The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 04, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 1.
3(e'6d ver (5 laci er
The Glacier MMlng Company.
On, year .0 00
Six months... ... 1 Or
Three months. ..... M
BiiRle copy.........1. f Cent
t ? e Grant Evans, Propr. . ,
Second St., near Oak. " Hood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done. .
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Vast Beds of Iron Ore in Hanover
Valley, N. M.; Sold, v ;
V..- -"f."-4 - l- '' (
The Washoe Indians to Hold a Seven-Day
Fandang Mining Trouble in ' : ' .
' Idatio -Other News.
Salt Lake is warring with gamblers.
Sacramento has voted , for the pew ,
charter. ' ' ' ' " " ''.,
Near Kingman, A. T., is a wonderful
salt deposit. ;7;, r " ' " ' ' "
, Arizona's cattle prospects are . better
now .thai, for years; . , w
Phoenix, A. T., is putting in a Bewer
system that will cost $125,000.
Oregon's new settlers for the year end-!
injftJVIay 1 amounted to over 100,000.
' The Washoe Indians are to hold a
"Y grand seven-day fandango near Carson.
-,, A religious sect called the River Breth
s'i - ' ren from Pennsylvania have settled near
'Phoenix, A. T. , .-'v?
Secretary of War Elkins has directed
that the new military post at Helena,
Mont., be named Fort Harrison.
A. E. McDonald' has been sentenced
'': to ten years at Folsom for robbing the
cathedrals at Los Angeles of sacred ves
sels. ,
Work on the Wolfley panal in Gila
Bend, A. T., will begin at once. The
canal will water 200,000 acres of fruit
land.; n ;! $H !i H H ?1 ;T J ;
A force of men have at last been set
to work closing the gap in the Southern
Pacific coast line between Elwood and
Templeton. ,V 'V "..
It is announced that on and after July
1 trains on-the Canadian Pacific will
carry all mails and passengers between
Montreal and the Coast in live days.
Nicholas Grosbeak, who was pardoned
by President Harrison, he having been
convieted of violating the Edmunds law
at Salt Lake, has been convicted of a
similar offense. ; . ,'
The purchase of the vast beds of iron
ore in Hanover Valley, N. M., is an
nounced at Chicago by a company of
very wealthy men, and the property is
valued at nearly 20,000,000.
George Burnett, a young man, once a
, student at Berkeley, is under arrest at
Chihuahua on a charge of murder, he
having killed the superintendent of a
mine at that Mexican town. .'
An investigation into the1' affairs of C.
B. Seeley, Treasurer of the Napa Insane
Asylum, which was demanded by parties
at Napa, has resulted in placing the gen
tleman in a better, position before the
people, v.. ,'
Last year two carloads of new potatoes
were shipped from San Jose to Chicago.
Thie year seven carloads have been al
ready sent, and orders aie coming in for
more."'' Fancy prices are paid for these
potatoes. -
The Committee of One -Hundred at
San Diego has begun war on the Santa
Fe road. Suit is to bo brought for a
forfeiture of the railroad franchise.
The lands and franchise granted to the
' road are estimated to be worth $6,000,000.
Edgar A. Martin, alias Edgar A. Mc
Duffee, has been rearrested for forging
the will of Frederick Heldt of Fort
Bragg, who died suddenly in Martin's
saloon. New evidence poin' a to the fact
that the will was made after Heldt's
death. It has been declared a forgery.
At Flagstaff, A. T.J' the residence of
Mrs. Mary Hoffman caught fire while
' the lady was visiting a neighbor.; A
child had been left in the building, and
the mother rushed in to save it, but lost
her life. The bodies of mother and
child were found side by side. .
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s detectives have
established the identity of the murder
ous stage robbers who held up the Red
, ding stage and killed Messenger Mont
gomery. The wounded robber 'who was
captured has confessed that he is Charles
Ruggles, son of L. B. Ruggles, a wealthy
' farmer living at Traver, Tulare county.
