The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 06, 1892, Image 1

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3ie Hood,ffi
NO. 36.
2)food Iivcr (Slacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company,
On. jtmi , ........ft OC
(in mouths , or
Thn months, k
Simla com; ICtnt
Ul Chit I Cl.k II. Bi Un.l (m.
Land :: Iaxw :: Spfrialist
Kixuu ho. , Unil OHU- Ilullvliiif,
Real Estate Broker
Fire, Life and Accident Insurants.
Money Loaned on Real Esfale Security
Ottli-e, Trench & Co.'. Punk Building,
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
Second St., near Ouk. Hood River, Or.
81i4ving tiitl Hair cutting neatly dons,
Sutivfuction liiiaruuteed.
The Fresno Y. M. C. A.
in Trouble.
A Mare Island Foreman's Offense to be
Investigated An Indignant
Phoenix Doctor.
Ogden has the tug-of-war craze.
There will be no extra session of the
Idaho Legislature.
New Mexico will hold an irrigation
convention at Los Ant?eles March 10.
The Sunset Telegraph Company will
have two distinct lines from Stockton to
Kan Francisco. '
Candidates for municipal offices, to be
voted for this spring at Sacramento, are
There will be a much larger acreage
put in sugar beets at Chi no this season
than last year. ?
Phcenix, A. T., is hvinh disturbed over
the disappearance of Dr. E. E. i'owell, a
well-known druggist.
Joe Crocker and George Dawson have
been arrested at Los Angeles and
charged with forging checks.
Philip D. Yieser, a stenographer at
Phoenix, has been arrested on a charge
of forgery at San Bernardino.
Eastern expert safe-crackerB aredoing
work profitable to themselves at Los
Angeles and the neighborhood.
The forger and professed wool-shipper,
Robert Flake of Anthony, N. M., has
been captured in Juarez, Mexico.
The San Diego Union says: It has
been reported that the December frosts
killed the pineapple plants that have
been so successfully grown in this vicin
ity for the past two years. R. R. Mor
rison was seen, and he says he has fif
teen varieties growing both at South San
Diego and in this city, numbering 1,800
plants in all, and of that lot not one was
Pomona's new liquor ordinance has
gone into effect. Under it no man is al
lowed to step into a place where liquors
are sold upon any business whatever
under a fine of not more than $100 and
lodgment in jail of not more than fifty
days. The public is excited over the or
dinance, and there will probably be some
warm times in Pomona during the next
few days.
The recent ruling of the District Court
at Boise City to the effect that housees
of prostitution cannot be abated as nui
sances has created no small amount of
adverse criticism. The weight of author
ity seems to be that they can be so
abated, but Judge Nugent seized upon
an absolute ruling of some obscure New
York court as a pretense for deciding in
favor of the sporting fraternity as aguinst
the decent classes in Boise City. The
case will be appealed. There is much
indignation over his decision.
Another attempt will be made to raise
a fund for the Oregon exhibit at the
World's Fair. A corporation represent
ing a capital of $100,000 will be organ
ized in a few days. The plan is to have
twenty-five members, ten from Portland
of the richest and most influential men
and fifteen from the remainder of the
State, thus giving outlying districts a
majority. Circulars to the number of
150 have been sent out to the Mayor of
every city and to influential men. They
develop the plan and aek for the support
of each place. The replies are coming
in fast, all of which are favorable to the
project. ;
Tho Life of the Queen of Roumanla
Despaired of Ibsan Lionized
In Christiana.
London Is to have a now woman's
club, presided over by the Duchess of
It is reported that the doctors who are
In attendance on the (jueenof Koumaula
despair of saving her life.
Kit-Minister to Great Britain Vans of
Philadelphia, who has not leen ill for
forty years, has succumbed to la grippe,
Henry Clews, the New York Iwnker,
is in favor ot making Saturdays In sum
mer time whole instead of half holidays.
