The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 07, 1892, Image 4

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Best Baking Powder
The Official Government Reports:
The United States Government, after elaborate
tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder to be of
greater leavening strength than any other. ( Bul
letin 13, Ag. Dep., p. 599J
The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show
the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leaven
ing strength. ( Bulletin 10, p. 16, Inland Rev, Dep.)
In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking
Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect
food, than any bther.
Government Chemists Certify:
"The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and
wholesome ingredients. It does
phates, or other injurious substances.
"The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly th
mr. A mnn. ..aKnKli. ttnlrnv nrtntJa. Cn-A . .1. m.Kli'y.
wiu utuai Adiauie waiting uituci
" Henry A. Mott, Mt)., Ph. D."
, "The Royal Baking Powder is purest innualitvand high
est in strength of any baking powder of which have knowledge.
Make your mistakes teach you something.
Moses never lost his temper in the wilderness
dui once.
. "Srovm's Bronchial Troches" are sii
and convenient for bronchial anectiOHa and
The Keeley cure is no good for tin
"Into xi OB'
lion or love."
House cleaning Is necessa
f In spring; so Is
Oregon Biooct runner lor By;
Progress Is very well, Wit vrrv tew nwinlft to-
, A group of mechanics was seated
; in the engine-roofa when one said
"How was it Tom?" "I was
caught up flapped 'gainst the
I ceiling andw fled down to the
I floor. Ilay th(we like one dead,
I and every muscle was sprained I
was cytred in one day," What
itri . eonal facilitv and eertaintv
has cured Drommlv and nerma-
I nently worse cases. Here is one
I after suffering half a lifetime,
I HSumner Bt, Cleveland, 0., Aug. 11 '88.
In 18fl sprained my arm clubbing
J chestnuts; could not lift my arm;
I constant pain until 1880, when St.
I Jacobs Oil cured me.
Of course his face is wreathed
in smiles'like hundreds of thou
sands of smokers who appre
ciate a pure, mild, sweet smoke.
If mastiff plug cut was not all
that is claimed for it, how else
could so great a business and
sale have developedjn so short
a time? '
' J. B. Pace Tobacco Co.,'Kichmond, Virginia.
Am scarry
of your
Before Buying.
P0TJR some water In the ileeva holding
the endtlght as here shows or any- ..1 Til flnilllMiT
Bis water tleht. there areKOOdi In the market 1
that look very nice, but will look atevery seam. 1
We warrant Tower's IMPROVED IlsD
Br&nd SlIcHer to be water timht at every
aeam and every when tlte; also not to peel or
Hick, and authorize our dealers to make good
any Slicker that faila in either point. There are
two wava you can tell the Genuine Improved
Flab Brand Slicker.
1st. A Soft Woolen Collar.
24. Tfcis Tra4 farH (below.)
Watch Out
for botla three point !
Send for Catalogue free.
hi. TOWER. Mfiv Boston, Mast.
I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by It
tuft thousands of oases of the worst kind and of long
standing have been cured. Indeed so strong is my faith
tnitseuloaoy, that I will send two bottlssfbeb, with
a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sof.
larer who will send me their Kxpnea and P. O. address.
I. A. Slocora, M. C. 183 Pearl St., N. I.
15 THB
not contain either alum or phos-j
. "Edward G. Lovk, Ph.
vucicu iu tuc puuuu f,
One Blah Han's Little Hobby.
I have been askedoften how rich
men enjoy themselves when they are
free from business, 'observed one diner
out to another, yt know how one does,
and to my m,vhd it is worth telling.
The gentleman lives on Washington
boulevard. He UBed to live out on
one of thjas branches of the Northwest
ern road. He was not always rich.
He Was a student at one time, and
made the most of a collegiate educa
tion. He chose a professional life, and
im that began speculating. . He
seemed peculiarly fitted for, the latter,
and his riches began growing like that
gourd of Jonah. He came to the
city, where he would have more scope,
and fortune continues to walk by his
side. ;
"When he was living up the country,
and before he began to get rich, he
used to have a great deal of young
company at his house. He liked their
society. When he became rich and
moved to the city he did not forget the
little circle. As I said, he is a student.
