c r t f. cod Iviver Slacier. HOOD MVEK, UK., MAY, ?1, 1892. THE SUPREME JUDGESHIP. In California the necessity of keeping Hie judiciary as much as possible out of fie range of politics is recognized in the new constitution of that state, which provides for the election ot its judges H'parate and apart from the general flection, so that, as far as possible, po litical prejudice and the urgings of par tisan strife muy not influence the cit izens in seleetiug their judicial officers. It is a wise provision and one that uhould be copied in every state. Pol itics should not enter into the selection .f a judicial ollicer, 'and especially is 1 his true of the supreme liourt. Judge Olmstead, at the republican state cou- ention, spoke slightingly of the Ore gon supreme court, saying that its i.Xluions were not in esteem in other t tiites. This . may or may not be true, but it is th evident duty of every good citizen to lay' political prejudices aside 1 in selecting' a iriau for this high posi ' The GIjACIKB has studiously (.voided the discussion of political ques i ons, and only mentions this because u considers it entirely nou-politicai. Oi'ave charges have been made aguinst ai republican candidate, in effect that ha had been guilty of conduct that luould disbar him from practice. We i.uuw nothing'of the matter, only that i.ir. Moore, the candidate, has not de i.ied the charge. Be that as it may, in iv democratic candidate, the Hon. 6. Bennett of The Dalles, the people iiuve one of the leading lawyers of the suite, a miti of marked ability, of sterl ing integrity, and one who would be uii ornament to the bench andan honor to the state. Judge Bennett is a self- made man, working on a farm in the, i uuimer to acquire the means to e ciitd iiimself during the whiter mouh8 i.ud by indefatigable industrjyfte has pushed himself to the fiJnt rank i.mi stands the peer of any lawyer in too slate. The deiuoera made a wise tbeieelion and the people will do their wuiy and their wjyfle duty as good cit izens by placingudge Bennett on the hupreme uenci A ustbjtlian ballot la w. iDjrfollowing shows the operation6f thor Austral Ian i :llot. avHtem. sectnti containing the instructions l the voter as to the manner of prepafing his ticket and casting his ballot "section ty. uu receipt jet bis white lmllot, as aforesaid, theX elector shall forthwith, and withouteaviiig the en closed space, retire idTne to one of the compartments or unlaces provided, and bhali there preu-e, his: ' ballot by cancelling, crossing or marking out the names of thjf candidates he does not wish to votfc for. which shall be done iyLh aniifidelible 'copying' pencil, to be ..red for the Dunxise. or bv scratch- ing -P1 lli PJ" anf forea('h office to wu jrei ior'"Vhich he is quaiiiied to oie, and if necessary lie may write into the blank space provided therefor the name of the person of his choice for each of any such otlice; and in case of a question submitted to the vote of the people, by ' cancelling, crossing or (scratching out the answer he does not wish to make or give. Before leaving the compartment or place provided, the elector shall fold his ballot so that the face thereof will be concealed; with out displaying the ballot or Informing any person how lie prepared itj aiid he Khali fold the ballot no that the initials of the first clerk may be seen on the bac.k of the ballot, and so that the re maining stub maybe readily torn off, without exposing the contents of the ballot or the marks or crosses thereon. He shall (hen deliver the ballot to the chairjmaii and state his name and resi dence." The delegates to the Presbyterian General Assembly in Portland passed down on three special trains Wednes day. The first passed here about 10:30 and stopped for u quarter of an hour for the purpose of allowing the visitors to take a glimpse at our beautiful sur roundings, but the other sections pulled by without stopping, much to the chagrin of those vbe were on hand to welcome them. ' Farming' in Japan. Tokio Letter in the New York Times: . Tl.e land under cultivation in Japan is about 18,000,000 acres, upon the pro duct of which 41,000,000 must be fed. it is unnecessary to add that the farms are small. The average farm is but one to three acres, and a ten-acre plot ia con sidered a large farm. Bo many things are done on the diminutive scale In .iapan. Space utilizing and territory waving have been reduced to a fine art. After surveying the Japanese fields ami gardens it la easy to understand how dwarfing horticulture originated ages ago in tiiis. country. " The method, so long regarded by other nations as a secret, was resorted to j's a matter of expedience, if not of nec essity. ' For the limited space would not otherwise have permitted a variety of growths. If the physical aspect of u country