The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 04, 1892, Image 4

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    r v
Splendid Tribute
Royal Baking; Powder.
' , The magnificent tribute of the San Francisco Board of Health to
the great purity and wholesomeness of the Royal Baking Powder greatly
disturbs the manufacturers of the lower grade powders. ' Their- envious
, publications, however, cannot break the force of this unsolicited and un
biassed, high medical endorsement. Attached is a certified copy of their
original report, with the signatures of the members of the, Board in
fac-simile " ,
We, the members of The Board of Health of
the City and County of San Francisco, cordially
approve and recommend the Royal Baking Pow
der. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed
, of the best ingredients of the highest strength
and character. ; ; " ,
In our judgment it is impossible to make a purer
or stronger Baking Powder than the "Royal."
" "That remains to be seen," asyftie boy said
when he spilt the Ink on the taUVe cloth.
A cough, cold or sore ttJroat requires im-
iiicumiD aitciiLiuii, asr negin;i results in
some incurabl lun.g disease or chronic
throat trouble. 'Bvown'i Bronchial Troches"
will invariably give relief.
When "loveflies out the window" it is usu
ally out of JtfB dining-room window.
In 15 Minutes.
!!, t . i
with face
neuralgia but, in "is
minute after applica
was asleep; have not
been troubled with it
since. No return since
r8S2. , "
F. B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo.
, Two bottles of German Syrup
cured me of Hemorrhage of the
Lungs when other remedies failed.
I am a married man and, thirty-six
years of age, and live with my wife
and two little girls at Durham, Mo.
I have stated this brief and plain so
that all may understand. ; My case
was a bad one, and I shall be glad
to tell anyone about it who will
write me. Philip I,. Schenck, P.
O. Box 45, April 25, 1890. No man
could ask a more honorable, business-like
I have a positive remedy for tha above disease! by its
use thousands of oaaos of the worst kind and of long
standing have boon onred; -Indeed so strong Is my faith
initseifioacy, tbJ I send two bottles FREE,witb
v&LiUAHLK J KBATISB on mu disease to any Buf.
ferer who will send me tneir Express and 1'. O. aUdresa.
IP, A. Klornm. (IU I S3 Pnarl St.. N
-San Francisco Examiner.
If you have a claim of any description whatsoever
against the United States Government and
wish it speedily adjudicated, address
fflSV tne K w Wah1nrton, T. C
Tuft's TwPiatso
O stimulate the torpid liver, frtrenBtlien
the digestive orirana, reitnlate the v
O bowel, ami are uneqtialetl as an anti
bilious medicine. Dose small. Price, fi
Znv. Offlce, 39 & 41 l'ark Place, N. Y.
"When my ship comes in," runs the young
man's sons,
"What brave things shall I do
With the strength of my wealth and the Joy
ous throng .
Of friends stout hearted and true." .
tie watches and waits 'neath storm and sun
By the shore of his life's broad sea,
And the days of bis youth are quickly run.
Yet never a sail spies he.
"My ship has gone downl" in soberer strain
Sings the man, and to duty turns.
He forgets the ship in his toil and pain,
And no longer his young hope burns. '
Yet again by the shore he stands grown old
With the course of his years well spent.
And gazing out on the deep behold
A dim ship landward bent!
No banner she flies, no songs are borne
From her decks as she nears the land;
Silent with sail all somber and torn
She is sate at last by the strand.
And lol To the man's old age she has brought
Not the treasure be thought to win.
But honor, content and love life wrought,
And he cries, "Has my ship come in?"
M. A. de Wolfe Howe in Harper's Weekly.
An Elevator In Florence.
"In Florence," says a traveler, "I
encountered the slowest elevator
known. It was in one of the pal
aces, and a party of us wanted to go
to the upper rooms. After a consid
erable time the . lumbering thing
creaked down and an attendant
threw open the doors of its dingy in
terior. He bargained with us for the
trip at about five cents a head, and
then, after' carefully looking us over,
took out iron weights from the floor
of the cage till he decided he had
balanced our joint avoirdupois. We
then entered and the 'Jiff began the
ascent. We moved so slowly that
the ladies became alarmed, fearing
we should be stalled between flooin,
and though the height was not
great, not more than that of a four
story building, we were several min
utes in accomplishing it.
