3(ood Iftvcr Slacicr noopitivi'it, oit.. .1 i v, ii, m Tin; mails. Tim mull iiitIv.'u froiii Ml. Ho.ul t II o'. Pl'x'k A, M. Wctlitrkiln i' mnl Muhircn,'N! ill" inrlx ''in miio i hi;, .0 41 it ii . For Ciioimui'tli, Hi H A, M. iiiTlvt' ut I1, M, MiUui'liim, Km' NVhllu HhIiikiii .nvi' dully lit A. M. rrlvr m nan u elndi I', M, From Willi "hIim.iii nivis fur Klililn. (Ill liinr, 'I'iiiiiI lulu mi. I illi'liwiiiiil AIoiiuii.vm. Wriiiiriulii) iiinl I'VIiI.ivii. ItltT i:!-' MMAl, MATH! its. It, U "Ju.ljro" Henry now. Mulling i.'0 cent ill JlurlimW. IM.lt eluM ut, the Diiik Hlore. A lino II ni! of Cii-mIi cigar ut tho Drtitf Vim cnti it yourm-lr" In n mnoke, uc cordlritf to your ilk!, ul the Prtitf Store. l'ny you i' wiitcr rent Utility unci nave ill cent. INN H. H, net there? Well I Nhould mull.'. H. It. rioture framed to order ut tin fur ulture tor. Tin' iU'W rmiiily oMoern were duly iiiMtiillcd Monday. Mnt. Aunkn, lrft for tliu cunt Thurn duy to join her luml.uiid. Tl'lllltllCll lllltH Ut ('"(; COIItO Ullll MU them ut MIhk HUIhoii'm. All kind of country j;roliii bought and Hold ut JIiutImoii . The Mlwi'c UoIh-iIm of Tho Dalle vUltcd friend hero tliu 4th. leu fur km If, hih( ii r rind house to rent. Kwjiilii' of J. 11. (ii'ide. Jti'Ht iiiullly of lloclm Harbor liinr tit a I AD 'i' buircl. S. K. IIaiitiii. A lurgo Hiipply of handsome wall pil lar Ju.il received liy S, E. H.u tiiii'MH. M rH, Monroe w ho lias lici'ii viillng friend In 1 ii 1 1 lot 1 1 lit, IhuhIii luuiiu 'i liuvo lu'l'll lipimlnli'd narnt for the sul.'ol Jos. pli A. Wilson' piopi'ily. Mcwcr. J'.. Wurnn mid IVtcr for do,, went to 1'ui'tlaiid Monday even lug. Mr. I.yninii Smith ruin." lioini' from Al"lla iil' the 4ili, M'tni ning Wcdi.t. i.iy. ' '.i d a! ly ii nd mi' I In- lalrsl t 1 1 1 1 m In ;,..i ; :n...(i.i ! v, ,tt iiM'.M'.i ni .u.'-i. . ' - fi ..ni ' U '.'t ,', , , . . ii .-i ..ii i. Illl il III II" i , ,'iil I. I , 1 1 . 1 in. uii on r uu' i' 'ii'i t it. J. M. Iililililif;t"ll lilt wivid iinliiv on ( i.iiniy ( a n, i iwi-M'ii, lii.il lio twtl conical li.ts I'll ri mo . Van Ji'lmii, u I tin' linUl.in lul.rlii'- In tue .-nil ii ii.. . .Hire ir.-re Mil I, chilili,; .In Wil li, A II ie l"i b ..lie- i.'i'i I i.t I .til. I (ill uil Il .ill-., l.iililllut i'i an. I U.ii' nl ,lt!.( lieeiied a. Ine mi.it in.i. ivi Ml'. i'lilUn r'lVllfll of I'i t ll.l.ie: W.e hell' A.iu ila,!, iiinl Wax one n liin.-i' t ho Jiml llli.-v i I In- lelll.i.iii III die CM I.UU. Wdl l'otlt-r, ul JlCjipui'i' in vlnitlii hi" ji iienl. .in. ..llu .uu M. J. I'.i.u r hero, lie weni In 1 1. ail. lalio ikniiilig, '1 UeMlay. Mix. 'l ielliail 1h Mopping w ith I'alid lli ( lal K, w lii) lu.i I' i .hi'.m lu make lier ll nut! Willi her noil Newton, lu l'ortlaiiil. CiihIi litiikey, Will IIuynen mid John Nieki'lHi'li, ut tended a ilaiiee ut Air. Itloweii' place, ul While tSitluion the evening nl the -nil. If youw.ui!,ymirli'u.i liinunul, re tnemuer thai me Herman American; for which we uro nuent, In onu of the lari;et und uiol reilable in thu world. Tliu went hound freight passing hero hImiiiI I) o'eliicl; In lliu evening, wu u hhau of red light the evening of tliu 4th, und Wit loudly cheered uu It ral tlfil by. MIh Lulu, ulster of C. It. Itono arri ved hero I ruin i-tpriuglield Illinois, Wedni'Hilny of hint week, und will ic inulii during the Hiiminer visiting her bi-olher una IiIh family . Mr. Wlllluni Mercer prosentod us a nice lot ot ripe penelicH raised in his yard, the former A. IS. IUowith pluee. 