affects the intellectual life of the people, then the nearness of view of everything in Japan may be one" influ encing element tliat tends- to eradicate lac range of perspective in the mental vision. At any rate we find in Japan a people who particularize rather than, generalize, and who dwell with infinite nicety upon the details and minutiae of everything they contemplate or under take, from the writing ot a poem to the planting of a field. That extreme clev erness and manual skill are the express- j0n of certain intellectual traits that fall in the same category and help to prove tlie theory, y . ' Farming is not regarded by the Jap anese in the light of science, subject to fluctuating modifications of new im provements, but as an art whose scope, was measured and whose limitations were conceded long ago. The methods of cultivation, the succession of crops, and even the kind of machinery used, are the same as they were nearly 2,000 years ago. In spite of the agricultural limitations, no country in the world produces so much per acre as Japan. The limit of cultivation was reached long ago, but by a judicious use of fer tilizers, and a skill in farming that amounts almost to a genius, the same average yield is obtainable year after year. L The land is well suited to irrigation, and the water, which is regarded as im pure by fastidious Europeans, is abun dant. Most of the land is made up of plains, whose surface is well drained, being washed by the water falling upon the hills and ranges from the back. The numerous rivers and water-courses which cross the plains on their way to the sea are utilized for purposes of irri gation. The water is drawn to high elevations, from which it overflows the land in channels. In April the crops are in a flourishing condition, and wheat, barley, rape, ana corn form the principal part. All the fields are planted with mathematical precision, for the elements of accuracy enters into the art of the farmer, and the fields must be pleasing In appear ance. The cereals are astomsmnsiv regular in position and growth. Jfhd even the ears of corn appear in Ujie as they come out. The cereals, "Jjvhether planted in single or double rafrSi grow in clusters of several stemtyfjach cluster being exactly in line, srthat the eye detects no irrcgulaurtiea whatever. Seed is too valuable t6 waste, and onlv rice is scattered broadcast. Four or live grains ot copfi are planted togeth upon ridges eaHal distances apart, tyhd generally inVows. The, intervening space is lufihzed lor growing Joeans. which yfi so planted that they Can get space irnd light without injmyy, to the crops, . .ana is so valuable tnctiio space is iowed for grass-plots, mm it is a cu- ious thing that no weeJis are to be seen in any of the cultivate1 plots in Japan, livery inch or" grouynd must be p. t to the most profitableiso, and a seed borne by the current cyr dropped by a bird stands little shov of growing to matur ity. ' o thoroughly have the Japanese got the maatrv of these pests that the soil is entiutly free from every trace of tnem. The cJumate and the warm, humid atmosphere are particularly favorable to tbe growth of rusts and other parasi ticTorms, but they have also entirely disappeared trom the neias oi Japar, A few narrow paths are made in the fields where absolutely necessary, but there are no roads, and consequently lid room for wheeled vehicles or machines. Almost all the work of cultivation is done by hand, and the tools ure models of simplicity. : The tool used for cut ting barley or wheat consists of a sharp blade placed at right angles to the shaft, which is about two ice't long. The corn is cut Very carefully, so that the adjoining plants are not injured. . Threshing, too, is a tedious process. There is no room in the fields for dry ing sheaves, for the ground must be used immediately, alter harvest for other crops. The corn sheaves are tied up in bunches and securely fastened to houses, fences, and trees. The ears are always placed downward so that the rain may run off. lJuring the harvest season the eaves and vojyixlas of ei'cry , vlllageTiousc are" stacked about with neat bundles of grain that will be beat en out as soon as dry. The ears are knocked against a pole placed a few feet above the ground, and the grain falls upon the mats placed below to re ceive it. .The cereals are put through a sort of primitive winnower or thrown up for the wind to carry away the husks. Bunches of corn or rice straw ' are drawn through hackles and gather ed upon mats. The rice straw is used in the manufacture of tough paper that has a great sale in Japan. In o uly the fields are made ready for the rice, after being properly banked up and irrigated. . Kiee is a staple, but is regarded as a luxury among the far mers, being used only on holidays or in case of