"Two or three of our party who
had preferred the stairs to the known
slowness of the elevator, had reached
the gallery, rested from their climb,
and well begun a survey of the pic
tures before we arrived. And the
complacency of the attendant was so
exasperating; he evidently thought
his car remarkable for comfort and
speed. I longed for a communion of
language to give him a word picture
of some of our New York elevators.
New York Times. -
. Long People Are Seldom Fat.
Some persons are born with a nor
mal tendency to become fat, others
with a tendency to leanness. It is
the same among the lower animals.
The hog is a sort of . machine for
transforming the odds and ends of
food into fat, but the farmer knows
beforehand that a little pig with long
legs and snout will work off the fat
as fast as it can be made. So a long
legged person seldom inclines to
Temperament has much to do with
the bodily condition in this respect.
In lymphatic people the life processes
are slow and the fat is largely de
posited rather than burned. This
temperament furnishes some of the
best types of surface beauty. The
person of nervous temperament, on
the other hand, by excessive activity
of body and mind, and by predisposi
tion to haste, worry, fret and impa
tience, naturally remains lean; but
while the features of such a person
will probably lack softness and round
ness of outline, they may exhibit in
a marked degree the higher beauties
of mind and soul. Hall's Journal of
Health. - i
Carious Methods 6t Ridding One's Self of
the Troublesome Visitors Charms of All
Sorts Absurd Beliefs Stray Bit of
Folk Lor. "-
Warts are especially undesirable pos
sessions; although it has been thought
that the presence of one on the right
hand would insure riches to the lucky
person having it. Various means of rid
ding one's self 6f these troublesome vis
itors are on record, and some of them are
sufficiently' curious to merit mention.
They may be banished, say some, by
merely wishing them gone. The Breton
peasant passes his hands over them,
makes the sign of the cross, and bids
them go in God's name. In Deux Sevres,
you must pinch them each time you thin'
of them, and say, "One 1" In Lusp'
when you see a funeral pass, say, ,?oou'
thoul in the name of the Father11 and
Holy Ghost I" Or, when two6?69
pass, say, "Get out I get'"'" The
troublesome warts will ioy. the proces
sion. A funeral process is utilized in
Ireland by saying, "Mpf. these warts and
tnis cornse nasis wir,u never mure 10-
In the n
r r
etc; The warts
the hand during
must be rubbed with
this time.
In Lancae""' tBe warts may be rubbed
with a nder, which must then be
wrapped11 paper and dropped at cross
roads' Whosoever picks it up will get
thowarts. In Lusatia, certain marine
petrifactions picked up on the beach are
used in the same way, with the addition
of the formula. "In the name of the
Father," etc. ,in Lower Brittany, small
buttons are made of slate, and the credu
lous peasants count out as many as the
number of their warts, Inclose them in
paper, to look like a roll of pennies, and
throw this away on the first road, believ
ingthat the person who shall pick up
the deceptive package will take the warts
with him. Ia Deux Sevres, as many
pebbles as there are warts are placed in a
cavity in the wall, in the hopes that some
one will get them and the warts.
I have heard, when a boy, that a piece
of beef would cause them to disappear, if
they are rubbed with it, and the beef
buried. There are many variations in
this remedy in various parts of the world.
It is, perhaps, the most popular cure of
all those given. In Northumberland,
Devonshire and Lancashire the beef
should be stolen, and in Deux Sevres, two
pieces must be used, and then tied to
gether. . In Lancashire, it is not buried,
but must be carefully nailed up on a gate
post at a point where four lanes end, or
any other secure place, and suffered to
decay. In Devonshire, the beef must be
thrown over a wall and your left shoulder
at the same time.