Mrs. Springer, the wife of the Con
gressiuau, Is said to 1m his " best aehlve-
mcnt, brightest accomplishment and
ino-t admirable ttialityt"
Ibsen la lionised In Christiana, but
they won't permit his plays on the
(wards up there. The " pillars of soci
ety " must be reasonably tirin in Sound l
Mrs. Augusta Evans WilHon Is living
quietly at spring 11 1 II, a suburb of Mo
bile. The author of "Rottlah" is said
to be loath to welcome Amelio Hives
a rival In Southern literature.
(irnellns Vanderhilt Is to lie asked to
take the Presidency of the New York
Grunt Monument Fund Association, and
is considering the question whether or
not lie w ill accept the position.
The author of "The Light of Asia"
inscribes his name on the hotel reveler
as "hir win Arnold." fastidious
people may object to this, but It is cer
tainly better than writing one's self
down an ass, as some distinguished tour
ists liave done.
Thompson was first moved to write
verses, according to some special Infor
mation which the Boston (ifolxi has re
cently obtained, when 1(1 years of age
and upon a Sunday while staying home
from church, the attempt was suggested
by some one else as a means of occupy
ing his snare time. The task was under
taken, so this story goes, and with such
success that the youth was encouraged
to try further.
Walter Crane, the English artist.
openly announced sympathy with the
tHN-taiists while he was in isoston, hut
after he reached Chicago he did not find
it convenient to alliliate with them. Per
haps the withdrawn! of invitations to a
dinner in his honor in the n odcrn Ath
ens taught him something.
The families of the Queen of England,
the King of Greece and the Czar of Rus
sia have made arrangements to erect a
handsome monument in Coenhagen in
honor of the golden wedding of the King
and Queen of IVnnmrk. The model of
the monument will bo presented to the
royal pair next May on the anniversary
of the wedding.
Congressman Hatch is said to have
cured himself of a strong taste for liquor
ten years ago by adopting Miimnd
Burke's cure-sill of hot water. He drank
quantities of it, and thinks he derived
great benefit from it. It stimulated him
without any of the reactionary etteeta
that follow stimulation from drinking
alcoholic drinks.
Kyrle Bellow is greatly changed, says
Labbuchere in London 'lrulh. He is no
longer the. dapper, well-groomed Bellew
who was known by the matinee girls as
Kyrlie." There is now a touch of the
shabby genteel about the once-debonair
beau, and be has aged greatly, the hair
which used to tie only streaked with sil
ver lieing now almost entirely gray.
The statement that Mrs. Marshall O.
Roberts some time previous to her re
cent marriage to Colonel Vivian dropped
the "O." from her name, because cer
tain English people erroneously con
strued it as an indication that her hus
band was an Irishman, leads tho
Boston Herald to revive the story
told of Frederick O. Prince, when he
was r, candidate for Mayor of Boston.
ihat gentleman declared that he es
teemed himself fortunate in the posses
sion of this initial. Mr. Prince claimed
that a good deal of the strength he had
n the Irish wards was due to this cause.
B. Andrew Franklin Is the First Negro
Student to Attend the University
of Heidelberg.
President Low of Columbia College
has put his foot down on hazing.
Mrs. Robert L. Stewart has bequeathed
$.100,000 to Princeton Theological Semi
nary, The schools of New York will cost this
year $4,oUtyiou, ot wmcii $3,iz,uuu is
lor teachers' salaries.
B. Andrew Franklin Is said by the
Rochefort (Mo.) Commercial to be the
first negro student in the University of
Heidelberg, where he is now taxing a
course. -
A parental school is to be established
in Boston to supply a family life and an
nd'mnal education to boys who are
without homes or opportunities for per
sonal training.
At the new Chicago University there
will be four quarters, each consisting of
two terms, six weeks in each term. A
student will be allowed to choose any
two terms in the year for his vacation.
