The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 03, 1892, Image 2

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vicoa livcr va lacier.
SentCUlVr l(tlill Is ft
It contains a sensational
r hi i.iInJciuni .
HOOniUVKR, OK., SKIT. 3. IP?2. ! f .Irlt rhotoa,d,y ftym
. ; tlto Hn of I lie well-known wieiitixt, Dr. ,
a tv.VMox; Cones of the SniltlwoHan Insti
tute. Dr. Cones Mashes the bou spirit
iholo;ruphcrs it luxit nioivy, and
makes most entertaining reading hav
ing traced down nil the fraudulent nle
lures. Tho illustrations to this jan.i'
are slrikisii.' and will ctonte t o istorna
tioninthc army of tr.uds w ho ivy up
on ihimi 'pooling p.stp'o. A timely mil
illustrated article is on
I'r.uu'iMO, ly Mr.
Klsew hero we jrlve notice of meet
ing to 1k held next Wednesday after
noon to discuss the water tjUcstion.
Wo hope in the hitcivsi of the eiitiiv
community, that every hum kltial will
le ivsent. The nut titi i-!iotill he
unanimous. It is time, lii'lt time,
that local prejudices wnl ici.-idial feel- beautifully
hijrs bo drvppcd' ami that all stand to-, yachting about .Sin
ret her for the good of all. There should Vale, editor ni'ihe
lie no east side, no wosa side, noeountry, ; well-known yachtsman, aiul uuihority
no town sentiment. We are all di-! in such mallei. The illustrations are
rcctly interested, and Yihtlo it i im- j raey tmd nuinereus, heluj; instantnn
jiossildo that eneli shall or w ill he hen-: oous view s 01 'every famous -.-lit on
4'titted hi an oiptal degree, earh and all the hay. A rcm.irkalile oxpts,- of a
of ir will pi-olit hy the water lieim; secret soeiety in Honolulu in which mi
luade available. Let us pull the scales perstition tan mad, is found in the il!
f local and ersoiial jealousy from our unrated artiele eniitled "Black Art in
eves, and meet the proposition on a 'Hawaii,'' by the Hew Dr. l'isher, a
broad and common
we do this, suetvss
The Prather, Building, Second &0ak Sts.
Make an Exhibit, j nn NnT c-nnrrx
The exposition nt Portland (his vear T)l , , , . ,
. ' , . . ,,' I hat Marvin Kami has the tluest brands
promises to lean Improvement on till ; f cigars, It,i an excellent stoek of
former efforts hi this line. The hit-1 ehoieocanilics. I lo w ill have hv cream
ntense erowds that w ill visit it, makes ; overy Sunday, and lemonade, soda
it one of tho very host of advertising j waU'r ''U' 'vtr-v
mediums.and we should take ndvun-j Muitlnir - ,vnts at Hart hicks'.
Inge of it. Hood Diver for two sue-!
ground. When former misMonarv. Higher education cessive years has had I he finest display;
w assured. We hi California i.-. well illustrated hi a well-, of fruits in the exposition and there Is !
Juive the iiiimhers, we have the means, w ritten article on Throop University, no reason why this year should I an
41 mi surely we have the couraire and Augusto Wey, a brilliant w riter, eon-' exception. We have tho fruit, and
energy. Our individual interests and i tin lies the series mi hat Californiaean such fruit as will not only astonish
our individual suet-ess depends largely do at t ho World's fair, and a pica for eastern visitors, hut w ill surprise even
n the correct solution of this water, the missions is made in U half of the those familiar with Oregon products,
question. Let us then meet in the in-ISoeuty fur the Preservation of the; .s wo po'Mp-vss the infant dauirh
irrost of the eonimon K very ! Missions hy Mis, l'.iweis, the ilhwtra- tor of Mr. J. 1. Watson is reported as
j a tiele of growth and pivt-pcrity of the lions being hy l'enn, showing l'ala, hehiR very sick, with but faint hopes
v.illov aids the tow n,aiid everv advnn- San Luis Key and the old misiou of , m'r rewvery.
Beatty's Pianos
wiirir. I- ii I'HIaliinui' mi. lux
Ilinlly, WiihIiIukioii, Nrw "iwy.
