iiiM i-ln nli n al tin- ill ii.' i-uiii'.
Iii-M ijll illly i,f ;, .rlic llarlior Hun-
ul- I to r Imrivl. S. i;. liAiiiMi s,
A linn"' i.ili,lv i,l' Ii.iihI-oiiii' wall nt-Jn-l'Jlixt
I'i'i-i IM',1 hy S. I ',, lial liiHr-.
Ml,- lli-niy, N i- .- 1 1 t ImHiii' iili iiit
tilt- Kill. I in IHK Ni lua-U,! mi tin- till.
I lllllllll'll lHli l-Mlill tmii latitat I'M -
flli i'' (!,. lu-nl vjiuU h, ut tin- ilri.-
Mrn. I'ruli r iiml ii-r cimihNuii, hit
vlnillmj n-lntivi-f. unit fiii-iiiU in 'l in-
Vln-n! Uei lliii ut i n ct-iit-i In "l'hi.
llalli-s, Minn- rMlii lots lnili;;iii
.1. A. l.ctitz, raUi'il :t lli-li! nf wlii-ut
Hum i-nr iliui tl.i' i-luil M.ty l)ii-.ul-i in
llio tirif.
Kli'itcliixM ( hliincli'M ri-L'. .Vi pi-r
thmiHaii l tit tin- llicul Kivi-r M, I'. (i.
'. htllll-,
Tin.1 rinlcrwiinil liiotlu-r-i liruii;;!it
over n limit Inail n' line wiiti'mii-lnnx
Mls M.illlc W will liavc f..r I'.l-Ii-IihIiuij,
m-.t wi-i-U lo ic-ittiiln liming
Mr. A. H. Mlilill.'toii mnl lu-r kium.!
koii Willie lum; uoiic- to I'mtlaiiil, tlulr
funiic lunni',
I'l'llfrHMir ( iilllCI t llllr Im-CII lit tl'lllli
tlu InstltuU' ut Tim lhille fur lli'
lUMt two wi-ik.
Tliv piini' liiw o.i!n-i Tlniiiluy lilt
li (irl t tin- kiiiih' iuilii-iiali'il t hit lu'
Ity M'Vcl'al w ft I.H,
If yon liavt' ymir own lntcirsl nt
lii-iii'l, a; leinl tln NMili-r iiiii'liiig Wiil-lu-Mluy
iilli-inouii iii-M.
f I. .'in ht Imrn-l fur lliiiitintnii liiiii'.'
tilt: Im-s! iii I he in.ii'Kt-t at tilt' lliiuii
Klvi'r.Mi.r., (' h' ht.Hf.
Tin MiiiiiiiiT viic.-itioii t'tnl-t tmlity,
hlltl MollilaV tin- litlli'itlit'N will li-'aill
I a lit' tip llitn' f-I tlti
Tilt" nalliinil trnlit, art' lllunllijr mill
the lUlilntf nl tlif l'tirl;s ift lie liver l.s n-
liiil leil lis lieillii guild.
Mr. Neiii, lia K'-""' east iirumiili'y
In :,, lull lie will eniue ii.ieU W.I i
till' l)ii.U i.i (lie Hjinn'.
A luiiHe, iiml six i li.lile lot.-t for wile
lit it la i u fur ensli. l''nr inforinitt loll
Cllll !! l'Mat' V. W'illllllS.
f oniltii'lor foinmi iieeniiumtileil hy
liiri w ife win mid two tlaii-litcis went
out ('.' f loliil Cup, Monilny.
Mr. A. It. r.yihett has I'm) Ions of
liny lor sale nt While-Salmon. Cull
on or write him at that plaee.
Our ohl flieinl Cmy Cut en wan pre
Ht'lite'l ly Mrs. Cates with n I, rand
tpnnkliiji' lit'W tlaillltei', Inst Moinlay
The ilnnee id I'.lowers' slore nt White
. tSnlinon, Inst Friday was nulle well nl
temled, severnl emiples n'niii from this
Mr. II. Wnrren nnd rhildrcn left
Thiiisdny for Kent .Washington, for n
t wo month's visit to Mr. ami Mrs.
Mlss Unnnn, went cunt Snturdny
nlnht hnvlnjf secured n school in No
liraskn. It is tuile prohuhle she will
return in t lie spring.
