V ) . ' .a . r ood River Glacier VOL. 1. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 18, 1802. NO. 3. t r ni The 3 food Ivjver (5 lacier. riMlMMIKI) KVKIIT IATURDAT MOItNINO T The Glacier Publishing Company. HVDMCIIIPTION rilltK. On. yr , ,... ....It 00 h mouths , , , or Tlirno iiitnt))i , tA Muni. auy , C.nU THE GLACIER BarberShop Grant Evans, Propr. hrodiiil St., near Oiik. . Hood River, Or. Shaving ami llalr cutting neatly dim. Sutisfut'tiim (iiiaiuiitii'il. ENTAL MELANGE Situation in the Gnir d'AIene Minis Unsettled. IDAHO AND NEVADA RIVERS HIGH. Small Sletl Mexican Kevjlutlun Said to be Matching In the Neighbor hood of Nogalcs. The Carson river U booming. The Sacramento river li fulling slowly. The Boise river in Idaho ia very high. Truckee, Cal., ia worklug fur high school. m Angeles la systematically worked by burglura. Vegetable trains from Southern Cark fornia to Chicago are projected. Numbers of prospectors are following the McCook exploring party into the Navajo country. The altuatlon in the Our d'AIene country ia atill uiinctt toi. The mines are closed, and thousands of men are ' idle. It is stated at Nogales, A. T., that small-sized Mexican revolution is being hatched in tiiat neighborhood. Horse stealing on a large scale ia said to leone of the indications. The Bouthern Pad Ho Com pun v by the decision of a referee will now be com pelled to accept the freight schedule adopted by tho Oregon Hoard of Kail road Commissioners. Southern l'aciHc surveyors are work ing their way easterly fromConperopoiis, Cal. It ia believed that this is an effort to secure the Big Tree route and head off (he Halt Lake railroad. The crop outlook in the Salt Klver Valley in Arizona is good, and the prices expected to be realized are satisfactory to the farmers. The alfalfa crop is one half larger than la&t year's. It ia confidently stated by those who have studied the matter that in three years the production in prunes and rai sins In California will be enough to sup ply America and preclude importations altogether. Mrs. Sarah Althea Terry is growing worse mentally. Physically her condi tion is improved. She talks to herself, and sings a great deal, and is careless about her appearance. She is not vio lent, but noisy, and is permitted liberty in the asylum grounds at Stockton with other patients. Evidence is accumulating that the Al gadonas grant, which embraces the choicest lands along the Colorado river below Yuma, is a forgery, and: the pros pect that the land will before long be thrown open to settlement is causing would be locators to prepare for the rush. A highbinders' war broke out at Sac ramento the other night, and the pistol shotB sounded like a rattle of musketry. A passing electric car was in the line of the bullets, and was quickly vacated by passengers and abandoned by the con ductor and motor man. Two dead Chi namen and a wounded one were 'found after the battle. The fact is stated at Fresno that a new route for a flume has been surveyed to the timber region on the headwaters of the San Joaquin. The terminus of the new flume will be at Pollasky on the line of the Mountain railroad at the rapids in the river. It is said extensive mills and factories are planned for that place, to be run by water power. The flume is to be forty-five miles long. A report from Phoenix, A. T., states that 300 men have been put to work on the Wolfley canal, and it will be com pleted as soon as possible. It will be 70 miles in length and the largest irri gating canal in America, opening to cul tivation 300.000 acres of desert lands. The water will be supplied from a dam in the Gila river, and for miles the canal will run in the bed of the old Aztec ca nal, eo much written of. General Manager . Lyons of the Northern Terminal Company has had funds placed at his command and been ordered to go ahead with a twenty-stall roundhouse and a freighthouse 830 feet long for the Northern Pacific on the ter minal grounds at Portland, Or. The Bowers dredger is filling the lake for these grounds at a rapid rate, and work on the grand union passenger station, the finent west of Chicago, will be re sumed in a short time. CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS. Wilson Makes a Speech Against Cutting Down the Appropriation for I'ostoiuYe Facilities. A Joint resolution lias Wen pained au thorizing and direct'ng the President to proclaim a general holiday commemor ating the -tooth anniversary of the dis covery of America on October 12, 1HD2. James K. Young has been acquitted by the corps of Washington correspond ent of tho charge uton which the Sen ate dismissed him from the position of executive clerk. Young's removal from ollii'e carried with It the Imputation he had communicated to newspaper cor re spondonts information alxnu the trans actions of the Senate while in executive