The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 23, 1892, Image 4

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    The Secret
Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market.
Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other
adulterant Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the
dough too porous, leaving
No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in
cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients
are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro
portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in
the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left in
the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but
food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes
of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and
fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to
it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other
contains the white of eggs.
A man who ha practiced medicine for fort?
rears ought to kuow salt from augur; read what
Toledo. 0.. January 10. !:
Messrs. F.J. Cheney & Co. -ooiitltuien: I have
been In the general practice of niediciue for moat
lortr yfars, and would aay mat in all my prac
tice ana experience nave never seen a prepare
tlon that 1 could prescribe with aa much court
deuce of lurma aa I can Hall' Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by you. Have preM-rtbed It a
great many time, aud it effect la womterful,
and would say In conclunlon that 1 have yet to
Cud a cone of Catarrh that It would not cure, if
they would take It according to direction. Yours
truly, u u oukm en, ji. u.,
Office, 215 Summit street
We will give flOO for any case of Catarrh that
eannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Takeu
Internally, F. 1. CHLNb & CO., Prone.,
Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists; 75c.
There are too many people in the world who
use their neat egg to make cake of.
Here is an incident from the South
Mississippi, written in April, 1890,
just after the Grippe had visited that
country. " I am a farmer, one of
those who have to rise early and
work late. At the beginning of last
Wiuter I was on a trip to the City
of Vicksburg, Miss., where I got well
drenched in a shower of rain. I
went home and was soon after seized
with a dry, hacking cough. This
grew worse every day, until I had
to seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon
who has since died, and he told me
to get a bottle of -Boschee's German
Syrup. Meantime my cough grew
worse and worse and then the Grippe
came along and I caught that also
very severely. My condition then
compelled me to do something. I
got two bottles of German Syrup. I
began using them, and before taking
much of the second bottle, I was
entirely clear of the Cough that had
hung to me so long, the Grippe, and
all its bad effects. I felt tip-top and
have felt that way ever since."
Peter J. Briaxs, Jr. , Cayuga, Hines
Co., Miss.
Vile cod-liver oil has lost
its vileness in Scott's Emul
sion and gained a good cle?i
in efficiency.
It is broken up into tiny
drops which are covered with
glycerine, just as quinine in
pills is coated with sugar
or gelatine. You do not get
the taste at all.
The hypophosphites of
lime and soda add their tonic
effect to that of the half-digested
cod -liver oil.
Let us send you a book on
careful living free.
Sc rrr& Kownb, Chemists, 132 South 5th Avenue,
Kiv York.
VViir dmejist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil all d.Ufgiits everywhere do, $1.
When 1 97 euro I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then have them return aain. 1 mean a
radical curs. I have made the d.aeasa of FITS, KPU
LEPST or FALLING SICKNESS a hfo-long study. I
warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because
other hare failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure. Bend at once lor a treatise and a Free Battle of
mj infallible remad. Give Express and Post Office.
U. G. ROOT. M. C. Ht.. y. y.
6et the GenuinelhKr tihr
Sold Everywhereim LHU I,
WfJj JSlDjCLo BOOT Trees: see "Fruits and
-L -1. - Fruit Traes"Free. Amer.
Garden says: Hovel, USEFUL, totBepolat. Orange Judd
Farmer: Ably writtjn; gives trait? INFORMATION. Co
Fruit Grower : Surprising LOW prices I Apple, Pear, Cher
rT.FIam.FRUKE.Feach.Ap't.Quinee.Hut.Or.Tnes.Orafts, 0BE erjfAln7. Ho larger stock in n.B. No BETTER
cheaper. STAttK BROS., 98th St., Louisiana,
l, ..sad 1825 OLPSBt. 1000 Acres; LAKQEBT
10 cents per double roll
... vv. r.lno urur
Send r-?ent stamp for
192 Third street, Portland, Or
Blft O la the acknowledge,
leading; remedy (or all tbi
unnatural discharges ant
privatediseasesof men. t
certain cure (or the deblll
tating weakness pecallau
w wompD.
strdsoivtv jprescriDeitandieeisan
TtuCvil&HtM'Cit(h in recommending It
m ail sunerers.