In the scholastic year 1890-1 St. Pe
tersburg had 250 primary schools, with
12,760 pupils. This year the number of
schools is 207 and the number of attend
ing pupils 13,042. This includes 120 fe
male schools, with an attendance oi
university .extension nas auracieu
much attention in France. The Ministry
of Education has appointed a committee
to investigate the workings of this move
ment in England, and delegates of the
French government were present at the
Oxford summer meeting.
Jack-tho SlasHor Capt
ured in Now York.
Missouri State University Building
Destroyed Disoovery of a
Wonderful Cave.
St. Joseph, Mo., has a large hotel far
colored people only,
Pontoon bridges across the Missouri
river are said to he failures.
The Whisky Trust Is not seared by a
inreat at prosecution in Uhtcago.
The estate of the late Senator Plumb
of Kansas is valued at $5,000,000.
The buildings of the World's Fair w
contain twenty-nine acres of glass.
Jut2H.ltt:i alien Immigrants arrived
at tho port of Philadelphia during lH'.U
At the annual meeting ot the Sugar
Trust the capital stock was increased by
Maine rivers are still open, and the
'cemen are afraid they will have no har
vest this season.
A compilation of the funds In eight
savings hanks of Baltimore gives a total
of $3H,8tl,5 17.13.
Congressman Broslus promises to tele
graph $100,000 to St. Petersburg for
Russian sufferers.
An Vm.llali n.1l..iila u'.tl. 1 1U1 OOO
has purchased twenty-three of the twenty-nine
Hour mills of Utah Territory.
Baltimore is to have a new athletic
association called the Maryland, Incor
porated with a capital stock of $''H),ouo.
The popular vote was about 10.000.000
in 1(484, about 11,4' 0,000 In 1KM7, and it
will probably reach 13.000.000 votes In
Dr. Keeley asks the parties who wInIi
to start an "Institute" at KxceNlor
Springs $3i)0,000 for tho State of Mis
souri. Thieves recently hold up a small fu
neral procession in Hillsdale county,
Mich., and robbed the minister and un
Over 817 bills for the payment of
Southern war claims have been intro
duced in the present House of Repre
sentatives. Leavenworth is to lie the western do-
pot for the Keeley bichloride remedy.
and it is not Improbable that Dr. Keeley
win go mere to nve.
One planter In Louisana will this year
draw from the United States treasury a
bounty of ihd.uou upon a BUgar product
of 4,2IV),000 pounds.
Another outbreak of looting and blood
shed among the miners of Tennessee Is
almost hourly expected, and the State
troops are preparing for it.
A poor man in St, Louis who some
years airo In-friended a beggar in distress
has just received a $50,000 remembrance
from that individual's estate.
A $0,000 monument Is to be erected at
Waldheim cemetery, Chicago, to mark
the resting place of Anarchists Parsons,
Spies, Lingg, Engol and Fischer,
The Kansas Board of Railroad Com
missioners has ordered the railroads of
that State to put into effect by February
I a new and reduced schedule of rates.
The collateral inheritance tax on the
estate of the late Governor Tilden will
exceed $9Q0,000. Westchester county
will be enriched by this amount, and the
County Treasurer's fees will be $7,000.
The Mayor and Council of Philadel
phia are at odds on appropriations for
pavements of $300,000. The Mayor
wants all the money used to improve
Broad street. The Councilmen want
each ward to have its share.
A' wonderful cave is said to have been
found near Peterborough, Ont. The
floor is rich in silver ore, twelve pounds
of the rock containing $11 worth of sil
ver. 1 The sides of the cave are marble,
and the ceilings are covered with huge
An experimental sidewalk is now in
operation in Chicago. It consists of two
movable platforms 300 feet long, moving
side by side in the same direction, one
at the speed of three, the other at six
miles per hour. It has carried 1 10 per
sons at one time, and seems to be a suc
cess. It will be used at tho World's
The Bub-treasury in New York did
more than a billion-dollar business hist
year, the receipts aggregating $1,227,
384,624.81. Among the largest transac
tions were $lt7,401,003.83 received from
customs duties and $52,515,412.00 ex
pended in the purchase of silver bullion.