session. Attorney F. A Orr of San Francisco was at the State Department recently, and had an audience with Solicitor Part ridge In regard to the claims of the sail ors of the cruiser Baltimore against the Chilian government for damages by the assault upon them in Valparaiso last October. He was Informed the claims hail been brought to the attention of the Chilian government by United States Minister Kgan. The claims number thirty-eight, and amount to more than 2,000,000. A bulletin just issued by the census bureau shows the assessed valuation of all property In the United States in I HUD, except the railroad property, lix-rearcd from $1I1,IKI2,1!I3,543 In lHHt) to $24,051, u5V'U 1" lMH)- n increase during the decade of $7,718,50 1,022 or 45.84 ercent. Should the same relations le found to exist between the assessed valuation in IKOi) and the valuation as it existed in 1800 the absolute wealth of tiie United States may bo estimated at $04,048,000, 000 or more than $ 1,000 per capita, as against 1514 in I8H, $7H0 in 1K70 and 870 in 1K80. Representative Hermann has la-en before the Committee on Public Lands regarding his resolution of in quiry as to the action of the Interior department in rejecting various contests In swamp-land claims in Kastern Oregon, which had been previously authorised by the department, and at Mr. Her mann's request final approval of selec tions has been suspended until the right of settlers to continue their contests shall be inquired into by Congress or al lowed by the department. 1 heae lands are chiefly in the Harney Valley land district. Mr. Hermann is receiving a larue number of petitions from people settled on the lands, who ask for the right of a hearing in the land office. Rep esentative Wilson, who is a mem ber of the Committee on Postollices ami Post Kond. made a strong speech against the arbitrary cutting down of the appro priations lor postollu-e laciiitles, and by abundant statistics showed how the serv ice would surely lie crippled unless the government increased the amount appro priated to a ressona Die ngure. vvuson has had an oonortunitr to see how lack of funds in the Postofllce Department has prevented the development of the mail facilities in ins Mate, and ma talk was in the direction of secunna betier facilities and larger distribution of mail routes throughout the West and so bring the mail services in this rapidly develop ing country up to something like what la afforded in the East. Hut all the talk a man might do in thia Congress in that line would be of no avail, as parsimony is the watchword of the hour. Representative Hermann has been en deavoring to hasten the work of opening the Siletz Indian reservation to settle ment. Ollicers of the department stated recently the allotments will be completed soon, not later than this summer, when negotiations will at once commence for the release of the surplus lands to set tlement. This reservation contains 225. 000 acres, and there are about 500 Indi ans to whom allotments are being made, in addition to which the State becomes entitled to about twenty-two school sec tions. There will remain a surplus of about 102,4)0 acres for settlers. Mr. Hermann stated to the Secretary that thia surplus is capable of sustaining a large body of people, and that many of his constituents are anxious fortheearly adjustment of allotments and the subse quent proceedings that people seeking homes in his State may have this further opportunity to acquire them. It is officially stated acceptance has been received by the United States gov ernment from eight countries of Europe of the invitation to participate in the bimetallic conference. The countries having accepted are England, Italy, Ger many, France, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. The conference will probably be held in Brussels. The members of the conference who will rep resent the United States are said to be Judge Lambert Tree of Chicago; Henry W. Cannon, President of the Chase Na tional Bank of New York, formerly Comptroller of Currency, and Senator Jones of Nevada. Judge Tree was a member of the former international monetary conference. Cannon is a well known financier, who has had experi ence not only as head of one of the larg est banks of the country, but also as the official head of the national banking sys tem of the United States. Senator Jones is one of the best posted authorities on bimetallism in the country and a pro nounced free-silver mah. lie has studied the silver question from the days when he swung a pick as a pioneer silver miner in Nevada down to the present time, when his Senatorial associates accord him a foremost place as an authority on silver. Senator Jones' speech on free silver in the Fifty-first Congress is re garded as one of the most valuable expo sitions of the silver question from a free coinage standpoint