' tF"- 'tHjW The Hood mvtt Glacier. VOL. 3. HOOD RIVER; OREGON, SATURDAY.; APRIL 23; 1892. NO. 47. I u 2Kssd Iftver Slacier. rUUBID ITIBT SATURDAY MORIK T The Glacier Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK, On. ;ttr ft Six month. -.. 1 Sf ' Thrat months M IngU oopjr ICnti THE GLACIER Barber Shop 1 JL - Grant Evans, Propr. . ootid St., near Oak. Hood RiT.r, Or. Sharing and Hair-cutting aeatly dona. Satiifaction Guaranteed. OCCIDENTAL MELANGE landslides in Tehachapi Mount ains Delay Trains. DAYTON, NEV., WANTS FREE COINAGE. The Miners Charged With Assassinating Editor Penrose at Butte City . Are Discharged. "A new gold find near Yuma is re ported. , Mexican money is selling at 60 cents on the dollar in Nogales, A. T. On April 29 a monster cattlemen's convention will be held at Ogden. Nevada Democrats will hold the State r convention at Winnemucca on May 26. The Printers' District Convention will meet at Whatcom, Wash., on the 21st inst. v'l , Phoenix (A. T.) citizens will soon be 'vable to sit under the umbrella trees in Y ' the courthouse grounds. The Albatross and Corwin wilL make j ' ' a thorough and scientific investigation f of the seal and its habits. ' WEutoiiLjthe prisoners who made their r 'lU,M iftsswT.) prison have lm icoopvJred. -, . . t The Queen of the Hills mine near Bellevue, Idaho, has been sold to an English syndicate tor 2uu,uuu. In the Silver Belt mine in Maricopa county, A. T., a two-foot vein of $6,100 silver ore has just been struck. Judge Gooding has decided in a case at Phoenix that gambling debts cannot be collected by an action at law. The Douglass mill at Dayton, Nev., and the Ophir mill are to shut down, owing to the low price of silver. - The people of Dayton, Nev., are pledg ing themselves to vote for men only who favor free coinage and irrigation projects. The San Dimas Ciinyon silver mine " excitement near Lordsburg, Oal., has col i lapsed. The camp is now almost de serted. The total salmon pack this season will not be above 1,000,000 cases. This is owing to a combination of canners to cut down production. A decree of divorce in the case of Ewing vs. Ewing at Los Angeles has been annulled by Judge Shaw on the ground that the husband secured the decree through fraud. There is a struggle at Virginia City over the insurance on the life of Colonel John T. Brady, who recently died there. Miss Jennie Brophy and a brother of Brady are the claimants. ', Ten prisoners cut their way out through the wall of the prison at Tombstone, A. T., the other night. A common table spoon and a piece of wire were all the men had to do the work with. The mine owners in the Cceur d'Alene section threaten to bring in men who will work for smaller wages than de manded by the union, and tronble is looked for if an attempt to execute the threat is made. , The committee appointed by the Ore gon State Board of Commerce to secure contributions to a fund to be raised for the purpose of providing a creditable exhibit at the World's Fair have aban doned the work. Trains on the Los Angeles division are being delayed by landslides halfway through the Tehachapi Pass. A constant stream of mud and rocks is falling at tunnel 17, and at tunnel 4 a slide fifty feet wide covers the track six feet deep. The Ministers Association at Salt Lake In a resolution passed by that body strongly censures President Eliot for the language he used in his address at the Tabernacle on the 13th of last month, as giving a false impression of civil and re ligious liberty. The Attorney-General of Arizona has decided that mining claims like other property must be valued by the Assessor. County" Assessors have no alternative but to include mining claims in I heir as sessment returns to the Supervisors of their respective cuunties. The three miners in Butte, Mont., who were charged with assassinating Editor Penrose, who had waged a bitter personal war in his paper against the Miners' Union, were discharged from custody, the State's attorney declaring he could not secure testimony that would convict. CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS. Another Attempt Made to Settle the Vexed Puyallup Indian Res ervation Question. The House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds has acted favor ably on the following public building bills: Spokane, Wash., $150,000; Chey enne, Wyo., $100,000. Secretary Noble has rendered a dec sion in the case of Wentill Grant against the Northern Pacific, in which he holds in favor of Grant. The land involved is located near Spokane, Wash., and is said to be very valuable. The case has been before the department nine years. The Washington Senators expect to have a sub-port of entry established in the Puget Sound collection district at some point on the Columbia river with in a short time. The Treasury Depart ment is considering the matter. The Washington