illness. If a patient is in a criti cal condition he is permitted to have rice. "What, so ill that he must have rice?" is asked in sympathy, and the patient's case is indeed alarming when this grain is resorted to as a diet. Betbre the fields are hoed the surface .i covered w ith vegetables or straw, such as bean, haulm or bamboo grusa, which decay in time and make excel lent fertilizers. This coating is turned under the mud by means of hoes a little larger than ordinary spades. Some times a subsoil plow is used to accom plish the same result. The coating of vegetation keeps the muddy earth open and in a porous condition the first sea son and turnishes fertilization for the second season. After the surface is carefully smoothed it is covered for a depth of six inches with water. This process of irrigation is very particular, although simple enough. Water is conducted into the field of the highest elevation in the neighborhood, which it overflows, and then is carried to the next field, a few inches lower, and on through the whole series of fields to the lowest. Water at the uniform depth of six inches is allow ed to stand in each. If by chance any of the fields cannot be watered in this way, another method is used. Water is thrown up to the required level by means of treadwheels, placed in the channels built for the purpose. T he weight of the men who tread the wheels is sufficient to throw the water up to a considerable 'height. An Explanation. ' At the time of first arranging for the meetings 'In Hood River I had over looked the fact that this would inter fere with my presence at the Farmers' Institute at Wasco. Being unable to find either Mr. Wells or Mr. Rigby, I wrote to Mr. Rigby at Hood River the circumstance, asking him to change the appointments to Monday and Tues day, May 16th and 17th, and felt as sured that everything would be all right. ' I was very sorry when I found Upon my arrival yesterday, IGth Inst., that my letter fiad not been received and that I had (ailed to come as adver tised. This will, I think, set matters right. Very respectfully, C. J. Bright. REPUBLICAN iflTP " For Supremo Judge, . F. A. MOORE. . For Attorney General, LION AL R. WEBSTER. ,. For member of Congress, Second District, . W. R. ELLIS, , For Circuit Judge, Seventh District, . GEORGE WATKINS. , For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh District, AV. II. WILSON. ; For Member State Board Equalization, Sev- enth District, JOHN L.-LUCKY. rorjojni oeiiiuor, neveiuecnm uisirici, Qbn- sisting of Sherman and Wasco counU3f H. S. MCDANIELS. For joint senator, Eighteenth District, con sisting or uuilam, Bhermfin and Wasco counti; , w. w. steijku. ror jojnt lujprescmauvgg, EightoenthKepre- . scntative DistrlcVconsi8ting ofSher- , man andyWasco counti J'- X CHANDLE Tll. COON. For County Jutge, C, N. THORNBURY, .. For County Clerk, J. M. HUNTINGTON. For Cowity Sheriff, V C I. BALCII. " For County Commissioner, I. A. LEAVENS. For County Treasurer, WM. MICHELL. For County Assessor, JOEL V. KOONTZ. . For County School Superintendent, TROY SHELLEY. . For County Surveyor, , E. F. SHARP, For County Coroner, N. M. EASTWOOD. Beatty's Organs Are the BEST. Write for catuiogue. Addics Daniel F. Beatty, Washington,. New Jersey ;, Does S. B. get there ? , Well I should smile. S. B. Papering neatly done. 25ets per roll and upwards. Kenna& Emniersou. NOTICE FORPUBLTCATION. ' Land Office at Vancouverjwasn. May 10, 1892. To William Gilbreath Peter Tirum and all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the' following named settlers have illeu notice of their Inten tion to make llnal proof in support of their claims, and that said proof will be made before W. H. Dunbar, Commissioner United (Stales Circuit Court for District ot Washington at Goldendale wash, on Wednesday July 20th lSta, viz: Williams Fraslcr. .' " Homestead Entry No 5881 for the n of s w 34 section M Tp B n r 12 e w m. . lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said laud, viz: William wright, Henry II: Havens, Herbert Hawett, Robert Barker, all ol Gilmer Washington. - Nancy A. Wilson, j Widow of wllliam 8. wilson deceased. Homestead Entry No. 7824 for the n ofn w J4 and alt of n e sec 21 Tp 0 n r 12 e w m, She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upoa and cultiva tion of, said land viz; Henry M. Tronner,, Chester w. Bell, John 1$., Cochran of Glen wood P. O. Washington. William Frasier of KuldaP.O. wash.' ' ' Knut S. Knutson. 