The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 21, 1892, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
ON, SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1892.
NO. 51.
r t
3oed liverS lacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year... ....ft OC
(S'x month 1 or
Throe months
Snifleoopy tCentf
Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St. , near Oak. flood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Steamer San Pedro Will be Raised
and Repaired. .
Nearly $14,000 Head Money Received From
Chinese Immigrants In One
Mon'h at Victoria.
Arizona opposes the closing of the
World's Fair on Sundays.
The grand jury at Portland is after
the police for the laxity with which they
perform their duties.
It is stated that the San Pedro on the
rocks opposite Victoria, B. C, will be
raised and repaired without doubt.
The Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern
t&i railroad is now merged into the Pacific
" division of the Northern Pacific system.
Ogden's City Council will use Only
Utah stone for paving material, and all
contracts will specify that Ogden work
men will do the paving.
V 1 4-1 .1 Ann li no l mnnov ti7 a a rA.
"''Xl.- cetverfrathc ewatom-house at Victoria,
. B. 0., during the month of April as rev
enue from Chinese immigrants.
Richard Gird of Chino shipped over a
ton of sugar-beet seed the other day to
' the Alvarado Sugar Company. This is
the first shipment of beet seed from
Soui hern California.
There is fear that the flow of gas at
Ogden when the boring passes through
the quicksand will be so strong that it
-""r - ; wi)i oe beyond control of the present fa
cilities provided to keep it in check.
Irrigation through the immense ditch
of the Moelurnne Canal and Irrigation
Company in the northern part of San
Joaquin county, Oal., has commenced,
' and there is great rejoicing among the
people of that section.
Captain 0. H. R. Fitzgerald, an Eng
lishman who has had the handling of
. large sums of money in connection with
the 8anta Cruz Storage Water Company
at Tucson , has been arrested and charged
with embezzlement.
The San Francisco coast defenses are
to be strengthened by the addition of
twelve of the latest pattern reinforced
fifteen-inch gun carriages. Orders have
been given to have these carriages
.' shipped immediately to the Pacific
The reports from the interior of Cali
fornia on the grain and fruit prospects
are very good. The rains and frosts
have done but little damage, the great
est loss being to grapes, and principally
in Napa Valley, but the injury is far
from severe. "Wheat is looking well,
and the outlook is excellent. Rains in
the south recently have improved the
conditions in that section.
The Cocopahs and Yumas had a big
pow-wow recently west of the town of
Yuma. The two tribes were drawn up
on opposite sides of the irrigation ditch,
and talked for some time. It is sup
posed the Yumas were trying to induce
' the Cocopans to return to their own
country, as they interfere with the labor
market in that vicinity. The Yumas
think that all the work there rightfully
belongs to them.
A dispatch just received at Eugene,
Or., by J. F. Robinson, Grand Recorder
of the Knights Templar of Oregon, states
that a man was recently committed to
the insane asylum at Stockton, Oal., by
the name of B. R. Luckey. The friends
of E. R. Luckey, who mysteriously dis
appeared from Eugene, think it probable
that he is the man. E. R. Luckey was
a Sir Knight, and it is probable that the
clew is a good one and will clear away
the mystery that surrounds the disap
pearance. The matter will be looked
into at once.
Major W. H. Williams, special United
States Treasury agent, who has been on
this Coast for several months on a tour
of investigation into matters connected
' . with the Behring Sea sealing question,
will leave for the seal islands in Alaska
on the steamer Bertha. Major Williams
will proceed direct to Ounalaska and
' . from there visit all the points where in-
: formation can be secured. His inquiries
are for the purpose of substantiating the
. claim of the United StateB that the ex
termination of seals is unavoidable if
pelagic sealing is allowed to continue.
Ceylon Will Have at the Exposition
. Several Tea Kiosks Formed
of Native Timber. -
E. S. Denison of Alameda county,
Cal., intends to send to the exposition a
pumpkin weighing 326 pounds.
Miss Alice Rideout of Ban Francisco
has been awarded the contract for sculp
tural work on the woman's building.
She will receive $8,200.
The number of men working on the
exposition buildings is now more than
(J.OOO. On some of the buildings work
is proceeding day and night.
A complete collection of Ohio birds,
including every variety known to live
within the boundaries of the State, will
be an exhibit at the exposition.