Houso Builtlcrs Goods. Sash
and Boors, Mouldings,
Brackets mill Wood Tnrnines.
Limo. Plaster and Laili Coil
ing, Rusiio and Flooring.
un hiihuti-'jst NiH'iri:
II. r. tin:
cement of the town nids ami benefit San Diepi. Among the articles on for-!
the country. le on hand to Uar your ; eign subjects is an entertaining one on j
part next Wednesday. India, by the well-known author ami i
- - scientist. Dr. Sinntw. Jlichard II. k-
THi: VUOJ.r.KA. Donald Jr., the well-known San Fran-;
; cisiM banker, and political ei-onomist, !
makes an earnest ix for reform in a i
, sehoiary paper on ''llow toSecuiv (iood !
Municipal (iovernnicnt.'' No tpicstiou
MA Kit I ID.
At The Dalles Thursday, August 'S, j
1S!l', Mrs. K. . Itnckus of lined will.
Kiver to Mr. Allen Fulton of Albina,
For vet k the dispatches have Ikhmi
bo;. sting about the strict watch being
kept at New York and other seaports,
to prevent the cholera getting a foot
hold hi thU country. Wednesday tho
rtouiuer Moravia direct from lt imburg,
sailed into New York harbor, up
nmongst the shipping, esst anchor, rt
i.iv.ined intil late next morning and
two s.iilors were allowed to g; a
All this happened before the laeeording
Wllllllic t Sli.i.
.Matron Mr. Niccfello, 1 dislike to
scold, hut 1 really must. You oaght to
of more importance to California than know better than to keep my daughter
1 that of the Nicaragua Canal, and the . s"dimr 111 that .fold front hull half un
i third hi the series '..fpaiK-i-s, by W. L. 1 '10"r- sa'!n nitl,t u h"f' ,ls
f ;, ; ' , . , ' did last night, and us you do everv tune
r Merry is given, t eat ng the linaiicial ' . .. . T, , ' , . ,- .
., .... . .. .... . youfome. Thimiioriiing s!ie had n tor
. side ot the uuwlioii with ability. Stories rible t.ollli alul lu,r mv.s art) ,lot rtrwnji
h io ' J iHigoia iiiui iJ.ircneu i.uinniis, yon know.
. poems, ihiok reviews tin. 1 uiseussions 01 1 air. McereIU .My gtHMlness: is she
Matron No. but she's hud u narrow
escape. Now these long drawn out
goocl nights lme got to stop.
Mr. Nieefello Indeed they must, my
(TluiU'r Act June II, KTS.
I'ulttvl Mliili' I an. I OMlcc,
Vancunvi 1, Wu.oli., Jiiia''Js, IhiO.
Notliv In licreliy ulvi'ii Hull In ouiiplliuuv
Willi I in' imivitloni f Iho net of Cuiiicrcm "I
Jiuic:i, is;s, ihtitii'ti "An mi tor iiii'ui' or
llllllMT llllllln III till' Klllll'H OrClllllVll lllll, I f-
1 Koii.Ncviiilii, uiul wiisliliiKioiriVri'lini tv,"r run
! i'In M. I iinc.i'l w IiIIcShIiihiiiohiiiI v ill K I Irli
I lint, siiiic of iviisli., luis IIiIh tin v tllt'il In
llii tiltUi' hit hwiii 11 tiatt'iiii'iit sn, I .lis, fur llio
illl'i'lllltt' in llii' itnmiMi'tl til M't'l lull l .'I,
iiwntlilp No. 1 mutli, riiimc no. iiii'iitt.uiiii
I'll. T I'l'M'I to thiiu llml the lllllll MHIKllt Ih
mini' viiluiililv for ll tiinlii'i- or utmic tliiin fur
I Hurli'iilluri.l iiiiriKiM't, un.t to t'tlulilltli lilt
' t'liilm In mil I Iiinil In'Ioio tlu Ui'trlMiT un.t 1U
I tflviT til' tint tilllit' at Viiiii'utivrr, iviish,, on
j Wi'ilnt'Nitiiy, tlio II. Ii tiny of St'iitriiilM il!ii,
j lti' iiaiut't us w i I iii'snw: Jitnit-t Itniwit,
. IVIit ('iiiiii'mii,'ii I'uliiii'r.of Whlto Hul
i innu, tu.ti ( liarli'H l'rarsoii, ot Trout l.akt,
i Mll.tll.
