The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 02, 1892, Image 4

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    What the Faculty of the
University of California
Has to Say.
Your committee have made a very careful examina
tion of the ROYAL BAKING POWDER and arc
satisfied that it fulfills all the requirements which tho
public can make of a baking powder. For purity and
care in preparation it equals any in the market, and
Our test shows that it has
greater leavening power
than any other of which
we have any knowledge.
tnf. Chemistry Unhersity ef California and State Analyst.
Jh. Chemistry, College Pharmacy, of the Untvenity of California,
6heYou say that you have never been In
love. How near have you come to it? He I
u curried once.
Xo safer remedy can be had for coughs
and colds or any trouble of th? ti.roat th.t
"Broten'i Rronchial Troche." Price, 25
cents. Sold onlii in boxts.
The summer bids fair to run mostly to poll
tics and gnu-s.
Use Enameline Stove Polish: no dust, no smell.
Tst GisMti for breakfast.
Tobacco is man's most uni
versal luxury ; the fragrant aroma
people to pipe-smoking, even
those who never used tobacco
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
f i; Guaranteed
L. Absolutely Water.
irfff f Drool.
Sicken hive
beidethe Rih Brand
TtADEAAtK on every Coat
5oft Woolei? 'ty
WatCh Ontl Collar.
ii ii . Send far
They all Testify-
To tho Efficacy
of the
1 The old-time almple
( remedy from the Georgia
ewamm and fields has
I (tone forth to the antlpodei,
astonishing the skeptical and
I lymfminrltnff the th(Virl(HI nf
i v those who depend solely on the
physician's stiu. 'I here is r.o mooa
' taint which ltdoesnot immediately
eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or the
result ol vile diseases from within all yield to this
potent bat simple remedy. It is an nnequaled
tonic, bnlldsnp the old and feeble, cures all diseases
arising from Impure blood or weakened vitality.
Bend for a treatise. Examine the proof.
Books on " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed fret.
Drvgglstt Sell II.
Drawer S. Atlanta, Ga.
San Francisco Examiner.
yon have a claim of any description whatsoever
gainst the United States Government and
wish it speedily adjudicated, address .
B18 F street. N. W. Washington. I. C.
.klntn nvt. anrA valiiA nf, lilt HohtA
nun; iwjih r , .w . - --
ay, brown coitons. Send for full list and see
410 fit Front Street, Ban Frnnolseo.
I I wman r i
in in Rij
I u a i tm
ii .i n ft w
fa ii J tm
TC IN. WIDE bleached muslin,
I I for slicctiiifroi general family use.
ZJLI I 10 Inches wide: we sell it 11 vards
I I fortl: you would call It lucent
M m J n,ula .ni.ilhAra JWa are p.lwftVS
Analysing Motion.
The method of analyzing motion
by the chronophotograph, which has
been so happily applied by ai. Marey
in the case f moving animals, taico
as horses running or birds and in
sects in flight, has been employed by
M. G. Demeny to examine the move
ments of the lips in speaking. lie
has obtained results which show that
the form of the mouth is quite defi
nite for the different articulate
With these photographs combined
in a zeotrope he has reproduced the
movement of tho hps by synthesis.
An ordinary person finds it difficult to
road the words by the animated pic
tures; but a deaf mute who has been
accustomed to read from the Ups of
a speaker finds it easy to do so from
photographs. -Netf iork Telegram.
Veaitt and Typhoid Fever.
Yeast has been successfully tried
as a remedy for typhoid fever by
Drs. Em bung, Lempnere, and Thorn
son, of the Alfred hospital. Mel
bourne. Thirty -seven cases were
treated, ten being severe, the tern
peratures reaching 104 degs.; eight
were moderate, the temperatures
being 103 degs.; eleven were mild
and eight were very mild, the tem
peratures reaching 102 degs. In
every case the recovery took place
without a relapse. There is a theory
to the effect that relapses are due to
re-infection from the intestine, and
Dr. Thomson remarks in his report
that yeast should destroy the bacilli
in the mtestinal tube, and so prevent
re-infection. London Tit-Bits.
How Birds Kill Snails.
