The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 07, 1892, Image 3

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HO D RIVER, OR., MAY, 7, 1892.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood lit 11 oV
clock A. M. Wednesday and Saturdays; de
part gams days at. noon.
For Chnoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. arrives at
P. M. Saturdays. .
For Whit Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M.
arrival at one o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon leaves for Fnlda, Gil
mer, Trout uike nnd. Gleuwood Monduys,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
, Seed corn at Harrison's. '
Matting 20 cents at Bart-mess'. :
. . 2-bit cigars at the Drug Store.
A fine line of fresh cigars at the Drug
You can suit yourself in a smoke, ac
cording to your pile, at tlio Drug Store.
A new stock of suits for the, boys at
The strawberry season will Commence
next week. .'.'
"' M. V. Harrison went to Portland
Wednesday. .
Pictures framed to order at the fur
tiiture store.
Remember the W. C. T. U. Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
All kinds of country produce bought
and sold at Harrison's.
Get a bottle of Kenna's furniture
polish at the furniture store. .
Good number 8 second hand cook
etove for sale at Harrison's. .
Mr. Bishop is engaged in building an
11 on Mr. McGuire's house.
Calcimining in fresco colors any tint
$2.00 per room and upwards.
Rev. F. M. Aunks, l.eft for his old
home in Wisconsin Tuesday.
Furniture and wood work made to
look like new. Ken no, & Emmerson.
W. J. Baker went to La Grande
Monday and is expected home Bhortly.
Have - you seen . the $lo.00 antique
maple bed room set at the furniture
tore? -..'':,
Call early and see the latest styles in
spring millinery, just received at Mrs.
Preaching services at the TJ. B.
church at 11 a. m. tomorrow by Rev.
. W.. Wells.
It Would anrprise you to see the now
lot of boys' suits at Hanna's, which he
is selling cheaper than ever.
Get vour front room frescoed with
gold border $3.00 to $5.00.
Kenna & Emmerson,
A fine lot of home-rendered lard and
Oregon ham", shoulders and bacon just
received tit U.e moat market.
Will LueUy, of Portland, lias been
visiting his brothers here for several
days, leaving for home to-day. "
The Mid-Columbia Association. which
was to have been held here tblB month,
has been indefinitely postponed.
Supreme court is now in session at
' Pendleton, Justices Strahan, Lord and
Bean going up early in the week.
Hood River is quiet, but not more so
than other inland towns, or even Port
land. It is a, dull time of the year.
Mrs. A.'B. Jones went to WhiteV
Salmon, Washington, Monday, to visit
-her.piireats. Mr. and MrvliroBhonr.
Say! U't me tell yon s nie'bur. You
can get a pair of pants or a shirt i-heaper
of Hai u.'i titan any ot1ier limn in town.
Mrs. C G. Roberts will ai-corn puny
Mr. Roberts to Idaho for M two-months'
visit on the oceusiosi' of his next 'rip.
The lihie-buck salmon crop is now
ripe and iw being harvtwied, but his ex
cellency the chinook is still scarce and
Do you want a good pair of pants for
$1.50? If so, look at Hanna's new
stock; they are the best in town for the
Mr. A. B. Jones received the news oV '
the death of his uncle, JNatlian Jones,
at Bellville, Ontario, Friday, April
22d. ,
Mrs. J. F. Armor expects her mother
to visit her this month, coming from
the Hast with the Presbyterian dele
gates. . ...
We are pleased to see our old towns
man, J. II. Middleton, again with us,
but regret to learn that he does not ex
pect to remain.' -..'.
Miss Eunice Evans arrived home
from San Francisco Wednesday at
noon, a few hours too late to see her
mother alive.
Mr. Armor's cousin, Mr. Sloan, who
has been visiting here for several
months, will leave for Southern Ore
gon next week.
A. J. Rand arrived from LaCrosse,'
Wisconsin Tuesday, deJighted to get
back to Hood River. His family wiil
come next month.
