The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 04, 1892, Image 3

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    3(ood Iiver, Slacier.
Thv mall arrive from Mt. Hood : at H o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
part tame days at noon.
For Chanoweth, leave at 8 A. M. arrive! at
For Whit Salmon leaves .dally at 8 A. M.
arrives atone o'clock P. M. .
From "White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Oll
ner, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Seed corn at Harrison's.
Vote for the best raeri next Monday.
Matting 20 cents at Bartmess'.
2-blt cigars at the Drug Store.
A fine line of fresh cigars at the Drug
You can suit yourself in a smoke, ac
cording to your pile, at the Drug Store.
Judge A. S. Bennett was here Satur
day. ' v. ;.. . .- ;
Mr. Bert Graham visited The Dalles
Tuesday.".. :. -, ,. -.-.,,.
A niKW stock of, suits for .the boys at
Hunna's. i '
Pictures framed to order at the fur
t'iture store. ... , .- . , ,
' Mrs. J. F.' Richardson was at The
All kinds of country produce bought
and sold at Harrison's.
The trial of J. T. Delk last week re
sulted in his acquittal.
Herbert Balch was over from Iyle on
a Visit during the week. '
Ice for sale, pasture and houses to
. 7 . . . n -W IT f 1
Mr. Rand is moving his barn to the
lot next to Marvin Rand's place.
Mr. James Feak was up from Portr
land to remain over Decoration day.
Grant Evans has moved his barber
shop into Marvin Rand's candy store.
Have you seen the' f lo.OO antique
maple bed room set at the furniture
tore? ,,.'.'' ,
Call early and see the latest styles in
spring millinery, just received ut Mrs.
Hunt's. , '
Will Rand has moved into the build
ing formerly used by Grant Evans as a
barber shop ,
Rev.v Rigby preached the memorial
sermon last Sunday at the Congrega
tional church - . - ...
Tom Wickens' smiling, countenance
is again visible, and his spell of sick
ness has vanished.
' It would surprise you to see the new
lot of boys' suits ut Hauna's, which, he
selling cheaper than ever. ,
"A fine lot of home-rendered lard and
Oregon hams, shoulders and bacon just
receivedat the meat market.-;- - , M
"" Cherries are quite plentiful in the
market, the first ' we saw coining from
our old friend's, Dr. Adams' place. .
Rev. and Mrs. Bast, stopped off here
"Wednesday on their way to Wulla
"Walla, where he has a call to preach.
Say-i let me tell you something. You
can get a pairof pants or a shirt cheaper
of Hanua than any other man in town.
The Hood River Manufacturing Co.,
lias put in more, machinery and are
prepared to make doors windows etc.
Do you want a good pair of pants for
$1.60? If so, look at Hanna's new
utock; they are the best in town for the
price. ..
' Matt Watson and family left last
i i , 1,1- . .. 1. : 1 ..
lo-aay, lie going 10 vmiiuiniH, wuikj
Mrs1. "Watson will remain awhile in
Portland., . . - ,
- Miss Alice Graham who has been, in
Portland, learning the milliner trade,
returned home Saturday, having per
fected herself in that art. . .
The 4th of July committee have not
yet completed the programme, but
Lave reached a point where they can
safely assure our people a grand time.
The heavy winds got in their work
on tiie Sana anove i ne uanes eunuay,
and a a result the evening passenger
was derailed and made six hours late.
If you want your nous Insured, re
member that the German American;
for which we are agent, is one of the
largest and most reliable in the world.
1 Decoration day was not very well ob
erved the programme being not well
prepared, and being also changed so
LIIUU I.HIHJ TT- ..... . ' ' V. ... ...h.awvj. -
was a case of general mismanagement.
Mr. Perry A. Snyder was down from
Wasco Sunday visiting V. E. Mark
hant, and returned to his school duties
Monday. His many friends, anione
them most of his old pupils, were glad
to see him; ;
On account of the rush of work du-
rlUg mis nioiuu in lue sutiwiiernes iue
I imn iiorinr nf t li H It Ural so-
ciety has been " omitted. The next
meeting will be the state meeting, held
' here July 12th and 13th.
