r t- ; ; - . . KeocTliver Slacier. HOOD RIVER, OR., APRIL, 16, 1892. MILLIONS IX If. It is a mora! certainty that soma one with a little money, patience und : judgment, is going to make a snu.j for tune out of Hood River hurls. Not alone some one, but hundred- will do so. We have here three townships of the finest orchard land hi the woild, any ten acres of which, when under cultivation will yield as much in value, as any halt section of grain land in Eastern Oregon or Washington. Ev ery section when once in orchard and . in full bearing will yield from $75,0(0 to $100,000 annually. Yet with all t;ur rich soil and unequalled climate, but little of our land Is productive. While this may seem strange to an outsider, the reason is plainly visible. Most of our people are land poor. The original settler took 160 acres and in many cases double that area. The original settler, who takes from Uncle Sam ' a farm is leuerally if not poor, of small means, and unable to clear or cultivate the farm when he gets it. , To plant trees oosts both time and money, and to care for them until they begin to bear le juires more money still, for no income is received for from four to six vears. The man . without means mmt leave liis orchards uncared for while he earns money elsewhere and so, but little can , be dune. The completion of the irriga ting ditches through the valley will change all this. Then the small lruits will supply the necessary support for tne farmer and his family, while his orchards grow, and his time can be de voted to them. Hood Rivef should be, und will be the section of small farms Ten acres will be the average fa'-m, aud twenty or forty acres the exception. This means a dense population engaged in the most attractive of pursuits, and one too which will allow time for in tellectual improvement. Thousands of ticres now lie uncultivated, uncleared ' aud in these lie untold wealth. The Hood River of to-day is beautiful in deed, for Nature was in kindly mood when she planned it. The cool oaks, the shady drives, the splendid roads, the grand gorge of the Columbia with , its majestic stream, "the snow capped mountain peaks, and crowning all-the finest climate in the world, these as- iii, tin hue fiiFm-a Tlwur IVIIluf. Ito BWI1 and felt, and realized for word;) are weak to express, them. The Hood lliver of twenty years from now will be cluster of orchards, a place of hand eome comfortable residence?, the homes of a prosperous and cotiteuted people, a summer idyl and the best known and best liked summer resort in Oregon. There is a wealth of money in Hood River lands, aud as we have said the men with a little capital patience aud judgment, are going to reap a harvest '''from them in the near future. Paste this in your scrap book, and see if we are not a true prophet. On Monday; April 4, Senator Mor--, gan, of Alabama, delivered in the sen ate a long speech in favor of five coin age of silver. At its clo.se Senator Sherman, or Ohio, spoke briefly aud a colloquy took place in which several participated. The continued decline of the market value of silver was spoken of, and fcherman said: ' , It has go-ie down and what can pre vent it going down? Nothing can pre vent it from goiiig down. It has been going down for four centuries. When America was discovered, eight ounces of silver were equal to- one of gold. Now it requires twenty-three to equal one of gold. Shall we take the cheaper metal, adopting the methods of the ancient nations, China and Japan, or shall we take the dearer metal, that which is the measure of value in all European countries now, and which is getting to be more and more the set- - tied standard of nil values, of all in eta Is , of all property, and of all productions? ""T hat is the question. . No one of the silver senators attempt ed to answer. ,The decline in the value of silver follows the universal law of values. Silver has become very abun dant, in comparison with gold. This disproportion has been growing during four centuries. It was arrested for a time by the enormous production of gold in California and Australia, but during the past twenty years has been growing again with increasing rapid ity. Here are averages of the world's production of gold aud silver from 1801 to 1800, viz: , . ' Gold 1801 to 1850, 50 years. 