Mr. McKay, on the occasion of li is
visit last week, had the bodies of his
children removed from the Oak Grove
to the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
If you want your house insured, re
member that the German American;
for which we are agent, is one of the
largest and mosr reliable in tho world.
The time card has been changed and
hereafter t lie east-bound trains will pass
here at 11;54 in t tie morning ami 10:41
at night. The west" bound at 4:08 in
the morning and 5:15 in the afternoon.
M r. John Parker has one of the finest
places iu the valley and is making ex-U-i
si' v Dili substantial improvements,
':; '..; ii.uu being a hue two-story
. m...: -wii' i a credit to the val-
ih." X .t'is1 Bi'ctiisc.n conference
.....- i.. - s-.ioii, itev. 'J. vV, Weils will
p,cacii what may lie his hire well ser
mon iSunda.v. We hojie t. lie conference
wiil coiiiinue Uiiu liere tor at least an
other year. '
Mr. Mahoney, reiresen! ing the Se
attle Building and Loan Assochition,
was here Tuesday. A branch of the
AnHitciation has been started at The
Daiiis, Hiid we uiiderstaud several of
our citizens have taken stock.
J. Jl. Rankin has sold twenty-four
acres of ins place on liulwii creek, -to
W. S. Thompson of Illinois for $1,800.
Mr. Thompson is building a house on
the place aaid will have it ready tor his
family soon. ,--.',.
Sometimes merchants who can find
no benefit in advertising" are surprised
to see that the sherill' does not agree
with their views. 'The sheriff aluaya
advertises, and generally for merchants
who do not.
Captain Coe last week removed the
remains of his father, brother and son
from the little private graveyard on the
old homestead, which has been sold to
the Watson's, to his own grounds above
the state road. . :
We understand that Rand, Dent &
Co. will start a branch store at Mosier.
There is a good opening at that point,
as the country is settling up rapidly.
There is another good point for a store
at Wind River. . , ',.-'..
A special train bearing members of
the Presbyteiian synod that" meets in
Portland one week from next Tuesday,
wilkcome over the U. P. to The Dalles,
! arriving on the 18th or li)th. They
will go to Portland from that point on
the boats.
Hanna has iust received a new and
complete line of gents' .furnishing
goods; you can , buy a pair of pants
x- if 1 . c. , ct .J:.. -..
fancy. Come in and see them, whether
you want to buy or not. No trouble to
show goods.
Goidendale, at its ' recent election,
knocked out the saloons, and the drug
stores are. now wearily struggling along
under the burden of their increased du
ties. It's sad, but the people of Gold-
I endale seem to like an annual change
in their liquors.
The Isenberg party who visited the
Wind river country last week were per
fectly delighted with what they saw,
and some of them will probably locate
timber claims. The timber is undoubt
edly the best west of the Cascade moun
tains and the most accessible.
The young people of the. Riverside
Congregational x Sunday school, are
planning for a series of monthly socia
bles and entertainments this summer,
to culminate with a grand '"Bean
Bazaar" in the fall. The proceeds are
to be used for the purchase of a bell for
the church. "'.. -
Mr. Rand has hud the big oak on the
lot next to Marvin Rami's store grubbed
out and the lot is being put in shape
for the livery stable, which will he
moved in the near future. This will
be a great improvement on the present
site, and add greatly to the appearance
of the hotel block.
Mr. George C Rohertson took his
bride, nee Miss Bertha Sperry, out to
the mills Wednesday. Never a word
said lie to the Glacier man, so we
know not when nor where the two
were made one; but such is the case,
and we congratulate hhu on his judg
ment and good taste. "
The teachers - of school district No.
3 have announced Friday afternoon at
":!)() o'clock us ivccptiou day. Parents,
patrons and pupils are requested to
contribute at that time one or more
books suitable for establishing' a circu
lating library for the pupils of the
school. Cash accepted.
