The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 09, 1892, Image 4

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    "Each Spoonful has
done its Perfect Work,"
Is the verdict of every woman who has used Royal
Baking Powder. Other baking powders soon
deteriorate and lose their strength, owing to the
use of inferior ingredients, but Royal Baking
Powder is so carefully and accurately com
pounded from the purest materials that it retains
its strength for any length of time, and the last
spoonful in the can is as good as the first, which
is not true of any other baking powder.
How Nri-uv Cnlrh Scorpion.
In Jamaica the negroes believe that
icorpions know their name; so they
never call out, "See. a scorpion," when
they meet with one on the ground or
wall, for fear of Ins escaping. They
mun imiirpcuy recognize tne scorpion
delicate appreciation of Round; but if
you wish to stop a scorpion in his
Digbt. blow air on hnu from the mouth,
na ne at once coils himself np. 1 have
repeatedly 1. me tins, but with a spider
ii na a contrary encct. London Spec
Tit Girmia for hreaVfast.
oool cigars are now hicrh-
1, because of high tariff law
pipe-smoking popular, because it
gives more for the money.
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond,. Virginia.
Kalr rtay.
ah, husband, do not scold your wire
And mako her foor heart aolie,
Rv.iuso the can't build iea like thoaa
Your mother used' to make.
That U, unless you're quite prepared.
To see the whoto thinn through.
And buy her hato and dreaacai a
Uer father used to do
Kipley Tribuua,
MADE nilLlC.
I had a malignant breaking oat on my leg
below the knee, ana wis cured sound and well
with two and a halt Dottles or rFjfJ
DViorKIw1 mprlirinps had failed r.l(?M
to do me any good. Will C. Beaty,
" Jin,
What California Cltliont Bay, and Haw
Their 9taf ementaTare Confirmed.
No fact lias been more plainly man!
lest during the past few yean, than the
important effect which climatic changes
hrfve made upon the constitutions of
American people. The steady-going
habits of EuroD tend to Ion
but the influence of European climate ia
toward apoplectic and other similar dis
eases. Un the other hand the bustling
habits of the American people necessa
rily tax the nerve centers and other im
portant carta of th rvv.v uhi'a
and sudden chansres of atinosnhera. add
still more to the difficulties to be overcome.
The present snrintr has hean a vmrw
unfortunate one in California. The m.
tremely variable weather has had a VArv
distressing effect upon the health of the
people, which in manv casea hag rasnltixi
seriously, knowing these facta, and in
order that our readers might be more
thoroughly informed upon the subiect.
a representative of this paper has col
lected some important data, which ia
herewith presented:
Mr. J. O. DllSPnhnrr real oafaro
broker and land dealer of Fresno, said :
"The beneficial effects of Warner'a Sf
cure in a case of aggravated kidney dis
ease, with which I have been troubled
for seven years past, have been re
markable. Three weeks ago, mv kid
neys were in such a bad state that I
could ot rise from mv bed. I then be.
can the use of the Safe Cure for the first
time. The good effect of the medicine
w-a at once apparent. In five dava I
as up and around. I have tAlnn or.
eral bottles since, and now fAl ah -i.
and sound as ever in my life. I only re
gret I did not know the virtues of War
ner's Safe Cure years ago."
Jir. James A. Jasper, Santa Maria, quaintance, "who
wys: "i was taken down in 1885 with twentvliv
liver ana kidney complaint, and aU the
doctors pronounced that my spleen was
enlarged. I suffered from weakness, my
food did not seem to digest, and did not
seem to do me any good. I traveled
from 'place to place, to Mineral Springs
and in the mountains, but nothing
seemed to relieve me until my uncle,
of FrlKhtcnlnit Dark lee mlth
rmlirr Morle.