Under the influence of religious ex
citement at Bault Ste. Marie, Mich.,
William Coulton confessed to the mur
der of his father, and gave the particu
lars of the crime. He had been tried by
a jury and acquitted J therefore his con
viction on the charge of murder is im
possible, j
"Jack the Slasher," who, suddenly
walking up behind a partially intoxi
cated pedestrian, would cut his throat
with a razor and then disappear, has
been captured in New York. He has
confessed some of the crimes, saying the
impulse to kill under certain circum
stances is uncontrollable. He wanted
to kill all Germans. A German had once
assaulted his mother, and whenever he
saw a man who looked like his mother's
assailant he tried to kill him. He had
been incarcerated in an asylum for the
insane some time ago, but escaped.
Supreme Ciurt Renders an Important
Opinion In Its Construction of
the Immigration Laws.
There are to ho an additional nurilier
of beacons and buoys placed in Alaskan
waters next spring.
Mr. Bowers has introduced his bill
appropriating $2:10,000 for the purchase
of a silo for a mllitiiry reservation near
San Diego In accordance with the rec
oiiitiieiidation of the United States Army
The select Committee of the Senate on
Woman Suffrage has d .elded by a vote
of 3 to to report with favorable recom
mend tllon the' lolnt resolution for con
siitutional amendment allowing women
to vote.
Senator Squire has received a telegram
from a man in Tacnma asking whether
the government would arm and equip a
regiment in caHu of war for active serv
ice. He went to the Secretary of War,
who Haiti ho con Id not speak aiithorlta
lively on the matter, but presumed that
in the event of war several regiments
would be armed and equipped.
In tho case of A.C. Petre et al , plaint
iff in error, vs. the Commercial National
Bank if Chicago the Supreme Court of
the United Stales has alllrmed the judg
ment of the United States Circuit Court
for the Northern District of Texas in fa
vor of the bank, thus establishing the
riuht of a national bunk of one State to
bring suit against the citizens of another
State in the district in which such citi
zens live,
Secretary Noble has received adisnatch
from Cherokee Commission, representing
the United States, announcing that an
agreement for the sale of the Cherokee
Strip between the Cherokee Indians and
the United States has lieen ratified by
the Clierok"e Council. Tho Strip con
tains U,0o0,iXK) acres of land. All that
remains to be done is for Congress to
ratily tho agreement and pass a hill
opening it for settlement, which will be
probably announced by proclamation.
Mr. Mitchell's hill pensioning soldiers
who served in the Indian wars reads as
ful lows: "That the same pensions and
lieiicllts granted to the Mexican veterans
by virtue of the provisions of the act of
Congress entitled 'An act granting pen
sions to tho soldiers and sailors of the
Mexican war and for other purposes'
ami approved January 20, 1887. be and
the same are hereby extended to the
survivors of all Indian wars who served
thirty days or more in any Indian war
since the year 1815."
An opinion of importance in '.n con
struction of the immigration laws has
lieen rendered in the United Stales Su
preme Court in the case of Fishimura
Kkin, a Japanese woman, to whom entry
into the United States was refused by
the immigration officers and Collectors
at Sun Francisco on the ground that she
was likely to become a public charge.
This ruling the immigration olllcers con
tested, and it was sought to have the
Federal Courts on application for a writ
of halicas corpus review tli facts in the
case. The government contended the
ruling of the Treasury Department with
reference to the entry of immigrants
was hnu! and not reversible by the
courts. This contention of the govern
ment the Supreme Court sustains.
Mr. Hermann represents that the Cas
cades portage by the State has proved a
success, and asserts that, although not
ompleted until in the fall, it has al
ready saved In tralllc charges to the peo
ple nearly, if not the whoje, cost of con
struction and rolling stock, including
the operating expenses, and this does
not, he says, include any trade up the
Columbia above The Dalles. He ex
presses the opinion that when The Dalles
lortage snail be completed tne netearn
ngs will cover the cost of construction
every year, and save the people of the
upper country a great deal of money in
transportation. There is no possible
hope of getting the boat railway bill,
with its large appropriation, through
Congress, while there is a Blight chance
for the portage railway bin.