Tiie U. B. Sunday school will give a
concert. tomorrow evening in the inter
est of missions. An interesting pro
gramme consisting of songs, marches,
responsive readings and recitations
will be given. At the close the mis
sionary barrels will be opened and the
amount collected announced. All are
A small troupe of small men visited
(lie town Wednesday, posted their
L'aiidv bills a;:d gave an exhibition the
s-.iiie ir.ghr in Hie (i'mng rinn of the
Mt. Hood hotel. We heurd a small kid
remark ihat oi'.c of tlicm was a "bully
jumper," and the vpc-ikcr s'i'ineil to
tiling that lie hd received his two bits
won h i.f tun..
iV.n't foi',.'cl thfit there will be a mnss
meeting ai, M.iiidk'lon's hall this afler
uoon at. 1 :;( for the purpose of nntking
arrangements for a Fourth of July cel
efiration. If is desired that every one
attend, to the end that entire success
shall follow the effort. Gentle read
ers, you are particularly and especially
invited to ue present.
The fishing in Hood river is good.
Mr. C. G. Kotierts caught with a 11 v.
last week, a- nine-pound trout that was
a thorough-bred and fought like an
old-time prize-tighter. Mr. Koberts is
an expert and makes some excellent
catches. -'Having fished the streams of.
bcolland and ot tins coast, he pro
nounces Hood river the finest all-round
fishing stream he ever cast a fly in. 1
Captain John McNulty, who has
been running a 'steam boat on the mid
dle Columbia ever since Mts. Hood and
St. Helens fell out and broke down the
"Bridge of the Gods" at the Cascades,
is now in command of the Regulator.
The captain 'is of course acquainted
with everybody in Eastern Oregon and
knows how to make every passenger
enjoy the most maguifieeiit steamboat
ride on earth.
J. L. Harper, who had the contract
for improving the grade at the east ap
proach to the Hood rifer bridge, has
completed the work in a very satis
factory manner. Two turnouts have
been made. th oTiirle wiknpl. mul ti
substantial railing placed the entire
lengtu oi tnc grade, it is a good piece
of work, and Mr. Harper is entitled to
every cent tbe contract called for, be
cause h'e earned it.
Prohibition Bailies.
Prohibition meetings will be held in
this vicinity during the coming- week
as follows.
Tuesday evening, May 10th at the
new armory.
Wednesday evening, May 11th at the
Barrett school house.
Thursday evening, May 12th at the
Odell school house. , .
Meetings will commence promptly
at 8 o'clock. 0. J; Bright, nominee for
member of congress, and others are ex
pected to be present and address the
meetings. All are invited. 1
Thomas McKay has sold his ranch
to Mr. Sipma, of Pin t Townsend.
' ' '. kVit' SALE.
One ten-foot Star Wind Mili,'40-feet
tower; 2,(10 gallon tank, and about2()0
leet l-incli pipe. . For further informa
tion call at this office.
Mt. Hood Ttes bmoxe.
.All .dav. Tuea.VO'-a steauycm.umn .ot.
smoke and ste ascended, from Mt.
Hood. Partiyljug only twelve miles
from the mi111'11 tet' us the column
was as plaUf-'r marked' at times as the
smoke froPH chimney. It is possible
the recenl Wturbances in California
have rer v-"V'le underpinning of the
old v noaiHl stirred it up- to the
gryjiing poUtNAt any rate, dozens
of people HvinXin he valley noticed '
the steady all-day8"e, a1' us our
informant was alir.oSf at CHe base of the
ivinnntiiin. it. is not. V0Uaue "6 Was
At the residence of the bride
Mrs. A. B. Jones, Sunday, MSy J8t.
Joseph W. Morton to Miss PearK"r-
shong, both of Hood River. Rev.
Aunks per forming the ceremony.
The young couple left for Portlan
by the evening train., and it was a close
call, too, as the train had started to pull
out as they reached the depot,, but
stopped for them. The best wishes of
a best of friends go with them on their
bridal trip, and will remain with them
on their return.