in recent years. Judge Tree being a Democrat, the dele gation recognizes both political parties, and of the two Republicans Mr. Cannon represents the gold sentiment of the East, while Jones, of caurse. represents the silver sentiment of the West and Southwest. Remarkable Growth of the City of Roanoke, Virginia. THE INCREASE OF NATIONAL BANKS. American Dress Reformers Preparing to Renew Their Crusade Flood Losses Other News. The corn and cotton crops of Tennes see are in fine condition. The flood losses between Memphis and Cairo are estimated as high as $0,000,000. Only $-10,000 of the $350,0 X) needed to build Grant's tomb remain yet to be rained. The town of Roanoke, Va., has grown In ten years from a population of 000 to one of 23,000. The American drees reformers are pre paring to renew their crusade at Chau tauqua this year. Within the past few weeks seals and Arctic loons have been caught off the Connecticut coast. Prospectors for oil in the petroleum district of Tennessee and Kentucky are getting to be numerous. Within a year Southern mobs have lynched 150 negroes by hanging, burned 7, Hayed 1 and disjointed 1. Will'am Lewis Corrigan, a brother of Archbishop Corrigan, is a prisoner in the insane pavilion at Bellevue Hospital. Governor Flower has signed New York's new factory law, limiting the work of factory girls to ten hours m day. The New York City Water Commis- aion will build an $8,000,000 dam. It will hold 40,000,000,000 gallons of water. The probable shortage of the Western wheat crop is averaged by various esti mates at 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 bushels. The silver service subscribed for the cruiser Baltimore by the citizens of Bal by th disji timore has been timore Island. atched to Mare So much grain has recently been com ing down for expott from Montreal that the transportation companies are unable to handle it. Maine is a favorite State for meetines. During eighty days this summer it is to have nearly seventy important conven tions of various kinds. Kansas City is to have another mam moth packing houe, built by the Ar mours, that will make it the largest meat-packing city in the world. France and Germany have notified the government at Washington that they win join the international silver confer ence, liiis assures the assembling. Suit hns been brought at St. Paul for city property worth nearly $4,0iM,00.). Tiie action is instituted in behalf of the children of a soldier named Heinert. Governor Hogg of Texas called Charles T. Bonner, a lawyer, in a campaign speech a "professional lawyer," and now Bonner wants $50,000 for defamation of character. The weather philosopher of the New York Herald figures out great Bummer and autumn tropical storms, with un usual warmth meanwhile over the north ern continents. Congressman Dockery estimates that the receipts of the Columbian Exposi tion will be $30,000,000. That means 72,000,000 admissions and not lees than 20,000,000 visitors. During the twelve months ending with last April 170 new national banks were added to the number previously in ex istence, and thev increased the total capital by $17,130,000. A colored paper in Boston says ne groes are being taught the art of making dynamite bombs to be used in the South unless the outrages Against their race in that section come to an end. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Edison Electric Illuminating Com pany of New York was held May 31 to take action on a proposition to increase the capital stock of the company from $4,500,000 to $6,500,000. Bob Floyd, one of the four train rob bers who killed Messenger Saunders at Jennings station, Fla., is in jail at Gainesville, and has confessed his crime and given all the facts in the case. The Mayor of Jackson, Mich., pre vented bodies of railroad men from tear ing up a walk in order to lay a track by calling out the fire department and drenching the workmen with water. A large white circle around the son frightened the negroes of Jackson, Miss., so oadly one day week before last that they rushed from their houses and de clared that the judgment day was com ing. Senator Rutan of Pittsburgh, Pa., pro poses to institute legal proceedings against Senator Quay, ex-State Treasurer Beyer and Treasurer Morrison for viola tion of the law and illegal use of State funds. Cigarette slot machines are being in troduced in Ontario in order to evade the law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to boys under 14. A card above the ma chine warns boys not to drop their money in. Memorial-day celebration at New Or leans was in the hands of the colored posts of the Grand Army of the Repub lic. White people held services at the churches on Sunday, but refused to go to the National cemetery ; and Confed erate Veterans, who have presented floral offerings In the past, refused to do so this year, declining to have anything to do with negroes, who in consequence monopolized the celebration. THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION. Amount of Insurance Carried on the Buildings-There Will Probably Be No Eiffel Tower. The mines and mining building at the World's Fair is completed. Amateurs will not lie allowed to pho tograph at the World's Fair. A parade participated in by 24,003 bi cycles may be a sight at the World's Fair. Insurance aggregating more than $3. 