J. M. Murehitt hnson on hnnd a enr
lond of hay. All those wlshlnu to
purcliase are lnvittd lo inspect the
tuiino itt his plitt'O nf husiness.
C. M. Wolfnrd nrrived honie Sntur
lny nnd In amii! at work in his old
phice. Mrs, Wolfard Is still in Wnllu
Wallu, hut will return home in a few
Rev. 1. (J. Knolts visited frlnnds
here Tuesday, troinu; ou to The Da Hen,
Wednesday.' He is at present puhlisU
lngtlie Oregon State School Journal
at rorthiml.
Professor 1. A. Snyder, who has
-been Hpendiii't his vaention wilh C. K.
Mnrkham, will lenve next week for
Wtttervilie, Wushington where ho has
a Bfliool.
8. J. IiaFmnec, who linsheen enjoy
ing a six weeks well earned vacation
-resumed his labors the 1st ofthe month,
making his flint trip to Heppner.
A. It. llyrkett of WMiite Salmon
brouKUt ovei' ii lot of the finest toma
toes we ever saw, Wednesday. They
were large as a saucer ami of perfect
There is n baby nt C. 15. Markham's,
that arrived sometime last summer,
iliut as brother Mnrkham neglected to
report the fact, we could not give it
intuition before.
Newt Harrison took his family to
Arlington Moiulay and will remain
there for a month or two. He expects
to return and go into business here
.pnietUi,ie In the full.
j M. II. Nlrlu-lMi'ii Iiuh iii'iii'il it More
t In the I'lnther building, nnd hum full
Mil 1 1 1 I V ul' hoolm, Ht.'itlniuirv, Helmut nni-
plll n, tdll-"WIII'C, llnlilHIM 1 1 ', tnblll'CO
t il'. I!l'll lilt ll III I llin IwMIM'.
A Ii irl't'iit liiliiilii-i' of ((iii siilrtei'llicix
; In rim liddm; I In- i:im'' Frpl ember I it,
; iiiiiii V t:ili-.i-i-ii luim lii'i!inii ilili' w ith
! thi' lilt if-Mlc. Wi' will lie p'cilM'd lll-i!i-ri
In H e nil n' I Im iii renewed.
, ( 'iiiifH"wiiiiii I'.IiIh Iiiih mi fur recti v-
l-l'I'll fl'nlll llin ill'it ii"i ln-1 HII'IIMH'I', tllllt
In- Inn iiiii'li Hie tiitt to I'd tliui'l tv
lurnlne; Monthly, Mr. I ti n -1 ill Iiiih
; IiIm leg iii it Ming ft 1 1 I wiilliH with I l.o
: niil ;' ri iili-lifx.
Saturday is erlii'llin; day at Ilnrb'
h'mm Urns' mills until lae-lm - In I lint
Hue Ilii'iei.Hi-s, Near liei'.'lilinr:- lire 111
Wiivm If, itlV to elve ti!'i ei'ili-une lo tlm'O
from n ilislanee, p , j,, d they lit 'tl
' v,o Imine W llhoul tin-lr nl'lsl.
( lent In reader, as your eye follows
thi-'t' llin s pn pnie your -y-lein for a
;grcut hhnek, lieenlle the llliheai'd (if
mid utiexiieeled follows. All llinl.rr
ell I, l' 1 1 1 1 1 f mi llin H'llte I'ii-iiI, has been
It-'t at tltiMollli-e to await the arrival of
Tlifliood lliver Iuim' hall cliih was
to have cone to The llalles, Tiii'mI.iv
lo plav 'I lie I lalles l-llll,; bill ow ht lo
t lie II I in Mil i la I tie nl wcliee of I Wo or I lll'if
nf N im-nilieis the pl'ni.'l'nmmc eniiid
lint he eiiilli'il nut. We hope lo see
tln-e two elllhs face t aeh other oil the
diamond et I his tall.
I Ion. -;. I,. Sinil h gni'M to Trout lake
Tui ml IV, to i-nialtl a couple of weeks
Wilh nl her he will view nut II road
from the lake to Ml. Attains, ami if the
weather peiniiN will have the road
completed II, U fall. The timber Is
pell I'lne, mit I l.o lu-nl will therefore
be easily nl-il cheaply hull!.
Sclinol eoiiint ! -i s Mnlid.iV with C.
I,, filbert and Mi McKay ill ch.'.rj.'''.