We have received through the kind
ness of General Superintendent Lomax,
of the Union Pacific, "a dictionary of
Chicago," a 300 page work giving a
map of the city and a whole wagon-
I K I f , t .. J . 1. ....
city. ;; - ,
Citizens of the town should vote as
soon as the polls are opened as the
precinct is a large one, and under the
Australian ballot system it is going to
take every minute of the time. Vote,
early , and give the valley people a
chance. ?.,!-..
Memorial exercises passed off very
mnnthlv and Although
not a large crowd, everybody seemed in
' the best of humor. '1 be day was all
that could be asked. The only thing
to mar the happiness of any was the
uanna nas just received a new ana
cnmnlete line of irents' furnishinir
goods', you can buy a pair of pants
from tl to $4.50, according to your
fancy. Come in and see them, whether
,r,M wont ti linv nr w-r J ti'rttlltlf. ti
how goods.
The old Glacier shop has been con-,
verted into a very neat and tasty resi
dence, James Langille and Will Gra
ham doing the .converting..- J. W.
Kenna did the painting, and it is quite
evident that he is an ''artist with his
brush by profession."
The U. B. Sunday school have in
preparation a beautiful service, enti
tled: "In blossom time." It is for
children's day; and will be rendered
one week from next Sunday evening.
The exercises consisting of responsive
readings , songs and recitations.
Green peas and new potatoes maketh
the weary housewife's heart glad, like
wise the housewife's husband's heart,
and the. hearts of the childreu also.
These graceful and grateful vegetables
take-the short cut to the seat ot the af
fections, namely, the stomach route.
Monday the berry shipment reached
244 crates of 24 boxes each, or 5,856
boxes, which, at 14 cents, the average
price, would mean $819.84. The cold
weather has cut the yield, or it would
have made by this time 400 crates,
which number will probably be reached
next week.
The Union Pacific would do well to
put in a side track from the section
house to the depot on the south side of
track. With proper conveniences for
loading cars an immense amount of
wood would be shipped froni this point.
As it Is there 'will- probably be 2500
cords shipped this year.
Mr. Stranahan, nephew of O. L.
Stranahan, a first class wood turner,
came -up from Portland Wednesday,
and will take a place in the factory
here for a while at least. Mr. Strana
han will be remembered by many of
our people as the gentleman who
turned the cups and goblets at the ex
position in Portland.
Will Langille went out to Cloud Cap
Monday, gettfng home Wednesday
evening. He reports sno iv to a depth
of sixteen feet this side of the Inn, and
that it snowed Tuesday an inch in an
hour. It is probable the Inn cannot
lie opened before the 25 of this month,
or if the weather stays cool before July
1st. He brought In some handsome
rhododendron, some of which graces
our table, .
Constable Olinger stopped a youthful
couple of runaways, brother and sister,
last Sunday. They were from the Cas
cade Locks, and the girl, aged about
thirteen, had dressed herself in a suit
of her brother's clothes, and the two
were riding blind baggage for the East.
They were taken off the train and sent
home at once, where, if they knew any
thing at all of the uncharitable world,
they would stay. , . . ' .
Wednesday was a showery day, do
ing some damage to th ripe strawber
ries, but making it possible for a den
izen of this favored spot of earth to get
some of the products of it. As a mat
ter of fact, Hood River strawberries are
more abundant in the Helena market
than here. -The slight damage to the
berries was more than olt'set by the
good done to other crops by the rain.
The trainmen here have been com
plaining of the berry crates not being
piled close enough to the, track, and
Thursday night Mr. Coon undertook
to please them, the result was that
when the train came in .the corner of
the car struck the boxes upsetting them
onto Mr. Fouts, bruising him severely
About $25 worth of berries were de.
stroyed, -The company should have
two more trucks.
Hon. E. L. Smith sold the 40 acres
on Indian creek formerly belonging to
Samuel ('lark, Wednesday, to H.Gray,
H. E. Wiley, E.. B. Clark , and E. C.
Wiley, for $2,000, an Increase of over 50
Fer cent. In- value since last summer,
n this connection it is appropriate to
state that nearly all transfers of farm
property in the-valley have been of
lands situated along Indian creek.
This is a silent yet powerful suggestion,
as to the needs of the valley. The
watei privileges, small though they
are, have sold the lands.