000,000 Is now carried on the World's luir buildings. The World's Fair Commissioners of Maryland have authorized the erection of a $20,000 building. Florida will endeavor to raise $20,000 ry popular subscription to make an ex hibit at the World's Fair. Five bales of cotton that were raised in 18(52 are to be on exhibition at the World's i air. These may be properly clashed among the works of the old masters. An international chess congress in connection with the World's Fair is be ing advocated, and may be accounted a certainty, as some of the most influen tial chess associations and clubs are strongly in favor of the idea. An association has been formed in Germany to organize excursion parties to visit the World's Fair and incident ally Niagara Falls and a number of the larger cities. It is proposed to accom plish this within a period of sixty days and an expense of between $250 and $300. A glass punch bowl made by the glass blowers of Cork in 1825 and presented to Daniel O'Connell, the famous Irish patriot, will appear in the exhibit from Cork. One side of the bowl bears O'Con nell's initials and the other a represen tation of Cork, as it then existed. According to the Liverpool Journal of Commerce the English railways will carry Word's Fair exhibits at half rates from any station to the port of embarka tion, and most of the Atlantic steamship lines will transport them at a uniform rate of 11 shillings ($2.67) per ton. The $00,000 World's Fair appropria tion which Greece has made will be de voted in large part to the preparation for exhibit of reproductions in cast of the many famous specimens of ancient Greek art now owned by the govern ment. These casts, it is announced, will be presented to one or more Amer ican museums after the fair closes. The exposition probably will not have an Eiffel tower or anything approximat ing it in height except the elevation to which the captive balloons will ascend. There will be, however, three observa tion towers about 300 feet high for the accommodation of visitors who want to take a bird's-eye view of the grounds and buildings. These towers will be of elaborate design and beautiful in appear ance, and will cost about $200,000 each. PURELY PERSONAL Queen of England Confers the Order of the Bath Upon the Khedive of Egypt Natalie. Sir Henry Ponsonby , Victoria's private secretary, gets $10,000 a year and house rent free. According to Mme. Patti's maid the perfume of violets causes a hoarseness in the singer's throat. Dr. Park hurst says that in "this great Republic the sovereignty is with the cit izens and it never posses from them." Aiphonse Daudet's next volume will deal with gypsies. The author has been gathering material for this book for many years. The Earl of Berkeley, who took his seat in the House of Peers last week, is the first of his family to sit in the Lords since 1810. There had been a dispute over the title. Celia Thaxter, the poetess, is a tall, handsome woman of 57, whose snow white hair ripples above a dark face and brilliant but dark eyes. She spends every summer at the Isle of Shoals. Ex-Queen Natalie has dramatized her matrimonial-experiences. Further ad vices from Europe are anxiously awaited to learn whether she has written a trag edy, a comedy, a farce or an opera bouffe. Queen Victoria has conferred the Or dor of the Bath upon the Khedive of Egypt. She should reserve a lot of those orders for the expected visit of the Sul tan and his suite and lay in extrasupply of soap and towels. Samuel Tarwater of Ray county, aged 00 years, is paid a pension of $200 a year by the State of Missouri for wounds re ceived in the Mormon war. The pension was granted by a special act of the Leg islature in 1841. The first intimation the country had that there was anything in the nature of a physical ailment about Mr. Childs was his refusal under medical advice a few days ago to ascend Pike's Peak for fear of the effect of the rarefied atmosphere. Mrs. Harrison has a mania for orchids, and the executive mansion is decorated with them. Mrs. Cleveland's favorite flower was the pansy. In the coming millenium, when fair women vote, a Presidential campaign may be waged on some such issue. The Hindoo Prince soon to visit Eng land, the Gaikwar of Baroda, is one of the most progressive rulers in Hindoatan. He does not want costly buildings mere ly for