Cakes Without Eggs. Observing housekeepers quickly learn that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is far superior to ' other brands in the fact that they never fail to make the finest pastry, and , if they wish to be economical they can dispense entirely with ,. eggs and can use a less quantity of butter for shortening purposes. The advantage is not alone in the saving effected but in avoiding the trouble and frequently the great difficulty of securing eggs that are fresh. This is often a serious trouble. . . - ' Cakes of various kinds from the informal Griddle 'if-,--'- .. . 1 " Cakes to the stately Bride Cake can be made with Price's Cream Baking Powder, which insures light, sweet and hand- some cakes; or when used for Griddle Cakes to be eaten hot enables their production in the shortest space of time, always tender and delicious. '.: Dr. Price's is the only Baking Powder that contains the white of eggs. None so pure ! None so wholesomeJ ' . . r. , i ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant Jn fact, the purity of this ideal powder has' ntver been ques- ..-firmed. HOW'S THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case o' Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking ' Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last flfte n years and be ieve him per fectly honerable In all business transactions and financially aMe to carry out any obligation made hvthnlrflrm. WEST&TRUAX. Wholesale Druggis s, Toledo, O, WALDING, KINNAN& MARVIN, Wholesale Drueeists. Toledo. O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting rirectly upon the blood and mucous suriaces 01 the system. Price, 75o per bottle. Sold by all Tomsln Does your wife open your letter. Johnson? Johnson Never, unless theyftre marked private. House cleaning is necessary In spring; so is Oregon Blood Purifier for system cleaning. Use Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell. Look so happy? He Smokes MASTIFF. More solid comfort in one package of Mastiff tobacco than you can get out of any other plug cut in the world. Try a package and be convinced. J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia. Tower? Imnrnvorl FLICKER f is Guaranteed L, Abuluttij Water. V . rN proof. AU tmprtnti Suckers have beside tht Fish Brant TiADEJiutt on every Coat 5oft Woolen 'Vf Watch Out! Coll&r. Send foi A J. TOWER. MFR. BOSTON. MASS Ot.k.g coisMPTrari: l have a positive remedy for the above disease ; by ita CM thousands of cues of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed so strong is my faith Initaeffloacy. that I will Bend TWO bottles fbee, with a VALUABLE TRKATISK on this disease to any snf. frer who will send me their Kxpreu and P. O. address. T. A. Slocnm. 01. 183 Pearl St.. N. IT. FAULTLESS 1 ?-Nattre i faultless and so la that noble discovery, containing only Na ture's own remedies, "ino" It is a benefit o the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIQCR by the use of Pfunder'3 Oregon Blqod Purifier. Quick and Complete Cure of all Diseases of the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness.and puts fresh energy into the system by making New, Rich lllood. Take it in time, right now, as it cannot be oeat as a preventative of diseaso. Sold and used everywhere. I 1 a bottle. 6 for 45. a Pino'8 Remedy for Catarrh Is the Bent. Kaslest to Tire, ftnd Cheapest. 5 Sold by druggists or Bent by mail, 80c B. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. 7 4 X N MY LADY OF THE GOLDEN HEART. My lady of the golden heart, she come each day Down by the lodgegats that I keep; she come demurely, k' And her two hounds sedate do follow and obey Her slightest wish, and they do love my lady surely' -. She comes each day, my lady of the golden heart. Sometime from riding; or sometime she come y4-walking; The "birds along the hedge, they do not even start A hen she come by, sometime to her big hounds avtalking. "Good morrow," say my lady, she who' heart is gold, And gold out of her heart makes light the gate way; The sunshine of her face in winter time does hold Green meadows and sweet flowers and make a summer straightway. My lady, she who's heart is gold, my lady goes Each day into the village bread and good wine bearing To those that sick be, and my gentle lady knows All of the village folk, and for them she be caring. Now, as she come each day (gold is my lady's heart). Or goes upon some errand Heaven has sent her, The gates of my poor heart, they do fly far apart; But there my lady fair and sweet she will not enter. v Meredith Nicholson in Washington Post. A Hard. Hard World. The most pitiful sentence I have read in a newspaper in a long time was that brief line in one of the New YorkdaU lies the other inominj'nfL connection with anauthor 'of good parts whom bad luck had driven to suicide, "He" had no friends." The reporter who