I Any Hint nil riTsnim I'luliuiiiii mtvi'i-si'lv tlm
litiovo ilitrnlinl l.unls ur rriniitti'.l to 11 lo
iiiiir run nit m in id mint) on oiimIuii'mii.i lltn
ttuy tf Sojiu'iiiImt, Wl
Jiitl0 John 1). tiKiMiiiKUAN, ltt'Utt-r.
Mercer S Bite
Will supply the public with the very choicest
At tho V: i y Lowest Kates.
We have eonstautlv on hand ti Hue sluck of
EZcxicclg,, IBcicon. and XjclxcL.
In fact, everything hi our line.
Our wagon will run through the valley and to the mills Mondays Wed
nesdays and Fridays. All orders lllletl promptly.
questions of the day by Kx-(5ov. Lionel !
1.1'l nvir vi.rilmt ml ir
. , .1 i ",i .1 A. Sheldon, make up a nunilierof es
nntine otheers boardctl the vessel .... ' 1
VJ... tli.'f .li.l tli..v .!w, I Iim t
4'holera had broken out among the
Published in San Franeise. $3.00aver.
Corner Oak and Fourth Sts.,
Mood River, Oregon
passengers the first day out, th:i i4j Hamburg is tneoneeit of all Europe ' u0!r madam. I'll go right out for u
'-were attacked of whom 22 died. Thennst to Ik- fcaretl at present. There j clergyman. New York Weekly.
whole business of quarantine Las been cholera i.s at its height, ami from tiiat !
oondiM'U-d in a manner that would city there is dlict steainshipeomiiiuiii- j Why she ttMii.iiri liny.
make tho veriest ass smile in derisi. n. ! cation with New York It is pleasing 1 "Whi,e 1 wf ,om m VVZ
It is freely conceded by all good Anur-! to learn, however, through Tho New j ',.,',., Mw .. ntll ' i
ieancitit ns, that the further periu-s-; York TrUjinir, that the Ilamhurg line , womiU, Mll( they reached n counter
ion to foreign laborers to land on t ur , has taken important action to lessen the j where noine charming little teakwood
shores, is a dangerous thing; ! tlanger. Its fast steamships will hero-; cabinets were displayed,
the class of foreigners that have bet n I after run no further curt than South-j " 'There!' excUuiicd the type enttinsi
newed urxin us within the past few! amnion, ami will carrv nosteeraire nass-! ustically. 'the very thing of all others
years. This feeling is held for those U-ngers; lh latter will be transported on
in health;. but the admission of p aj lie : vessels specially set apart for the pur
strieken paupers, carrying the seels of pose, and extreme precautions will be
tleath to millions of our citizens, .toes taken in the way of fumigation, etc.
lieyond the limits of mistaken poliiy, The action of the Hamburg company is
and becomes a collossal crime. Instead i all the more praiseworthy because it
of attempting to bathe, cleanse and dis-1 was voluntarily taken in the intercuts
infect the foul stream that enijrtie t n : of lLe American people.
our shores, it should bav been, should ! .
be now turned aside at Sts soure-, uul j The Salton lake, that great body of
the steamships notified that pissen-1 vvat,'r which covered so large a p.'irt of
gers from infected ports being found ,ne Colorado lecrt, ufter an overflow
onboard would eoniiiel the return ' or ioran; i .ver, ami wiikii many
of vessel and all to the point from ! People supposed bad coma to stay, has
whieh she failed. No one should be j "w entirely disappeared, but, a won
a 'lowed to land from such a vessel, j rful sea of verdure now murks the
A it is, it is quite likely that the disease j ll"-' t,,!t was once barren sand. It is
mis already got a foot hold in New convincing proof given by nature that
York City, and that the privilege gran
ted a few plague stricken passengers to
the so-called desert is susceptible of high
cultivation, ami under u system ( f
for Mrs. C Only last week she was
admiring a little one of untie ami wish
ing for its fellow for her dressing table.',
" "How fortuuutH!" exclaimed heri-oin-pannln.