The Commissioner of Indian Affairs
has written a letter to the Secretary of
the Interior, recommending that a num
ber of Indian agencies of the lesser sort
be abandoned so far as an agent was con
cerned, and that the agencies be placed
in charge of the superintendents of
schools at the particular agencies; also
that the physicians at the various agen
cies be required to act aa clerks, which
would be something of a saving in the
matter of expenses. Whether the Sec
retary will act favorably upon this rec
ommendation or not is unknown; but,
as the movement is in the interest of
economy, it is probable lhat it will re
ceive his approval, although there are a
number ot Senators and members of
Congress who might seriously object to
anything of this kind, as it would leave
a number of personal appointees with
out a job.
Utah Is making a push for admission.
and a bill has been introduced by Sena
tor Teller providing for absolute admis
sion. Another bill has been introduced
bv Senator Faulkner, providing for a
more liberal form of Territorial govern
vent, which will allow the Territory to
olect all of its State officers now ap
pointed by the President, and the only
authority that the United States govern
ment is to retain over the Territory will
be to pass upon and either approve or
disapprove of the laws which may be
made or action which the state govern
ment may take. Senator Piatt, Chair
man of the Committee on Territories,
states that there will be a hearing be
fore the House Committee February 11,
and parties interested for or against the
proposed measures will have a chance to
air theij- views. It is pretty definitely
settled that the Kepublican party does
not care t give much more liberty to
the Mormons ; but, if it is shown that
there cane fair elections in the Terri
tory of Ii?ah, it is probable that the pro
posed Fiodified form of Territorial gov
ernmet may be adopted.
Plaguo of Frogs Follows
Locusts in Bolivia.
Emperor William Turns Out to
the Most Severe Oppressor
of Labor Unions.
The Czar of Russia has a
amounting to $10,000,000 a year.
A camera to take 30x30 nlatea hns
lieen made for a manufacturing firm in
One of the Anarchists captured
the Ixmdon police at Walsall Is said
be a Chlcagoan.
At (Jlssgow during the year 202 new
steamers and 150 new sailing ships have
oeen launched.
a reerage nas been conterred unon
Sir W illiam Thompson, the eminent
Scotch electrician.
Paris has surface electric bars for
distance of four miles between the op-
eta ana n. l'entns.
A plague of frogs Is following in the
wake of the locusts In Bolivia. The in
habitants are in great distress.
Hundreds of fish are still alive in the
Royal Aquarium in St. Petersburg that
were placed mure more than lou years
The American Legation at Berlin is
busy with the military cases of German
Americans who have got Into trouble bv
Louice Michel, the French adtator
and demonstrationist. Is in Indon. and
spends much of her time reading in the
uriiisu Museum.
According to the Paris L' Eclair a plot
against the Sultan of Tin ke vims been
discovered In Staniboul, and 300 persons
nave oeen arrested.
The first overhead trolley electric
street railroad in England is under con
struction in the suburbs of Jeeds by an
American company.
The Ceylon and Cape governments
have appointed special Commissioners
to represent their respective countries at
tho Chicago Exhibition.
It Is stated that over 40.000 persons
land atJoppa every year in order to
make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and
othor spots celebrated in sacred history.
It l said that Lord Randolph Church
ill is not lust now overburdened with
cah, and that he wants a profitable Co
lonial Governorship. He is likely to get
The Due d'Uzes is going
being the way now in France to send
voung fellows who have dropped their
fortunes to the farthest part of the
Deihler, the famous French execu
tioner who has officiated at so many be
headings in various parts of the country
in the past few years, has just resigned
his post.