We have heard several times that
some of the residents on the East Side
are of the opinion that the Glacier is
inimical to that side of the valley. A
moment's thought would convince any
reasonable person that there is no foun
dation for such an idea. Our support
comes largely from that side, and of
course the greater population and pros-
Ferity on that side the better for us.
t is true we have refused to publish
several communications from that side.
just because in our opinion they were
not just tne tiling to puniisn in tne in
terest of the valley, just as we have re
fused to publish them from this side,
but the reasons were good and suffi
cient. ,
1 UB. Church Services.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Morning theme "Reasonable service"
Subject for the evening service: "Hid
den Treasure." Sunday school at 10
o'clock in the morning, oung peo
ple's meeting at 7 p. .; m. Sharp. This
meeting will be held by J. E. Huuna. ,,
For "l)einocrats. ''
The members of the , Hood River
Democratic Club, are requested to
meet at Prather's building this after
noon (Saturday) at 1 o'clock. Import
ant buHio'esS is to be transacted, and all
that possibly car. should attend. '
: . C. L. Mouse,
", ; p-V ' , : Vice President.
United States Land' Office.
Vancouver, Wash., June, 1, 1892.
' Notice is hereby given that May 14,
1892, Hon. Geo. Chandler, Acting Sec
retary of the Interior, modifies depart
mental order of May 25, 1888, with
drawing from entry Township 2 North
Ranges 13, 14, and 15 East, Klickitat
County, Washington, for the use of
the Yakima Indians, thereby restoring
to the publii! domain all of the odd
sections in said townships, except sec
tion 25 In Tp., 2 N. R. 14 E., and sec
tions 13, 17 and 19 in Tp., 2 N. R. 14 E.
Oil and after the 11th day of July, 1892
the above restored lands will be sub
ject to entry or filing.
. J. D. Geoohegan, Register.
, Scott Swetland, Receiver.
."- " , BORX. .
At Mosier, Thursday, June 2nd to
Mr. and. Mrs, A. M. Creede, a 6bn,
" V tandsome Berries. ,
Last W eek Dr. Brosius sent a crate of
strawbf ' .rries to his friends in Nebraska,
just :show them what Hood River
could db. " 'fhe berries were raised by
Mr. Cordes tNuid were packed in layers
in the - boxes, containing four
layers, and each i. Xyer consisting of six
teen berries, or 04 to s the box. It is safe
to say that sucn; bei.vTie8 were never
seen in Nebraska, and w hen the good
people of that country wherfcN the gprjng
is but just commencing-Tealiii. -i, that at
a higher latitude on tin", siae vgf the 1
rookies there is a country blessed v th
a prolific soil and an unequalled chx
mate, there will be more than one who
will make up their minds to "come
west and grow up with the country."
' r" '
White Salmon.
While Hood River gets the credit of
all berries shipped from this point, it
should not be forgotten that our neigh
bors across the river at "White Salmon
furnish a goodly i number of them.
Palmer, Brooks, Suksdorf and others
add daily to the' shipments, and their
berries are first class, too. The fact is,
White Salmon, like Hood River, is one
of the finest of fruit countries, and, as
it becomes known, will be thickly set
tled. With a railroad down the north
side of the river, or even a steamboat
line that will run the entire season,
White Salmon will be, one ot the most
important, as it is one of the best points
on the river. ..
A Narrow Escape.
. Decoration day came near furnishing
a fatal accident in the shape of a run
away. Mr. Stewart, accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. E. L. Sniith, Mrs.
Georgia Rand and little Dot Watt were
returning from the cemetery, where
they had been decorating graves, about
10 o'clock in the morning, and when
near the old Luckey place they met D
company on its way down. The horse'
took fright at the flag and became un
manageable. Mr. Stewart pulled her
out of the road among the rocks, think
ing to stop her, but instead the buck
ooard was .upset and the entire party
thrown out. The wheels passed over
Mrs. Stewart's back, injuring her se
verely, and Mrs. Smith was thrown so
that she fell on her arm, shoulder and
head, bruising her badly. . Mrs. Rand
was also badly bruised, but we are glad
indeed to state that a little time and
arnica will repair all damages. , rU
4 ' , . Why lir Yon Not Sing ?
' The above question has been asked
me by a number of persons that knew
we had prepared to sing on Decoration
dayju connection with the G. A. R.
celebration at the school house. And
the only answer I could give the in-,
quiring parties. was, I . do not; know..
