The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 14, 1892, Image 1

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Hooli River
3ood Iiver (5 lacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year..., 92 00
fcfix months , 1 Of
Three months.. , 60
SdkIc copy ( Cent
Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St., near Oak. , Hood River, Or.
Sliaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Judge Shattuck Opposed to the
Chinese Exclusion Act.
British Seal Poachers Threaten to Sail
Under the German and Other
Flags Other Kews.
A large colony of Japanese propose to
emigrate to Sonora, Mexico, locate along
the Yaqui river and cultivate silk, tea
and rice.
Chinese are getting into San Diego
from Mexico with but little trouble.
Eighteen were smuggled in at one time
a few days ago.
There is a protest against the manner
in which the voting booths are being
constructed at Los Angeles. It is claimed
they will permit of fraud.
Charles Taylor, the man who
. Xached" 0n Frank Henton, his pal, in
--the robbing of the Boise City postuflice,
now Bays his story waa false, but that
' ' statement is not credited.
"""i'he Chinese of Portland are exercised
over the death of one of their country
men while in the jail. They claim the
police used undue violence, and are de
termined to have the case thoroughly
investigated. -:
The Palm Valley Water Company in
' San Diego county, Cal., has ordered In
dian Agent Rust to reopen the ditch
which he recently closed. The Indians
are overjoyed at their ditch being given
back to. them.
The State Supreme Court of Idaho has
held valid what is called the high-iicense
law in Idaho. The court sustains the
law at every point. The measure pro-
vides that the license shall vary in towns
of different population.
The seal poachers of British Columbia
threaten to sail under German and other
flags and look toother governments than
Great Britain for protection. Many of
the sealers have invested all their money
in these piratical ventures, and are now
bemoaning the probable loss of their in
vestments. Astoria's railroad excitement has taken
to that city a gang of burglars, who are
frightening lone women in their houses
in the early part of the evening. A
number of petty thefts are reported, but
no large "haul" has yet been made.
Judge Catlin at Sacramento has de-
' cided that the election to provide a spe
cial tax to pay special policemen was
illegal and the tax not collectable, owing
to a fatal feature in the tickets voted,
which had the affirmative printed on
them and not the negative, the law re
quiring both, so that the voter could
scratch the one he did not wish to in
dorse. . ,
Chances are favorable for the estab
lishment of the proposed telephone line
from Pendleton to Long Creek and Can
non City, and it is probable that work
will begin very soon. As soon as roads
are easily passible W. D. Fletcher, man
ager of the Pendleton Exchange, and
. others interested will go over the route
and perfect arrangements. The building
of the line will be a great advantage to
Pendleton and to places all along the
route. '
Hopmen of Lane county. Or., report
that up to within a couple of weeks ago
hops made a rapid and hardy growth,
but the past two weeks ago they have
grown very slowly, owing to the damp,
cold weather. They expect them to
come out all right, however, and the
prospects at present are that hops will
command a good price next fall. They
are now quoted as being worth 35 cents.
Most hop raisers believe that the hop
s lice are going to be numerous this sum
mer, and many of them are already pre
paring to do a large amount of spraying.
Judge Shattuck refused a writ of ha
beas corpus in the case of thirteen Chi-
nese, who came to Portland on the
steamer Batavia and were denied land
ing by the Federal authorities. Judge
Shatt uck gave his decision in accordance
with Uniied States law, and then pro
ceeded to declare the law, excluding the
Chinese obnoxious and iniquitous. "We
must alter our attitude toward the Chi
nese," said he. "or war will be the re
sult. China is' getting to be a ve-3
wealthy and powerful nation, as the
French found after a vain struggle of
three or four years to get possession of a
little piece of her."
Bill Designed to Remedy Defee's in the
Workings of the Interstate
Commerce Law.
The Treasury Department has decided
that customs officers are not authorized
to permit the original entry of Chinese
persons on the submission of naturaliza
tion papers issued by another govern
ment. '
The United States Court of Claims has
rendered a judgment under the Hermann
bill of last Congress in favor of Ezekiel
Bailey. of Douglas county, Or., for $2,650
for property destroyed in the Oregon In
dian wars.
T-The annual fortifications bill has been
practically agreed on by the fortifications
subcommittee of the House Committee
on Appropriations. A cut amounting to
more than so per cent, has been made
from toe bill of last year.
