The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 30, 1892, Image 3

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    Sfood Iiver Slacicr.
tioointiVKit, ou., jur.v, no, ncj.;
Till: MAILS.
Tim mull in ilvi from .Ml, HimhI nl II
clock A, M, 'ii;,, ,,ivh nml Hul itrila vm; tit.
pin-In ''hi hhiiii' iIiivn ,i muni,
!;W niHiiiHi'ili, li'inivinm ,. M. iii rlvi x lit
I . M. iMlllllililMi.
I'ur WIiIIm Hiilinni, I.-iim- ilnlly nl M ,, M,
krrlvi'M ill nun u rli.i ii l'. M, .
Km m While Nnl i Inivi'K Tor lnldii, till-
Jlll-I. Tl'IMII llllle Mini I III MullllllVH,
W i'iliii'ilii) a nml KiiilnvM,
itii!i:r i.oi i, MAiirus.
let cold soda at Marvin Kami's.
?-Mt clears id tin- l)niir Store.
A line line of fresh rljiarniil the Drug
Ytni hiii miiII yourself In a Miidlic, in'
cording to, your ii, nt t li Drug Store.
Mr. Keclcs Im, vo iiiiili'iniimil, nl (lie
DochS, li. gel there? WVtl 1 should
Willie. Is, li.
1'ieltllV I'r.llllcd to 1'llllT lit tlm fill'-
ulturc Mori ,
Ml'S. (', ,. J 1 11 lit ll.lS IlloVCtl lulu till'
ll.lktT III. Use,
All kind uf country induce bought
mul miiil ni I Im ihoh h,
Mr. Shelley, nl I In1 East Side, has
lulcly built h'iuw li.ii ii.
l'.i l iuillty of 1 torlic Iliiilmr lime
nt fl. Hi per liuiitl. S. J!,
A large supply nl' li ti in Im! tin.' wall pa
jxtJuhi ri'ti iM il .y s. J;, i ;.tt t in, -i.
;ve In r ii iippoiutul ai'iit fii-
tllf mik'uiJonipli A, V ii.iuu'h pinpri'iy ,
Jlllnen I'eitk, caine lioine flout I'oil
Jitlul lant 1' I I'lu) lo It-uiiuii a liitiiilli or
CaplaluJ. II. Dul. im of ) iMiiiji; nv
Iiiih icinleicil hi it r.i-ii,ilioii ol thai
The lltiliut-H t'oiiipmiy liaH h 1 I lu
IiuII.IIiihh ami liu-iioi'Mi at .MoMtr lo
Jim Miiiieily tV I o.
Al the ltiUiht of partien iiitt leMleil,
' p:i::i in Uiik Ikhiii.- the ileeitt,' in the
J 'helps clti'k water ciiHe
l.:;o per harrcl for lluutlntou lime
till U'Mt III (lie inalkel ut lliu lloml
iliVerMlK., Co m' utoit'.
A line lut of houic-rcinlc rt'il lard ami
Oregon hams, hhouiilerit ami hiienii just
icci'ivt'il ill the meat luarkct.
reachc! are unite pleutliul in thU
inarlu r, mul the crop tins jicar Is unit h
belter tliali una cxpfclctl. '
Mr. K. 11. Meirell. htewanl on t'o
lUulat. .r, has hoiut-stt-atli'il Mil tit'ica
on Nciil eicek, above .Mr. Mielit-y's,
Mliucr ltumt him let Hie contract for
lillllillliK a neat little collate mi the lot
uilJ'.liniiK Mrs. lluyiit'M tin l lit- wi st.
If you want lo insure your property
rv'tlieuiber that Me I'epicscut i.oi:i the
(teruiau-Auierle.iu mul l'lueulx, Uuili
Holhl, n-lialile eoinpaiili'S.
Dr. .Sneilekcr will U- at the Mt.Hooil
holt-l Moiulay , prt'p.ii'eil toilounv umk
In his line. I lic iloeti.r Is u Ilist-t luM
tlentist ami uuruiitccs his work.
Tin' upper mill Is running, cut tin-;
the lust umber the lalter part t.f las
Week. A bin ilaiu is ht iiiK huilt jtlu
ithovc this lul.l, ucio.-s Imen cift k.
