The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 28, 1892, Image 2

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    'food Iiver Slacier.
HOOD R1VEK, OK., MAY, 28, 1802.
With this Issue The Glacier ends
its third year. We have tried to make
the little paper readable, to present all
the local news, and to aid, as much as
possible, in making this section known.
We feel that much good has been hc-
compliahed, and we know that today
Hood Elver is the best advertised and
most talked about little town in the
state. We do not claim that this Is due
entirely to the paper, for Hood River's
products alone would make her famous;
i. ut Tub Glacier has done more to
j ihaiiee the country than even its best
iViends suspect. ' That the paper has
made enemies for itself is & foregone
(inclusion, for if it had not it would
l ot have had nor expressed an opinion
' its own on any subject. ' It is pur
j sed to continue in this course, regard-
1 JU tka f.w.f lnf onnia .1,111 Ka Alu.
. .TO ui iuc lObl buav CTI UlU . 1 1 L w uio-
4, leased. The Glacier has made an
anient and continued effort to keep
ihe irrigation question before the peo
ple and will continue to do so until the
uivaiu of abundant water shall be real-
j; eil. Our people are now fully Imbued
u ith the idea of irrigation; and we feel
i hut but a short time will see the ac-
c.iiuilishmeut of this desired object.
"J his alone, when accomplished, : will
mean the entire property of this section
lii.s been increased tenfold in value, and
ti is we do claim will be largely due to
y ur home paper Does not this alone
.i. title it to earnest support? '
w ill be built, to do any good this sum, and unless active steps are taken
the same state of affairs will occur next
summer. This from a financial stand
point would be a great loss, for it will that the most valuable lauds in
llie northwest are to lie idle an indefi
nite period. Suppose, for instance,
ithutu ditch of necessary size should
.cost $40,000, the." net income from i0 of land set to strawberries would
way for the entire ditch In two years.
VYe lirmly believe that a man with the
jnuiiey to do the work could buy 100
.acres of land, pay for clearing, fencing
juJii planting it, for' all the work of
raising and marketing the berries, and
jn three years the crop would pay for
ilio ditch, i Njv' let''v U8 reduce this
liropo8itii-a'nd say ihat 200 or 300
.ui rvwuld accomplish k'his result (and
lucre is not the least shadow of a doubt
of t.' and we hava the proposition
UH!eI 111 a llgUl LUUt uvvra nun uuu-
Jy foolish the land owner are to per
ll .1.4. i.1 . U ..14....
mit Ot joe least emy. runj jiuies
without, and if our land owners would
aeaJize this in its fullness and . then
combine to provide water for all,-it
.could be done without any one feeling
St, The money can be borrowed, and
Jie Is a sensible man who will mort
gage or sell one-halt bis laud for the
purpose of getting water (or the other
half. The pessimists who found a
limit for the strawberry market, in a
lew hundred crates, have learned that
Jlood lliverhae an unlimited market
of her own, and that the thousands of
crates going' to Montana and points
east, serve only as samples and adver
1 jseirumts. The berry crop will aver
age 13 cents a box this season, and if
there were twenty times as many the
price would be the same. . Water is the
only thing lacking to make our berries
yield us one hundred times what they
do now. This result will come in time,
but if it is to come in our time we must
get in and huntle. ,
The Blaine boom is reported one day
as "booming" and the next day as
"busted," but the dispatches are full
of it and the big dailies alliterative
headlines all have a Blaine showing.
Harrison seems to have the inside track
with the people, gathering in most of
the conventions, but as far as wind and
the politicians go, he isn't "in it." It
js quite probable that Blaine may get
the nomination, and not at all probable
that he will write another letter de
clining the office before it is tendered
him. ; There Js, a strong possibility of
Blaine and ' Cleveland ' again being
pitched against each other. ...... '
Iowa has just shipped a magnificent
gift in the shape of 3,200 tons of bread
stuffs to Russia for the benefit of the
famine sufferers. Great as this quan
tity seems it would serve to feed 6,000,
liOO people one day, or to give to each
person in actual need on account of the
Russian famine one pound of bread.