'I should get it directly, aud it
will be off your niiiitl.'
"The other hesitated, looked at the
price aud commented- "They're not at
all dear, and they're certainly very 'prut- j
ty Mini I kui.-w she wants one. tut.' put
ting the cabinet hack. 'I feel hh if 1
hadn't looked quite enough you know j
1 had planned to give up the rest of the I
afternoon to Mrs. C.'s present.' "New j
Yui'lc Times j
Hoon RIveh I b
Nnlliv It lirrt'liv irlven tlmt the umli'i-tlxiit'il
I.. K, Mor-e, lint (iit'ii iiiKilntt'il tiy tin ttiuin v
roiil't, of VViksi'ii rouiity, Miate of Oregon, inl
Inlnlsliator of Ihr t'liili'uf t'. W. Kliin, tie
tt'iiMi'il, All (mtmiiih liuvlnu olallilt uiiiiliitt
uiitl t'-lnie, an1 riMinii'(l to pii -rnl Ihi iii
'Mwrl.v verltlt'il, toine, in 1 1 ' Hul Kl ver. Ore
tjini, iil:ln iiioiKlm from ilatf In rttif.
U K. MoitsK,
A.liMlnl.stmlorof lln'cilutc nfc. V. Klnn,
1 luted July, 7, isttg.
Limit Offli't' nt The Piilles llr. Anil, ai, IWL
Xntlee 1m tiiTeliy iclven Hint the iiillowliiif.
nitllli'ti M'ttler llll.t lllrd IKitlrc of lilt llltt'lllloll
to iniike filial proof In su pirt of hit t'liilm,
anil that sit 01 iiroof will lie in, tilt iH-fore the
KiKlhlcr nntl Kitflver V. M. Uil. nl The lulleti
or, on VI., 10, Nrj.vlx:
William K. Tate.
It. I). No..tad):'or the n w ; hoc 27 T 2 n r I) e
w III.
He mimed tl'C fnllowlmj wltni'itet to prove
hlsciintlniiotiN reshli'iit'o iimiii unit cultiva
tion of, twiti html, vl.: Joint Parker, f. J.
Iliivtm, K. W. l.'iioll, t'lntrlMi llvrxer, all of
Jii'.id ltivor Ori'KOli.
Joity W. I.rwih. Ki-nltter.
xi""-. WiiHt-o County, 1
Ht.i'e of Oregon. i
Land Oillce at 't he Pnlles Or., Auk. 0. tKl2.
Nothe It hereliy tlven that the followlnit
naiiieil M'ttler hut llled nollri' of lilt Intention
to make final proof In MipKrt of his rhilm,
mill tlmt Kit lit proof will lie inmle tiefoic the
U'Xlfit r anil Keeelver t", M. L. o. lit Tho Dulles
Or. onOetolii-r VI lnW, viz:
Alfred Iloorimin.
II It. No. airy for ilw y',i w)i nnd ne'i
w '4 tee ;l I p il n r in e w in.
He name the following wltnrtHi'S to prove
hit eontiiiuoUH reMlili'iieeuHiii aiul eiiltlvatlon
of, wild land, viz: Thomas wlekent, CliarleH
ltociTH, K. t'. Hogij-t, I'on. Hepp, all of J loud
Hi ver Or.
nave on mum a tun supply oi r run, Mimic ami ornamental trees;
vim's, siiuill fruits, Hoses ami SliruhlH'i-y.
lie sure to get our prices before piirchiisingcl'ewliere.
Itcinembcr our trei's are rown slrlctlv w lthuui irrigation.