A i. 8T9NER, M D.,Dectu,!u
caoin oy avrusrsriaia.
f lOwuMlutal
I'' f tirteiara.
V CW0WTI,0.f7"7
of Fine Pastry.
a bitter taste, etc.
Their Horror of PublicityAn Illustrtv
tlon of Prejudice A New Era.
The crwlo woman's work was always
done at homo. Tho old credos, who
"never forgive a public mention," shrank
with hoifor from publicity for their wo
men. Tho example of free ond easy
going young L'Americaine was held up
as one to be shunned. Gradually, almost
imperceptibly, the new current sweeping
through woman's kingdom found en
trance through the barriers thrown up by
Creole pride and prejudice. So wide lias
this current now grown and so renistless
that to-day Creole women aro found in
every avenue of public employment. Five
years ago the Creole girl who stood behind
a counter was a heroine, braving family
and social scorn, but mak tig the step
easier for those of her sisters who had
longed to work but had hiked the courage
to act according to their convictions.
Perhaps no more striking illustration
of the prejudice of the Creole could be
given than the following authentic one
of an old .gentleman of New Orleans.
dead only a few yenrs. Of irentle blood
and college bred, he clung to his faubourg
with fierce tenacity. The French quar
ter was good; why should he live else
where? and his scorn of the new town
being built by the imix'i tinent, intrusive.
all conquering American was intense. At
that time somewhere in the thirties
the Creoles did not attempt to conceal
their dislike for the Americans, who were
changing the business methods and up
setting the traditions of the city. Nor
were the Americans slow to express their
contempt lor the Creoles. Tins choleric
Creole, as he sat with his lioon companion
in Cafe des ivxils, and read in L Abeule of
the daily revolutionary acts of the new
comers, was deeply angered. Though
Impotent to prevent, he could ' at least
show his disapproval cf the mwtarts. He
vowed he would never cross Canal street
(the thoroughfare separating he old town
from the new), and he never did, but
was gathered to his fathers triumphant
in having vindicated faith by works. I
knew a dear old lady who likewise had
never crossed the lino. No rancor
lurked in her sweet soul; biuiply lack of
curiosity held her aloof; her entire fam
ily lived in the trench iiarter, and there
all her interests were concentrated.
Remains of this curious antagonism
are now rare. The kindly spirit of the
new era has broken down most of the
old barriers, and each race is willing to
accord merit to the other, and approxi
mate more closely with every succeeding
year. Harper's Bazar.
Scenes in Holland.
Behind these cities ttretch away the
mysterious, endless lieldsof Holland; who
can describe them, or rightly appreciate
them? The opulence of tone and color;
the unity and mystery of the vast
meadows, pierced in every direction with
canals, dotted with villages, cities and
isolated houses; the ever present wind
mill; and, above all, the magnificent
cloud arrangement. Here you have a
wide expanse of pure, deep green, broken
by lines of azure ditches and canals; be
yond, a cluster of velvety red nouses, the
apex of the irregular mass a gray church
tower, flanked by windmills; and behind
and beyond, the tender distance pulsating
with rich color, or a narrow, lonely road,
bordered by slender silver lines of water,
winding through the green meadows; at
a near turn stands a windmill, its thatch,
toned by sun and rain to a warm brown
ochre, broken by cold, greenish lines of
woodwork, and stretching into the vast
sky its giant arms, perhaps carrying sails
of ivory or russet canvas, a part of the
wide horizon, blurred by the movement
of waving gray willows masking a lonely
house. The interiors of the villages are
simply symphonies in color. The ancient
bricks of the houses are a real red, or
pale yellow; the woodwork door frames,
etc. is usually a whitey green, harmon
izing perfectly with the trees and fields,
while the reds give the complimentary
contrast. George Hitchcock in Scrib
ner's. TOWER'S
Is the only
Water Proof Coat 1
mat to Peel, Break or Stick.
ir i to
i Leak at the Seams.
There an two wsys von can tell the aias
Slicker: the Fish Brand trade mark snd s Soft Wool
en Collar. Sold ererywhere, or sent free for price.