'J'liis uiiHWcrs thu latter gentleuiuii'H imeulwiii I'll ii 1 1 While Halniiili. - Mr. und Mrs. Ituiuwy urn! family of Mt. 'I'ulxu', MiHi4 Kminii iSuinnieriteld (if l'oi'tluud, und MIhh Adnu Helm of Thu Dullea, vihlted Mr. und Mrs. H. C. Coo during thu week. Mr. C. (J. Itolwrtu wan hero Hnturduy. lie exjie'eted to have limduughter Luey lirought here ut once, hut tliu doetois inforined him thut It would he Impossi ble to move her for u month. Judge Wuterninn, of Hkumunia county, WiihIi., ufter spending the 4th with the Underwood brothcrx, ueross tliu Columhiu culled on his old friends here on hi way home, Tuesday. We are perfectly willing to tuke wood on 8tibnermtiou, hut wo wunt it dis tinctly undefBtood it must hi; pine or fir, no hard wood, for from present In dlcutions we w ill have to cut, it our- The flint jmrty to Cloud Cap, went out Tuesday; Mrs. AunUs, being one of the nuniU'r. Wednesday, llev. Arthur Urown of Portland, ucenmpuuied hy his w ife und three children made the necond party. ' TIiohu having grain' to tlm'sli will tako notice thut mi extra charge will lie niude for threxhing Iimiso grain, mid long utraw. This tieeonies neeesHiiry lu justice, to those who put thuir grain up in good shape. Henry York und Grant Evnria wont, to thu Locks Monday e vening to play for a dance. A-Ji. Jones and wife, W. 1$. Perry und wife and Mi- Huttie JX-lk.were among those visiting the Jjoeks that evening from hero. Waueoma Iiodge, K. of P., will In stall Its new officers to-niaht. They lire.: Oeorgo T. Prat her, C. C; J. Ii. Hunt, V. 0.;J. Jt.Itunkln, Prelute; J.ll. Nickelsen, M. of A.Q District Deputy Deptuty II. C oc Id Installing uinecr. i I'li'iu'lilni: IliU Huliinliiy rvcnliiK ul J tin I!, Ii. cluin li hy lt:v. l. Hicku- I'oohc, hi rvii i'K Imiioi'i'iiw ut 1 1 a, in,, ! and h::U . in. 'I'lic V I'. '. II., iimm-I -' 1 1 1 ; fit 7.1'i In tliu rvi'iiliiif. MllllllV hi'Iidi i ut Ilia. in. Ilnv, t,', W. i I'iikIo;, 1 WiiliicHiliiy t j t n ! i IiikIi in ! Id, ii i tin' hIii rin, 1 1. iiiii'ii, W , i'inic lu'li mill other, M iooM'il nil li i i i lor i I lie n;;i Ki l.t'iiili" I'o',., Hum" tt'iiii j'Jii ljiM en I Ii, iiinl III in piolinlily tliu i lnil iu'1 of I In- i -i iii , uh rveiylmily K'l'iiln to lie hi, I il ,'i, ! t'lijiliiln t'ne invued u leller IVoiu ; )i'. I ll HihM laiit wi i'li. Tin1 J Jiii'm' : Iiiih liei'ii tiiitinv, u piMl ,iiidii.iii.' I'liuiHi' jut I'hiliiileijili.a, lilid in IhmV lueiited ' ti'inpoiiinly In liidiuliiipoliM, ' Ji iiinl j Mi'f. 1 hoin.iH iiru 'well, mid expeil to I reniiilii w here lliey me until the fol i iiinhiiiii expohllloii In over, When thev j will again Hii k u luuiiu on tliu l'lieillu ! eoiiHt, i The hrlduu iii'Iokm Hood liver III j Tiieki r'H wtiH completed IjihI wiek, the j work M'tlitf iloiui ipiiekly mid well. 1 liu HlrlneiH UM) l.H, ulil 111) kel l-'iiKi ivhiiiih on Holid rock iiiiinoiiry on the fiiHt Hide, und on the bed luek on the WiHt Hide. 