In the Michigan exhibit will be a rep
resentation in wax of 600 specimens of
fruit which grow in the State. It will
be prepared by a Kalamazoo woman.
The World's Fair Board of Santa Clara
county, CaK, has petitioned the Super
visors for an appropriation of $300 to
defray the expenses of making an ex
hibit from the LicK Ubservatory. ,
Mrs. Amv M. Beach of Boston will
prepare an original musical composition
to oe rendered at the dedication of the
woman's building. Theodore Thomas
will conduct the presentation, and Prof.
Tomlins will organize the chorus of 400
The women of Missouri intend to fur
nish the State building with carpets,
nigs, etc., made of Missouri grown wool.
Missouri schools of design will furnish
the designs, and the women will bear
the expense. '
President Nunez of Colombia, it is an
nounced, has declared his intention of be
being present the ceremonies dedicatory
of the exposition buildings next October.
Sir Julian Pauncefote, British Minister
at Washington, will be present to repre
sent Great Britain.
The Committees on Mines and Mining
of both the National Committee and the
Directory will make a tour in May of the
principal mining States with a view of
stimulating interest in the mining de
partment, lhe members win aerray
their own expenses.
Tree trunks for the colonades of the
forestry building have been received
from Wisconsin. Montana. West Vir
ginia, California, Indiana, Ohio, Dela
ware, JNew Mexico, jNortn uaronna ana
Connecticut. Thirty of the States will
make contributions of this character.
The Legislature of Texas has taken
action looking toward holding an -"auxiliary
world's fair" at Ualveston the
coming fall and inviting Central and
South American countries to participate.
The enterprise is intended to be prepar
atory to the State's participation in the
exposition at Chicago.
Cevlon will have at the exposition sev
eral tea kiosks formed of native timber,
including specimens of its exquisitely
beautiful cabinet woods ebony, satin-
wood, calamander, tamarind, nadun,
suriyamara, etc. Descriptions appearing
in Ceylon papers indicate that these ki
osks will be of most elaborate design
and finish, and that the tea industry
will scare neither pains nor expense in
drawing the attention of visitors to the
merits of the fine-flavored beverage.
The Salt Manufacturers' Association
of Michigan has agreed to make the Bait
exhibit for the State, and will get up a
display which doubtless will attract a
great deal of attention. A Bay City
man has made a life study of salt-manufacturing,
and has learned the methods
practiced in all ages for making salt. It
is the intention to have him make mod
els of all salt-manufacturing apparatus
used from the earliest days down to the
present time from the most primitive
to the modern salt blocks and in con
nection with the models show all the
processes . now practiced in producing
Anthony Trollope is Said to Have Been
as Careless in His Speech as
in His Dress.
Tennyson has not a gray hair on his
head. He has never known what it was
to have an editor reject his "stuff" or
tell him he was not buying rot.
Captain James S. Pettit is to take Tot
ten's place at Yale, and Totten is to re
join his battery, where his prophecies
will not be confounded with scientific
Ex-Senator Evarts says that, though
he is going with his family to Europe,
where he will consult an oculist, bis
sight is not nearly as much impaired, as
has been reported.
Emperor William has donated 3,000
marks to the encouragement of outdoor
games in Germany. At the same. time
he expressed his keen interest in such
healthful recreation.
J. R. Clifford of Martinsburg, W. Va.,
is the first colored lawyer to be admitted
to the bar in Alleghany county, Md. He
is now engaged as counsel in a murder
trial at Cumberland.
Senator Brice had the President and
400 other guests the other night at a
musicale that is said to have cost him $12,
090. This used up all of his Senatorial
salary for about two and a half years.
Anthony Trollope was as careless in
speech as he was in dress, and could
swear like a costermonger and copy his
manners. But he could write, and knew
this was what many of his critics could
not do. - ,
Bjornson, the Norwegian poet and pol
itician, has renounced a pension which
he received from his government. He
declined to accept the gift any longer
unless Kjolland, a brother poet, became
the object of a lika honor.
Post Graduate School of Medicine
Draws the Color Line.
Chewing Tobacco Prohibited in the Ken
tucky Senate Chamber Other
: Matters of Interest.
The State of Iowa is out of debt.
Tammany has voted to subscribe $5,000
to the Grant monument fund.
After-dinner speeches by women are
becoming very popular in Boston.
The Cheyenne Indians in the Indian
Territory threaten to give trouble.
