. 3ood Iftver lacier HOOD RIVER, OR., APRIL 16, 1892 THE MAILS. Th. mail arrive from Mt.Hood at 11 o' i clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays', de r. part same days a', noon, , V For Chsnoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. arrives at P. M. Saturdays. Tor WhlU Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M. arrives at on o'clock P. M. From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Seed corn at Harrison's. . ';.' Matting 20 cents at Bartrness'. Miss Kitty Coe is home for a visit. Read Miss Inez Stilson's ad in this . issue. ; - , 2-bit cigars at the Drug Store. A fine line of freBh cigars at the Drug Store. , You can suit yourself in a smoke, ac cording to your pile, at the Drug Store. A new stock of suits for the boys at Hanna's. Pictures framed to order at the fur uiture store. ' Dr. Brosius expects his wife from Nebraska to-day. - , ' Mrs." Todd and Mrs. Harrison are both on the sick list. , ' Rev. Eli D. Satcliffe was down from The Dalles Tuesday. , Thos. McKay was over from Port Townsend, Thursday. . M. H. Nickelsen is somewhat better but the baby is quite sick. Get a bottle of Kenna's furniture polish at the furniture store. Good number 8. second hand cook stove for sale at Harrison's. Calcimining in fresco colors any tint $2.00 per room and upwards. ' Furniture and wood , work made to look like new. Kenua & Enimerson. Have you seen the $15.00 anique maple bed room set at the furniture . store ? Mr. Mark Thompson of Arlington, visited Mr. and .Mrs. Bartmess last week. , Good pasturage for horses and cattle at $2 per month per head Call on E. V. Winans. ,' ' " , Mr. V. Hodge is very sick, and owing to 1) is advanced years it is feared he can not rally. . . C. P. Heald is in attendance upon the meeting of the State Horticultural Society at Grants Pass. It would surprise you to see the new lot of boys' suits at Haiina's, which he is selling cheaper than ever. Get. your front room frescoed, with gold border 3.00 to $5.00. Kenna & Emmerson. Call early and see the latest styles in spring millinery, just received at Mrs. Halt's. . ' V. E. "Neff has moved to Forest Orove, where Mr. Neff will open a photograph gallery. .. ' , Sav! let me tell you something. You TfnuVthaTT J do you want a gooa pair or panis tor $1.50? If so, look at Hanna's new stock; they are the best in town for the price. ' Jack Frost made us a call Wednes day morning and it is feared that lie stole considerable fruit and early gar- -3 It 41 ... ueii HHSSS. We have some fine farm properties for sale and those desiring to purchase in the neighborhood will do well to give iis a call. Dr. F. C. Brosius, having succeeded to the medical practice of Dr. E. J. , Thomas, can be found at the drug store day or night. Hood River Ore., Dec 18, 1891. ' A fine lot of home-rendered lard and OregoYi hams, shoulders and bacon just received at the meat market. ' Hon. J. Hunsaker, of White Salmon, is visiting Puget Sound, and will return home next week by the way of Spo . kane Falls. . V 1 Miss Alice Cleaver, who has been at Wasco, Sherman County, for several mouths, returned to Hood River Tues day eveuing, and is visiting Mrs. Bart ' mess. ' , . Jack Luckey has painted his barn a showy red, ana Olinger & Bone have given their big barn a coating of the same color. Both cases aae appreciable improvements. Rev. F. M.: Aunks will preach an Easter sermon in accord with the day to-morrow at 11:30 a.m. The follow ing Sabbath April, 24th will be his farewell sermon." . . , M. H. Nickelsen is reported as im proving slowly. We hope to hear soon of his entire recovery. Between pneu moria, la grippe and rheumatism, Mart has had a closs call. Commencing Thursday the . 