The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 02, 1892, Image 3

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    3food Iftvcr Slacier
noon mvkii, on., july, a, mi
Th mall arrlvm (rum Ml. Ilmul ut
- liMh ,, M. Wrtlni'mliiVN mill HuturilHvn; do
?rf hhiii iImj h 4. iiimiii,
K )i riimiiiMi'lh, Iras t at N A. M. Hcrlviwal
(. .'I. ! tll'ilM va.
" i, V Mix m. !!,) Iimvi' ilnlly at H A, M.
i . 1 1, J.vK p. M.
'. k1, In..1 '.iIiiiuii li'iivn fiir Knlitn, (III.
' ('"" ! mnl UIi'IiwihhI Monday.
M',ii u,, mnl ! rltlu v.
2-blt -lKti'M Ht the Drug Store.
A lino lino of frond cigar t tli Drug
You can ult yuiirm'ir In n smoke, no
cording toyour pile, ut llio Drug
Picture framed to order ut tlio fur
niture utoiv.
Trimmed hat at cost; conic and ace
them tit MIkn HtllmmV
Mm. L. 1). Ilrown came up from
l'urllund Tutaduy.
Thunduy tlio weather look a decided
4-luiii;! for the "cooler."
Mr. Duvu K.H'lrH mid family arrived
from llakcrClty Thurndny,
Oilngcr A lime have r stock of bug
gies mid wagon for ulc.
tin. Coo and Mm. Auuk visited
Portland during the week.
Mr. V. J. Smith mid wife of is'elm
le ut uie v lulling relatives hens
F. M. Hecley of Clienowlth, Wash ,
visited our little elly Saturday.
lot for al, pasture ami houNeN to
rent Kixjulre of J. II. (Jeidc.
lion. K. L. Huiltli and wife urrlved
Lome from Montana lal Friday,
Tho Regulator took a number of our
citUeii to the Cascade Thursday.
Rest quality of Roche Harbor lime
at $1.40 her barrel. 8. K. JJaktmixn.
A largo upply of handsome n ull pa
per Just received by 8. K. llurtim wi.
We have been apisiluted agent for
the sale of Joseph A. Wilson's jirojK'rly.
Have v
maple bed
ou aecu the ir.X) aii'ioue
room act ut tlii) furniture
( all early mid aeo Die Intent style In
j.ring millinery, Junl received ul Mrs.
Hunt. '
The Methndliita will hold camp
meeting at Moaler, commencing on the
13 of July.
Uncle Juek IUnd left Monday for Ida
old home, Lu Crosse, Wisconsin, for a
inontii'a visit.
The hot went her ha knocked the
fool-bull gumo clear out. it wua loo
hot to kick.
A small eax and gossamer, found
and left at tliU olllee can be hud bv
oh nera ealllug for litem.
A line lut of home-rendered lard and
Orrguii huniM, houMfin and bacon just
reeeivt d at tlio meat murket. for the ga-lorlou Fourth!
L. , ii in.iKe It u ilii to lie ivim niUwnl
, ' 1, ;, i:iM'.t'H ui.d our vifiiur.
1 '1 ; 1 in h'K-ial .it I lie
' :. 1 i !.' eVell-
' ' i i -. jii,il,iii)t-d.
in ..ti i.iirti niv expected
'. !. l.i in nl.iweil, Iduho, aooii.
1. .li.i.ri.- 1-iuy i ijuiteMiok.
.Mjiji AniiU Mnltli, who lniM been
r; Iter munii-ul hiiuIIih ut Jktoii
lra ytr jiiml, urrlved home W cdue
The next leglaluturc will connint of
is rrptuilicana and It ueiinerutJ In the
aenuie and M re.nblkiinn und 1'4 dcin
ociiila In the boune.
W. V. Johnmiii of Sherman county
uiudu tin a ileuHuul cull luwt week. We
ure glud Indeed to note the fact Unit he
la to ri inula with m.
Ileal wtuto got u lively move 011
Wednemluy, being uwlHted by the wind.
It moved In an easterly direction immt
of the time, but not steadily.
Mr. Newton Clark and wife went
here from I'oitland hint week, return
ing ftuiiduy. ilia father. Uraudpu
tlar..o, la In very poor Ut-uliu.
If you want your liouno insured, re
luemlKT thab the Uermuii Ameriean;
for wlileh we are agent, ia one of the
largest and moxt reliuble lu the world.
The Oregon Lumber Co. are moving
Mill A to the forks of the canyon above
the I'm ker mill, ami expect to have It
running by the middle of the month.