Not long after he moved into the city
he fitted up a lecture room in his home
and sent word to his young friends in
the country to visit him once a week
and he would deliver a course of lect
ures to them free. - And every Friday
night there came in on one of the
Northwestern trains four ladies and
three young men, who go to the mansion
on Washington boulevard, and are the
beneficiaries of this man's information.
If they choose to do so, they have the
opportunity of remaining over until
Sunday evening, in which event the
rich man takes them to a theatre Sat
urday evening and to church Sunday
morning." Chicago Tribune.
The Russian Navy.
In numbers and in armored tonnage
the Russian navy exceeds that of Italy.
But a large proportion of the Russian
fleet 18 old. Many of these older ships
are small and weakly armored. More
over, some' of Russia's recent vessels
are armored cruisers of an objection
able type. Still she is a good fourth in
the race, and if her present rate of con
struction continues for a few years
longer she is likely to outstrip Italy. A
very large portion of the new vessels
are for the Black seai and. in that quar
ter Russia is the acknowledged mis
tress. Turkey no longer even attempts
to keep pace with her. Three large
battle ships for the Black sea are now
practically completed, the Tchesme, the
Sinope and the Catharine II.
They are sister ships, and their de
tails are: Displacement, 10,180 tons;
length, 331 feet; beam, 69 feet ; draught,
27 feet. Their armor is compound, 16
Inches on the belt and 14 on the tri
angular barbette breastwork. . The
main battery is six 12-inch 50-ton guns;
auxiliary battery, seven 6-inch breech
loading rifles; secondary battery, six
teen small rapid Are and machine guns;
speed eighteen knots.
Three other arniorclads of the same
type and same size are under construc
tion for the Black sea fleet. Russia's
Baltic force, which includes all vessels
for foreign service, is also being exten
sively increased. The additions are
ehiefly of the armored cruiser type ,
Portland, Ob., April IS, 1892.
Russell & Co. of this oity received to-day the
largest Bingle shipment of Agricultural Machin
ery ever shipped to this Coast. It came through
from their factory at Masslllon, O., in one solid
train of thirty-two ears, making the long trip in
just twelve days and without a single accident
or mishap.
The thirty-two cars were loaded with Masslllon
"Cyclone" Threshers and Russell Traction En
gines built specially for the Oregon and Wash
ington trade.
The Russell Threshing Outet for this season
will be the best in the market. The engines are
equipped with Russell's Patent Friction Clutch,
which has kept this engine at the head of the
trade. The new "Cyclone" Thresher has a double
barred cylinder set in an Iron frame, which en
tirely overcomes the tendency to loose spikes
and the cylinder twitting out of line, in addition
to Russell's Patent Distributing Beater, which is
peouliar to this machine only.
The good crop outlook Insures a large trade
for this firm, which they certainly deserve.
i purest
An Evening S'V That a Simple Pressure
of theHanl Will Hush.
There is one crop of early autumn
that grows on trees which doesn't vary
much, and that is the katydids. Cli
matic influences are favorable to the
growth of this fruit. It is a singular
thing that on the same trees where, forty
years ago, as little elms, these chant
ing insects lived, they now stay. They
are never known to change from one
tree to another There may be several
elms of equal size on one street, but
two trees will most likely hold all the
katydids, and from the first chosen
greenery they never budge.
The same way one yard will hays its
number, or one tree in a yard; the next
person's grounds, although Jjjt as cool
and shaded, will have nonar Those iri
the same trees or yards have good man
ners, never interrupting each other,
but listening intenfy for theirt'urn to
express meir oeiiHi as to wnetner naty
did or didn't. The outside world, after
listening foryears to the debate, is di
vided as trfopinion. Just the same as
on mops important subjects, it judges
in accordance witlithe sentiments of
its'own consciousness.
y These little green chanters never
change their eSpinion. For year after
year they belong to the dids or didn'ts,
and by nes mistake alter their saying.
One may tramp around the trees where
they live' mav s'' beneath them, talk,
laugYi or indulge in any noise, and Katy
ohunts on in undisturbed. monologue.
ut lay a hand ever so lightly against
the bark of a tree, one says who has
tried it, and their notes are instantly
hushed, remaining mute till the hand
is removed. In darkness, when one
creeps softly up to an elm where, above
in the branches is taking place a Ioquar
cious dialogue, and softly rests the
palms of the hands against the bark,
the silence is painfully sudden.