Tim Uenulator will U'n'ui her regular
trips .Monday, making c iuiietiion with
the t'lty of The liiuas on Hie lower
river; ul least so say The P.iIIoh paieiM.
1 have barpiiiiH to Rive, to nil lh,ie
wanting siiuiinri' mucins. Call ami pa
)l'iees bel'iiri' jiuivhasinjf elsewhere.
Mits. U. .S. 1Uwi;i.i.h.
Mr. lYaler'M team ran away Monday,
evidently breaking loose iVoiu tlieir
hitchillK I'osl- 'lhey Hmaslied the
wagon up badly, but I'oriuuaiely hurt
liu one.
Mr. mul Mrs. C. II. Cordon, the lat
ter i)r. lirosius' sisn-r, and tlu-ir fam
ily arrived here from Missoula, .Nioii
laua, .Monday, ou a Visit lo tlio i)r.
i uey li.-ine lor h iine to day.
in. Nelf ami wile, who have been
,ln tlio WiilanutU- valley foe several
JlU. ulhs, arrived home Wednesday.
Ml'. iSill' Will leinain with us awhile
mul will be plea, rd h, iae his old
Ira-mis look uiio liis cauiera.
James 1 loiiy cauie nu'i' from Trniii
lake, M.e 'day, for the purpose of in-v-
itg li lo.'.'i l camp Cijll.(;e till I Mines
for the Jii-ii. ii. iiiiii, who will
cam) al Trout. Lake for die next
month, ilis family accompany him.
The Oregon Lumber Conijiauy has
about coinpieied tiie work ol lining int.
Hume, and do not expect to have any
dilllcully in running lumber down li,
notwithstanding (lie loss of feedei'-i ee
cuhIoiiciI by the l'helpa creek .1. linlon.
M. V. Harrison Iuih been having a
nerioUH time for a week past, the results
t.f his trip lo Lost lake. Iteing uiiai
I'UHtoiiiL'tl to riding, hegol sadiile marl h
and u collection of carl. uncles with
them, which have, liken highwayman,
atood hlni up.
The notice concerning the game laws
is worthy of perusal. The violators of
the law may lind themselves unpun
ished, but they should remember (hat
they are .taking pretty dcHperute
elmnees. Grouse cost ingSOO mul tlirte
months In jail are valuable birds, too
valuable to be killed.
Lust week Mr. J. P. Kgun presented
us with a dozen or more line cars of
green corn raised on hiH plaeo ut White
Salmon. They were duly appreciated,
ami the fact is emphasized that While
Salmon always gets in first, or very
near it, in the seusou with early fruits
and vegetables.
Dan Lewis' minstrels I'Vida night
drew quite a fair audience. It was not
a phenomenal success, the only redeem
ing feature ubout It being the song by
the couipuny, with the chorus "Clod
hless papa," etc., which was well ren
dered, and was therefore the more of a
genuine surprise.
O. A. Lindsny and T. A. Templeton,
who have been visit. ng Dr. and Mrs.
lirosius for aome time, will leave for
their 'home, Kenesuw, Nebraska, t
tlay. They have hud a pleamnt visit
and go home delighted Hood
Kiver. W hope to ice ineiii here
.again, and iiext lime to lay.
Why eoiili, w'neii o. Ii..wHljtopJtJlu'ijjyiijj,
.1 tut Halt, nihil' host of the I'iiiuMUm,
It. C. Ireland or lliu Chronlctv, N. J.
Slnnolt nnd ProlV'iwir Llncoinl) of No
I ro Damn 1 1 li ) , Ihillmiii, made the
mil in I Irlii to Cloud Caii Sunday, itr-
riving hint In lliiii'lu enlch I In.' 10:l'l
I pnsseiiner, mill tin vintr 11 vi hours ou
! i'c i i 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 . Kph Ollngcr "K"t llieni
I (lll'IV (Ill till! '."
! 'Hie Trni'liiTH1 Normal County I iiMt I -
lulo fur Wit'-i'ii county will lu 1 1 I 1 In
till' brick school llullMi', Till' Dalles, Im-
: ginning August L'M, I:;;ii p. in., mul
, M ill I'nllllllUl! Ill SIHlloll lun Wl'l Us,
AM-) IiimIiu low III l Mi'i'iircil mul I.