The Senate has adopted the resolution
ottered by Stewart several weeks ago,
calling upon the Secretary of the Treas
ury for information as to the purchase
ot silver bullion and the coinage of sil
ver under the act of 1890.
Bland has introduced a resolution in
the House instructing the Committee on
Ways and Means to report a bill impos
ing an income tax sufficient to meet the
expenditures for pensions ; also a bill to
repeal all taxes imposed upon currency
issued by authority ot ttie States.
The House Committee on Agriculture
has decided to report a bill providing for
agricultural colleges for experiments in
silk culture. Representative Caminetti
says one of them will go to California
under the bill's provisions. It will be
under the supervision of the University
of California:
Senator Allen has submitted to the
Indian Committee what he thinks is
about the fair thing for a report on the
Puyaliup Indian reservation; but, as
before stated, the committee does not
take the same view of the situation as
the Washington delegation, and is liable
to make a different report.
After having considered the question
of constitutionality for a long time the
House Judiciary Committee has decided
to report a resolution directing an inves
tigation to be made into the Pinkerton
system. The committee came to the
conclusion because of the alleged use of
Pinkerton men by interstate commerce
carriers and also because it was alleged
their employment resulted in violence to
persons and property.
Secretary Blaine appeared the other
day before the Senate Committee on
Commerce and made a strong argument
opposing the pending resolution author
izing the landing of the French cable on
the shores of Virginia and South Caro
lina. His objection was because the
French Cable Company, ' co-operating
with the Brazilian government, had an
absolute monopoly of the cable privi
leges between the United States and
Brazil, and if the resolutions passed, the
negotiations looking to the procurement
of "a concession to the American Cable
Company would come to naught. The
Secretary appeared to be in excellent
health, and made his argument with
spirit and emphasis.
Senator Squire says he is not sure that
he will be able to secure the passnge of
the biil for the gun factory on the Pacific
Coast, and he is now looking with some
favor upon the proposition from the War
Department, which suggests that the
Pacific Coast Bhould, pending legisla
tion on this latter, accept about fifty
mortars, to be situated at important
points for the protection of the river and
harbor property. Even if the bill should
pass for a government factory, it could
not be built and turn out guns until at
least two years. During that time it is.
thought by some of the War Department
officials that it would be well to send
the mortars to the coast. '
Mr. Mason, Commissioner of the In
ternal Revenue, said the other day that
the recent decision of the Supreme Court
of the United States in the case of George
R. Eaton is liable to be misunderstood
by persons not familiar with the facte.
That particular case, he explained, arose
under the original oleomargarine act,
which did not prescribe a penalty in
case wholesale dealers failed to report to
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
The law, however, was subsequently
amended to cover this omission. It
Bhould be understood therefore it is no
longer a mere department regulation,
but a provision of the law.
John Joy Edson, Chairman of the
Citizens' Committee of the Twenty
sixth National Encampment of the
Grand Army, to be. held at Washington
in September, has written a letter to
Commander-in-Chief Palmer, stating the
committee has asked Congress to appro
priate $100,000 from the funds of the
District of Columbia to assist in paying
the expenses of the encampment, and
that in consequence of the erroneous
belief tha t the appropriation was asked
from the fund of the general govern
ment, members of the Grand Army sent
protests to Congress against the appro
priation. Edson saya the misapprehen
sion is embarrassing to the committee,
and asks the appropriation may be re
quested so far as possible.
Economist Holman is determined to
make a very strong fight against the
river and harbor bill when it cornea up
in the House. He thinks he will have
strength enough to defeat it. Chairman
Blanchard, however, says he sees no
reason why it should not pass. , The
Senate Committee on Commerce is going
ahead with the consideration of the bill
and the amendments which that com
mittee proposes to make to it when the
bill comes over. They have gone about
half way through the bill, but have not
yet touched the Pacific Coast improve
ments either on rivers or harbors. There
Is no doubt Senator Dolph will secure
some amendments for increases in Ore
gon, and the present action which Sena
tor Squire made for Washington will se
cure lome inereeiei for that Stale. ,
Product of Silver From American
Mines Last Year.
The Women of Chicago Take an Interest
In Clean Street Cars and Clean
., . StreetsEtc .
The teachers at Fort Dodge, la., are on
a strike for higher salaries.
Wool rates have been reduced from
814 cents to 57 cents, Mississippi river
to Boston.