. At White Salmon,
SOI h, Wesley Evans,
aired 22 years.
The funeral look place at
V hite bal-
mon bunuay.
At this place, Wednesday morning
May 41 ii, ' Ail's. Clarissa Knox Evans,
aged t4 years. Funeral Thursday
aiiernooii in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Mrs. Evans was born in Dublin,
Ireland, Nov. 8th 18i'7, and was mar
ried to R. O.. Evans in 18-17. Besides
three who proceeded her to the oilier
side, she leaves nine living children.
Mrs. Evans was a 'member of the
Episcopal church, though at the time
of her death not a communicant. She
was of. retiring disposition but
numbered as friends all with whom
she came in Contact. Hon. E. L
Smith delivered an addreesatthe grave
which is spoken of by those present as
being a glowing but just t'ibute to the
At this place Friday, May, 6lh Mrs.
P. J. Primross.
Mrs. Primrose was a stranger here
coming from Port Madison, for treat-
meat for cancer by Dr. W, L, Adams,
The body was embalmed by underta-
ker Bartmcss, and sent to her home by
last night's train.
A Missionary Service of Sang.
Ihe following is the programme for
the exercise's to take place at the U. li
church to-morrow:
Luiinerhymn : ".'.'.... ;.... ,, Choir
luvucation. - .
Orders from the ICi:ig, duetts and quota?
tations y ,. , ..'
......... Yomii; Indies and gentlemen of school
ZNecessiiy fur, Missionary work
. Mrs. Welts and Mrs. Biti unoss' classes
Words of Kneoiuuuriietit
1.... Vuung lauies and gentlemen
Marching Bong, "We March to Victory,"
.....Boys and girls j
Across the Centuries....; ; .....Mr. Willi
ooiig, -iv niigiiway wuaieiDiuiunig- ...... .
,...". Eva and Minnie Blowers
Song, "Little Eyes," Children
Opening of missionary barrels.
tiling, "unward, Christian Soldiers" .......;Choir
iSeiieuicuou. 1 - ' , . ' . , - ;
i ljwfcr StH:iuble and ' Lficture.-: .
Thursday evening, May, 12th at 7:30
at the Cougregatioiiitl chulch the fol-
iort ing pi izes will be awarded. One j
dollar to the boy bringing the'- largest j
collection of vvild flowers. lil'ty cents!
to the boy u the second largest; and
duplicate prizes are offered ihe girls,
making four prizes amounting to three
dollars. The following are the rules for
competitors: First, all young people
may compete; second flowers for compe
tition must be brought in before 7.30
p. m.; third, flowers must be in bloom,
not buds or seeds, and are to be in
tresli condition; fourth, none but wild
flowers will be counted or allowed to
compete; fifth, the number of varieties
and l lie competitors name must ac
company each bouquet. The follow
ing judges have been selected: Mrs,
Barrett, -Mr. Jewett and Mrs. E. L
Smith. After the awarding of the
prizes there will be a paper by Mrs.
Barrett, on "Oregon Flowers'" after
which ah opportunity will Le given for
discussion and 'questions. Mrs. 'Bar-j
ret t. is considered authority on all j
botanical matters, and her talk prom-j
lses to be highly entertaining and in
structive. . She has the finest and
most complete herbarium in this part
of the country, and promises to bring
her collection of mosses and ferns to
tbe entertainment for inspection
mission, cents, children' halt price.
Proceeds ''for the" bell fund. . Doors
open at 0:30
Raci'atiom and ll:adinj.
Miss Alice .Hamill, the celebrated
elocutionist will entertain the people
of Hood River with one of her select
readings, Friday evening May 13:,h, ai
the U. ,B. church. The programme
will consist of recitairtms and reading
by 'Miss. Hamill, and music by local
talent. Admission, 23 cents, children
15 cents, and the proceeds will lie given
to the public school' to assist An pur
chasing a library.
