The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1892, Image 3

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    " if
3(ood Iiver Slacier
HOOD RIVER, OR., APRIL 23, 1892.
Th mall arrives IWrai Mt. Hood at 11 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
part tame days at noon.
For Chtnoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. arrives at
F. M. Saturdays.
For Whit Salmon leaves daily at 8 A. M.
arrives at one o'clock 1 M.
From White Salmon leaves for Fulda. Gil
mer, Trout i.ake and Qlcnwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
U. B. church, Rev C.W.Wells, pastor. Ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school,
Rev O. W. Wells supt. at 10 a. in. Young folks
meeting at 6:30 p. m. Prayer and teacher's
meetings W ednesday evenings.
i 1 Riverside ConKreprational church, Rev. F.
s-M. Aunks, pastor. Services at 11:30 o'clock
every Sunday. Sunday school at 10:30 a. iu.
j Henry Batoliam, superintendent.
' Methodist church Rev. ,T. W. Rigby, pastor,
i Services 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month
I at 11 a: m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school every
Sunday, t . v. Hnerneo superintendent.
Preaching at Pine Grove school house, and
at Mosier, 2nd and Mi Sundays at 11 u. in. and
T p. m. , , .
First Congregational clmrch, Rev, F. M
Aunks, pastor. Services at 8 p. M. Sabbath
school at 2 p. m.
Waneoma Lodge No. 30 K. of P., hall every
Saturday evening at 7:30. J. H. Cradlebaugh,
O. C.; H. C. Coe, K. of R. and S.
Idlewilde Lodge No. 107 meets at Perry &
' Jones' hall every Thursday evenirg at 7:30.
M. P. Watson, N. G., J. W. Morton, Secretary.
The Hood River Horticultural Society
meets the first Saturday in each month. T.
K. Coon, president; N. C. Evans, secretary.
Riverside Lodge A. O. 1J. W., meets 1st and
Srd Tuesdays of each month. J. H. Ferguson,
M. W.; H. L. Howe, Recorder.
W. C. T. U. meets at the TT. B. chapel nt R
o'clock p. m. 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each
month. Mrs. Adelia Stranahan, Pres; Mrs.
Lou Bishop, Secretary.
Canby Post No. 16 G. A. R., meets the second
Saturday of each month. Commander, J. H.
Pukes; Adjutant, Geo. P. Crowell.
Canby, W. R, C, meets at K. of P, hall 2nd
and 4th Saturdays of each month at 2 o'clock
P. M. President; Mrs. J. H. Dukes, Secretary,
Mrs. E. L. Smith.
Grant Camp R. of V., meets 2nd and 4th
Thursdays of each month at 7:30 H. L. Howe,
Captain; C. L. Gilbert 1st Sergeant.
Seed com at Harrison's. ,
Matting 20 cents at Burtniess'.
2-bit cigars at the Drug Store.
A fine line of fresh cigars at the Drug
h I . Yon ran suit voiirsplf in n smoke, ac
cording to your pile, ut the Drug Store.
Grandma Clarke is said to be serious
ly ill.
A new stock of suits for the boys at
Uuii'!ii.'t?. . (- .,'.;.
TMcUlivs lY.tuh ;1. to. order at the fit r
iiilurc stor. . .
M. II. N ick'clscn is reported to he
-. innirnviinr s owlv.
Y f All kinds of country produce bought
V and sold at Harrison's. .
j nt jutf ii tut: r"i nig uuj hub
been received at The Dalles.
r.-'Mr. Andrews has bought George Ma-
- tnjas; place tiviow-tbe jwuner.i-
Get ft bottle of Kenna's"furniture
polish at the furniture store.
Good miniber 8 second band cook
stove for sale at Harrison's.
Calcimining in fresco colors any tint
$2 00 per room and upwards.
Mr. D. V. Hodge of Buffalo, N. Y.,
is visiting his sinter, Mrs. Barrett.
The busy candidates havie just six.
weeks to get their deadly work in.
School closes in district 2 next Wed
nesday, after a three-months' term.
Furniture and wood work made to
look like new. Kenna & Emmerson.
J. W. Wallace's barn of a few weeks
ago is now a neat and comfortable
house. ,
Have you seen the $lo.00 antique
maple bed room set at the furniture
store? ... ' i i,
Call early and see the latest styles in
spring millinery, just received at Mrs.
Hunt's. v V ' ' . :
School taxes are now due. County
and state taxes become delinquent next
Monday. ' , . y
Mrs. Howells has just received a
large supply of new goods. Call and
see them. , ...
