The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 21, 1892, Image 3

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    3(ood Iftver Slacier
HOOD RIVER, OR., MAY, 21, 1802.
Seed corn at Harrison's.
Matting 20 cents at Bartmess'.
, Mrs. Monroe has pone to California.
2-bit cigars at the Drug Store.
A fine line of fresh cigars at the Drug
Store. ,
You can suit yourself in a smoke, ac
cording to your pile, at the Drug Store.
Mr. Win. Stewart is here for a short
visit. -
Wool is arriving at The Dalles, quite
Wallace Husbands was down from
Mosier Tuesday.
Rev. C. W. Wells, is attending con
ference at Eugene.
J. II. Gerdes is building a porch in
front of his bakery.
Dr. Newcom be arrived from England
Wednesday morning.
Mr. Forseman of Lafayette, Indiana,
IB visiting irienas nere.
Robert' 'Husbands, and wife were
down from the mills Tuesday.
' Rev. Delos Howells has gone
. Blaine, Washington, to remain.
Ice for sale, pasture and houses
, rent. Enquire of E. W. Winans.
Furniture and wood work made
look like new. Kenna & Emmerson
T. J. Watson and a number of Port
land people visited this point lust Sun
day. Mrs. M, V. Harrison went to Eugene
Tuesday for a three-weeks' visit to Mrs.
Have you seen the. $15.00 antique
maple bed room set at the furniture
tore? ..
Call early and see the latest styles in
spring millinery, just received at Mrs.
Hunt's. - i '
Mrs. E. E. Cowoll of St. Paul.Minn.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. II. Bishop
of this place.
,. The run of blue-back snlmon has
passed and now the big chinooks are
making their appearance.
Mrs. King has located at Myrtle
Creek, this state, and thinks she has
discovered a small paradise. ,
It would surprise you to see the new
lot of boys' suits at Hanna's, which he
is selling eheaperthan ever. .
Get. your front room frescoed with
gold border $3.00 to $5.00.
Kenna & Emmerson.
Mrs. Laughlin, mother of Mrs. J. F.
Armor, arrived Wednesdav to spend a
few weeks with her daughter. .
A fine lot of. home-rendered lard and
Oregon bams, shoulders and bacon just
received at the meat market.
Say! let me tell you something You
can get a pairof pants or a shirt cheaper
ofllanua than any other man in town.
Abe, son of Mr. Foley, arrived here
. Inst Sunday night from Crook county,
giving b'ia parents a genuine surprise.
Mr. Whitmore, lecturer for the A. O.
U. W.. delivered a lecture at the Con
gregational church Wednesday even
ing.' " '...- r
Do you want n good pair of punts for
yyjVV? If so, look-at Haima's Hew
: ' Mr. Henry Hihhavd. delegate, to: the
grand lodge I. O, O. K., '.which met at
Astoria during the week, is expected
home to-day.
James Stranahan came down from
Bialoek's Wednesday, and went on to
Stella, Washington, where he has
steady employment.
: Mr. Matlock is expected here from
Pendleton to-day. He is the owner of
many valuable horses and we hope to
see bim locate here.
Quite a number of ouf citizens have
visited Portland recently,drawn thither
by the desire to see the cruisers Balti
more and Charleston. .
. Messrs. Coe & Stranahan have put in
machinery for manufacturing sash and
doors -at their fuctory, and also for
. making coffins of every style.
James Christe n pen who bought the
Van Assalt place last year, has moved his
family from Carlin, Nevada, and is
jiow located with us permanently.
Miss Sadie Hanna, of Nebraska, sis
ter of our popular merchant, Mr. J. E.
Hanna, arrived here Wednesday on a
visit to her brother and his family.
The first strawberry shipment to
Portland Saturday brought a return of
40 cents per box, while California ber
ries were selling at 15 cents per box.
If you want your house insured, re
member that the German American;
for which we are agent, is one of the
largest and most reliable in the world.
Mrs. A. D. Goodfellow, sister of A. B.
Jones and sister-in-law to Mr. Fred
Goodfellow of Mt. Hood, arrived here
Wednesday to visit her relatives for a
week or two. , :V,
C. J. Bright, candidate for congress
on the prohibition ticket, was here
Tuesday. A card in this issue explains
his failure to be present last week at
.the meeting advertised.
Mrs. Sothern has gone to Eugene to
her people. After the sudden death of
her husband she made her home with
Rev. and Mi's. Wells until her arrange
ments for leaving were completed. :
Hon. W. B. Ellis, republican candi
date for congress, and H. B. Miller of
Grant's Pass, candidate for presidential
elector, addressed a good sized audience
at the new Armory Tuesday evening.