One hundred such will be required to
meet the absolute necessities of these
dturving people before they will be
again able to take care of . themselves.
The matter of establishing a training
ground here in connection with a pa
vilion and grounds for an agricultural
rxliibjt has not , yet taken definite
Bhuj', but we feel certain it will do so
in the immediate future. There Is no
bet ter place In thejnorth west for a track,
am us soon as we can get one horse
)i uin to come here and look at the
grounds, we can safely count on get
ting ull of them interested.
George W. Blakely, democratio can
didate for county judge of this county,
In a native Oregohian, a genuine web
foot, and one of the flyst.erop as well as
uf tlip first water.
People's Party Ticket.
. Supreme Judge, , f y
Of Oregon City, Clackamas Co.
Congressman Second District, ,
Of John Day, Grant Co.
District Judge Seventh Judicial District,
; ; J.F.AMES, -,-
Of Mitchell, Crook county.
'lstrict Attorney Seventh Judicial District,
E. 1. BINE, ... . ... ..
Of Lexington, Morrow Co.
Member Board of Equalization for Seventh
' H. B. ALLEN.
L. P. Doruis has a kick against the
board of school examiners and against
the man tier in which examinations are
made. Air. Dorais writes a fine Italian
hand, so to upcak, us it were. In fact,
Mr. Dorais.uses italics so numerously
that his whole" article is emphatic.
Several years' experience in the news
paper business bus taught us that Mr.
Dorais lias mistaken his remedy. What
he should have used was the powerful
uud the sarcastic V ?. "That's
what knocks!" '
! Don't forget t nut the election comes
in one week from next Monday, and
make your arrangements so that you
can uttend and cast your ballot. Every
good citizen should show his apprecia
tion of the right to a voice in the uf
fairs of government by exercising his
privilege. 'Vote yourself, or else never
kick at the results of an election. If a
full vote is out Hood River and Bald-
Win precincts will- poll 400 votes, and
you should help keep the number up.
Captain George Bell spoke at the
Armory last Saturday to a good sized
audience, and' we feel sure presented
some entirely new Ideas concerning the
tariff to our people.' The captain is a
pleasant speaker and once heard is sure
to command a large audience again.
After this week his time will be put in
in Southern Oregon -;
.We regret exceedingly to lose our
clever correspondent at Wnite Salmon,
but we aie told by him 'that business
matters will prevent any further reli
ance on him. His let lets have always
been models of local reporting, contain
ing all the news briefly told.
- The dcmoerais oi VvusUington hud a
very noisy time at their state conven
tion at Vancouver - Wednesday, but
after much' quarreling, finally instruct
ed their delegates to the national con
vention for Cleveland.
', The following shows th operation of
the Australian ballot system, -section
voter as to the manner of preparing his
ticket and casting his ballot;
. "Section 59 On receipt of his white
ballot, as aforesaid, the elector shall
forthwith, and without leaving the en
closed space, retire alone to one of the'
compartments or places provided, and
snail, there prepare his ballot by
cancelling, crossing or marking out the
names of the candidates he does not
wish to vote for, which shall be done
with an indelible 'copying' pencil, to be
furnished for the purpose, or by scratch
ing with pen and ink, for each office'to
be filled for which he is qualified to
vote, and. if necessary he may write
into the blank space provided therefor
the name of the person of his choice for
each of any such oflice; and in case of a
question submitted to the vote of the
people, by' cancelling, crossing . or
scratching out the answer he does not
wish to make or give. Before leaving
the compartment -or place provided,'
the elector shall fold his ballot so that
the face thereof will be eoneeuled, with
out displaying the ballot or informing
any person .how he prepared it; and he
shall fold the ballot so that the initials
of the first clerk may be seen on the
back of the ballot, aud so that the re
maining stub may be readily torn off,
without exposing the contents of the
ballot or the marks or crosses thereon.
He shall then deliver the ballot to the
chairman and state his name aud resi
dence." . '
The ejection" takes place one week
from next Monday, and to be ready for
it every citizen should post himself on
the Australian ballot law, at least as
far as it applies to the duties of the
voter. We reprint this week section 59
of the law, which explains the opera
tion of voting under it.
