Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is . Superior to all others. No great efforts are made by other manufacturers to procure and use pure materials. It 'is true that one other company has the facilities, but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure baking powder. No other article of human food receives greater care in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr. Price's Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. Free from " every taint of impurity. No other article used in the kitchen has so many steadfast friends among the house wives of America. Actually Insulting. Conductor (hastily) How old is that child? Young Mother (Indig nantly) Do I look old enough to have a child old enough to pay fare? HOW'S THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any caise of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catari h Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the lasl fifteen years, and believe him per f otly honorable lu all business tranactions and financially aDle to carry out any obl1gn ton made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Dragsrl-is, To ertn, O. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholessl Druguists, Toledo, O. Ha'l'B Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. ; Price, 7 c per bottle. Sold , by all druggists. . - A pew book called "The Drinks of the World" costs 6. Most interested persons will prefer to invent ihetorica in 120 beeis. Throat diseases commence with a cotifl cola or sore tnroat. "jsroiims jsronauni. Trochet" give immediate reliet. tsoMonly xn oozes, irrice, zo cents. It U usually a man who has a he wno gets along pest in ine swim. ' House cleaning is neoesswy in spring; so is Oregon Blood Purifier for system denning. i r- ! HELPLESS.0! Chicago, 111. j WAS confined to bed ; could y'not ( walk " from lame- back; suffered 5 I J months; doctors did J not help ; 2 bottles of i ST JACOBS OIL; ! cjired me. No return j ; in 5 years. J j Francis Maurer. j l "ALL RIGHT! $T.JAC0BS0IL DID IT." o I INDIAN DEPREDATION I P ENSijON I PAT E NTS" LAND I HOMESTEAD I POSTAL CLAIMS The "BXAMINJCR" BUREAU of CLAIMS CNDKB TBI DIRECTION 0 San Francisco Examiner. If yea have a claim of any description whatsoever . against the United States Government and wish it speedily adjudicated, address JOHN WEDDKKBUKN Manager, 618 F street. N. W. Washington. Tt. O. Season for Trout Opens April 1st. If Ton Are In Need of TroutVlies, Get . the Best. Standard quality, 4 to 8 hooks, per doz fo.25 Oregon Trout Flies, 4 t" 8 hook, per doz 60 Fine Keversed WlnK Flies, 4 to 4 hooks, per doz. 1 00 Any of above qualities sent by mall on receipt ofv prioe. Also a tun line oi tou, KJijiijS, jlijm na, eic.at Hudson's Gun Store, . - , 93 first st.. Portland, or. fiir" Send for llluetra'eii catalogue. FOR HATCHING. Others may boast ' of the prizes they won whore I did i not exhibit ; not I une can show a ' record in any way approaching mine st the great Seuttle show and at Salem on Match 26. Send stamp for rat.alot?ue. CHRIS KOCHER, Aurora, Or. Mention tbiB paper. YOUNG MEN! : The Specific A No. I. Cares, without full, all cases of Doaorr liceu and Gleet, no matter of how long standing. Prevents stricture, It being an In ternal remedy. Cures when everything eljje has failed. Sold by all DruKirists. Manufacturers; The A. Schoen hett Medicine Prlee. M3.00. Co., Ban Jose. CaL I I?iff OInthftrknowldaro leudinffrempdy tor U Xhi unnatiTral dtochtxrges nc' private diseases of men. A certain cure for the debllt- ' tAttng weakness peculifti u wumro. T nraMnrthAtt nr1 ffwl Mt I TheEvansCheMIOAiP'.," in recomm coding IV U s A, tf. of untnf m u.,utujuuffiiu Old Gold and Silver Bought; Bend jour old Gold mud. Silver by mail to the old and reliable house of A Ooleman, 41 Third street, San Franoiseo; I will Bend bj re burn .mail the cash, aooording to aasay; if the auiouol U oot Batlfifaotory U1 return (told. S s like a cork Y t n "M- 1 mm II II H H u B e"2 Supply and Demand, Theatre Patron (to ticket speculator)- No tickets left Id the box office. Wha.4 your charge to-night? Speculator Three dollars. Patron I want two. Specu lator T wo f Got a lad Patron Yes. Speculator Wife or stsVerf Patron N-o, a younf-fady. Speculator Here'sthe tickets. dollars. New Yoryf Weekly. ' Eight Jitarn Storm Ins;. Manager Jerry, Where's the bills? Jerry Here they are. . Manager Now, where's the paste? Jerry 1 ate that. Once a Week. Forced by Desperation -v . He read from the paper: "One of the scions of European royalty lately ran up a bill of (186.000 in three months." The little gas meter hard at work below heard the words, and in utter despair at ever emulating such an achievement delib erately got in a coil of its own springs and choked to death. Philadelphia Times. : . Whore Ignoranoe Is Bliss. , Mr. Bingo (suspiciously) Tommy, who were those two boys I saw fighting in the next alley this morning? Tommy One of them was Willie Slim son. Mr. Bingo And who was the other? Tommy He' got licked. I guess you don't want to know his name. X.re.orli ' A Penalty of Deference. Teacher How yo' git sech a cole, iusf Jun- Pupil Yo' tole us larst Sunday t' alius lif our hat t' d aged. . Teacher Dat I did. Pupil Yaas; V I done met d' hull ole man's home out fer an airin' d' nex' day, 'n' wua 'xposed mo'n ten minnits. Judge. f A Sad Pate.. "1 hear you intend naming your new paper The Record, E aberP "I had thought of that name with favor, Pennibus.'' "Don't do it, I implore you." "Why?" "The record is so easily broken now." Munsey's Weekly. In a Loudon "Lift." Fair American (in England) I wonder why they call elevators lifts in this coun tryf Lift Boy Hi can tell you, marm. Hi can lift you hup and Hi can lift you down. Hi can helervate you hup, but Hi can't belervate you down. Illustrated Ameri can. ., Very Likely Relations. "Jennie, who is that policeman you were talking to at the gate r" "My brother, ma'am." "Why, our last cook told me he was her brother, too." "Then she must have been my sister." Philadelphia Times. '.pi&JPftincler'sT-- 'Jfifc HEALTH RESTORER.-&POiO&- USE IT! IT IS TTJ'B ID'S All MEDICINE. ' It rouses tho Liver and Kidneys and Stomach, Cures Headache, Dyspepsia, creates an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and, '. . Makes The "Weak Btrong. tfeed everywhere. $1 c bottle; six for $5. GorsuiFTEori - I have a positive remedy for the above disease ; by its use thousands of oases of the worst kind and of long tanking have been oared. Indeed so strong is my faith In its eiBo&cy, thAt I will send two bottijes fbek, with a VALUABLE TREATISE en this disease to any suf forer who will send me their Kxpreaa and P. O. address. T. A. SWom. M. 183 Pcnrl St.. N. . y with yef oooooooooo A torpid liver is the source of dyspep Oh! a, sick headache, constipation, piles. &k bilious fevr, ehiils and jaundice. w Tuit's Tiny Pills? 1 hare a specino effect on the liver re storing: it to healthy action. 2 Sets. OOOOOO OO O O SONG SOUL. 8tfll lovelier. t Stay with m Despair shall ( For thee all world. Life is but brief! ong soul, forsake me not; , if 1 have not thee. earea shall be forgot; Come, I will 1c ee where the crisping leaf Sings in the .d upon yon upland lea. Or if thy wish bo for the quiet vale. To thrid the weedy margins of the stream; To see the gold and purple stars that gleam In lonely loveliness, or watch the pale Waif s journeying from the changing bill which seem , Down dropping through the blue, so far they sail; As though the sun half claimed a shivered beam. Whose flakes whirled in the eddies of the gale Fell softly through the earth's haze clouded dream. ' Or if the wide fields please you best, where May 1 Still keeps her footprints green, albeit the And crimson dabbled wildernesses sway TV.nl.. . ..... .. mnnaa In ,ha AntiVu,. dun Where summer faded slopes, fire fringed ana gray, Are laced with scarlet flaming sines that ran Among the grasses sere or ifjthou'lt myi "Lead, where the tragic revelry's begurn;" Where tyrian tinted woodj&nds cast aay Their wine stained, cogyy glories, one by one; Where wild, fantasticrnadness and?decay Blend Into Strang gad silenceJike the play Of noiBeloss fountains in some world undone 6peak then t)5y wish. Shain not gladly shun Tnis rasniori'fiattered world, so thou may'st stay 1 o be m solace? wilt xhou say me nay ? 