In Scotland, stolen bacon is necessary,
and lard from a male pig in the Vosges
mountains, buried deep in the ground.
In Lower Brittany, you must steal a piece
of lard , from your neighbor's chimney,
taking care not to get caught at it, rub
the warts with it, and put it in a manure
pile. Norman peasants use a pork rind,
and put it in a rut in the road; when a
carriage passes over it, a cure is insured.
In vivarais, France, rub with the
down of the broom plant, and throw it
over your shoulder into the road. - Peas
or beans are employed in many places. In
Upper Brittany, the warts must be rubbed
with small peas, which are then cast into"
a well or fountain. As they rot, the warts
will disappear. In the Vosges moun
tains, you may take as many peas as there
are warts, and cast them on the fire, tak
ing care to run away so as not to hear
them explode.
In Buckinghamshire the favorite pre
scription is to rub the warts with peas,
one for each wart, and then wrap the
peas in a paper and throw them away. A
leaf of cabbage picked up on the road is
used in Lower, Brittany. Rub the warts
with it, and put it just where you found
it, hastening away without looking be
hind. In England a piece of sour apple
will perform a cure, and in Deux Sevres,
blood from a wart is dropped Inside an
apple, but in a peculiar way, and then
allowed to rot. In Northumberland, you
must rub with the black snail nine nights
in succession, and then impale the ani
mal on a thorn hedge. In Lower Brittany,
a large snail ' must be rolled over the
warts, and then impaled on a wheat
stalk as high as possible. .
In the Vosges, knots are tied in a string,
one for each wart, and the string thrown
over the shoulder, without looking to see
what becomes of it. Others say to put
the string under a stone which you may
not be able to find again, or under the pa
ternal roof tiles. In one part of England,
each wart must be touched with its knot,
and the string buried in a moist place,
while the formula, "There is none to re
deem it besides thee," is repeated. In
Lusatia, stalks of grain, containing as
many knots as there are warts, are used,
passing each knot three times over them
and saying: "In the name of the Father," .
etc. In L'Orient, the straw Is buried to
rot, In Scotland, rye stalks are neces- !
sary, and they must be wrapped in a cloth
and put secretly away. In Oxford, a
notched stick was substituted. F. S.
Bassett in Globe Democrat.
Betrothals to Bulgaria.
Often the Bulgarian peasant maiden
undergoes lengthened tribulations, of
hope deferred and unkind disappoint
ments, between her betrothal and mar
riage. If her lover is poor and unable to
accumulate the Stipulated price set upon
her head, and which must be paid before
she can become a bride, the wedding is
sometimes postponed for years. Some
times the parent of the prospective bride
is a considerate father, and in case the
whole amount cannot be raised, accepts a
portion, and gives the young couple time
to pay the balance by their united exer
tions. , . - . . -
But quite as often the "cruel parent"
will harken to no such compromise, and
no such loose, unbusinesslike settlement,
and until their "ship comes in" the daugh
ter has to hoe and reap in her father's
fields. Always after the betrothal, how
ever, which is a public ceremony gone
through with amid much wine drinking
and feasting, the young couple are al
lowed to bill and coo within the limits of
Oriental propriety, and if the fates pre
sume to use them too harshly they some
times accomplish happiness by an elope
ment. In that case there come the usual
tears and forgiveness upon the runaway
couple's return, and usually 6ome sort of
a compromise between ho payment at all
tq the exacting father and the sum stipu
lated at the betrothal. Thomas Stevens
in Woman. " . !
A new Industry in California is said to
be the killing of bees that swarm in pri
vate houses. At present it Is monopolized
by two men.
Doubter l Given rnquestlo1"
. I'roof Which lie l'irt Not Believe '
; Coull Be Produced..
"It is all very well," said a
California street financier tj
known San Francisco editi
for you
newspaper men to invest-
nnd rec-
ommenil anything wh
can help the
bring are not
peopie, duc tae prooisj- . ?
oii't you produce
from home. VV
some San
Bcy proQtsf ,. Simply
because you j1110 ". , . t.
