The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 16, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 46.
VOL. 3.
2Koed Iftver (a lacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
On. year .', If OB
Stx month. 1 ex
Three month.. I
Snide oopy CanC
Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St. , near Oak. Hood Rirer, Or.
Sharing and Hair-cutting neatly don.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Portland Shipments
of Wheat.
A Disease Similar to the Grip Prevails
Among the Horses About
Boise City.
Astoria is to have a can factory.
The British Columbia canneries pro-
Eose to cut the salmon pack down one
alf. .
Millions of crickets have made their
appearance on the Warm Springs reser
vation in Oregon. ,
An English syndicate is trying to buy
the plant of the Electric Light Company
of Salt Lake for $500,000.
The horses about Boise City, Idaho,
have a disease similar to the grip, though
it is fatal in nearly every case. .
At the present term of the District
Court in Ada county, Idaho, some fifteen
divorce casee are to be tried.
The Santa Fe is preparing to compete
witirthe Southern f-KCrtft.4rh'fa-Jiaen.
ger business at Santa Monica.
Portland's shipments of wheat from
August 1 to February 29 to foreign ports
were 3,028,985 centals, valued at $4,892,
000 ; to domestic ports, 830,021 centals,
valued at $1,305,285. The exports of,
flour to foreign ports were 245,492 bar
rels, valued at $1,062,960; to domestic
ports, 81,036 barrels, valued at $396,760.
The receipts of wheat from the inland
empire aggregated 4,618,948 centals;
flour, 100,747 barrels; valley wheat,
705,491 centals ; flour, 227,053 barrels.
W. S. Mack, for the past year Warden
of the Idaho penitentiary, has been re
moved and Frank 8. Janne of Weiser,
Washington county, installed as his suc
cessor. The new Warden will assume
his duties at once. Mack's term of war
denship has been fraught with a thou
sand ecandala. Among other things the
practice of allowing glove contests in
the prison yard created a big rumpus
last fall. Mack was appointed from
Hailey, having for backers Senator Du
bois and other prominent persons. Soon
alter he became Warden it was alieged
by John Mitchell, who filed affidavits to
that effect, that he had swindled cred
itors in Spokane and Seattle. Other al
legations of crookedness were made.
ThoBe of the Prison Commission who
asked for his removal were Governor
Willey and Attorney-General Roberts.
The Columbia river centennial cele
. bration is to take place at Astoria May
10, 11 and. 12 next. The present plans
are to have the 10th occupied with an
address of welcome by the Mayor of the
city and responses by visitors, an excur
sion to Fort Stevens and the government
jetty, a parade of civic societies and an
exhibition drill by the Astoria fire de
partment and in the evening a musical
concert and literary exercises. The 11th
is to be centennial day. There will be a
national salute at sunrise ; an imitation
ship Columbia will proceed to the en
trance of the Columbia with specially
invited guests, while a convoy consisting
of steamers, Bailing vessels and other
water craft will leave in time to escort
the ship back again.- Captain Simpson
of San Francisco and Gray's Harbor has
promised to make all possible efforts to
provide a vessel which will be as nearly
as possible like the Columbia, which
discovered the river 100 years ago. At
noon there will be a grand salute, an
them by bands and chorus of cheers,
whistles and bells, to be answered by 100
guns from Forts Stevens and Canby. An
oration by Prof. John Fiske of Massa
chusetts and other literary exercises will
follow ; a national salute at sunset and
a marine torchlight procession of steam
ers, tugs and fishing boats in the even
ins. The 12th will be occupied with
excursions to different places, as visitors
may choose, and probably some addresses
by a representative speaker from each of
the States drained by the Columbia
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, . The
Secretary of War and the Secretary of
the Navy have promisea mat tneir ae
nnrt.ments will eo-onerate in the celebra
tion, and the Pioneer Ass aciations and
Indian War Veterans are invited to be
present in their respective bodies.
The Emperor Desires to Have a Fine
, Display of German Silks and
Velvets at Chicago.
Austria will make a fine exhibit of
glass, porcelain, bronze, leather, artistic
iron and cabinet work.
In the Illinois State building a room
32x64 feet has been assigned to a kinder
garten exhibit, which will be made
chiefly under the direction of the women.
A choral hall, 160x120 feet, will be
erected near the horticultural building.