Speaking of owls, soinoiitnoa Kcrious
result arise irom Ucuijr rrijjhteiu'd by
OWls, Wo Wl'lli Outlined tun .if iid
noon after our unpleasantness with the
oiuu, in a weiru piaco in Hie mm!
lands in the vicinity of Now Madrid
Ala, tlicn on u hunt for turkey ami
o i roes auotii our camp wore
oriiaitioiiieu Willi emtio, Ull Una evoi
liie, wniio Wttne in tho tout encaged
in a lively chat, ilioro oatno suddenly
from tho tloop, still foivst about u a
wiui. unearthly scivani, frightful
enough to make the .hair stand erect
on tho head of tho unit iatod, and it
woiuu navo ltuuio it stand on tho lotui
rt XI..4 ....I I ,
v.r iii.ii, inn- viuwrvti nx-K, Wllolll WO
nan taken irom I'airo, bad it not boon
lor tiio kinks,
if i,. . i .
ii'iKTi i o: inougin. every
countonanco of tho ton assumed an
anxious look, "raiithorl ' exclaimed
mi out hunter. "os," responded an
oinor. 'NiieUs our ganio," savs tho
thiixl. Soon, naturally onoug'li, wo
woro engaged in tho narration of blood
cunning stones in relation to panthers.
iiiiii uue ui mo party inouglil wo
iieeuou tivsli water in camp, and Mat
was tictaueii to omig it Umi the crook,
a few rtalsawuy. lie hesitated, but
went, taking tho ax with him and
making the quickest trip on record.
Wo noticed after that when night set
in wo always had Abundance of fresh
water in camp.
Tho next year Mat was with us again
in tho same region, but in a wilder
camp, if possible, than the old one.
Ouo afternoon 1 came intocanipearlier
man usual ami loinul Mat sitting on a
log, tho whitest darky 1 ever saw,
grasping with both hands ono foot, tho
blood dripping from thoin. I found a
frightful wound; ho had put tho full
edgo of tho ax deeply ami lengthwise
into tho top of his foot. With thn aid
of thread and n glover's needle I
closed the wound, and wilh bandages
from a linen coat I had in camp
staunched tho How of blood.
The next year Mat did not accom
pany us, but procured another darky
who was several dogivos darker than
thetc-n of spades, hut sharp, raised on
a plantation in Missouri.
Ono day while chattering with Billy
he said: "Mr. L.. Matt savs them ill-..
a good many panthers here, and that
I had letter keep a good lookout and
have tho ax haudv. Did ho tell mn
how ho came to cut his foot? Ho said
ono day he was chopping, and when
tho ax was raised ivady to strike, a
panther screamed behind him iii the
timber, and ho looked around sudden
ly and somehow tho nx came down on
his foot."
A few days after that I camo into
camp and found Billy preparing food,
and a few yards in front of him, sit
sing on a branch of a tree, was a small
owl looking wisely at the darky. Billy,
with a twinkle in his eye, tainted to
the owl and said, "Mr. I, there is
Mat's panther."
Moral Never frighten poor darkies
with owls. Forest and Stream.
rator flow It your ami coming on!
not won him lately,
raront lYett? wolL
. "1 hoi he l not abowlug nny nlgni ,if
coming rant, as tsao fivquoutly tlio vum with
uoya in inrg eiuea."
"Fasti Why, parton, lie la
boy. "Texan Slftlui;.
l liey mI.iv nmliltu.l.-a whin the are lhr prod,
iiet of m.Klwt o( lurlnlont dlM-aa. A "alllth
I l.m.M.'horanyof ilu. "minor I .m' u''
million. (,ho Ihiini n i 7
a ni,i,.k.or ll.wlotl,.r'aHl.rtM.l, III trwai. Uv.';i ,
aiioniemy nvt ut 1 11 It. tr.l nn iilnrinlnii r. hnk." i
Some on, pi- i,,,,.,
Fli-st RobUr-1'vo found tliilni tholmly
in uiu nuiiMi iiooa nor Kliopplug In, J uiKW
UVI )lll m III mo HH-IC
cMxvnn ivoiidoi uiiMi wo'll have to tako
tho ihwa with ua. Wo ciin limit for tlio
ixx Ki'i wiu'ii no hnvoa wholoday to Kmr,
A HI fc ClUU.