The other robber is John D. Ruggles, an
elder brother of Charles. The latter
was sentenced in 1878 to seven years at
. . San - Quentin for robbing a man- and
woman in San Joaquin county, but was
pardoned in 1880. In the Redding 'rob
bery he got away with gold valued at
Bill Introduced in the House by Mr.
- Bryan to Put Rough Lum-
ber on Free List.
v The Senate Committee on Military Af
fairs has reported favorably Senator Al
len's bill for a wagon road through the
DortUanby military reservation in VVash
ington.' - : ' . i .
In the Senate the bill has been passed
extending for a term of two years the
time for completing the Spokane and
Palouse railroad through the Nez Perces
Indian reservation in Idaho.. , .
The Senate has passed Mr. Allen's bill,
authorizing the construction of a bridge
over the Columbia river at some point
between the counties of Douglas and
Kittitas, in Washington, by the Great
Northern road. " ..'''
The Senate has passed the bill provid
ing that jurors and witnesses in the Dis
trict and Circuit Courtsof Oregon,' Wash
ington, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming
shall be entitled to receive 10 cents for
each mile actually traveled in coming to
and from the courts.
General Saint Clair has presented to
the Houbc Committee the special World's
Fair souvenir bill. It provides for the
issue of Treasury notes under the exist
ing silver law in payment . for bullion
with which to mint souvenir coins.
There is appropriated $100,000 instead
of $700,000, as proposed in the Original
measure, for medals and diplomas.
' Wolcott'of the Committee on Civil
Service and Retrenchment reported to the
Senate the joint resolution propos'ng an
amendment to the constitution, making
the term of office of the President and
Vice-President six years, and making
the President ineligible for re-election.
The change to take effect March 4, 1897.
In the House the other day Repre
sentative Wilson introduced the Senate
bill providing for the removal by the
Legislature of the State of Washington,
the restrictions upon the power of alien
ation of a portion of the Puyallup reser
vation. This bill, it will be remembered,
is practically a substitute for the ono in
troduced by senator Alien some. weeKs
ago. ;. ;
The joint Immigration Committee of
the two Houses of Congress is mak
ing rapid progress ia the consideration
of the bill for the better administration
of the laws relating to immigration.
The other day a very full meeting of the
joint committee was held and some dis
puted points adjusted. They merely pro
vide for the practical and efficient en
forcement of the provisions of toe exist
ing laws.; , '
Senator ' Feltoru has .'proposed ' an
amendment to the river and harbor bill,
appropriating 50,000 for restraining
works on the American river, California.
To remove the debris where it is now
lodged will cost but a fraction of 1 cent
per cubic yard, whereas it will coat 15
cents per yard to remove it after it has
reached navigable rivers, according to a
report of the Board of Engineers of the
War Department.
Justice Harlan of the United States
Supreme Court and Senator Morgan of
Alabama, who were selected by the Pres
ident as arbitrators on the part of the
United States in the Behring Sea contro
versy, have each accepted the appoint
ment, and agree to serve. Justice Har
lan said he would probably go abroad
about the latter part of July. It will be
next autumn at the earliest before the
commission assembles, and how long it
will take them to conclude the settle
ment of the controversy is still a doubt
ful problem, j . wj : j . i ; ' , ' . i
Representative Brvan of Nebraska has
introduced a bill placing rough lumber
on the free list and imposing duties as
follows on partly or entirely finished
lumber : : Lumber, each side planed or
finished. 60 cents per 1,000 feet; planed
on one side and tongued and grooved, $1
per l,d00 feet; planed on both sides and
tongued and grooved, $1.50 per 1,000
feet. The bill was not introduced as the
result of an agreement on- the lumber
bill by the Democratic majority on the
Ways and Means Committee, but it in
dicates Bryan proposes to urge the com
mittee to settle the lumber question,
which has been before it for some time,
by reporting a bill on those lines.