show, but spends his money pref erably on schools, railroads and drainage. His personal character is good, and he is philanthropic in his instincts. Mrs. J. R. Green, the widow of the eminent historian, is described as a thin, E ale-faced woman, with curly auburn air, closely cut ; large eyes and a mouth indicative of great tenacity of purpose. She suffers from writers' cramp, an af fection she contracted by her assiduity in committing to writing her husband's works as he lay on his death bed. She sometimes wrote to his dictation for eleven hours a day. FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS 'Hie Phylloxera Apjxiars in Several Provinces of Spain. FRENCH VINTAGE AFFECTED BY COLD Storms and Floods Injure the Crops In Ireland Tonnage Laid Up on the River Tyne. The Brazilian Senate has passed a law granting amnesty to political prisoners. Phylloxera has appeared in eleven provinces of Spain, especially in Gerona. The anti-Parnellites have made a call for funds to aid them in the coming elec tion. Storms and floods are doing immense damage to crops in county Donegal, Ire land. Plans have been arranged to erect a villa for the Pope on the grounds of the Vatican. The Swiss government has forbidden the playing of baccarat at the Kursaal in Lucerne. An African missionary reports that he has been able to make almost all of his journeyings on his bicycle. In a full return of the vintage of Spain last year the total yield of wine is -estimated at 540,000,000 gallons. Steps are being taken to develop the resources of the Upper Congo in the matter of India rubber, the demand for which is increasing yearly. At the end of the year the Telephone Company of Austria will cease to exist. the government assuming control of all the telephone lines of the kingdom. More than one-third of the total num ber of sailing vessels building in the United Kingdom are in course of con struction on the banks of the river Clyde. The aggregate production of pig iron in Belgium in the first three months of this year wus 480,003 tons, as compared with 170,572 tons in the corresponding period of 1891. The mice plague in the south of Scot land snows no sign of abatement. The Board of Agriculture has sent out circu lars requesting full information about the affected districts. The Cobden Club blandly assures the British colonies that the only practical fiscal federation of the Empire must be based on their adopting the free-trade policy of Great Britain. Herr Siegle, a merchant at Stuttgart, Germany, has been fined 120,000 marks for representing to the taxii.g authori ties that his income was much smaller than it proved to really be. The underground electric railway pro posed for Paris is to traverse the city in the direction of its greatest length, which will cause it approximately to follow the course of the Seine. The British government has placed in the hands of Messrs. Yarrow, the well known torpedo-boat builders, the con tracts for the construction of two steel gunboats for the Victoria Nyanza. Advices from Guatemala state that 12,000 citizens have Bigned an accusation against ex-President Barillas. It is stated that President Barrios is under a sworn obligation to save General Baril las. In a wax-work show in Glasgow the great attraction is "a realistic drawing room scene" illustrating the baccarat scandal of Tranby Croft. It is said to contain a "life-like group of all the characters of the game." There is more tonnage laid up on the river Tyne and in the northeast coast ports of England at the present time than ever before in the history of ship ping, there being no less than 400 idle vessels, representing about 300,000 tons. The Glasgow Cremation Society has received subscriptions to the amount of $1,500 for the erection of a crematorium. The society urges upon the city author ities the adoption of cremation as the best means of disposing of unclaimed bodies. It is feared " that the French vintage will be seriously affected by the recent cold snap. The owners of extensive vineyards are mourning over their loss by the recent frost. The Gironde is said to have been deprived of half its vintage during the past few weeks. His Lordship Earl Clancarty, better known to Americans as Lord Dunlo, the title he held before his father's death, is advertised in the London Gazette as a debtor who will not pay his bill. The advertiser is Sam Lewis, a famous bill broker. The physicians of the mad King Otto of Bavaria had an audience last week with the Bavarian Regent to represent to him the condition of their patient. His condition is that of great feebleness, and if he does not die soon, he will be dethroned. After reviewing the connection be tween home rule and the labor cause Michael Davitt says : . " We demand home rule for Ireland to insure that pro tection of Irish industry which Lord Salisbury