V. A. !S.iiii.i(i,AM, Local Agent.
That thirty days W as long us we can credit goods, nnd would
retpiest our patrons to g.ivern themselves iiecordlngly.
resjH'et fully
B H .4
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
John w. IivIm, Ili'xlKter.
land upon our shores, will be p iid ' h r i storage reservoirs may Lecome th ckly
with hundreds of thousands of Ameii- p?opkd.
can lives. i ' '
To the Ilonorahle the tuuiity Court of '.Vusco j nulsptl"
Wo, the undersigned legal voturs of Hood
River precinct, Wasco eounty, Oregon, re-
KiMftfully ix'tition vour honoralili; court to i
grant u license to J. T, Dclk t sell spi ritiloti h, ( VflTIfl'' VfMi PI'IIT If'TIfV
Vilnius and malt llouors. at the toivn of lloo.f ,x""u' ru" 1 l.tlhllAllUA
iiivcr iu said preeinet, In less iiuantilli'H than bi'l Odlee nt. Vaiii'ouver wnsh .Anit. 17. IW2.
. i Every man we have talked with eon-
At the request of many citizens, wc corning the meeting next Wednesday
publish the fact that a meeting will be ! promised to lie present,
held at Armory hall, Wednesday after- j - - -
ji.xm next at 2 o'clock for the purpose ! Tcaeliei's Institute,
of discussing the water question. The j TIk-teachers institute at The Dalles
object being to see if some plan can be closed yesterday. The attendance was
devised by which the water can l.e ! n,,t hirge iifl expected, but the meet
Kdpplied by the people themselves, it-,' " was a very interestingone. Thirty
is argued that one or two ycirs oiop j 'ivc tcchers were in attendance and it
from live or ten acres of each farm sun- i 'H perhaps superfluous to add that they
plied with water will pay for the ditch ' were the wide-awake, progressive mem-1 $fi:ffi'$(.r
and leave the water thereafte.', practi-1 bere of tllu profession. A debate Wed-1 W k cmppLr,'
11 i . ii . . . . i F TJivlor.
caily free, iivery property owne in j "osoay evening on me question, -ite- j v A hr(,e'(iing,
the valley should attend, that the in. sfved that the country eehooU are do
tcrest of all may be considered and t le more in the cause of education than
opinion of each made public. It may city schools," brought out considerable
re mire two district organizations, one liUmor; brought many to their feet
for each side of the valley, bu; this re. ; t' express and defend their opinions,
mains to Lie seen, and will be one of the ! The question was dwided in the aftlrm
problems to decide. Your interests are utive- rrofessfir Ackermaii of Mult
at stake, the time is propitious and i llomi,u county, and President Bloss of
failure to attend this meeting will ! Agricultural college were among those
jnake future attempts in this line well j l,re,'t.
nigh futile. Be on hand promptly and !
do not let any other business keep you j
fliraj. J.L i.t iuo xiivrau iiiiuuilillll uuai- , ,.,l,. ,-,,,., i. . , , ,
John Divers' tam ran away. One of
his horses, a fine sorrel mare valued at
one gallon, for the period of one year:
H " Curran,
Wm lland.
II Mays.
W J Campbell,
H A Foxier,
( ' II KlUworth, '
J t; Markley,
W K 'fate,
M lland,
f Sistowell,
J W Wallace,
Allen I.ueUey.
H .1 Wright,
James W'ithart.
JameK Berry,
(' A IS.-II,
Win Woods,
J V Hraekett,
J A liaekiiH,
(! M W'oltiiid,
Another I'aiiaivay.
Hunday while driving down
nessyou can possibly have, and as
fsueb should have your firet attention.
150, got her bridle fast on the tongue
and when she got loose her bridle re
mained on the wagon tongue. She
J udge Bradshaw, has
iiie case oi rmgieiu, sustain-j immediately started ttr run, and as
ing the decision ot Justice Shuts. The there was nothing to hold her by he
latter held Birgfeld without bonds,' j went at full speed. Divers, seeing
from which decision Judge Bennett, j there was no chance to stop them,
JJirgfeld's attorney appealed. It is ! climbed out of the back of the wagon
easily seen that if any ofi'ense wuh com- j getting clear of it just a the team
jnitted, it was niurder.and if Birgfeld dashed over the grade. The mare
was held at all, bonds must have been j struck her head against a tree, crush
infused. ' j ing her skull and killing her instantly
i Mr. Divers escaped with nothing more
The crop Man five acres of strawler- j serious than a bruised knee. '
l ies on each side of the river, will pay j
the cost Of building a ditch carrying A BARGAIN,
water enough for all, in four years. HousG nnd ,ot for 8a(, Hol(ge Jg
Or if one-hundred farmers will each eight rooms, with buttery and closets;
plant 100 feet square to strawberries. I well built of good material; can be
i, ...ui qw fnfthi. itni. in n,,u i bought for 1,000, which is less than
.uu-..., - ... .... ost Terms- cash, balance
yeai. auu , j c uiwiuic t-" . lime. See me goon.