! clli.rls spilled liy Hupci llitclidflit Klii'l
i ley to iniiKu !l u" grand success, Tcach
I civ, pYnso ri'ini'iiilirr (lie lime mul
: I. rin;: your h xt-honks.
I I'l'i il I,. Hodgson, deputy collector of
M'llstolils fo)' t lie iwll. of I'ol'l IiiiiiI, WMH
I lu ll' Wi'ilui -:- lit.v taking lint measure
! hu nts of t 'nilaiii 'oc'm new IiiiiiI, (lie
.'"I mill." 'I III! 1 1 IM HI'I . l K llf llulU llllll
i hollers then look ii Hu n ill her, mul It
Im jii'iilialik' (lie secretary of I In Interior
lllul I'lirlr .l.'iiy !is will IiiiVC hoiiU
Ihimi lo say, a- wi ll imSi'i-ri'liiiy 'I l ui'.v,
i licl'oi'i' tin1 limit w ill In- iillown'l In run.
! l)r. (). ('. lIulllMer, Id'v. V. i'.
! ( 'in I U mul I ii'oi !' iSiih'M of Tlii 1 i.'illi'K,
linn ...-v. i.i.'iiii.ii-r un.i win. oi liaill-1,,,,,1 t.vim. 1,,'ivl.y nlniiii."l mul for-
i limit', linen' ilic nip In ( luii'l t an Inn' .' , ,, ..
! To- .i,y. Tlu. iMfli-H f-.lkM .an..! I.a.'k ,fV,'r ,"J"''"1'I "' llv.-rIM U.e walr.
Weil ii ,"l.'i V eveiiliiK, tlelir.liletl witlli"' J'lu lm creek floin iU lii'.llll'ul ellall
lllu'liip. 'I'm -iliiv Hie pally nuuli' llu- in! at tiny point on r i-lieaiu lu-low
:(r;pto Coopel' H.iir, ll.n- loht on ; ju Ha(, ,,.;, ,,), ,,,, ,lf ,.,., ,.V ,
I lie v, ay Iiiii-K mul lieal I V lill liislilliy: u ! . .. . , , . .. , ,
; line it. la, It. Mug pollJ-l l.y Mime one j ''' M ,!""" H '"' f'1'-''''.
IVoni Hie Inn I'.illlii'' tluiu'ln witlin I" ".V oilier in-iuinr wlmtMocvt-r.
j liol ll,
! M. A
Moody, v ith it parlv of Dull, s '
' friends, made the 'up tn .Ml. Hood,.
! starting Salii'dav allel iii. hi and st..i-
i ping lure thai nij.'ht , arming at I he.
! 1 mi Sunday. The parly Cuiii-if-led, be- ;
sl.l.s hiiie-i'lf uilid be Wasu'l lie.-ide:
hlni"! Il l llh.'l of Mi -. A. I. New man, i
Jliw-i , niiie ai.d Lalig, Annie j
.i u man, and .M'"i. V. K. Sui.ih, j
'jr., 1''. A .i.'-evu and 1 !. tiieen. 'iuey!
li IllllU'd lo'l he ll.diei iilli ; iV. j
L. A. Me. Nary and 1 1. N. Co, !,i-i hl.'
i i -1 II d K'vc: at ..: II a. m. ou fool lor
! Ci u l Cap lun; arrived Iht-re nt 7:l"i
p in. .Next iiioi i.imr s'.iled for I he;
H li i In i I at H n in.; i,-'-,i (be Input
l i'l;'til p. III., lelii .ihlnjx linn- inn- hour,!
lilid were hack it Ilic Inn al 7:l" p. m. ;
I'lie weather was iidle waiiu on i i
and very little wind. Tucy could lit t
; Hud the biK mi .'a i n of snow a'-,t
Ice, til. had a d.-m in I view lo the!
, wm Ii, i.oi I li and east. i
I lloml Itiver Lodge, No, 1 1 i.V A. ;
'and A.M.. was eoiiKiimti-d sfalurdav!
li vening last and t he fallow imi olliecis ;
I liislailtil: C, L. Smith, V. M.; Lew;
I Morse, senior wank n; I'. C. lirosius, '.
iceeiclaiy; V. .1. linker, treasurer.'