seeks to obtain for British trade by taxing foreign products." General Booth announces a ereat need of funds to carry on the Salvation Army. lie recalls nis announcement that tne $500,000 given for his darkest England scheme would require $150,000 annually ior maintenance, as oniy fzu,uuu oi mat had been furnished so far. So the scheme is almost at a standstill. LOVE 13 ALL. My win to gone to sleep, dear, And none but you can wake it; My heart is in your keep, dear, To bold, or drop, or break It. The day without four eyes, dear, To wake my Interatt In It, la dark and cold and drear, dear; I never can begin it. One day I bold most dear, sweet, Tbe day when flint 1 mt you; One thing I are most clear, sweet, I never can forget you. By lore and faith and trust, sweet, Are more than I can tell you, To tent me is unjust, sweet. Of doubt kH thia dtipel you. 8lnce life I but a span, dear. And lore I all there's to It, We'll try the simple plan, dear, , Of loving every minute. Chicago Herald Two Methods of Cleaning; Pearl. The susceptibility of pearls, even of the purest quality, to become yellow and smutty in color by absorbing in spiration from continued wearing in the hair, around the neck, on the arms, etc., or tlirough exposure or age is well known, and though the major portion of our readers are familiar with some methods by which pearls so affected may have their original brilliant color restored, the following receipt will prove a useful addition to the work shop knowledge of many. Boil the pearls for about fifteen min utes in fre h cow's milk, in which so.tp has been dissolved; then take them out, rinse them in clean water ard dry with a clean wliite cloth. Inspect them to see if the desired results liave been obtained; if not repeat the method several times. If they still have not been unproved try the following: Have a neighboring baker make for you a smaU loaf of bread, in which before the loaf is baked lay the pearls, either strung upon a silk thread or closely wrapped in a piece of gauze; then let the bread be baked pi-r-tty thoroughly not to brown. 1: -..over. When the loaf is withdrawn from the oven let it cool, then break it and take out the pearls, which will generaUy be found satisfactory and handsomely white. Jewelers' Circular. Hester's Grandson. Little Hester has grown up brothers and sisters and nephews and nieces who are older and bigger than she is herself. It has never occurred to her to be surprised at this; it is part of her world as she found it She has not yet discovered that this state of things is somewhat unusual Not long ago one of her married sis ters sent for Hester to come and see a new baby, and accordingly the child was taken by her nurse to visit this new relative. She looked at the baby In mingled astonishment and delight "Well, little sister," asked the baby's mother, "how do you like your new nephew?" "Oh, I like him," the child answered earnestly; "but he can't be a nephew; he is too small But perhaps," she added, upon second thought, "he is big enough to be a grandson." And as "Hester's grandson" is the new baby known in the family. Youth's Companion. A Dog's Intuition. An Auburn man thinks just twice as much of dog intelligence now as ho did a week ago. He owned a dog and had tired of him and had agreed to trans fer him to a friend who lives in the south part of the city. He took him in his arms, tied a rubber coat over bis head and carried him down and deliv ered him. It was a long distance and he had no idea that the dog would ever show up again about his own premises. That night on reaching home the dog lay in his accustomed place on the rug, while the Auburn man's wife wore a curious smile of amusement. The co nundrum in the family is: How does a dog know the way home? One thing is now quite certain that the dog can stay where he is as long as he wants to. Lewiston Journal Michael Angelo. Michael Angelo's seal represented three rings inclosed one within the other, as expressive of the union which he had made in bis mind of the three arts of painting, sculpture and archi tecture. Michael Angelo lived to a very great yet healthy old age. In the beginning of the Eighteenth century the Senator Buonarotti caused the vault to be opened at Florence in which his body was deposited. Ii was found perfect, and the dress of green velvet and even the cap and slippers in which he was buried were entire. He ap peared to have been a small, well set man, with a countenance of great se verity. New York Ledgor. Forgot the Name. Sue (who has just been asked to play something on the piano) I really can't play anything. Tommy Say, Sue, why don't you play that piece you spoke to me about? Sue What piece? Tommy Why, that one you told me to ask you to play, when we had com pany, 'cause you knew it better'n any of the others. I forget the name. Yaokee Blade.