By the law of Prussia no Prince of the
royal family Is allowed to borrow money,
nor is any one permitted to lend him
money. If any one does lend, he can
not recover.
Great frauds have been discovered in
the purchase of materials for the public
works in the Argentine. It is hinted
that President Peliigrini is alleged to be
Involved in the frauds.
There will soon be a general re-election
of the Lower House of the Hungarian
Parliament, the Premier, Count Szapary,
having had recourse to a dissolution as
the only way out of his difficulties.
After the official notice of the acces
sion of Abbaa Pasha haa been given to
the powers the new Khedive will make
a tour abroad, visiting Constantinople.
Odessa, St. Petersburg, Vienna and
Insurance companies are Buffering se
verely from the influenza epidemic not
only from the " unprecedented number
of death claims," but also from the total
disablement of many of their principal
England will undertake another mili
tary expedition next summer from Sua
kim against Berber and Omdurman.
The campaign will be led by Major-General
Grenfell, the English Commander-in-chief
of the Egyptian troops.
The Portuguese financial crisis is be
coming more acute. Senor Carvalho,
Minister of Finance, has resigned in
consequence of his having been accused
of advancing thirty millions to save a
tottering railway, of which he was Chair
man. The Paris Temps announces that the
Swiss government has assented to tem
porary arrangements wilh France, by
which Switzerland concedes the lowest
tariff on French imports in returii for
French minimum tariff on Swiss im
ports. A dispatch from Warsaw states that
the police of that city surprised a meet
ing of Anarchists.or Nihilists. The con
spirators refused to surrender, and boldly
resisted the police. The latter killed
t wo of the conspirators, and took off five
others as prisoners. .
The German Kaiser is turning out to
be the most Bevere oppressor of strikers.
The German Printers' Union, which is
striking for nine hours a day and receiv
ing help from Other countries, has had
$250,000 of the benefit fund seized by
the German authorities, and its meet
ings and propaganda have been forbid
III Unking- 'OMrlnr How to Vnlnct
In view of what the Minnesota Senate
has done, it is hoped that legislative
bodies in other States will soon take tip
the subject of food aoulteiation. The
subjoined list of baking powders con
taining ammonia and alum, compiled
from official nqiorts and published in a
recent fitimberof ihn, Scicutilti A mtrirttn
is given Mow. "It deals In a direct
manner with an evil hich miinl be cut
down," said the Chicago Trilmne in com
menting on the Sntnlijic, American re
port. Following is a partial list of
Compiled from Official Jlfporti.
man ... .n
- ------- ..., ' - II. v
have a (mimm! baIa a IKrtu ... .v.... .
tioned in at least two of the reports :
DAVIS o. k.
The-e are, in addition to the foregoing
list from the Scientific American, a nam
lcr of such powders sold in the Western
-Lrtt were not found in the Eastern
Following is a list of the most promi
NbkKWH' I'KARf, Conuitu Amnion!
a:. K. Auclrvwi A Co., Milwaukee.)
Af:MK CoiiUdim Ammunla
(Tho. Wood A Co., i'hiladulnliU.)
110V IK IN ....CoiilJthi Alum
(J. C. (irnut llnkliiK Powder Co.,t:iilrffc.)
ALU MKT Contain Alum
(i minimi unking 1'owdur Co., ( IiIcmko.)
LIMA X (km tain Ammonia
(Clltti linking Powder Co., liidlniianolU.)
illEHT CITY Contains Ammonia. Alum
(Vouwle Hnu., Cleveland.)
"OTKI Contain Ammonia. Alum
(J. C. (iraut UukhiK I'owdur Co., Chlrairo.)
KUCl'I.KH Con tn I in Ammonia
Ivreiili- link in Powder Co.,i5itu Frauelaco.l
ONK Hl'OON, TA YI.OR'H Ammonia. Alum
(laylor Mlg. Co., tit. Louis.)
RIfil.Vrt 81' N Contains Ammonia
(I'hcfiiU Chemical Work. Clilrauo.)