Representative Loud of California has
introduced an amendment to the sundry
civil appropriation bill, increasing the
appropriation for the enforcement of the
Chine.-e restriction laws from $50,000 to
$190,000. Most of this amount is to be
used in furnishing Chinese registration
certificates. He thought this was a rea
sonable amount, ns under Geary's Chi
nese exclusion bill passed by the House
a provision was made for taxing the Chi
nese $3 per head for certificates of regis
tration. This would make a total of
$330,000 for this purpose, as there 110,
000 Chinese in this country according to
the estimate of the census bureau, and
this estimate should be increased by
about 60 per cent., he thought. By
unanimous consent the item was passed
over to give the committee time for fur
ther investigation. '
' The Supreme Court in its decision in
the case of the Northern Pacitic Railroad
Company vs. Mary Bardon settled a
long-mooted point. The tract of land
in controversy was within the grant to
the Northern Pacific, but at the date of
the grant was occupied by a pre eruption
claim. . Subsequent to that the pre
emption claim was canceled and the
land restored to the public domain. The
question was whether the right of the
railroad company was men attacnea or
whether the land was subject to entry
by a homestead. The court decided
against the railroad company, holding
that the land, having been appropriated
at the date of the grant, could 'not, al
though subsequently restored to ,the
public domain, inure to ' the benefit of
the railroad company. r There are many
valuable land cases pending which this
case will settle finally. ' i ; " - j
Cost of the, New Sault Ste. Marie
: ' .Canal in Canada. .
The Payments of the Sugar Bounty for the
, Present Fiscal Year Louisiana
.Confederate VeteraBS. V"--v
i Baron Fava says he is glad to get back
to the United Statee.
Mrs. Grant has decided not to publish
her memoirs of the General. '
The prospects for a crop of cotton 15
per cent, less than that of 1891-2 is
promised., .-. . ,
The cost of the- new Sault Ste. Marie
canal in Canada has been estimated at
$4,000,000. , .
The annual reunion of the Army of the
Cumberland will be held at Chicamauga
on September 15. ''.. ". ,
Capitalists are said to be arranging to
pipe oil from Portland, Ind., to Chicago
for fuel purposes. v f .r
The Confederate Veterans of Louisiana
will ask that the -Legislature pass a pen
sion bill for them. . . , ;
A bill has been passed in the Ken
tucky House making dealers in cigarettes
pay a license of $3J0. . '
The Rio Grande and connections will
fight the Union Pacitic by reducing its
running time to the East. .
The necessary t quipment for six miles
of electric tramway is now on its way
from this country to Siaou :
A change of venue to St. Charles
county, Mo., has been granted to Hedges
pet h, the noted train robber.
" A Boston syndicate has purchased
eighty acres of land near Chattanooga,
Tenn., and will mine for gold., '.-
Comptroller of the Currency Lacey
will soon become President of the Bank
ers' National Bank of Chicago.
John F. Sullivan after a two weeks'
theatrical engagement at Brooklyn will
go into training for his match with Cor-
bett. ; ' -. - ' ,'.
" Two thousand pavers and stonecutters
are idle in Vermont, and the dealers eay
the lockout will last forever, unless the
cutters give in. v .'" '. ' .
The census bulletin giving the statis
tics of dwelling houses shows that Phil
adelphia has 187,000 dwellings, Chicago
147,000 and New.. York 81,828.
Lieutenant Hetherington's father dis
credits the story sent out from St. Paul
that Mrs. Hethenngton returned to
America under an assumed name.
It is announced that an English syndi
cate is after the Kentucky distilleries,
with the intention of limiting the pro-.
duction and sending up the price.
1 Senator Cameron has introduced a bill
appropriating $25,000 lor the survey of
the proposed ship canal from Philadel
phia to New York across New Jersey.
Archbishop Eider of Cincinnati has
declined to allow the Elks' funeral cere
monies - in a Catholic cemetery. The
Cincinnati Elks are making a great stir
about it.
Omaha bankers and railroad men have
refused to subscribe money to entertain
the People's party National Convention
on the ground that its principles are in
imical to tneir interests. 1 '
The payments of the sugar bounty for
the present fiscal; year have amounted to
$7,000,000, and the payment is practi
cally completed. The estimate for the
ensuing year is $10,000,000.