There Prof. Tomlins with 2,000 trained
voices will furnish rare choral music
during the exposition. The Welsh In
ternational Eisteddfod will -occupy the
building for a week.
' Michigan's building will measure lOOx
140 feet and be three stories high. It
will be constructed of Michigan mate
rial, which with the furnishings will be
donated. Though but $20,000 of the ap
propriation will be devoted to its erec
tion, it will in reality be a $53,000 build
ing. The governments of Norway and Swe
den have respectively asked for World's
Fair appropriations of $61,283 and $53,
6)0. In Norway a number of private
citizens are laising a fund of $10,720,
with which to build and send to Chicago
a counterpart of the Viking ship, which
was exhumed hear Sandefiord a few
years ago.
The Independent New York Scheutzen,
considered the elite corps of German
American sharpshooters, have decided
to attend the exposition in a body. The
organization has in its membership
many prominent business men. It has
made two or more shooting tours of Eu
rope, on one of which it was entertained
by Prince Bismarck.
Through misinformation a " World's
Fair note" recently stated that the
Rhode Island building would combine
the architectural features of the present
capitol building and of the one formerly
used at Newport. Such is not the case.
The structure will combine the features
of the "old stone mill" at Newport,
which is of unknown origin, and which
is alluded to in Longfellow's "Skeleton
in Armor," and those of the "Arcade," a
business building in Providence erected
about sixty-five years ago.
Baron de Berlepsch, German Minister
of Commerce, has written to the Cham
ber of Commerce of Crefeld, the princi
pal place in Prussia for the manufacture
of silk goods, that the Emperor ardently
deairea that there should be as fine a dis
play as possible of German silks and vel
vets at the Chicago World's Fair. A
majority of the silk and velvet manu
facturing firms in the Rhenish prov
inces will comply with the wishes of the
Emperor, whose interest in Germany's
share of the exhibition is having a stim
ulating effect in all directions.
Mrs. Edison Prefers Candles to Elec
tricity English Baronets are
Said to be Long-Lived.
Tnrcrenieff's hrain is the larcrest one
ever weighed by scientists.
Carl Scburz is engaged in writing his
" Reminiscences of Public Men and
George Alfred Townsend has gone to
Spain to get material for a biography of
General Edward S. Bragg is small, vig
orous, alert, able and bitter. He has a
sharp tongue and an honest purpose.
T. Jefferson Coolidge, a wealthy mer
chant of Boston, is prominently men
tioned in connection with the mission to
General Bullock, a representative in
Congress from Florida, was a Captain of
volunteers in the Indian war of 1868-9
in Southern Florida. I
Mrs. Edison, the wife of the man who
has applied the electric light to domestic
purposes, prefers candles to any other
form of household illumination.
Lucy Hooper says that Americans who
go to Paris forget ail about the Salon and
the Institute and remember the Casino
de Paris and the Moulin Rouge.
Colonel Goodwin-Austen says , the
Chogo glacier in the Himalayas is one of
the most beautiful in the world. It is
an almost impassable sea of ice waves
on edge.
The HapBburgs are by far the richest
among the reigning families of Europe.
The private fortune of the Emperor of
Austria may be reckoned at about $10,
000,000. ' ,
The houses occupied by three Coh
nectfcut Governors, Richard D. Hubbard,
Phineas Lounsbury and Morgan G.
Bulkeley, stand in a row on one street
in Hartford. .
One of the largest salaries received by
any man in this country is drawn by C.
A. Griscom, the chief of the Interna
tional Navigation Company, who receives
$60,000 a year. '
Ex-Attorney-General Garland, who
has resided in Washington theBe three
years since he ceased to be a part of Mr.
Cleveland's administration, is going back
now to Little Rock, Ark., to live.
English Baronets are long-lived. Sir
.James Bacon is 94 ; Rev. John Warren
Hayes is 92, and at a like age Admiral
Sir Lewis Tobias Jones is the senior of
the navy list and the oldest Knight of
the Bath.
The most remarkable railway robber
of modern times, the gentleman bandit
of romance, Athanasius, the Greek, who
has been living and practicing his "pro
fession" for years in the cold glare of
the last decade of the nineteenth cen
tury, has reformed and become a gentle
man farmer in the famous Vale of Lar
issa. He raises orchids when he can,
and talks over his wine about the days
whan he raised purses.