The third-party leaders claim they will
cast 150,000 votes in Texas this year.
Forty-one per cent, of last year's Kan
sas corn crop is still in the granaries.
The Kansas wheat acreage is reported
to be the largest in the history of the
Boilermakers at Cbicago are on a
strike for nine hours and $2.75 minimum
The pneumatic-tube system for con
veying the mails is to be given a trial in
St. Louis.
One of the finest and most costly rail
road terminals in the world is proposed
for Duluth.
The court at Chicago sustains the Mof
fatt patent for making candy by the vac
uum process.
An effort is being made by the rail
roads in Chicago to close up the ticket
brokers' offices.
The lake lines are securing a very
large proportion of the East-bound busi
ness from Chicago.
A resolution has been adopted in Ken
tucky prohibiting chewing tobacco in
the Senate chamber.
Several of the most prominent citizens
of Springfield, Mo., are under indict
ment for various onenses.
Commissioner Carter of the General
Land Office will probably resign about
the end of the fiscal year.
New York city's pay roll this year is
$10,123,887, Tammany being the con
tracting and disbursing agent. -
In Philadelphia an agitation is going
on in favor of the city furnishing gas to
consumers at $1 per i,000 feet.
The greatest stone ever quarried in
America left Indianapolis the other day
for Philadelphia. It weighs 10v),000
pounds. '
Montreal is about to attempt the utili
zation of the force of the rapids in the
St. Lawrence river in the generation of
electricity. '
t ive hundred Kansas larmers certity
that $200,000 worth of crops - have been
saved by Prof. Snow's mode of dealing
with the chinch bugs. :.
Those organizations in Chicago from
which red flags were taken on May day
propose to go to law to make the police
authorities give them up.
An appeal has been issued to the col
ored people and, their friends advocating
the setting aside of May 31 as a day of
fasting, humiliation and prayer.
The will of the late William Astor
leaves Mrs. Drayton $2,000,000 in her
own right, a sum sufficient to wipe out
many stains of the Borrowe kind.
There is a sudden but concentrated
movement in favor . of 1-cent letter
postage, and petitions are pouring ia on
Congressmen, especially from the West.
The Turners' societies of Kansas will
have a grand turnfest at Bismarck
Grove on June 4 to 6. The railroads
have granted a one and one-third rate.
Governor Flower has signed the bill
concerning the appointment of inspect
ors of election for New York city and
also the reapportionment and excise
North Dakota's Supreme Court has de
cided legal the public warehouse law,
having reference to the power of the
State to .fix storage rates for wheat in
One of the features of the Indian
question that causes the administration
no little trouble and perplexity is the
care of the red men who get stranded in
The city of Detroit will hereafter save
money by burning crude petroleum in
stead of coal to run the steam engines
which do the pumping at the municipal
water works. ,
Captain Farquhar of the steamer Har
law, from Newfoundland to Halifax, re
ports the prevalence of destitution no'th
of Flower's Cove, Newfoundland, with
two cases of actual starvation.
Rico in the San Juan country, Col., is
the new-found gold field that is at
tracting prospectors and investors. A
rush has also begun for Copper Rock,
about fifty miles from Denver.
A company has been formed to con
struct a tunnel on the Canadian eide of
Niagara Falls for a similar' use of the
water power to that proposed by the
tunnel builders on the American side.
It seems that the land:hungry crowds
that have suddenly inundated Oklahoma
do not want farms to cultivate, but town
lots with which to speculate. At least
a hundred towns are set up within their
borders. .
The Post Graduate School of Medicine
at New York has drawn the color line in
the case of Dr. William T. Merchant of
Eagle, a West Virginia mining town,
who is a colored mart. He was refused
admittance into the school.
Secretary of the Navy Issues Instruc
tions Relative to the Modus
Vivendi Eto.
,The House Postoffice Committee has
reed to retert favorably a bill for the
extension of the free delivery in rural
districts and a Wl for the lBsue 01 irac
tionatNpostal notesx ,
An important bill designed to preven
the employment on Hblic works of
prison or contract labor was reported to
the House from the Labor Gommitte by
Representative Davis. X,
The Committees on Foreign Relations
has reported an amendment to thesun
dry civil bill, increasing the amount Nfor
the enforcement of the Chinese exclu
The House non-concurred in the Sen
ate's amendments to Geary bill open
ing to settlement certain laVids of the
Klamath Indian reservation, and con
ferees on the part of the House Were ap
pointed as follows: Allen, Rockwell
and Wilson of Washington.