Thmshe8and other birds crush the
shells of land snails and extract their
juicy bodies, as do also raccoons and
wood rats, but woodland birds will
not eat naked snails, because the
slime on them sticks to their beaks
and spoils their feathers. Washing
ton star.
The Wrong Prescription.
A Connecticut woman sent her little
son to the drug store for paregoric and
licorice, and the youngster somewhat
startled the clerk by requesting a fifteen
cent pair of garters and a necklace.
Pharmaceutical bra. .
Ask your doctor what hap
pens to cod-liver oil when it
gets inside of you.
He will say it is shaken
and broken up into tiny
drops, becomes an emulsion ;
there are other changes, but
this is the first.
He will tell you also that
it is economy to take the oil
broken up, as it is in Scott's
Emulsion, rather, than bur
den yourself with this work.
You skip the taste too.
Let us send you an inter
esting book oh careful liv
ing; free.
Scott S Bowks, Chemists, i s South th Avenue,
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-Uver
oil all druggists everywhere do. fi.
My acquaintance with Boschee's
German Syrup was made about four
teen years ago. I contracted a cold
which resulted in a hoarseness and
cough which disabled me from fill
ing my pulpit for a number of Sab
baths. After trying a physician,
without obtaining relief I saw the
advertisement of your remedy and
obtained a bottle.. I received quick
and permanent help. I never hesi
tate to tell my experience. Rev. W.
IL Haggerty, Martinsville, N.J. 9
A frlealfst Garment That Has Ravel.
oped tlio Forms of Hawaiian King.
A valuable collection of Hawaiian
fonthor war clonks ami capes Is on ex
hibition at the National nmsomu. One
of the cloaks, the Inrgtxit iu tho col loo-
tlon, Is of immense value. It Is known
as the "million dollar mantle." It once
enveloped tho kindly form of Kckunska
lian, one of the highest chiefs of the
Sandwich Islands, in whose roigti It was
completed nearly a hundred years after it
was begun Upon the death of Ke-
kuaskalian, who fell In Imttlo, It bo-
came the property of his enemy, King
Kaiuehameha III, by whom it was pre
sented to Captain J. il. Anlick, of tho
united States navy.
Tho foundation of this most remark
able cloak is a network of oloim or "na
tive hemp,'' and to it are attached by
threads of tho mono material feathers of
Dative birds found only iu the Hawaiian
islands. Tho entire body of tho mantle
is linulo np of small red and yellow
feathers, the latter ones being obtained
from the Oo or L'ho (Moo nobilis), a
bird extremely rare and possessing but
one or two of these yellow feathers
which are found under tho wings. This
bird is captured alive by means of tho
"lime trap." ami when deprived of tho
precious foathu.-s is set at liberty. Great
prize is put on theso feathers by the
crown! They are used aa money iu buy
ing and selling, ami are accepted by the
government iu payment of taxes. The
red feathers are obtained from the most
abundant bird of the Islands, tho Dro
pouts coccinea.
In tho "million dollar mantle" tho
feathers are placed so aa to overlap, thus
giving a smooth surface to the exterior
of Uie cloak Tho upper and lateral
borders of tho mantle aro decorated with
alternate tufts of red, yellow and black
feathers, but only on tho margin are the
black feathers used, which are obtained
from the Uho. In tho center of the uutntlo
is a large crescent shaped figure of yel
low feathers, surrounded by a belt of red,
which blends n the middle of tho belt
on eithor side with a succeeding stripe of
red, the onter margins of which aro di
vided by two wodge shaped processes
of yellow.
From this last named figure on cither
side to tho circumferences are alternate
parallel stripes of yellow and rod about
six inches broad. The nppcr circum
ference of the cloak, where it fastens
about tho neck, is about twenty inches,
the lower oue being seven or seven ami
a half foot, thus forming a cloak capable
of amply enveloping a very largo per
son. The mantle is protected by a hand
some case and its beauty advantageously
displayed by a background of blue vel
vet There are two other capes in the col
lection, very much smaller, ami two
boas. The larger of the capes is little
more than a collar, its upper and lower
circumferences being but seventeen aud
sixty-six inches, respectively. The entire
body is of yellow feathers, having but
two small crescents of red in the center.
The remaining cape, virtually a red
one, has ouly two small designs of yel
low feathers and couseijuently is much
less valuable.