0.1.1 '.(inly it ,,,,1,1 .. h,,Hll., U v ll(M,t'
u . .TV"': ,mV"- I'lMWl" Ulioillii.
hi Miirt W li J I h .! " .""!' fHIIIKIII.hHllU. Hi
... i t i "S ' " " '''' Mt llli a full
head of ti.iii I'm ,,e brakoa with , i
It lux illlliiii'i t imuuh in,, i
it viva i,, in.. ,.in.i,i , ,ht, ', ,
llllt II II. I Mll.llllt IKIlllIU ..Il ,l
iv , , ..7,. . '. ".
.1. ' i iHr.'uuH.i. i.i mill
...v in n. pnu'iiii' nir innliirlH.
I lick
A NlroiiK r'uuiidMtloii,
I rencU lu ldo lm liml a fall aflor all f,. It
has Ixhui diMvvensI tlmt a Hamburger clinc
liu-rumiii waaiuo only t i ml cmiM.1,.11 i,
me nnuiHxi aa utrong tmoiiKli to not li.s
louiuiation for tlio Kiifol tower. Now York
ti ,,
Slow Time Amiiii..!.
Mi- Jiuku Yea, I've wmt 8lnw. tlio colored
man, tor tlio doctor.
IVMNltnlMt -''Tliii Koran t.irl.l ilH U lllrt l.tll l.
mlta novoml wlvoa. kmiwlnu u..n n,..i .... i".
man would marry iiuiro than oue."
M I'll IS Kit Kll v ritKJI'DK K.
Thousand of ninii dlo rverv ilav who
might bo saved, rrejudloe ban murdered
many a man and woman. Jf It w,.
lieved that tho mini of dicaio could tin mi.
A Had Sraaoii.
Mix Hllnks-Soiit Kinisf Morov im.l IT I d uocd by iihyaio, much would be .ih..l
wou't cot th.MO for two hours. II.. nui.1 t I The iilLrlitmare of li u hi ... r..i..i......
bo a hotel waitor.-New York Weekly. uh aa It doea. In our ino.leni elvlllnfiitlon
,.,...,.,., niu.iy to expect illNeaan to
settle imon ua LecaiiHO we do so inii. li to
1.1W.H i.m niise we mo niton ami soatomt
ly expos,, ourselves to it. At the same
timewealtiiiiglittoutilnrhiii.i... . .....i
ot our ru.limeiiturv,... n,... ,.. 1
inirselves froiu the ell'eeta of aueh exposure
some kind ot fortinYaii.ui sliould , imilt
........... ...u vino nirces lest tliKeiiemvcarry
us, as It were, hy a midden onslaught Kor
masiy years the unprejudiced have used
latNi.HKTii m Pii.m i t his way, and ti.ey
have proved a most Ue.-.tiv.. ....i....
the approach of disease.
noi.i in everv ilrmr mn
either plain or sugareoated.
I lie) store,
Tin June tin i? iinttt.fl iit.iM. ii .. ...
hut lie .loei not .'.iiiiuiaiid half aa uiueli ifseeet
For cumglis, asthma and throat disorders
'0 noii a'a I'limriiiW 'irurAm," J.1 cents
n- .y
ojvic . wisrjovs
Both tlio inetlioil nn.l ichhIm wlion
Sjrup of Figs a taken; it ia i.Iciimuit
ntiil rcfrcBhiiip; to tho tnslo, nml icU
eontlyyct promptly- on tho Ki.liieya,
Mvor nml 'WeU, clcmisea tlio
torn ellbettnilly, tliMjicU, liciid
U'liea ami ibvera nml cures liahitii.'.l
i-onKti.jmtiott periimnontly. For hiiIo
ia 50oanl 1 bottles ly nil tlnimt
a hex
lsltor(at dairy farm)- oil, what kind
of a season have you had in tho milk tusimf
Milkman lh, poor, KKr; haven't had
uch a drouth in twenty yeara. Why, there
waa actually ona spell when wo had to'dopond
on the cowa to supply our customera. The
Theivorld will never tveoiue wholly net liulitle
while the (uriuen haveeropa to Ulk
A tiooo n.ACK rim imva.
