The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 18, 1892, Image 2

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    "food Jiver Slctcicr.
HOOD 1UVEU, Oil., JUNK, 18, ISO?.
"" " ' i
IIE EAST '.' A 7Y7. i
J no i YtiiUHf: is groat pit per nun .mi.:
The Last 1 ork l.rlgut.njr i oinpany 1 t lww,mvt luall, !.,, Uie !
lu fairly cnm.ncii.vd work, l'vl8offllV Uh1 . ,.unfalr.. OVor !
oonv.)U ted ulM.ut thirty-three- roils at
the head of thoir ilitih. THswoik is
alleutheh.l Mile requires '; 1
IhuU untune mo won tne larger portion
ol it will tako. lit sulos this o.NiK'iiom-o
' is oeeti gained, hiid woiv the fuiiiv
work to lie done over it ootiM Ik done
I.i much less timo. It is pioluiblo that
110 work will be done lorn month or so,
us most of those Interested aiv coin
in lied l leave the dttob to attend to
thoir crop; but us soon us those tire
atet!ie work will bo again taken tip
and proseeiited vigorously. The faim
uot the oast side b.tve this irrigating
matter in thoir own lianas, us all that
la required is work. Time, persoveranoe, 1
im'usfy and atioiuv w ill jeimit thein j
to uupply thcnisolvts with an ubuu-j
di vteoi waier, and hi this respect they I
e in much belter condition llian their;
l a u.u-n on tlio west side, who have
i .Hiijonof the rixer to cross at co-
lo.Uloi xpniso, or els a givater i-x-1
! s in getting the water up tin tno
Wfsiiiue. The very tiiicst land in the
vu.ii.-y is on the east side, ami there is
a vast quantity of it. With plenty of
Waur these lands will be increased to
live limes their present value. The
p...ulation will le inona-d twenty j
inui's, ana uie prtHuicis iunv a ouu-
.co,...Mueu. .Mejeiusaaei iueau.
supply Is obtained. 'Ihe undertaking
ivui8 large to men of small means, but
thev slioultl remeuiur tliat tlie reward
will be large also. Aiiiscle and energy
will accomplish tlie work, and lrcncc
delays, vxtvpl when unavoidable, aie
inexcusable. One year's crop will pay
f .r uil the work, tLerefore do not wasie
The T'uiie-MouiUatnccr publishes a
communication signed by '"L'tio," tak
ing tw to task for ussertiug that Hood
ltner's candidates were not treated
fairly iu The Halie. The (.'orrespomi
ut dodges the issue by comparing
. handler's vote to Uoon's and Shelley's
"to Fr ZjTerald's. We agaiu assert that
wl.ut we aid before wa true. Coon
aiid B.ythe ran well here because it was
tlu-ir hiue precinct, (.'handler ran
weh, una was expected lo do so, iu The
Ilies icause he inny nith tolerable
j'uuess be called a citizen of that pre
lather ran ahead of his ticket j
litre for the same reaaon he lived here,
-m. personally acquainted witn almost
every voter hi the precinct, and bis
vole shows the respect in which he was
livid. jVlr. iiulcu ran ahead of his
ticket iu Duuir, probably for the same
reason. This ia exacted and is quite
in the natural order of things. If
' Uho" will explain why Klythe ran
7i votes behind Moore, both being 11011
i vsiiients of The Dalles, or why l'rather
tan -VZ votes behind Kuntz, both being
iRiii-retidents, be will meet the issue
squarely. As for the vote between
fcuieltey and Fitzgerald, we observe that
the latter ran nearly as far behind hi
The Dadts us iu Hood Fdver, notwith-t-lauuiug
the. fact that Mr. Shelley is
credited to Hood River. In fact, the
vote for school superintendent, if it
fcbowa anything, shows that the spirit
of ieiiyious intolerance is far from dead
iu this county. "Uuo" falls into the
error of special pleading. He should
tr;. the general ouc. We will add,
however, thut political sores are best
tuied by bemg let alone, and that the
Hi.. ,i,.ix wid not aam willingly al-...-.!
to the matter.