Farmers of Iowa are alarmed over the
unfavorable season, which is delaying
all planting.
It is thought that a fair crop can yet
be made throughout the flooded districts
of Mississippi.
A great deal of valuable land is being
washed down the Missouri river above
Atchison, Kan. .
It is estimated that about 30,000 horses
were ousted from the street-car service
last year by electricity.
The jury in the case of the Ulster
County (N. Y.) Savings Bank wrecker,
Matthew J. Trump, has failed to agree.
San Antonio citizens have organized a
force to assist the police in patrolling
the city and stamping out the rampant
The cost for carrying out the Behring
Sea arbitration treaty with Great Brit
ain is estimated by Secretary Blaine at
' The women of Chicago have taken an
interest in clean street cars and clean
streets, and the improvement is marked
evervwhere. . 1 .
The Standard Oil Company is said to
be trying to form a natural-gas trust.
The object is to prevent waste and get
more money.
President Harrison has designs upon
purchasing the old Harrison homestead,
which is part of the Berkeley estate on
the James river.
The Thomas-Houston Company is
building at its shops in Lynn an electric
locomotive, which is designed to develop
500-horse power.
Charlie Wing, the Japanese leper, who
for over two months has been an inmate
of the Philadelphia Municipal Hospital,
is said to be recovering.
At Topeka, Kan., indictments against
several Union Pacific railway officials
are looked for on charge of violating the
interstate-commerce law.
Dr. Julius Goebel of New York city
has been appointed associate professor
of . German literature in the Leland
Stanford (Jr.) University.
Mrs. J. Coleman Drayton will not live
in Hiurope. She will live with her
mother, and will return to New York to
take her old place in society. . Mr. Dray
ton will reside abroad.
The farmers of the United States sent
abroad in March of this year breadstuffs
valued at , $28,000,000, whereas, the
amount of such exports in March of last
year was only $12,000,000.
Senator Teller says there is no founda
tion for the report that the silver men
would form a new party. A league to
promote silver interests is to be organ
ized, but not as a political party.
Mrs. Porter Stocks has filed a petition
for divorce from her husband, a nephew
of the noted revivalist, Sam P. Jones.
They have been married for some years.
Cruelty is alleged.
Clark of Wyoming has introduced in
the House a bill to extend the right of
franchise to every woman in the country
over 21 years of age to vote for Repre
sentatives in Congress.
The connection between the two sec
tions of the intermediate spans of the
great bridge at Memphis has been finally
made, and the completion of the struct
ure will be a matter of a very short time.
Charles E. Stone, land commissioner
of the Louisville and Nashville railroad,
a club man and society leader, is under
arrest at Birmingham, Ala., for embez
zling $10,000. . He is said to have gam
bled heavily.
The Mississippi river is still rising
rapidly, and there is every indication
that it will pass the high-water mark of
last year. It has been raining most of
the time the past week, and at some
points the levees are caving.
E. O. Leech, Director of the Mint at
Washington, states that the product of
silver from American mines last year
was 58,330,000 ounces of the commercial
value of $57,630,040, or a coinage value
in silver dollarB of $75,416,565.
Another imposing structure will soon
rise beside the divinity building of the
Catholic University of America at Wash
ington on the grounds of that institu
tion. Cardinal Gibbon laid the corner
stone recently with impressive ceremo
nies. General Fpster, who assisted in the
Brazil reciprocity treaty says the United
States never promised not to make a
similar agreement with any European
country. Reports that such an agree
ment was reached have been circulated
by enemies of the Brazilian government
for political purposes.
The Lower House of the New York
Legislature has passed a woman's suf
frage bill, which will be defeated in the
Senate. Last year the Senate passed it,
and the Assembly defeated it. This game
of passing the measure in one branch
ana then defeating it in the other hat
been played again and again.
Belgim will Make an Extensive Ex
hibit Including Over 400
, -Works of Art.
Victoria- Austrak. has made a World's
Fair appi?Pr.latlon of 100,000.
The bulle:""8 "B"'' by the Chicago
World's Fair
contain no
4.: t aWH.
In the governm?"" appear
all the relics, whic!1.are obtalauMe, of
various Arctic explores
Arguments for and aai.n,8tv 8uKnda
opening of the exposition bearfld
by the national convention0 October 6.