14th weather bulletins will be received by the morning passenger, giving forecast of weather for 86 hours. These bulle tins will be posted at the depot. The delegates to the democratic county convention went up on the Regulator Wednesday afternoon. Sev eral other Hood Riverites were in The Dalles Thursday, drawn thither by cu riosity and democracy, A car load , of furniture and house hold goods arrived for Dr. Brosius from his old home Tuesday. , He has a house barn and yard full of it, and only a womans tact aud skill can ever get it into one house. , The armory has received its first coat of paint, and the second one is being applied Kenna & Emerson doing the work. The floor is not yet laid over ail the roombut the stage is in place. Our eyes may be super-critical but if that same stage is not a foot too high our vision deceives us. , It may look better when the floor is all laid, and the room filled, and it may be all right t now. We do not pretend to infalli . bility. ' Hanna has just received a new and complete line of gents' furnishing goods; you can buy a pair of pants from $1 to $4.50, according to your fancy. Come in and see them,whether you want to buy or not. No trouble to show goods. "How to raise, perfect apples, or syraying for the eodlin moth" is to be the subject for discussion at the next horticultural society meeting Saturday, May 2nd at armory hall. Edgar Locke will furnish the paper to open the dis cussion. ' . - ':. ' : Mr. L. D. Brown of Portland, is vis iting Hood River for his health, being a sufferer from asthma. He spent the winter in California, but failing to de-r rive any benefit is trying Hood Rivar climate and we are glad to state with beneficial results. We received last Saturday too late for publication a letter from Dr. O. D. Doaue of The Dalles, Secretary of the board of Examining Surgeons of the Pension Bureau, saying that hereafter the board would meet only on the sec ond and fourth "Wednesday's of each month, beginning April the 13th. The hour of meeting is 10 o'clock in the morning. :, Some of our subscribers in the far east, where the blizzards bloom and j the cvclones blow, are respectfully but firmlv informed that it is spring in I this neighborhood and subscriptions are now due at this knowledge factory. Our subscribers here generally pay up in May, and it is only fair to give our patrons in the east a chance to pungle at the same time. Captain Dukes and Lee Morse moved the building from the corner of Oak and Fourth srteets, to Waucoma during the week. We understand it will be fixed up for a dwelling house. In order to move it one of the oaks at the Middleton corner had to be cut down. There are quite a number of them, but yet it seems too bad that any of them should be destroyed. Mrs. Aunks sprained her ankle bad ly while coming down the grade near Aud Winans' place Faiday morning on the way to her . school. She was carried into Mr. Winans' house faint ing several times from the pain. We are sorry indeed the accident occurred and fear the good lady will besides suffering severely be unable to continue her school. ' The Congregational young people have changed t he time of holding their meeting, from Friday to Sunday even ing, and are thus in accord with all other young peoples societies. Their "cobweb social" was a rather gauzy affair, but with a Bateham on one side of the web and a Ketchum on the other, and two folks to show us Howe, the tiling "passed off" , or rather "wound up" very pleasantly, , , ; The factory is kept busy all the time, and this ee'k have been making win dow casings for John Parker, who is building a fine house on his place, and A. B. Jones, who is putting an addi tion to his house. A lot of fancy pick ets, and railing for porches were also made, and the sticker operated for the first time turning out a lot of excellent moulding. Langillemade and set the knives and they did not. require chang ing or moving, The factory is now ready to meet any demand made on it. The fishing season for salmon began Sunday evening at 6 o'clock, but the cold weather and low stage of water has made the run late and the royal chinook was not on hand to celebrate. A few days warm weather up towards the head of the Snake would set them in an appearance aWf-rtSfvwJU pe. a week after it does before tne ettect is visible here; consequently salmon, like votive candles in Mexico, are liable to be scarce and dear for a short time yet. It is a blessed thing that they come in plenty before the campaign waxes hot, and tariff aud anti-tariff editorials are in demand. Mrs. Howells has just opened her stock of spring millinery, ana we have just inspected it. . We do not know, of course what kind of bead gear pleuses the ladies; but Mrs. Howells has the hats and bonnets that the men admire, especially when the right woman is under them. We noticed some very dainty little things, as delicate as the ghost of a dandelion, aud pretty as the first flowers of an Oregon spring. There are hats