The leuii'iiiiiiini nf Mr. Smith, princ!
p tlnf The )iili-s school left a Vacancy
t hit h c.-iiiic near malihtt; a chatc.'c
Willi U; lis the place w is telltlelcil Mr.
fiibill. I le, however, iil'Ief due e-m-
sii't ration imiic!u led to remain w ith
.M. '. Hainl, left a box "f 1 1 miariali
prunes al th';4 i.llice Tucsdiy, that
were the liiicl we ever saw. Mr.
Itand has sen! nine nf them to the
stale ho ud nf hoil ii'lilt lire which will
be m-iiI to t he t 'oliimbian l . 1 1 ion.
The s'-cli-tal V nf I he hoard write that
I hey were the lines! ever seen bv liny
of the nieiiil, eis of the board nnd that
the wnrld could not, heat them.
I i tl Lewis the colored 'entleinaU
who t:nthercd in it few slukels here
w it h t he aid of some colored kids by
uU litjr all nllced entel'lailiment a few
weeks ie;o, was hlnbbeil bv one of die
Infoiesnltl kills n! I'enilletoli Monday.
1 We nre not Hood-thirsty but must eon.
- fess, w hen we remember his "enter,
i iniliiuelit," ton feeling of regret at the
mm tiiucemctit that lie will recover.
I'rofessor aii-l Mrs. .1. ( J. l.eiiimo!) of
() ..laud, 1 'alifoinia, arrived here
I oitiftlay, noon ami went t.ul to Cloud
! ( 'nil I'Yidav
l'hey arc now making a.
: Hieeial sinily of the coiie-bcariitg trees j
ofthe I'aeiiie coast vtilh a view of j
; hublishiii-r a b,dv on tin' subject. We .
iiml the plea-ure nf a few moments j
: -uivcr.aiion w ith the professor, hut hi ;
ihi'M- lew we learned that Oregon til','
M-IIow mul retl nre not true lirs, hut i
' iieloiiv; to the spruce family. From
j such ill-script it ill ns we could uive nf the
j pine on Wind river ami the bead of
j White Salmon, the prol'es-or pronoun-j
ceil it, the "Iitile Mignr pine." j
! llootl Hlver lodjjc No. 1U-1 A. 1'. & A. '
! M l.'ei-nl-ir i'oin in niiieit! ions nt. 7 n.
j in.. Si.lurdav on or before each full
I moon at (Ithl Fellows ball. Noimirnimr
brethren conliallv invited
i:. I.. Smith, W. M.
1IC. F. C. l5ltosii:s, Sec'y.
rio Titaher.
The Win 1 i ve t on my
re i.v b
ami finest body nf
'ades. Commencing
iour and a half miles
; iii the brii1:;t
i Ironi the Cohiuiiil.i, there Isn fine belt
; of timber lying between Wind river on
j the west, and TanUicr creek, which
i runs nearly parallel to it for several
j miles. The main body of timber how-
jever lies on the west sUleof Wintl river,
nnd commences nt a noint iust below
Ihe mouth of Trout ereek, a goo.l
I . , , i - i i i i .1 ,i
! r.ed stream, which heads in the main
,, ' , , ,
Itnscade range, it a point west ot the
bower (.'ascatles, ami probably about
fifteen miles north of tho Columbia,
i anil runs due cast a distance twenty or
! twenty-live miles. This body of Urn -
'her is on a tableland sloping south to
Trout creek and east to Wintl river, and
, , . ..... .
comprises an arm of from i.ltcen to
eighteen square m'.lcs. The Lm cr is
yellow llr, oi from turee to six feet m
diameter, of dense growth, and stand
ing clettr of limbs to a lieightb of ' It 0 j
to lot) feet. 1 1 is interspersed wilh j
white pine, of line gr .wth and would i
. ., " ,. . ,,! I
urn olttiom three tr live trees ot ti e,
latter to the acre. 'I he ground lias I
lull of perhaps one-hundred feet to the
mile, diagonally from northwest to
southeast, through the tract. Vithiu
tlie last, year many fccttlcis have lo
cated in this section, but have just
reached the edge of the best timber.