KOYA I. Contains Ammonia
(Hoyul linking Powder '.., .New York.)
AmrnonifL anil aJmii u , !, m.u. ... -
mon adulterants used in the manufact
ure of baking powders. The government
report shows that a large percentage of
the baking powders on the market con
tain either one or the other, or both
liese pernicous drugs.
Wliut woman wmiM naa an ainmnnla
fir alllm huh-inty nniviluv it at. a Li.a U o
. j-v v.v i oi i u a,iiurr i v 1
Such powders not only undermine the
1.... I.I. ! :.
iiiwiini, uut Biuiiiuum gives to tne com-
..i : . , , ,
iriuii a Bui iow or oioicneu appearance,
'he presence of ammonia or alum in a
lakimr Powder. Imwnvrr run eimilo tu
letected! ' .
teaepoonfui of baking powder with one
.I.. ..,,-.. r. . i . . .......... - . i i
imgwiiiui ui nairriu n lineup; oou
thoroughly for a few moments, stir to
prevent burning, and if ammonia is
present you can smell it in the rising
dteam. Or place a can of the suspected
powder top down on a hot stove for a min
ute or two, then take off the cover and
7Vl T)t0tt Alttm .1 111 m nAnt.ln, asm Via
w - . . . ' " -. 11.(11 pv.UCl LOU W
llRnnllvr)Ht.f40t.pl1 hv nilttinc. a ti-iiiriln y.f
VJ vwujig v
teaspoonfuls of the powder in a giass of
cold water. If no effervescence that is.
bubbling or simmering takes place,
couuemu me powaer ana return n at
The l'e of Glasses.. '
Those persons who And it necessary to
hold any object nearer than fourteen inches
from their eyes, who find that their eyes
become dry and itching on reading, need
Persons under forty years of age should
not wear kIilmsos until the accommodating
power of the eye has bean suspended and
the exact state of refraction determined by
competent ophthalmia surgeon. The
spectacle glasses sold by peddlers generally
are hurtful to the eyes of those who read
much, as the lenses ara made of inferior
sheet glass, and not systematically ground.
No matter how perfect !y the lenses may ba
made, unless they are mounted tn a suitable
frame and properly placed before the eye,
discomforts will arise from their prolonged
Persons holding objects too near the face.
endanger the safety of their eyes and incur
the risk of becoming nearsighted.
The nearsighted eye Is an unsound eye,
and should be fully corrected with a gloss,
notwithstanding the fact that it may need
no aid for reading. The proper time to be
gin wearing glasses is Just as soon ss the
yes tire ou being subjected to prolonged
use. Detroit Free Press.
Insect Have Thousand of Eye.
The eyes of insects present several pecu
liarities. Often in the same individual we
hall find two sets of eyes, the simple and
the compound, these latter haviug a large
number of minute hexagonal facets, each
of which is in reality a cornea; and the
marvel is that every single facet belongs
to a distinct eye with pupil, iris, lens, all
complete. The number ot these corneas
varies very considerably. While the ant
possesses fifty only, the ordinary house fly
has 4,000, butterflies have no fewer than
1T.000 and some beetles rejoice in as many
as 83,000. Chambers' Journal.
Getting Him m Pleasant Berth.
Mr. Howard Lillian, what shall we do- Jd f
with Geomef He is a (rood servant, but ' '
he goes out so much.
Mrs. Howard Can't you get him a
tion in the postk.Tice as an outgoing
mestio mailfHarper's Bazar.
Some of the designs in use on
smtfU carpets that are so attractiv;
rn ideas of taste have a hi;,
reaches back to the days of Xer:
anrlv Pprainn lriiliH ThfiV t
down from generation to ge )
rogmakers, mothers transmitt I
daughters, for most of the carJct,,
of the orient are women.
The utilization of the power produced by
the ebb and, flow of the tides has been
made In Havre to work turbine wheels
which generate the power necessary to run
the dynamos which furnish Paris with the
electric light.