1 ' ' 1 Pre-emption D. S. No. 2113 for the e of s w sec 12 Tp 8 n r 10 e w in He names tlie following wltnossses to prove his continuous rcsidedce up n and cultiva tion of said land viz: James H. Butler, Jacob E. Jacobson, Christian E. ' Larson, SainueJ walton all of white Salmon P. O. Washington. luyMjultl John D. Gkohkan. Register. ADMIXISTKATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ! has been duly appointed by the county court ff the State of Oregon for Wasco County, in ' probate, administrator of the estate of Esther j lluckus deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me, with proper vouchers at my residence near Hood River, Wasco I County Oregon, within six months from the dale of this notice. KhudHowk, Administrator of the estate of Esther Backus, deceased. ' Dated this 21st day of May 1892. 11 MOIT HOOD HOTEL, Has been thoroughly renovated, and a large ell added doubling its CAPACITY. Everything- will be found neat and clean AND THE . Tables will be supplied with the best the MARKET AFPOKDS. GEORGE HERBERT Proprietor. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS And artists in graining, staining, varnishing and polishing of all interior woods where the development of the grain of the natural wood is desired. HOOD RIVER, S. L. Y0UFIG. SUCCESSOR TO E. BECK. , .. DEALER IN . . FINE WATCHES, ' DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ' AND SILVERWARE, ALSO Optical Goods. Fine Watch Repairing a Speci alty. , , ; .-' ' . Second St. The Dalles. Or. I All K OEM 01, Successors to A Bettlngen RETAILERS, AND JOBBERS IN- Hardware, Tin-ware,. WooDEnwARE, AND GRANITEWARE. A complete line of Heating and Cook Stoves, Pumps, Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitter's Siippllesalso..a complete stock of Carpenter's, Blacksmiths' and Farmer's Tools. i IT All tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will h done on short notice. , SECOND ST., THE DALLES Oft. DEMOCRATIC Slats. 11 For Supremo Jurt ALFRED S. BENSfcTT. For Attorney Jfy-Jml, GEO. E."CHAtoULAIN. . For Member of Cyfaty, Second District,' J AMEH. SLATER. . ;: ; ' For Circffu Juffige, 7th District, L. Jrf U A DSH A W. For ProsegutingAttorncy Seventh District, H. MOORE. ' , For . ember of State Board Equalization, Seventh District, ' , v ' WILLIAM HUGHES. For Jpnnt Senator, 17th District, Shermau and Wasco Counties, J. A. SMITH. Joint Senator, 13th District, Gilliam, . Sherman and Wasco Counties, . , ; V . ; a. W. UINEIIART. For Joint Representatives, 18th Representa tive District, Sherman and Wasco Counties, , - H. EMORY MOORE, S. F. BLYTHE. For County Judge, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. For i ounty Clerk. JAMES B. CROSSEN. For County Sheriff, THOMAS A. WARD. , For County Treasurer, , WILLIAM K. CORSON. For County Assessor, GEORGE T. PRATHER. ' For County Surveyor, F. S. GORDON. . For School Superintendent, ; E. P. FITZGERALD. , For County Commissioner, JAMES DARNIELLE, . For County Coroner, JOHN W. MOORE. . $500,000 rOTui c lure, catalogue, address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. , Millinery. The ladies of Hood River and country about are invited to call and see my stock. 1 am determined to please you in quality and prices. I am here to stay, and respect fully ask your patronage, if my goods and prices suit you. : ; Mrs. R. S. IIowells. :.i"MlBHIGHT":' 'Vill mak e the frr'r.R season of IKS at F. H. Button's farm at Hood Hiver. , Description and Pedigree. "Midnight" is a coal-black HHpnblctonian, 5 years old; weight 13S0 pounds; sired by Bliaw's llambletonlan; dnm, a Copper-bottom mare. "Midnight" Is a irood disoositioned horse, a toppy driver and quite a trotter lor a horse of nissize. "Midnight's" service fee will be $10 for single service, due at time of service, or 815 for the season. Persons breeding by. single service and mare failing to catch, can breed by the season by the additional payment of $5. Sea son to close July 15, 1KP2. - , F. H, BUTTON, Hood River, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. To Victoria E. Johnston, Wllliam R! Ovcr baugh, William J. Smith and all whom it may concern. " Land Office at Vncouver Wash. May 1'1SS2. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler liasflled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claims, and tnat said proof will- be made before tlie Register una Receiver U. S. Land Ollice at Vancouver wruih. on Jnly 25, 1892, viz: ,, William St. Locke. . Pre. D. S. 24C5 lor the e ,Ji sec C Tp 8 n r 11 e w m. He names the following-witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land viz: Frank Lane. 1'eler Clro- sliong, Frank Groshong, Nathan Wood, all of winie i-saimon, is. nciciuu conniy wasn. mayll-jnI8 John D. GKooiHEaAii, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION?" Land Office at Vancouver,r,wash, May 9 , 1S92. To Howard C. Cook and John Burnett and all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that tlie following named settlers have hied notice of their intent ion tomakeflnal proof in snpportol'tlieir claims and that said proof will be made before tlie Register and Receiver U. 8. land office at Van