A scarf pin, found by Captain Coe; is
at this office, where the owner can get
It by calling. ''
If present arrangements are carried
out, the big hotel in Idlewilde will be
built this summer.
The frost has killed lots of fruit, but
it is probable that there is still enough
left on most of the trees.
It would surprise you to see the new
lot of boys' suits at Hanna's, which he
is selling cheaper than ever. '
Get your front room frescoed with
gold border $3.00 to $5.00.
Kenna & Emmerson.
A small serapping match interfered
slightly with the base ball game Wed
nesday. No damage done. . """ ;
Say! let me tell you something. You
can get a pairof pants or a shirt cheaper
of llamia than any other man in town.
Do you want a good pair of pants for
$1.50? If so, look at Hanna's new
stock; they are the best in town for the
price. . ,
Six strips of ladies' cloth, block, found
by Mr. Disbrow and left, at this'ollice,
can be had by the owner calling at this
:f!k-e. .
Califoniii li:id' a full-grown carth-
' - ':' 'I -y ti'or'dnx. Many build- j
i. . s ui riMiK-i'tdl Mid scveiul pvrsons j
Killed.'. , y-
Tuesday and Wednesday were the i
warmest days we have had this sui'insr. I
being a un;ple of our regular summer
weather. '
We rise to remark that Lew Morse
was one of the hardest working dele
gates in the state convention, and to
further state that there are no flits on
him. . . . - r .
G. W. Rinehart is the democratic
nominee for joint senator for Gilliam,
Wasco and Sherman counties. He is
from Gilliam county.
Senator Mitchell says the Chinese
exclusion act&Lviil not'expire for two
years, and this opinion seems to be gen
erally indorsed.
It has been suggested that the Odd
Fellows change their programme on the
20th, and put all the candidates present
next to the band. , .
The theme at the TJ. B. church on
Sunday morning will be ''Somethings
about the U. B. church that some peo
ple ought to know." t
We are pleased to note that Mrs.
Aunks fvas able to take charge of her
school Monday morning and that she
suffered no serious injury.
Col. Frank Wheaton has been ap
pointed to the command of the depart
ment of the Columbia and will have
his headquarters at Vancouver.
Captain Blowers has sold his hand
some residence property to O. B. Hart
ley and Mr. Mercer, givinar possession.
Wednesday. Captain Blowers has
moved his family into the Baker house.
The class concert given by the num
bers of Mr. Aylsworth's singing class
was not very well attended. Those
present, of whom we were not one,
seem to have been pleased with the pro
gramme. The Third regiment holds an election
next Monday for colonel. The present
lieutenant colonel, George II. Thomp
son of The Dalles, will probably be the
next commanding officer of that gal
lant regiment.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell returned from
Honduras, arriving here Sunday. We
have not had an opportunity to inter
view Mr. Howell on Honduras, but we
are told that they have no intention of
returning to that place. -
The Hunt railroad system was sold
Tuesday, C. B. Wright being the pur
chaser. The people of Walla Walla are
highly pleased with the result of the
sale, as they had feared the roads would
be purchased by the Union Pacific.
The Easter services last Sunday even
ing in the U. -B - church 'were very
pleasing indeed.. The music was good
and the songs, recitations and class
readings by the Sunday school showed
careful training and an apt lot of pu
pils. Hanna has just received a new and
complete line of gents', furnishing
goods; you can buy a pair of pants
from $1 to $4.50, according to your
fancy. Come in and see them, whether
you want to buy or not. , No trouble to
show goods.
If the weather ever warms up in
Portland and the rain ceases falling,
Hood River will have a large number
of visitors from that point. ' It is only
a question of time, and a short time at
that, until this point is the greatest
summer resort of Oregon.
The salmon ran reached the locks
Sunday nisrht, so that it is probable the
wheels at The Dulles will commence to
ditch them to-morrow evening. . It
takes them generally about a week to
make the trip from i he Cascades to The
'Dalles. A big catch is expected this
The Odd Fellows' celebration on the
2(ith promises to be a grand affair. Ex
cursion rates will be given by the Union
Pacific and a large number of visitors
are expected frohv Portland and way
points. The Dalles will also furnish a
large contingent. All that is required
to make the day a perfect success is a
good-natured weather clerk; the rest is
A force of sixty men are engaged in
cutting stone at the Locks, and if an
other appropriation is made available
this simnnei, an immense amount of
work will be done. Mr. Wiley, the
superintendent, showed us a piece of
wall, made of cut stone and concrete,
over r.00 fi-pt long and 4(5 hisrh, that was
laid hist full in just thirty days. .