wrote the article was merely filling In the perfunctory details of a police rec ord, and had already given the name, nativity, sex, age, occupation and dwelling place of the unfortunate. Usually these descriptions end with the statement that "a brother ' took charge of the remains," or "the coroner delivered the body to the friends of the deceased," or "the lodge of which the deceased was a member will conduct the funeral." But this man, borne down to despair and death in the midst of a teeming city where he had lived and labored for twenty years, "had no friends." Ah, this world, which looks so small when we measure its girth with a telegraph cable, how Infinitely huge it seems sometimes when we try to span the distance on its surface between man and man ! Kate Field's Washington. Remarkable Lakes. The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal, in Siberia. Its area of over 9,000 square miles makes it about equal to Lake Erie in superficial extent ; its enormous depth of between 4,000 and 4,500 feet makes its volume of water almost equal to that of Lake Superior. Although its surface is 1,350 feet above sea level, its bottom averages over 8,000 feet below the same level. America has a lake which, although its waters are not as deep, as those of the Siberian wonder, also bears a unique distinction. It is located in the Tose mite valley, and is called Mirror lake. On account of the height and sheer de scent of the surrounding mountains the sun does not rise upon it until 11 :30 o'clock in the morning and sets seventy three minutes later. St. Louis Repub lic. Your native village is a good place to go away from, but a better place to oome back to. Don't give up atid say there is no help for catarrh, hay fever and cold in head, since thousands testify that Ely's Cream Balm has entirely cured them. I have been bothered with catarrh for about twenty years; I had lost sense of smell entirely, and I had almost lost my hearing. My eyes were getting so dim I had to get some one to thread my needle. Now I have my hearing as well as I ever bad, and I can see to thread as fine a nee dle as ever I did, my sense of smell seems to be improving all the time. I think there is nothing like Ely's Cream Balm for ca tarrh. Mrs. E. E. Grimes, ReDdrill, Perry county, O. Apply Balm into each nostril. It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once. Price, 50 cents at druggists' or by mail. Ely Brothers, ' 60 Warren Street, New York. LWttb. : MONEY. VALUABLE OPl 3 ON THE BEST WAY TO JEST $100. Varying Ideas of Well Known Capitalist. Savings Banks and Bulldlug and Loan Association Reoommended a the Saf est Place to Keep ftfoney. Hundreds of thousands of thrifty young men and women throughout the United States, who are ambitious to se cure a competency for their old age, are at a loss to know how to invest their small savings to advantage. There is apjl.rrftlv a nilrrPARfnl hnainaaa man in New tfork who does not receive in hik mail every morning requests for informa tion as to the best way to invest .Small an t,i a nf ,nnnav With a view of obtainingome opin ions on the subject a reporter called few days ago upon sotrfe of the most prominent and successful business men of the country, notod for their shrewd investments, and' asked them to give their opinions or the best way to invest $100. Mr. aenfy Ulews, wbo has earned a reputation for his sound judgment in all matters relating to investments, said ' ;,'Tbe best investment for $100 is to place it in a good savings bank and make the foundation to build upon by frequent additions to it. When the amount gets large enough the first acquisition of prop erty should buy a homestead, and when that is accomplished it will give such comfort and peace of mind to the owner and his family as to make life worth the living. "When a man is known to own his bouse it gives bim a status in the com munity greater than anything else. It also gives . him an established credit which, when obtained, if judiciously and conservatively used, will make it much easier to acquire this world'8 goods. "The best citizens are those who own in fee their homes and their contents, for it develops qualities in a man's nature that otherwise may remain dormant or hidden like a light under a bushel. "Among these qualities are pride of position, which will keep a man respect able; the love of country," which will make him a patriot, and almost more than anything else contribute to make him, not only respected by his neighbors and friends, but also a good and faithful husband and a loving parent." A "GILT EDGED BOND," 8 AYS DR. DKPEW. Dr. Uhauncey M. Depew advised that the $100 should be made grow to $1,000 before being invested in any enterprise. "Put it in the savings bank," said the doctor, "where it can draw compound interest, and add to it as you can until it becomes