The Senate Commerce Committer
unanimously decided to report favorably
the bill granting American register to
certain foreign-built ships on the Inman
line on tonnage of not less than 8,000 and
a speed of not less than twenty knots,
which passed the House recently.
The House" Committee on Appropria
tions took final action on the fortifica
tion appropriation bill the other day.
The bill as reported carries an appropri
ation of $2,412,376, being $697,431 less
than the estimates and $1,362,427 less
than the appropriation for the carrent
fiscal year. t
An amendment to the sundry civil ap
propriation bill has been reported from
the Senate Committee on Military Af
fairs, authorizing the Secretary of War
to establish not to exceed two military
posts at points on the Northern frontier,
where he may in his judgment deem it
for the public good.
The Senate Committee on Public
Lands has reported a substitute bill to
indemnify the settlers on the Iowa-river
lands. The substitute provides for an
estimate by a court to be appointed by
the State, and the sum to be appropri
ated aB the share of the United States
must not exceed $5,000.
At the request of Representative Her
mann the Postoffice Department has
ordered new mail service from Looking
Glass to Ten Mile in Douglas county
three times a week, to commence July 1 ;
also from Brownton to Althouse in Jo
sephine county, three times a week;
also from Wellen to Eagle Point, three
times a week.
Senator Dolph has introduced a pro--posed
amendment to the sundry civil
bill appropriating $500,000 for the post
office building at Portland and increas
ing the limit of cost to $1,500,000. There
is some question as to whether the limit
of cost can be increased in the sundry
civil bill, but Senator Dolph is willing to
make the attempt. ' 7
Senator McPherson has reported an
amendment from the Naval Committee
to the naval appropriation bill, propos
ing to increase the number of harbor
defense vessels from one to three, tor
pedo boats from six to ten, and also pro
viding for torpedoes, submarine and
otherwise, for which latter purpose $1,
000,000 is to be appropriated.
There is more or less objection from
certain points in Oregon on thp proposi
tion of the Treasury Department in the
bill pending before CongreBS, providing
for the consolidation of the collection
districts in Oregon, which would merge
into the Portland district the Astoria,
Yaquina and Coos Bay districts, and
would make subports of entry at these
places. The Treasury Department is
urging that this be done as a matter of
expediency in the public business, but
the towns which are the headquarters of
these districts are protesting very vigor
ously. The proposition made by the House
Postoffice Committee in the postal ap
propriation bill to reduce the compensa
tion of land-grant or subsidized railroads
for carrying mails from 80 per cent, of
the rate allowed non-aided railroads, as
the law at present provides, to 50 per
cent, has awakened vigorous opposition
from the land-grant railroads. They are
protesting against the proposed legisla
tion as unjust and unreasonable. Rep
leBentatives of a number of these rail
roads appeared recently before the com
mittee, and stated their reasons for the
opposition. . y
Before the Committee on Private Land
Claims Representative Otis of Kansas
produced a preamble and resolutions re
citing certain alleged wrongful acts on
the part of Secretary Noble and Com
missioner of the General Land Office
Carter, which acts, it is alleged, were in
the interest of the conspiracy in 1877 of
S. B. Elkins, then a Delegate to Congress
from New Mexico, United States Attor
ney Cattron of New Mexico and ex-Commissioner
of the General Land Office
Williams, which resulted in depriving
the homestead and pre-emption settlers
of Colorado and New Mexico of their
vested rights. The resolution calls for
an investigation.
The Secretary of the Navy has- issued
instructions to the naval and revenue
marine vessels assigned to enforce the
modus vivendi, prohibiting sealing in
Behring Sea. These instructions differ
from last year's in three important par
ticulars : 1. Any vessel found sealing
in Behring Sea is to be seized, whether
she has been previously served with a
notice or not. 2. The mere presence of
a vessel in Behring Sea, having on board
a sealing outfit, is cause for seizure. 3.
Persons on board the vessels seized will
be sent as prisoners with the vessel to
suffer the penalty of the law. Under
the British law all persons killing or
aiding or abetting in the killing of fur
seals in the Behring Sea. are punishable
by a fine of $500 and imprisonment at
hard labor for six monthB. Under the
American law they are subject to six
months' imprisonment and a fine of
$100. '
The Amount of Money Spent by
Americans in. Italy.