Mr. Locke brought in a crate of
strawberries Tuesday, Vhich was
the first shipped from this place. Un
der the contracts .with Perry & Jones
Tuesday commenced the shipping sea
son. Work will commence on the now
road from Tucker's mill up the river to
Diver's place, Monday, . and Super
visor Detbman desires those who have
volunteered work to lie on hand as soon
as possible to assist in the good cause.
Every one should ''wad the Austra
lian ballot law, as it is somewhat cum
bersome. We give the substance of
what is required of the voter. Study it
carefully, so that you can vote intelli
gently. Captain George W. Boll will address
the people of this section at the New
Armory at 1:30 this afternoon on the
subject of the tariff. He is well worth
listening tot and everybody that can
possibly" attend should do so.
A new stock of. suits for the boys at
Ilannu's. ; : . . '...
Pictures framed to order at the fur
niture store. .
All kinds of country produce bought
and sold at Harrison's. ; .
E. W.v Winans left for Caliiornia,"
Thursday to vis.t his brother.
Get a bottle of Kenna's furniture
polish at the furniture store.
. Good number 8 second hand cook
stove for sale at Harrison's.
Caleiniining in fresco colors any tint
$2.00 per room and upwards. .
Mrs. Heald's father and mother of
New York, are visiting her.
Miss Jennie Henry will visit her old
home in Nebraska, starting about the
first of June. , .
Mr. Blythe has made a trip through
this and' Sherman county, and like
Oincinnatus is again at work on his
The hridire across the cist fork of
Hood river is completed and is a good
piece oi wore, ii isiun leci ui'gt "u
was opened for travel Thursday.
Rand Dent & Co., are building -a
room for storing flour etc, and arid -as
soon as this is completed the Rand &
morse livery mule will be moved.
George Prather returned from Pull
man Monday. He was summoned by
telegraph to the bedside of his brother,
but arrived too late to see him alive.
The east fork wood drive is being
banked, and it is expected it will be
put in the river in about three weeks.
It will contain in the neighborhood of
a thousand cords. .
Dr. S. V. Flint, brought his wife
here recently for her healin, and finds
her so much improved that he has
leased a pieco of land of Dr. W. L J
Adams, and is buiiding a residence.
Speaking this afternoon at the ar
mory ati:au. ' mere win be a meeting
to perfect arrangements for the cele
bration on the 4th of J uly, immediate
ly following and every body should at
tend it.
If the boys who are interested in
getting up a' band will develop a little
energy, they can get assistance from
the.4ih of July committee, towards
buying their instruments. We have
good material for, a band and should
have it. , ,- .' ,
Hanna has-just received a new and
complete line of gents' .furnishing
goods; you can buy a pair of pants
from $1 to $4.50, according to your
fancy. Come in and see them, whether
you want to buy or not. ,No trouble to
show goods. v y
Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Hoag are now
living on the E. , L. Smith place at
Trout Lake, the old Peter Stoller place.
Mr.. Hoag cameover Thursday and ex
presses himself as well pleased with his
new home. Ho takes over a big boat
for use on the lake. -
Captain Blowers arrived home Tues
day, Mrs. Lawrence Blowers coming
with him. Lawrence .stopped on the
Sound for a short time. The captain is
now thoroughly convinced that there
is no place like home, especially if that
home is in Hood River,. . , ;
The democracy was well represented
.Tuesday -and' .-.Wednesday . by Messrs.
Blakelv, Crosson, Ward and Corson,
nominees respectively for county judge, j
clerk, slientr unfl treasurer, lliey made
a trip out. into Baldwin precinct, tak
ing dinner at Mr. Graham's Tuesday,
and visiied the mills Wednesday. .
Pery & Jones shipped a crate of
strawberries to Portland Saturday; they
were part from Hood River and seven
teen boxes came' from Mr. Brooks'
place at White Salmon. The cool, wet
weather has made them ripen slowly,
but they are coming in rather plenti
fully now and next w eek will see them
in abundance. :,
Mr. Wm. Mercer was in The Dalles
Thursday, and at his hands on his re
turn we received ffom an old friend
Sam Thurman, a fine salmon caught,
by him. Sam knows us, and as he
reads the Glacier occasionally, knows
just what was needed. Next week you
will see an improvement in the lite
rary qualities of this thought dissem-
. ri'i. .. . , T . i -,:.. 1 . 1 A
laid off temporarily on account of hav
ing no landing at the Locks at this
stage of water- If arrangements can
be made for landing she will be put on
the route again at once. The Regula
tor seems to be making regular trips
for the loeal'tvade, but we are unable to
learn what arrangements will be made
by her.