a thousand. Then consult some wise, conservative banker and in vest it in a gilt edged bond which can be registered. There is no investment for $100 except to put it into a savings bank that is absolutely safe. The chances are that if he went to inquire he would meet speculative gentlemen who would land his $100 in some mining or other similar scheme which promised large returns, and that would be the end of it." Mr. Erastus Wiman is of the opinion that "the best way to invest $100 is to buy a share in some well managed local building and loan association. . These associations represent the aggregate sav ings of their members.' and the money is invested on lyjnJtipuses built "by one of their own' number. - The investment is therefore a very safe one, because men will pay for their homes and the interest due thereon sooner than they would pay for anything else. The money can be withdrawn, if need be, while it rests with the society, and it pays as good an interest as any other safe enterprise can afford. Compared with the savings bank it yields about twice the interest, while the security is generally just as good. 'Of course all depends upon manage ment, but taken as a whole the money of poor people put into building loan as sociations has been more honestly ad ministered by the poor people themselves than has been any other financial trust In the country. In proportion to the enormous amount invested, which now reaches over $700,000.000 reaching that of the capital of all the national banks the amount of defalcations has been in finitesimal. 'The rate of interest paid has been larger, the purpose accomplished nobler, and the security just as safe as that of the average railroad, bank, mortgage or insurance investment. 1 put $100 away every month in a building and loan as sociation, conscious that it is the very safest and best investment that I can make. By it 1 am enabled to insure my life for $20,000, and I am all the time ac cumulating, not only the principal, but interest, which thus far has averaged 10 per cent "UNCLR" ROFU8 HATCH'S VIEWS. "Uncle" Kufus Hatch, who has lost over $1,000,000 in Wall street, does not recommend any "high flying" in vestment. His advice for putting out' $100 was to "go slow," and be added: "If you can find a solvent savings bank,' put the $100 there, and be satisfied with 8 or 4 percent, interest It would seem, however, from disclosures that national banks and savings banks and all other banks are more or less open to criticism. The vast majority of the public do not know how to take care of their savings and are easily induced to put them wherever they are promised a big per cent, interest. "However all this may be." and "Unr cle" Eufus Hatch looked very serious, "under any and all events, keep out of Wall street Teach the public to shunj its precincts. It is simply suicide for a man to go into Wall street with $100. If he had $100,000,000 that might do. My advice to thrifty persons is to keep the $100 saved and keep adding to it until it has accumulated to a reasonable amount. Then buy an annuity for life or a paid up life insurance for your wife and chil dren. "New York World. About 12,235,000,000 matches' are made in England every year, equal to about 11,000 tons of wood. The estimated pro duction of matches per year throughout the globe is given at 150,000,000,000. STOCKTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. An Institution that has Made It Way to the Front by the Energy and Ability of the Proprietor W. C. Ramsey. In the business education of tbis coast no Institution ranks, above that of the Stockton Business CollegeV with a sister college at Fresno, under trip same management, known as the Fresno Business College. The departments or the college are three BuinesH, Teacher' and Shorthand and Tvoewritine i ssot only is tuition chejper here than at any hirailar school on the coast, but board and room with all the comforts of a home are placed at the disposal of their patrons ac $iu per rnonrn, ana parents mav rest as sured that every influence is placed around those under the care of the school to re strain and build them up to perfect man hood. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey with five btbers of the teachers are constantly with tKe sturfents. ' Mrs. Ramsey, a lady of excellent culture, never tires in her ministrations. Much of the success of the school is due to her in telligence and able supervision. The school occupies all of two entire buildings, aggregating about 30,000 square feet of floor room. AU of the arrangements are smh as only years of experience in educational work could embody, and during this summer another story will be added, thus enlarging the facilities for doing satisfactory work. The Bminess Course is so exhaustive as to include all that is p-actical, nnd as thorough and comprehensive as years of study by business men can make it. The Teachers' Course is so complete tat it is a rare thing for one to fail in examina tion who has done the work assigned them. During the past ear over one hundred have gone directly from the school and passel the various examinations through out the State. While the Shorthand and Typewriting Oour.