A. J. TOWER, rtanufr. Boston, Mass.
Our Nhtrld Brand is hettvr than any watsr
froof coal aadMGitlus Fiaa Baaao.
S. P. N. U. No. 423-8. F. N. U. No. 500
A Dab? TTho Surrtred the Perils of Can'
tral Arrival to Die at Last to London.
A tablet to the memory of Little Jack,
the boy missionary, as he wit called,
erected by Sunday school childreu, was
uuveilod over his grave in London. Lit
tle Jack was only? years old when he
died. Though he was born in England,
tHMirly all his brief life was spent in Cen
tral Africa. lie was fatuous its the only
white baby ever soon in the region of the
great lakes; and after passing unscathed
through all the dangers of EmiRtorin)
Africa, he fell a victim at last toineaslos
In his nativo land.
Jack was the son of the well knovra
missionary, Capt Iloro, who has given
us the best map of Luke Tanganyika
that has yet boeu made. Ho started for
Africa with his parents when he was
ouly 1 1 weeks old, and the story of the
baby's trip to Lake TangKtiyika, which
was written by his mother, made Jack
very well known. When the party
started inland from Zanzibar they trun
dled Jack in a wheelbarrow. Tho soft
est possible bed was made for him in a
wicker Iwisket, whose sides were padded
so that he could not hurt himself. The
basket was placed in a steel wheelbar
row frame, and in this conveyance Jack
made a very comfortable journey to
Mumboia, a hundred miles inland. There
were reasons, however, why it was not
thought best for Jack and his mother to
go any further that year, and so the
baby was wheeled back to the coast
again, aud he returned to Eugland none
the worse for his novel journey.
The year following Jack and his mo
ther started for Africa once more, and
his father rigged up another sort of con
veyance for the baby pjtssenger. This
time bamboo poles were fastened to the
sides of the basket and four porters were
detailed to carry Jack. As they swung
along the path the supple poles gave to
the basket a springy motion which was
very pleasing to the little fellow. Along
the bamboos was stretched a canvas awn'
ing, impervious alike to sun or rain, with
movable sides, that could lie fastened up
or down at pleasure. His mother was
carried in a bath chair rigged ap in
similar fashion.
After Jack had been carried far inland
African fever tackled the little fellow
and then he insisted much of tho time
upon being carried in his mother's lap,
but happily he did not suffer long from
the formidable foe of white men in AM
ca. When the caravan halted for the
noonday lunch, the first duty of the men
was to pitch a tent to shelter Jack and
his mother from the scorching sun.
One day a porter ran away with a can
vas bag containing nearly all of Jack's
wardrobe. The calamity, however, was
easily remedied, for Mr. Hore had a lot
of cotton cloth to pay his way through
the country, and Jack soon had a new
wardrobe. Many of the marches were
very wearisome, and Mrs. Hore wrote
that she and Jack often presented a very
draggled appearance when the halt was
made for the day.
The journey lasted ninety days. At
last Jack and his parents embarked on
the beautiful waters of Lake Tangan
yika, and negro boatmen, singing at
their paddlos, took them to the Island of
Kavala, which was Jack's home during
all his babyhood in Central Africa.
Friends in England sent him many play
things, which he shared with his Wa-
guha playmates, and he never knew that
Equatorial Afnca was not the pleasant-
est place in the world for a white boy to
grow up in. rew York Sun.
Does It Hurt HlmT
Does a dismembered limb retain sen
sitiveness? Many persons hold firmly
that it does. Their belief is apparently
sustained by those strange and vivid in
aginings of persons who have lost a hand
or foot, and declare positively that they
have feelings in the fingers or toes of the
lost member. The phenomenon, how
ever, has been explained in a scientific
way. Such cases are frequent, and Ed
gar Bergen, a 12-year-old boy who lives
at 240 West Michigan street, is an exam
ple. He was taking a ride on the cars
in the Big Four yards, when he slipped.