M. P. Isenberg and Mr. Nein were
at Wind river during the week and
were much pleased with that section.
They will go again shortly, taking Mr.
C. J. Hayes, our surveyor, with them
for the purpose of extending a section '
line and getting an idea of the location !
of the country. There are over a hun
dred settlers in Wind river, notwith
standing the fact that the country is
The celebration of the discovery of
the Columbia river will take place May
11th. Enterprising Astorians took ad
vantage of the programme to have a
real estate boom article printed on it,
but got left by some other fellow who
showed up on the map with a town
bigger than Astoria on the north bank
of the river. All parties connected,
with the celebration, boomers and all,
are mad at one another. j
It is now settled that the eastern
delegates to the general assembly of the
Presbyterian church of the United
States, to meet in Portland, May 19th, i
coming via the Union Pacific railway, j
will stop over Sunday in Salt Lake:
City. When they reach The Dalles,
the following Wednesday, they will j
taka the steamer for Portland. Those
coming over the Northern Pacific wHl
arrive on the evening of Wednesday,
May 18th.
Rev. F. M. Aunks preached the fu
neral sermon on the occasion of the
burial of the late Velorus Hodge, and
those who heard it pronounce it a mas
terly effort. As is usual in small com
munities, the people just begin to ap
preciate a man when they are about to
lose him, and Mr. Aunks is no excep
tion to the ruie. We are sorry he is to
leave us, but glad to know that his de
parture will, cause some one else r.e
grets. It is difficult, an impossible thing to
please everybody, and in this particular
locality to please anybody. We find
that any effort on our part to advertise
Hood liiver, to call attention to its pos
sibilities and its future, brinsrs censure
I. "i" -ui.ii ,tji- i.iiiiiiu.iu,, u(v..iun;
tiie.v are petty pe.iin;sis, and neglect
of I lie same subject, brings censure from
both halves. However, the average
country editor gets calloused in time,
and cares but little for what others
think, or rather for what they say
without thinking. If lie didn't.there
would not be a country newspaper in
the state of Oregon. It might be that
Oregon would be better off under such
circumstances, and it is certain that the
editors would be.
tiv.i,, i,.,ir iiu, I,,,...,,,.,,,
A fine lot of home-renderedlard and I
Oregon bams, shoulders ancybacon just I
receivea at tne mean marKji
There will be a Gospef Temperence
meeting tomorrow eveiiug iu the U,
B. church at half pastifeeven.
We have some fing tarm properties
for sale and those difeiring to purchase
in the neighborhood will do well to
give us a call
Dr. F. C. Broslus,' losing succeeded
to the medical practictJw Dr. E.
Thomas, can be foundt the
store dav or night.
. Hootl River Ore,, Dec 18, 1801
The Hood River base-ball cinb will
have their uniforms by the ami, at
url.inl, timn llin.r iim'11 nloi, 'I'l.o TV..llua
club here
It was Eastern Oregon's innings
with the democracy Tuesday, the two
principal offices, congressman and su
preme judge, being given her.
Mr. T. J. Watson came up from Port
land Thursday night and we under
stand will at once "have the property
purchased from Mr. Coe platted.
The Chinese Mode.
J. II. McDonough lias a couple of
photographs in his place in Portland
of the decapitation of 300 pirates in
China. It Is a realistic scene, where
the poor wretches are down on their
knees, in gangs of fifteen, each with
his hands tied and waiting the ap
proach of the bare-armed executioner
with his big-bladed sword, who com
mences at on end of the row and
chops the heads off twelve of the fifteen.
Each is given the hope that he is to es-
iunA. ntirl vpf. it in onlv n hripf rsnit.p.
I j j 1 ,
as they are put in with the next batch
of fifteen and the end is only put off a
few moments. The expression on the
faces of the wretches, when studied
with a magnifying glass, sends the
chills over one.
The other pictur"
shows the bodies and heads.
executions take place on the beach of
a bay and below high-water mark, so
that the tide carries the bodies into the
bay, where they are devoured by
sharks. It is said the sharks have been
fed iu this manner until the bay has
become filled with them, and on the
ocsasion of an execution they crowd up
with the tide, almost getting out of the
water for their prey. If you want to
have a case o shivers take a look at
them when next you are in Portland.
Public Stfliool Statistics.