Hoitt'a School, near Milll.rae. San Malm
county, ChI., in charge of ex-Slate Slll-
iiiieim,.iii ua ii, lloitt ami wli.. u
...... i.... 1 1 .... .... . . i
ninii. ir.iiv one oi i i lu.xt .!., ... i-r.
on uie i aouiu toast.
for Jloyi
t'ao Kuamellne suive I'ullah; no dual, no amell.
I I , I'M fi V
ThiaCRrATfiU'CIl CVIE, (Ms succc.
ft. I IVIW.'I '.iiiti. ur . ...
pjiHon apoMitvepii.nvintoo.a test ib tt uonihir
Cure can stand aurersful y. If y..u (nve a
corcn, iK);,r i.a ;Kirii:, tt
will cure you promptlv. If y.mri liil.l li.n the
cuoi'p or viiuorixu cort;ii, Hve it
m kly and relief is gure. f y,,u f(;ir CON'.
.SUMI'TK N,loit't wait until ymircasc i lioj e.
Icr.1, but Like thin Cure at onco nn.l rtvrlve in.
nip.liate help. IrRd b .tiles, 50c. ami $i.r:.
Traveler roiivrnirnt poclirt ?cc. A k
yurdnii;gi-.t forSHILMll'SCUKK, K vour
'"( are mre or Iwk l.inie, u ,o .Sliiloh's 1'ur.
ou I'lasien, price, 25c.
) 100 HKWAItll. 9100.
The readers of this paper will be plesstM to
learn that there Is at lest one .1 !..,..
that seienee h luwu abletoeiirelna I ltssik'e,
ami that Is raUrrh. liall'a I'atarrh Cure la the
only polilve eiirn now known to t. .. nie.iloal
(raternlty Cttarrh, U-lng a eonstltiitlouat dls-
eas:, reqnlreaarmiHtitiitloiial featmeut. Hall'i
Catarrh l ure Is taken Interniilly, ai ling directly
npou the and mueoiia aurlarei ot t v ays
Umu, there by ile.tMving the (oiiiulntl.iu of the
disease and glvlnir the patient strength bv build
Ing up the OMi-.tii itl.iii and assMIng nature In
dolmr its work. The proprlot iis have so mtieh
tHlth In Its ruratlre powe'a Hint they oiler $1(0
for any ease that It fulls to euro, bend (or tot
I'UKNKY A CO., Toledo, 0.
IW Sold by druggisti.; "j cents.
warn "sririiintii J 'kic.
.T S yKtAWl UALM f lennsea (he Kuan I
......K.-., i un, H, iiiiioiiiiiinil.iii.
IlieWnr. .. ll,-.lnr.- lt,in , s.ln,,, H1j
II. uU
t lire
t.lvea Itellet nt on. e tor olil In llen.l.
,n- ,n, r- ..rrir. ( ,, (,,Hu Alm.rll,
iiy mail, r.ui 111(1 in., an w
i!lior by mail, KLY UHi
arn.ii St., N. Y
Ci..- . f.
(-At-a ri!a
C 1 i 1 1
L.ot- o
A new brand of odorloxa u blatv ). 1....... -in
vcut.M. it Is called " Between the Aets."