The undersigned being located near
Hood River, wishes to inform parties
who may bo desirous of having sur
veying done, that he is a practical
surveyor of many years experience,
and that work entrusted to him will be
performed with disputeh and correct
ne. He takes pleasure in referring to
M. S. Blowers, (who for years was
county, commissioner in Minnesota,)
and for whom he did county work as
county surveyor, ". as to his ability.
Parties writing me at Hood will re
ceive prompt attention. .?
C. J. Haves.
Dated Hood River April 6th, 1891.
New single harness. Enquire at
Crowell's store.
., ' Millinery. v.'
' The ladies of Hood River and
country about are invited to call and
see my stock. I am determined to
please - you in quality and
prices. -1 am here to stay, and respect
fully ask your patronage if my goods
and prices suit you. . , .
Mus. Jl S. JI0WJ5LI.S,'
tate, District anfl Gonuty Hcket
; ... For Supreme Judge,
' F. A. MOORE.
For Attorney General,
For member of Congress, Second District,
.... W. R. ELLLS; ,
! For Circuit Judge, Seventh District,
',. , ,, v GEORGE WATKInS.. , . , V
For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh District,
For Member State Board Equalization, Sev
enth District, ,..,. : ;.
JOHN L. LUCKY. ' h -A :
For Joint Senator, Seventeenth District, con-
sisting of Sherman and Wasco counties, '
H. 8. McDANIELS.' " , r
For Joint Senator, Eighteenth District, con
" sisting of Gilliam, Sherman and.
Wasco counties, :
' W. W. STEIWER. "
For Joint Representatives, Eighteenth Repre
sentative District, consisting of Sher- ,
man and . Wasco counties.
: , . T. R. coon. ,; ; .
. '" For County Judge, ' '
For County Clerk, , '' '
: V - J. M. HUNTINGTON. : ' "
. For County Sheriff,
For County Commissioner,
'' . . For County Treasurer,
.V , ; WM. MICHEC L... , ., , '..
(", For County Assessor, ' 1
1 . JOEL W. KOONTZ. - v
For County School Superintendent,
' - 1 For County Surveyor,
; E. F. SHARP,
' For County Coroner, , ,
Beatty's Organs
Are the
Write for catuiogue. Adctics Daniel F. Beatty,
wasnington, jew jersey .
Does S. B. get there ? Well I should
smile. S. . B. ". ' ' '
Papering neatly done, 2octs per roll
and upwards. Kenna & Emmersou. .
Land Office at Vancouverwash. May 10, 1892.
To William Gilbreath Peter Tirum and all
whom it may concern.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named seitlers have tiled notice of their inten
tion to make final proof in support of their
claims, and that said proof will be made before
W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States
Circuit Court tor District ot Washington at
Uoldendale wash, on Wednesday July !th
18W2, viz: , .. , .,
Williams Frasier.
Homestead Entry No 5881 for the n of a w
section U Tp n r 12 e w m. '
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said Jand, viz: William Wright, Henry
H: Havens, Herbert Hewett, Robert Barker,
all 01 Fulda wasnlugton.
Nancy A. Wilson.
WidoW of William S. Wilson deceased.
Homestead Entry No. T821 for the n of n
w and n of n e sec 21 Tp i n r 12 e w in.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and ' cultiva
tion of, said land viz: Henry M. Trenner,
Chester w. Bell, John B. Cochran of Glen
wood P. O. Washington. William Frasier .of,
Fulda T. OTwash. . ,
Knut S. Knutson. : '
Pre-emption D. 8. No. 2413 for the e t bt s
wJisecl2Tp8nr lOewm-. . .
He names the following -wltnessses to prove
his continuous residedce up n and cultiva
tion of said land viz: James H. Butler, Jacob
E. Jacobson, Christian E. Larsen, Samuel
walton all of 1)ite Salmon P. O. Washington.
myHjnlS .John D. Geoghkgam. Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been-duly appointed by the county -court !
rf the State of Oregon for Wasco County, in
nrobate. administrator of the estate of Esther I
Backus deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present them to me, wit h proper vouchers ut
my residence near Hood River, Wasco
County Oregon, within six months from the
date of this not ice. . . Fred Howe,
Administrator of the estate of Esther
Backus, deceased. . -
Dated this 21st day of May 1892.