The boas made from the feathers of
the L'ho are about two feet in length,
and fasten about the neck with hempen
The feather garments were at one
time considered the greatest possessions
of the crown, but the costumes of Eu
ropean and American manufacture have
superseded them, and they are no longer
manufactured on tho islands. Wash
Ington Post
Letter Writing In America.
Americans are the greatest letter writ
ing people on the globe. Of the fifty
odd billion pieces of mail which aro
posted in the world every year nearly
8,000,000,000 go through the postoflices
of the united States. We spend every
year more than f-i3,000,000 for postage,
and during the year 1891 American
tongues licked the backs of fi7.000.000
worth of sticky stamps.
The postage stamps sold every year
the world over far surpasses in value
the riches of Jay Mould or the Roths
childs, and the postage stamp industry
of the world is one of the greatest fac
tors in the machinery which moves the
universe today. And yet postage stamps
are of comparatively recent origin. Ii
is barely fifty years ago since they were
first nsed in England, and in 1817 con
gress first authorized their use in the
united States. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Biggest Umbrella In the World.
It is said that the biggest umbrella in
the world has been made for the use of
a west African king. The umbrella,
which can be closed in the usual man
ner, is twenty -one feet in diameter and
is affixed to a polished mahogany staff
of the same length. Tho canopy is made
of India straw, and has a score of straw
tassels and a border of crimson satin.
On the top is a pine shaped straw orna
ment which terminates in a gilded cone.
When in use the umbrella is fixed in the
ground, and under its shelter the king is
able to entertain thirty quests at dinner.
Dry Moods Chronicle.
-The I'liieoli of Arabia.
In olden times a bird called a "phoe
nix" was thought to live in the deserts
of Arabia. His lease of life was said to
be 500 years, at the end of which time
he built a nest of spices and fanned it
into a flame with his wings. The flame
reduced the bird to ashes, out of which
he sprung to live another 500 years.
Richardson says that he had fifty orifices
in his beak, through which he sung me
lodious airs. St. Louis Republic.
An Abbe's Retort.
Some of thoso terrible market women
of Paris were "cheeking" tho Abbe
Maury good bumoredly. "You speak
like an angel, M. I'Abbe, but spite of it
all you are a fool." "Quite right, mes
dames," ho replied, "but one does not
die for that!" Gentleman's Magazine.
Don't call the Chinese "Mongolians."
It is better to reserve the latter name for
the people who live north of China proper.
Catrlier rilnt' TTVnilorfrtl Hands.
Charles Seymour, the newspaper man,
nsed to tell a story about Catcher flint
When the Chicago Uull club called on
tho president in Washington each mom
tmr of course shook hands with the ex
ecutivo. When tho president's hand was
released by "Old Silver" tho president
was seen to uickly thrust it into the
pocket of his coat Then ho felt about
in his pocket a bit, took his hand out
and lookd at It with some surprise, re
marking, "Oh, I lxg pardon; I thought
you had given mo a handful of wal
nuts." Chicago Post.
Three Hniwll Trees.
Keampfer is quoted aa describing a
trio of trees ho saw In a box l Inches
broad, 4 Inches long aud !J inches deep,
for which tho owner asked tho traveler
tho modest sum of fVR). Tho throe doni
sens of the box were a bamboo, a monthly
blooming plum tree and a blue loafed
pine, all perfectly formed and seemingly
enjoying their dwarfed existence. St,
Louis Republic.
Taking Her Kown,
Little Dot Ma, may I take tho baby
out in my doll's carriage?
Mamma Why, what for?
Little Dot Susio Stnckup has a new
doll 'at shuts its eyes an cries "Wan.
wall!" I'm doin to bcteud the baby Is a
doll and let her hear him yell. Then I
dess she'll stop puttin on alra. Good
Newt, "
Horse Sense.
As regards color, gray horses livo long
est, roan horses nearly as long. Cream
colored horses are deficient of staying
power, especially in summer woathor
Bays, on an average, are the best. Horses
with black hoofs are stronger aud tough
er than others. .-Rider and Driver.
Wanted the Needles.