'J hi re lil'i) tim e lieliM of l.'xl', (lit! fruiiiii U NO feet I mk MxlU tliniiei'M, und ten I'eel luli; h l. i iti H, fruaiu -Ml, covered with llnvu Inch plunk. A. H. liinlirow wlillii returning front ( I i'ii in l)iu t lark h luneritl had u lively runaway. Wiien mar home one nln leireedropH'd down, und thin let the tiei'kyoku pull oll'of thi tongue wliielt dropped, und the end niimin in tin' ground l ho Wilson hpMet thruwin JMmIiI'oW W'llO wiih ulotiu in till.) Wilson I out under I hi- Iioim' lineli. He re j eel veil M hud hi u Inu on the liipandohi! Jliolitti kicked him on the l.-ll elieeK. i'IIiu hoi'MM hroke Iihiho Iroui (he wukoii und Iroui caeli other und look u run hy theiiinelveH; one of them runiiliiK lliioilli u tmriied wire fenee, mnl ilil 1 1 1 iK hliunell hudly. There are (inile a liliinlier of putierH ! Hrnl IVoin thii olliee to H'ipli; oulnidi) ol the Hlale. Many ul Iheiu have been Unpaid Hiiee tin' paper Marled, nml we lire 1'iiiiipelled to lake hoiiio uetlnn eon il i i i in 1 1 n-1 1 1 . ThiiKo bent l,y p.iilleM1 here, Mln, m r luiuw are nil nlii, hut i I there are ii number that we do not; j know who ordered them, und I'miw iiieiitly we have but one recourse, ami , ! (hat 1h (.1 Hlop "ending thelll. We llml j that the 1 1 1 itn rri'iivbit; thelll will, , liul p:i' iih lliey nay they 1 1 . 1 nut nrder j j llii'iil, a. id !! the pi imuii w ho did ot'iler I them are ll:ilvliini n In II, tin' ieU;l N I llii (Mine i.h il lie welc (lie vii't.lil mi silai.li' nil pi 1 1 V l.iliiliy. We will, ' Hlaiid II In e.n,-,' ue hale to, iilll t' h.r.e nur ni'i..i!i jn-i! lie' line. j A i. .. :,i.' .v.- . : ! 'I he-! ii b, , . i.'Kf ! i one III a id : ii.,1 i ( v, .I'l'iiiii.tu I' r ' had b. rn 'n ii,. ,. r-.w lu i I ie, ei .id Ml, - K.v :', i.i..!il '. lie , ,,! ti.e t ii '!l i'.e ii ; (. l ilil p ,V'lef curly III ill e.uupaiiy wllh nii.ithvr Mi'. I, iev, but lh 'V .t t ill' lU'li'llil , V. :ib-!iin:i:i i t in it .".lid ijuil . !enevr, 1'ier Vo.iitt a U.irier to 1J ul a enini'e of e.ir- tri.b. iii.d li.vd one i ' l hem in lii" ' o e i . I'..! I el bet w . en ii'.,.:er V H.Mr-s Ki ible a ul !V r.'-i pi. 1.1'. .M:'. L.ieey ; and w.di'hiii :n K 'pile.. M C liul I II'; I I!) H-lW li.l.i p.e i i'e mid I ;;ii! the fine. Ailel' ! viiti n; it he heg.iu In Inn's around on the r:rainl cm ilioU;:li he had iir...pi'il Mi.netldiivr, and itppai' i enlly f irgedn,:; thai he had lit the ! J'tW. Lacey slioUtcd at hilll to throw ' it, and ran toward liiiu, but almos;, in iMautly (lie cirtiide exploded In his ; hand, l.f'.lug him four or live feet l from tin- ground mnl dropping him in j the cloud of dust the explosion had ' raised. Likh'v ran to him and assisted lu carrying him Into the bluule by Ol!hgcr& lione's bniii. Dr. Morgan was at once Hummoned und did every thing possible for the injured man. Pierce never lost consciousness, in spite I of the terrible shock and his terrible iti j juries Hi left hand was blown en tirely oil', an inch below (ho wrist, the two liiNt lingers of the light hand were ulso blown off, Ids breast und throat were bruised and lacerated, iih was ulso his leas; und there were two deep cuts over his eyes. 1 Ie bore his misfortunes bravely, und w hen he asked for a drink of water reached out his arm to grasp the cup and simply said on seeing the bleeding stump, "Oh I forgot." Dr. J,ogan, the company Burgeon came idown from The; Dalles on the evening train und took him to thu hospital lu Portland, w here the left arm was iim I putated, and his wounds dressed. Wo saw the Dr. as he was returning Tues day, and he told us Pierce would prob ably recover, but that he would lose one eye, and possibly both. Pierce was about '!