' i j it. it
1yr fftti" juu tne ucni- ujuuci vuu
k I can produce confirmatory evi
i rieht here in San Francisco that
verv assertion we have made concern
ing this investigation is true."
The results of the editorial work are
given herewith :
- Mr. William Giselman, a well-known
attorney and manager of the Hasting's
Trust, was found at his office in the
Phelan Building. When asked if he
had been benefited by the use of War
ner's Safe Cure he cheerfully and enthu
siastically told what the 'remedy had
done for him. ;
"I had possessed strong prejudice
against patent medicines," he said, "but
four -years ago when 1 was suffering from
a severe attack of congestion of the kid
neys and liver, I was persuaded to try
Warner's Safe Cure. I was surprised at
the almost immediate benefit I derived
from it and I have been an enthusiastic
friend of the medicine ever since. , I
have recommended it to a great many
friends, not only in this city but inac
ramento and in Solano and Napa coun
ties, and always , with the best results
following its use."
Dr. M. M. Gibson is the pastor of the
United Presbyterian , Church. Some
years ago, while traveling in Europe, he
contracted renal calculus, or stone in the
kidneys. , He tried various remedies but
got no permanent relief. Speaking of
the way he, finally became cured, the
Doctor said : -
"Having heard of Warner's Safe Cure
I wrote to the proprietors at Rochester,
New York, and they, through profes
sional courtesy, sent me a half dozen
bottles. - I took the medicine according
to the directions and was speedily re
stored to health. Since then I have had
no return of the trouble from which I
suffered so intensely. I have heard many
people tell of the "benefits derived from
the use of this great remedy. Only the
other day I was talking to Mr. Seabury,
the druggist, opposite the Baldwin, on
Market street. He was decrying patent
medicines, when I said: 'How about
Warner's?' He replied: 'That remedy
is not properly classed as a patent medi
cine. It was originally a physician's
prescription.' "
Mr. J. J. Evans, the popular stationer
at 406 California street, said:
"For years I had been troubled witk
rheumatism which seemed to settle in
my shoulders, giving me most intense
pain. I tried various remtdies and doc
tors' prescriptions, but could get no per
manent relief. A few bottles of War
ner's Safe Cure perfectly restored me to
health and I am no longer a sufferer
from rheumatism."
Mr. C. W. Hopkins, with J." Houston
& Co., Market street, in reply to the in
quiry of our reporter, said: --
"in 1884 1 was refused a policy in the
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New
York, on account of kidney trouble,
which soon after became so severe that
I was compelled to take to my bed.' I em
ployed the best physicians who diag
nosed my trouble as a case of Bright's
Disease and pronounced it incurable,
giving me but a yi ar to live. My suf
ferings wore terrible and reduced me to
almost a skeleton. After spending over
$1300 in doctors' bills, without obtaining
either health or encouragement, I was
induced to try Warner's Sa'e Cure. I
did so, and was sui prised and rejoiced
to find that it was working a radical
cure which has long since been effected.
As a result of the work of this great rem
edy, I to-day carry a policy in the above
mentioned Life Insurance Company and
consider mysulf as healthy a man as can
be found in this particularly healthy
countrv." .
Dr., "H. M. JFiske, whose office is in
the Donohue Building, is one of the old
est and best knwn physicians in the
city. In the cornse of conversation our
reporter frankly asked the Doctor if in
his practice he had any experience with
the use of Warifer's Safe Cure. The
physician answered the inquiry with
more candor than most doctors would
display when proprietary medicines are
mentioned. He said :
"I have seen the formula published in
the Medical Journals and I should judge
that it had been prepared by some able
physician. I experimented with the
prescription by preFcribing medicine
under similar formulse and found that
they did much' good. In one or two
cases after that where circumstances
made it difficult for patients to reach me
for treatment. I advised them to go and
get Warner's Safe Cure. I do not care
to say much about the remedy except
that I have found it a very good prep
aration. One case in which I know of
its successful use was that o Bright'
Disease in its earlier stages,"
It is needless to say that these over
whelming proofs convinced the flnanoier,
as they should any reasonable person,
that the great preparation of which they
speak has no equal for the serious
troubles it is designed to cure. Its won
derful popularity is due wholly to its
! power and it stands, as it deserves to
'. stand, above all other modern cure.
eon branc.wc.o evening fost.