delegation has been asked by Henry Hewitt of Tacoma to se cure in the, present river and harbor bill a provision for a survey of the Snohom ish river, with a view to its improve ment. The Senate Committee on Com merce may put this in the river and harbor bill when it goes over from the House. The House Committee oa BailwavB and Canals has ordered a favorable re port on the bill authorizing the Secre tary of War to cause a survey to be made and an estimate furnished on the con struction of a ship canal from the great lakes to the navigable waters of the Hudson river, of sufficient capacitv to transport the tonnage of the lakes to the sea. The bill appropriates $10,000 to de fray the survey and estimates'. The President has directed the re moval of Charles M. Leavy, appraiser of merchandise in San Francisco, for com plicity in the recent frauds at that port in connection with the undervaluation of silk goods imported by Neuberger, Keis s Uo. xne action is the result of the investigation by Solicitor Hepburn and Special Agent Ingle. The case of Mr. Leavv is in the hands of the United States Attorney in San Francisco. The Port Townsend Chamber of Com merce still keeps up its record in the way of petitions and memorials. Tb,e latest was presented by Senator AuW the other day, asking that all matters arising in Alaska which come under the jurisdiction of the United States Court may be reterred hereafter to the Wash ington courts instead of Oregon, as at present. If there has been anything that the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce has not petitioned for, it iB something it has not heard of. The Superintendent of Census has is sued the following statistics of cereal production in Oregon and Washington for the census year ended May 31, 1890 : Oregon Wheat', 563,270 acres, 9,298,224 bushels; oats, 218,736 acres. 5,948,594 bushels; barley. 37,8)3 acres, 876,063 bushels. Washington Wheat 372,658 acres, 6,345,426 bushels; oats, 65,08 acres, 2 273,182 bushels! barley, 61,661 acres, 1,269,140 bushels. In addition to the foregoing were corn, rye and buck wheat, aggregating 19,196 acres in Ore gon and 11,373 acres in Washington. In Oregon the total area in' cereals has in creased since 1879 from 632,871 acres to 829,005 acres, not including at least 27, 000 acres, mainly In Wasco and Gilliam counties, oiuwhich the crops were either destroyed by drouth or cut for forage. In Washington the total area devoted to cereals aggregated 500,671 acres, as com pared with 136,937 acres at tenth census. The addition to the acreage in wheat represented 80.03 per cent, of the total increased acreage. Contrary to general expectation, the Geary Chinese bill went thiough the House under a suspension of the rules. Senator Dolph was asked if he would give any expression upon the subject, and declined to do so. He said the bill as amended would now come to the Sen ate, and would probably go to the Com mittee on Foreign Relations. Geary says that the bill must go through the Senate, or every man who lives in a State where labor is employed will lose the support of the laboring men. The bill is certainly severe in its methods, and is believed by some to be unconsti tutional and in viola' ion of all treaty rights. This matter will be taken into consideration by the Committee on For eign Affairs, and perhaps a compromise measure may be reached which will keep out the great bulk of Chinese and yet work no violation of international law. The Senate will no doubt be more con servative than the House in considera tion of this matter, for as a matter of fact the great body of the House never had an opportunity either to discuss or j understand this Chinese bill. Another attempt is being made to set tle the vexed Puyallup Indian reserva tion question. Senator Dawes has in troduced a bill providing an appropria tion of $25,000 to pay the expenses of a commission, which shall determine the rights of individual Indians who have taken allotments and also secure a list of unallotted lands within the reserva tion. This commission is to make a plat ef all lands, appraise the value of each tract and make a report to the Secretary of the Interior. If the report is ap proved, then the commission is to be authorized to sell the lands at auction owned by the Indians, and also the lands which have not been allotted adjacent to the city of Tacoma are to be laid out into lots and sold, the money to be de posited in the United States Treasury and draw interest for the Indians at the rate of 5 per annum. This would prob ably dispose of the Indians' allotted lands on the reservation, but there is yet a question to be considered. This is re garding the contract made by Indians who hold lands in severalty with other persons, and who claim that they have a distinct right on the lands, and that their contracts made with the Indians shall