He was dragged some distance, but could
not maintain a safe position, and his left
foot was cut off above the ankle, remain
ing in the shoe, ihe boy was taken
home, and his leg was amputated just
below the knee. The foot was taken to
Crown Hill and buried in a lot near his
mother's grave. The little fellow bore
his pains bravely and never lost con
sciousness, but he complains frequently
that the toes of his dismembered foot
are cramped, and the foot seems still to
be in position. The foot was placed in a
cramped position in the box in which it
was buried, and a member of the house
hold declares that this accounts for the
boy's sensations, and recalls cases which
she thinks confirm this view. Indianap
olis News.
The Novel of the Future.
Edmund Gosse, the English critic.
gives his reasons in The Forum for be
lieving that the novel of the future will
not be "realistic." He gives the school
of Zola credit for having killed forever
the excesses of the old fashioned story,
but the realists, he contends, have reached
the limit of their development. On one
side they have become gross, as the
French and Russian novelists, and on
the other side they have become insipid.
The novel of the future will pay more
heed to "the human instinct for mystery
and beauty." Mr. Gosse writes an an
alysis of Zolaism, making an estimate of
Zola, whom he calls the Vulcan among
our later gods; and he has a Dleasant
word for our American realists. Mr."
James and Mr. Howells.
Bismarck's Autograph on a Door.
The Museum of Antiquities at Gottin-
gen has made a remarkable addition to
its treasures. It consists in nothinsr less
than the battered door of the university
prison, on which is cut in bold charac
ters the name of "Bismarck." It seems
that the ex-chancellor, in his law student
days, suffered a brief period of detention
there for some trifling breach of disci
pline, and amused himself by carving
his patronymic with unmistakable clear
neson the door of the cell. London
staunch shlpa strike and founder, the flsrot
winds and nuiutitatiiou waves w'ituilW mar
iners' " lii'uns ol oak " to shliiwiw k and to
death, yet I hat dues not prevent the lubuerllcat
landsman from risking his life uu lue stormy
Atlantlu In the role of tourist or lounuerWe)
trawler. Hut. It helialt teach his destination
aft'ly, he ill scarcely haveescaKd aouii ol the
iiiiHims oi i'aii'Kiic, tunes lie Hikes Mini mill
lloiU'ller s stomach Hitters, that Inliullalile tpe
i' I tic tor iiiiusia. Mm! water on loiia ti Ira Is
threat to the vovsner, lml this mav lie deprived
In a a real measure ol ItadlaortlerlniellcelsuiHiu
the ttnmacn, ooncia ami liver ny me mucin.
Attnst the tirelildlt ial Meets i( malaria, tad
diet, (attune and esiKwure it is also eitl aclmts
It avetta, moteover, rheumatism and kidney
complaints. iKitt't travel ou sea or laud with-
nut 11,
Then-Is no reason why a anctidthrt't should
throw bis money away. He will lose It soon
!.nii inoiy from superstition and blind
idolatry ol' Utus ami W. allotmthlo In
cluded. It leans lou'tird universal, all-determining
law ; towards fucts, not iiiniiies. It
leans toward immutable principles and In
vulnerable truth, and awuv from auiH'raic
minted authority, organised lirnoranue aud
dyed-tn-the-wool prejudice. Wind emplr-
ii'lam in iiitHllome lias, with other loartlliatHl
liivulves, had its duv. Yes. there are plenty
of "Mated oralis," but U'iiiK horn of dark
neaa and rear-tw in slaters of Intellectual
Infancy they cannot much Knitter with
stand the chiUaing influence of advancing
science, luey are slowly nut surely "ily
ins! KtTVPt. Uvlinr." before the search
lixht of investigation. The advancing
thinker wonders how it was poasilile for
that monstrosity the medical science (?)
extant now to have survived to this late
day I Hut where w as the reform to come
from? It Is not only as to attempt re
form, it is outright dangerous. It requires
a boldness akin to reckloaaneea. Legion Is
the name who have tried; they have left
thuir.blenching tKinoa as a warnliiK. An at
tempt at reiorimng tneoiogy brands you a
" heretic;" in politics you are charged with
every infamy under the sun, and lit medi
cine every duck intellect "quacks " at you
and you are accused of having no d I pic ma
when your diploma is on tile in the court
house under the very eyes of the slander
ers. All this Is canned by beaolted ignor
ance, and since books are sent free of charge
to every applicant and we pay the postage,
there is no excuse for ignorance w hen It
costs not bin it to lie informed. People who
berate the iliHtogenetie system of meili
cine are either intellectual pariahs incapa
ble of counting live in succession or under
standing any 1'xi problem, or they are
mental slUKKards and cannot screw them
selves up to the "point of Information by
reading up and forming a conclusion. In
either case their opinions are as valuable
as that of the l'uget bound oysters,
Dr. Jordan's office is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James streets,
Seattle, Wash.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute
ly free.