787, 838,oo0, yearly average. $15,758,771; 1851 to 1875, 25 yiars. $3,175,624,375- jeuriy average $127,0i'4,975; 1876 to 1800, 15 years. ijOaOjUOiijiKia, yearly average, if 108,731,273; 1801 to 1890, 90 years, i-5,-591,532,020,, yearly average, $02,101,407. Silver 181 1 to 1850, 50 years, $1,301, 295,500, yearly average, $27,225,010; 1851 to 1875, 25 years, $1,288,125,804, Yearly average, $51,52-5,035; 1870 to 189U, 15 years, $1,640,421,304, yearly average, 109,934,352; 1801 to 1800, 90 years, $4, 300,525,785, yearly average, $48,883,019. But in 1890 the world's products of silver had increased to $109,000,000, ugainst $85,000,000 in 1880, and the yearly output of 1891, showed an in crease over that of 1890, though it am ounted to $123,000,000, and was just about double the average for the past ninety years, bears no comparison with the increased product of silver, especi ally during twenty-live years past. This is sullicient explanation of the inquiry wliy silver goes down. Not withstanding the demonetization of silver in this country in lo73, and the noting of the German mints, as well jis those of the Latin union, the pro duction of silver throughout the world bus increiised in a vastly more rapid proportion than that ofgoldjand silver id no exception to the rule that the price of everything is determined chief ly by the supply. Senator Sherman tnerefore pertinently asks. "What can prevent silver from going down? Nothing. It is irrational to look for anything else. Onyoniam. The argument of the (tregonian U logical, clear and convincing that the editor for a moment forgot which side ot the case he was on. Let us take his own figures for a moment and see if "the production of gold bears no com parison with the increased product of silver." From 1801 to 1850, 50 years, the annual yield of gold was $15,758,774. During the same period the annual out put of silver was $27,525,910, or. almost double that of its yellow brother. For the next 25 years, the gold product with the enormous yields of California and Australia, averaged $127,024,075. During the same period silver averaged yearly $51,525'035. We have then for the first fifty years of the century an annual silver product of nearly double the value of the gold yield; and for the next twenty-five years, a gold yield two and one-fourth times larger than the silver yield, or a gain in the gold yield as compared to that of silver, of about 4tol; and yet our gold-busf conteru. porary says: "This disproportion has been growing during four centuries." For the past fifteen years the gold and silver products of the world have been practically equal, and the world's out put of gold to-day, as compared with that of the first fifty years of the cen tury, shows that its relative value to tlie silver output has doubled. Then 50 cents worth of gold was produced to 100 cents worth of silver, to-day the yield is equal, and yet the Oregonian insists that "the disproportion has been growing during four centuries." It makes its own figures, its own compar isons, and then, denies their palpable conclusions. That silver is depreciated in value to-day can not be denied, but the reason must be sought elsewhere, than in the false cry of over product Ion, and disproportion between the. two metals. The proportion of gold to sil ver is double to-day what It was a hdn dred years ago, and disproportion is not, can not be the cause. The true cause lies in the desire of the gold bugs for a speculative and fluctuating money; a money for the broker and speculator aud not for the people.' There is an other self evident truth, and that is that the natural increase of the world's population, allowing for the gold and silver used in the arts, will absorb all the money metals without increasing the present per capita circulation. The abandonmens of silver as a meney metal would reduce the circulating me dium more than one half, and its place must be filled with promises to pay, in the shape of bank bills or government notes. These in turn must (according to the present Ideas) be based on gold, and gold within the reach of the gov ernment.' This gold docs nat exist, and hence the abandoning of silver would place the owners of gold in a position to dilate its value, and place it above its actual value just as they are to day trying to place sliver below its actual value. Silver is the people's money, I m with it dIjH rn tli c-1 1 man has proved that gold is increasing much more rapidly than silver; whv then if the security of an article fixes