.11. I). .Services. '
Rev. J. W. Rigby, will preach at the
new armory hall, tomorrow May, 8th
at 3:30 p. m. It is desired to meet at
the close of the services, all who are in
terested in the formation of a Metho
dist society in tliis place. '
New single
Crowell's store.
harness. Enquire at
QN 8, Express leaves at il:51 A.. M.
Mall " 'iu:4i V. M.
eaves at
5-lfi P. M,
4:08 A. M.
Steamer, from Portland to San Francisco,
every 4 day . . ,
Kor rates and gSjeral Information
I ' if coo JCtt
ncmvi i Tir,rf.
Saturday.' AnrilV W. II. HURLRURAsst, Gen. Pass. Ajrt.
- 54 WasliidstonX1-.- Portland Oregon
Why cough, When sV?- wiU stoP "'
Hon. Daniel F. Beattv, t
pin and Piano manufactnrcr.
i ttir aim siiioiui sc more urirano .
Pianos titan ever.' To 1870 Mr. 1 Watty
left Iconic n penniless plow boy, iinilVy !
bis indomitiiblc will be bus wWkcd h? !
way :u;i s- m to sell s; far nearly ion.OOo
of liealiv's OririUis aiijl Pianos since
1870. Nothing seems to dishearten!
him; obstacles laid in bis way, that
would have wrecked any ordinary man
forever, he turns to an advertisement
and conies out of it brighter tjian ever.
His instruments, as is well known, ore
very popular mid are to be found in all
parts of the world. We are informed
that during the next ten years he in
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make;
that means a business of $20,000,000, if
we average them at 100 each. It is
already the largest business of the kind
in existence. Send to Daniel F.Beatt.y,
Washington, New . Jersey, for cata
logue. Hot coffee and lunch at the bakery.
Bread, cakes and pies constantly on
i hatli- Bread six loaves for a quarter.
We have some fine tann properties
, for .-ale am. t nose diwring xo purc iase
in Luc iiciv;o;oiuuoi.( will uu ncu to
give us a call.
Drv'F. C. Brosius,
having succeeded
I to. the medical practice of Dr. E. J,
j Thomas, can be found at the drug
store day or nhtht. .
-."i 11('1 Ore., Deo IS, 1801,
j . We are now iireparwi to flo ihvs-
makhig and plain sewing. . Prices rea
sonable. Please call and see us at Mrs.
Mattje A. Oiler's residence one block
east of the post office. . 1
Mus. L.. Arnold & Mrs. A. Oiler.
Honesty Is , tlte Best-Policy.. .
This is a liatent medicine advertise
ment, but. your attention one moment
; ,nay saVe you much suffering as well as
money. .
.We curethat cough.
We cure that tickling. c
... W cure that hacking.
We cure that throat clearing.
We cure croup. - -
We oil re bionchitis.
. We cure that la grippal coutrh.-
W e help you to sinir and xpeak.
We are not the S. B. loncnges. . "
AVe are a ))ieasanl: couiih syrup. ...
- We are put up in 50 and 7 ) cent bottles.
We are the S. B. cough svrup.
Guaranteed by your druggists.
Land Locator.'
Every body wants land in Hood
River Valley. I have some very de
sirable tracts of good land , on my list
for homesteads and . timbered
claims, . with . running water on
them. l ean locate several stockmen
advantageously. " Do not fail to see
me at Hood River Falls or address me
at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon.
W. Ross Wf NANS,
:H aTtl ey & M q rc er,
MOWERS, " -.
JCiJuib. .
, - - AND . . .-.v
- All kinds of farming implements,
nrncr'. of Oak and Fourth Streets.