The democratic nutional convention
xueets in Chicago next Tuesday, the
21st. All indication! point to the nom
ination of Cleveland, yet the opposition
is strong and determined. Should
Cleveland not be nominated on the
lirst three ballots, he will ia our opin
ion be out of the race and the light will
lie between Morrison, rainier and
)oics. We believe that should it come
to this, Boies will be the nominee. lie
ia front west of the Mississippi, and tins
fchould give him a large vote in tue
western states. And, besides, as a mat
ter of state pride, Iowa, which has
twice honored him with the governor
ship, will give him her vote for tJie
presidency and Iowa is a big state.
The dispatches tell us we should
thank Linger Hermann for the bill ex
tending the time for payment on for
feited hinds, for the appropriation for
the Caioada Locks, etc., and that we
should thank th3 democratic h use for
tho defeat of the Dalles boat railway.
It strikes us that if our friend, thegreat
'linger, de'-"i' ored't for Hie first, lie
doj also for the last. We cannot uu
d stand it, unless, indee I soul-harrowing
thi tight' Binger has discov
ered he is ni.i of this district and has
suddenly withdrawn his mighty influ
e m e and left tw to the tender mercies
of a democratic congrtss. Naughty
congress! Cruel Binger! Unhappy
Oregon! tby burdens a;e indeed bard
ti bear, especially the load from the
Siskiyou. .. ... '
The ivpuUiom national convention
nttitU i grnve mistake in nominating
Whttrluw liehl Ur the vice iretlileney.
Mr. lici.l for twenty year luw Uvn
fighting the TyiH)jrujhliiil UnUm, iuuI
hu bad uodiing but Mivora for them m
well n all other labor organization!!.
The 7iitnfi is a great paper and Mr.
slinv Mr. llo!d assumed ohaigo of it.
Mr. Harrison has been saddled with a !
o;u, Ulat lllvuk him
low 11 before
he ivaches the homo sirvlch, and we
predict that Mr. 15eid will poll the ma
jority of the trade unions voles agaii at
the ticket.
fiienp Ihite for too 4
The I'liioii Pacific oilers Us patrons
cheap lih of July rates as usual this
For dates of sale and limits of tUkel
or anv additional info, .nation, applv to ; ",r.v iy li lted to call and
i see my slock. I am determined to
M r.i.l.isoN, ptase' you in (pialiiy and
Agent I'liioii r.ieilie sicni, Hood 'price. 1 am hero to stay, and' respect
Klvor, Oregon. , fully usk your patronage if my goods
. i and prUvssuit yon.
Tlio S. of V.
Urant ('ni, Sons of Veteran,
will j
give an intormul ii-cepiion at the Ar
mory hall on the evening of Thursday j
June iii. a snort ntor.irv pi-
gramme w ill k rcmloicd, and akc
and strawUriio served. Metulici-s of
theti. A. U., ami V. II. t., with fam
ilies are invited to be present and help
Us pas a pleasant evening;.
Ky tmler of, t om m n 11:1:.
tu a 11 iv i.Miirsnuis 1
Aw m,r ,H,pu,ar u,
unvssful. Tlio i
: exctvdiugly 1 v rates oll'cnd by the,
lUujon p.j. lis vejip w
j tu.m m Umwntv i,H;ilKWt Excursion
, ,k.ksts !i;lk a, a,; tu.,.t.t ufUw
system. 1
For dates of sale and limits of tickets, j
or any addition. ,i information, ripply lo i
;vsteui, Hood
Auent Union
Kiver, O.e
A Minora Atlienluu .-.
"Did 1 ever tell you." sai ,.
reporter, "my awful exponent .
time I wrus ever lumorcd by a c.
the elder Salvini'r -My sn ter lian
shown kiudnosses by him wli
Italy, and lir.d begged him to call on
when he came to America It was t
maid's af tornoou out. I was alone in t
Hat wuh .lack, uiy int'prossible t ..
year-old nephew. An accursed iinpni.-o
whisiered to me that a hot kith was a
good remedy for headache.
"1 was iu my bath wrap, my dripping
hair hanging about uie, when the liell
rang. Oh. horror! The name on the card
which Jack poked utidcr the door was
Toniaso Salvini! I knew he scarcely
understood a word of English. Jack.'
