The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 02, 1892, Image 1

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VOL. 4.
hood mvKU, orkgon, Saturday, july 2, 1802..
NO. 5.
3(ood Iiver (Slacier.
The Glacier Poblishlng Company.
uumciurTioN piiigk.
On. jut , ....SI M
Hit iminlht , I
Thr.a miHitht. ........ M
IiikI.oi , I tSt
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
Second St., near Oak. Hood Hirer, Or,
Hliavhigarul Hair cutting neatly dun,
batiifactioti tiuaieiiteed.
;mm WW km
Torrents of Rain Fall l'ion the
Nevada Ranges.
Work Ik'Kun on the Big Mining Tunnel
Near Wanlner A Faith Cure
Diictor Other News.
The Yuma militia ti to build an
The turquoise beds In. Arizona are at
tracting much attention.
A sealing expedition haa gone from
Kan Diego to the Cedros Inlands.
Torrents of rain liavn fallen on the
Nevada ranges, and ranchera and cattle
men are greatly benefited.
The owners o( sealing vessels are
alarmed, and have sent a conrler vcel
to warn the fleet not to enter Behring
The new mineral discovery sixty miles
north of Kingman, A. T., is attracting
great attention. The ore veins appear
to be permanent
The Ariisona Sheep Company has es
tabliHhed a bi wool and meat head
quarters at Flagstatr, A. T. The capital
comes from BoHton.
A yellow fifth railed Alaskan mackerel,
and fully equal to the mackerel of the
Atlantic coast, is found at the went end
of the Alaskan Islands. They move in
large schools and are finely flavored.
Through the peculiar attentions of a
faith-cure doctor named Elliott at Santa
Knrhara, it voting man named Fred
1 1 t)ln died and the people are very Indig
nant. They propoee to prosecute Klllott.
0. P. Miller Is charged with forgery at
Han l!ego. lie deposited a false check
for $875 on the California National Hank
and proceeded to draw money on it. He
victimized several merchants before he
was ariestod.
The uprising of the Mayo Indians in
Sonora, Mexico is attributed to the im
prisonment and banishment of the Saint
of Coborca, Teresa Urrea, now in exllo
at Nogales, A. T.
The "Tuscarora Society" of Utah
sends 100 members to Chicago to accom
pany the Uentile delegation from that
Territory. A drum corps Of twenty
pieces was taken along with them.
County business at San Diego is repre
sented to be at a standstill, owing to the
absence of services of deputies needed
in the various deptrtments. This it the
result of the recent decision of the Su
preme Court.
The litigation over the 8unnet Irrlga
tlon Coirpany at Fresno has ended and
the interest of the company has been
eurrendered to parties who have secured
a right-of-way through the Lnguna de
Tache, and will organise the largest
single irrigation district in the world.
At a meeting of the creditors of lfred
Geenbaum, the Insolvent liquor mer
chant of San Francisco, it was ascer
tained that his liabilities were $300,0 X)
and Ills assets only 37,00J. The credit
or claim that Greenbaum bought large
quantities of goodB out of his line of bus
iness and hypothecated them.
A decision by the United States Su
preme Court against the Benson, A. T.,
Sme ting and Reduction Company in
favor "of the Alta Mining Company of
llarehaw is considered a test case and
the granting of rights long claimed by
miners. The smelter was accused of the
Illegitimate rating of ores.
Work has been begun on a mininir
tunnel near Wardner, Idaho, which will
be over two miles long, and will tup sev
eral of the principal mines in the Cceur
d'Alene district. The tunnel will take
the place of tramways and railroads in
transporting ore to concentrating plant.
It will cut the Sullivan, Bunker Hill,
Stemwinder, Last Chance. Tyler and
Sierra Nevada mines over 2,000 feet be
low their present workings.
Complete returns have been received
from all but four counties in Oregon,
which give the following pluralities of
Congresmen: First district, Herman
(Rep.), 6.242, -Second district, Ellis
(Rep.), 3,048. Chamberlain (Dem.) has
337 majority for Attorney General, and
the Legislature now stands: Senate
Republicans, 15; Democrats, 14 j Peo-
Ble's party, 1. House Republicans, 32;
lemocrats, 26; People's party, 2.
The Last Male Heir of PutasM, the Dlf
' tingulshcj Pole of Revolutionary
Fame-King Malletoa.
Princess Iwise will bring a party of
prominent Kngllsh ladies to visit the
World's Fair next year,
Prof, lfenrv Shaler Williams, now of
Cornell University, has been appointed
to fill the chair of geology at tale.