tackling the job. j M. P. Lsexiikko,
J It Hand.
I'eter Kopke,
M w Hobsrtson,
J A Unz,
H C Kedenhurg,
I) H (.'rapper,
John I.enz,
watson Smith,
O Peterson,
K K MeU'itn,
Joe Altsck,
J 11 Hunt,
w Havnes,
V, Ii I'rathar,
.1 T wlshart,
(i 11 Hush,
Thos Liiccy,
Joseph Purser,
J A Ktranahun,
(ieo Herbert,
wm Ooolbey,
Jijh Oougan,
O M Knapp,
.1 lOmkiii,
Jur.k Nealolgh,
Ii M Monroe,
A Ingalls,
Jos .Mcfiuire,
H Ijige.
1' M walls,
C I Knapp,
K w Hall,
J J I.iKfkey,
Oeorge (iardner,
J O Kaslman,
K II Miller,
II V Joehinstm,
H I) Straight,
Fred Hull',
V M Jackson,
K J IJogers,
N liillen.
(.'has (Jrodt.
Kdwurd Charles,
KO Kvans,
('has Ucrger,
V H Allen,
(.'H Stntnalian,
H H Oibson,
I) II I'lough,
Van Johnson,
J 11 l'ayton,., ,
Joliu (Sweeny,
J) 11 Cooper,
II 1'rigge,
James 'ooper,
;orc 1'earee,
Jerome Wells,
O II Watson.
Hod Allen,
W Wells,
Fred Hert,
M Winchell,
J K lliniiM,
J Dodson,
John A Mohr,
Wm Ilavis,
Hod Curran,
J P Snyder,
OH Kvans,
Oeo Mathlas,
I'D Hinrichs,
Hush Hcjlingcr,
Oeorge Warner,
John McUiulgcr,
w Cooper,
C Johnson,
John Melntyre,
, J H N'U'kelscn,
(ieo i'rather,
mt V Logsdon,
w Smith,
' F Cordes,
.1 w lUiynolds,
F Noble,
John II i rudlebaugh,
w K Jaikson,
A L Magulre,
! Ciirlsun,
J M Custcrmnn,
Oaten Keeney,
K (i Carter,
M I) Morgan,
A Kctchum,
w Ii Adams,
Dan Smith,
w O Clelland,
P Jochinsmi,
I.aMonto Kellogg,
Kd ltamsey,
J H 1,'UITUII, ,
J Armstrong,
J II Jackson,
Thos Pollock,
J A Armstrong,
Asa K Straight,
PC Lavelle
Chris D. tlirnan,
I Ainiri' is nereiiy given unit Ilie lollowlng-
nameii w'ltier nasllleil notice or her Intention
to make llniil conimiitall'n proof in support
of her claim, and that said proof will be mmie
hel'ore the Hcgl.ttcr and Kit'eiier U. H. Land
I Office at Vuncouver Wash, on October o,
i lsic.'.vlz:
Einma C. C'urwm.
II. E. No. SI 10 forlhc lots 1 nnd 2nnd n e'i
see -rip :t n r 11 e w in.
she names t lie following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said hind, viz: John Kgan, llcnrv
Johnson, F.dward McDonnell, of white Sal
mon, wash., Henry V. Hurnham, of Woodstock
ug2'spt25 John I). Okogiikoax Iteglster.
Valentine Xehrbmler. John Be.ersc.
John w Hinrichs, H I' Jochlnseii,
H Hrown, A wise,
A I'aiisch, H Selverkrnpp,
Cico Horden, Fred N Dornheclter.