I cuiil .a. ,.ftu 11111 till frut it
..j!illbluue lht sortiei- lind h iu
and tire it oiT at him. He'll know what
it is if you don't. Ile'U go away.' So
said, so done. The little scamp caught
the words quickly and repeated them
"Fancy my anguish when Signor S;l-
1 vini began to question, to regret, to dep
recate in a Hood of swift French, Jack
gazing in widemouthed terror. 1 on
the verge of catalepsy behind the bath
room door. Jack bore it as long as he
could, and then his sky piercing aecentt
rose upon the air. '1 don't know what
you're driving atr wailed ha "All 1
know is that she told nie to say she was
sortie, and I've said it!' Don't ask uie
the rest. 1 collapsed in the bathtub
and tore uiy hair and wept." Hoslou
Air Stpita OTrr Cltlvn.
The popular idea that the higher one
geta in the city air the purer the atmos
phere becomes, has liecn disproved by
evidence given before a select committee
on house of commons ventilation in Lou
don. It is found that the air of cities
like London, where soft con! is burned,
is purest at thirty or forty feet from the
ground. Lower than that the dust is
encountered and higher the smoke front
the chimneys.
These conclusions were arrived at
from experiments with frames of wood
covered with blanketing material put
at different elevations one on top of the
clock tower at Westminster, another on
the highest point ol' the roof and others
at various heights dnwu to the court
yard After five hours exposure there
were found to he more smuts at high
elevations than at low. hut on the level
of the courtyard there were considera
ble quantities of dust
The inference from these experiments
is that the common notion that the high
est stories of the tallest blocks of flats
are desirable for tneir salubrity is apt to
be a mistaken oue. and that beyond forty
feet uothiug is gained ' by jjonig higher
unless a very great height soin- say -hit)
or 5tH) feetis reached. Lomsviile Courier-Journal.
In I run tin st h Cause of Fire?
When Oxide of iron is placed in con
tact with timber excluded from the at
mosphere, and aided by a slightly in
creased temperature, the oxide will part
with its oxygen, and is converted into
very finely divided particles of metallic
iron having such an aflinity for oxygen
that, when afterward exposed to the ac
tion of the atmosphere from any cause,
oxgen is so rapidly absorbed that these
particles become suddenly red hot. and
if in sufficient quantity will produce a
temperature far beyond the ignition
point of dry timber.
Wherever iron pipes are employed for
the circulation of any heated -medium,
whether hot water, hot air or steam, and
the pipes are allowed to become rusty,
in close contact with timber, it is only
necessary to suppose that under these
circumstances the particles of metallic
iron become exposed to the action of the
atmosphere and this may occur from
the mere expansion or contraction of the
pipe? in order to accftSint for many of
the fires which periodically take place
at the commencement of the winter.
Tho undorsljrnod lielntr loettleil near
HtMwl Kiver, wished to 'Inform pur-Men
who may l desirous of IiuvIhk mir
voylnjj time, that bo Is u ncaitloal
surveyor of many your oxK-i'lonoo,
an 1 1 that work eiitrtisteil to him will bo
nciTorniotl with iliiiitob ami nvpt-
110M8. Ho hikes pleasure In ivtVn iuu' to
;Mr. A. f Mowers, (who for o;ir was
oounty commissioner in Minnesota,)
and for horn ho did oounty work as
IllllllltV tOII'l'I'Viir W l I hi illiilllW
p.,,, xv rilliiir mo tit Hood will ro-
ceivo prompt intention.
Dated Hood Klvor April, iwl.
Beatty's Organs mr
Wi lli- lor etitiiWuo. Aduns Piiulel K. ltintly,
Washington, Now Jersey
ion sai.i: cm:u
Now single harness. llmpilro
Crowell's store.
lailios of Hood
Mits. K S. Howki.i.s.
OlVor hi professional service to
citi.'.en tf HtHid Kiver and vicinity.
Hats Trimmed,
And prices reasonable. Cull mid
' amine goods at Harrison's store.
Kcliab'e Infoi .nation concerning laud
Choice city and country property for
Conveyancing a Specialty.