According to the hint census, Oregon
is next to the health lent state lu tho
union, Idaho only being ahead with
lit pr cent, of deaths to every 100 in
liaoitanta. Since tlio decision on tho Phclrm
creek water caae the Oregon Lumber
company has repaired and lined Its
Hume und thinks there will be no
trouble in running the Hume.
Tho democratic nominees for presi
dential electors are Jtobert A. Miller
and W. M. Colvig, liotu of Jackson
ville, George Nolan of Astorlu, and
W. F. Butcher of Baker City.
The trouble with the wuter pipes re
cently was caused by the screen getting
worn out, and water cress getting Into
them, which choked the cut oil's. There
will probably be no further trouble.
We aro perfectly willing to take wood
on subscription, but we want it dis
tinctly understood it must be pine or
fir, no hard wood, for from present In
dications we will have to cut it our
elf. N. C. Evans drove 800 cords of wood
down the river from his place last
week, C. 8. Htowell having charge of
the lob. The wood is about all on the
bank now, the drive occupying three
MissMcIlie Itlgby has just finished
a three mouths term 01 school near
Underwood's place in Skamania
Couuty, Washington, and after a two
weeks vacation will teach three mouths
Mr e.nd Mrs. C. M. Wolford will go
10 Wu; .i V-.i!m, Mint from there to Col
".;!e '-x, .'. ;; ', i., te gi lie until
!.! m' '- i i.- r 1 : is!, i luring his ub
xe.,e C.L.G illicit will tuke his
place in the tdoie.
All kinds of country produce bought
mm no 1 u ut j iiirriHou n.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewett of Whlto Hal
mini, started for Omulia, Nebraska,
VteiliiCHdiiV mom inr. Mr. Jewett Inn
delegate to the national eon vent Ion of
llie people's parly, which meets at that
place July 4 1 It.
Itvvus holler than healthy Monday
and Tuesday, but the thermometer told
us It was only lid. We (Irmly believe
I hat llierniometer formerly uToiigcd to
a government slal UUclaii, and Just lied
from tho fone of habit.
Will Langllle came lu from tho Klk
IkmIh Wednesday, lie reports the road
to Cloud (.'up Inn as iX!u for travel.
Tim inn Itself was oM'iied yesterday,
und to-il:iy two I'm I laud parlies are
'Xieeled to muko the Hist trip of tho
J. II. Mlddletnii Is agulu home, after
a trip to Portland mid Heattle. From
I1I111 we Irani Hint Mr. and Mrs. Van
Asm'lt are In exivllent health, but that
their dauttlitcr Nellie Is In California
sick, and that her brother, J. 11. Van
AxM'lt, la with her.
J. it. lliiukln loaded his furniture
and houN'hold goods on the ferry-boat,
WeilniHilay, for the purHise of moving
to his new home across the Columbia.
Tliu gentle zephyr prevailed, auid as a
result tho river was too roiih to be
1 rosscd without danger of damage to
tils good.
Koine of our sulisrrlbers responded to
our urgent appeal last week, but gen
erally they were the crsons whom we
were not apeallug to. Those who
one for the iiaMT for more than u year,
and esjH'clully thoso who have forgot
ten us since Ihhu, ure erson we most
desire to have settle up.
We are going to celebrate on the 4th,
and we want everybody to Join us.
There will bo an interesting pro
gramme, iiiiihIc by our new baud und
firew orks in the evening. The steamer
itegulitlor will bring ijulte a number
from The Dulles. The river is still at a
good stage and the boat will land with
in II fly yurds of the railroad dt jmt.
If it be tiue as the saying Is that "Mo
who makes two blades of grass to grow
where only one grew before is a ben
efactor to mankind," It is certainly also
true that he is a benefactor who makes
only one fern grow w here two grew be
fore. Our gardeners und fruit growers
w ho are kept busy these hot days tight
lug ferns uro welcome to all the con
solation they can get out of this.
Messrs. Smith and Lu France have
built a reservoir ut their spring on the
hill, and will lay piH to their houses
ro get water for Irrigation. The first
loo feet will In) 2-inch plie, and after
that mi feet of 1 pipe. From this Lu
France w ill lay boo Ki t of Inch nliie to
his place, und Mr. Smith 1U(0 to his.
The reservoir is teu feet wpiare and
four feel deep.
Marvin IUnd lias a 11 no selection of
fireworks; he also turn u cub U-ar. We
otter A suggestion, that in case lie lias
any sky rockets left, he attach them to
I liu U'ji's collar und shoot him buck
into iiMhliigtiMi, whore he came from.
Up to date there uiu not more than a
doen uhs of serutched liuudu to the
cud's credit, but he is patiently and
ticrnirtit'iitly swelling the number.