-e is such as business men everywhere can endorse, and graduates from the school aie in demand by tnose who appreciate what care and drill can do in fitting for the active duties of life. Mr. liauisev is a voung man and is wide awake, progressive, honest, intelligent genial, and determined. xne scnooi was esiaonsnea in ioio, ana has constantly increased in numbers and usefulness until now between 600 and 700 students attend annually. Mr. Ramsey has tor years been arranging and selecting his teachers until his present corps of six teen is a paragon of excellence Pennnianship is a leading feature of the school, and we would advise all to send for specimens. These will be sent free to any one. and gives one an idea what can be done with a pen. No one study is of more value. The school has long since been recognized s the leading school of its kind on the ooast, and we as a public journal, guarding the best interests of the people, could not feel that, our duty was done unless we made mention1 of the fact, for the school Is not alone of the highest type but it is a place where no one need fear to trust a son or daughter, as thev are shielded and sur rounoea ever Dy tne Dest oi innuence. frmin ism Big, but bad the old-fa9hioned pilL Bad to take, and bad to have taken. In efficient, too. It's only temporary relief you can get from it. Try something better. With Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the benefit is lasting. They cleanse and regu late the liver, stomach and bowels. Taken in time, they prevent trouble. In any case, they cure it. And they cure it easily : they're mild and gentle, but thorough and effective. There's no disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Sick and Bilious Headache, Consti pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cured. They re purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, the smallest, and the easiest to take but besides that, they're the cheapest pill you can buy, tor they re guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. iou pay only tor the good you get. This is true only of Dr. .Tierce's medicines. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success ful CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug, gists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other Cure can stand successfully. If you have a COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, it will cure you promptly. If your child has the CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, use it mckly and relief is sure. If you fear CUJN. iUMPTION. don't wait until your case is hope less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im. mediate help. Large bottles, Joe. and $i.oo. Travelers convenient pocket size 25c. Ask your druggist for SHILOH'S CURE. If your lungs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Por ous Plasters. r Price, 25c. N. P. N. U. No. 436 -8. F. N. U. No. 513 SAFETY IV THE MIDST OF T ANGER. This would seem a contradiction is so, in fact, to the eve. But experience has proved lis Bossibilitv. Take the case of the iudividual who 1 dwells in a malarious region. A robust consti tution is no certain aeiense against ine ereaaea chills. What is? Recorded testimony, covering a period little short f hf century, proves that Hoststter'i Stomach Bitters is precisely this. This continent does not limit the Held where the medicine has proved itB emc 1 cy . in South Amer ica, the Isthmus of Panama, Mexico, everywhere in fact where miasma-born disease takes on its most obstinate and formidable types, the Bitters is a recognized speciflo in illimitable demand and prescribed by physicians of repute. Potent, too, Is it in disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, and against that destroyer, la grippe. It improves appetite and sleep, neutralizes rheu matism and Kidney complaints. , Clara Is this the first time you ever proposed to a girl? Jack Yes, Miss Clara. Is it to be the lastT As a cure for sore throat and coughs "Brown't Bronchial Troches" have been thoroughly tested, and maintain a good reputation. Men will worship the groundia girl walks on if she has a good corner lot. " It pays to study the interests of the consumer," said a dealer to a drummer who was trying to sell him short-weight plug tobacco. " Take, for example, Star Plug, which is used by the great mass of chewers throughout the United States. Star Plug is not only the best and most satisfactory chew, but every plug is a full sixteen-ounce pound." Tbt Gbbhia for breakfast. LOST TIFilE. Newton, 111. 