LWSt'coiHt. Strut
Tk': Dalit Or
I i:xi:cn'u;is noihi:.
XotUv Is horoliy eivrn that J. It. M'dillcliin,
I has Imh ii ilnly anthorlzi-il ns i-trrntor of the
I lust will nml li'stniiii'iii of hl!:i Miilillrti.n Mis
j ccassil, lo carry oat Uie provisions oi saiu will,
j anil to niuiuiv'f tlio nttulrs nf snlil estate. All
i iH-rsons having riniins inraiiist siihl estate
I arc herchy niititle l to prrsetilitlic mono to s ilu
executor, at HimhI l!ivr(ic;oii, proicrly at
tested wituin tx months fiom theilnte herisa.
' .1. U. MllMII.Kl'OS.
! Kxerutoror Ihe last w ill nml teniciuriit of
i Kiln .Miiidlrton le e.i-eil.
I Dated ut lloml l.ici, ureoi-, June It lsui
Xollrp U hrttby given that tlie nniierslg-ied
lias been duly appointed by the comity court
of the state of Oregon fo.- Wasen futility, in
probate, a . tin Intat rati r of the estate of list tier
backus deceased. All persons hnviinr claims
ic'ainst wild estate tire hereby required to
present thein to me, with proier vouchers nt
in y residence near Iflver, Wttseo
County Oreffou. v.lihiu six months from the
date of this nollre. Kit Kit llmi'K,
Administrator of the estute of Ksther
Ihick us, deceased.
Dated this 21st day of May ls2.
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
Everything will be found neat and clean
Tables will be supplied, with the best tho,
J, f. KBNNA,
Painter and Paper Hanger, and
all kinds of work neatly and
Cheaply Done.
j noon uivf.k,
ssiuxmsmt to e. hkck.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. Second St. The Dalles. Or.
Successors to A Hettinim
A complete lineof Heating and Cook Stoves,
Pumps, Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitter's
Supplicsftilso" a complete stock of
Carpenter's, Blacksmiths' and
Farmer's Tools.
ur lmiiufumr..
Ail tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will be
done on short notice.
iIIIFiIItiVd aiit!
milliner v i
j, i. iwrnmi k go,
NOTicK ron ruiUiic.vnoN.
I .iuuI onii'e ut niniiucr,vasU. May H". N''J.
To lliliim tiilhivtitti 1'rli'i' 'Ilium uiul till
wlmiii Ik limy i'i'Ih 1 111,
Notice I heivliy ulvcn tliat tl Mtow lnir
iiumiHi 'llU'i liiixc illi'il nui Ii'imiI llu'lr Inl' ii-
I toil III IllltlvO lllllll I'lOOl' III hllKI Ol' IIH'll'
l-lllllll-,IIIUl Willi -I1ili'lll I'O llllllll lil'loni
W, It. Illllllllll', Coiliml.'.llllli'l' rillU'll Mlllll-K
t'livuii I'omt lor IMxliti-l ol W'usiiliiKtoii "I
tiollll-UlllllO Wlll.ll. Oil WlMlll'KuH.V Jiu.v lHh
lst, lit;
WlUliiuii I'liisli-r.
Uiuiii-Kli'iiil I'.ulry No.VvSI I'nr tlio it of h w
M-'iiin M T 11 n r I'- 0 w in,
ll- ilium'. Iln lollnnliiu w Iiihwhi-k to irovi
lll! I'.HUllllll'llH H'l.,,ll'IU'l' 1 1 1 l 1 1 llllll t'lllllMI-
hull ol, wilt! lllllll, I.'! lllllllil Wl li;lil, lli'lliy
11: I l.iM iis, lo-ilii'ii Urweli, UuUtI IliuUrr,
aii 01 I- ulilit wusiiliiMin.
Slimy A. Wilson.