; After the ili-lidliil ion ct-reluon ;es ail
eleealit Miiiiiiei- uh itUeiiwe.l tl,.
ineiubers of ihe eider. The following
guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. vT, ;
, S. Myers, . I. I,. Story mid wife, .1. A. ;
I '.-. , I I I .... W ...... . I t 41 ..I
. 7 .1, . TV T,'. i oe .
, l.lalcl,v,
i A. La i.e. 1
M Vii.i ti,.l.. ii.
. riiir;i.aii, L. I'urgusou, i
I. lluiu.-t, of The Dall.-s, !
Dr. 11. A. Leavens and
: i i . ... t i i i ..i- -ei . . . I, . i
; i '. i:. Wiiev
1 'n,,,,., , v ... . i urday, hell we setlled it ill tlie midst
! I lie c am p-mcct ing al Mosicr wound , . ,
U i in Ihe Lest possible colidit ion. The h""w l,a,,li 111,11 hrollgllt it home.
I r stilt was lll'teeu conversions, ideveii I On Tuesday, July (ith, we made the
iiiapihmis and scvcnlccn professed the I luscent of the mountain from the sjuth
' lilcssings ol iK'rieet love, and a lirst- ,, , ,
class spiritual eoiidilioii of 'dl the nieni-! side, llnding no barra-rs in the
l heiship. The corps of workers was per-; ,'"1,;' crevasses, although la er in t lie
i.i it-is. ir.ini t :iHi.'ioi i.neUtf
agreed on lining the best lor (iod
. aim 1 ne peopi,. em iy in,. Kime corps i
j Ol Workt'l'S With 11 ll'W exceptions, Will
Ihe at Ihe camp-meeting at lU-hnoiit i
! Just sou ih of the Methodist church, on j
the I 'ut iir ranch, mid In addition there I
I hi ie several ministers ami lay work- i
ters from abroad lo hehi. Come, audi
an i. ring lems ami cunip eipiipage.
! The grounds are good, shade abundant i
and lirst-elass order has Im-cii the rule. !
lieinelliber, the llrsl meeting will hei
Thursday, August Ith, at p. in,, mid 1
continue ten days at least. j
J. W. ltitiitv. !
j Mr. W. Pi. Tcny his aneid new ham. j On t'.ie way down we dried our stock
, Mr. V.. 1). Culkins' in w wind mill' ings at. Mt. Hood's uon-extinguishable
I built by M r. I). I). Itcgci-s is a great furnace, and then slid down for a dis
; success. H gives power enough with jtauce of twenty-live hundred feet o
j an ordinary breeze lo work six two-, more on our alpen-stocks. Altogether,
Inch pumps. we were nl-ie hours and forty minutes
I Mr. 15. Warren has just completed a front the camp to the top of the niouu
. Hume from the falls on the west of his I tain and buck. At present the summit
I place whi-'ii ill irrigate two acres laic-j is eovVred about twelve feet with snow.
; ly cleared by hlni on Ike cast of his Later in t he season we believe the as
' orchard.'!, lie will set the two acres to tent may not be made, n-.t this year,
,i .... I . , . . 1
si raw i t 'rry pimns next nmidii. j anyway.
H. C. lingers will plant three acres ! We spent a week, starting home Fri
more in sliawl i ' lies in t!ie fall. day and camping over night at ihe
W. .1. Campbell is planting pot-iocs ' ''lak F.eds,'' but we found a deserted
on bin laud hi low the hluC. He will claim evry evidence of abandonment,
plant about two aeiet in potatoes and ; at least us fur us elks wci j concerned.
i cabbages. The low lands along'' the
! Columbia, if planU'd after the summer
Hoods recede, mv excellent for late svg
, ('tables.
I Tlie dij.'g 'i' sipiirrels have about fin
ished di; gin Mr. Foley's potatoes on
j the , Crockett p'a-e. They have
ilso i
commenced to gather his apples and
pears. These rodents are ijuite numer
ous tliis year and are proving des
tructive to crops of all kinds. A boy
with a dozen steel traps can keep them
under subjection on a fnrly-acre tract.
They iniike good feed for chickens.
Excelsior alliance meets to-night.
Mrs. Liuighlin, mother of Mrs. J. F.