The government having made no ef
fort to remove the cattle that have been
driven into the Cherokee Strip, the cow
boys have established camps, and are
preparing to remain all summer. . '
According to the New York State
Board of Health there has been in that
State 35,193 deaths within the past three
months, and that the present epidemic
of grippe has already caused 10,000
deaths. . -i . ' .
The deal forthe consolidation of four
teen cotton presses in New Orleans has
again fallen through. A fire interfered
with the first option, and in the second
the contract did not receive the signa
t ures in time. ., . , v , -...
Mortimer F. Elliott, who was defeated
by only fifty-one votes for Congress in
the Sixteenth Pennsylvania district, has
accepted the position of general solicitor
of the Standard Oil Company at a salary
of $25,000 a year. - , . ;
Swindling "endowment" concerns in
Massachusetts seem to have a strong po
litical "pull" in the Legislature. The
effort to protect certificate holders by
proper legislative regulations has so far
resulted in failure. ' "
i The New York World publishes fac
similes of dispatches and checks in sup
port of Dr. JohnTrumbuU's charges that
Consul-General McCreery speculated in
the Chilian markets during the revolu
tion, and that his profits were large.
The Court of Claims has dismissed the
petition of Elizabeth Watk, formerly
postmistress at Emporia, Kan. This is
a test case, involving the right of post
masters to recover the balances of salary
found to be due under the readjustment
: It is alleged that a number of govern
ment employes at Ellis Island, together
with the employes of several steamship
lines, are working in collusion to defeat
the operations of the contract labor law.
and an investigation into the matter has
been commenced, which may result in
the dismissal of some of the government
Gold and Silver and Other Mineral
Exhibits. Will Aggregate in
' ; . Value a Huge Sum.. .,;. '
Idaho will send a herd of live elk to
the Columbian Exposition.
The Arkansas Bankers' Association
has appropriated $50,000 to furnish a
room in the Arkansas State building for.
use of the association during the fair.
Nine Arabs, who are to form part of
an Arab village at the' World's Fair,
have arrived, and will exhibit in Bar
num's circus until the exposition opens.
Commissioner L. A. Thurston of Ha
waii has received word from Claus
Spreckels that the Hawaiian exhibit will
be transported to San Francisco without
charge. - - - '
Mr. Noble of Cambridge, Mass., is
modeling for exhibition at the World's
Fair a bronze statue to represent a man
of perfect proportions according to the
ideas of Harvard's physical director, l)r,
Sargent. - - ' 'Y
The Virginia Exposition Board Intends
to reproduce at the fair Mount Vernon,
the home and last resting place of George
Washington. A large and interesting
collection of Washington relics will be
exhibited in the structure. . .
The Board Of West Park Commission
ers, which has control of the numerous
parks and. boulevards in the west divi
sion of Chicago, has decided to make a
$10,000 display of flowers about, the Illi
nois State building at the exposition.
Among the curiosities of the North
Carolina department of the .World's
Fair will be shown some of the alleged
fragments of the chain which held Co
lumbus . in his prison, the property of
Kobert 8. Moore of JNew iierne..
Mr. McCormick, the London agent of
the Columbian Exposition, has forward
ed to Chicago an application from Mrs.
M. L. Mulligan, who wishes to establish
a gypsy encampment within the grounds
of the exposition, probably upon the
Midway Plaisance. Mrs. Mulligan is al
luded to as being remarkably well versed
in gypey lore and proficient in gypsy
learning. She manages a. gypsy encamp
ment near Liverpool, England. :
Bishop J. L. Spaulding of Peoria, Pres
ident of the Catholic educational ex
hibit, announces that Cardinal Gibbons
and the Archbishops of the United States
have requested Brother Maurelian, Pres
ident of Christian Brothers' College.