Glasgow to Erect a Generating Station to
Supply 40,000 Incandescent
Electric Lamps.
Ex'Kino Milan of Rei-via la mi -rait nn
in anotVer scandal at Paris.
Italy will abandon all her Bed Sea
possessions except Massowah. '
The measles bacillus is reported as
discovered by DrCaron at Berlin.
English cani talis tY are complaining at
the number of steamers that are lying
in that country. X
Swdss hotelkeepers are bard at work
preparing for the summer influx of
American tourists. - X
An agency in London supplies weekly
papers with the best jokes taken from
amencan journals.
Spain will trw to raise 5.000.000 addi
tional revenue bysreducing salaries and
increasing taxation,.
The London Time hinks it advisable
for England to meet fer colonies half
way in their trade offers..
A large sum has been asked bv the
French Minister of Marinevto increase
the strength of the navy.
ine urencn stilt tight an average of
4,000 duels a year without any pwrcepti-
uie limuence on we ueatn rate.
It is stated the manufacture and XaIa
of explosives in Austria and HungaVy
win ob uiHue a oiaie monopoly.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has de
clared in favor of opening picture gal
lerjes and museums on Sundays.
It is proposed to endow Shakespeare's
house in titratford-on-Avon, so that it
may be free to visitors for all time.
Russian Black Sea ship owners are pe
titioning for an increased number of
lighthouses on the shores of the Crimea.
The immigration of Poles to Brazil.
owing to the unhealthy condition of that
country, is being directed to the United
It is computed that during the last
ten years the average annual expendi
ture of Americans in Italy has been $35,
000,1 00. ' .
Manchester (England) cotton manu
facturers decide that, owing to the pre
vailing depression, a curtailing of pro
duction is necessary.
Germany "possesses 24.843 miles of
railways: France. 21.S98 : Great Britain
and Ireland, 19,811; Russia, 17,823;
ausum, lOftti in lies.
Fear of the Anarchists has affected
the attendance at the Paris theaters and
notably reduced the number of people
in the streets at night.
The woman suffragists in England
protested against the recently defeated
bill, which allowed only spinsters to vote,
ignoring married women.
The Queen Regent of Spain has com
muted the death sentences of nine crim
inals out of the seventeen that are await
ing execution in Spanish prisons.
India bids fair to arise in the level of
importance ere long, judging from the
fact that there are over 200' women at
tending the various medical schools of
India. '
Premier Salisbury and Chancellor of
the Exchequer Goschen of Great Britain
have consented to receive a deputation
of leading merchants in favor of bimet
allism. The London grand iurv has found a
true bill against the editor and publisher
of the Commonweal, an Anarchistic pa
per, iney are charged with exciting to
Lord Salisbury has addressed a note
of remonstrance, couched in strong
terms, to Secretary Blaine on .the sub
ject of the persecution of the English
sparrows in certain parts of the country.
A motion has been made in the British
House of Commons that Canada be rep
resented in Washington by Canadians,
who should be attached to the British
Minister's staff.. . ,
A Spanish sailing vessel bound for Al-
huclemas, the Spanish prison settlement
in the Mediterranean, while becalmed
off the coast of Morocco, was boarded
and looted by a number of pirates.
In the event of war Russia could show
an army of 1,800,000 men, beside Cos
sacks ; France, on a war footing, an army
of 2,800,000; Germany, an army of
2,301,000 under twelve years' service.
The man who caused the bomb explo
sion near Guise Barracks in Tours.
France, and was almost fatally injured
by the explosion, is a wealthy grocer.
well known as a pious man and a roy
alist. The movement in New South Wales
to supplant the old Trades and Labor
Council by a federation of labor, em-.
ing political methods beside strikes
and boycotts, is continually gaining
The corporation of Glasgow, Scotland,
is about to erect a generating station
lartre enough to supply 40.000 incandes
cent electric lamps. The total expendi
ture tor tne worn win oe between 300.-
000 and $350,000.
As a concession to the native agitation
for a larger voice in Indian affairs the
British authorities have announced that
certain higher civil posts, inciuding
judgeships and under secretaries, from
wbich natives have been excluded, will
now be open to them.
SKOBELEfPSv revenge.