A man customer in a Boston ttoro
would not purchase an electric belt be
cause it did not have all those needles
sticking out in every direction from it
such as pictured in tho paper. Phar
maceutical Era
Tho earliest coinage that can be called
Americau was ordered by tho Virginia
company, and was minted in tho Ber
mudas iu 1013. But then, and for long
afterward, tho standard currency of
Virginia was tobacco.
Conch shells, wbon ground, enter Into
tho manufacture of porcelain Tho rose
colored pearls of the piuk couch aro
very valnablo, ami have a boautirul
wavy sheen like that of watered silk.
An English clergyman whoso adver
tisement has more than once apiar-l
in a London natter nots a nice sum ai-
nually by the sale of a special breed of
Senator Henry C. Nelson of New York
" On the 27th of February, lUXi, I was
taken with a violent pain in the region of
the kidneys. I suffered su'h agony that I
could hardly stand up. As soon a possible
1 applied two am.cock' rosocs 1'i.astckm,
oue over each kidney, and lav down. In
an hour, to my surprise and delight, the
puiu had vanished and I was well. I wore
tne piasters lor a uay or two as a precau
tion, aud then removed them. I have been
using Allcock's I'obocs i'lastriu in my
familv for the last ten years, and have al
ways found them the quickest and best ex
ternal rented v for colds, strains and rheu
matic ailVi'tions. From my experience I
believe they are the best plasters In the
A Neat Humming I' p. In the Dr. B-igK" " it
now loots hi inougn iney Baa a creea 10 unagree,
Now is the time to trat catarrh of long
standing. Llv's Cream Balm reucues old
an j obstinate cases, where all other reme
dies fail. I'o not neglect procuring a bot
tle, as in it lies the relief you seek.
Hev. II. H. Fairall. D.k. editor of tho
Iowa McthMlist, says editorially : " We have
tested the merits of Kly's Cream ISulm, and
believe that by a thorough course of treat
ment it will cure almost every cose of ca
tarrh. .Ministers as a class are Himctea
with head and throat troubles, and catarrh
seems more prevalent than ever. We can
not recommend Kly's Cream Balm too
Apply Balm Into each nostril. It is
nuicKiy ansoroea. uves reuei ai once,
Price, 50 cents at druggists' or by moil.
Klt Brothers,
66 Warren Btrect, iew York.
Hoitt's School, near Millbrae. San Mateo
county, tal., in charge or ex-Mato Super
intendent Ira O. Hoitt and wife, is tin
doubted I v one of the best schools for Boys
on the racino uoast.
A group of mechanics was seated
in the engine-room when one said :
"How was it Tom?" "I was
caught up, skipped 'gainst the
ceiling and whirled down to tho
floor. I. lay there like one dead,
and every muscle was sprained I
was tured In one day," Wbat
cured him?
vith equal facility and certainty
has cured promptly and perma
nently worse cases. Here is one
after sutTcring half a lifetime.
14SnrJincrBt.,Clovcland,0., J
Ill 1S51 sprained my ana clubbing
chestnuts; could not lift my armj
sonstant pain until 18W, when fit.
Jacobs Oifcnroil me.
I bare a pontile remedy for the above disease by its
use thousands of eases of the worst kind and of long
standing hsvebseo oared. Jndeedsostranglsmyfaith
lo its eificacr. Out I w.ll smvi xwo noTTLKS rasa, with
a VALUABLE TREATISU en this disease to sny suf
ferer who will send me their Kxprees and V. O. ad drat a.
T. A. filocum. SI. C 183 Tcarl BUm ti. V.
N. P. N, U. No. 446-8. F. N. U. No. 523
ACnoAA tn Iiickp, to nit tar
On steamboats, ears a rut stf cosoUes, nontet
tor's Stomsoh ftllteis Isoarrlod as the most lm
txirtant twin in tne materia insiiii'a 01 me (rav
eling imblto. U di'iilvi'S vlttnteil, brack lah
waier 01 us minim pnipirm's aim awmui
flavor, iHMinlerants tlie i'riiliMin ell'm'ts Uxm
the . limine i of bail or I mil immune iihhi, mine-
diss vrama, lna ttmrn ami wliidueou tlmstum
ai'U. it Is a tin defense asnliim malarial illsor
doia, nullllK's tlievllt'ols ol vni'ialve Ileal, eold
ami damn, rvllvvis nil k headaelies, and I- an In
enmnarable euro lor eoMlveneu aud biliousness,
T it) latlmie of navel o leu tells most iIImiiukiih-
ly UMiuinva!lilaand convalescents. oriaalonalle
to aneh an extent as lo jeonsnllne life. IVraous
iu tccble health, aiiilicuilvuiif I ad ell'eots from
travel, will, If rovldd with the Hitters, bu far
lens likely lo have moir tears roamiM.