H. C. McCamey, while hauling wood
last Tuesday, in some manner lostcon
trol of his team which ran away.
About half the load of wood was
thrown oil, and then Mr. MeCamej''s
turn came. He was thrown forward
on to the double trees and thence to
the ground, the wagon wheels passing
over one arm and his back. He is
badly bruised up, but will be around
again in a few days.
We are glad to state that the build
ing boom at Mosier, which we men
tioned rather doubtingly last week, is a
reality, and that several buildings will
be erected at once. Mr. Holmes is hav
ing a general merchandise store put up,
with a hall in the second story, and a
fruit dryer is also said to be assured.
Besides this, several residences will be
built. We understand, also, that a
tract of land will be platted sufficient
to make 150 lots. ' .
, Flowers, Scenery, and Fish.
The first section of the train bearing
the delegates to the Presbyterian As
sembly stopped here for a few mo
ments, and forae of our good citizens
did the gallant by explaining the beau
tics of Hood River, showing a picture
of Mount Hood among other things,
and mentioning the wealth of flowers
that cover our verdant hills. The lady
listeners grew enthusiastic, and finally
one of them broke forth rapturously.
"And oh! such lovely salmon. We
only get them canned in the East."
All of which shows that while the eyes
may be surfeited with color and the
ear ravished with melodious tales, the
stomach after all lies nearest the heart
and is the seat of genuine sentimental-
Mm. Arthur Ilbrow, who has been
sick nearly all W past winter, has im
proved greatly and Is able to be about.
The follow.insr Hood Riverites are on
the lurv list fur the next term of court
which convffK Monday: W. G.
Clelland, C. IB)ne and B. R Tucker.
Mosior is renrcStui tetl by J. N. Mosier
and J. J. Lewis. nd Xascade Locks by
J. Hamilton. .
Paul the six vear-old soHJ of Lucas
Blank of The Dalles died at, Wjat place
Thursday of diphtherial, WhiT there
is considerable alarm expressed a4 the
appearance of the disease, every T4Te"
caution is beiner taken to prevent i'
spread; and it is hoped that no further
Harm may be done by it.
Memorial Services.
Memorial services will be held in theJ
Congregational Church Sunday morn
ing, the 29th inst., at 11 o'clock, Rev.
J. W. Rigby officiating. - Decoration
day will also be appropriately observed
under the charge of Canby Post,G.A.R.
Company D will participate in the ex
ercises, the progiamme of which, will
ue jjiiuuju iies. ween.
Gilmer Rotes.
R. Heyting has just returned from
attendance on court at Goldendale.
The grade at Klickitat bridge is in
good condition.
Some sheepmen were driven back
from Gammas Prairie by a number of
settlers May 3d. '.'..'.''
Shaw's saw mill at Glenwood is run
ning full blast. '
Duck and geese are plentiful at Cam
mas lake.
Grain looks well and grass is abun
dant. '
The road from Cammas to Oilman is
in bad condition. ,
Mrs. Burschshut's father came froni
Minnesota last week. "
School Superintendent Brooks vis
ited our school last week. '.;
Our fruit trees are in full bloom and
have escaped the frost so far.
Mr. C. Carson is putting up a frame
Sunday school started last Sunday,
with Rev. Scbyne superintendent.
Mrs. P. P. Whitcomb arid son W.
Gilmer, made a flying trip to Golden
dale last week.
John Detbman has taken his' stock
from the early range along the Colum
bia to Cammas. .''.'."..;' ,
' We have a large in crease in the grain
acreage over previous years. - ; , .
AKrv.rt "
While Salmon Side.
May 19. Well, Mr. Editor, just as
wo n-fm fulilrpecino. vnnr luaf. pummn.
. .. , . . ., , ,.
nication and got to the fourth letter
and was as usual making a z instead of
a c, a sudden flash of lightning struck
us. Uur mind reverted to all our past
sins where we had been making an
oily1 dauber and putty smearerof you
instead of one of those great counter
parts : of the snow-capped sentinels
pointing skywards about us. Of course
the joke on me is limited"to your htfm
ble sanctum; but I'm willing to let it
out. '' - . . "- -';'' '. ';. '
. Our neighbors on the bottom lands
are having bad weather for, haying.