Memphis, Tenn,, to act as secretary and
manager of. the Catholic educational ex
hibit. Brother Maurelian has the ap
proval of the superiors of his order, and
will enter upon the duties of his office
without delay Headquarters have been
established lor him in Chicago at the
northeast corner of Thirty-fifth street
and Wabash avenue. . '
Nahum Barnett, an architect ; of Mel
bourne, has under consideration a move
ment to arrange for a visit of a party of
Australian artisans to the Chicago Ex
position. The selection will be made
from young workingmen, probably those
in the last year oi their apprenticeship,
and it is considered that the inspection
of the new modes of building adopted in
the large cities of the United States and
of new inventions in connection with
the science of building will prove of im
mense advantage to the men, who will
be able to impart the knowledge they
gain here to their fellow workmen upon
their return to Australia. :
The gold and silver and other mineral
exhibits at the exposition will probably
aggregate in value several million dol
lars. In exhibits of this description
Colorado will naturally take. front rank.
It is announced that the gold and silver
nuggets to be shown by that, State alone
are worth $250,000. There has been
made a collection of native-gold speci
mens from all the richest mining dis
tricts. A single collection valued at $60,
000 has already been secured. ' This will
be supplemented by the finest collections
secured as loan exhibits. . In the display
will be the "Silver Queen," a beautiful
statue of an ideal female figure executed
in silver and valued at $7,500 to $10,000.
W. A. Chandler Will Aooompany a
' German Officer on an East , '
j ;.' ( ;;. Africa Expedition.
C. P.' Huntington has given $25,000 to
the Golden Gate park, San Francisco,
for an artificial cataract with a fall of
seventy-five feet. . 1
. Mr. Cleveland has written Judge
Hathaway of Rock port, Tex., that he
will visit that place next fall for a few
days' tarpon fishing. - , .
In less than a year General Schofield
will have reached the age of retirement
from active military service, for he is
now 63, and a few months later General
O. O. Howard will be eligible for the re
tiredjist. -V,J
Since the death of the celebrated sur
geon, Dr. Hanes Agnew, the instances
of his humane kindness and charity are
fast multiplying. He made a rule to
charge his patienta strictly according to
their circumstances. Those of moderate
means paid $2 for each visit, while the
wealthy patient was often charged from
$1,000 to $2,500, and the wife of an Eng
lish nobleman once paid $20,000 for a
single operation, ; ; . :'
William Astor Chandler of New York,'
who is to accompany a German officer
on an important exploring expedition
in East Africa, brought back from his
last African trip probably the finest col
lection of trophies of the chase ever im
ported into the United States. Many of
the specimens were made up into arti
cles of use or ornament. An elephant's
foot was silver-mounted and converted
into a champagne cooler ; the hide of a
rhinoceros formed the top of a table, and
there were many objects of ivory. The
importation paid $26,000 duty. . ;
Electric Coal-Cutting- Machinery, in
:' Northern England.1 v
French and Russian Bankers Offer to Take
; . Charge of Construction of the:.
" "-- v Translberlan Road.
There are rumors of the reconciliation
of Emperor William and Bismarck.
Navigation has been resumed in the
Baltic, that sea being now free from ice,
An American engineer is in command
of the government troops in Venezuela.
Germany has spent over $2,000,000,000
since her last war preparing for the next
one. : ; ; -.. -.i..-:? ;.
The King of Siam recently cut the
first turf for the new railroad at Bang-
As many as 60,000 Americans are ex
pected to visit Vienna's musical exhibi
tion. .' ' 'v "
" Germany, it is stated." has accepted
the invitation to the international silver
conference. , , ?,
In the Northern England coal fields
electric Coal-cutting jnachinery is about
vj uo luuuuuueu on a large acaie.
The London Standard asserts that the
preparations for war in Russia have
never been more active than now. . . .
Xfficers of the steamer Coneraaugh,
the relief ship for Russian famine suf
ferers, have been royally treated at Riga.
' The London Time is to publish a con
tinental edition at Paris, to appear si
multaneously with the liOndon edition
The English are equipping what they
call corridor- trains, which are on very
much the same principle as Our vestibule
trains, ....
An English physician has traced the
grippe in many cases to infected postage
stamps on letters from persons suffering
iruiu tue uisease.