A Rmall Mtitake.-" Thnt's an A 1 dog of
yours," said a bysiniidvr. " 1 thought be was n
K V," said the owner.
There Is more catarrh In tills section of the
country than all other diseases pulliiietlier,and
until the list lew yeais was stised to be In
curable. For a great many years doctors tro-
hounccd it a local iltaeaxe, and lacnoiinea local
remedies, and by eetmlantly lalllng to cute wl II
local treatment ironnnneod It Incurable. Hcl
ruce has proven catarrh to I a constitutional
dtneaao, and therefore ntilrr coimltlut tonal
trvaiinviiL Hall's Catarrh Dure, manufactured
by V. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the ouly
eonniuuMonai cure on ino uiarsrv u i
Internally in dorrs from 1011 (I ml to a lcaaiun
fill, it acta directly unon the blood and mucous
stir acts in uie BYHieiu. i nev oner i w lur any
case II falls to cure. Head for cl-culars and toll-
UlolllHls. Addrvas f. J, CIIKNr. 1 t'U.,
I OUH10, w
Hold by drtiKKlsta; ?to.
(WRIGHT 1191
Ward of
disease by removing tho causo of it.
It's with tho liver or tho blood, nine
timc9 out of ten. A fdupgiidi liver
makes bad blood and bad blood
makes trouble. Dr. Tierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery makes pure
blood. It invigorates tho liver and
kidneys, rouses every organ into
healthful action, and cleanses and
renews tho vholo system. Through
tho blood it cures. For Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous,
Skin and Scalp Diseases even
Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in
its earlier stages, it's a certain
Nothing elso is "just as good."
Anything M just as good " could be
sola just as this is. It's tho only
blood-puriGcr that's guaranteed to
benefit or cure, in every case, or the
money Is refunded.
The catarrh that isn't cured costs
500. Not to you, but to the pro
prietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem
edy. They promiso to pay you tho
money, if yon have an lncurablo
They don't believe that you have
This C.RF.AT COUGH CURF, Ihis success
ful CONSUMPTION CURK is K.ld by drug
;ists on a positive Runrantcp, a test that no olhei
Cure can stand successfully. If you have a
ill cure you promptly. If your child has the
mil kly and relief is sure. If you fear CON.
UM PTU N, don't wait until your ca is hope,
'ess, but lake this Cure at once aud receive im.
nediale help. Large bottles, 50c. and I.oo.
Travelerf convenient pocket sir.e 25c. Ask
your dniRgist for SHIIjOH'S CURE. If yout
amps are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's For
ms Plasters. Price, 25c.
When I sar cure I do not mn maralt tostop then
for a tints aud then have th-m return again. I menn a
radical ours. 1 be made the dims ul F1TH, Kl'l
LK I'M Y or HA I.I.I NO HICK NKMH a llfe-lonf study. 1
wwrant my mmnlr to cure the worst oaaos. Hm-anae
others he failed Is no roaaon for not now ramil.incs
cure. nnd at orn-a for a tmatim and a Free Hot! la of
my infallible remedy. GIts KiprMai and Poat Office.
H. O. HOOT. M. C, 183 Pearl tit., N. Y.
Pianos and Organs.
71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
Kox son.
d 0
For Lac! lea and Cents, fill styles '
In Pneumatic
Diamond rrams,
logue or uaas,
Blfrel. CUIft. tUhS.
JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO.,Mfrs.,147 Washington St, BOSTON, MASS.
pat, isse
Corner of Fourth and C Streets, Portland, Oregon,
It the only S)l 'per day hotel In the city with all modern improvements. WE DKKY COMPETITION.