Loss of Stock and Sheep
Arabs Arrive in New York With a Stud
of Thoroughbred Arabian
' V Horses Etc. . :? "
New York will repeal its prison-for-debt
The new city of Niagara Falls claims
a population of 10,000. .
The Pawnee Indians in Oklahoma
Territory threaten to give trouble.
Injunction suits were filed against all
the saloonkeepers at Muscatine, la.
Ohio is considering 'a lawmaking it
criminal to discharge employes for union
ism. .
The Pennsylvania road will test the
constitutionality of the Indiana tax
Members of the Board of Education at
Chicago are found to have been in the
scramble for boodle.
United States engineers are consider
ing a project for a new bridge at the en
trance of Duluth harbor. -
Kansas farmers are still paying off
their mortgages. The total decreased
$500,000 during Febrnary.
It is estimated that the losses to stock
and sheep men of Colorado by the recent
blizzard will reach $200,006. ,
Chicago is securing Nebraska grain by
rate manipulation, which shuts out St.
Louis and Kansas City buyers.
The latest fad among amateur singers
is to have part of the cartilage of the
nose removed to improve the voice.
Secretary Foster says that the govern
ment has as available assets $64,000,000,
exclusive of the $100,000,000 gold reserve.
An effort is to be made to have the le
gality of the Michigan gerrymander de
termined by the United States Supreme
The window-glass manufactory at
Spiceland, Ind., has shut down on ac
count of the failure of its natural-gas
supply. .......
Secretary Foster says emphatically
that the gold reserve of $100,000,000 will
be held , intact in the United States
Treasury. -
A company has just been formed in
Chicago to run 'buses on the boulevards
propelled by accumulators or other elec-
There is , -
against the employment of hod-hoisting
machines. The complaint is that the
machines can't vote.
It is said to have cost three corpora
tions a total of nearly $500,000 to get
three franchises through the Chicago
City Council recently.
Nearly forty committees have been ap
pointed to canvass among New York's
business men for funds sufficient to com
plete its Grant monument.
A great derrick picked 1,000,000 eggs
from the Hudson river, and never broke
one. : lhey were contained in eight
freight cars on a sunken float.
The President has signed the bill giv
ing certain land contiguous to the Lick
Observatory to the astronomical depart
ment of the University of California.
It is stated that General Miles expects
to have his staff at Chicago increased to
seventeen, making it the largest of any
department headquarters in the army.
The corner-stone of General Grant's
monument in New York will be laid by
President Harrison April 27 the seven
tieth anniversary of the dead hero's
Postmaster-General Wanamaker a few
days ago received a $60 Confederate note
from the Postmaster-General of Italy,
and was requested to cash it, but it was
Ferd Ward's term of ten years in Sing
Sing will expire April 30, and he will be
released. He was sentenced October 31,
1885. and about one-third of his time
has been commuted.
The Missouri river at Jefferson City is
moving a sand bar up stream so as to
cut off the ferry landing, and threatens
jured so terribly in the New York Cen
tral collision at Hastings on Christmas
eve, has sued the railroad company for
$250,000 damages. Her injuries are of a
fearful character.
Exports of breadstuff's continue enor
mous, and show wonderful increases in
value. For the eight months, July,
1891, to March 1, 1892, their value was
$210,000,000, against $73,000,000 for the
same pariod in 1890-1.
The Illinois State crop report places
the area of winter wheat at 1,895,000
acres, or 4 percent. larger than last year.
Condition of the plant is reported to be
fair except in the southern part of the
Stats, where it is poor.
The Supreme Court Hands Down
Opinion Construing the Timber
and Stone Act of 1878.
The House Committee on Agriculture
has agreed on a substitute for all the
an ti-option bills referred to it.' It is said
to be much milder than the Hatch bill.
The Home and Ways Committee has
decided to report favorably to the House
the Bunting bill reducing the duty on
tin plate from 2.2 cents to 1 cent a pound.
The House has passed a bill to protect
foreign exhibitors at the World's Fair
from prosecution for exhibiting wares
procured by American patents and trade
General Warner, Chairman of the Na
tional Silver Committee, is going to call
a national silver convention, to be held
probably at St. Louis or some other cen
tral point within the next two months.
His idea is to secure a vigorous expres
sion on the subject of silver, with the
hope that it will have some influence
upon the national conventions to be held
at Minneapolis and Chicago. He con
ferred with a number of leading silver
men in Washington, and they approve
of the silver convention plan.