be first considered. It is evident that in anything done with the Puyallup lands considerable litigation will follow. BEYOND THE ROCKIES Western Union Will Appeal From Justice Brewer's Decision. THE SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOOL. LANDS. Senator Felton Introduces a Bill for Exper imenting With Fibrous Plants, Ramie, Flax, Etc. The cabinetmakers and varnishers at New York are on a strike. The crusade against cigarettes in the South is progressing actively. Gold has been discovered in Benton and Humphrey couties, Tenn. The Massachusetts Legislature has fixed the Governor's salary at $8,000. Taney county (Mo.) jail is without locks, and a bow and litter of pigs live there. Baltimore accuses Philadelphia of un derbidding to secure the flour and corn trade. The salary of Massachusetts' Supreme Judges has been inw eased from $5,000 to $7,500. It is estimated that the sugar trust will earn more than $20,000,000 the pres ent year. The Mutual Bank Surety, Trust and Safety Deposit at Philadelphia has closed its doors. - A receiver is to be asked for the Du- tmque (la.) Electric Railway, Light and Power Uompany. The Pennsylvania railroad will expend $7,000,000 this year and next on im provements west of Pittsburg. There has been a recent breaking out of subscriptions in New York for the hniBhing of Grant's monument. In the Texas House of Representatives a positive determination is shown to pass the railway bond limitation bill. Car drivers of New Orleans have un earthed an act of the Legislature of 1886 making twelve hours a day's work. At last Philadelphia is in a position to truthfully aver that she is in as good general health as she was a year ago. A preliminary step has been taken by the New York Legislature toward the establishment of a hospital lor epileptics. Secretary Noble has decided not to re voke his order for the abandonment of Fort Gaster, military post in California. " Governor Barber of Wyoming has re fused to modify his cattle-quarantine de cree bo as to admit Southern cattle to graze. A new pipe line to the Atlantic uoast from the Pennsylvania oil fields, in which the Prince of Wales owns stock, is to be built. Information has been lodged with the Governor of South Dakota that school lands in that State are being fraudulent ly disposed of. It is estimated that as much as 10,- 000,000 bushels of unthreshed wheat were destroyed in the Ked Kiver Valley by the recent storms. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has secured the William Penn colliery, which has formerly been operated in the interest of the Reading road. Suit was begun in the United States Court at Denver involving the title of ninety persons to 1,347 acres of land in Fremont county, valued at $300,000. Support for the measure providing for a return to the old method of execution in New Yoric does not develop. It looks as if electrocution had come to stay. The Governor of Georgia has pardoned a negro who was sentenced to hi teen years in the penitentiary for stealing 30 cents. When pardoned he had served ten years. The Western Union will appeal from the recent decision of Justice Brewer, which deprived the company of the lease of the Union Pacihc telegraph lines. The Chicago Tribuns declares that the English company that purchased the Black Hills tin mines is delaying the de velopment of their ores simply to benefit its mines in Wales. The State of Pennsvlvania has pro vided for the payment of the last dollar of its debt in 1912 through the operation of a sinking fund, for which provision was made before the war. Editor Pulitzer of the New York World secured the long-sought Park Row and Ann streets property, about 1,3U0 square feet, for $208,000 at public auction last week less than he had offered. Senator Felton has introduced a bill appropriating $500,000 for experiments in me ruiniug, ueuurucuuiug una lngum niing of fibrous plants, ramie, flax. hemp, jute, etc., and the manufacture of the same into fabrics. E. E. Samuels, who has been giving to the Pittsburg newspapers some marvel ous accounts of the Dakota tin mines, says their speedy development will save the United States from sending $30,000, 000 annually to Wales for tin. The colored military Tennessee rifles company of Memphis disbanded as a re sult 01 the action of Judge Dubose in ordering the arms of the company con- nscatea during the excitement following the lynching of the three negroes re cently. Mr. Caminetti has secured a favorable report from the Mining Committee on his bill to create a Department of Mines with a Cabinet officer at the head of it. He is so confident of its passage at the next session that he has risked a suit of clothes on the outcome. THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION. California Big Tree Selected in Tulare County to be Sent to the World's Fair. Denmark has made a