Ird Tennyson Is said to have made
more money from the sale of his verses
than any other poet who has ever lived.
Mrs. P. T. Barn urn. widow of the
showman, is annoyed by a Bridgeport
crank, who thinks that sue wants to
marry hi in.
Prof. McMastert Is at work on the
fourth volume of his " History of the
American People," which will probably
be published in 1804.
Ueoriro Fred Williams, the distin
guished Manaachusetts Congressman, Is
the son of a German. Most people think
he Is a full-blooded Yankee,
Mrs. Hinrglns. wife of the English as
tronomer. Is a most able assistant to her
husband In his astronomical larors, and
keeps record of his observations.
Willliam Lloyd Uarrlnon preached the
other day in one of the largest churches
in Boston, and denounced the Chinese
exclusion act In no uncertain terms.
Mr. Gladstone ia strengthening him
elf for a prospective return to the Prime
Ministry by trying to prove In the .Vine
(truth Century that Dante studied at
James Richard C eke, graduated from
the Boston University school of medi
cine recently, is the first person totally
blind from infancy to receive a degree as
a physician.
I lie last male heir of fulatikl, the dis
tinguished Pole w ho aided the patriots
of the Revolution, lives in Savannah,
(la., where he earns a scanty living ped
dling small wares.
Mine. Marches!, who has long been
famous as a teacher of vocal music, never
tikes pupils of the sterner sex. She
says : " Teach men T Why, all tire ten
ors would tie marrying off my sopranos,
and l should not have a contralto lelt
after admitting baritones!"
The PreslJent to Transmit to Congress
a Message on the International
Monetary Conference.
It Is sail the President hat filed no
tice that he will veto the river and har
bor bill should it exceed the sum appro
priated by the House.
The President will soon transmit to
Congress a message on the forthcoming
International monetary conference, to
gether with the correspondence. With
but one or two exceptions, all the Euro
pean countries invited to the conference
have sent in tavorable responses.
Postmaster-General Wanamaker, At
torney-General Miller and Secretary
Foster, acting as a commission, have
agreed upon the selection of the prop
erty at Seventh and Mission streets as
the alte lor the new public building at
San Francisco. .
The President has approved the act
making an appropriation to supply the
deficiencies in the appropriations for the
payment ol pensions lor the fiscal year
1802. Commissioner Raum has made a
requisition for $7,25J,000 for the pay
ment oi pensions.
Mr. Fowler of New York has prepared
a report recon.mending the passage of
the bill introduced by Mr. Geary of Cal
ifornia to encourage American ship
building. The but grants the same
privilege to the British-built shipChina,
owned by the Pacific Mail Steamship
Company, as was recently granted to the
lnman steamships Uity oi rans ana
City of New York.
It is likely that a.court of inquiry will
be ordered to meet at Mare Island to
ascertain why the Ranger was permitted
to start lor isehring bea with her
machinery in such bad shape as to ne
cessitate her putting into Port Towns-
end in violation oi her orders to proceed
direct. The Secretary of the Navy has
received a report of the court of inquiry
appointed to examine her machinery at
Port Townsend, and the report says her
Captain was justified nnder the circum
stances in putting into Port Townsend.
A crumb of comfort to the Mare Island
folks is the fact that the blame for the
Ranger's condition may be fixed on the
Navy Department, as peremptory orders
were received to sail on a certain day,
and it was impossible to get her, ready
in that short time.
It ia understood that Secretary Tracy
has finally decided, after a review of all
the testimony, to sustain the action of
the Naval Examining Board in finding
Commander Frederick R. Smith morally
unfit for promotion. The action of the
President is still necessary to finally
complete this long-pending case, bnt
with the approval of the board's finding
by the head of the Navy Department,
there can be hardly any doubt as to the
result. The President has no alterna
tive but to drop Commander Smith from
the rolls of the navy if he approves the
proceedings of the board. If he disap
proves, another board would have to re
verse the findings of the first board
before Commander Smith could be pro
moted, and inasmu h as all of his seniors,
with but few exceptions, have already
officially stated that they do not consider
him fit for promotion, it would be a
rather difficult matter to get a board
that would make a report favorable to
the . candidate. The Judge Advocate-
General who first reviewed the report
approved it, ana Dotn secretary Tracy
and Assistant Secretary Seeley have
done ltkewipe, after a moat exhaustive
review of all the testimony and of the
papers filed in behalf of the candidate
since the board mad its report.