The Committee on Rules has decided
to report favorably to the House a reso
lution to investigate the census bureau.
This action is based upon a resolution
introduced in the House some weeks ago
by Mr. Alderson of West Virginia. Mr.
Alderson, convinced that the census .of
fice had been conducted as a political
machine, and that the census returns
were altogether unreliable and untrust
worthy, began investigating on his own
account. . As a result there is no man in
the House better fitted to manage this
investigation than he( and his selection
by Speaker Crisp is generally com
mended. - . i
Senator Mitchell has been for some
time endeavoring to secure an order from
the department authorizing the United
States Indian agent at the Klamath res
ervation in Oregon to lease for grazing
purposes the surplus lands of the reser
vation. The Indian bureau at first hes
itated, but upon the matter being carried
to the Department of Justice the Attorney-General
gave his opinion that the
Klamath Indians have a right to lease
their surplus lands for grazing purposes,
and in 1 pursuance of this the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs has notified the
agent to take steps necessary for leasing
the surplus lands on said reservation for
the current year.
The Supreme Court has handed down
an opinion construing the timber and
stone act of 1878, which applied to Ore
gon, Washington, Nevada and California.
The courts in Oregon and Washington
have been deciding one way and the
Land Department another. In the case
of the United States vs. N. E. Budd and
James Montgomery Judge Allyn of the
Territorial Court decided in Montgom
ery's favor. This was subsequently af
firmed by District Judge Hanford and
now by the Supreme Court of the United
States. It was charged in the bill that
VrJthsind inifluestioj
in Cow-
litz (xZnfcy, Wash., wi .
under the timber act, and that there was
fraudulent conveyance of the land' by
Budd to Montgomery. The court held
that neither charge is sustained, but that
the timber act included the land and
authorized its sale.
In the pension bureau investigation
G. N. Lock wood, a pension attorney, for
merly chief clerk of the Interior Depart
ment, testified he borrowed money lrom
a bank to loan Raum, the banker refus
ing to make the loan direct, because
Raum refused to promote a certain wom
an in the pension office. W. H. Barker,
formerly chief record clerk of the pen
sion office, admitted borrowing money
from employes and not returning it. He
said he lost $120,000 in speculation on
pointers given him by W. W. Dudley.
He said Raum, Jr., got a part of the bor
rowed money. Thomas Farnsett, for
merly in the pension office, said that be
fore election o'f 1890 pension claims from
Indiana were advanced. These cases al
ways came up as completed, though
many of them had been in the office a
long time. A remark of witness about
the bad character of some women in the
pension office was stricken out.
Enloe has submitted to the House the
report of the Committee on the Mer
chant Marine, recommending the repeal
of the mail-subsidy act. It dissents
from the policy of subsidies on the
ground that it is a robbery, and says that
if the principle of subsidy is right it
should apply to all, and that the com
mon planter has as much right as the
ship owner. - The minority argues in
favor of the retention of the law, based
upon figures showing the impetus given
ship building under the new regime.
Comment is made upon the refusal of
the majority to hear testimony or inves
tigate the workings of the act. It is
maintained, had thegovernment pursued
in the past the subsidy policy, it would
now hold the supremacy of the high seas
in merchant marine instead of paying
(principally to England) during the last
thirty years the enormous tribute of over
$3,000,000,000 for transporting goods.
Secretary Noble has approved the in
structions of the Commissioner of the
general land office to the Registers and
Receivers of the land offices at Fargo, N.
D., and Watertown, S. D., in anticipa
tion of the President's proclamation
opening to settlement and entry the un
allotted lands in the limits of Sisseton
and Wahpeton Indian reservations. Spe
cial attention is given to sections 28 and
20 of the act of Congress approved March
3, 1891, in regard to religious societies
purchasing land now occupied by them.
These societies must make proof after
six weeks' advertisement of its proper
occupancy of such land on May 3, 1891,
and pay for them at the rate of $2.50 per
acre. No other applicant will be allowed
to make entry of these lands. In addi
tion to the usual affidavits required of
homestead applicants must be one stat
ing that the applicant did not enter upon
and occupy any portion of the lands de
scribed and declared open to entry by
the President's proclamation.
Argentine Republic Will
Not Reciprocate.
Jews Trying to Leave Russia Baron
Fava Will Probably Return
as Italian Minister.