Great Britain has added as?!000,10
World's Fair appropriation, mal;J?n "
now JE60,000, or approximately $i;uuu-
The number of intending exhibit0'8
announced from Pennsylvania up to d?
is 350, of whom 250 are PhiladelphianV J
Applications tor space in the exposi
tion buildings now aggregate rrore than
4,000,000 square feet, a little over one
third being from foreign applicants.
An Esquimaux village inhabited by
from fifty to seventy-five natives of the
frozen region will be one of the sights on
Midway Plaisance at the exposition.
It is reported that a number of Indians
from the Peruvian forests and a large
collection of native Peruvian paintings
will be included in the exhibit which
Peru will make.
In the California building will be
shown a growing specimen of every Cal
ifornia domestic flower obtainable and
also paintings in water and oil of 600
wild flowers and grasses.
A concession has been granted for the
construction on Midway Plaisance of a
$60,000 natatoriuin, which will include
besides a large swimming pool, bath
rooms, a cafe and flower and cigar stands.
H. W. Young' of Augusta, 111., has a
Bible printed in 1615, the ownership of
which in this country he has traced back
to 1660. He believes it waa brought over
in the Mayflower in 1620, and he wants
to exhibit it at the exposition.
A young lad, son of the editor of the
Florida Standard, is making for exhibi
tion at the fair a table, upon which ap
pears an inlaid map of the State, each
county being accurately represented by a
separate piece of native Florida wood.
In Georgia exceptionally strong efforte
are being made to make its State Fair
this year as complete and representative
as possible, for it had been decided to
send the best of the exhibits to Chicago
and place them on view in the Georgia
building at the exposition.
The women members of the North
Carolina World's Fair Board have under
taken to raise $10,000 to be devoted to
the erection of a State building at the
exposition. They will hold meetings at
numerous points throughout the State
and receive subscriptions.
The Pall Mall Gazelle states that the
exhibit of the pottery industry of the
Midlands will form perhaps the most
important and interesting part of the
British section at the exposition. Nearly
all of the great pottery firms have ap
plied each for a liberal allotment of
Word has been received at exposition
headquarters that Belgium will make an
extensive exhibit, including over 400
works of art, embracing both paintings
and statuary, a varied assortment of
manufactured articles, arms and mu
sical instruments. . A special Belgian
Commissioner to the fair is expected to
arrive in Chicago Boon. '
During October of this year a fair will
be held in San FranciBco under the joint
auspices of the World's Fair Commis
sion and the Mechanics' Institute. Ex
hibits, classified by counties, will be
shown from every portion of the State,
and special efforts are being made to
have them of the most complete and
representative character. This fair is in
part preparation for California's exhibit
at the World's Fair, for it is officially an
nounced that the State's exhibit will be
made up largely of the best articles
shown at San Francisco.
A unique exhibit from Pennsylvania
will be a map of the United States. 18x
24 feet, made entirely of pickles, vege
tables, fruit, etc. , preserved by the com
pany which makes the exhibit. The
State lines will be accurately shown, and
the lakes and rivers will be represented
by vinegar. The larger cities will be in
dicated by spices. The whole will be
covered wun a single piece oi piate glass,
which is beirg specially made for the
purpose. The expense of this interest
ing exhibit of the pickling and preserv
ing industry will be $15,000.
American Cantatrice Achieves
Grand Sucoess on Her Debut
at Nice, Franca
Secretary Elkins' country house in
West Virginia is kept open all the year
round, his father and a staff of excellent
servants occupying the place in the ab
sence of the Secretary.
O. O. Whitman, professor of zooloav
in Clark University, Dorchester, Mass.,
has accepted a can to tne head professor
ship in the department of biology in the
IT- ; IA
university oi unicago..
Rev. Father John Slatterly has with
drawn from the Josephites, and will form
a new order to carry on the Catholic work
among the colored people under the di
rection of Cardinal Gibbons.
Miss Jeanne Lawrence, the well-known
American cantatrice, a pupil of M. Crit-
icos, achieved a grand success on the oc
casion of her recent debut at Nice in the
part of Gildain "Rigoletto." '
Ex-Senator William M. Evarts is near
ly blind, and while able to distinguish
light from darkness and to write a little
is not allowed to read, and feeli con
strained to avoid public aisemblagei.