'Robert Burns Wilson in Kew Orleans Times- Dffhocrat. CASE OF SHIPWRECK. A General Idea of the Workings of the Life Saving Service A Caution. In a lew words Lieut. C. H. McLeilan, of the revenue marine, in his part of the report entitled "Instructions to Mariners In Case of Shipwreck," gives a good gen eral idea of tho workings of the service. I quote from him, leaving out such sen tences as would not interest the general public: "All stations on the Atlantic coast, from the eastern extremity of tb.3 state of Maine to Cape Fear, N C., are manned annually by crews of experienced surf men from Sept. 1 until May 1 following. Upon the lake coasts the stations are manned from the opening to the close of navigation, and upon the Pacific coast they are open and manned the year round, with the exception of the stations which are manned by volunteers. All life sav ing and lifeboat stations are fully sup plied with boats, wreck gun, beach appa ratus and restoratives. Houses of refuge are supplied with boats, provisions and restoratives, but not manned with crews; a keeper, however, , resides in each throughout the year, who, after every storm, is required to make extended ex cursions along the coast, with a view of ascertaining whether any shipwreck has occurred, and finding and succoring any persons who may have been cast ashore. Houses of refuge are situated exclusively upon the Florida coast, where the re quirements of relief are widely different from those of any other portion of the sea board. Most of the life saving and life boat stations are provided with the inter national code of signals; and vessels can, by communication, be reported or obtain the latitude or longitude of the station, Information as to the weather proba bilities; or, if crippled or disabled, a steam tug or revenue cutter will be tele graphed for, where facilities exist, if re quested. "All services are performed by the life saving crews without other compensation than their wages from the government, though, in view of the meagerness of their pay, they are not prohibited from receiving such rewards for labor per formed or risks incurred at wrecks as owners or masters of vessels or other per sons may see fit to voluntarily bestow upon them, but they are strictly forbidden to solicit such rewards. "Destitutj seafarers are provided with food and lodgings at the nearest station hvrhp ','vrnTnpTlt-"--, xratc-oS net oarny the circumstances of ship- wreck. ' "The station crews patrol the beach from two to four miles each side of their station? four times between sunset and sunrise, and if the weather Is foggy the patrol is continued througn the day. "Each patrolman carries Coston signals. Upon discovering a vessel standing into danger he Ignites one of them, which emits a brilliant red flame of about two minutes1 duration, to warn her off, or should the vessel be ashore, to let her crew know that tbey are discovered and assistance is at hand. "If the vessel is not discovered by the patrol immediately after striking, rockets or flare up lights should be burned, or if the weather be foggy, guns should be fired to attract attention, as the patrol man may be some distance away on the Otner end or his beat. "Masters are particularly cautioned, If they should be driven ashore anywhere In the neighborhood of the stations, especi ally on any of the sandy coasts where there Is not much danger of vessels break ing ap immediately, to remain onboard until assistance arrives, and under no cir cumstances should they attempt to land through the surf in their own boats until the last hope of assistance from the shore has vanished. Often when comparatively smooth at sea a dangerous surf is running which is not perceptible 400 yards off shore, and the surf, when viewed from a vessel, never appears as dangerous as it is. Many lives have been unnecessarily lost by the crews of stranded vessels being thus deceived and attempting to land in the ships' boats." New York Times. . Joaquin Miller's Funeral File. Joaquin Miller writes from his summit home lu California that the Golden Gate Is his doorway and that San Francisco is at his feet. This is, of course, no reflec tion on the size of Joaquin's feet. The good poet is speaking figuratively. Miller believes in cremation and has prepared his own funeral pile. It is on the top of a high hill. "When death comes," he says, "I shall be laid on that high heap of wood in the blankets in which I die. The men who lay me there will light their cigars with the same hand that lights the wood pile and go down to breakfast, while 1, phew! up to God in clouds of smoke." New York World. ' Back In the Market. - ' He (at a Chicago evening entertain- rhentt Tin von knnw t.Ymt. vtrv Vn.lllinTil'. looking woman at the piano, Miss Breezy? , jcu-iss ureezy jni yes, intimately, i Will be glad to present you, Mr. Waldo. He Thanks. Is she an unmarried ladyf Miss Breezy Yes; she has been un married twice. New York Sun. Arnold's Empty Niche. The bronze statue of Gen. Schuyler has been placed in its niche in the Schnyler vDJe monument. One niche, "which is always to remain vacant, is inscribed with the name of Benedict Arnold. New York