And the other members of the song
can only say as much. But I would
say that the M. E. Sunday school was
kindly invited to sing a song Decora
tion day and it kindly accepted the In
vitation, willing to do all it could to
render the occasion a joyful one, and so
eight of the older members of the Sun
day school practiced a piece to sing,
and came to the ground fully prepared
and waiting to be called upon at any
moment, but finally it was aunouncrd
that the literary programme was fin
ished, so we were left In the cold. '
Why did you not sing? I do not
know. Perhaps the reason' Was that
they were ' afraid that if we ap
peared upon the platform we Would be
come sunburned. Or, the reason may
be that the person or persons that had
charge of this part of the programme
were afraid that we might from open
ing our mouths catch cold. Or, the
person or persons in charge of the ex
ercises may have thought that our tal
ent would disgrace the occasion. We
admit and acknowledge that we are
not professional singers, neither do we
profess to be. We did not offer our
services, but were invited. And as a
member of the song I feel highly en
couraged by being thus publicly ig
nored. Why did you not sing? I do
not kuow. ' A Me;
., J ' . Gilmer Notes.
' Mr. Coland Chugsman's
blown from its foundation last week.
ting has "Just' returned from. Cam'inas
Prairie, and reports the ground as'still
too wet to sow. The prospects for, an
abundant hay crop are good. ; Rev.
Schyne is getting out the timliera.for a
frame barn. Your butchers would: do
well to give us a call if they want some
fine fat beef cattle. .Grass is plentiful,
the best for years. Mr. T. Myers is
getting out. timber for a frame barn,
which will soon be ready to raise. , The
mail contract has changed hands, ithe
Talmer brothers carryirtg it, instead of
Frank Keel. Mr. W. Gilmer is put
ting up a new barn on his homestead
just south of the old Gilmer place.
: I have several fine milk cows and a
span of work horses for sale. ' - J ;
,. v.l I'tJ ' i
house vas !
A cottage and dduble lot; one minute
from Hood River station. Price very
low; terms to suit purchaser. For
terms apply to Gko. Mathias,
r , ' , Hood River, Or, "
Why cough, when S. B. will stop it.
, EASl
Express leaves at
il-.m A. M.
10:11 P; M.
No. 7,
No. 1,
leaves at
V "
-5:15 P. M.
4:08 A. M.
Steamers from Portland
San Francisco,
every 4 days.
Tickets to Hi From Biw
For rates and general Information "allon
W. H. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.
.64 Washidgton St., Portland Oregon.
That Marvin Rand has the fiiist brands
of cigars, and an excellent Hock of
choice candies. He will have ice-cream
every Sunday, and lemonade, soda
water etc, every day. He will Xjso
have a stock of fire works for the 4th
Parties desiring to use water for ir
rigation, must first notify the Hy
draut Company and stating the num
ber of lots to be irrigated. H. C. Coe,
; Superintendent.
' Hon. Daniel F.'Beatty, the great Or
gan and Piano manufacturer, is build
ing and shipping more Organs and
Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty
left home a penniless plow boy, and by
his indomitable will he has worked his
Way up so as to sell so far nearly 100,000
of Beatty's Organs and Pianos since
1870. Nothing seems to dishearten
him: obstacles laid in his way, that
would have wrecked any ordinary man
forever, he turns to an advertisement
and comes out of it brighter than ever:
His instruments, as is well known, are
very popular and are" to be found in all
parts of the world. We are informed
that during the next ten years he. in
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make;
that means a business of $20,000,000, if
we average them at $100 each. It in
already the largest business of the kind
in existence. Send to Daniel F.Beatty,
Washington, New Jersey, for cata
logue. - ' "
We have some fine tarm properties
for sale and those desiring to purchase
in the neighborhood will do well to
give us a call. ... ,
; Dr. F. C. Brosius, having succeeded
-to the. medical practice of Dr. E. J.
Thomas,-can be found" at the drug
store day or night. '.'.-;-i
Hood River Ore., Dec 18, 1891.
Honesty is the Best Policy.
This is a patent medicine advertise
ment, but your attention one moment
may save you much suffering as well as
We cure that cough. . ' "
' We cure that tickling. ;
We cure that hacking.