There was a man visiting Rhode
Island whose ambition was to possess
some elm trees, and in them katydids;
He had the elms for the katydids, but
no katydids for the elms. So he came
from his distant home and got posses
sion of one. which he carried back and
put well up in the greenery of the elm.
Then he waited. The katy was as
dumb as a sealed fruit jar, and wouldn't
say a word. He wrote back to inquire
why the thing wouldn't open its mouth
and sing. He was informed, first, that
the thing didn't speak the sentence
with any mouth, but with its legs; sec
ond, that although the divorce laws of
Rhode Island were often brittle enough
to sever knots tied by ministers, still he
need not expect any garrulous hilarity
from one katydid separated from its
mate and alone in a lone land. Then
another was sent and put in the tree,
and in true marital style one said Katy
did, and got contradicted in about a
second. They've kept it up ever since,
Providence Journal.
One Girl's Employment.
'I heard of an employment the other
day," said the philanthropist, "which
brought up to my mind all the horrors
of tea tasting. It recalled the case of
poor Mr. Lucraft. who sold his diges
tion, but it was more harrowing than
that. It rose almost to the dignity of
Paust bargaining away his soul."
''Have you been investigating the
'sweating system,1 or reading about the
workers in Russian mines?"
"Neither. , I heard of a young wom
an who is a professional detective of
plagiarism. It is her duty to read all
the short stories published in periodic
als and make a mental 'abstract of
them. 'Her usefulness consists in tell
ing publishers when manuscripts sub
mitted to them have been too obviously
suggested by existing literature. She
is well paid, it is said, but what could
atone for having one's mind stored per
manently and exclusively with scraps
of modern fiction?" Kate Field's
Cheap Electric Lights.
A fortunate town is Trente, in Aus;
tria. Its electric light station is owned
by the municipality, which has the ad
vantage of a : large waterfall. The
light is furnished to private consumers
for about twenty cents a year per
candle power, and they can burn the
lamps one hour a night of twelve
hours, . just as they please, without
extra charge. So as to enable the
poor inhabitants to use the light the
town pays for the house wiring, repay
ments being made by an annual
charge. A flour mill and a spinning
mill are already supplied with current,
and great activity is looked for in the
local industries owing to its use by al
most the whole of the community.
Detroit News.
, Rubber for Leather Shoes.
There is one method of using rubber
for the protection of the feet from
dampness which seems to be without
objection, and has lately been applied
very acceptably to walking shoes. It
consists of the insertion of a single lay
er of pure rubber gum between the
outer and inner soles, affording ample
protection against moisture from that
direction. It is imperceptible in weight
or bulk, does not heat the foot or cause
it to perspire, and is of slight expense.
Good Housekeeping. .
Load Vour Horse Light. '
Be careful of your load. Do notaak
one horse to draw the load of two.
What pleasure an there be in going
to ride when at every step the beast
has to tug like a dray horse? There
are few American roads where the or
dinary horse can draw easily more
than two persens at a trot. Two
horses for four persons, I say ; else I
would rather walk. New York Weekly.
This would seem a cohvadlctlon is so, In
tact, to the eye. Hut expeiieVice has proved its
possibility. Take the case of the Individual who
dwells In a malarious regloilL A robust consti
tution is no certain defense a' nBt the dreaded
chills. What is? Recorded ti mony, covering
a period little short of hal eenturv, proves
that Hostetter's Stomach Bitfe W nrecisoly this.
This continent does not limlf; fc Vvnere the
medicine has proved its efScV; Amer
ica, the Isthmus of Panajffa, jfexiiv "awnere
In fact where miasmaOjornyaisease VS n its
most obstinate and tgrmidfible types, V. K4tters
is a recognized v&p.m illimitable demand
and prescribed by physicians of repute. Potent,
too, is it in dis(frersXf the stomach, liver and
bowels, andsjjalnsMfhat destroyer, la grippe. It
Improves ajfpetiteand sleep, neutralizes rheu
matism MM kidney complaints.
IMsarte, with all his study in the art of ges
Uifhlution. iiever succeeded in equaling the ex-
ression of a dog's tail when his master puts on
is coator a walk.
randbeth's Pills have always given
latisfaction. In fifty years there has been
no complaint of them. That is about their
life in the United States, and millions of
persona have used them. There is no doubt
that they have established themselves by
merit alone. They cure rheumatism, dys
pepsia, piles, diarrhea, liver complaint and
fevers. One or two at night on an empty
stomach for a week or two will keep you in
good form and tone up the system.