. The Russian police have discovered a
number of mines under the Gotachina
Palace. This fact has caused much fear
at St. Petersburg. , .. , . ; ,
- The son of M. Meloe, Mayor of Athens,
is engaged to be married to Andromache
Schliemann, daughter of the famous ex
plorer of the site of Troy.
Careful; investigation in Prussia re
veals the remarkable fact that the aver
age life of Jews in Prussia is five years
longer than of Christians. x .
The men supposed to ' have been
drowned in the mines at Fienfkirchen,
Hungary, owing to a heavy water-spout
flooding the lower levels, have been res
cued alive.' - - '
The French soldiers have recently
been engaged in an extensive series of
experiments with bicycles. That ma
chine has now taken its place as an ap
pliance of war. ,
Prayers for the safety of the German
Empress have been begun in the
churches throughout Prussia, and it will
be continued, it is expected, until some
time next month. , . . .
The Hamburg authorities have seized
100 cases of American dried apples,
claiming that they contained oxide of
zinc, having been evaporated in a gal-vanized-iron
frame. . ,
After years of vain negotiations the
Royal Botanical Society of London has
at fast obtained a specimen of that rar
est of original rarities, the coco de met
or double cocoanut. '":
An alarming outbreak of smallpox ia
reported from Pembroke Dock, Wales,
where a large infected area is isolated,
and declared by the military authorities
to be "out of bounds."
The discounts made at Jthe Bank of.
France have decreased 300.000 francs
during the past four months. This de
crease has been caused by the operation
of the new French tariff. ; ,
The recent sensational reports about
Emin Pasha are attributecHo a German
correspondent in Zanzibar, who accepts
every report without investigation, and
uiai uiH oraers are to uo so.
Consul Baker of Buenos Ayres says
that none of the immigrants to Argen
tine become naturalized. They call
themselves citizens or subjects of the
nation in which they were born.
In proportion to population Switzer
land has a larger army than any other
European nation. Every citizen of the
land has at some time undergone mili
tary training, and is ready for service. ,
A syndicate composed of French and
Russian bankers, having a capital of
150,000,000 rubles, have made the gov
ernment an offer to take charge of the
worK ot construction on the Tran Siberian
railway. . ;. v
The Western Australian Parliament
has passed a "whipping bill." the ohinnt
of which is to provide for the summary
corporal punishment of the blacks
caught stealing or spearing the white
man's cattle or sheep. - - , .
A dispatch from Logo. Africa, savs the
British, under Colonel Scott, routed the
Jam and Egba tribes at Epe, and burned
their towns.. There was sharp fighting.
Eight of the British were killed. The
enemy's loss is unknown.
The Jerusalem and Jaffa railroad will
not enter the former city, but will have
its terminus about three-quarters of a
mile outside the city limits. It is exj
pected that a town will grow up around
the terminus, which may be called Jeru-
alemville or Jerusalemhurst.
Perplexity of a Polite Man Who Lott '.
His Equilibrium in a Street Car.
1 took them for a newly married cou
pie. Certainly if she had been married ,
very long she would have known bet
ter. " ':. ; - ; '
They got ' on a south bound Clark -1
street car at Goethe street. She was
slender and graceful; and had large, :
fetching dark eyes.' He was extremely
polite. He helped her on the car very ,
tenderly, and after riding two blocks he
jumped up the instant a very fleshy old '
lady entered the car and offered her his
seat, with a low bow--a sure indication ,
that he was just 'married and doing it
for effect.'- ; ? -,:-; -o;.'
Then he hungon aetrap-and bent
down . and kept up the conversation, .
which seemed largely made up of irrele
vant remarks , and . highly relevant
glances. Presently he . discovered that
he could stoop lower if he let go the
strap"'" ""' ;"''
. He had just availed' himself of this ,
discovery when the train swooped around
the curve at Illinois street.' ; He flung up 1
his arms, made one frantic, ineffectual '
grab for the strap, swayed gracefully.;
half around, and sprawled out over the
fat old lady's lap as the car stopped. - .