- years old, 'unmarried, und has been employed at railroad work for a number of years. ItemrTliis.-"" C. Stanley Stowcll has been appoint ed agent in Wasco county for the monthly magazines und elegant im ported photograph alhuma of Messrs. True & Co. Ho will visit the citizens of Hood river valley during the ensu ing week for the purpose of Introducing these desirable publications, und at the same time will distributem; of coat a splendid collection of art treasures to leach subscriber. Also agent for the world renowned "Story of Man." 1)1 j At his homo near Hood Itiver, Sun ! day July i llrd, Thomas L. Clark, aged j 77 years and months. The funeral took place Monday, Ilev. C. W. Wells performing the last sad rites. A large number of his old fi lends followed his remains to their last resting place in Idlewilde cemetery. Mr. Claris came here in 1870 from Colo rado, and remained until his death. He was a, man of sterling character, commanding; the respect, and winning t he esteem of all with whom he came in contact. He leaves besides his life companion, one son, Newton, residing in Portland, and an a.l.iptatl daughter, Mrs. TIcnuM. Our (Vli'linitl'iii. I ndepcndeiiee day was appropriately 11 ebriilei here IMld dot-pile t he UIIIMJllI w.i'd and coiiM'ijiif ul dint Ihe crowd ii.is.ire and peisisicnt. The parade formed on Third and Oak, with K, H. Olinger marshal of the duy, and marched to the grounds. Oolite a largo number of carriuj were in the procession principally from t he valley, 'J he pin;; null" were it special fe ituri! in. d It l Kifi! to say lli.it. u inoic imloii blilu( oulllt than (hat of Will II i.vih h, liei'l Hirnnahau and the mule, was not, hci.'u lu the uuivei -ie m that day. The l,iiigua'o N not rich ouoiijdi lu adject ives and adverbs to do (lie "toot le-wm-ble," There was Mouie'iinnccessiiry de lay lu carrying out the programme and this applies to the whole day, hut W illi one or two cxeepilons, notably the foot bull gallic, und the chase ufter the un ctuous porker, It was curried out us published In l he columns of the Oi.a ( li;H. We did not reaeli the grounds until after Mr. Isenherg had delivered the oration, hut have heard It spoken of as a masterly cllort. Mr. W. P. Watson pleased his old friends here by a short addles, and Jtev. Uighy gave a response to a to.nl "the public schools of America," ufter which the lunch baskets vyeru brought out und inter viewed to some purpose. After lunch the base ball ganic between local teams, followed by tin tug of war, races, etc., tilled up t lie afternoon. There were four races run by the girls being won by Clara ISIythe, a daughter of Mr. W. Smith, of Portland, Pauline M.illey, and Mrs. Tutu's slsler, u young lady from I ho valley hut w e were unable to learn her name. Tliu lsy's races were won by James Klbson, Hoy Wutsoa and Dehiert K ind. The lire works in the evening were in charge of Janus Laugille, and were set olfou the river b.un; below the depot ; they were cred itable for so small u town and were thoroughly enjoyed by ull. The baud furnished excellent music, und lots of ii, til ing on hand Irom tarly morning mini the last rocket was sent tip at infill. Taken ail in ull, the celebrat ion w as a miccis. 