W Mow of w IIII11111 M. v ll-'HI ilri'i-iiMMl.
llmni-ii inl Cuiiy No, s.'li'iir m, n of a
W IllUt ll'i, Ol III'1! iV 1M l'l II I' I ". O W III,
Kin- iiiiim i, lli- follow Inn wltiifi" m prove
llrriollllllll'illi l'.lili'IU'i' llKHI iuuI rll.llvu
'Hon of, kiiI'I liiiul VI.-.; Iliiuy M. 'lr,-iiiirr,
t'lir-U'i' w, llrll, John II. t'orliiini of Uliii
uihhI I', o. wiililiitliiii. w illliini 1'1'iinIi'I' of
1 11I1I11 I'. 11. wic-ti,
K tint H. Kiiul'-mi.
riv-'iiiHnti t'. M. No. atl'l lor tlio e ' of it
w ( U Ti :i 11 r 10 0 v in-
Ilr niiini the follow Inn wllncsrv lo
lo iinno
IiIn roiillmioiis irsltlrilcc no n all, I
t Ion of -mil liiiul l: .lining II. luii Irr, ,1 in-. l
l' .liii'olii.oii, I'liilsilim V.. I.tir-i'ii, siiiinii'l
wallmi nil of u liili' iiliuoil I'. O, w .ihl n ;Mn.
Ill.VlUtll .InliN l. lil.OI.IIKOAN. Ui'Klxtcr.
IVtor Si liiiiiil.intil 11U w I10111 II limy i-oihti ii.
IjiiuI iMUri' ill Viiui'oiiM'rW'iisli., Muy 'Ji'.lvJ.
NotUv W lirivliy Klvi'ti thai the follow I in),
nioiiril Ml I Irr Iiiih llliil liollrc of lilx Iii
trillion In tint kt' lliml I'lonf In i.U'ioi I of lilm
rluim mill lliul miIiI proof will l ininli1 1
foio . It. iinliir, t'oliimlKNioiirr, I nlli'il t Irrilll t'oui l for lnsli lrl of WhnIiIiiij.
Ion, ill 1 11'l.lrlliuilr, iislitllHloli, on Tlilll'Mluy
August till IM'-J, I.:
AI1IJ11I1 II. Hyrkrtt.
riiivliiisi itniilon No. ;1I7 ninlrr siv. Sol
tin-nrl ii'iroril si i't 'Jsi Inii lor tin1 north
llllll of xvtloli l i tow llllli (i Iliil lll of rilll).'!' 10
i nil w ill nu r.
Jlr iiuiio'i. ihii follow iin; wHiii'isi'K to iiivo
Ills coin .inioi'.H rliilm to iiiwl cull l ai li m of,
Milit laiul, ir. t'luirlt'H rciirMia, Wllliiiin
t 'outo. I riuili Coiilr, .lolni I Vkrrl, nil of Trout
l.iiUc I'. 11. W11M1,, tiriiiuc titllncr, of tillnirr
l'. li. wash.
Jnii-jyll John K liKniilitiiAN.IiiitUli'r.
j 'VHI innkn tlio s-i li' hhimiii of Hrjnt l' II
! llnllon'i. liiriii ut liooii liivrr.
! Di-st riptimi iuuI I'nlkrrc
1 "M Mnlr.lil" Is 11 conl-lilncl. lliiinlili'lonliiti, a
v.-iirs oh!; nrli:lit I I'll niiinils; slrril l.y Mini 's
1 1 1; no ii'ionuiii; iiiiiii. 11 , iiiiri-iMiii,iiu i.inn.
"Mainlwiit " I" 11 iiooil iiisiosil loni'il lioisr, n
1 loppy i'.i irr iiiiil niillr 11 tiollrr lor 11 Imrsc of
! Ills Mr.
".Miilnii;!il's" srrvlcc fiv will In- fin for Mnnli
'i vli r, ilnr ill tlmr of srrvii'i', or fl'i lor III!'
sriiMin. I'rrsons lirrriHni; by Mtnifli- srri Irr
nllil liiiirr liillin., M rali 1, run Imi'tl liy lli
sriisnii liy lli ml, III lnniit piiyinrnt of ifa. Srii
son tu clow .lulv I'i, tst-i'.
I'. It, 'it I'lnX, KihiiI Klvrr, t)r.
To Victoria K. .liilinsNin, Willlnin It! ivi;r
liamrli, William .1. Smith uinl nil whom it
may concern.
l.mnl ( iltlrenl Vneonver Wash. May 1, Isirj.