Tin' sieumer llegulator will leave The
!)al!ei Mood ty morning, July 4th, at
u o'clock, arriving here shortly after 7
and k-uviiii; lor The Dalles at H. She
w ilt kuvu 1 ne Dalles uguiu In the uter
inum ul 6, getting buck ut K :.', in time
lor the lireworks. Ibis arrangement
will )rt rmlt Dalles )icoplc to visit us for
the 'lay, or our people logo there, it
w ill Is! ohnci ved alwi that the day can
beseiit hero and the evening at our
The citizens of Hood Itiver and vi
cinity, are requested to meet with the
Ilood lilver Horticultural Society Sat-
uriluy ufteiuoon July 2nd ut i o'clock,
ul the old armory building, to assiwt lu
making arrangements for the enter
luininenl of the State iloriicullurul
Society which meets here on July lUtu
und laili. It Is earnestly desired that
everylaidy ri'siding in lliwd- Itiver
take an active part lu Irving to make
this meeting a success.
Captain Blowers has moved to White
Salmon, having purchased the Hun
mi ker place und store. Lawrence and
his wile have uleo located ut that point,
he taking a liaif interest In the store, of
which he will tie in charge. They will
put up a new store building ut the turn
in the road, just south of the present
store, und Lawrence will build a resi
dence, the Hood Itiver Munufucturing
company alreudy having tiu order for
all the doors, windows und .divn-ed
lumber. This company will frame
Lawrence's house and ship It over.
Many Tliauks to Many Friends.
, The people of l'lne Grove gave a
very enjoyable literary programme and
social last Saturday night for the ben
efit of their pastor. Tho net receipts
were $10.00, for which they have the
thunks of Kev. J. W. Rigby.
(iilincr Notes.
It was 102 in the.nhiulo here Juno 2G.
Haying is in full blast.
The people are preparing for a picnic
on the 4th.
Mr. MucKcilscl, took down ten loads
of wool from Olcnwood to White Sal
mon; Monday.
School closed Juno 30.
Mr. Heytlng lost two yearlings from
blackleg last week.
Kye hay has till been cut and made u
fine yield.
Wheat is nt a stand still on account
of hot weather. .
Gilmer folks are enjoying fit 10 trout
Mailing in tho White Salmon.
A big black bear killed 0110 of John
Dctlunun's hogs last week, and when
W. Gilmer, undertook to scare the
bear, the bear dropped the hog and
scared him. Fakmeh.
U. B. Quarterly Meeting.
Saturday and Sunday, July, 9th and
10th. Preachlnir Saturday eve and
Sunuay at 11 a. in., and 8:30 p. ra., ly
ivev. vjr. canaioose, ui X Ol UalKI.
U. B. church services; Trenching
morning and eveninj'. Sabbath school
at 10 a. in. Y. P. O U. meeting at
7.45 in the evening, Pruver meetimr
Wednesday evo at 8.30. Yelcomo to
all. v
Programme for the 4th.
rroccssloii to form at 10 a. in., near
Harrison's store, led by the Hood
Itiver brass band, and Company!) ().
N. 0., followed by civic societies, citi
zens In carriages; eltlzo.i on bone.
buck and citizens on foot.
Ou urrlvlng at the grounds the fol
lowing exercises will be held: Music
by the band; patriotic aong; prayer by
Itov. C. W. Wells; oration; song, nat
ional ode with bund iiccoinpunliiiclit!
reading the Declaration of Indepen
dence; music by bund; busket dinner;
foot bull game Is tween murrled and
Mingle men; base bull gumo between
two selected nines; foot luce 100 yurds;
climbing greased pole; plug ugly pa
rade; tug of war between mill and
town teums; ladles' foot race; boy's
race under 14 years; girls' race under
14 years; sack race: catching groused
Suitable prizes will be awarded tho
successful comis'titors. (1 nutrient dis
play of fire works ut night ever given
cunt of Tort land.
At Tucker's hall Monday evening,
July 4th. The girls will take a cuke
(Hood itiver girls always tuke the
cuke) and their escorts will be taxed
to cents to pay the musicians. The'
bridge Is now completed so that the
heaviest teu 111 loaded with the biggest
boys and the handsomest girls can cross
lu safety. I
Cheap Labor. '
Now that the season for picking fruit
and harvesting crops has arrived, I beg
leave to announce that I am on hand
and will do all such work cheaper than
the cheapest. Talk about the China
man being cheap, I can underbid him
any day. To ex)edite matters In a
hurrying line, I always bring along
my six children, who are experts utj
picking fruit, and it Is astonishing
w hat loads they will carry out of a field
of grain
Any one wanting work done 1
need only let us know where his crops
are and we will attend to them. We I
asa noiniug ror our services, not even !
our dinner, as we always look out for
that. Some folks seem to think that
afler picking all their fruit that we
should be treated to poison wheat, but
as it somehow disagrees with our con
stltutlot'.s and unfits us for work, we
prefer to Just lie let alone.