World's Fair ap propriation of $67,000. A $6,000, monument of Barre granite will be one of the exhibits from Ver mont. :: , , . A continuous clame bake will be one of the attractions which epicurean vis itors will find at tho exposition. Saginaw, Mich., noted as a salt-producing city, is constructing in a minia ture a complete salt plant for exhibition at the World's Fair. The New York AssemblK has voted permission for the raising of otjc. or two old sunken vessels in Lake Gdorge for the purpose of sending them as relics to the fair. "v The cottage in which George Fox,he the founder of the Society of f riends or Quakers, was born in Leicestershire England, is being taken down to be re- erected in Chicago. Several of the States are having pre pared fine lithographs of the buildings which they will erect . at the World's Fair, and through the sale of them are augmenting their amounts available for building purposes. Pope Leo XIII. has written a letter strongly commending the exposition, which, it is believed, will have a most favorable effect in stimulating interest in the , fair on the part of all Catholic countries and communities. A California "big tree" has been se lected in Tulare county to be shown at the exposition. A committee of the Board of Trade after an extended tour of inspection picked out a tree measur ing 87 feet 9 inches in circumference at the base, 85 feet above the ground and 65 feet at a height of 16 feet. The "wooded island" in the exposition grounds is beginning to assume the char acter which in great part it will have during the fair that of a gigantic flower garden. Already the floricultural de partment has received 27,000 rosebushes and other plants, several thousand of which came from abroad. These are be ing transplanted on the island. Harpers Bros., Scribners & Sons and the Century Company have agreed to exhibit at the fair illustrations showing the history of transportation in all coun tries. Chief Smith expects to secure similar exhibits from foreign countries and from other publishers in this coun try. The exhibit will include reproduc tions of lithographs, original drawings and photographs. A feature of Idaho's exhibit at the fair will be a practical illustration of the system and benefits of irrigation. A large section of sagebrush soil will be transported to Chicago. Through this ditches will be run, and trees,, fruits and flowers will be grown in the soil by the irrigation system. ;Trospectivedahd0 settlers are ex iperacu w uo cspBumny air tracted by this exhibit. The World's Fair Committee of the North American Turner Bund has made a personal application to Director Gen eral Davis for space for a display of gym nastic apparatus, literature on the sub ject of physical exercise and develop ment and representations of gymnastic organizations, as well as for outdoor ex hibitions, which the Turners desire to give eight days in each month during the exposition. A very complete and doubtless an eye opening diamond exhibit will be made by Cape Colony, South Africa. The ex hibit will include 10,000 carets of uncut stoneB, a large quantity of very fine cut and polished' ones, together with all that is necessary to show the process of min ing and washing. For this it will be necessary to transport to Chicago 100 tons of pulverized blue earth, 60 tons of unpulverized earth and a complete wash ing machine, which will be operated by natives. The exhibit will also include a unique collection of crocidolites, special diamondiferous products, ostrich feath ers, fleeces, etc. it is reported that a bush man and a Hottentot in native dress will accompany the exhibit. A communication has been received from the British Commission asking for space to exhibit the rifle caliber guns manufactured by the Maxim-Norden-feldt Gun Company. The company wants to erect a building 30x15 feet to exhibit its guns in practice. One end of the building will be tilled with sandbags, into which the projectiles of the guns will be fired. It is claimed that the ar rangements are such as will insure per fect safety, and will be reproductions of a similar exhibit recently given at the Royal Naval Exposition in London. The request was referred to Chief Willard Smith of the transportation department, as the exhibit, if allowed, will come un der the head of naval and marine dis play- PURELY PERSONAL. Max 0'Rell Considers It a Compliment to Give His Ideas to a. Newspaper.. Carnegie is reported to have said that he thinks himself worth $30,000,000 to $35,000,000; that he will spend all before he dies, and that not a cent shall go to a church. Congressman Tom L. Johnson of Cleve land is a rare bird, indeed, among men of wealth in being an enthusiastic disci ple of Henry (ieorge while possessing a fortune of nearly a million. The Archbishop of Canterbury has not for thirty years allowed any mail, to be