couver, wash, on July 7, 1892, viz: Amos Underwood. Application No 40 to purchase under sec. S act Sept. 2S 1S90' for the s nWJi and lots 1 and i sec 23 Tp 3 n r 10 e w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: William Drano, and David K: Ordway, bpth of Chenowith wash,, Jonas Tanner, of white Salmon, wash,, Joseph Purser, of Hood river Oregon. . also . Edward Underwood. Apoltcation No 41 to purchase under sec. 8 actSept.2J 1890 for the e s o yt , w s e andse4 n e J sec 15 Tp 3n r 10 e w m. He names tho following witneses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, satd land viz: William Drano, David K. Ordway, both of Chenowith ah. Jonas Tanner, of white salmon wash. Joseph Purser, of Hood river Oregon. also William Drano. Application No (15 to purchase under sec. 3 act Sept 29 1890; for the lots 2 3 4 and 5 sec S5 Tp 3 n r 9 e w m. , He names the following witnesses to prove hlscoiitinuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Ed warrd Underwood, Amos Underwood, both of white Salmon, wash. David K. Ordway, of Chenowith wash. Joseph Purser, of Hood river Oregon. myl4Jnl8 Joun D. QEOGiiEGAn, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' United States Land Office. -' Vancouver Wash., March, 7 1802. ' Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Edward G. Jones of White Salmon county of Klickitat stateof Wash., has this day filed in this office his sworn statement no. 1725, for tlie purchase of thee nw and e sw4 of sec.no.2ll in township no,o north, range no. 10 cast, and will offer proof to show t hat the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish ins claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this olHco at Vancouver Washington on Saturday, the 28th day of May, 1892. He names as witnesses: Ronald D. Cam eron, James Brown, Jacob Hunsakcr, all ot white Salmon, wasingtou, and A B. Jones, of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are retpiested to filo their claims in thisotfice ouor before said 28lh dav of May. 1S92. mehl9-my2i John D. Geoghegaki, Register. The undersigned being located near Hood River, wishes to inform parties who may be desirous of having sur veying done, that he is a practical surveyor of many years experience, and that work entrusted to him will be performed with dispatch and rrect ness. He takes pleasure in referring to Mr. A. S. Blowers, (who for years was county commissioner in Minnesota,) and for whom he did county work as county surveyor, as to his ability. Parties writing me at Hood will re ceive prompt attention. . - , C. J. Hayes. Dated Hood River April 6th, 1891. ' FOK SALE CHEAP. New single harness. . Enquire at Crowe!l'& store HOOD RIVER IMMGIIffi COffM. DEALERS IN s Brackets e n fl We are prepared to furnish finished cofllns and caskets at reasonable prices, and on short est notice. A full stock will be kept constanty on hand. O. L. STRANAHAN, President. Having purchased the business of furnish the very choicest quality of . BEEF; PORK At the Very I have constantly on hand a fine SlanncLS, Bacon and ILsurd.; In fact, everything in my line. Corner Oak and Fourth Sts., 17Ibe Dalles: PROPRIETORS - Have on hand a full supply of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees; grap vines, small fruits, Hoses and Shrubbery.'' ' : , . Be sure to get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. . Remember our trees are grown strictly without irrigation. , . v : THEBALLES. ; - . ' , W. A. Sung ER J nJjgniJ -. mLs win ala'ffin mual gaLaay ttJamaaAiag$if tuLmwmmam miJmmmm , That thirty days if as long as we can credit poodf, and would, respectfully request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly. Hood Ltt-t Prescriptisias and; Private :' Formula EKES . And a Complete Line of ' DRUG S , GHE M IC A LS AND IEDycI HE S; V YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER, BHS. '.WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. Crandail & Burget, PKALEES m ALSO CARRY Furniture, Carpets, , Oj WlinrlnuTlinflAn Vln W HIuUh Olidiluijj till', g A Full Line of ' Unfleriaking: Goods. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to -166 Second St. The? Dalles. Or. Olinger ivory ant. Oak Strut, near Pest offish H00D1UVER, - OREGON t . Wo have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hack and Saddle Horses. . A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excursion parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any accessi ble point. Keliablfj drivers. Our Dray delivers bagpage or freight anywhere ut the Valley Charges Reasonable. Woifl Tninii H. C. COE, Secretary. PERRY & JONES. I am prepared to 1 ,. , AND MUTTON; Lowest Rates. stock of ' Hood River, Oregon ZbT"o.r series,-' -, - and, Local Agent. fcr'!Tf!L.TK"i - r s.ott'r AccffiiljGoiptt. .-v yg jii 1 & Bone, Stalks, mi