When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then hate them return again. 1 me m a
radical cure. I have made the diseaBe of FITS, EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. 1
warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because
others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of
my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office,
H. G ROOT, M C, 183 Pearl St.. N. V
Oregon Blood Purifier.
nTl llil'ili ill I III
hfd Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use "I
Fvl In time. Sold by druggists, f
N. P. N. U; No. 442-8. F. N. U. No. 618
The nick of time to stop the course of bladder
and kidney complaints is when the organs con
cerned exhibit a tendency to grow inactive. The
healthful impulse toward activity that they re
ceive from Hosietler's Stomach Bit lerg rescues
them from impending danger, and averts such
dangerous maladies as Bright s disease and dia
betes. Sluggishness of the kidneys increases a
liability to chronic rheumatism, gout and dropsy,
and tiuce the b'ood is filtered by these organs in
its passage through them, the operation of the
Bitters serveB a doubly happy purpose. The med
icine acts without exciting, like the fiery stimu
lants of commerce. Malarial, dyspeptic, consti
pated and nervoua invalids are thoroughly re
lieved by it. Since the advent of that shocking
malady, la giippe. it has been widely demon
strating its usefulness as a curative and prevent
ive of it, . '
Justice so often gets a black eye it is no won
der she keeps a bandage over them. -
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased porlion of the ear. There is only ore
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is
the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
w i ich is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars 'or any case
of deafneBB (caused by catarrh) that we cannot
cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O. .
; 5BP-Bold by druggists; 75c. "' '
Guard yourself for summer malaria, tired feel
ing, by vuiug now Oregon Blood Purifier. .
Senator James EV, Pierce ot New York
writes: ' ,."" .. '.-.i.., "
"For the past two years! have suffered
very much from an aggravated form of
nervous dyspepsia. I have resorted to va
rious remedial agents, deriving but little
benefit. A few months since a friend of
mine suggested the trial of Allcock's Po
rous Plasters. Following the suggestion,
I have been using the same with the happi
est effects.- To those similarly afflicted let
me suggest the manner of their, use. I
place one over my stomach, one over the
hepatic region and one on my back. The
eifect was excellent, and from the day I
commenced their use I have been slowly
but Burely improving, and I am quite con
fident that by their continuance, with care
ful regimen, I shall again be restored to my
accustomed health."
A man never knows what he can do until he
tries, and then he is often sorry that he found
out. ' - , ,
Hoitt.'s School, near Millbrae, San Mateo
county, Cal., in charge of ex-State Super
intendent Ira G. Hoitt and wife, is un
doubtedly one of the best schools for Boys
on the Pacific Coast.'
Use Enameline Stove Polish; no dust, no smell.
Try Otckmka for breakfast.
copyright 9i
'"Full of trouble
the ordinary pill. Trouble when
you take it, and trouble when you've
got it down. Plenty of unpleasant
ness, but mighty little good., r '
With Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets,
there's . no trouble. : They're tnade
to prevent ' it. ' They're the origi
nal little , Liver " Pills, tiny, sugar
coated, anti-bilious granules, purely
vegetable, . perfectly- harmless, ; the
smallest, easiest and best to take.
They cleanse and regulate the whole
system, in a natural and easy way
mildly and gently, but thoroughly
and effectively. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathar
tic. Sick. Headache, Bilious Head
ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil
ious Attacks, and all derangements
of the liver, stomach and bowels are
prevented, relieved and cured. ,
They're the cheapest pill you can
buy, for they're,, guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned.' :'.: ; '
Yon pay only for the value re
ceived. ; Can you ask more?'
i PagBajree AUaya Pain aud
I the Sores, Restores Taste
Gives Relief at once
Apply into the Noatrile.