and bonnefs of all shapes, shades and prices; and you will be certain to find something to suit your self, your coriiplexion, your hus band if you have one,, and your best fellow if you have not, and also your finances. Call and examine them. - Millinery. . The ladies of Hood River and country about are invited to call and see my stock. I am-determined to please you . . in quality . and prices. I am here to stay, and respect fully ask your patrouage if my goods and prices suit you. ; Mrs. It. S. HowelLs. We are now prepared to do dress making and plain sewing. Prices rea sonable. Please call and see us at Mrs. Mattie A. Oiler's residence one block east of the post office. . Mrs. L. Arnold & Mrs. A. Oiler. Oak, fir and nine cordwood. oned stove wood apply to H. C. . Seas Coe. Not for Joe. . . Miss May Howard gave an exhibi tion of her power in the matter of pro ducing spiritual manifestations, at Middleton's hall . Saturday evening last. She had quite a good and appre ciative audience and no doubt suc ceeded in mystifying it considerably. WTe didn't go. We were shut up in the canvas ghost factory along witli that same woman in The Dalles three or four years ago, while brother Michel of the I'imes-Mountaineer watched the door; and we have always imagined he held that up against U8,( ever since. We were securely blindfolded and the lady was tied to a post, and yet cither she or some materialized female from some other sphere,passed her hands over our face, tapped our manly shoulder and toyed with bur scant locks, ' No, sir ! we didn't go. We don't like to be fooled with that way Does S. B. get there ? smile. S, B. "Well I should Papering neatly done. 2octs per roll and upwards. Kenna & Emmerson. v' Arbor Day. .' Arbor day was celebrated bythepchool children of this district with appropri ate exercises. The class ref-tations were exceptionally good, and Kne select ions well made. Professor .Aylsworth favored the audience witha solo, "The Sword of Bunker Hill" and was in splendid voice. At theclose of the in door exercises, the p'upils filed out, formed in line and eaVuXed the the Director N. C. Evans nlact'd r&Jn v tion, and J. H. Cradlebaugh, Harte. There was nuite a larce vlium ber of Visitors, which was pleasing both teachers and pupils, and betokei.18 a proper interest in the school. Direct ors Henry and Evans each made a short and interesting address. Arbor day promises to be one of the most pleasant ef school holidays. Democratic Primaries. The democratic primaries were held at Middleton's hall Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by F. M. Jackson of the Cen tral committee, who stated the object of the meeting and that the election of a chairman was the first thing in order. Mr. Jackson was nominated but de clined', .and J. II.,- Cradlebaugb was elected. . C. Stanley Stowell, was el ected Secretary, and on motion the chair appointed ' George Herbert and M. V. Harrison tellers, A resolution was adopted that in electing delegates, two be elected from the east side, two f'om town and two from the west side; and that in electing, the delegates be chosen for the districts in the order named, the two having the largest number of votes to be elected. Nomi- nations from the east side being, in order, F. M. Jackson, J. B. Band, Wrh. Divers, John Kroeger and Hans Lage, were placed in nomination, and F. M. Jackson and J. B. Rand, receiving the greatest number of votes were declared elected. From the town Geo. T. Pra ther, Louis Morse, M. V. Hrrrison, Geo. Herbert and J. H. Cradlebaugb, were .nominated, and all declining but Harrison and Morse, on motion the rules were suspended and , they were elected by acclamation. 1 On the west side S. F. BIythe, H. F. Davidson, C. P. Saunders and Henry Prigge, were nominated, and ' BIythe and Prigge; elected. , L. Henry was nominated by acclamation for Justice of the Peace; F. Noble and Wm. Mercer, were nomi nated for Constable, and Mercer elected by a close vote. The delegates went to the convention uninstructed. ' Tr- 7T aallUOa Side. "White White Mn posi atthe re it. Thvt Salmon, April 12. TheVhat means a business of $20,000,000, if ground is soaking wet, and evervbodv f -..! r.a i.,,u ......o . """8" your correspondent was rcsponsibla for it. We wish to publically decline any responsibility for this excess of moist ure, Mr. Grumbler. Some folks would grumble if they were" going to be hung, or hanged as the court puts it, on a silver mounted scaffold. ' ' .C"; WMrj, Bates of Portland shipned up a wagon loaa or lurniture isaturaay ana the next day following took it out to Mr. B's place somewhere out in our new field. . 