Tribune. SATTT IN THE MIDST QgApAJSOKB. This Would seem a contradiction is to, in fact, to jhe eye. But experience has proved Its posBibiliry. Take the case of the Individual who dwells inT a malarious region. A robust consti tutlen 1b tl certain defense against the dreaded chills. Whuis? Recorded testimony, covering a period little short of half a century, proves that Hostetter stomach Bitters is precisely this. This continent oes not limit the field where the medicine has preyed its efficacy. In South Amer ica, the IsthmuB 0 Panama, Mexico, every where in fact where miasnia-born disease takes on its most obstinate and formidable types, the Bitters is a recognized specific in illimitable demand and prescribed by physicians of repute. Potent, too, is it in disorder i of the stomach, liver and bowels, and again, ithat destroyer, la grippe. It improves appetite and sleep, neutralises rheums tism and kidney complaints. Extremes meet in the two mottoes "One Dol lar";. And "in God We Trust" on 70 cents worth of. silverbullion. THK UPPER HAND OF DIS EASE. Changes of temperature are apt to cause dangerous sickness ; in the full-blooded ap oplexy is to be feared. When you. have a pain in the head, feel dizzy, feverish, rheu matic or sick at the stomach, take at once three to ten of Bbahdretb's Pills. . Such slight affections are only the harbingers of disease or sudden prostration, and the thing to do is to master the trouble at once. Never let a little sickness get the better of you. Drive it out of doors immediately. Let there be no compromise, always have with you a box of Bbandbkth's Pills, and you are prepared to fight the worst form of sickness in its incipiency. ' It Is only now and then that a man can grow much in grace while people are praising him. Formerly tobacco ohewers in Oregon pur chased their tobacco by the plug Without considering its weight, but emigrants from the Bast, where Star tobacco is universally used, refused to take these short-weight plugs and demanded Star Plug, which is not only the best tobacco, but each plug is a full sixteen-ounce pound, and now most chewers in Oregon use Star. The Qotmby House, Portland, Or., is the best $1 a day hotel on the Pacific Coast. Try it. Quint by & Edwards, proprietors. tree Enameline Stove Polish ; no dust, no smell. Tbv Gebmka for breakfast. You can't believa some dealers always. They want to sell the medicine that pays them the largest profit. What you want to buy is the one that does you the most good. Which one is it? r Sometimes, it may j be a matter of doubt. But, in the case of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, there's no room for doubt. It's a matter that can be proved. , With the facts before you, it's an insult to your intelligence to have something else offered as "just as good." ' ' ? And here's the proof: Among all the medicines that claim to cure woman's peculiar weaknesses, irreg ularities, and diseases, the "Favor ite Prescription " is the only one that's guaranteed. - -ifit doesn't do all that's claimed for it, if it- doesn't give satisfaction in every . case, you'll have your money back. There's strength and vigor for every , tired and feeble woman, health , and a new life for every delicate and ailing woman and if there's no help, there's no pay: : There is ease for those far gone in consumption- not recovery ease. There is cure for those not far gone. There is prevention bet ter than cure - for those who are threatened. Let us send you a book on careful living and Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, even if you are only a little thin. Free. Scott ft BowNK,Chemits, 131 South 5th Avenu, New York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. i. August 99 " I am ready to testify under oath that if it had not been for August Flower I should have died before this. Eight years ago I was taken sick, and suffered as no one but a dyspeptic, can. X employed three of our best doctors and received no benefit. They told me that I had heart, kidney, and liver trouble. Everything I ate distressed me so that I had to throw it up. August Flower cured me. There is no med icine equal to it." . Lorenzo F. Sleeper, Appleton, Maine. I CURE FITS! When I Bar cure I do not mean merelv toston them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPI LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst oaees. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a ore. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of iny infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. . Flower Both the method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and icte gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head lines and fevers and cures habitus! sonstipation permanently. For sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCI8C0. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. HEW YORK, H.Y. CHEAPER THAN BARB WIRE Humane, Strong, Visible, Ornamental. uinTMAyii ai ntn s ivi At niiiM - . Double the strength of auy other fence; will not stretch, sug or get out ot shape. Harmless to Stock ! a Perfect Farm Fence, yet Handsome enough to Ornament a Lawn. Write for prices, Descriptive Ciroular and Testimonials; o lso Catalogue of ' Hartman " 8teel Picket Lawn Fence, Tree and Flower Guards, Flexible Wire Mate, etc. (f Always mention this paper. Hartman Mfg. Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. T. D. Ganse, Gen. Western Sales Agt., 608 State St., Ch'caao. oavld M.Cl'kson. lr.. Portland Or. Hnnt& Mofiet. lacoma. Wa h. Ho'ly. M son. Marks & Co.. Sp-kare. UNLOAD Do you, feel Does your don't feel like work. The I O trouble is your liver is tor pid. You are full of bile. Y W W H Get rid of it without delay. Three doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it and make I llTb you feel like a new person. For sale by all-druggists. La I V Ebb Ift BUY Agricultural Implements, Wlach FROM AGENTS OR BRANCHES OF - . VI ITGH ELL-LEWI S & STAVER CO.,' PORTLAND, OREGON. It m any business not paying you drop It and buy an im proved Peialuma lucubator. MUHt MONEY can be made in rais ing Chickens tnan in any other business for the capital invest ed. A beautifully II li,tTtpd Ofttaloenifl of Incubators. Brood ers and all kinds of ChickenFixiDRs FREE 'Acents for Mann's Bone Cutter, Neces sity Clover Cutter, and everything re quired by poultry raisers. PET&LUM& INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma, Gal. We Want Name and Address of Even ASTHMATIO CURED TO STAY CURED. buffalo. N. v. Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! Supply your wants at 41 6-41 8 Front St., S. F. METALLIC SKYLIGHTS Iron Cornices, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. " J. C. BAYER, Portland, Or. ; PIANOS'N'ORGANS. WINTER S HARPER, 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. SURE. YJB J"ST. TRY TRADE tftr HARK, California Diamond CATARRH EE5. cL. No one o bad where life exists but may be helped by this great cure. Wets, by drus-istsor mall. 4. ?. I707 ft CO., Praps., 136 areonwieh Ct , H. ?. City. ' MORPHINE HABIT! Books frs FRAZE R AXLE GREASE SURE CURE rai MedMiM Os., S0 Olsy St. Ban Fmndsoo. ssassss Of all kinds and in any quantity whole sale slid retail at bed-rock prices. E. J. DOWEN, 65 Front Street, Portland, Or. Send for catalogue. WALL PAPER, 10 cents per double roll. 8end2-cent stamp tor samples. - SCHOFIELD & MORGAN, 192 Third street, Portland, Or. J. McCRAKEN & CO., DEALERS IN . Roche Harbor Lime, Portland Cement, Gol den Gate and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER. 60 North Front Street, Gor. S, PORTLAND, OB. Dynamite & POWDER CO., 18 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO. If you want POWDKR for Mining, Railroad Work, Stump Blasting or Tree Planting, send for Prjce List. o c DAMri rcajfP bad? Do you have a headache? back ache? You can't eat and YOUR WifKYovr Former Choice Lot's wife looked back, with a well known result , Bellamy looked back in his dream. The smoker who has hot tried "Seal" before can look back to wonder, how he could have escaped the true excellence of the Seal of North Carolina. Packed In Patent Cloth Pouches and In Foil. WALL PAPER PARQUET -FLOORING Tf ttaii Intnnri tn Tianfir. write fnr snmnlpN. Wft can supply you with all grades, from 6 cents per roll (8 yards) upwards. State for what rooms, colors, light or dark. COOKS BROS., 043 Market St., San Francisco. IE Vnil WANT T0 MAKE AN INVESTMENT lr IUU flAnl of a solid nature, which navs vou S per cent, guaranteed dividends for seven years and at the end of that time provides you with an Income-bearing fruit home in beautiful California, write for particulars to GEO W. MEADE fe Cu., idz mantel street, an u rancisco. ffrTl ErloS ll-l'l Vol -T v JsfilA. JMglJkJ IkHlJlS Jfc&u... 11 CURES WHtHE ALL ELSE FAILS tai Best Cough Syrup. Taetes Good. Use LjJ In time. Sold by druggists S lii S S W -Jb s f41 J( sr' fW6ooi i'!K '.U. Of Tl 1 J.I I, P, N. U. Jfo. 435r-8, F. N. U. No. 512 H. m. ROOT M. C, 1S3 Fwurl St.. N. T.