Notice Is lierrliv irlven Hie followinu-
tliiiiinl sillier laisllleil iiotlre nf his Intent lull
to nia:;e iliial proof In siiiiikiiI 01 his claims.
ami I hat salil proof w ill lr iiuule l lore Hie
Iteiiister ami liis'elM-r t'. S. Land oillct' al 1
Vancouver wash, an July 'i'i, Is:;, vU:
William M. Ijk'Uc.
I're. D. s, 2ki tor thee 1 1 w '4 hco (iTp 3 n r
II e wr 111.
lie Inimes Hie follow lii witnessrs to prove
hi. ei ml 1 riiioiis lii.ltli'jHi, inn 111 101, t en 1 1 1 v ill Ion I
nl.siiiil hind vi.: I-1 ank lane, Pihr iru-
siion-4. t- iiiii'c liroshoiiir. Nullum W mul, t 1 1 VJ
w lilte Siilmon, Klieliltal eoiinly wash.
mayll-Jnls JmiN i. IiH.ih.iih.aii, Itisjlstrr
notice for
l and t ijllre ut Vancouver,.. wusli, May l , ls!r.'.
To Howard C. Cool: ami John Itunielt and
nil whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby clvcii that tlie follinvinif
nuiiicl settlers have tiled tiotlceot their Intent
I in loiuiiketlnal priKil in .supportofi heir claims
i.nd that Mild proof will be miidc before tlie
l!i :;ister atnl Ihs eiver l . S. laud oillce at Van
couver, wtisli.oii July, vu:
AmoM I'ni'.erHixid.
Application No 10 to purchase under wr. 5
ret s.,-,1. s a), for tiie s nw 't and lols 1
and 1 sec V. Tp .1 n r l ie iv in.
lie names tiie followlun wltnes'e to prove
bi.i rout initials resilience Uiioti ami cult I vat ion
of, mi ill land, vi.: unlia.ii tiiano, nnd
I'liviil K: lliilway, bjilh of fheuou itii wash,,
joiins Tanner, of v ni:e Hahnon. iiiisli,, Joseph
l'ur.'r, pi Itisiil river Oreuoii.
also Kdward I'liderwiKid.
Apnlieiitlim No 11 to purcliiisp under sec. 8
(let ept 2) lS'Hl for tiie e ijne 14 , w '4 u
and ke, 11 e !4 see l.'i Tp :(u r IU c w in.
He names the folloM lnif witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and culllvn
llon of, Kiiivt land u williaai Ilia no, jiavld
K.Ordway, both of Cheiiowlth wash, .limns
Tanner, of white salmon wash. Joseph Turner,
of Hood river Oreiron.
also W illiam Iirnno.
Application No 1. "1 to purchase under nee. 3
net Sept lsliO; for the lots 2 Hi and 5 see :ti Tp
a 11 r n e w in.
Hp names the following witnesses to prove
hlscontinuous residence uisui and culllva
lion of, said land, vi.: Kdwarrd I'nilrriviMiil,
Amos I'liiierwood, both of white Haimon,
wasli. Ilavld IC. Orilwuy, of Cheiiowlth wash.
Josepii Purser, of Hood riviir Ore;;on.
myllJnlS Jolin 1). Uk(K,iii.iah, KrlKtrr,
Timber I.uiul, Aet Juno '!, 1S73.
17. H. l.Ann.OKFlcK,
Oukocs City, Ouuuo.n .tiny. 7, W)2.
Notice Ik hereby given thut in compliance
with the provisions of the net of Congress of
June:!, 1H7S, entitleit "An net .'or !heiiieol' tlm
beriliincls in tlie states ol I 'iilllui liln. ( irenon Xe
viiiliiiintl WHshitftiton Territory.'' Mm. Jlur
riet S. Johnson, u w liJow of l'nrtlantl, county
of Multnomah, slate of Orego.i, has thlsilny
Hied In tlilsoMcc hersworn statement No. 'i"M,
lor the purchase oft lie w J4' n c ,., c no '4
and ne h o J4 of section No. 21 Iu town
ship no.3 south. iniiKi! no. K't east, anil
1 V i 1 1 uliii- proottOHliow thai tin; lllllll suukI L is
more valiiubli.' for Its timber or stone tliiiu for
agricultural purposes, anil to establish her
claim to said land before the Register und Kc
ceivi.rof this olllco at Oregon City, Oregon,
on .Monday tlio 15th day of August KYi.