Armer, who came to l'ortland with the
! delegates to the Presbyterian Assem
bly, starlet! Thursday for her home in
Ohio. Her son William lias decided
to remain in Oregon.
S. J. La France and wife, Miss.
Shut tuck and Wm. and Roiivnce
Sinith returned Monday from their
trip to Mt. Adams. They report hav
ing a good time and were successful in
catching fish, bringing home a line lot
of the 320 trout they caught. They
remembered their friends and your
correspondent received a nice mess on
Ice from the wonderful ice caves of Mt.
I Adams.
The black weodpi elvers have made
j their appearance again in this neigh
I horhood. Those who have red-stryaked
j 0 raven: teln apples w ill do well to look
after the birds if they wish to save
The I'lulim rrccli li.cri.(..
j.. uii'Hinin couri ... mu mme o,
Oit-Koii for Waxen county; Ilcriiiinl
I i I I li . .. J i i. .a
Wuii'cn, iilalntlir, vm. Oregon I,uinlcr
I'liiiiiuiiiv . i i fi.ii. no .
v...., ... .li.. i i.i !.,,
j. tin" iiiiii'i
tin ioi Hearing alio nun on um pieiiu -
Injf, ilepoMlUoiiH mul cvli'.ciii'u reporleil
l.y Hie ref.-reo her. tofoiv .Inly npnolnt -
"... , , ..... , : ',, ,
H; lli.. plalntlll uppeailng l.y liin at -
loi ney, A. K lleiim tt, mul tlie .lefeii.l-!
mil appearlni' l.v ilx nltonievH. Muvh.
Ililiilitigloii A- Wilson; (lux cause hav
ing l.ecti heretofore, In wl(., on I lie lit L I
ilny of I'el.nmiy, H'.r' luly mviicil mul
b II Kit I t ( Itu I Mllil l.f i. ,.( ..).!. 11 mi.
.lera.lvl-einent. III.' eouil, not, liavlnjf
, , ,, , fully uiIvIhi-.I In Hie premrrteH;
now, on this ilay of .June, lH!rJ, tin-
colirt liavlny rend mul fully eoimlilere.l
Iliemalt.-.H lu co..lrover.v.mull.ein-
, .. . , . , . ', ,
fully u.Ivim-iI In lie- pii-iiii-ex, It Ih
tlierefoii-oi'ileietl, inljiuleil mi. I decrcctl
l.y tin- court that the ilefi n.Iaut. Iih
'oIllriiH ami ii;m'iIh nml all .i'soiih
I ckiliiiinr l.y, Ihrniijjli or uiuk r it, he
Aiul (hat plalntiir have mul neoviroi
of and from the h f.-n, taut his ci.-.lsand
-li-liu."-eiiieiils of this suit, taxed at
' , mid that execution i-iu- llicre-
fir. W. L. r.ltAI.SllA W, Jud-e.
Mcstuuc I'r.nil Ml. Hood.
Iloiiu Jti vi. n, July is'.ii
; Kmiok When .Mr. llni
j ge.-t and I visited Ills ll'i.Val Jlighliess,
M t. i llinil, Oil ills thl'ulll- U ft'W l'as
ago, he si'iit a ine.-s ige by us lo your e-speett-.l
sell, lb e it is:
' "His Lmiiu-ncc, Ml. Hood of the Cas
; cade JlaugC, to (he I'Mitor of the Hood
' Kiver ;i.A( li;i:, git t iin;;:
' Come and see me. Mount Hood in
, vitesyou. Come away from city smoke
and country toil mid loo'; down my
j blue crevasses and hunt at my feet in
j tall forests and climb my shoulders and
: look out over the country you don't
! half appieciale, and feel like ll new
1 111 ill collie!''
Mr. Ivlitor, you'd better go. We
have just spent a week with him, ami
" l'".v"1 J""'1 wu
The trip Is made in a tiny, and is not
as vet exceedingly dusly, while at the
J '
eiufit lit-u t,m. f enjoyment f.
" e iitiiiteii ami snot grouse lu
profusion, a line biidger ami a young
buck. Tills last-mentioned game we
1....1 :.. , m-. . i
'4 ill t , I I (l 1 lll( I 'ill
season, when the snow is melted, the
S(r,lt xvill become much more diUk-tilt.
i . , 1 I , .en r .r
A,'"Ut ,ww 1,U"ll,V,l lifly feet from
,l)l' is 11 '':''l ridge, over
which the climbing is dangerous; be-
yoiid, all is plain sailing.