The Mascaret This Year Reported
the Greatest on Record. "
in Victoria, Australia, Result
Complete Victory for the
X in a
hid.6 mUitia EnS,and ia to 09 mobil
V It is said that tbe-, Hn p iM were
nver so crowded as at Kre8ent.
T. Saltan of Turkey iu. annoye4 at
the chPonlaUc victory of i,ngljnd in
A Germ2n Centrist leader decla, th
defeat of th education bill due to sh
ing free thinfc"
The Jamaica
1 1- . nu: ri : v :
the grant for thy
from $10,000 to 25x "
Emin Pasha has renfquered
province in equatorial A. V??' an
rebel officers who shdw flu''
The Archbishop of Cantei"bury Practi;
cally has declared himself iiavor ot
opening museums on Sundays. .
The government methods of Rv381?,?"
izing colonists ia likely to lead toN,
wholesale emigration of Germans. VV
The yellow fever has extended into"
the interior towns of Brazil, and many
small places have been abandoned.
King Humbert has intimated his read
iness to accept, a reduction of 1,000,000
lire (about $200,000) in the civil list.
Herr Jaeger, chief cashier of the great
house of the RothschildB at Frankfort,
is a defaulter for over 1,000,000 marks.
The Polytechnic Wheelmen's Club of
England has altered the distance of its
road championship from 5J to 100 miles.
It is reported that the White Star line
is going to build two immense twin-screw
passenger steamships of 14,000 tons each.
Sixty torpedo boats will join the Ital
ian reserve squadron during the forth
coming experiments in naval mobiliza
tion. ''.'.'
British copper magnates have declined
to accept a proposal by American mine
owners for a 15 percent. reduction in
OUtput8. "
It is proposed to unite all of the Isl
ands of Japan by a system of submarine
telegraph cables at an estimated cost of
$2,000,000. ,
Mercier, the Canadian ex-Premier,
has been placed under arrest to answer
the charge of conspiracy to defraud the
The elections in Victoria. Australia.
have resulted in a complete victory for
the government, which will have a ma
jority of 2 to 1. ' 1 .
M. Nakamura, a member of the Jap
anese Parliament, has been sentenced to
six monthB' imprisonment at hard labor
for libeling the Cabinet in his speeches.
The government troops of Venezuela
are reported to have been routed by the
insurgents under General Mora near Pu
erto Caballo. The news is of a conflict
ing character.
Preparations for the proper observ
ance of the 400th anniversary of the
discovery of America by Columbus are
going forward in Madrid under the aus
pices ot the (jueen Regent.
News from Venezuela shows successes
of the rebels under Crespo, who is mov
ing slowly on Caracas. Palacio is aware
of his perils, and will, if closely pushed,
take flight from the Republic.
The King of Dahomey has written the
government of Porto Novo, warning the
trench that, n they touch his towns,
he will destroy Porto Novo and all the
French ports in sight of the Bight of
Negotiations are taking place between
Switzerland and Italy for the modifica
tion of the frontier of the canton of Ti-
cinO with the view of preventing the dif
ficulties arising from smugglers.
The recently published story about
fighting in Uganda, East Africa, between
the Protestant natives and Catholic con
verts led by King Mwanga is confirmed.
The casualties are said to be heavy.
The great equinoctial tide called the
mascaret, which drives a solid wall of
water up the Seine, and which is one of
the great seaside spectacles of France,
was this year the greatest on record.
Rains have flooded the cities of San
Paulo and Santos, Brazil, and caused
much damage. In Santos thirty or forty
persons are said to have perished, and
the damage to property is estimated to
be over $1,500,000.
The estimate of revenues of the Brit
ish government for the current year is
$450,000,000. These revenues . come
chiefly from tariff duties, which prove
England's claim to the title ot free-trade
country a misnomer. .
Two Portuguese travelers, Messrs. Car-
mago and Elbo, with a small retinue,
have recently brought a large force of
slave hunters to grief near the north
end of Lake Tangayika, who had raided
a village and had carried off some 1,500
of the people. The release of the pris
oners was effected.
Gambling is so ooenlv carried on in
Madrid and all the towns of Spain de
spite existing legislation prohibiting
games of hazard that the Minister of
Justice has published in the Madrid
Gazelle a circular, which he has sent to
all judicial authorities, instructing them
to be exceedingly itsriet in putting a stop
A Utl . 1
NO. 50.
Messages Transferred to Paper fromth
Wires at Any Distance. .