His pink and white cheeks turned scar
leL He scrambled half way to his feet .'
and began, "1 beg" '.; ;I
Just as he was in the act of re-estab-
lishing his equilibrium and simultane-. v
ously uttering the apology, the car gave
the sharp jerk and quick, strong pull of .
starting. He .clutched the incorporeal
air and went down with, the words on
his lips flat, full length on the beastly," '!
muddy floor. It was too bad, but every
body laughed. , .. ; ' T j-
Ves, she laughed. She put her slim,-
black gloved hand, with a film of scent- r
ed handkerchief in it, up to her mouth
and her black eyes danced at him. , '
: He got up, scowled very darkly at the
gentleman who had said "Whoop-e-e!"
as he went down, and washed a patch of '
mud off his coat slepve ; Then he looked "
at her laughing For an instant he '
tried to look liaised; then he straight- -ened
his face out Severely and went over
and looked out of the door. , ;
' As he started into the tunnel he looked .
around. The handkerchief was Still at
her mouth and her body swayed slightly
as from a repressed emotion. A deep,
straight line came into his forehead
and he stepped a little farther away. .
Half way. through the tunnel he looked
around again. The instant she fcet hisSy
eye she dropped the handkerchief to her.
mouth just in time to suppress a ripple . .
of laughter. He went out on the plat
form and banged the door behind him. ' '
; At Madison street he opened the door
and stood stiff ' as a statue until she
walked out.. She looked over her shoul
der into his face as she passed him, but
there was an irrepressible twinkle in her
eyes, and he stepped to the ground after .
her without unbending. Chicago News. .
'; Hard on Cambridge. " "'
. This is a ' short story that Cambridge
people may not find exactly humorous. '
It is told, however, concerning a bright
youngster who lived among them for his ;
nine short summers, and by reason of
the cultured atmosphere, he breathed
and the experimental systems he was
brought up on ought either to have '
been dead or one of their own.' But he
defied both these fates and in due course
received his reward by moving into Bos
ton. Here he at once found congenial
companions and no doubt began . to
contract those unfortunate habits of
speech that ' indirectly led to this tale.
One day his papa heard him using lan
guage that no nice little boy, especially
a university town boy, if supposed to '
know the meaning of. 1
"Teddy, said his stern parent, "never
say that again; it's swearing, and God ,
will hear you and be very much dis
pleased." . , ,...
"Well, 111 go down cellar, said the
youngster defiantly, ("then 1 guess he '
can't ber me." ' x '
"Yes, he can," insisted the devout.
man. -
"Is he in the attio too?" -...
"Then," announced the youngster,
with the triumphant air of one who set-
ties the question, "I'll go.tO Cambridge, ,
for Im Bure he s not there." Boston
Transcript. ''-' " ?..;- ; -' . -- ;
; Statistics About the Lakes. . .
The following figures obtained from .
reliable sources show the mean level of
the lake surfaces above the mean tide at
New York and their maximum depths,
respectively: Lake Ontario, 246.61 feet, '.'
738 feet deep; Lake Erie, 572.86 feet and
210 feet deep; Lake Michigan, 581.23
feet, 870 feet deep; Lake Huron, 581.28
feet, 750 feet deep; Lake Superior, 601.78
feet, 1,008 feet deep. The deepest water
runs very fairly in mid lake through- '
out the chain. - ' ' ," '
The area of water surface in square
miles according to Crossman's delinea- '
tion is as follows: Lake Superior, 81,200; -
Lake Huron, 23,800; Lake Michigan,
,450; Lake Erie, 9,960; Lake Ontario, .
7,240, or a total area of 94,650 square
miles. Maine Record. .. ,
r - -. : ,
Bather 111 Timed.
At a recent .wedding, at which the -
bride had retained ber "maiden medita- ,
tion fancy free" a number of years be
yond the usual marrying age, the organ- ,
1st most thoughtlessly or most ungal-
lantly played as a prelude to the i rrival
of. the wedding party, "Tis the Last
Rose of Summer," thereby causi ? a
visible smile among the listeners,' .