delivered at his country residence on Sunday, and he scrupulously avoids reading any letters on that day. Max O'Rell says that every one ex cept Kings and the Prime Minister of a few great powers like to be interviewed, and he considers it a compliment to be asked to give a newspaper hia ideas. FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS Deeming, the Australian Fiend Pleads Instinctive Insanity. LYONS TO HAVE AN EIFFEL TOWER. The Arab Land Owners of the Zanzibar Protectorate Pray for a Reduc . tion of the Clove Tax. Russia will use American sleeping cars. Germany will colonize Southwest Af- nca- " Y f Baby Alfonso is on the new Spanish pbtstage stamps, AiaarchiBts - expelled from Paria are flocking to England. Baron- Hirsch has sold his Hungarian property to Archduke Joseph, Foreign schools will not be further in terfered with" at Constantinople. ' . Great floods are reported alone the Lismore river inSydney, N. S. W, v Paris is beginning to suffer from" a ru inous exodus of visitOTS driven away by fears of dynamite. European cities are ghowing ' nervous at the prospects of an outbreak of An archism on May 1. ;. Paris families who employ tbale serv ants tremblingly watch their coffee for Anarchistic poison. The French Senate has voted to limit to eleven hours the daily time of factory women and children. Russia has sent 60.000 disused rifles to Turkestan and sold them to the Turco mans for a mere song. The annual fee for telephone service in Stockholm will in January, 1893, be reduced from $35 to about $6. Deeming, the Australian fiend, pleads instinctive insanity to the charge of murdering his wife and children. A notable decrease in the number of deaths from hydrophobia is observed by the Registrar-General of London. Large quantities of Persian onium am imported into Ber.in for smoking pur poses and also for use in cigarettes. The April coupons of government bonds will be paid in Portugal in Portu guese money subject to the 30 per cent. tax. , The German Colonial Society in Berlin has granted funds for the founding of a colonization company in German South west Ainca.-.- - . . , , Great Britain has taken possession of - 30J5fiuJKmare rnUesoLVenezuelan territory, and there pr promises to be bt large-sized row over it. ' Railway schools for children of rail way employes are maintained by the railway companies of India at a very small expense to the pupils. General William Booth, Commander-in-chief of the Salvation Army, is com ing to America next August for a four months' tour of the country. . Lady Randolph Churchill is the only American woman who has ever been honored by the Queen of England with the Order of the Crown of India. One of the Ameer's latest acts is to order that funeral expenses be cut down because of a verse in the Koran which condemns prodigals to the lower world. An Eiffel tower is to be constructed at Lyons by a company organized for the purpose. It is to serve the use of a pop ular observatory, the admission to it be ing 1 franc. The importation of cattle from Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Norway has been prohibited by the British government, owing to the prevalence of the foot and mouth disease. The Arab land owners of the Zanzibar protectorate are praying for the reduc tion of the clove tax, as they are, they say, being ruined by low prices and scarcity of labor. Beside the construction of the great Siberian railway the Russian govern ment has under consideration the build ing of a road to connect Persia with the Caucasian system. The Ferdinand bridge over the Dan ube canal at Vienna is to be replaced by a new one, which is to have "a row of shops on either side and the footways covered with arcades. Copenhagen has under consideration a plan for a circular street railway to gir dle the city and connect with all the other lines. The system will be double tracked the entire length. While Formosa is practically a new tea country, it appears to possess unlimited possibilities. Its crops increase in quan tity as well as quality, Formosa pro duces three crops of tea annually. Two men were arrested at Madrid hav ing bombs in their possession and evi dently intending with them to blow up the Chamber of Deputies. Both had placed themselves in a door leading to the chambers. It is reported they have confessed. The Chinese method of subduing a rebellion is quite as effective as it is bar baric. About 8,000 natives, who recent ly engaged in battle with the imperial troops, were either put to the sword or burned alive. Etelka Gerster has recently emerged from her retirement to give two concerts in Berlin, at which the magic of her name drew large audiences and elicited from them much applause. But the critics found, as they did in this country when she appeared a few years ago, that her wonderful voice had almost entirely disappeared. HE SEEMS