The land is all uiisurveyed, which re
tards development, but tho soil, n rich
! loam, will yield immense crops after
the timber Is oil, and oilers extra in
ducement to homesteaders. There are
! now thirty or forty families located
theie, and justice to them demands
that- the lands be surveyed. These set
tlers are an energetic lot, for within a
year they have inade a line wagou road
a distance of live miles, part of ita side
hill grade, and have built a substan
tial bridge across Wind river. All
they need now is for capital to take
hold of the sawmill business nnd give
them a market for their timber. Logs
can be driven down both Wind river
and Trout creek, at high water, and
the company" that gets hold of the
mouth of the river, and cruets u mill
is going to make money both lor itself
IUit.1 the seiljers.
typk of husband.
T!) Ni-lf I m M-ii i if I. 'i'5iliil Young
M -j r r-1 f -tl Sinn lui fni- u V.' it" 'I
fMimiy 'l'viii,fri'(l V.'nuiuii Witt, ''itpiml U't
Hn iiii-m-il in ; r l.;;'itrlit i !!- li.ippy,
"I pity Hint. vii;n;i!i."
'Vim, with all !:iy In-art; v.'atdi them."
Shu wn.t a htid i, f a wife, and na
nil" ctr.ily i m t"iia-i-t in In r li;;!it ;:ii'y
lll.iel.inlo: ll, wi'.li li,.t ajieaicl I ,i t hull ;.dl
ilinlelitivti plillti-.- I lie picl lire nf p'-rl'eirt
lovclincM ill, I'elicJied iijjniia.t lint -i"!'c-ill;,'
tlllllipli' :.a ni tin- ninruiy ,m
liii flit well niiirvel at I let alien th-.mclit
ni.pii. J n'-if v. a i ii-." in, mi. -i, i, ..'ilili)
j hu;:;;1"-! ioimf auc;.t:ii''iti ly rouiiil.-ilaii'l
. .' . ' . . . - e . i . ... - . , , .
gracel ul I,, -.'.lire,
lie r I ye.-i were nf ii deep
by il.u k hi'ow.i i.M'l la 'c-;. :
Hi niti'li i, I' linir. a hU.-.'h' fail,
dull than ;-n Ii n. v.'cr" pre--
hhle. I'h.nled
ad tli.- wavy
it r i. ud tnnrii
: ! ah i, at tin
I. . :.: !) ;i!
.!;! I.oniiet
v.'i-.'i n ii.n-d,
' l'.:,:ii Intel-
bin II like e:.r
M'l'lll'l t-. It
by u Ii ;lit vi-;
1 tl,,' pn-ttv
linnly in p!,.c". T;,, fac
h -aul il ul and mori) lovahl
lectual ill lis nnlliia s; the
was I, III' but colon, 'die iiiiiinpe.-.eli-uh!t!
eviih-nce of an lialiilii.d and hanu-e;-.y
inil-i ilin-ipai inn.
They hat) heeii to the np( ra. Ho nut
i-tilil ;,- anil ut:t'i,:n!'i,! talily by In r hide,
lie was tall and Ian!: en I mu'-aiar. i.inl
its lnt unfastened tic twn top hntt-'ii't of
hit black overcoat there was : hovn t!ie
ininiactil.ite front nf t-vetiin;; dn . s. Hi.-,
)illi hat leaiie-1. pe;-ia;u iiivitl'inia'.-ily, a
llltle lo nil" f i'lo and hit liitla dark yes
inert .1' fd I he impi'i nf a. -i If enil-
n-ioi:s ns.ea -itie-s. A thin. tli;; l; l-:;rd,
which c idcntlv w.-i- ii't nil : akin-'
the b
V.'i'ih (In!
folly n.iV
r'-i-r's t !n
a.-l the ,-
.i!" . and
had al -o lielit-d
intimacy with
.1 hei'lic
lie occupied ted
I:!.', rent, winh- ,'.i
as po. ,,!.!" a id l:n
tltu vitc.tia-y h: hi.'i
t ) iitid that thev
v t'a.' ,i!'v.'.-:r l i
; cut'.'ll-'l I ,.: ':
iii:-- i hli-iily t
d hi n. It is in
Wt i
' to their
honie in Iji'ooklyu.
iiii.WK i.irrt.t: wo-.tA:-
' CVl.l!i!!!V e:.l,e,i i:(i n'l-r.'l (it
. :::-t. nnd v::.i minimis to dv.vll with
him i-.poii the n-r-j, s v, 'aii.'i leased her
iiin;-t. Ilcr nino 1 ai-o was a friendly
criiifiil en.. lie iceuu-d to have a
chronic: -:ru-lrfo ie;aiit hini-.clf n:id
cvaryl-ndy 1 1 e who ;,r, sti!iicd t- inter
rupt his profound cinmuiiiiion with lun
l-'lie rat a few n; tin.