Superintendent Shelley's anuual re
port places the number of persons in
this couuty, between the ages of four
and twenty, at 2,87(5. Of these the
males exceed the females by 128. The
number of pupils enrolled Iu the com
mon schools during the year is 1,347'.
Although seven school districts were
cutotl'iu the strip recently attached u '
Sherman county, there are only 3ti per- i
Hon less Mils vear than List who drw I
school money. There are 60 school
buildings in the-e.Hinty tl-i'i-amer3jWashingtoiTr"New "JeTseypTor cafk-
bnck and a log. TUe total value ol ,
school property, including buildings,
school furniture, apparatus, etc., is esti
mated at $53,9:45. 19. The average sal
ary paid Lb male teachers is $51.75 per
mouth, and that of female teachers
$42.60. - There are 55 school districts in
the county, whieh employed a staff' Of
02 teachers. The superintendent is
now busy making out the county ap
portionment, which he supposes will
be about the same as last year.
W. C. T. U. Exercises.
The following is the programme of the W.
C. T. U. exercises at the U. B. church tomor
row evening at 7:30.
Song. 1 '
Scripture, reading, ...President
Prayer.' . ' ,
Song. .
Essay, Subject, "A plea agatnsl selling
liquor at the Columbian expo-
. ; sition" ...Mrs. E. L. Smith
Recitation, .' Chester Shutes
Song, "Brave and True".......Earl, Meigs, Clair
Reading........ '. Mixs Rigby
Recitation,..... Aggie Dukes
Song, "Right is Might"....S. Edith Potter
Recitation, Tressa Morse
An original temperence story,..., Mrs Potter
Collection. '' - '
General Remarks,
W. C. T. U. Doxology.
New buggy and single harness,
quire at Crowell's store.
We are now prepared to do dress
making and plain sewing. Prices rea
sonable. Please call and see us at Mrs.
Mattie A. Oiler's residence one block
east of the post office.
Mrs. L. Arnold & Mrs. A.
Oak, fir and iiue cord wood. Seag
oned stove wood apply to H. C. Coe.
Will He Visited by the Queen.
Costebelle, the charming snburb of
Hyerea, at which it is announced that i
t he queen will spend the month of j
March, is delightfully situated on the !
f ontliern slopes of the lovely Costebelle I
1 lills. and is promptly ideutiiied1 by Amer-1
i ans as "the nearest thing in Gurope to i
t soutti Caiuornia ranch tliougli the
1 msy little neighboring town, with i:a
c hostru and casino, somewhat upsets
t Mclusion.-7-London Letter.
Exporting Livo Geese from Russia.
Live geese are exported from Russia
to Germany and Austria in very large
numbers. An export house of Warsaw
I intends building special cars for the
transportation of geese directly to their
places of destination, if tlie railroad
managers will gra:it them uurmiiusion to
run tlie cars. The ministry on roudu of
iiitercommunication was notiiiod of the
proposal of that firm, and its favorable
decision is expected. The cars are l be
constructed with appliances to change
from the broad gauge of the Unssiau
lines to the narrow gauge of the German
lines without loss of ii:ue. St. rctew
buiii Letter.
I i 1 S i wmmv V W I avvw 1 AlrTITTT T M U A V m I AtTT
? ! 1 t m MUM MAN UA T U N ' PANY
(Bfif oN sALE ':
, ' EJsvress leaves at : 11:20 A.M.
No2, MaiK . " 10:49 P.M.
No. 7, Ertpress leaves at 7:2") P. M
No, 1, Muil . Xe 6:31) A. M
Steamers from Portland to sau Francisco,
every 4 days.
Titt to aid From EaiosB.
For rates and general information call on
W. H. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen. pass. Agt.
61 Washidftton St., Portland Oregon,
A large supply of handsome wall pa
per just received by S. E. Bartmess.
Try the Cuban Bnd cigars at Han-
j na's: they are the best 10-cent cigar oa
i the market. '
Notice is hereby given to all wliotn
it may concern that my wife Maria J.
Johnson has left my lied and board
without iust cause, and that'I will not
j oe responsible for any debts of her eon-
; trading. All persons are warned not
ku 1.1 uou uci yfii in y auut'uiii.
' Van Johnson
Hood Kiver, Or., March 5, 189U.
. Why cough, when S. B. will stop it.
K-eaity's Pianos &
Daniel F.
Beatty, "Washington, New Jersey.
Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great Or
gan and Piano manufacturer, is build
ing and shinpinsr more OriraiiH and
i Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty
; left home a penniless plow boy, and by
j his indomitable will he has worked his
j way up so as to sell so far nearly 100,000
I of Beatty's Organs and Pianos since
1870. Nothing seems to dishearten
I him; obstacles laid in his way, that
I would have wrecked anr ordina'n man
; forever; he turns to an advertisement
I and comes out of it brighter than ever,
j His instruments, as is well known, are
j very popular anil are to be found In all
P'lrts of the world. We are informed
that during the next -ten vcars he in
tends to sell 00,000 more of his make:
that means a business of 820,000,000, if
aveiage Itiem at fclOO eacn. Jt is
at SI 00 eacn.
already the largest business of the kind
i in existence. Send to Daniel F Itenttv.
IIoiiety is the Best Policy.
This is a patent medicine advertise
ment, but your attention one moment
may save you much suffering as well as
We cure that coush.
We cure that tickling.
We cure that hacking.
We cure that throat clearing. , .
We cure croup.
We cure bronchitis. '
We cure that la grippe cough.
We help you to sing and speak.
We are not the S. 15.. lozenges.
We area pleasant cough syrup.
We are put up in 50 and 75 cent bottles.
We are the S. B. cough syrup.
Guaranteed by your druggists.; - -..
MA k
-.And artists in graining, , staining,
varnishing and polishing of all interior
woods where the development (pf the
grain of the natural wood is desired.
And Embalmer, has again started with a
new and complete stock of everyttiing needed
in the undertaking business. Particular at
tention paid to embalming and taking care
of tlie dead. Oruers promptly attenued to
day or night.
(Prices as low as the lowest.
ll'lace of business, diagonally across from
Gj;cra- Block, on ttie corner of Third and
V.iiishington Street The Hallos, Oregon, ,
En- ; r. . Y 1
. ; imgs,."' . ..
Br a ck e t s a n fl W ooi Tniins
Coffins Oa-s3rets-
We are prepared to furnish finished coffins
and caskets at reasonable prices, and on short
est notice A full stock will be kept constanty
on hand, '
President, ;
Plans a.n'6-
4 - '- -4 AND DEALE'R IX
material. : . .. " .
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A large supply otanrt Eialugive Might toNsell John W. Alasitry's celebratad
Mixed Paints, One gallonVill ' cover
warranted first class.
$500, 000 SilTOTr
c lars, catalogue, address Xlanilil F..Boutty,
Washington, New Jersey. . . , . .
Land Locator
Every body wants land in Hood
River Valley. I have some very de
sirable tracts of good, land on my list
for homesteads and timbered
claims, with ronnmg water on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advantageously. Do not fail to see
me at Hood River Falls or address me
at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon.
W. Rosa Win ans,
r Locatof.
Physician and Surgeon
' Chapman Block
;dr.,m. d. morgan
Offers his professional services to
citizens of Hood River and vicinity.
V Attorneys-at-.Law,
Vogt's new building, Second St.
""' W. H r WI LSON
We Manufacture,
Real Merit
Does trie Advertising.
, . Wf love our ptooMinclioot. s? alJ5 Vfi .
: XtHo otw gentle teoche kyiSSy 1 ' 1 -
At& obey Ijifc rata. iN-yiSp j
. AT 1. V. JlAlUUboNC. . . X
?mst m V :';y:
If you take ' 5'h it i because you liav(;
. ne er fned the , ... . -
S.BJIecid ache and Liver
. Curo." . '
It works': n'ei'y, e'eansing the
Liver and . Kidneys; acts us a mild
'iysc without causing rain or sick
ef.,, and does not stop' you froiu ea.
i g and working.
To try it is to become a friend to it.
For sale by M. V. Harrison, Hood
River Oregon.
Dufur, M. 'F' G. Civ.,: Dufur, Ore.
11. C. COE,
and Builders
35 stjuare yards (wo coats. Every m
I have appointed - J. T. lJk.. my.
Agent to sell my lel?fa1r-ffoi't-4ilvr
at wholesale. August Buchler.
The Dalles, March 16, 101,
A new stock of Ladies' and Gent'
SPECIAL 'attention given toj.elewi-'
ing and repairing watehes ,
Hood Rivor, - - - - Oregon,
S. L. YOUflG.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. . . .
Second St. The Dalle. Or,
i: ' es, etc;- -' " :': ' .
AddUkss p. o. Box 107, The DalIes, OfcBtfo
r ;. 7 h". An.,' In PtiHinf!
Line Of
t- t? n m
(an Be Found HT
- 1.