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling , its
Everything will be found neat and clean
, AXB " THE , ,
Tables will be supplied with the beat the
, GEORGE HERBERT Proprietor.
painters And decorators
- And artists in graining, staining,
varnishing and polishing of all interior
woods where the development of the
grain of the natural wood is desired.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty.. -Second
St. . The Dalles. Or.
' " Successors to A Bettingen
Hardware,': Tinware, WoouEnwAHk,
A complete line of Heating and Cook Staves,
Tumps, Pipe Plumbers and Steam FltUr's
Supplies;;also3a complete stock of
Carpenter's, Blacksmiths' and
' : ' " ' " Farmer's Tools. 1 .
All tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will be
..." done on short notice. .
Stale, DEMcWCoityttei
: For Supreme Judge,) "
For Attorney General, ' .
For Member of Congress, Second District,
, For Circuit Judge, 7th District, . '
' . W. L. BRADSHAW. '
For Prosecuting Attorney Seventh District,
V . ., ... , J. F. MOORE. v .
For Member of State Board Equalization,
., Seventh District,,
For Joint Senator, 17th District, Sherman
i . and Wasco Counties,
; y: '. J. A. SMITH. : .'
For Joint Senator, 18th . District, Gilliam,
Sherman and Wasco Counties, .
For' Joint Representatives, 18th Representa
tive District, Siierman and Wasco Counties,
- ' . S. F. BLYTHE.
For County Judge,
. For ounty Clerk, ,
' , For County Sheriff,, ' ' '
County Treasurer,
1 For County Assessor,
. For County Surveyor,
'' - , For School S'uperintendent,
,. . For County Commissioner, .
' ; ' For County Coroner,
$500 000
BEATTY'S organs t
Bargains. For partl-
lars, catalogue, address jjaniei ir. ileuity,
Washington, New Jersey.
Vill mak e the spring season of 1882 at F. H.
Button's farm at Hood River. '
Description and Pedigree.
'Midnight" is a coal-black Hambletontan, 5
years old; weight littu pounas; sirea Dy unaw's
Hambletonlan; dam, a Copper-bottom mare.
"Midniuht" is a irood disoositioned horse, a
toppy driver and quite a trotter for a horse of
his size.
"Midnight's" service fee will be $10 for single
service, due at time of service, or 816 for the
season. Persons breeding by single service
and mare falling to catch, can breed by the
season by the additional payment of $5. Bea-
i Jiny io, iisira.
F. H, TJUTTON, Hood River, Or.
To Victoria E. Johnston, William R! Over
baugh, William J. Smith and all whom it
may concern. . ,
Land Office at Vncouver Wash. May 1, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claims,
and that said proof will oe made before the
Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at
Vancouver wash, on July 25, 1882, viz:
William M. Locke.
Pre. D. S. 2405 lor the e s w sec 6 Tp 8 n r
11 e w m. - ,.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
wl, nun, j ii 1 1 1 via. rirouiv j ... i i n. i v. i
hong, Frank Groshong, Nathan Wood, all of
wnite salmon, niickitatcounty wasn.
mayl4-JuIS - John D, GKooHEGAn, . Register
Land Office at Vancouver.ash, May 9 , 1892.
To Howard C. Cook and John Burnett and
all-whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of their Intent
Ion tomake tinal proof in supportoftheir claims
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver IT. 8. land office at Van
couver, wash, on July 7, 1892, viz:
, Amos Underwood. , ,
Application No -10 to purchase under sec. 8
act Sept. 211 1890; for the s y1 nfj and lots 1
and 2 sec 24 Tp 3 n r 10 e w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: William Drano, and
David K: Oidway, bpth of Chenowith wash,.
Jonas Tanner, of white Salmon, wash,, Joseph
Purser, of Hood river Oregon.
' also ' Edward Underwood.