TWA..M..1.1AJ f M .11. J l.L
grnyatpd case of Tetter, and three bottiea of I wnile X waa itopping at his place in Loi
! j u.oimniir.ui;. i Aiigcice, perauaueQ me v iTj warner c
i. - ' - - - 11 ' J.- mm - -- - , , raaru I .1 T"0 I . I - A n . . f .. I I
- wwm wnu IrCl.l n
. t i vuii a Kjuh iwu iwh i. iiH nprorn I
, . V. .7-
Onr book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed wlJi n change, ana alter takint
bwirr srEcuio i., Auanta, ua.
AUt seztrrjf
w aaa ,m 11 M
Bcor Buylnf.
-TDOtrrt aome water In the sleeve boldln j
JL the end tight aa here ihown or any
where else whore there la a aeam. and tee it
nit water tifrtit There arc eooda In the market
that look very nice, but will leak atevcrv earn.
We warrant Tower IMPROVED Pisr)
Brji)9 Slicher to be water tnht at every I
aeam and everywhere else; also not to peel or
and authorize onr dealers to make good
any Slicker that falls in either point. There are
two ways you can tell the Genuine Improved
Flab Brand Slicker.
I t. A Soft Vooleq Collar.
2l. Tl)l9 TrJa.ArH (below.)
Watch Out
for beth these point I
Send for Catalogue free.
IJ. TOWER. Mfr, Boston, Mast. I
-a I FT t K liXiK urti. If inr T.r 1 M TTI Oil nrfltrfl wmrn
i nave a positive remedy for the above disoawi by Ita ,Bew or hParJ tftZlin'jZ
TOethonaandsof cases of tbe worst kind and of Ion, l" ZA ,??r1 01 .8toI . but nothing
. h, vwi it JaClU KlUWlIIlf
twenty-six bottles waa a well man after
re years' sickness and given up by all
ny friends to die. I, therefore, give
Warner's Safe Cure credit formvlifp
I an1 4frtT. ..-.I.... J C . . '
auu iu. iu. wn iiiiorinauon in ray case,
write tO.James A. Jaarjer. Santa farin
and I will answer and give anv refer
ences both in Los Annreles and Santa
Mr. A. A. Cook, Mountain View writei :
After sufferinz for manv months from
severe pain in the small of my back that
entirely disabled me from work, and be
coming quite debilitated from loa?. of an.
petite and sleep, and after trying all the
best Jphysicians to no good effect, I was
induced to trv Warner's Pf I .urn an4
after taking three bottles, I was able t
work and eat again as usual, and now I
feel like a new man."
Mr. Max Anthonv. Oroville. hrl o
verv pleasing experience in his family
With the use of this e-reat remwlv. Ha
writes: "My wife suffered for a
time with nains in the small of
She tried everything to cure herself, but
Without doinc her anv omu. TToarina
ot your Safe Cure, she ennr-lnHoH in m
it, and after taking a few bottles was
entirely relieved of her nain. M Htti
daughter aged twelve, would at night
wet the bed. We tried in all wava we
A Man Who Uvea to Eat.
Ill the costliest of the eating bouses
in the Wall street region, I saw a crowd
of men taking hasty bites; but at a ta
ble ina quiet corner sat a leisurely and
good looking but somewhat stout
young man devouring a canvas back
"Theresa chap," said a mutual ac-
spends between
VB mill tliirfv rlnll.L-o n -I..-
tor taoie expenses. lie lias no one but
himself to think of, and I think lie is
an unusuallv well bebn vod ffl Inn;
But his appetite is the biggest thing of
its kind in town."
It was observed that thirty dollars a
day was on outside ji gure for one in
dividual to eat up iu a day.
"Not wheu the individual eats six
time3 every twenly-four hours and
has an especial fondness for canvas j
Dack duck, terrapin and choice wines,
i suppose you ve heard the idea ex
pressed that the thin men are the big
eaters. That's a mistake. Thin men
have spasmodic appetites, and go for
iwu weetts at. a ume pecking over their
plates like canaries. It is tlio stout.
uuriu party uiar, eais long ana largely,
and are the fellows that keep tho'guy
guiuH, mo imii men.
iNow, tuat chap eating tho duck
wouia give a hundred thousand dol
lars to lose fifty pounds of .flesh, but
he can't deny his appetite if it were to
bave insure, funny, eh? What times
, don't we? Think of him.