She names as witnesses: Horace S, Camp
bell, Surah A. Held, both of East I'orrlanil
Multnomah County . Oregon, Charles Cole,
Sandy, 'Inckamas t ,'ounty Or., Thus. J. peek,
at' Portland Multnomah County Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lands are requested to II lo
their claims in this ollieu on or before suld
15, day of August, 1M!I2.
niyiflt-Jyao J. 'J'. Api-euhon, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1H7.
United States Land Ofilco,
Oregon City Oregon, May, 7, MI2.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
wilh tho provisions of tho net of Congress of
Juno,"., 1878. entitled "An tu t for tho sale of
timber lands in the Mates of Ciilli'orijin, Ore
gon, Nevada nnd Washington Territory," .Mrs.
Sarah A. Held, widow of Portland Co., of Mult
nomah, state of Oregon, hits this day tiled In
tills oihee hersworn slaleuient, No. 2sZ, lor tho
piirclmseoriiM.',':so!.and NHw4l'tiCf ,X.2 1,1 n
townshlpMo. ;j, south range .MoK. w. M.and
will olior jirool to show Unit tho laud sought Is
inure valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, nnd lo establish her
claim to said land before the th gister and Ke
ceiver ol this olllio ut, Oregon City Oregon,
on Monday tlio 15tli day of August itiitl.
She names us witnesses: Horace H. Camp
bell, of Kasl Portland, Multnomah County Or.,
Onirics Colo, of Handy Clackamas County
Oregon, Tims. J. Peck, uuditiirriet H. Johnson,
botli ol Portland Jmltnomuh County Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
above described lands mo requested to tile
their claims In thisolilooon or before said I5lh
day of August, 112.
no 2-4y.'.0 J. T. Ai'i'HitsoN, Register.
Doob S. 15. fict there V Well I uhould
smile. H. li.
Houso Buiiilor'a Gocib. Susli
and Doors, Mouldings,
Bruits and Wood Tnrniiigs.
Lime. Piaster nnd JLath Coil
ing, Rustic and Flooring.
UN HllilltTIXT NtiTH'i:.
Having purchased I ho business of l'KKUY A JONKS. I 11111 prcpitivd ti
furnish the very chohvst tiality of
At tho Very Lowest Rates.
I have constantly on baud a Hue stock of
2Ha":c2a.G), IBacoii axxd. Laid,
In fact, everything In my lino.
Cornor Oak and Fourth Sts., - - Hood Rlvor, Oregon
rmu'itii' .nuts
Have on hand a fuU supply of Fruit, Shade uud Ornann'titul trotn; grap
vines, hiiiiill fruits, Koscs and Shrubbery.
Ko sure to get our prices U-fure purchasing elsewhere.
Kciiiombcr our trees arc grow 11 strictly without Irrigation.
W. A. St.tNtii:itl.AM, Local Agent.
That thirty dnys Is ns long us we can "credit goods, nnd would respi ct fully
reipicst our patrons to guvcrit Ihcmsolvc iiecordiiigly.
i ""ppvO 1 TTH V
JuuaUUUiMWl Ul
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
And a Comploto Lino of
Crandall & Burget,
Furniture, Carpets,
A Full Line of
Unfleriakiui Goods.
Mail Orders Pronplly Attended to
166 Second St. The "Dalles, Or.
ivory and
Oak Strut, near Postqffice,
Wc have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hackf
and Saddle Horses.
A Fine Four-Eorse Coach, suitable for fishing or excundoi
prrtieH, carries nine, pasfengere Parties taken to any accesti
bla point. KeliabJrj drivers.
Our Dray delivers baggage or freight anywhere ir the Valle
Charges Reasonable,
i it 1 1 1 1 1 ni vit
ll.f. tHK,
TT pissa i
U X Xwv JL mL LXsrU W A t
1',v.swWL'2'-,L--','y,'ir I
& Bone,
ia . ' i i