We were disappointed in finding a
veil of smoke overhanging the entire
surrounding country; however, there
were visible the seven peaks of the
Cate.ules Mts. Tacoiua, St. Helens
a ul Adams on the north, Mts. JeiiiT-
s n, Table Uoek, Three Sisters and Dia
Fiuuikloii Notes. I iiiond lVak ou the south.
Oj.ivku Uowia.i-Joski-u
A reputable gentleman of Hood,
Iviver, while visiting recently in Sputh-
em California, experienced the follow- j
ing episode, namely: 1 Ie and his brother
resolved to lake an ocean bath, and !
started to walk along the beach to a ; Land Otllt-c at Vancouver wash. Juno 2!, 1S!12.
suitable distance from the town of Re- I To nimsaUK'iimi'nm ami all whom It may
dondo Reach, to avoid the eyes of the ! "rn- .,.,
" I Notice Is iii'ivby fiiveti that the louowtiifr-
pubhe. A generous acquaintance of- nmneci sotttei- im iiii-u m.tii-o of his inn-n-i,
...i ii,,.... i- i i, i. .... ...i i...... (ion to iimke tlnm proof in supixnt of his
leied the use ot his horse and buggy, i ,,,.,,, Iln,t timt said i.root wili hofo.-o
assuring the parties that the animal I vv. K. inmhnr, l oniinissioner iJniti-u stales
. , Ciri'iitt ('uni t Kir Disii irt ot ashinirtim nt
was entirely trustworthy. They ac-kioiili-mlak' wash, on Ausust ;st ussJ, vIk
cepled the courtesy and drove to a con-! lionuhl l. Cameron,
-..i. .1,. ....... i ii, i:.. . i: i Adminlstratorof tin; estate of Colin Catn-
venient place, tIropetl the lines, dis- cw, aivonseti.
robed una placed their clothes in the
1 lS'tr.y to keep them out of the saud,
..nd then plunged into the rolling
breakers. It was a novel experience the gentleman from Hood River,
as he had never been in ocean bathing
before, and being wholly occupied Willi
entertaining the 1'iici tic ocean, he and
his brother forgot the horo until by
chance they turned their eyes towards
Redoitdo Reach and beheld the trusty
animal just entering the suburbs of the
town, with their clothing iu the buggy
and they without bathing suits! Hut
all things work together for good to
those who lovo the Lord, and Provi
dence scut a cow-boy that way, who,
for a fee of ?2.r.(), returned the bei;st,
buggy anil all in good order. Moral:
tloll't Ult filir triifJ in horses
(A.Ih ()IM,h.
( A) 1M Jin. h(,r(;))y notn(,(, Umt
t. t-,(W. Heimou for ttroia-e. t.lieiimint.
iiioiikoIIuii pliciiMiint, nuuli or purirlilK": j
' uimi tiit; ii
'luV Of
! September, Tenuity for vl
! I'ci.allv foi- vlolnt ion f
,l)llH (WH1 ,.M.or ., m t( i;;.H( or j
; luipilHOliliieiit In tins county Jail froiri
' live iluyntu lliree montliH, orloth, mul
' violation will jirowcutuil to the
i-xU'iitol (lie law.
, u Secretary.
Ji. C'oi;. PrcfHent Jlood Ji'ivcr
1 Jtod mul ( Jun ( 'lub.
'J lie I'lilon .Mel-till'.
'l'liu union im t liiiL' of tin- (,',
ch-t v of LI on. I Kivcr." whieh wUh 'liekl '
Ill llllt I'llVl ( 'l ll Iffl'lMMI I fill!! I f'llllll'tl fill 1
.al.lmt h i-vt iiin xvan u raml hiic-
et Man y of ilic iullr.sci4 hiul pro-
,,f (In- l.'nloii convi'iitioii l.elil
u New Vork were niul, mul were in-
'lee.l proliialile to all ('. Jv, workeih.