Some, has been cured now the second
time and is wet again. , Messrs. Egan'
and Warner have their crop all cut, I ut
Mrs. Byrkett has the greater part ot her
meadow to mow yet. Mr. H. J. Byr-
kett of Trout Lake is iu with his mower
... -
assisting. , .
Mr. B. S. Ford has gone to Portland
to spend a few weeks,
Master Eaius Jewett gave his young
friends a genuiue candy pulling last
Friday. ; The occasion celebrated his
birthday and the little folks had a real
frolic. , a '
Flint Bradford says he is getting rich
foster than any man in the country.
He threatens, if his good luck in the
fishing business continues, to seriously
. ... ' J
interlere with the trade now monop
olized by our White Salmon mer
chants. ; '
The Dalles people are talking of a
Sunday-school , picnic to our shaded
lawns. Why not Hood River, too?
Last Sunday a party of White Sal
mon folks planned a picnic to the falls.
We. might call it a Sunday-school pic
nic, as it was to be composed largely of
Sunday scnool attendants and was to ;
be celebrated on Sunday. But the rain j
Interfered, me loaves and nsnes were
spared, and the trout that did not dan
gle at the end of our line that day will
live for another week.
. Mr. J. P. Jones' strawberry crop has
been cut short by the deer eati'ntr the
vines off. One would think that there
is worlds of grass for them this spring,
as there certainly is, but they seem to
have a taste for strawberry vines. A
few nights ago acouplf of our nimrods,
with their guns and ramrods, took
themselves to Mr. J.'s strawberry patch
to capture the intruders. They, might
have succeeded had they only snored
in whispers.
Mr. J. H. Butler has purchased a
handsome hammock cart fro-m J. Hun
saker for only $44.
Mr. Harvy of Lyle was here last
week visiting his daughter, Miss Bird
Mr. James W. Overbaugh has been
confined to his home for the past week
or more. . -
Several of our gardeners are going to
experiment in peanuts this season.
. Mr. H. Woodruff, the mail contractor
between here and Glenwood, came in
Saturday quite indisposed.
Our very - efficient school teacher,
Mr. McKay, spent the latter part of
last week in Goldendale at tbe teach
ers' examination.
Mr. Elmer Wright was down from
The Dalles during the week and went
out to Camillas-Prairie to see Mrs.
Wright, who is visiting at her father's
Mr Stump.
At the political convention of week
before last Messrs. Jewett and Perry
were chosen' delegates to attend the'
county convention. . , W. S.
Attention! . ' ..
i There will be preaching in the Ar
mory building, Sabbath, at 3:30 p. m.,
to which all are invited. At the close
of services there will be an effort to
form a society of the Methodist Epis
copal Church. All persons interested
are invited to attend the meeting. ''"
Rev. J. W. Rigby,
Paston M. E. Church.
Express leaves at
Ho. 2, Mull
leaves at
StcYimers from Portland to Ban Francisco,
every 4 days. . '
ffiets la mi-Em Earose.
For rates and general Information call on
W. H. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen, Pass. Agt.
61 Washidgton St., Portland Oregon.
' Why cough, when 8. B. will stop it.
j That Marvin Rand has the finest brands
of cigars, and an excellent stock of
choice candies. He will have ice cream
i every Sunday, and , lemonade, soda
! water etc, every day. ' He will also
have a stock of Are works for the 4th.'
Parties desiring to use water for ir
rigation, must first notify the Hy
drant Company and stating the num
ber of lots to be irrigated. H. C, Coe,
Sealed proposals for tbe construction
of two miles of ditch for the Water
Supply Company, will lie received hy
the secretary up to May 81st 1892. . The
ditch will be laid off in sections of 40
. Ularf
For speicfications and partic
ulars apply -to the secretary. The
' company reserve the right to reject any
andu bids. William Davidsox,
I . Secretary.
. Hon. Danlel F. Beatty, the great Or
gan and Piano manufacturer, is build
ing and shipping more Organs and
Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty
left home a penniless plow boy, and by
his indomitable will he has worked his
way up so as to sell so far nearly 100,000
ofBeally's "Organs and Pianos since
1870. . Nothing seems to dishearten
him; obstacles Jaid in his way, that
would have wrecked any ordinary man
forever, he turns to an advertisement
and comes out of it brighter than ever.
His instruments, as is ,well known, are
yery popular and are to be found in all
parts of the world. We are informed
that during the next ten years lie in
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make;
that means a business of $20,000,000, if
average them at f 100 each. It is
already the largest business of the kind
J in existence. Send to Daniel F.Beatty,
. Washington, New .Jersey; for - cata-
' Hot Coffee ah d lunch at the bakery.