. v jx ;fliv
lijri. C.I.I.... lata.
For Ludlea and Aania. .!..
Jn Pneumntio Cushion and Colid Tires.
msmond Frame. Stan D.oo Fo.oin. ,..i
Tubing, Adjulbl njllBmine,
including PbJu. iuipn,mn Saddle. '
Strictly IIIGU GRADE ia Ewry rrttoulnr.
r.l rata-
.!, ele.
SenJ A renta in alarapa f..r onr HH-noe lllu.lrul
loane of l.aa., Ulflna, ItetoUrra. Annrlln l.
n I r-. a .
r. lwycll AKIYIS CO., Mfr8.f H7 Wuhlnrton St.. BOSTON. MASS.
Do you feci bad? Do you have a licadache?
Does your back ache?
UK! lafaf al in trou . e a
I 1 t. m .... .
uou i icei like work. Tho ff I in
piil. You are full of bilo. YUUK
TI .1 u . - . .- . .mm
iuii c om b 0I moore 5 M6?eaiea Kemedy will do it ami make
Made xeeU
tho weak, nervous or ailing woman
who takes Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Prescription. It's a medieino that's
guaranteed to help her. It's
Villi Tltfll I 1 Irn n . -1 la .
J " " ihthdii. ror mie by all druirtr mt
your liver is tor-
(iet rid of it without delay.
an m-
In jvory town n Or(rnn
uiiu n naillllKUia. writ
w iur particulara.
lit 1Vaahliia;ton St., l'ortlan.l. Or.
we get here,
witu a cool million, loafing his life
away, tie has never been to Europe.
Mirwl., . 1. : 1 . - A 1
icuus iiuniiii"- e.xceni me linwRnniwra
seldom goes to the theatre or opera,
but simply collects his rents every
quarter and eats. Well, we all have
an icioi, i suppose." New York Letter.
atandmg have bflen cored. Indeed aoetrongU my faith
SVf 1 W" md TWO BOTTLES FBEE, with
aVALUABLB TREATISE on thia disease to any aut
-- - 3u uiv uitnr nxpreas ana 1 . u. addresa.
A. Slocora. M. C 183 Pearl Su, N, V.
worge, u anvthinir. The child arenr u
ashamed and mortified over it, we could
not get her away from home. She
would not 80 to see either fripnHa nr m.-
lations. Finally my wife suggested
using Warner's Safe Cure. After using
kW0 bottiea, she stopped wetting the
bed, and has not done so since, now nvr
uiuv uonins 820. I WOll (1 nnr. ha with
out It for ten times its cost. I think It
the best medicine for family use ever
placed on the market. I cannot say too
much in its praise."
Mrs. Kate Ward, of Wm t?..h
For two vears T ,flfc-r1 f-ki,, Z"I,.uVl.. w.m?.8 :. "T daughter
Wltli stomach trouble, and was for ceived great benefit therefrom. I
an mai. nine unuer ireaimeni dv a "cci witnuui, n in my nouse.
physician. He finally, after trying Mr: Edwin E. Webster, of Cabella.
1 . I IU AHnmiA a.. a. i t-r '
everything, said my stomach was
worn out, and that I would have to
cease eating solid food. On the rec
ommendation of a friend I procured
a bottle of August Flower. It seem
ed to do me good at once. I trained
strength and flesh rapidly. I feel
uicimuwuuiiuuuiv, sava --i am hin
to state I have used warnpr'a Sofa rf.,
andfcale Pills with the beet result pos-
BlKla lAJ.r.HM.J 11 T 1 T 1.
,wi uc.augcu uver ana Kidneys.