"We cure that throat clearing. ., ' ;
We cure croup. . - , . , .
: We cure bronchitis. V
We cure that la grippe cough. "; j .
s We help you to sing and speak. -..J.'.,
We are not the S. B. lozenges.
We area pleasant cough syrup.
,' We are put up in 50 and 75 cent bottles.
We are the S. B. cough syrup.
' Guaranteed by your druggists. - ' ,
Land Locator.
Every body wants land in Hood
River Valley. I have some very de
sirable tracts of good land on my list
for . homesteads and ' timbered
claims, with running . water, on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advantageously.-. Do not fail to see
me at Hood River Falls or address me
at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon.
' W. RossWinans,
Hartley & M 6 r c e r,
aggies, Wagons
' qtotttt g
' AND ; : " -'.
' All kinds of farming implements.
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets.
TllTTf T H
1. 1 M BE R
'-- JnS . -'
; ". ;;i MATERIAL. 'r ' ' , : ,
, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A large supply of, and Exclusive Eight to sel -1
Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads.
Undertaking a Specialty, v
Prepared to furnish at once, a fine class of cotllns, also a cheap grade
' but neat and substantial. , , . - v.
t Contractors
T 1H
e P o p u l a
Besi t6call your attention to the fact that
they aw stun running their well known
uveby Wed . and sale stable,
Aw prepared to furnish btk
A , . Aggies, or
fishinc tourist or.othpr ni?r .
derates. Good saddle ho
& Triau fa
Leave orflcrs al lis
I . l We cue happy "trie children, and vVi
..; I i We le oar k$4nH0' r'i)r' VjT"
Vt love out tenle tcoche ' ti VSjV
:': ' : ' " 1 'AnApbej Z-t0 rul. . . . Tf-if-i5&s-
Physician and Surgeon
;' Chapman Block,,.
. Offers his professional' . services to
citizens of Hood River and vicinity.
i( , Attorneys-at-Law,
Vogt's new building, Second St.
..:,v' W, H.. WILSON. ,
We Manufacture,
X.'.' Real Merit
,,,' ,Does tne Advertising.
' Pills?
If you take pills jt isr'because you have,,
never ineu me ,
S.B.Head acheand Liver
y-; ; . ; 'Cur0. ' , .
It works so nicely, , cleansing the
Liver, aii'd ' Kidneys; acts as a mild
physic, without causing pain or sick
) ess, and does not st6p you from eat
i g and working.
To try it is to become a friend to it.
!' For sale by i. V. .Harrison, noon
-,-:- i '
Dul'ur, M. 'F' O. Co., Dufur, Ore.
J. IL iffiGTON, & Gfl.,
Reliable information concerning land
' -; titles. . ; ' '.;'. :'''
Choice city, and country property for
. ...j HAU.- . .
; Conveyancing a Specialty. '
139 tiecond Street - Dalles Or,
. kh- h
v.fy" '
Vffj f ' A
and Builders.
r l j v e r y m e n,
, - . ,
hacks with re hable drivers, to carry
.. ' -'j
, v , , Tr J
oil M-it r ret 1 Tiin riirv .
i u il , aiways on uaud. ixorsea roam
ed by the dav , ........
mu m iggi
M; HEMDR50lw
Beatty's Pianos
wheie. For" caution no uiklitiKS Daniel F.
Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. ,
-Ihave appointed J. . T. Delk, niy
Aeent to sell mv beer at Hood Rivur,
at wholesale. August BuChlek,
rrv. lulln 1u luol
A new stock of Ladies' and dents'
; ";- ' : - ' WATCHES. '
. ' ' . V CHARMS, ETC. .
. 4 - '
.SPECIAL attention given toj clean
ing and repairing watches. 1
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
ynnrned nnt but, Au'ftn In- Tlnalm"
Line Of
"oS ToJ.vAS5 0
(an Be Found nT
Hats Trimmed, c
Tips Re-curled,
' And prices reasonable. Call and ex
amine goods at Harrison' stove:
A large supply of hn(isoTne wr.ll pa- 1
per just received by S. E. Ban mess.
L'. Try the 'Cuban Bud cigarx at Hnn-
na'ts: they are 'iue Umt iij-coi.; ciuf uit
the market; v