i:i jsil nee, then
f wi'.h childish
;liin,' in a load
loo'n-d up iui.-.) hi
t-onlit'.i uco and said
Jiis i'..:itur s
ivlarici, the crease h.!l
tv.'ecn his tain brows d
epctieil mid his
face was pi;uk;:;t and f.-r'.;'::l as lie roll
ed his eyes toward her, more to let her
I ,.,i.. , ' ,,i i
in v. its about to address her
., , , ..
than to look into la
I'd like t .
ahoiit it. mivw
v:!iat ytm hiiow
Shtt drew hack ;i 1
in Mleiiee at hi.s
rough reiert, Imt i-;v-'".i;ly ttlio forgot
her chagrin anl wad soiuothijiy to him
"Well, you're a nice p: i-.-nn iocriticiso
anything like that, aren't you? Haven't
yon got any l-eli.-e at all'"
The little woman blushed, her cye.s
dropped, the faint wniie nf interest
faded from !.-r face .".nd she sank back
I "n" t') hi.le her t -mhairassineiit
' a ftiiMNit; natuui:.
But tiers evtdee.'ilv was one of those
iHunnv, oiten tc'.niiera'.m'iits which pooh
1 forget a Wrong, especially when perpe
trated by a loved one, and u wan not
! long hi l'ore her count'.'!'.!'.. ice was ngnin
innlitiibt-lpereuely liv.ii'.itnl. and her happy eves
told of the ph asaut thought which
were Hitting through her mind. Soon
' eho lookeil up naiin and i-poke to him.
"ies, that's just about like you," ho
ejaculated sarea.stically. "Why don't
yon wait till you know something of
what you are talking about before you
begin to criticise' What do you sup
pose people go to hear it for, anyway?
Do von think every one's a fool hut
! yon'"
Ami th.e mr.n rattled on with his harsh
reprimand:!, seennn" to take it supreme
i ,- , . , , .- '
delight m verbal! v chastising the sweet,
Khrillkinj, ,i.;k, i!UHH'ent at his side for
j presuming to exist or endeavoring to
J make the evening pleasant for hint with
1 her inoffensive prattle. Aa she shrank
! further anil further hack in her seat a
1 1'' -')vo the blushes from her
K1K!VM' hUO ,"'lu "ul
courage to Kiieak again when tho train
x a ti0 nM Btatioilf uml
Uwy hnrrit,d atTOciH to the bridge ears.
lie is tho same, probably, in every
thing. Ilis is a nature which does not
change. They are young, and evidently
twvo not been married more than a year
or two"
How long will hIio enduro it?
And ,,visiSi whi,h of tllotwo
dark crossroads will she take?
"Ves. indeed: 1 pity that woman. "
New York World.
New York's Old l)' Ti-ison.
It is not generally known that where
the Hall of Records now Htands was
formerly the site of a debtors' prison, In
18H'2 it was used for a cholera hospital.
Asiatic cholera inade itu appearance,
nbont July 1 nf that year in Cherry near
Jauies street, and continued until the
last of October, a period of four months.
Its principal ravages wero in July and
August, during which time there wero
Ii,8;!."i cases. From July 1 to Oct. .0 thero
were U. !u!) deaths.
Tho mini of 11S,15: was disbursed for
drugs, salaries, etc.
The tiix marble columns which sup
port the portico of the Hall of Records
were brought from the Sing Sing quar
ries. Tho style is Grecian, from tho
model of the Temple of Ephesas. New
York Herald.
Italy's Army.
Tha Italian army eonim-s nearly
2,000,000 men. or. to' give the exact fig
ures, 1,9207','. Among thorn aro y.1,000
Alpine soldi its, t rained and inured to the
hardshipsSt' mountain warfare. Detroit
1.1 'reo J'ref.i
r.f'Anv'.s I'iamis ,ixi) i:axs.
Hon. Daniel l llcmty, the great Or -
gan mid I'laiio inaiMilaeliii-ei-, is Imiid-
In:' mid i-.'iippliig lunre Organs anl
tuZL!, :
hi- lialniiil' n lib wlil he has worked his
w-ty u) H't as los'-ll ho far nearly I'Mi.ihm .