Apolicatlon No 41 to purchase under sec. S
actSept 29 1890 for the e s e ,s w yt s e
andse n e see 15 Tp 3n r 10 e w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land viz: william Drano, David
K. Ordway, both of Chenowith wash. Jonas
Tanner, of white salmon wash. Joseph Purser,
of Hood river Oregon.
also i i . William Drano.
Application No ( 5 to purchase under sec. S
act Sept 29 1890; for the lots 2 8 4 and 6 sec 85 Tp
SnrOewm. ,.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Ed warrd Underwood,
Amos Underwood, both of white Salmon,
wash. David K. Ordway, of Chenowith wash.
Joseph Purser, of Hood river Oregon,
mylljnlg Joiiu D. Geoohkuau, Register.
LTlmber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
U. 8. LAnD Office.
Oregon City, Oregon, May. 7, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "Anact forthesaleof tim
berjlands in thestatesof California. Oregon Ne
vada and Washington Territory," Mrs. Har
riet S. Johnson, a widow of Portland, county
of Multnomah, state of Oregoa, has this day
tiled in thlsorrlce hersworn statement No. 2530,
for the purchase of the sw J, n e , e ne
and ne s e of section No. 24 iu town
ship no. 3 south, range no. 8 east, w.tri. and
will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon,
on Monday the loth-day of August 1892.
She names as witnesses: Horace S; Camp
bell, Sarah A. Reid, both of East Portland
Multnomah County Oregon, Charles Cole,
Sandy, Clackamas County Or., Thos. J. Peek,
('Portland Multnomah County Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
15, day of August, 1892.
my29-jy30 J. T. Appkrson, Register.
, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Oflice,
. Oregon City Oregon, May, 7, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Mrs.
Sarah A.Rcld, widow of Portland Co., of Mult
nomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed In
this office her sworn statement, N o. 2629, for the
purchase of thessejand sjswof see. No. 24, In
townshlpNo.8. south range N o.sE. w. M.and
will offer proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver ot this office at Oregon City Oregon,
on Monday the 15th day of August 1892. ,
She names as witnesses: Horaces. Camp
bell, of East Portland, Multnomah County Or.,
Cnarles Cole, of Sandy Clackamas County
Oregon, Thos, J. Peek, andHarriet S'. Johnson,
both of Portland Multnomah County Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 15th
day of August, 1892. ,
my28-jyMl J, T. Aftbrsqn, Register,
;:";"5;v ,. v: '. dealers in ; ' '..."v,1
Brackets anfl W oofl Tflrnings.
We are prepared to furnish finished coiflns
and caskets at reasonable prices, and on short
est notice. A full stock will be kept constanty
on hand.
. President.
, Having purchased the business of PERRY & JONES. I am prepared to
furnish the very choicest quulity of
At t.hfi Vfirv TiOWfist "Rft.tfiS.
I hnve constantly on hand a fine
Hams, Bacon azxd. Xj'strd.,
In fact, everything in my line. ,
Corner Oak and Fourth Sts., , - . - - Hood River, Oregon
i Tla-e IDsilles 12T-a.r series,
- PROPRIETORS ..".'.-'. '...' .
Have on band a full supply of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental tree; grap
vines, small fruits, Roses and Shrubbery.
Be sure to get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. '
Remember our trees are grown strictly without Irrigation.
THE DALLES. - - - - - - OREGON
W. A. Sling errand, Local Agent. .
. That thirty days is as long as we can credit goods, and. would respectfully
( request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly. ;.
!Sood.teiT7"er Pliaimacy's
. v " -' ,
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
And a Complete Line of :
Crandall & Burget,
A fall Line of
Furniture, Carpets,
Unflertakisg Goods.
: ; Mail Orders Pronptly Attended to
166 Second St. Tho Dalles. Or.
i Olinger & Bone,
.ivi'i'y mill IVi'il Stables,
Oak Street, near,
7c have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hub
. '"' and Saddle Horses. '
A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excretjoli
parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any access,
ble point. KeliabJo drivers. 1
Our Dray delivers baggage or freight anywhere ' in the Valley
Charges Reasonable.
H. C. COE, .
stock of
nubiuuiuij uuuipuuuuuu.