VP i tpRIKTOB 0? '
1011 Elf EE MILLS.
,'..' .-.: MATERIAL :'i-'-"-;.'::-"-'"::'
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc
A lurge supply of, and Inclusive Jtlffhi to sell John WMasury's CelebfnteJ
Mixed paints . One gallon will cover
warranted first class. . . ,
Physician and urgeon
- Chapman Block V '
mm. BjmRGim
. Otlers his professional services
citizens of. Hood River and vicinity.
J1UFUR WjVrKINS & Mknekke,
Attorneys-at-Law,, '
Vogt's new building", Second St.
THE DALLES, OREGON. ' '.- .-:'.
"r "We Manufacture,
Real; Merit V
' Does tne Advertising. .
If you take pills it is because you have
never tried the
S.B.Head aclie and Liver
' . Clire..:v'.,;-;;
It" works so nicely, ; cleansing the
Liver aud Kidneys; acts as -a mild
physic without 'causing pain or sick-.
; ess, and docs noi; stop yoa from eat-
i - g and working.... "'. . , . ; ,
..To try it is to become a friend to it.
For sale by M...V:-' Ilarrisyn, Hood
River Oregon.
Dufur, M. 'F'.G. Co., Dufur, Ore. .
rfiiiiiioi: & a
Reliable information conceming land
:.' - titles, -, '.'-;. ' ''', -';
i - ....... .
Choice city and country property for
''-''. r SALE -' -: ',;' ; ;
; Conveyancing a Specialty. I
13$ Second Struct - - - - The Dalles Or.
w mm
Kas been
renovated,- and a large
ell added doubling its
..." . . f -. ... ... . .- ... .
Everything will , be 1'omul neat ami cloan'
TaMc3 wi'H . be -supplied with the best the
' ... . . r-MAIiKCT AFFORDS.' '' '
dEOKOE HERBERT Proprietor.
.v- i " ; SLniuwy. . ." '.'..
The ladies of Hood Rirer nnd
conutry about are inviu-d ,to call and
see'rny stock. I am determined to
(lease you in quality and
prices. I am here to stay, and respect
fully ask your patronage if my goods
and prices suit you. '
rains". R S, HowKi.i.fv.
u call on ; ; " : : . .... .. - - ...
X' ' ' I ."l " ' III d " 1 ! u' urtmrncJlV ' . 1 I '
" IVkw tMfllttfe cVMw and 1
'." Vfc love our tuu&nctieot. lETjEJL W'
' ''-,- ' - VVe ioe oar gemfe .oche ' ' wrSm; -
, ' "An obty V tSiHtf nd. -Smffjum,.
PilSsj'v.NO !!:;
Boa tadsm Msmmaa wsaamsaMm
35 square yards two 3oat9 ' Every caff
Tiv J tict
l)eiOS Every-
Beatty, WaaiiibUin, Jew Jersey. . .
I have appointed aC, T. De'k, my
Agent to pell my beer al. Hood Kiy.'v
at wholesuie. '.--. ArocsT Rcchlkb.
The Dalles, Marc Iti, 1W L
(Vjv stock of L'ldies'and Gen 4s
HVrXX&l. fiffenfon. given to;.clean-
ing and repairing virtfbes.
v - t tt TSnnnTTSm
Hood Riverr - - '. Oregon.
Optica I Good
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. ''," '
Se6oncl'S'f. " . ' 'The Dafles. Or,
V . , EOADS,BRIDi- V ' , , ' '
-' ; ' :-.'; ' .--' es, etc:'.' .-
ADDRESS v. o. Box 1G"V tu Daii.ks, Okkohjt
p-a'n in Bilfllrifip
Lime Of
j BoSToa.Aas5o JJ
And p: ;cci rtasonahlev Call and ex
amiiie goods at Harrison's store. .
: miss Inez stilsom
A large supply of handsome wall pa
per just received by 8. E..Bartmess. .
Try the Cuban Bud cigars at Han
na's: they are the best 10-ccnt cigar
the inarkwt.
x 1
' I x a iAj its branches'
Hats Trimmed,
.lyffaMi win