73ROM 1863 to 1885 : about 22 years j I suffered with rheumatism of the hip. I was cured by the use of ST. JACOBS OIL. T. C. DODD. ALL RIGHT! T.JACOBS OIL DID IT." THE THE HARTMAN PATENT nn.QT iq apart in a short time. The "Hartman " Fence Is artistic in design, protects the grounds without con- waling them and is practically everlasting. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE WITH PBICES AND TESTIMONIALS MAILED FREE, f Always mention this paper In writing. rnntR no more man an ordinary ciumsv wuuu ici Hartman Mtg Co.. Beaver Falls, Pa. 1. u. bante, David Nl. Clarkson, Jr., Portland, Holly, Mason, Marks & UNLOAD Do vou Does your don't feel like work. The Ar pid. You are full of bile. I J W I& Get rid of it without delay. Three doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it and make I lUPn you feel like a new person. For sale by all druggists. Lb I w CiTi I Wil DO YOU WANT A HOTEL WHEN THE OU B Si Corner of Fourth and C Is the only 1 per day hotel in the city with all a SEED Of all kinds and In any quantity whole sale and retail at bedrock: prices. E. J. BOWEM, 65 Front Street, Portland, Or. Send for catalogue. "IKfc We Want Name and I Address of Evert ASTHMATIO P.Harold HatM.yDl FRAZER Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! Send for catalogue. The Northrop & Sturgis Co., Fifth and Oak, Portland. Or. MORPHIN HABIT ! Books fre SURE CURE Pacific Medicine Co.. 529 Clay St.. Ban Franolsoo. 1 BlffSlstheacknowleuee leading remedy for all the unnatural discharges and private diseases of men. A certain enre for the debllt tating weakness peculiar to women. - T nra.iiha1tknri fMl flafff I TheEvuKSUHMIQM On. in recommending It te Sa!j. 8T0NER, HI D.,0E0Tu,tlt I Hold by ItrafrtriaUb a weak mm pAN NOW CORE HIMSELF OF THE DE- plorable results of early abuse and perfectly restore his vigor and vitality by the great Austral ian KBMKDY A Physician's Gift to Humanity which will be sent FKKE to those afflicted. The remarkable cures of hopeless cases of Nervous Debility and Private Complaints are everywhere stamping out quackery. Address with stamp, Box 1M4, Ban Francisco, Cal. . AXLE RREASE SODA FOUNTAINS iT jrCnres inV j f JT I TO 6 DA YS.j f . , OurmntMd act M n I" "6 erman yrup" Justice of the Peace, George Wil kinson, of I)wville, Murray Co., Minn., makes a deposition concern ing a severe cold. Listen to it. "In the Spring of 1888, through ex posure I contracted a very severe cold that settled on my lungs. This was accompanied by excessive night sweats. One bottle of Boschee's German Syrup broke up the cold, night sweats, and all and left me in a good, healthy condition. I can give German Syrup my most earnest commendation." I CURE FITS ! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. 1 meitn a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPI ' LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to oure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a oure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Offioa. H. O. ROOT Jtf. C, 183 Pearl St.. N. V. FOR HATCHING. Others may boast of the prizes they won where I dia not exhibit ; not record in any w ay anDroachine mine at the great Seattle show and at Salem on March 25. Send stamp for catalogue. CHRIS KOCHER, Aurora, Or. Mention this paper. , WATTnrflTTf hHhfT T'T"' TT A blend from the formula of an old English " ' Tea Merchant. Kest lea in tne norm tor tne price. 60 cents per lb. at your dealer's or postpaid . from the sole importers, CLOSSET& DEVERS, Portland, Or. No fitofi to Join, a1 Don't pay some line for not hint?. U See that vou ee See that you get value for value. We do a eeneral merchandise business, carry a.very large stock, and can supply all your wants promptly and carefully. Address for price list, Smiths' casn store, 416-41& i-ront Street, San Francisco, Cal. BICYCLE Write for catalogue and particulars' SUte age. FRED T. MERRILL, 137 Washington Kt., Portland, Or. THE SASV1E. a STEEL PICKET FENCE nunu uj uubhuvw uc c.u ... w btn. western saies ngi., duo sure si., vmrayo; or. Mum Monet, 1 acoma Wash. Co., Spokane Falls, Wash. ijai:i ttfli, feel bad? bacEache? You can't eat and I O trouble is your liver is tor VISITING THE METROPOLIS? IF SO, , BY HOUSE, Streets, Portland, Oregon, modern Improvements. WE DEFY COMPETITION. I will REACH TKe Worei5 Heart wirhJ UsuaLAnrow, Arvd The Cupid, the little rascal, is tip to all the tricks-he knows full well that man is a selfish brute, , and the road to his heart is through his appetite; the delicate flavor of "Seal of North Carolina," next to love itself, adds one more joy to our existence. Packed In Patent Cloth Pouches and In Foil. AGENT made 971 In four days on my .Electric Corsets and Specialties. 100 per cent nroflt and cash prises. Sample free. Dr.BridKman Broadway ,M.Y, pfe FREE