Your humble servants,
Okay DiauKit & Co.
July 2, 18i2.
Read This.
C. Stanley Stowell has been appoint
ed agent In Wasco county for tho
monthly magazines and elegant im
ported photograph" afbtlms'erMessrs: t
True & Co. How vs t the citizens 1
of Hood river valley during the ensu-i
... J ... , !
ing ween mr uie purpose 01 inirouuctng ;
these desirable publications, und at the
same time will distribute-e of cost a !
splendid collection of art treasures to
each subscriber. Also agent for the
world renowned "Story of Man."
Frank ton Notes.
The strawberry season Just closed
whs, as usual, quite remunerative to
the growers. New ground Is now lit- j
ing prepared and next year in this lo-,
cality the land planted to strawberries !
will proliably double the area for this j wig";
year. Mr. M. Foley has his land injlogue. , '.
readiness for plants und will begin set
ting in a few days.
Will Rogers, our photographer, got a
good plct'fre of our school house and
the aswiublcd picnickers at the May
day picnic. Will is getting to be quite
an artist. His views of Mitchell's
Point from the fruit ranches of Abstcn
nnd Locke arc good.
Old Sol left his mark on the south
west side of a good many apples during
the hot days the first of this week.
Mrs. E. Snow has been on the sick
list, but we are glad to note that she'" Is
Mr. II. A. Pratt went to Portland
Monday to superintend the construc
tion of a wind mill.
Miss Shattuck, daughter of Judge E.
D. Shattuck, la stopping with Mrs.
Lyman Smith.
S. J. laFrance and family will oc
cupy the Eliot cottage, on tho Smith
pluee, for the summer.
Lyman Smith is expected home
The robins nnd black woodpeckers
were destructive as usual on the cherry
crop. At least one-third of the crop in
this community was gathered by these
bold foragers, and In some instances the
boys from town got away with the
other two-thirds.
A tramp entered the house of J.T.Ncff
Sunday,during the absence of Mr. Neff,
nnd helped himself to cold vict
uals. Mr. li. Warren found one of
these tourists in his barn Monday
morning. Ho said he was looking for
work. Mr. Warren hurt his feelings
by offering him a job of hoeing. He
said he was on his way to the planer
and if he did not strike work there he
would come back. In about an hour he
returned and struck a few licks with
the hoe, but soon went off to rest and
forgot to come back.
The grass is fast drying up and so are
the cows. We have a dairy country
only for about two months In the year.
If we ever get a ditch these conditions
will lie changed. With water to Irri
gate fields of clover there would be
money lu butter at 3o cents a roll dur
ing the summer months. Z.
Matting 20 centB at Rartmcss'. , j
A Bine Vlare.
The Hood Itiver Manufacturing com
pany' sliojis present a busy appear
ance. ' Stocks of moldings of ail de
signs and patterns bave been rnude,
two hundred doom of the very best
quality have been added to their stock
during the past week, and a great pile
of windows are being made. At Uie
rear of the shop Cue & Muthlas' boat Is
being rapidly put together, and Just
west of the shop Htranahan is building
a residence. The company bus put in
a fine stock of lumlier, Including 60,000
of cedar from Latourelle, and are pre
pared to make anything on short no
tice. TheCoe-Mulhlus boat Is a very
pretty model, W feet long, and will
carry forty persons. The plunking was
put on her Thursday, and she will
probably be finished by tho 10th of this
mouth. There is an air of business
proseiity about the shops that in these
dull times is worth going much further
thun to them to see.
No. 8. Rxnrea leavtm at H:M A. M.
No. 2, Mall " 10:11 1 M.
No. 7, Kxprinm leaves at 5:15 P. M.
No. 1, Mull " 4K)S A. M.
Tiinoun klkkpeiw ukcmninq chair
VT !a rrt'"nd 10 8an Francl"-
Tickets to ei From Bam
For rutin nnd general Information call on
W. U. IU'RUH'IIT, Ast. Ocn. Pass. Agt.
2'it Wimhidnton ML, Portloud Oregon.
That Marvin Iland has the finest brands
of cigars, and an excellent stock of
choice candles. He will have lee cream
every Sunday, and lemonade, soda
water etc, every day. He will also
have a stock of fire works for the 4th.