It is said 400,000 Jews are trying to
leave Russia. '
Argentine declines Mr. Blaine's special
reciprocity proposal.
Russia is gratified at the steps taken
in Paris against the Anarchists.
Many African travelers have faith in
the commercial development of Africa.
Peru has offered inducements to Amer
icans wanting to settle in that country.
The first railway to Jerusalem will
probably be opened" in the spring of next
year. .
An increase of $500,000 is asked in the
House of Commons for the Irish educa
tion bill.
English capitalists are completing ar
rangements to explore the coast of Pat
agonia for minerals.
British naval expenditures for this
year were fixed at $75,000,000, an in
crease of $125,000 over last year.
It is proposed to form a new bank to
take over after liquidation the business
of the Mercantile Bank of Melbourne.
' The dispatch of soldiers to the Dur
ham (England) collieries has had the
effect of quieting the disturbances there.
A movement is on foot for the harmo
nizing of the laws of Bavaria and Prus
sia regulating the manufacture and Bale
of beer.
Dr. Peters, the African explorer, has
been recalled to Berlin, owing to his bar
barities and his wholesale slaughter of
the natives.
Makutumba, an African slave dealer,
was defeated by Portuguese, nearly all
his band of Arabs killed and his 500
slaves liberated.
The Bank of England reserves con
tinue to increase. Confidence that the
immediate future will bring a flow of
business is general. - -c
Emperor William requires whoever
goes to the German East African colony
to obligate himself not to write a line to
any European paper.
It is stated that the Pope has saved
5,000,000 lires through economy, which
will be deposited in a bank for "the use
of the Pope's successor.
Thn nnnlicMiqnof the electivejraitj
to be secured ty, a bill' just introduced
in the House of Commons. ,
The Minister of-"!nance at Lisbon
proposes to settle tl ortuguese debt by
raising a $20,000,00: an and reducing
the interest by 50 jjycent.
According to the new military laws of
the Turkish Empire the Turkish army
on a war footing will be increased short
ly from 700,000 to 1,000,000 men.
Several of the members of Balmace
da's Congress, admitted to bail, are in
such a wretched condition through prison
abuse that their lives are despaired of.
The center of the French ribbon trade,
St. Etienne, has been shaken with ex
citement on the rumor of the betrayal
of valuable trade secrets to foreign firms.
It is affirmed at Rome that Baron Fava
will resume his duties as Italian Minis
ter at Washington soon, if the question
of indemnity in the New Orleans affair
is arranged.
The Spanish government is said to be
trying to farm out the Cuban custom
houses for a period of ten years to a syn
dicate of London, Hamburg and Amster
dam capitalists.
Russian Jews are prohibited from
passing through Germany, and many in
stances have occurred where they have
been shot down by German soldiers for
persisting in crossing the line.
In the British House of Commons a
resolution favoring the payment of mem
bers of the Commons in order to enable
the representatives of the industrial
lasses to be elected was defeated. '
The German steamship Eider, which
was recently wrecked off Atberfield, Isle
of Wight, has been successfully floated
from the rocky bed, on which she has
rested since the night of January 31.
Deeming, the Australian murderer,
while being taken to Melbourne came
near being lynched. The windows of his
ear were broken, and rushes were made
to the train wherever it stopped. The
women were especially violent.
A mass meeting of workmen at Syd
ney, N. 8. W., protested against the in
troduction of colored labor into the col
ony while white men were without work.
The Legislature will be urged to prohibit
the importation of black laborers.
The depression from which the Hong
kong and Shanghai Bank shares have
suffered for a week past in London is
explained by a telegram from Hongkong
saying the comprador of the institution
embezzled $500,000 and decamped.
Du Maurierj who contributed so long
and so attractively to the pictorial feat
ures of Punch, was once asked how he
managed to keep up so well with the
changes in women's fashions. His an
swer was : " Young man, when you have
a wife and three daughters like those
girls of mine, you will know more about
fashion than you want to knew."
An Englishman Secured a Box tn the
Theater but Did Not See the Show.
Soon after the doors opened a good
looking young fellow in evening dress
came up to me as I was standing in the
lobby and asked me what box had been
reserved for him. 1 said 1 did not know
him who was he? He said he had met
the manager of the theater that after
noon, and he had been told to come to
the theater and his name would be left ,
for a box. . .