'Lio M .n il Peier! Mi.-. Pepper, who is hidl'eriug from fine u:iip;ion came here a few weeks .:g i :ll hopes el' pelting at least tempol' i.iy ii'ia i, but her condition was such as to demand her leluiii to her home in Portland, llir husband Was sent fur and a! rived loaded with pepper or snine.hing cipially walliiiiig. llistei.d ol si.iy ii.g at his w ife's bed sole he pro uviioilu li,l ii.in-.e.l' et fuller of the i up t.ial H,elil'..il( -, cheels aiul Knocks oit'. As he did i. ol siiow up a H'aivli n.isinaiie lor him to ijuict the anxiety' i l in Who, but lie count not be found. I.i,iiy the next morning ho was diri cuM red in the cellar uin;, r .Mis. C ham piiii's wuivhoUn', w he.e in; had iun lUled liurihg the night to sleep oifhis potations among the potatoc.-. lie was (lie ill uiikeuesi, Mnpidisl and least pungent Pepper that eier got ill slleh a box. s.iiuiahy enough Pejipi'r's brains weie in Pepper's pod, and it was a sadly pickled pepper that was picked up in the early dawn, and just-bodily bred. The unfoitunale wife returned to Portland in the evening, taking her lord and muster, "His Condiments" along. A I'aiulaiii;o. Wednesday evening to the soul in spiring thump of a primitive drum, the noble sons and dusky daughters of the bosky forest, inarched down to the Luiigille building for the purpose of having a native dance. The room was found too small to admit the crowd of spectators, so an adjournment was hud to the armory building. The Fourth of July committee paid into the hands of the leader of the orchestra ten dol lars, which was taken in lieu of an ad mission fee, and everybody was admit ted free. A large portion of the audience occupied the big stage, and the dancers togged out in all their finery, took possession of the Uoor. Andtheu there was dancing such as Herod's daughter never dreamed of. Dancing that Taglionl, wouldn't have simulated if he could. In fact it was un Indian dance, which is like nothing else under the sun. Most of it is done with the arms und body, the music never seeming tostir the muscles below the knees. It was not a scene of bar baric splendor, but it served to amuse Hood Kiver's citizens for more than an hour, and to gather them all together Itr peace and well there was no har mony. A Sky picture Tr. Barrett's weather report from this section for June, shows there was a line solar halo on the 3rd at 0:30 p. at. four coroimo at cardinal points, the up. per coronae was indented, as if a small dis-e had been cut out. The coronae wci:e very bright, and a second ring a duplicate of the first, only notso bright, surrounded it. In the eveping there was a fine lunar halo. At 7:45 the stiuie day a brilliant meteor fell, its course being from past to west, and ba ing near enough to pass in front of the hills on the Washington side of the Columbia, which made a line back ground for it. It was a sea foam green ia color, and left a train of brilliant sparks. " , Why cough, when B. 1?, will stop it. TJio Mi'i'llng Tiimlny, ThoKlnte Horticultural Society will meet hue Tuei'day and Wednesday, and urraiigi inetits are ah.iut completed for the