Alu r !'"; ,prorri.iiiiii wan liuislu-.l n
Keucrm i.i i.iHuioiieu Kiimwnij or iiunun
WI1H (-,,.r. Thu I'jiioii a.ljoiirne.l to
nu et next huiulay cveiiint; ut Hie J'n-I-1
luont M. 1',., chm'eli at 7;.io ii, m., id ;
wiui li time tin.' retnamiler ol the pp.
eee.linv;ri of the .'itiiiual convention w ill i
In-ili im-ii .l. All are cordially inviti-il
loattciel. !
.Mailing n ei ni-t at, JSarliiiiW. I
NO.NKY TO 1-0 AX. i
'J he mider'nigi d will loiui money at
In per cent on lir-t tnortuagr' on red
tslale, III stalt! of Washington. Ah
stra"to(' liile reipiired and no loans
made ou i u i 1 1 1 roved land.
A. S. 1!uiwi:i:,.
White Salmon, Washington, i
V Hi. I ut I n el r-'il 11' V
i!icr.,r!.,',cu:'vatV';i I
i-i ure, ion fruit trees just com-
J,l ie.' I
I live 1'
lieie-. li
mcnciiig to bear.
M. H. Nif
( oo 1 miiuU r H second
stove for sale at Harrison's,
hand cook
l!K ATTY'S oi-irans t
ll in.'iiin.. l-'or inirll-
hi I -.. i-liiulil".!.', M'l'll'i"-H lHOIIel 1'. licllltv.
Witfiliiiiitt.ia, New Jei '.-y.
B'No. S, i:11rfns leaves ut ll:.r.l A. M.
No. Mhil s" Jl:ll I'. M.
N. 7, llxpress leaven lit .r:l" 1. M. i
No. I. Mail " 4:CS A. M.
Sle iiiiers iVniii riallaml lo Sun l'rancisi-o,
every I days. ,
W5t - ilFnEiiffli8.:
l'nr rates nml ireneral tnforimillim rail on
nia'i.r Tii KK.r aiii:st.
V. 1 1. II T UI.UrUT, (ion. I'ass. Ast.
i'.l Wiishiilirton St., I'nrtlund Oregon.
That Marvin Kami has the finest brands i
of cigars, aiul an excellent stock of
choice candies. He will have iee cream j
every Sunday, ami lemonade, soda
water etc, every day.
Hon. Daniel F. lieattv, the great Or-;
1 gan and l'iaiio manufacturer, is build-1
inir and shii.iiiinr more thvalis and !
Pianos than ever." in 1S70 Mr. Peattv 1
left home a penniless plow hoy, and by 1
his indomitable will he has worked his j
way up so as to sell so far nearly 100,0(111 1
of J'.ca'ty's Organs and Pianos since:
1S'.0. Nothing seems to dishearten i
him; obstacles laid in his way, that j
would have wrecked any ordinary man !
forever, he turns to an advertisement '
' and comes nut of it brighter than ever, j
His instruments, as is well known, are
very popular and are to be found in all !
i parts (if the world. We are informed I
Ihui during : the next ten .veal's he in-!
! tends to sell 1100,000 more 'of his make; 1
that means a business t.f 0,000,000, if
! we average them at $100 each. It is
1 already the largest business of the kind
1 in existence. Send to Daniel F. Heatty,
, Washington, New. Jersey, lor "cata-j
I logue.. -I "
l're l. s. No. is.")7 for iho lots l ami 2
ii e V nml s e .'.j n w J.i sec. 2 T it n r 10 e w in.'
Ho names 1 he following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of, sntd limit, viz: .liuiios Drown. Frank
1 .nut', (icrdon Tulnier, of White Salmon,
Wash, Charles Pearson, of Trout Lake, Wash.
Jy'2-UKii John 1). ClKOtlHKiJAN. Kegistor.
Liuul otllco at Vancouver wash, July, C.tSili.
Notice Is hereby given thnt (ho followins;
nmncil settler has filed notice t his iii
tentlon to make tlniil pi-oof in support of his
claim mid lhat said proof willbe made before
W. It. unhnv, Coinmlsslonor CnKed States
Circuit Court for District of Wusninicton at
(ioltlonditte Wiishington, on Wednesday
August Slst viz:
. Jumes Hrown.