Bat one conclusion can be drawn from
the above facta bv anv i
dividual. That conclusion must be,
that while kidney and liver difficulties
now like a new man, and consider r mingly. Inereasinf' 8tl11 thwe
tHat AUPIlSt F nwpr riac nirorl mn It " v "" "icaiio oy WBWn
Jas.B.Dederick.Saugerties.NrY. cod, a wIXirthly
ai D M TT xr. a a o w tt -MUU"7 tureu.
j. , ii... -j-i, o. rm a, u. lift. Z4
A Contrast Between Paat and Treaent.
It is a singularly suggestive fact that
the patent office building, one of the
most beautiful structures in this or
any other country, is, in the main, a
reproduction of the architecture of
ancient Greece. It is almost paradoxi
cal that the inventive genius of this
young and vigorous nation, a genius
mat nas uorne us part in revolution
izing the arts and industries of tho
worm, is thus visibly linked to the
remoie past; mat tbe system which
nas placed our country in the van of
cne march of progress, a system that
makes aggressive warfare on the past
and contemns the present, while it
pays its devotion to the future, is
uuuacu in an euiace mat was virtually
conceived in brains that moldered back
to mnared dust 3,000 years ago, Cor.
New Orleans Picayune.
Naming Kittens.
Naming kittens is to vounf? children
a matter of no little responsibility and
importance. A little girl of our ac
quaintancewho has been well in
structed in the bpiscopal prayer book
has recently been made the happv
possessor of three wee kittens through
the unselfish and maternal foresight
of her pet cat. "What shall we name
them?' said mamma. After serious
thought and due deliberation the little
owner of the feline menagerie said:
"Let their namps ho TWtlo M,,l..
- - ' VHV.1V. iUUlUDl'
and Sudden Death." Buffalo Commercial.
yigorating, restorative tonic, Booth- Dinnno n M J r-
ing cordial and bracins nervine ' . '.'rr""" vrrtiuns.
and a certain euro for all the func
tional derangements, painful disor
ders or chronic weaknesses that
affect women. For ulcerations, dis
placements, bearing-down sensations,
everything that's known as a "fe
male complaint," it's an unfailing
remedy. It's a peculiar one, too.
Peculiar in composition, peculiar in
its cures, and peculiar iu the way
it's sold. It's guaranteed to give
satisfaction, in every case, or the
money is refunded. You pay only
for the good yoa get.
Morrison Street, Portland, Or
If til any liulii.aa
nut I'liylni, you .Imp
ll ami buy an lin-J.r.ivi-.l
rati I... In rata
Ink' t ill, lion than In
any otlu'r IiiirIii.'m
fr lli.' nipltiil hiv.'.t
el. A l. aiiiifully II-limtrut.-.l
ol liii'iibntom, llrooU
eniniiil nil kln.N el
.'I.I..I..... L-il rnrr
.V..ti .i..n'..ihk. met
LV ..,...tu r.,H Aa .1
Bono Cutter, iocca
ltv Clover , Cu'vter,
Hint I'vei tlilin ri
qillrt'it l.y jiouitry
rniaui a. bi;v
Itcnt J'oucr or tlirlr I'unmne.
l'ulmer 4 Key, a V Cal. & 1'orllniirl, Or.
Beche Hirker Lima, Portland Cement. Ool
den Gate and Utah Plaiter, Hair, Flra Brio,
and Flra Claj. LAND PLASltR.
60 North rront Street, Oor. D.
It's tho big, old-fashioned pill
that mal-na thn ,i:..i, .