Bread, cakes and pies constantly on
hand. Bread six loaves for a quarter.. .
We have some- fine iarm properties
for ale and those desiring to purchase
in the neighborhood Will do well . to
give us a call. r" ; . ' '
'.Dr. F. C. BrosiUs, having succeeded
to the medical practice 'of Dr. E.. J.
, Thomas, can be found at the drug
' ""'"f- can oe rouna m
store dav or iiKrlit.
Hood Kiver Ore,, Dec 18, 18U1
Honesty is the Bast Policy.
' Tiiis is a patent medicine advertise
ment, but your attention one moment
may save you much suffering as well as
money. -
; We cure that cough.
. We cure that tickling.
Wre cure that hacking.
We cure that throat clearing.
We cure croup. '
"We cure bronchitis.
We cure that la grippe couirli.
We help you to suur and speak. ,
We are not the S. B. lozenges.
We area pleasant cough syrup.
W'e are put up in 50 and 75 cent bottles.
We are the S. B. cough svrtip.
Guaranteed by your druggists.
Land Locator.
Every body wants land in Hood
River Valley. I . have some Very de
sirable tracts of good land bn my list
for homesteads and .' timbered
claims, with ' running water on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advantageously. . Do 'not fail to see
me at Hood River Fails or address me
at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon.
'.':." W. Ross Winans, ,
' ;..-.,' . - ; . Locator.
Hartley Mercer
agests ron .
MOWEK-S,-'-"-. '
' ' AND . ... '
All kinds of farming implements.
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets.
;:Hil 'Finhtii
iji,' -0N '
. EAST, WfeST,
. "s r'v -
X '.
11:54 A. M,
j.u:ij. jr. iu. j MlBM
sjiver. k;
'. X. .. "vT-
" '' dealer' IN ' ,
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
- A large supply of, and Executive Right to sell
Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads.
Undertaking: a Specialty.
.Prepared to furnish at once, a fine
but neat and
esire to ca
they are st;
't 1
Are prepaid to furnish buggies,
fishing, tourist or other parties to
able rates.X Good saddle horess
ed by the day,
'.. . 4:08 A. M. . . N. , .
...N. :::' : i- - X
Pesire to caiL
ed t
toe n
I We love o
ate our ptcatAnt
. Vtf love our gsitte otht ,
h,tA obey Hifc l2-iqd rule. :
Physician and Surgeon
Chapman Block ..
dr. .m:d. morgan
Offers his professional services to
citizens of Hood River and vicinity.
, Dufub Watkins &. Menefeb,
Vogt'snew building', Second St.
We Manufacture,
V Real Merit
Does tne Advertising.
If you tako pills it is because you have
never tried the
S.B.Head ache and Liver
It works so nicely, cleansing the
Liver and Kidneys; acts us a mild
physic without causing pain or sick
) ess. and does not stop you from eat-
i g ana working. . . ,
To try it is to become a friend to it.
For sale by M. V. Harrison, Hood
River Oregon.
Dufuf, M. 'F' Co., Dufnr, Ore.
J. I. IffluTON,! GO,
Reliable information concerning
. titles.
Choice city and country property for
, SALE :.- .' -'.'
Conveyancing a Specialty.
139 Second Street - - - - The Dalles Or.
v. .
f ' '
' r -
m mgs ( mi m rLgwy gr IBP
class of coffins, also a cheap
and Builders.
r; Liver y m e n,
your , attention to tne tact tnat
running their well known
, " '
oiliacks with reliable drivers, to carry
appoints in the valley at reason
always on hand. Horses board- :,
week oXmontb.
.'I have appointed J. T. Delk, wy
Agent to wdl my beer at Hood Rivw,
at wholesale. August Buciilek.
. , The Dalles, March 16,
A new stock of Ladies' and Gen' '
SPECIAL attention given toeIean.
ing and repairing watches.
Hood River, - 7 - - Oregon,
Bnrned nnt'hnt Airafn In Bneiner
Line Of
.Bos T0J.AV550
(an Be Found
And prices reasonable. Call and ex
amine goods at Harrison's store.
A largA supply of handsome wall pa
per just received by S. E. Bartmess.
Try the Cuban Bud cigars,1 at Han-1
na's: they are the best 10-cent cigar on
Uil k mat MNBttL
f !r!3SfHOO,.KOUSE n SWvX-
whore. Furcatalogno "addieaB Duniol K,
Beatty, Washington, New Jersey.
Hats Trimmed,
:.:-.';JTips Re