TO MAKE IT PAY. The "Idealst". Is What a Pioneer in a "New Calling;" Style. Himself. ... The day of the eccentric man has been long delayed, but it seems to have overtaken us at last. If the signs of events count, the "crank," the man with ideas, the odd chap are to get a little nearer to life's figurative clover field hereafter than ' they are at pres ent ::. -.; ' ' .VV1 In a neatly furnished room on the first floor of a quiet hotel up town a nervous, diffident young man, half buried in papers and books, was found, who makes a very good salary by the rather odd occupation of originating ideas. He does nothing else, nor has he for more than a year, and lias been during that time rather well compen sated for the ideas he has sold in fact he has no notion of ever abandoning the work on account of its money side. , He is new to New York, having been a Chicagoan until quite recently. He is a German-Yankee, with a rery pro nounced nervous temperament and of queer history, habits and notions. He was, as an evidence of his originality, married at eighteen to a young lady who was almost an utter stranger, to him, under quite romantic circum stances. When seen, the "Ideast" was anticipating very eagerly the arrival in New York of his little family wife and three -year-old girl, of either of whom he said he would be glad to boast, were it not a commonplace thing to do. ' "I plan to remain in New York at least a year," he explained. "I have contracted to devote my whole time for that period to thinking for and making suggestions to one cf your greatest business houses. It is a mark of cour- acrn in a mnnntrar n rvnilu1a fVA 8rm can afford to pay $ 2,'600 a year for the privilege of having an odd -sort of felloW on the alert constantly to see uncommonplace phases of the busines- to scheme and plan new features of it, to look at Vfrorn odd standpoints and to think of a the attitude of an idea maker. ; Yet that is just what a shrewd business man faas concluded for his firm in my case, and it emphasizes the trend of all our civilization toward the 'this-one-thing-I-do' nien." "Is this calling of the 'Ideaist' very numerously represented as yet in New York?" "I think not indeed. thererre few who depend entirely upon theirv-idea;?- for a living. We have a number- bright men, artists, designers, advei ing solicitors, writers, etc., who make very good thing of selling their ideas, as la side issue, to whomsoeverJjgyA seem to nt." - .. "What pay, for example, can these people command for a good idea?" "If it is an idea for advertising some thing in an original way the pay will vary from one dollar to $100 for a single idea. A bright man may think of twenty excellent ideas in a day, and then fail to strike one good one in twenty days, it being largely a matter of mood. Some " call it inspiration, but it is hard to com mercialize 'inspiration,' or 'mood,' either, for that matter. . At times when I have particularly wished to catch a good idea at an opportune time, or when the pursestrings have begun to desuetudize, and need to again rehearse their parts in the social swish, the mood has utterly failed me, and all the fret ting and worrying I am so magnificent ly capable of have failed to have their effect upon this elusive mood quality." "What would you advise a man to' do with an idea if he gets one a man not versed in marketing such things to advantage?" "If a boy or girl or man or woman ever catches an idea that seems good for some special thing I would advise him or her to develop it think of a special fitness it may have to some business, and then briefly write of it to , such business house, usually leaving : the matter of compensation to the cus tomer. In this manner a sale will eventually be sure, if the idea is really novel and good, and instead of airing the scheme for guying friends and then forgetting all about it and earning the reputation of a dreamer or crank, the idea maker can earn a good purse of side money." New York World. How to Cm Assurance. ' There Is just one thing in the latter part of this Nineteenth century that never fails to bring success, and that is assurance. If you desire to make yourself known, don't go to the trouble of doing good work. Just buy a trumpet and blow a blast to shake the stars. The time has gone by for quiet, unpretentious adherence to duty to make any show. ' The louder you are, the more, blatant and vociferous, the sooner you attain the goal of achievement, if it is notoriety you are after. But if you still have a hunger in your soul for the approval of your own conscience and the com-. mendatien of that high and holy one who some future day shall bid you enter- into the reward laid by for the faithful, and the pure, and the tender hearted, just go on in the quiet way you have chosen and let your trumpet lie un heeded on the shelf. Chicago Herald. V (71 V f"