The Exjorts of Silver This Year
Urger Than Ever IMorc.
Carnegie Steel Company Issues a Circular
Calling fur a Reduction la All .
the Dcpartraen's.
Springfield has the largest United
States arsenal.
A congress of beer brewers will be
held next year.
There are 11,008 more women than
men in Maryland.
The Chicago postofllce makes a profit
of $2,000,000 yearly.
There are 1,025 patients In the insane
asylum at Norristown.
Army worms are doing great damage
to hay fields in Bartholomew county,
The immigration to America this vear
gives promise of beatinir all former rec
The American dress reformers are pre
paring to renew their crusade at Chau
tauqua this season.
The method of maklnir tin plate will
soon be taught the colored students of
Hampton Institute, a.
The Federal grand iurv at Springfield
has been dismissed for lack of funds
with which to pay them.
The wife of Secretary Elklns has
founded and endowed a home for poor
children at Deer Park, Md.
The railroads are fighting the Erie
canal by hauling grain so low the fo it-
men cannot ailurd to handle it.
The dullest times ever known in the
Little Rock (Ark.) country exist now.
and the direct cause is the floods.
Bucks county (Penn.) farmers employ
over 200 of the Indian boys and girls
graduated irom the Carlisle school.
Wisconsin Odd Fellows spent $H.23G
In relief last year. There are lo.OOO
members of the order in the State.
Despite a rainy May, Lake Ontario is
raid to Ira several feet lower now than it
ordinarily is at this season of the year.
The New York grand Jury has indicted
a wealthy real-estate owner for renting
a house for illegal and immoral purposes.
Dr. Cyrus E ison has reported to the
Board of Health that five of the public
schools in New York are badly venti
The Kansas Republicans assert that
the mortgage indebtedness of their Sate
has been reduced $5,000,000 in twelve
All but one of the forty-two cities of
the United States with populations of
irorn ou.wj to zw.uuu nave electric rail
ways in use.
There is a bitter fight in the Kansas
Alliance ranks over the Governorship.
Jerry Simpson is mentioned as a possi
ble dark horso.
Professor John B. McMaster of the
University of Pennsylvania has declined
the oiler of the Presidency of the Uni
versity of Illinois.
The Carnegie Steel Company (limited)
has issued a circular calling for a reduc
tion of from 15 to 50 per cent in nearly
all the departments.
When the new United States ironclad
Texas is a afloat and ready for business,
it win represent tne biggest btate in the
Union and about $3,000,000.
An insurance association is being
formed at Memphis, Tenn., by cotton
merchants to protect themselves from
unjust cotton insurance rates.
Professor Burnham, who has left the
Lick Observatory, is to assume the office
of Clerk of the Federal Court of the Chi
cago circuit, a position he filled before.
The Grand Trunk will hereafter be
permitted to bond all baggage giing
from Toronto to the United States, thus
enabling it to check direct to American
The list of dead so far by fire and
flood at Titusville and Oil City, Penn., is
sixty-five at the former and fifty-four at
the latter. Several persons are still
The grand jury of Chattanooga, Tenn.,
has brought true bills against all who
attempted to lynch Frank Weems, the
negro rapist. Some prominent men were
with the mob.
The pound nets are ruining the shad
fishing in the Connecticut river. The
decrease last year was fully 70 per cent.,
as estimated by the catch during 1889,
and this year it is no better.
The rustlers from Wyoming held a
mass meeting at Caspar and denounced
the interference of the Federal govern
ment with their affairs. They claim the
State is amply able to meet all tronble.
Financiers in New York are calling
the attention of the promoters of railway-building
to the probability of in
creasing absorption by Europeans of
American railway securities in the next
year or two.
The latest New York bank statement
shows the surplus reserve is $23,600,000
an amount nearly four times as great
as at this time last year. The ease of
money seems to be assured for several
months at least.
The Mississippi levees, with all the
damage their breaks are alleged to have
done, placed at $32,000,000 by Bradttreel'i
and $40,000,000 . by the New Orleans
Time f Democrat, h&ve still stood better
than in tne past.
Last Year's Total School Knrollrnent for
the United States Munificent
Gifts of Mrs. Hokhkiss.
Canada has 13,420 Indian children of
school age, of whom 7,574 are in attend
ance. The Income of the English University
of Oxford for 1S)1 was $334,000, and the
expenses $324,000.
Some possibly prejudiced person says
that they do not teach German in any of
the young ladies' boarding schools in
France. .