Unfortunately he entered too much
into details. He told me that his name
was Leslie, and he was a leader writer
and subeditor of The Morning Wire. As
I knew my manager was rather in the
habit of giving these somewhat vague
invitations to the theater, 1 thought it
better to err on the side of politeness, so
1 gave Mr. Leslie the ticket for the box,
and he thanked me and said he would
go to a neighboring restaurant where
his friends were dining and bring them
on to the theater.
As the principal piece was commenc
ing 1 saw Mr. Leslie enter the theater
and go to his box accompanied by a
well dressed party two ladies and a
gentleman. 1 thought nothing more of
this, but about 10 o'clock who should "
come into my room but the son of the
proprietor of The Morning Wire on his
way from the office. Of an evening he
sometimes used to drop into my room
and have a chat with me. While talk
ing with him 1 suddenly thought of Mr.
Leslie up in a box, so i asked my friend
if he knew the leader writer and subed-;
itor. 1 was rather astonished when 1
heard there was no such name on The
Morning Wire, but to make assurance
doubly sure 1 took my friend into the
theater and pointed Mr. Leslie out to
him. All knowledge of Mr. Leslie was
denied, and my friend wanted to give ,
the impostor in charge at once, but I
asked him to be quiet and sit still in my
room while 1 sent a note up to Mr. Les
lie, asking him to come and have a cig
arette. . ' '
After the curtain was down Mr. Leslie
walked in as bold as brass, lighted a
cigarette, and prepared for a chat; my.
friend 1 could see was being consumed
by inward temper, but luckily held his
tongue. After some general conversa
tion 1 asked him how the proprietor of
The Morning Wire was, and after other
questions 1 asked him if he knew his son
(my friend sitting fuming in an .arm
chair). "Oh, yes," said Mr. Leslie; "great pal
of mine; often dine with . him: only left
him about an hour ago." . ,
"You liar! you swindler!" shouted my
friend, unable to resist the ( temptation.
He could keep quiet no longer; he flew
into the most violent temper, calling Mr.
Leslie every name he could lay his
tongue to, and wanting to give him in
charge at once. To see Leslie cower
down, beg, pray, offer every apology,
. was indeed a sad sight. ".. , . ..
time 1 gave direouuiia iw. he should not
be allowed to return to his box, but po
litely and firmly shown out of the theater.
It seemed that he was the son of a doc
tor in very fair practice in the south of
London, and he confessed that he had
been successful at several theaters, but
after the shock we gave him 1 do not
think it at all likely he ever tried again to
get a box "on the cheap." Interview in
London Tit-Bits.
Japanese Doctors.
A Japanese doctor never dreams of
asking a poor patient for a fee. There
is a proverb among the medical frater
nity of Japan, "When the twin enemies,
poverty and disease, invade a home, then
he who takes aught from that home,
even though it be given him, is a rob
ber." '
"Often," said Dr. Matsumoto, "a doc
tor will not only give his time and his
medicines freely to the sufferer, but he
will also give him money to tide over his
dire necessities. ' Every physician has his
own dispensary, and there are very few
apothecary shops in the empire.
"When a rich man calls in a physi
cian he does not expect to be presented
with a bill for medical services. In
fact, no such thing as a doctor's bill is
known in Japan, although nearly all the
other modern practices are in vogue
there. The doctor never asks for his '
fee. '
"The strict honesty of the people
makes this unnecessary, When he is
through with a patient a present is
made to him of whatever sum the pa
tient or his friends may deem to be just
compensation. The doctor is supposed '
to smile, take the fee, bow and thank his
patron." San Francisco Chronicle.
Mistaken Identity.
A man who had evidently arrived by
the train walked into a boarding house
in a Texas town and asked:
"Is Mr. Day in?"
"What Day, sah?" asked the porter.
"What do 1 know about him? Do I
look like a detective? If Mr. Day isn't
in, tell Mr. Week to step out here."
"What week do you refer to, sah?"
"Oh, last week or week before Christ
mas! Do you take me for an almanac?
Who runs this shebang, anyhow?"
"De Widow Flapjack, sah."
"Well, then, you tell her to take down
her sign. ' 1 read on the sign out there,
'Boarding by Day or Week,' and now it
seems that both of 'em lit out. That
sign is put up there to deceive the trav
eling public. 1 don't believe there are
any such people living," and he picked
up his gripsack and swung himself on
board of a street car. Texas Sifting,