reception of our vii-itors. A committee ban been appointed to ar range for earing for such of our guests us cannot bo iiccomuiodaled at the hofel and no doubt ere thin, has inter viewed inosf of our citizens, w ho can provide for them. It has been sug-i-ted I bat, our fruit growers arrange for giving Mii'se attending, a ride through the valley and to this cud, that all having light wagons or biig eieH(Jiiin in this cn'ort. Itismi honor indeed lo have this meeting and we should show our appreciation of It. The meetings will be held in the II. IJ. chiii'eh tin- Hist ut I :'!!) Tuesday iifleriioon. i i mi mm, m$m) 0f,SALE i Kiirrpjjy to .i-xj PEKi CIPAIi POITrTS ! EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH 1 r.vsr not I KHOM HOOD K1VRR QN". So. , l!"!ill-S Il.llVI'-l ut 'A M:ill ll:.M A. M. 1011 I'. M. Wi:ST IIOI NI) KI'.OM HOOD ItlVKIl. No. 7. I'.riirrhH Inivi'N ut .Vl"i I'. M Ni,. 1. M.til " 4:IH A. .M. : lll iiiwimiiiii TttHi.Hsu.nNtNu n.,nt II()1,sty u tl, I;rst poli,r. ; I .,:nf,Ti r.-om lN rtluail tu rnmcln-o. ! Thin in u patent niedicine advertise evi ryi.hi.vM. j inetit, but your attention one moment Si lo si From Erne.; I'nr r.il'-s ii:ii ir '!i'r:il tiifirmi.tloli full on IlKI'liT 'I K-KKT AO TINT. ! w, it.ii t tti.r.i i:t, A-i-t.'-.ru. I'lisn. .Kt. i ill Vt'iishiiljjKni M., rui'tliiml orison, j DO ""NOT FORGET, ; That Marvin Il.ind h:n liieliuest brands ol'ciirs, and an excellent clock of; 1 1 iiiiee CM i ii 1 ii . lie will have i'"e cream : ev -i'V f'.iiiilaV, anil leuioineie, soua vi tc r ele, evi-rv d:iv. lie 'ii a l.n) b.i .'e a .-toi-k of li;v urn ks fur the 4th. 5i;:A'nYs hasvj.s a: 'j oikjans. lion. Daniel I'. Ileaitv, the 'Teat Or- can and I'ii'.no mauiifacttirer, i build ing and hliippiiij,' more Oi'uutiH and 'I'lanos than ever, lu !i-70 Mr. licit ty l.'tf III, ll 'ii'ltli it.'wvi ,t!i,V IwiV Mill! l,v Id-, indoini'.ai.le will In- h:m worked his way up mi as to fell .so far nearly Ion, ooo of lii:tl,v'r (lifiaus, and Pianos Mint? IS "(. rS'iiliiiiLf ni in.-i to dishearten him; olistaelrs laid in his May, that would have wrecked any ordinate man j forever, he turns to an advertisement! and comes out of it brinliier than ever. His instruments, as is well known, ;itV I i very iioiiular und are to be found in ull parts of the world. We are informed j that during the next ten years he in- j tends to Jil ::oo,(.oo more of his make; that means a business of o.oun.nno, if I we avenme them at flOd each. It is! n tread v the larjrest business of the kind i in existence. ,S'iid to Daniel l'MSeatty, t Washington, Is'ew Jersey, for cata-j Incite. notice rem rur.LicATiox. j I .mitt (Wire ut Vimiiiaver wa'-li. June 25, 112. j Tu Imi'4;nUl I'maeroa and all w'aom It limy I'Ollrlin. ! Notice is li.-ii liy clven thut the fiillowinc-! luum-ii settler Im's liietl notice ol' his inten-! lion to liiiike linn! rnl' in support of his j I'hion, nml thin Kiid proul'wiil lie anule hof.ire j W l lln.O,.,,. I '.,,. l.i iocljttw.i- Knit... ISt.it.iu . ( l 'rait l oiii i i'nr ljharU-t ot Washington at liotitcndiile wti.sli. im August :11st lrtViS, viz: Konald r. Ci.n.onm, tV.mlnlstrutoror the estate of Colin Cum cit'U, (ieeciiseit. l'ro l.i. S. No. 1S,V for the lots 1 nml 2 s w J4 n o 1 i und s e n w A see. 2 1 1 3 il r 10 e W in. 