'-I' l.e!t(ly'. Oi';'-in-i iin-l I'ianns since
i:vn. Nnthiu, Mvma .o dh-iica,-,,,,:; nb-tacli-, l.o t m his way, that
winii-l bnvf witciad any nidiii.iVv urn ti ;
I, !,,,,,, ...1 i I ,
i,,,,!;,,;, ii, l, !, ;;;
I In I H I' inn 111-., as s we II known, lire
veiy pnjitiliir and are to lie toiunl in nil 1
parts of the world. We nre informed i
I hat liiilili;; I lie next ten years lie ili-
lends to sell Li'MI.IHlU jnne nf bis innki
that inealis it bllinc-s of 'JO,l)')0,mMi, if
. nvefiii;!' I hem at. . 1'KI eacn. It is
already the largest hii-iiii '-s of the kind
in existent-. r--iitl to Danit I J-Mieiitly,
'':r hiutoii, .etv .lc;i y, for ca lain;.-ue.
The iindcrsiineil hcini; located near;
Jiontl llivt-t, w i-hi s to inform parties;
who iiuiy be dt uiioiH of bavin sur-
veiti;, 'i-iie, uiat in- is a jii aei ica I
Mineyor nf inaliv Vears expt-rie'tce,
nod that work ciil'i-i-letl to him will be
perl'nriiie.l w ith de patch nnd correct -
veyin;,' ipme, tliat In- is a practical
in -'. j l e t i,!i-s iiieastire il: rcl'-rrili;.' t't
Mr. A. S. I'dowers, twiio for years was
county commissioner in Minnesota,)
and lor w hom, he tlid county work as
county surveyor, as to his ability.
I'm ties writing trie nt Jlood will re
ceive prompt at iciitin.n.
f. .1.11 AVI S.
Daled Hood Hivcr April 'ilh, l. ',
To be nuctionet! nt the firm nf Mrs.
;.-ney,:-s-p!iinbcr uih ;.t in o'clock a.
m , 1 oi-M-lei d hirm' lire, consisting f
e ru'iv oves, walnut imiiiiure, hand-
some be.i loun-e; everything gooti us
le w. Al-'i cow and yeailiiiir heifer.
' ' "
KAKT I'.'U'M) 1-JttiM ll'tld) lilVKH
CJ'N'o. K l-'tr.-j leaves ul 1 1 I A.M.
."i. i:. Mail " 3D it 1'. M.
v.. r t.- .,i.Miu i.xv.Hi ..t r.-if. !
.o. l, M.oi ' 4:'is a. m.
. THi:o..iii si.k:-:i-ki:s ltKt-i.ixixo ai.viu
' 'AUrt am wskhs, - "
Siemiieis lYiuii Pia-itniul lo .San l-h-aiieisi'o,
i-vei y I Cay.
TM to sM Efoi Mm
For rates vri-at-ral infonau! ion ''all on
I.I.IN.T TICKKT aoknt. j
W. II. lirUMil-UT. Asst. (ion. Pass. Asf. i
-.fini dftfl I'kaity's oreans t
(f'iUU MirjaK.s. For irl.
e Ims.. ,-nutl.m.le. a,n!!vs.s Jimilol, '
W' 1 i nul 1 in, .New .lel-scy.
mm u ,Vn
o'''::rd I r,. ' 3. J.UittUI.M
I f 'Ur j ON SALE
TO -LiZj ,
Opens ut
Portland, September 21
Oonlltmcs one snlitl iiionlh. The fore-
l'lmiH-r el tin-
Music by the Famous
Of Providence, U. I.
Sur;insstnsr nil former Expositions, unit
valued ut. $;iWiKX,
A nia.'.'nitli-ont tlouhle
El . . r- 111 i
l6CtriCdl GlXnlblt !
V niter tho combined Thomson-Houston
anil F.dison t'eiupanit's, iceluilinji
. llio latest adaptations of
An immense
I". S. models of
From trie Xavy Yard at Washington.
Stocli Department,
Kxeceding t-.U former years, with srxatly in
creased premiums.
SO.COO square feet devoted to
tho ilnost
Horticultural Exhibit
Kver made on tiie riu'ilie Const.