The biggest university in the world is
at Cairo, Egypt a country which Is not
mentioned at all in the statistics and
hi 11,000 students.
The total school enrollment for the
United States last year was 14,200,000.
This incloded universities. Private and
parochial schools have 1,500,000.
The teachers and School Superintend
ents of the United States receive $30,
000,000 annually. This amount increases
$2,500,0J0 each year, or 3a per cent.
Senator Stanford has divided the $l2"v
000 received for Arion into 125 equal
portions, to be given to that number of
destitute boys to educate them at his
new university.
The munificent gifts of Mrs. Hotch
kins, the widow of the inventor of the
machine gun, to Yale College include a
building fund of $150,000 and an endow
ment of 1500,000 for the establishment
of a preparatory school.
Hnlda Freldrichs, a young German
woman, has been engaged by the Pall
Mall Gazelle to make a tour of the United
States for the purpose of writing np the
educational institutions of the country.
especially in their effect on woman's
The university students of the United
States have received a formal invitation
from the students of Trinity College,
University of Dublin, to send delegates
to the celebration of the 300th anniver
sary of the founding of the college, to
occur in Dublin July 5 to 8.
It seems to be settled that a Roman
Catholic summer school after the Chau
tauqua plan is to be establish tempora
rily and perhaps tentatively at New
London, Conn. The project is to hold
the first session at that place during
three weeks of next August, with the
expectation that before another year
enough capital will be obtained to en
able a stock company to purchase a site
to be occupied permanently, ine per
manent situation for the camp most gen
erally favored is Carleton Island, one of
the Thousand Islands of the St. Law
rence lying, within the boundaries of
New York.
There are three colleges in New York
Columbia, the so-called University
and tne college supported by public tax
ation. All three of these colleges are
now proposing to renew and extend their
educational plant at an enormous ex
pense to each. Columbia has purchased
for $2,000,000 the greater part of the
property of the Bloomingdale Asylum.
Recently the so-called University con
tracted for the purchase of a site beyond
the Harlem, at Two Hundredth itreet,
at the price of $581,000. The free col
lege in Lexington avenue will go to the
next Legislature asking for an appropri
ation of a great sum of the people's
money to buy for it a new site and pat
np for it new and more commodious
buildings. All told, something like $10,
000,000 will be required to carry out
these plans for expenditures in land and
bricks and mortar alone.
Herr Krupp Will Exhibit a Huge Gun
at the World's Fair Wyoming
to Have No Building.
A historic collection of railroad tickets
will be oneof the exhibits of the World's
One of the big guns of the Chicago
World's Fair will be a 130-ton cannon
made by Krupp.
Wyoming will not have a separate
building at the World's Fair. It will
exhibit in the general department.
There will be a building at the World's
Fair where a woman can leave her baby
and get a check for it while she Bees the
The construction of the English build
ing at the World's Fair has been begun.
England takes the lead of all the foreign
nations In this work.
The St. Joseph (Mo.) World's Fair
Association has dissolved because no St.
Jvwph woman was appointed on the
Bc .rd of Woman Managers.
Oregon has projected a handsome
monument for the World's Fair, but
there ie as yet no place to pat it. It's
out of site, as the boys say. Philadel
phia Ledger
Dr. Franz Boaz, in charge of the sab
department of physical anthopology of
Clark University, Worcester, Mass., has
written to Judge Swan of Port Towns
end to secure specimens from the Indi
ans of Cape Flattery and the west coast
of Vancouver island, of all articles illus
trative of the habits, customs, manufac
tures, etc., of those Indians, and has
offered for the purposes of that single
university as much as the State of Wash
ington has allowed to Judge Swan for
similar work for the State World's Fair
exhibit. Dr. Boas is a scientist, and has
made many collections of Indian manu
factures, and he knows their value, and
he is also aware that there are so many
collectors in the field looking for jutt
such specimens that their cost has ma
terially advanced. Judge Swan has also
been requested totaake a duplicate col
lection for the United States Fish Com
mission, and he will goto Neah Bay next
i week to commence collections.
Koch of Prussia Opposed to the
. Remonetization of Silver.
Man and His Wife Convicted of the Charge
of Dealing In Sausages Made
of Dog Flesh at Lille. '
The playing of baccarat has been for
bidden in the Kursaal at Lucerne.
The value of the oysters consumed in
London yearly is about $3,000,000.
Dried fish was formerly and is still to
some extent a medium of exchange in
A Brussels syndicate is going to culti
vate tobacco extensively in the Congo
Free State.