.mv i.iuoi uiniui uniice I aa. vv aaai -, aaaaa, aaaaa
but it's ono of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Q I I RF lil I RP
I ellets that does the most. crnnA aar taaF aaaaj
Mild and gentle, but thorough and
effective the smallest, cheapest and
easiest to take. Thev cleanse and
regulate the liver, stomach and
When I aav mm T H,, . ,
ror a time ana then have N..t..n 1
flf5'cur.Ji5?m'ul8 the disease of KH'S, KPI
LKPSY or FALLING 8ICKNKSK llf.i,. ... rf. 1
rhIhIn7rT??t0 cur" th" -'r"es. Because
, mimi .or Doinowreceirinaa
I f' m?? rt once ,or trwtlse and a Kree B.ittle of
my infallihle remedy. Give Kxpreas and Office.
H. . KOOT, M. C. 183 Pearl 8t.. N. V
Paclflo Mftdldna Co.. 639 Clay 8U Bo Frauclaoo
D RO P S Y jWjMj
. . H?.!)'1 thousands of caxos. Cure casna n. " w
iouiice.1 hoimlM. . .... ..r.T .V v""m pro-
.,,.., ' ' """I'l'mi'inns. rrom nrstdnse
lyiniiUiius dlsiiupcr: m ton daysatloasi
.'.'"".-ii, o.'n.i ior rree d.
unB.MMinin ciinw. Ten .Ibvs' trout
- - - v... .13.UI1. iiiib auvurLiaouieur to us.
Metallic Skylight, Iron Cornices.
J. C. BAYER, Portland. Or.
Next rphkIoii will Wl .1 ll.ff.lll 1 .U.lll.
tecnth vear: eltflitiicn j'ii. lw.rU a'. ln..'..7L... i
raUliwuo addrvHi Kkv, K. II.' Cniim ii. a m
rnncipal, lOliti Valencia Ht.( Him l.raiiclHoo, Cal
Tuffs Tiny Pills0 i
aj a siiirio clone produnca benpflclal r- fl
aults, irivinirclK.f.rfuliif.HH of mind and
0itiio.vM.ncy of body to wlilcli you w-re.
ht-fore a KtraiiB. r. Thev enjoy a pop- O
ularily iiniiarall.-led. I'rioe. '4r,v,U.
at Vrires 1 nt 1
ff f UssrsDlMd snt l 11
jtJ ssm Sirtiiara.
Hl(r Is tha aoltnriwlaaaTTa
leadlna; remedy for all thi
unuatura. uinrnarjrea aac
private dlsfasfls of men. i
uenaincura lor the debl'l.
Utlrif weakness pecnllav
..j . .1,
MMaaivby Ipresnrioeltandfealsafi
I THE EvKt Chemioi I no, In recommaodlnc IIVI
all aunerara.
J. 8T0NER. M D .OrndTim.lit
SOId by nraiaaxlaiav
PENSION i pAtpiitb-
C fL
Tho Specific A No. I.
rinrcs, without full, all rawa of nnnrr.
turn and lee, no itinltHr of lmw loiia
stand nn. l-reventa strl.-liirr., It heliia: m In"
tcrnnl n-mwly. (;urrs wln'ii overyUuii. else
lins fiillnd. Hold hv all Urumrlata ' " tme
Prlee. S.'I.OO. t'o., Hun Jose, Cat
San Francisco Examiner.
If yen have a claim of any description whatsoever
Old Oolrl and ftilvA. TO,....,.... .a ..
..... , Tu, ,muu mm,
against the United States Government and
wmu iv speeany aojuaicated, addresa
narnnet.'js.yr. Waahlnton, D. o,
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Kanlest to liar, and Cheanesr.
I I Kfst, FJinlest to liar, and Cheapest I I
I 1 Sold bv druggists or sent by mail 1
LJ 0e. K. T. Hazeltlne, Warren, Pa, 11
II AV rmrrr
irTObl1"'" rnwt)
r w I AJUia,, U.Oaaft
SURE, you JUST TRV California Diamont?
CATARRH lli"fYith
-MVO-Teo.,ftqfc,icc 0:.cnwich Ct , IT. T. City.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuint.
Sold Everywhere!
Vi II. Iign, 6)4 WMhingtonat,,Portlttud,Or7