Pre-oinption D. S., No. iV)l for the e :j of n e
section 1 township 4 north range 10 e w. m.
lie names thcfollowing witnesses to prove
his coat iiuious residence, njxm sail culitvn
tion m", said Innil, viz: l-'vanli l.tuie, ll .naUl
1. Cameron, lii!acs C. I'liristie, of wtiilo
Siilnum, wiioh.. C il. 1'earson, uf Ti-'iut l.a..e,
wash. -
XlTrJJ TO -A-IjIj j
X UftlUJi UldK Jllllf JtXUU
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
, A largo supply of, and
Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads.
Undertaking a Sxiecialty.
rrejimeil to furnish ut once, u lint; claw of vmIIImv, uIki u cheap grn.Ie
hut tieiit. mul Hubntmitiul.
jivory am
; Oak Street, near PosloJJice,
Wo have Firtt-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hac&r
! and Saddle Horses.
' A Fine Four-Ilorse Coacb,
FS ? Pf engers.
ble point. KcliaUo drivers.
Our Dray delivers baggage or
llim"sl) U t'tw licst l'tilicj'.
This is a jiatent medicine advertise
; incut, but vour attention one moment
' may save you much suH'ering as well as
; money.
! We'cure that tv.ULdi. '
' We cure lhat tickling.
We cure that hacking.
Wt! cure that t limit clearing.
We cure croup.
We cure bronchitis.
We cure that hi grippe cough.
W e help you to sin and speak.
We are not the S. li. lozenges.
We area pleasant coiiirh syrup.
We are put up inoOand 7") cent bottles.
We are the S. li. coiiah syrup.
Guaranteed by your druggists.
Beatty's Pianos
wlii-r--. Kii'i-i:iiil"-'iie ii'lurti-s
ISi atty, Washington, New Jersey.
In iw j
F. !
j Ilii.MiKi.l'ATMIC
iPhysician and Surgeon
Clinpmuii IHiick
!" A TTO RXE Y-A T-LA II'. "
C hapman Block, over Postof f ice
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
KPLTIAI, attention given to"elean-
' ing and repairing watches.
; Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
Line Of
. n r t u
Cloth I
We Manufacture,
Real Merit
Does tne Advertising.
Pills? NO!!
If yon take pills it is because you have
never tried the
S.B.Head ache and Liver
It works an 'nicely, cleansing the
Liver and Kidneys; acts as a mild
physic without causing pain or sick
) ess, and does not stop you from cat
i g and working.
To try it is to become a friend to it.
For sale bv M. V. Harrison. II001'
km ml IM
Exv.lmivc IliyUt to sell
& Bone,
suitable for fishing or excursion
Parties taken to any uscem.
freight anywhere ia the YaHaj
TPi U'RlFTpB 02
Beattys Organs
Ar the
BKXT. M'rito for t'lili-Josw.- Ailuivs Hanit 1 F. Itt-aetyi
Washington, X JVrm-y
.Si-wefwof to a-VieXXSnvmJ
llAUDWAGHt, "ft'Oifl.EBWAUK,
Aconipklellnpof Hiiiiiti5iii tw.l? S'orrs,
l'iinii.s,riiHf Ilnmifioi-sMml Suwmx 4ijH-'.
.Supplif-ss'iilsoin roniplt'te stmH;ut
CariH'iitcr's, IlIm'ksmitJi'iii
Fanner's TtIs,
mm wmi
All tirniiHvPfiunfcirrif ani pivswfc will bft.
ix all; its Biuxciir.
Hats Trimmed,
A id prices reasonable. Call and ex
i amiue- goods at Harristin store.
J, I. ll
j Painter and Paper Hanger and
jail kinds of work neatly and
Chaaply Done.
noon KlVKp, - . - ort;ioN.
S. L.
suecassoB to e. bkck.
Ant rrn
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. Second St. The Dalles. Or.
Land Locator.
Every body wants land in Hood
iJiver Valley. I lvve some very de
sir ible tract's of "ood land or-'"" '
for homesteads- and timbered.
claims, with running ve-i mi
il'.eni. I can locale sevd.U s i.txiiiuu
idvantiwously. 1k not fai. to see
nic it HoimI Kiver Fails or aib'.'t-ss me
at Hood River. Wasco County, Oivyou.
Sv t.i.t'.'.s 1 n . '
Feci Stallcs,