Bbandbeth's Pills are purely vegetable,
absolutely harmless and safe to take at any
Bold in every drug or medicine store,
either plain or sugar-coated.
A preacher with the dyspepsia slanders God
every time he preaches.
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There Is oulyoue
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely closed deafness Is
tbe result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
cenditiou, bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
wi ich is nothing but an inflamed condition ox
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot
cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists: 75c.
Fashion note for young men.
is remarkable for new designs.
-This leap year
Try Germba for breakfast.
Use Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell.
Stick to it I
Sometimes you may have to wait.'
The troubles that have been years
in gathering can't always be cleared
away in a day. ' For all tha diseases
and disorders , peculiar- to woman
hood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is the surest and speediest
remedy. You can depend upon that
but if your case is obstinate, give
it reasonable time.
It's an invigorating, restorative
tonic, a soothing and strengthen
ing nervine, and a positive specific
for female weaknesses and ailments.
All functional disturbances, .painful
irregularities and derangements are
corrected and cured by it. All unnat
ural discharges, bearing-down sensa
tions, weak Jack, accompanied with
faint spells and kindred symptoms,
are corrected. In every case for
which it's recommended, "Favorite
Prescription," is guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or the money is re
funded. No other medicine for
women is sold on such terms. That
proves that nothing else offered by
the dealer can be "lust as eood.
William McKeekan, Druggist at
Bloomingdale, Mich. "I have had
the Asthma badly ever since I came
out of the army and though I have
been in the drug business for fifteen
years, and have tried nearly every
thing on the market, nothing has
given me the slightest relief until a
few months ago,' when I used Bo
schee's German Syrup. I am now
glad to acknowledge the great good
it has done me. I am greatly reliev
ed during the day and at night go to
sleep without the least trouble."
ely's Catarrh
COl r ... utrtvV
sr-u' in i "
Woman orChild
suffering from
A particle Is applied Into each nostril, and is
agreeable. Price, 60 cents at druggists or by
av-r-pifE1 n
66 Warren Street, New 1 ork.
When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then have them return again. I mean a
radioal cure. I have made the disease of FITS, KPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I
warrant my remedy to oure the worst oases. Because
others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a
our. Send at onoe for a treatise and a Free Bottle of
my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office.
JZ. 61. BOOT. M. C 183 Pearl St.. W. Y
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
eently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colda, head
iches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
Costs no more than an ordinary clumsy wood picket affair that obstructs the view and will rot or fall
apart in a short time. ' The "Hartman " Fence is artistic in design, protects the grounds without con
cealing them and is practically everlasting. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE WITH PK1CES AND
TESTIMONIALS MAILED FREE, f Always mention this paper in writing.
Hartman Mfg Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. T. D. Game, Gen. Weste.n Sales Agt., E08 State St., Chicago.
David M.CIarkson, Jr., Portland, Or. Hunt & (VIofTet, Tacoma, Wash.
Holly, Mason, Marks & Co., Spokane Falls. Wash.
;Hfll''j"WY'fMnijT'in i ii "ii
Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts,
And All' Kinds of MILL SAWS.' Also Saw Repairing.
iter- SIMONDS SAW CO., 75 Front Street. Portland, Or. "aVl
I 1 11 I .f i 'Do yu ee kac ave a headache?
Ulv sLwMU Does your back ache? You can't eat and
don't feel like work. The F f H B O trouble is your liver is tor
pid. You are full of bile. Jr W II Get rid of it without delay.
Three deses of Koore's Revealed Remedy will do it and make
you feel like a new person. For sale by all druggists.
49" la faultless and so is that
noble discovery, containing only Na-
It is a benefit to the human race KEEP UP
YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Quick and Complete Cure of all Diseases of
the Skin, Kidneys, Bladdar and Liver. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves
Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, and
puts fre3h energy into the system by making
New, Kich Ulood. Take it in time, right now,
as it cannot be beat as a preventative ofaiseaso.
Sold and used everywhere. $i a bottle. 6 forts.
A blend from the formula of an old English
Tea Merchant.
Best Tea in the World for the Price.