1 I til I aT A 1 Do you
Docs your
don't feel like work
pid. You are full of bile.
I Wll
Three doses of Moore's Rerealed Remedy
you feel like a new person. For
Simonds Crescent
a 1 II K I l . M
anq mii rvinos or mi 1.1. omvs. Also oaw Kepairing.
fSF- SIMONDS SAW CO., 78 Front Street, Portland, Or.
V ... 3f '
Iloth tho method ami resulls vfita
tyruji of Figs is taken; It Is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acls
coidly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver ami llowols, cleanses the sys
tem elloctually, dispels cold", liend
tches ami fevers ami cures habitual
const! potion permanently. For wile
iu COoand $1 bottles by all ilrugili.
SH HA0IS4. rtt.
toumiut. nr. "Of
Season forTrcut Opens April lt.
If Too Are In Neeil nf Trout Kites, flat
the Heat.
Htandard quality, to hoiks. wr ( 2
ori'ami Vrmil Klin, 4 lo linolm, -r !" Ml
Hue Heveranl Wins Kllr, i I" a hootm. .r ilos I il
Any or a"ove utiailiir aei'i ny minimi r' M' "
Also k run line or imin, nr. r i.n, i.i.r.i,
Hudson's Gun Store,
$f Mend for Illustrated ralaliue.
If yon want FOWPKR for Mining,
Railroad Work, Stamp Masting or Tree
Planting, send (or I'rii-e List.
A blend from the formula ol an old English
Tea Mort bant
Best Tea in the World for the Prica.
N) cents per rh. at your dealer's or itpll
from the sole importers,
C LO S8ET A DEVERS.Port land, Or.
J l" fits' Assayer and Analytical Clx'tntat,
. 11. Nun, S YVaahliiKl'in Ht.. r.irtlainl. Or.
SELECT Stia 111 BIS.
Kest srsslon will bruin Aiin"t 1, It').': six.
teenlh jresr; rltttiteen teachers. Kr llliutrNtcit
rataloKiie addru s tUV. K. It. I'm u. 11, A.M.,
frluelpal, lUCW Valencia Hi., hau Kram lce, Cel.
WholstuirrriDt.eltlirrta M nilnd or
tRMly. mm the inui loua or wuUniliu
1 Rm.-taot his own liiiorn' t f,'lllin, slmw
MidrioH'icanliiiKir ami lu-niuv
' omtly eund. rrs fo-o ("ldi
l'lims eld Doelors hare lud ao jam'
Sesperlrnewl-i nolns li Illfrtl, K,'e
mm. and Kkln i n. Write l.nUr.
Reliable Rtmtdlsi Itnt prltslsly to an) sddreil.
B; st in the World!
Est the Genuine!
Sold Evenrwherel
Nf J- '-
Phloperl Any whnra on Trial. I'lilitloKueFree,
eao. ti. 00..0 Ky at, quincv. ii,l.,u.u.a.
Jllir O fs thaacknnwledeai
loading reniMly fur all Ihs
tinnalural dlai-harices aatl
prlvaledlseanrsnt men. A
certain cure lor the debits
tatlng weakness peculiar
, , wumrn,
MrSMlvSv I nmanribeltand feel safe
Thi tyNS Chi WiSt Cfl In reeomroeudioi it M
ail siinararn.
rioM by itrnfrarlata.
Oushlon and Solid Tiros.
btest Drop Forglngt. Stesl
f j'oreslnx,!
: OaftalMS ael e
I- smm Sulaura.
ftaciSH.Tl.O ITTaal
V 'V u.a. A. i l
Ik, aSlSBr lal
Tubing.Adiuitably.Bsll Bstiinga to ill running parts.
inciuuing rvo.i.. uipvn.iun sbuuis. ,
Strlotly man GRADE ta Every Particular.
NenifTeenls In stamps for ear 100-nsire Illustrated' eata-1
nines, neyoiyers, uportins; woods, eto.l
Mull thia douhlo-edtfo l'runor,
any addrvss, 1.W: no expiei.i
Dexter Diamond Cnamplou .Won
der Kaaor Steel Crosaoii t Bnws , 1.00
IU tautest cutter In tho world.
feel bad? Do you have a headache?
back ache? You can't - eat and
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