The printing telegraph, though a de
vice of comparatively recent develop
ment, has been the subject of ceaseless
investigation, and practical workers in
electricity have directed their whole
attention, in some instances, to the .
transmission of messages and the re
cording of them in plain Roman char
acters. A very complimentary notice
to a new system has recently appeared
in various electrical papers as the most
perfect and seemingly only practical
system known. -
Its advantages are simply those of an
electrical typewriterj by means of which
the message is printed in the presence
of the transmitting operator in page
form, and a duplicate of the same
printed at all the receiving stations on
the line, whether it be a long or short
circuit. The benefit of such an appa
ratus to the press at large can be readi
ly seen, especially for the distribution
oi current news m tne various news
paper offices. A single transmission
prints it simultaneously, in page form,
ready for the compositor's case in all
the newspaper offices of many cities.
It is said to differ materiaUy from
out. .,,:..,... ,e:j.U.
uove the instruments, where?
In other syoi . . . ' .ove
. , viua wus instruments jr
the impulses A. . trans-
mitter of the W . t0
by a separate poweVf combination
of electrical impulses iJ currents is em
ployed. An even succe'"''011 of dots or
impulses, which operate tuo polarized
relay armature at the receiving X, station,
Maces the revolving type wheel sh the
Quired position, when the local mtph-
C1-V. .... 1, !(-- 1
fim'flir wluncn iiie iciiwri tu ux3 pi illicit.
mLDOarent impossibility of. trans
mitting fk?" -K"- or 1-000
miles over aXf ' onoe presents
itself to the m.,nd- a,ll "L18, overcome in
this system, t is -as8erted; ln a vf 7 8ml-
ple way. Each lter of . the abet
is represented by a?fta'n numbe' f
impulses, which revoIVtnttype t1 .
to the required positionVhen he letr' ;
ters are struck by the loca."13'11?-
fhe en '
Fourteen impulses represt
tire alphabet, making a compU '70
lution of the type wheel, whicl.
be turned 200 revolutions per minv
thus securing very rapid printing. ' i v
advantage also" is that of " absolute se
crecy as a means of communication.
The advantage of the printing telegraph
for the transmission of news to news- ,
paper offices is unquestionably a sub
ject commanding attention on the part
of progressive proprietors. Paper and
Misapplied Benevolence.
A short time ago a "distinguished
citizen" of a neighboring state cele-
brated the fiftieth anniversary of his .
wedding day, and received on that .
occasion, in the shape of presents from
admiring friends, property to 1 the
amount of $19,000. At least that is
the sum at which he estimated the .
value of his presents, and the figure
which he gave to the reporters. The
gentleman referred to Is not in im
poverished circumstances, nor in any
need from public or private charity,
and possibly when he invited Lis
friends to his "golden wedding" he did
not expect that they would "come
down" with such liberality, but he did
not refuse their bounty, nor did he
object to . the amount of their con
tribution being published in the news
papers. '
It passes our comprehension to con
ceive why a "well to do couple, with all
the comforts and luxuries of life at
their command, should be made the
recipients of a new fortune in addition
to their own ample means, simply be
cause it has pleased heaven; to prolong .
their lives to a ripe old age, and they
have lived together, as all married peo
ple ought to live, in peace and harmony.
Benevolence might be more wisely di-,
rected than in the making of such un
necessary presents, to say nothing of
the shock which the self respect of the
recipients ought to receive when they 1
pocket the cash and see the facts blaz-
oned in the columns of the press from "
Maine to California. New York Ledger.
' ' ' , Frankness. '
Professor Simon Newcomb is well
known as a man whose scientific studies
have tended to exaggerate a natural
disposition to mental abstraction. The
professor's friends, who are also his
strong admirers, understand his pecul-.
iarity, and overlook in him what might
not be excused in a commonplace per
son.,; A lady is very fond of telling
this Incident:. ' . "
She was at a reception given at Pro-
fessor Newcoinbe's house. : The occa
sion had been made delightful by the
professor and his accomplished wife and
daughters. Toward the close of the even
ing the lady, who had enjoyed the affair
greatly, approached the host and asked
him, with much enthusiasm, "How
often do you have these delightful re
unions, professor?" No polite prevari
cation delayed the reply, "Thank God,
inadain, but once a year. Ban Fran
cisco Anroimut.