Hon. Daniel F. Ilcatty, the great Or
gan and I'iano manufacturer, is build
ing anJ'shTppIrig" more Orjrahs and
Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beattv
1'laime man ever,
Je.ft .VT6!, n,1,!ripIhr hoy,nilKfT
his indomitable will he has workel his
way tlp m n9 to sej 80 far neHrly loo.OiK)
of lleatty's Organs and Pianos since
J870- '.Nothing seems to dishearten
111111, uunincK-s iiiiu in ins way, mat
would have wrecked any ordinar man
forever, he turns to an advertisement
and comes out of it brighter than ever.
His instruments, as is well known, are
very popular and are to be found in all
parts of the world. We are informed
that durinir the next teu vears he In-
j tends to sell 200,000 more of his make;
that means a business of $20,000,000, if
we average them at $100 each. It is
H,re"dy the largest business of the kind
Send to Daniel F.lJeatty,
isew Jersey, tor cata-
Honesty Is the Best Policy.
This is a patent medicine advertise
ment, hat your attention one moment
may save you much suffering as well as
We 'Hire that "cough.
We cure that tickling.
We cure that hacking.
We cure that throat clearing.
We euro croup.
We cure bronchitis.
We cure that la grippe cough.
We help you to sing and speak.
We are not the S. li. lonenges.
We area pleasant cough syrup.
We are put up in 50 and 75 cent bottles.
We are the 8. B. cough syrup.'
Guaranteed by your druggists.
Beatty 's Pianos
In ure
Daniel F
neatly, w usmngtou, New Jersey
Physician and Surgeon
i- ''. Chapman Block
Dufur Mksbfeb,
Vogt's new building, Second St
.N sale
4jjxXy TO AT.L
Vall Papery Paints, Oils etc.
A large supply of, and Exdumvc liiyhi to sell
Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Prepared to furnish at once, a fine class of coffins, also a cheap grade
but neat and substantial.
Celebration at The Dalles Oregon,
The Dalles will celebrate the glorious 4th by a grand parade of all Civic and
Military societies, Caiathumpians, Plug Uglies, Trades Procession etc.
One of the most prominent speakers ofPortlaud, engaged to deliver the
The great feature of the day, will be a Grand Hoso Tournament, In which
six well drilled companies will compete for prizes.
There will be Band Contests, Military Drill, Foot Ball, Base Ball and
othr sports, which will make the day one of enjoyment.
The Steamer Begulator will give an excursion down the oeautiful Colum
bia, both during the day and evening. In the evening after the llegulator
has returned there will be the finest display of FIRE WOItKS ever brought to
Eastern Oregon.
Come every body and help us to make this the grandest day ever seen
in the Inland Empire. Committee.
Olinger & Bone,
Livery and Feed Stalks,
Oak Street, near Postojjfice,
Wc have First-Clasa Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hack
and Saddle Horses.
A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excursioa
p?rtie, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any accesvi.
ble point. Keliabta drivers.
Our Dray delivers baggage or freight anywhere in the Valle;
Charges Reasonable.
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
SPECIAL attention given tojclean-
ing and repairing watches.
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
Line C
(an BeFownd
We Manufacture,
Real Merit
Does tne Advertising.
Pills? NO!!
If you take pills it Is because you have
never tried the
S.B.Head ache and Liver
It works so nicely, cleansing tho
Liver aud Kidneys; acts as a mild
physic without causing pain or sick
l ess, and does not stop you from eat-
WFUH -nrr.
Tom lug i
MW 111 I
I g ana working.
To try it is to become a friend to it."
For sale by M. V. Harrison, Hood
River Oregon.
Dufur, M. 'F O. Co., Dufur, Ore. x
py rnn s s
Snccessors ;to a Bettingcn
Hardware, Ti.nwabk, WoourawAniv
A complete line of Heating and C'vik Hfnrfii,
Pnraps, Pipe Plumbers and Sfeum Mttw't
Suppliesalsoja complete atock of
Carpenter's, Blacksmiths' and.
Farmer's Tools.
All tinning, Plumbing and plw work will bo
done on short notice.
Hats Trimmed,
And prices reasonable. Call and ex
amine goods at Harrison's store.
Painter and Paper Hanger, and
all kinds of work neatly and
Cheaply Done,
HOOD RIVKIt, ....... OI.'KUOJf.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. SecondSt. The Dalles. Or.
Land Locator;
Every body wants land in Hood
River Valley. I Jiave some very tie
sirablo tracts of good land on my list
for homesteads and timbered
claims, with running water on
them. I can locate several sioekweu
advantageously. Do not fail to seo
me at Hood itiver Falls or address ino
at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon,
W. Ross Wtxaxs,