KC Smith, CO Roberts,
w I) Rogers, Alfred Tucker,
Jake I.enz, w H Wilson,
II B wiltry, wm Hovles
Chas Reeve Hurry (Jray
Notice Is hereby given tlmt 1 will apply to
the county court for the state or Oregon for
wiimco county, at the September term thereof,
In to wit: On the Sth day of September,
JMfy, for u license to sell spirituous, vinous and
malt liquors in less nuuntlttc than one gal
lon, nt my place of business In the town of
HHd Kiver, in said eounty and state, for u
period of one your, J. T. DKI.K,
Land Office at Vancouver wnsli., Aug. 8, 12.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has ft led notice of his In
tention to make linal proof In Hiipport of his
claim and thai said proof will he made he
fore W. K. Jiunbiir, Commissioner, United
States Circuit Court for District of washing
ton, at Ooldendalt), Washington, on Septem
ber 21th 1812, viz:
James Murray.
Homestead Kntry No. (i22!i for the n t of
n w4 ofse kandn e'ofs w Ketlon
:w township 5 nort h of range 12 eust, will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Clans Stuack, of Fuldu P. O.
Washington, James O. I,yle, Thomas C. Rob
inson, Mureus Vanbibber, nil of I.yle I'. O.
nugl:i-sptl7 John I). Oeoiijif.oan. Register.
Land Office at Vancouver wash. Aug. lj, )8!2'
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In supisirt of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner United States
Circuit Court lor District ot Washington at
(ioldundale wash, on September 2i", 1HD2, viz:
Thoinus M. Whlteotnb.
Application to iiurc base No. 2 17 under sec 3
act Sept., 21), WM for the e1. lie y. sec 29 Tp 3
n r 12 e w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Levi Smith. William
Spencer. Fred H. Smith, James Fltz, nil of
Lyle Klickitat county, Washington.
ug20-spt2.r) John I). Ukouheoax. Register.
And a Comploto Lino of
DBS. VIILIAriS & 33103 TUB.
Oder for sale ijilii,(Hli)htaiilurd trecsn;rinvn on bih llr lamU without Irriga
tion or manure. Such trees are lncoiniaraby niiM'iiur In tlnwe vrnwn on
swales or watered soil Irrigated trees when planied on hi.di and dry soils tiro
liable tosttint in growth and if they live, it Ih liable In be 7 or 8 years before
they bear to amount to anything. Oiii trees are frequently In 'beariiii (ho
2nd year front setting out. iil .send references to siiiist ant late thisnsxcrllon.
Atr. J'ram, I'cttci'n, J'rtuiCH, ','tnim, Cnrri'n, (fiihircn mid Atricot.
Small fruits in variety, orniunenliil trees urn! shrubs, ami 40 varieties (out
of 100 tests) of roses. Sirrinn J'nniix. Fevernl vm iel ies of JS'rw 1'rui'hin
and Karli Texan l',l(i-khi iri h Special inihieeiui'iils to t.iose )lanl.ln In lots
of 100 to 1000. Correspondence Invited. Address,
No. 2 Dekum Building, N. W. Corner 1st and Washington Sis. Portland, Or.
OIJY PILKINtilON. Hood River, Or.
J - - - ' " ' "' "" "" " -' - -Jr-"g?':!i"l?r.-j-: 'a; icM&m acts
ft." .K-w-Mr i'j
and Builders.
DPlsuzxs and Estimates
Crandall & Burnet,
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been duly unpointed, by the Ilonorahle
county court, of Wasco eounty Orepon.exeeutor
ot the estate and will of James A. Jlanklns lute
of said county and now deceased. All per
sons liavinir claims aijalnst said estate are
hereby notified to present their claims, duly
verilled, us required by law, to me at Hooil
Kiver, Oregon, und within six months from
the date of this notice.
Kxecntor of the estate of James A. Hank ins
jlyit Hood Itivc.;-, Oregon, June 11th ISO!
Fiimiliirc, Carpels, Oj
A Full Line of
IMenafcifii Goods.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended to
166. Second St. Tiip Dalles, Or.