A Story About How the Rnsslan General
Returned the zar' Inault.
During the Russo-Turkish war, the
day after the passage of the Danube
had been made good, the emperor of
Russia crossed the river to congratulate
and thank bis gallant soldiers. In front
of the long, massive line formed on the
slope below Sistova, awaiting the com
ing of the great white czar, stood Drago
miroff, Yolchine and Skobeleff the
three generals who had been the lead
ers of the successful attempt.
Dragomiroff, the divisional com
mander, the emperor embraced and
gave him the cross of St. George; he
shook hands warmly with Yolchine, the
brigade commander, and gave him, too,
a St. George to add to the decorations
which this cheery little warrior had
been gathering from boyhood in the
Caucasus and Central Asia. Then the
emperor Btrode to where Skobeleff
stood, and men watched the little scene
with interest, for it was notorious that
Skobeleff was in disfavor with bis sov
ereign, and yet of hhu the camps were
ringing with the story of his conduct of
the previous morning.
Would Alexander maintain his um
brage, or would he make it manifest
that it had been displaced by Skobe
IefFs heroism? For at least a minute
the czar hesitated as the two tall, proud,
soldierly men confronted each other.
You could trace in his countenance the
struggle between disapproval and ap-
It waspon over, and the wrong way
for Skobeleff. The emperor frowned,
turned short on his heel and strode ab
ruptly away with-it a'word or a ges
ture of greeting or recognition. A man
of strong prejudices-he was not yet
able to exercise from hiSinind the cal
umnies that had blackeneJkto him the
character of SkobelelT. X
That officer, for his part, flushed
scarlet, then grew deadly paleXnd
seeded to conquer an impulse as he
his tetsth hard and maintained his dis-
ciplinedV immobility. It was a flagrant
insult, in eJie very face of the army,
and a gross njustice, but Skobeleff en
dured it in a froud silence that seemed
to me very granvd, nor did I ever hear
him allude to theNslur.
The time soon oWie to that gallant
and brilliant soldier hen he could af
ford to be magnanimouV As the cam
paign progressed he distinguished him
self again and again, so that his name
became a synonym in the army for
splendid daring as well as forppor-
tune skill.
- Cln Sinn Q fi!lrrl-ioloflp oftaf ovnlfiifQ
the Turkish position in Loftcha. and
drove his adversaries out of that strong
place. On the following night, at his
own dinner table, in the Gorni Studen
headquarters, the emperor stood up
and bade his guests to honor with him
the toast of "Skobeleff, the hero of
Loftcbal" It is not given to many men
to earn a revenfl-e so full fl.nd art &ra.ncl
as that. Archibald Forbes in Nine
teenth Century.
People Who Commit Suicide.
A recent suicide was being discussed.
"Yes," said one gentleman, "there you
see it was a German again. The Ger
mans commit more suicides than any
other people on the face of the earth."
Thnt. is fl. "mistftkft " Rfl.iH annflipr
"and it reminds me of the old charge
by a French oaoer that England show
ed a higher rate of death by self de
struction than any other nation. Such
a charge is altogether unfounded just
as unfounded as . that with regard to
"As a matter of fact, by-statistics gath
ered some years ago, France was proved
to hold first place in the list, and Eng
land came a long way below it, and a
curious thing about it is that half of
the whole number in France belongs to
the northern portion of the country.
By the statistics to which I have re
ferred, Russia stood lowest of aJl
countries. It was one . of the jokes
among Frenchmen that the fogs of
England were responsible for the great
number of suicides. It is a fact that
most of those committed in France
were committed in the brightest and
sunniest portions of the year. " St.
Louis Globe-Democrat
"American" Muntaches In' England.
. I suppose it is not generaUy men
tioned when 1 American gentlemen
are by, but there is a mustache known
in England as the "American." This
I take to be one which extends itself
down on either side of the lower jaw,
whence it is combed or brushed or
twisted out' into prolonged tufts, in
close resemblance to the tail of a
goat. I confess 1 have seen several
American gentlemen so embellished.
it is sare to say wnen tney nave Deen
in London a few days, and have
walked about the west end, these pro
longations promptly vanish.
I know just one Englishman with
this sort of ' mustache yes, there
are two, and one is a southern coun
try baronet. But they furnish rare
exceptions to an overwhelming rule.
London Cor. San Francisco Argonaut