1 50c Drueeiets or by mall. ELY
B ttirt 'iir"'M Mil ciiiWiTriitJ
CHEAPER THAN BARB WIRE Humane, Strong, YisiDle, Ornamental.
U A DTM A til ff Of w
Double the strength of any other fence; will not stretch, sag or get out ot shan ' Harmless
YdhLUj1! I??!! Handsome enough to Ornament a Lawn"1 Wrifor pSee"
- r c. nun icouinuiiinio, oiu vubUiUKue oi uartmail steel Picket Tawd Fanne
Price, S1.00 and l.8S Per KayT
"",rt2!aHijv- pat. ndv.m
Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts.
And All Kinds of MILL SAWS. Also Saw Repairing.
g0- SIMONDS SAW CO., 75 Front Street, Portland, Or. -&V
Good advice to pipe smokers
is 'to try a pipe full of Mastiff
Plug ; Cut. - It's ;. the- favorite i
with all who delight in the -sub- ;
tie charms and fragrant aroma
of a pure, mi!d-flavored, slow-'
burning tobacco. ,
:.J, B. Pace Tobacco, Co., Richmond, Virginia. ; '
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success.,
h'.l CONSUMPTION CURE is sold bydru-
gists on a positive guarantee, test that no other ;
Cure can stand surcessful'y. ' If you have a
will cure you promptly. . If your child has the
quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON
SUMPTION, don't wait until your case is hope
less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im
mediate help. - Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00.' :
Travelers convenient pocket size 25c. Ask'
your druggist for SHILOH'S CURE. , If your ,.
lungs are sore or back lame, uss. Shiloh's Por- '
ous Plasters. Price, 25c.
1 BlffOistheacknowlMlffea
leading remedy for all ths
unnatural discharges and
private diseases of men. A
certain cure for the debug
tatlog weakness peculiar
r(Tnr in
hui gtruum.
to women.
Tnreanriheft&nd feelsafl) '
jy! THF.EvHtiHEMinmCl). In recommeodins It in
u. . a. a. 0. oiuncn, pi u.,LituAiun ut
FBICB 81.00.
Season for Trout Opens Jlpril I st.
If Vou Are In Need of Trout Flies, Oet
the Best.
Standard qnalltv. 4 to 8 hooka, per Aoz. . , fO-25
Oregon Trout Files, 4 to $ hooka, per doz ,60
Fine Reversed Wlngc Flies, 4 to S hooks, per Uoai 1.00 -Any
of aove qualities sert hy mail on receipt of'
price. Also afwll line of KOIiti, REE LS, UNifiS.
etc., at -
Hudson's Cun Store;:
fl'jr" Send for illustrated catalogue. t . -,. , . . . . ,
A blend from the formula ot an old English- ',
' Tea Merchant. . v .; .. ';
Best Tea in the World for the Price.
i 50 cents per lb. at your dealer's or postpaid '
from the sole importers, . . , ,-.
CLOSSET & DEVERS, Portland, Or.' ,
If you want the flDest scouring, soap ever of- 1
fered at any price. The aeentx failed. We
bought it all. Ask for SUNBRIGHT. 6c a cake,
Oc a dozen, $6 a gross. . -
Smith's Cash Store.
" 416-418 Front 8'., San Francisco.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
Cleanses the Nasal
Inflammation, Heals
and Smell, and Oires
for Cold In Head
It is Quichlv Absorbed.
BliOS., 56 Warren St.. N. T,
w- rVaa
Cor. Fourth ami G.
Free 'Bus to and From,
tfnrM f I Dexter Diamnnrl f'h, AV...
OT ?aor,steel Crosscut Saws, fL.w
"qi 1 vbikw u hue won vi.
A -
ul .
X 'l