Agriculture to the front. Manufactories in
full operation. The wondortul Hall of Mys
I terv. " t he Little World," the result of me.
ehauieal genius. J.:Si'f number of exhibits
than ever before. The popunu- special days
continued, ".everything new; nothing dead.
Greatly Reduced Hates
On nil t:iiisportu!itMi lines. '
; vzL'zi
XJ h. uJv
' Jk, j U
- bt'Mi" jv
TlT A rVT"t7 T
X jXuXjX Li.
icf I J (TJ n f I .
Wall Paper, Pamts, Oils etc.
1 ' '
A larKo supply of, and .Wi!r'. ir.nhf to sell
?rrrzTiT -n
ColcbiMtcd liquid colors and tinted leads.
to fiinii-h at )ii"e, a line cla
I n pnretl to liinn-h at oii"e, a line
hut nenl niiil
I i i t a i , r-r --. -j-v ,
: I jl f ' t lM
i j ,1 ' ,l l Nl
; J J J g 1 tllJ 1
; 11
Oak Street, near Postijjue,
We have First-Cltiss .Stock and Outfits,' Double Buggies, Ilackf
and Saddle
A Fine Four-Ilor,e Coacb,
PPr,lc ttich r.ixQ passengers.
bla point, ilcliubje; drivers.
Our Dray delivers baggage or
I haveoiJjiiGcla Livery & Feed Stable in the
Hanna barn on First Street, and am prepared
to furnish hay by tho bale ton or
If t)n i. n litmmi vn tr$ fit r
;j jfTt MUBOIIIE. '
p h v s i c i a n anct burgeon;
- " chajuaaa WtM-k j
Ithk - .nv.riGos, f
i ,.
W. H. WILSON. . !
. !
JrFrn Mknkfi'b. !
Attorneys-at-Law, !
Chapman Block, over Postoffice ;
Till-" 1)LT '"S iiltlit'ltlX !'
till, lUi.l.l.s tU.Lt.
Omrnn and
iven to ion
: vcvancinir. 1
: -
A ladies gold watch chain withpcaii
! basket chm iu. Einder will confer a
favor by leaving I he same at this office,
i or with Mr. Bert Graham.
ij. i wmm, k &
Reliable information concerning land .
' titles.
! Choice city and country properly for
Conveyancing a Specialty.
1.1'J Second Street - - - - The IMlU-s Or.
We Manufacture,
Real Merit
Does tna Advertising-.
If you take pills it is because you have
never tried the
S.B.Head ache and Liver
It works so nicely, cleansing the.
Liver and Kidneys; acts as a mild
physic without causing pain or sick- j
ess, ami (toes not, stop you num vne
i g and working.
'i try it is to become a friend to it.
For sale by M. V. Harrison, Hood
River Oregon.
Dii'in- M. 'F' (i. Co., Pufur, Ore,
mm m mum
3Ui ia
r a 7.-f--Ti-.ei
a Specialty.
-s of coillns, als-j a ch
cla -s of coillns, also a cheap entile
n t
oc none,
suitable for fishinr: or excursion
it . . i .
Parties taken to any accefc
freight anywhere in the Valle;
V? Q
s v-w,ii
- - Hood River Or.
rpitt'lUKTOi? OF
Baatty's Organs
A rile !Vr eatal.'siio. Adtiu-s lnniel F. Heutfy,
AVaslsinteu, New Jersey
! Painter and Paper Hanger, and
all kinds of work neatly and
'I Cheaolv Done.
i noon KivKii, oiikoos.
and Locator.
Everv bodv wants land in Hoo-l
; Eiver Valley." I have some very -le-
; smuue tracts oi goon num. on niv i.ns
it)" n:nesfe:uia ana timoi'ie-i
claims, ' wi.h wae on
them. I can locate several t.:oc'nv"t
ndvanh-iieously. Do not fail to s-u
me at llood River Falls or addtv.s me
at Hood River, Wasc;iCnnty, O.sxou.
V. Eow Vixan-,
11 II! UD. ill,
Has heexi thoroughly
renovated, and a lar9
ell added doubling ita
Everything will Dv fonnd neat and clean
ani the
Tables will be supplied with tho best the
GEO KG E HERBERT Proprietor.
A new stock of Ladies' and Oents'
SPECIAL attention Riven to, clean
ing and repairing watches.
Hood River, - - - - Orcscn,
ii u y ?s
Mi! i 'X