60 cents per lb. at your dealer's or postpaid
from the sole importers,
CLOSSET& DEVERS, Portland, Or.
Iron Cornices,
J. C. BAYER, Portland, Or.
Write for catalogue ano
particulars. State age.
127 Washing-ton St., Portland, Or.
Offers the greatest opportunities to capitalists,
farmers, homeseekers and business men. Larg
est Irrigation System in the United States just
completed. $2,000,000 expended. Fruit Land
with Water, f20 to jsO per acre, 7 years' time. New
country, rapid immigration, wonderful develop
ment. Railroad constructed 1891. Town of Eddy,
county seat, terminus. Illustrated pamphlet
free. Address E. F. Bernhard, Trav. Passenger
Agent Pecos Valley Ry. Co., Fresno. Cal.
Others may boasi
of the prizes they
won where I did
not exhibit ; not
ono can show a
record In any way
at the great Seattle show and at Salem on March
25. Send stamp for catalogue.
Mention this paper.
Do you know what you are losing? Do
you know that a dollar saved is as good
as a dollar earned ? You can save a dol
lar on every ten, and sometimes $2 or $3, by send
ing to a cash store for every thing you use in the
year. Count it up and see what you will gain. Il
means comfort, unexpected pleasures, happiness,
peace of mind, everything that is good. .Send a(
once for price list and information to Smith's Casfl
Store, 416-418 Front street, San Francisco, Cal-
Rhipped Anywhere on Trial. Catalogue Free.
GEO. ERTIiL & Co., 6 Ky St. QUIJJ C'Y. ILL.. U.S.A.
1 0 C U Tmade $71 in four days on my JClecme uorsou
A"5J and Specialties. 100 per cent profit and cas)
pilMta. Hamnlp friw. Dr.Brlffcraan Brrowlw-av.N.T
PIso'b Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
fcold by druggists or sent by mail.
Mc. . T. H&zeltlne, Warren, fa.
Pecos Valley.
Rend for catalogue. miltlTI !l0
The Northrop & Sturgls Co.,
Fifth and Oak, Portland. Or. UUI1IHII1U
STOP ''to'thinki
To the cheapest house in Portland, Or., for your
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Trunks,
Cloaks and Wraps.
180-182 Fir.'t Street and 9 Yamhill,
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Soid Everywhere!
in t il h niiini Iitmii- 'j fj v M "" "f
4h ''
A.V 2-Iy .:. :: I, H 1 i'
I j WifKYovr
Former CKoios
Lot's wife looked
back, with a well
' known result
Bellamy looked
back in his dream.
The smoker who
has not tried "Seal" -before
can look back
to wonder how he
could have escaped
the true 'excellence
of the Seal of North
Packed In Patent Cloth Pouches and in Foil.
f7 S . a 1AST BEAR like wmLS
arfcfc PjtLfJ ROOT Trea; see "Fruita and
Fruit Treea" Free. Amer.
GarUeM&va: Hovel. UbEFUL.totheDoint. OranaeJudd
Farmer: Ably written; gives truity INFORMATION. Cal.
Fruit Grower: Burprialng LOW pricesi Apple, Pear.Cher- .
ry,Plnm,PRUNB, Peach, Ap't.Qulnce.Nut.Or.Treee, Grafts,
ROBES everything. Nolargeratoek.inT7.B. No BETTER.
Nocheaper.STAItK BROS.,7th St., Louisiana,
ftlo. Founded 1825; OLDEST. 1000 Acres; LARGEST.
I 11 in nuy uuBiutroa
not paying you drop
it and buy an im
proved Pelaluma
can bo made iu rais
ing Chickens than in
any other "business
for the capital invest
ed. A beautifully Il
lustrated Catalogue
of Incubators. Brood
ers and all kinds of
Chicken Fixings FREE
Afjents for Mann's
Bone Cutter, Heoes
Bity Clover Cutter,
and everything re
quired by poultr
leading remedy for all tha
unnatural discharges and
private diseases 61 men. 4.
certain cure for the debllfc
tatlng weakness peculiar
to women.
I nraiinrihe It and feel Baft)
TheEvAHSChEMIiDo. in recommending it t
A. J. 8T0NER, M D.,IJE0lTUR,flfc
N. P. N. U; No. 438-8. F. N, U, No. 61