The cholera in Persia is very virulent.
People die within two hours after having
the first attack.
Captain Lugard has been ordered to
evacuate Uganda by the British East
African Company.
Thomas Neill, about 45 years of age,
under arrest at London, is suspected of
killing eight women.
George Augnstns Sala says that Gen
eral Booth's darkest England scheme
has turned out a fizzle.
In Germany, while the production of
pig iron has increased, the consumption
of that article has declined.
The British government proposes to
expend JttWO.OOO in repairing the rav
ages of the Mauritius hurricane.
The several American Episcopal
churches in Europe are reported as in a
most prospeious, progressive and satis
factory condition.
The daily total water supply in Lon
don Is 181,507,049 gallons, representing
a daily consumption of 31.89 gallons per
head for all purposes.
Barcelona, Spain, owing to the labor
riot", is in a state of siege. A squadron
has been ordered to assemble there, and
troops are being harried forward.
Herr Sonnenschien, the Chief Judge
in German East Africa, has sentenced
seventeen Arabs to be hanged for hold
ing a slave market within his territory.
Herr Koch's official statement in the
Upper House of the Prussian Diet on
the currency question shows that he is
decidedly against the remonetization of
silver. ,
An enormous increase is reported in
emigration from Upper Alsace to Amer
ica, due, it is said, to the injury caused
to trade by the operation of the sollver
ein treaty.
Slivinski will probably visit this coun
try next year. He, like Paderewski, is
a pupil of Leechetizki, and has played
the piano successfully in Berlin, Paris
and London.
Five couples applied this year for the
flitch of bacon which is given at Dun
mord, England to the married pair who
have lived together for a whole year in
perfect harmony.
Statistics of Irish emigration just
published show that ever since Mr. Bal
four went back to Ireland as Chief Sec
retary the number of Irish emigrants
has been steadily decreasing.
In the new British Pharmacopoeia the
metric weights and measures will be
adopted, to the entire exclusion of the
English weights and measures hitherto
used there and in the United States.
The French appropriations for 1803
will be 645,000,000 francs for the army
and 280,000,000 francs for the navy.
Ninety-eight new vessels are in coarse
of construction, of which eight are iron
clads. The French are amazed that the Eng
lish should have built the Royal Sover
eign, their biggest ironclad, in two years
and a half. ' The Neptune and Magenta,
two French ships, have been twelve
years building.
Poultney Bigelow, a schoolmate of
Emperor William and son of ex-Minis-ter
Bigelow, and a fulsome flatterer of
the Emperor, has been expelled from
Ruesia, owing to a criticism of Russia's
administration in Poland.
The Turkish Sultan has invited Gen
eral Brialmont, the engineer officer who
constructed the fortifications at Ant
werp and Meu8e, to go to Constantinople
for the purpose of advising his Majesty
on a new project of Turkish defense.
The Italian authorities are earnest in
their endeavors to suppress the Mala
Vita Society. Another monster trial ie
taking place at Bori, where 219 of these
cut-throats are charged with various
crimes, from pocket-picking to assassi
nation. Lynch law is flourishing in Algeria.
Not long ago an Arab who had assaulted
a little girl near Constantino was chased
and seized by some of bis countrymen
and flung over a precipice to his death.
In eighteen months eight wrong-doers
have been shot for murder and robbery
without the benefit of trial by jury.
Mr. Stead, the aggressive London
editor, has organized a conference of
"lastors and Christian Electors" to
systematically oppose the candidacy of
Parliamentary nominees whose esca
pades have been aired in the courts.
There are two or three such candidates
now standing.
The most important literary "find"
of recent years is undoubtedly the pur
chase by Mr. Davey of London of a lot
of waste paper which turns out to be
three thick volumes of Victor Hugo's
table-talk during rive years of his exile
at Guernsey, transcribed by bis son,
Francois Victor Hugo.
Tnxra wobds arm Abotb
Am Interview With Rom Wall Knot
Cltlicni Bring Out Crtalu FoU
f th Greatest Interest nod
The interviews which follow are from
people well known in Oakland and the
reader can be assured that every word '
they say is true. They re certainly
most remarkable assertions, and coming
as they do just at the present time, they
can be read with the greatest interest
and profit by all.