1 , ' Mr. C. C. Shaw second son of J. O. and L. T. Shaw,'of Glenwood, died at the Good Samaritan hospital last Wed nesday. His mother who went down during the fore part of the week arrived in time to see her son Oliver and con verse with him before his death. ' The deceased was taken to Goldendale Thursday for interment. Mr. J. C. Jacobsen, whom we men tioned last week on the sick list is still confined to his room. Mr. G. A. Palmer who was stricken rather suddenly a couple of weeks ago, is able to climb up and slide down our little hills again. He's a glacier for sliding down. . Mr. Henry Swanson is putting up a house on uis place this week. j about I'Oregon on Wheels." Well White Salmon not to be outdone start ed out on runners this morning. Mr. G. A. Thomas has his store on runners and is going coasting up hill, with a stump puller for his power. lie propo- sea iu lake uio uimumg .mm uuua-mo up the incline to a two-acre tract just: purchased by him from Mr. Jacobson.,- White Salmon is biessed (?) withi olMsnt. 'hwnlr nA hnfhelnra rrmat. f! whom are well to do, law aDidiug and i good looking. We do not know the cause of it all unless marriage in their minds is a failure. If some of them do not experience a change of heart n the course of auother decade we will pub lish their names on the black list. .Mrs. J. R. Warner has been in Port land the past week visiting her daugu ter Miss Anna Hendersou. Mr. Nealeigh . went out to Gilmer the first of last week to assume charge of the school there. - W. S. , : ... bo us. In Hood River valley Tuesday, April 12th to Mr. and Mrs. Jamoi Ingalis, a son. At the planer, Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, a son. - ' '-; lost! ' ' - 1 Last Wednesday night between the depot, and my residence a pair of nickel rimmed spectacles. Finder will please leave the same at tlie Glacikk oilice. H. C. Cok. Beatty's Organs h!19 Write for catalogue. Addles Daniel K. JUeatty, Washington, New Jersey ., , m ON SALE TO j&XSZj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, : tor.NOR.TH 3,ntl SOUTH EAST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVER Mo. t, Ex'.press leaves at 11:20 A. M. NO, 2, Maif WEST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVER. ' xnress leaves at 7:2.5 P. M. 5:39 A. M. Mail THROGH SLEEPERS RECLINING CHAIR OARS .AND DINffRS. Steamers from Portland every i days. to Sai Francisco, Nti " ' to Ml For rates and general infoi fortni ation call on DEPOT TICKET AGENT. , , ... - W.H.HURLBURT, Asst. Gen: Pass. Agt. ', i 61 WashidRton St., PortlandOregon. ' A large supply of handsome wall pa per just received by S. E. Bartmess, -Try the Cuban Bud ciirars at Han na's: they are the best 10-cent cigar on .. uie marsec . NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that my wife Maria J. . yjtjont just cause, and that I will not ! be resDonsible for an v debts of her con- T l 1 . .. 1 A J 1 -J trading. All persons are warned not to trust ner on my account. , Van Johnson . Hood River, Or., March 5, 1892. Why cough, when S. B. will stop it. Beatty's Pianos where. Forv catalogue address Daniel F. Heatty, Washington, New Jersey. BEATTY'S FIAJiOS AND OltGANS. Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great V)r gan and Piano manufacturer, is build- 1 ing and shipping more Organs and : Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty left home a penniless plow boy, and by , bis indomitable will he has worked his , way up so as to sell so far nearly 100,001) of Beatty's Organs aud Pianos since 1 1870. Nothing seems to dishearten jhim; obstacles laid in h:s way, that : would have wrecked any ordinary man , forever, he turns ,to an advertisement ; and comes out of it brighter than ever. : His instruments, as is well known, are I very popular and are to be found in all j parts of the world. We are informed tnat (luring thp next ten vears ho in- I temlH to m fmn mnm of hta tnofcA- I we average them at $100 t&c.h. It is ! already the largest business of the kind j in existence. Send to Daniel F.Beattv, Washington, New Jersey, : for