'lie names the following witnesses to prove his eonl innmis ri'siilence uima und cultivu linii i f, s;iid lund, vir.: Junies 1'ioivn. Krunk I.nne, (ieri'.en i'lilmer, of White Sslinon, WukIi, Charles lVnrson, of Tnmt l.nko, Wusli. jyi-UKo John 1). iJkooiikuan. llcgistei'. i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ; Lund otlicc ut Vuncouver wash, J uly, .'.1892. i Notice Is hereby (liven thut the followh'.E' i nunieil settler 1ms tiled notlei- ot his in-1 i tention to inuke ri mil proof in support of his I claim und llml said proof will he made before j W. It. luinbur, Coniniissioncr Coiled States ! I Circuit "Court for District of Washington ut ! (ioldeiuhiie ustungton, on WvuneMuay ! August :11st lS!i2, viz: j James P.rown. j Pre-emption I). S., No. iVl for tbo e of n e section :!! lowiwiiip 4 norlli range 10 e w. in. j' He names the following witnesses to prove I his continuous residence upon und culllva i tion of, said land, vix: Krunk Lane, K.inatd ! J). Cameron, Douglass C. Clirlstie. of white. Siilmoa, wash.. C. 11. l'earson, of Trout Luke, S wusli. j J.vliagi;! Joim P. Gi'.ooiiKOAjr, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tim bei I.Rnd, Act June 3, S7S. t'nitel States Land Ofilce, Vancouver, Wash., June iS, IS02. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance witu the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno;!, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in l!u slates of California, Ore gon, Nevuda, and Washington Territory, "Kruu eis M. Lane, of while. Salmon enmity of Kliek Itut, slulo of wash., lias iliis day filed in this ottk'O bis sworn statement no. t,;18, for the purchase of the northwest ,'4 of section No. Jil, m townsliip No. 4 north, rnnge no. 10 east, and will oiler proof to show thut the land nought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, und to establish his 1 claim to said lanil before the lteister and Re- reiver 01 1111s ci,.ee ai ancniivcr, wash., on Wednesday, the lltti day of Seitembir,HSit2. He names as witnesses: James Urown, Peter Cue lernn. Harden l'almor.ol White Sal mon, wusli., Charles l'eaion, of Trout Lake, wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to filo their claims in this o'tiee on or before said 14th day of September, l''i'2. jytisptll) John D. Okogheuax, Register. AimiNISTItATOU'.S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned L. E, Morse, has been appointed by the county court, of Wuseo county, .State of Oregon, int luinistru'or of the estate 01 C W. Finn, de ceased. All i rso!is having claims against said estate, are lvnuesled to present, tiiem I property vcrineu, 10 me, ai jukhi niver, ure gon, within ulx months from date hereof. L. K. Molts::, Adininir.trat ir of tho estate ofC. V, Finn, deiva.ica, - . ' " Dutid July, 7, t?!.'.'