its value, should not silver if not jug gled by money sharps enhance in value? ' ' - ... New Yoik City alone, last week re ceived from Europe over 16,000 immi grants. At that ra'e 800,000 foreigners would be landed in that city alone in 1802. The total immigration should be at this rate for the whole United States something over a million. At the proposition of one voter to each fi ve persons, we have the total of 200,000 persons arriving each year, or an addit ion of about 200,000 foreign votes annu ally. It is safe to say that the number added to our voting population, elimi nating those who do not take out their first papers is 150,000 annually, or more than the entire vote of Oregon aftd Washington combined. Judge Taylor, who sentenced a man to three years in the penitentiary for stealing a salmon, aud another to one year for murder, saw fit to sentence Oscar Dunbar to a year in jail for libel. There is no doubt but that - the-offense was committed but a fine would have been abundant punishment. Taylor was let out by , the convention last week and very properly so. He ought to get a copy of Swans' law for Justices of the peace and whet up his intellect The Murine Band. , The United States Marine 'Band will beat Portland, Monday and Tuesduy of next week, and will give Portland a sample of the music that has made this band world famous, i This is the sec ond leave of absence the band has ever had from Washington, and the first time it has visited this coast. It will cost one ddllar to listen to its music, but is worth ten times that. The con cert will be given iu the First regiment armory. . ' The Odd Fellows. , Idlevvilde Lode, No.. 107, will cele brate the 73rd auniversary of the order, in connection with Columbia lodge of The Dalles; Cascade, of the Locks; Falls, of Latourelle; Alimus, of Gold endale. Wash.; and Dufur, of Dufar; with appropriate ceremonies., There will be a basket picnic aud a grand ball at the new armory in the evening. n the groun.ds dence. Special by the Uulou jid way points, and also by the 'i, jlato"r Dalles. The DallisHirass from The band will furnish the music. Procession will form in front of Odd Fellows hall at 10 o'clock a. in. Hon John' Michell ; of The Dalles, will deliver the address of the day. After ike ceremonies of the occasion games will be. in order and prizes given therefor as follows: Foot ball, 3 best in 5, $2.00 Fat man'sjrace 50 yards, box of cigars; t Ladies' egg race, five-pound box o( candy; Sack race by the boys,- $1.00; Foot race 75 yards, box of cigars, to conclude with a game of base ball. Supper will be furnished by the Relief Corps at the armory, for those participating in the dance. . 1 Easter Service at the U. B. Church Sunday Evening at 7:30. ' Song, from Sunday school books. Doxology by standing congregation. Invocation Pastor Hymn or song, "Hark ten thousand voices" Prayer... Pastor Responsive Reading, "Man's last great ; enemy." , .....Mr. B's class 7 Anthem. . 8 Recitation, "Early graves."....... Ida Foss 0 Responsive reading, V Promise of Con- ' - quer" Mr. B's class 19 Song, -'Little Sleepers" Infant class 11 Recitation, "The Children at the Gold en Gates" Lelnh, Gladys, Blanch 12 Responsive reading, "Death onquer- ed" '....J.Mrs. W's class 13 Hymn, "Mary to the Savior's Tomb. 14 Recitation, "Myrrh Bearers". ..Bess Isenberg 15 Song, "Ring the Joy Bells" Mrs. W's class Id Recitation, "Man's Share in the Vic tory".... ........Mrs. W's class 17 Solo, "O Holy Father".:.........;. ..Eva Blowers 18 Responsive Reading Mr. B's class 19 Recitation, "The Death Angel" . Delia Watson, Hattle Oiler' 20 Song, "Praise Ye the Conqueror'Mr. B's class 21 Responsive Reading.. Mr. W's class 22 Song, "All Hail the Power of( Jesus Name" 2i Benediction. Class Concert. The following subject to change, is the pro gramme of the class concert, to be given at the U. B. church this Saturday evening. 1 Chorus, "A Home by the Sea. '.'-. 2 Male quartet, "Old Farmer John"............... Messrs, Aylsworth, BarUuess Brosius, Wells 8 Song, "My Little Sunday Beau" ; ......Delia Watson 4 Duet and Chorus, The Good Lord; ; Wants you Now. ' 6 Solo, Mr. Aylsworth, Selected U Duet, "Beautiful Moonlight . ..The Misses Blowers 7 Male quartet, "Softly the Night .. Breeze is Sighing." , 8 Comic Song, (by request) Mr. Aylsworth 9 Chorus, "Old Mother Hubbard." . 10 Chorus, "Meet You Bye and Bye." 11 Quartet. "Who Built the Ark?............ ' Messrs. Blowers, Rand and Haynes 12 Mal quartet, selected. Democratic Convention. We have not room for . the entire proceedings of the democratic conven tion this week, so give but the nomi nations, which are as follows: County Judge, S B . Adams, M V Harrison, George Blakelyi the first ballot giuing the candidates in the order named, 10 25 and 31 votes; the second 6 26 and 37 and Blakely was made the nominee. Clerk, J B Crossen, Keeley, the vote being 54 10. Sheriff, D L Cates, Tom Ward. 29 and 40 votes. Treasurer. J P Mclnernv. ' Wm..d The picnics near the Wiit rates have been "f Pacific from Portk i'nyjrTiau"'8 J 4. Assessor, ueo r jrra- ther, Henry Pitman, Prattler getting the handsome vote W41 to 29. Sur veyor, F 8 Goidan andPP Underwood got respectively 60 land 19 votes. School Superintendent, E P Fitzgerald. County Commissioner, James Dar- neille. A N Barrett, F M Jackson, and A J Swift, resulting in Darneille being elected getting 37, Jackson 20Barnett8, and swift 4. John W Moore was nom inated for coroner. The county was di vided into districts for the election of delegates to the state convention, and Lou Morse was elected to represent Hood River. , , The undersigned being located near Hood River, wishes to inform parties who may be desirous of "having sur veying done, that he is a. practical surveyor of many 'years experience, and that work entrusted to him will be performed with dispatch and correct ness. He takes pleasure in referring to Mr. A. S. Blowers, (who for years was county -commissioner in Minnesota,) and for whom he did county work as county surveyor, as to his ability. Parties writing me at Hood will re ceive prompt attention. .- :..-. C. J. Haves. Dated Hood River April 8th, 1891. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Hats Trimmed, ; Tips Re-curled, And prices reasonable. Call and ex amine goods at Harrison's store. - MISS INEZ STILSON 1AIEB & BENTON ; ' . Successors to A Bettingtn ' ' RETAILERS, AND JOBBERS IX , Hardware, Tinware, WooDinwiU, AND GRANITEWARE. A complete line of Heating and Cook BUtm, Tumps, Pipe Plumbersand Steam Fltttr"s . Bupplies;;also2a complete stock of ' Carpenter's, Blacksmiths' and Farmer' Tools. : AND SHELF HARDWARE. All tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will V done on short notice. SECOND ST., THE! PALLE8 OIL jo t pooa UO SU08BM paOJd 86M01 'OOSIONVaj NVS 00 'OiOI NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lan d, Act June 8, 1878. , " United States Land Office, The Dalles,;Oregon, February 15, 1892. Notice is hereby given that 1n compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneS, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Wash. Ter.," Robert Mc Lean, of Hood River, county of wasco, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement no. 108, for the purchase of the se ofs w of section no. 14, In township no. 2 north, range no. 9 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his 'claim to said land before the Register ai.d Receiver of this office at. The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur dav, the 80th day of April, 181)2. He names as witnesses: James Hankins, William'Eekels, Louis Morris, Earnest Tate, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested t file their claims in this office on or before said 30th day of April, 1892. ryaj-apizi JOHN" W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles Or. March 81 1R92. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of Ills intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. S. L. O. at The Dalles Or. on May 11, 1892, viz: : Fred Goodfellow. . , To commute H. D. 8895 for the s w sec. 29 Tp 1 n r 10 east w m. 1 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Albert McKamey, Hugh Ross, A. J. Graham, G. W. Graham, all of Mt. Hood Oregon. apl2-my7 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ijmd Office at The Dalles Or. March 81, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. S. L. O. at The Dalies Or, on May 11, 1892, viz: Hugh Ross. - To commute H. D. S094 for the lots 8 and 4 and s w n w and n w s w sec. 5 Tp 1 s r 10 east w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: George Perkins. Fred Good- fellow, Aioen RiCKamey, n ullum xvouen- heiser. all of Mt Hood Oregon. apl2-my7 John W. Lewis. Register. GAINES. Will make the spring seaaon of 1892 at F. H. Button H farm at Hood Rlv r, limited to ten mares. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. Gaines, bay colt, sired by Allie Gaines, (the sire of Jessie Gaines 2:15 J. B. 8. 2:20, Lallah Rook 2:2S and several other speedy ones.) A son of the Great Almont; also a full brother to Hamlins Almoot, theslreof Bell Hamlin un.l .Tust.lnn who hold lh world team record 2:18, and 40 others with records of 2:30 and bet tar. Dam. Kit Wheeler, (trial 2:28) by Thomas P. waiiaceajion or jonn i;. lirecKeni iura. a fee will DcL-arod due when mare is known to be in foal. F. H. Button, Hood River, Oregon. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. ' , - Vancouver Wash., March, 7 1892. , Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions' the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Edward G. Jones of White Salmon county of Klickitat state of Wash., has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement no. l;25, for the fiurehase of the e nw and e swj of sec.no.2 n township no. 5 north, range no. 10 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lt timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to saia lana uerore tno ncgister ana ite eciverofthis office at Vancouver Washington on Saturday, the 28th day of May, 1892. He names as witnesses: Ronald D. Cam eron, James Brown, Jacob Hunsaker, all of white Salmon, wasington, and A. B. Jones, of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to fl lo their claims in this office on or before said 2-ith day of May, 1892. mchl9-my21 John D. GKOQHF.OAn, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Vancouver wash.March 14, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notico of his in tention to make ilnal proof in support of his flaim and i lat said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court for District of Wasnington at fJoldondaie Washington, on May, 4th im, viz: . , f . Green McCafferty. : Pre. D. S. 2TC2 for the e a w i and wae'4 sec. 12Tp 5 n r 12 e w m. He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence ntxm and cultivation of said land viz: William Frozler, Herbert F.Hew- ett, Henry Reslorf)', Robert Barker, all of FuidaP. O. Washington. mchl-ap23 John D. GKOQHEOAn, Register J. I iHBSHN. s a. TITLE ABSTRACTS, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. Reliable information concerning land "' titles. . Choice city and country property for V . SALE . ' Conveyancing a Specialty. 139 Second Streei .... JTA Dalle Or. jed 3Aisniox9 sua peiioq 8uieq septseq pus 99iM am oiuo "IS TSi 19 Jro Aba am smoms ano smx 3uo SB eoiiu sl seiM ein ea,iviiM, iTVMjatnnXUt!U01nd AHHVd Having.purcbased the business of PERRY & JONES; I am- prepared tc furnish the very choicest quality, of . , BEEF, FORK AND .MUTTON At the Very Lowest Rates. , . I have constantly on hand a fine stock of Hams, Bacon and Hard., In fact, everything in my line. -.... O. B. HARTLEY, Corner Oak and Fourth Sts., RAWS0N - PROPRIETORS - Have on hand a full supply of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental tree; grap vines, small fruits, Roses and Shrubbery. . . Re sure to got our prices before purchasing elsewherw. Remember our trees are grown strictly without irrigation, THE DALLES. ------ OREGON V. A. Slingkrj.and, Local Agent. Hobd-ZKlTT-er Prescriptions and Private' Formula And a Complete Line of DRUGS, CHEMICALS We have the masury's Rail For all kinds of exterior and interior paintings. These are without doubt the maximum of perfection in quality, at the minimum cost to consumer. ; Stains and varnishes, colors dry and in oil, etc , at short notice. YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER, DRS. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. Grandall & Burnet, DEALERS IN ALSO CARRY Furnitaro, Carpets, : Window Shades Etc .A Full Line of Merlalmig Goofis. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to 1 66 Second St. The "Oalles. Or. Olinger Livery and Oak Street, near Pestoffiee, HOOD 1UVER; - - OREGON. Wo have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Haetu and Saddle Horses. A Fine Four-Horse Conch, suitable for fishing or excursion parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any accek ble point, lieliabh drivers. Our Dray delivers bagpage or freight anywhere i tin TSey Charges Reasonable. v umo M 'pduiJO nd si aau mm Hood River, Oregon & WEBER Pliarmacy's AND MEDICINES. excLusii - sa.u - -- Road Colors & Bone, Sim 66