George II. Fogg, the well known
notary public of 141 Broadway in the
course of a conversation stated these
facts : " About five or six years ago I was
suffering from a disease of the kidneys
which troubled me for a year or so be
fore I discovered what the real cause of -my
diacomfort was. Upon the recom
mendation of a friend I began taking
Warner's Safe Cure and took three or
four bottles. It helped me immediately.
I spoke of it to friends of mine at the
time and many of them have used it
with benefit. Itill recommend it at
every opportunity. Since using the '
medicine I have bad no return of the
trouble thought that was some thrw or
four vears ago."
"Can you givo me the name of any of
your friends who have been helped by .
this remedy?"
"Yes, it you will see . Mr, Geo.-8.
Kaismlth, the insurance man. of 403
Ninth street he will tell you moreabout
it. He took it because he saw my name
indorsing it."
Mr.. Naismith is well known to the
business and social circles of Oakland.
He greeted the reporter cordially and
said :
"Five years ago I was eonfined to my
bed and the doctors gave me np to die
but I am now np and able to attend to
my business. Warner's Safe Cure is a
great remedy and in my case acted upon
my system at once, and completely
restored me to health."
Mr. B. . Armstrong senior partner
in the well known paint house of
Armstrong & Merchant. 4'1 Third street,
San Francisco and -!ii-v Oakland home
is at 1520 Broad ay, i-aid :
"Warner's Safe Cure saved my life
and my wife's. I had kidney trouble
so bad that I did'nt know a moment's
peace while my wife was a martyr to
those special troubles peculiar to women.
We were induced by our friends to try
the Safe Cure and it has completely
restored as to health. Now , we always
keep it in the house and nee it as a
family medicine and would' not be with
out it for any consideration."
Mrs. Armstrong was also seen at her
Oakland home and fully bore out her
husband's statements as to her recovery
being remarkably strong and healthful
in appearancev
George W. Baker is a painter by trade
and lives in a neat little cottage at Bar-,
ryman Station just beyond Berkeley. In
answer to our reporter he said:
"Five years ago I had dyspepsia so
bad that I did not know w hat it was to
enjoy a meal. I got in such a condition
that everything distressed me fearfully
and at times I would be seized with
pains' in my chest and abdomen so
severe that I "fell to the ground as though
my backbone -were suddenly fevered
with an axe. Well do I know what it ia
to be stricken -down in the street and
have to be carried home in agony. This
went on for over a year and all the
while I was trying to find some doctor
who could help me but without success.
I spent hundreds of dollars and was no
better than at first when one day I saw
an advertisement of Warner's Safe
Cure. It was a big poster on a fence
and I tell you sir, I thank God to-day
for the man that put it there. Almost
in despair I bought a bottle but by t he
time that was gone I was eating heartily
of anything I desired. The second
bottle cured me and I don't think I
finished it either."
Frederick A. Wilder, the genial pro- "
prietor of the Windsor House was seen
at his hotel at the corner of Washingtan
and Ninth streets. Mr. Wilder has
spent considerable time in Arizona and
the southern country and spoke of his
experience as follows :
"In 1883 1 was in Arizona on business .
and while there I contracted a severe
cold which settled in my kidneys. The
bad water of that part of the coantry
aggravated my trouble till I had a well
developed case of Bright's disease. .1 -tried
different remedies with but slightly
beneficial results until last December.
At that time I was attacked with the
Grip which left me with my kidneys in
a very weak condition and also brought
on inflammation of the bladder, I be
gan using Warner's 8afe Cum and am
now on the fourth bottle. It is a fine
thing and has done me a world .of good.
The pain has disappeared from my
bladder and the weak feeling from
across my hips. 1 -heartily indorse the
remedy and am still using it."
Albert Rowe of the Pacific Borax
Works, Oakland, in a recent conversa
tion said: "I have had kidney trouble
with nervousness and loss of sleep for
years. Nothing seemed to help me in
the least till I tried Warner's Safe Cure.
I have taken about a dozen and a half of
the remedy and now. my nerves are
steady and I eleep like a top."
Judge E. O. Crosby, the well known
attorney of 1622 Park street, Alameda
said : "Continnal office work and
sedentary habits brought on me a severe
attack of kidney trouble with sleepless
ness and weakness across the small of
my back. I began taking Warner's
Safe Cure and found immediate im
provement. I took about fifty bottles
and at the end of that time was perfectly .
The above statements are not from
obscure people living in the Eastern
States, but Irom well known persons re-
Biding right here in .Oakland where the
truth of their assertions can be easily
verified. Such testimony ought to be
convincing. Oakland Tribune,
Goal has been discovered near Everett,
, &