. rpaa rpsr FURNITURE AND ALli' KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Vall Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A largo supply of, and Kj-i-lnmrc Hight to soli Celebrated liquid colors and tinted loads. Undertaking a Specialty Prepared lo furnish at once, a line class of coffins, uls.j a cheap grade but neat, and substantial. Olinger ivory am1 Oak Street, near Post office, HOOD RIVER, - - OREGON. Wo have First-Class Stock find and fcadule Horses. Fine Four-Horse Conch, P'Ttic, carries nine puff-engere. Parties taken to any accessi ble point. Keliubh drivers. Our Dray delivers baggage or Charges i mav wive you niuen huueiing us as , llioney. We cure that couudi. We cure that tickling. V cure tliut hacking. We cure that throat clearing. We cure croup. We cure bronchitis. We cure that la urippe cough. e help you to .sins; and fpeak. We are not tin' S. Ii. lozeiipc. We area ideasint cotlirli Hvrup. Wi'Hii' nut tin in .lOaiid T-jcvnt bottle: f are tlie S. Ii. cou',di syrup, (iuar.sntecd hv your drujrj;isl. In me ' i"1 f"r.r,?.T7 K Jl.-ia31.OS Kvor.v I. ii.'lv. I' u! v' rlll.lii'..l; iHl'tll'-.i j'liun-i y. HtJlttJ', WilnhiU i'W Ji-rscj-. DR, G.C.FSHELMAN. lloLUKiirATJlIO P h y s i c i a n and Surgeon f Cii.ipmaii Llra-k ' TIIF. XAI.IJi:s .-- OftEnoN. i " VV. H. WILSON. A TTORXEY-A T-LA If. ROOMM fj'l. AND o3. N'KSV VOOT BLOCK, THE 1)AI.I.K, ORKGOX. ih-fi k & jienf.fek, AHnrnouu-at-l aw Attorneys-at-Law, Chapman Elock, over Postoffice T 1 1 l: iam..ks ohicuon. JUST RECEIVED. A new stock of Ladies' and Gents' WATCHES. FILLED AND 8ILVEH. CASES, CHAINS, CHARMS, ETC. SPECIAL attention given toj clean - ; ing and repairing watches. j T TT T-T7lT " TTC!XT i J. 11. 1 JliXtlJ U DUIV , 'iHood River, - - Oregon. FULL Line Of TU TT0M Cloth inQ j 3oSTorJ.AAS5 M V. HARRISON. We Manufacture, Real Merit Does tne Advertising. fell I era PiHs? HO!! If you take pills it ia because you have never tried the S.B.Head ache and Liver Cure. It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver and Kidneys; acts us u mild physic without causing pain or siek ) ess, und does not stop you from eat- g una working. To try it is to become a friend to it. For sale bv M. V. Harrison, Hood 1 n- ..... i vic(i"n. I Dut'ur, M. 'Ff G. Co., Du fur, Ore & Bone, Outfits, Double Buggies, flacki suitable for fishing or excursion freight anywhere ic the Valle; Reasonable. B.R. TUCKER, PPi'lTilKTOB OF mi ml iLUMBER 01 ALL KIN DS. MAXUFACTUREtt OF FRUIT BOXES. HOOD RIVER, OR. . Beatty's Organs kx!9 Write fur eala'oeue. Ad(i Dunle! F. Beotty, Wubhiugton, Ntiv Jersey Successors to A KettuiRenJ RETAILERS, AND JOBIIEUS IX Hardware, Tinware, WooiiKnwABE, AND GRANITEVVARE. A complete line of Heating and Cook Stoves, Pumps, Pipe numbers and Steam 1'ltter'n Suiiplie.sjulso'n coninleto sh.t'k of Carpenter's, El::cksmit!is' and Farmer' Tools. mm mm All tinnlns, riumbinf: and pipe work m lit be j done on short notice. ! SECOND ST., THE DALLES OR. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Hats Trimmed, ' , TipsRc-cu:!cd, And pri.H's reasonable. Call and ex amine goods at Harrison's stoic. MISS INEZ STILSCN Ji'llEMl 1 Painter and Paper Hang-er, and 1 all kinds of work neatly and Cheaply Done. noon biver, oitrcoN. 3 L. SUCCESSOR TO E. BECK. -DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. ALSO Optical Goods. Fine Watch Repairing a Speci alty. Second St. Tho Dalles. Or. ator. Every Iwdy wir.it 9 land hi Hood River Valley. I have some very de sirable tracts of good land on niy list for homesteads and tmioeied claims, with riinrr.ng wi.tcr on them. I can locate several utocknieu advantageously. Do not fir 1 to see me at Hood River Falls or address nio at Hood River, Wasco Count v, Oregon, W. Ross W tSANS,, Locator. ftiiiltiraj