cata- logue. Honcsty is the Best Policy. This is a patent medicine advertise ment, hut your attention one moment may save you much suffering as well as money. . We cure that cousrh. ' ' ; We-cijre tbatj..ickling wnnrothiitiH.u " c runs uiat luruut ciuiisi. trA , i ..i i we cure croup. t v c We cure bronchitis. ' , We cure that la grippe cough. . ; We help you to sing and speak. We are not the S. B. lozenges. We area pleasant cough syrup. We are put u p in 50 and 75 cen t bottles. Wo are the S. B. cough syrup. Guaranteed by your druggists., EIA . & E1PM : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS And artists in graining, staining, varnishing and polishing of all interior woods where the development of the grain of the natural wood Is desired. HOOD KIVER, - - . . . ... OKEOOX. n 77 yrrv - mm t-U STla JLsf.ZJs!Ajlsj : UNDERTAKERi ' . . ' - "v -" " ' And F.nibalmer, has airain started with a new nnd complete stoclc of everything needed in tho umiertakinK buslneKS. Particular at tention paid to embalming und taking ar of the dead. Orders promptly attended t day ornight. . , . l'rices us low as the lowest. ' Place of business, diagonally across from Opera Block, on the corner of Third aad Vaalilngton Street The Balles, Oregon, . B. R. Tl'CKHR, PPj irBIKTOB OF E in mi It LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. . WH No. -7. l No. 1 i BOD ILLS 1 MANUFACTURER OF . FRUIT BOXES. HOOD RlVJER,OR. DEALERS IN- .' HOUSE BUILDERS GOODS, .MOULD- ::-INGS, , . Brackets aifl Wood TnmiiES. We are prepared to furnish finished coffins and caskets at reasonable prices, and on short est notice. A full stock will he kept constanty on hand. . O. t. STRANAHAN, ' ' ; ' H. C. COS, ' , President. Contractors PMffM " - HOaJO RIVER - - -t- AND FURNITURE ANDNALL MATERIAL. I J Pa per, Pa tats, Oils etc. Wal A large supply of, and Exclusive Right to well John W. Masury's celebrtl Mixed Paints. One gallon will warranted first class., ', cover Pa, nuR hwif&tr- Ts- , FACTORY DIXON llffl ;f AT M. V. HAKKi SON'S. $500,000 S,tYnri$re,i! c lars, catalo(.rne, address Daniel V. Bcatly, Washington, New Jersey. , - Land Locator. Kve, body wants land in Hood River Valley. I have some very, de sirable tracts of good land on my list for homesteads and ' timbered claims, with running water on them. lean locate several stockmen advantageously. Do not fail to see me at Hood .River Falls or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. W. Ross Winans, -Locator. DR. G. C. FSHELMAN. HOMOEOPATHIC Physician and Surg e o n Chapman Block THE DALLES OREGON. DR. Mi" D. MORGAN'; OtTers his professional services to citizens of Hood River and vicinity. OFFICE IN MT. HOOD HOTEL. . DUKUR W.VTKINS & MENEFBE, Attorneys-at-Law, Vogt'3 new building, Second St, THE DALLES OREGON. W. ""H7 vvilson."- A TTORNEY-A T-LA W. ROOMS M, AND ,13, NEW.VOGT BLOCKt : ': THE DALLES, OREGON. , ' Wei Manufacture, . Real Merit - .. v.. Does tne Advertising, i . If you take pills it is because you never tried !be have s ,3.Kcad acne and Live: Curo. It works so n:c!y, c' causing the Liver aud Kidneys; acts as a mild physic without causing pain or sick' els, and does not stop you lrom eal ' ft and working. To try it is to become a friend to it. For sale by M. V. Harrison, Hood River Oregon. Lufur, M. 'F' G. ., Duftir, Ore. Pins' m i ' in HMinmnr Secretary. and Builders. FIMSID. ... - . - - - OREGON". DEALER IN KINDS OF BUILDING 35 square yaru two coats. Every cum Who's thcrJt toasting apples I have appointed J. T. Polk, njr : u i 1 : I : HI te-w - -1 - 50T1CE. X Agent to sell my beer at Hood River, . fc wholesale. August Buc'iiikb. JUST RECEIVED. A new stock of Ladies' and GtaW WATCHES. FILLED AND SILVER -; ; ' CASKS, CHAINS, ' ' CHARMS, ETC. SPECIAL attention given tocle ing and repairing watchee. X H. FERGUSON, Hood River, - - - - Oregon.. S. L. YOUNG. SUCCESSOR TO E. BECK. ; -DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ' AND SILVERWARE, ALSO Optical Goods. Fine Watch Repairing a Speci alty; Second St.' ' - The Dalle. Or. VIM. J: ROBERTS. , CIVIL ENGINEER. GENERAL ENGINEERING PRACTICR :v SURVEYING AND MAPPING. EHTI- . MATES AND PLANS FOR IRKI, GATION, SEWERAGE, WA TERWORKS, RAIL- . ROADS, BRIDG- . - ES, ETC. . Addkbss p. o. Box 107, Thk Dalles, Orjioox liiirre 1 out but Again In BuiIbm FUL Line I Bo5ToW, (an Be Found M- V. HARRJSON. mm