Send for free book explaining the Hlsto-
;enetio system.
Caution. The HIstoKenetio Medicine
are sold in but one airency in each town.
The label around the bottle bears t'le fol
lowing inscription : " Dr. J. Kusene Jor-
ian, Illstogenetlo Medioine." Every other
device is a iraua.
Th end
of woman's peculiar troubles and
ailments comes with Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It cures
them. For all the functional de
rangements, painful disorders, and
chronic weaknesses that afflict wo
mankind, it's a certain remedy. It's
an invigorating, restorative tonic,
soothing cordial and bracing nerv
ine purely vegetable, non-alcoholic,
and perfectly harmless.
In tho cure of periodical pains,
prolapsus and other displacements,
bearing -down Rensations, and all
"female complaints" and irregu
larities, " Favorite Prescription " is
tho only medicine that's guaranteed.
If it doesn't give satisfaction in ev
ery case, youliave your money back.
You pay only for the good you
get. Can you ask more ?
The easiest way is the best. Reg
ulate the liver, t'omach, and bowels
with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
They cleanse and renovate the
system thoroughly and naturally.
Sick Headache, Constipation, Indi
gestion, and Bilious Attacks, are
prevented, relieved, and cured.
The success of this Great Coueh Cure It
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the United States and Canada. If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Jironchitis, use it, lot
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use It promptly, and reliei
IS Sure. al yuu UICUU lliai iiiotuiunn uibm
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist foi
SHILOH'S CUKE, frice lo cts., jo cts. ana
ii.oo. If vour Lunes are sore or Back lame.
use Shiloh's f orous r laster, rnce 25 cts.
B,K)ks free
Pacific Medicine Co., 529 Clay St.. Ban Francisco.
Old Gold and Hllrer Botutbt: send vour old Oolr
and Silver bs nail to the old and reliable house of A
Oolenian, 11 Third street, Ban Fraooisoo; I will send In
return mail the cash. aoourdinR to assay, it the amooni
a run sAetsrsotorr wui return oom.
I have a positive remedy for the above disoass ; by Its
ose thousands of cases of the worst kind and of lone
standing have been enred. Indeed so strong is mj faith
In its eltioicT, that I wll smid TWO BOTTLES r Big, with
1 VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any suf
ferer who will send me their Kxprees and P. O. address.
T. A. eiocnm, M. C. 183 Pearl Bu, N. X.
A dlaeaae In one part of the hod y will
eventually till the whole body with dixcax.
livery year or two some part of the system
grows weak, anil begins lo decay, Hutih
part should be removed at once and new
mutter be ullowvd to dike ita place, There's
no need of cutting it outwith theKtii'Kcon'N
scalpel, Purge away the old, ilixcacd and
worn-out purls witli lHNiiiKru'H I'u.i.m,
Then Ihe new body will Inks cure of itself,
iMirlits lsnj every woman should look twice
be lore alio " Icai.
"Hiown't Humrhitit Trurhfn" will relieve
Itronuhltia, Asthma and Throat IiInciincs,
The new rreslilcnt ol t'lilll must 1h 10 In uihul
that no Monti e lilcka will be toleruleil by I licit'
The nmnufiieturvra of Star Plug chew ing
tobacco have made Ht, Louis the Krcatcxt
tobacco market in the world by fui ninhliiK
the consumer a belter tobacco limn is pro
duced by other manufacturers ami always
makiiiK the pluK ol Star full sUteeu-oiince
pounds. It puys to study the InlercM of
the consumer, as he is " ihe Juduu anil the
Ose Kuamellua Stove I'ollah ; no dust, do swell
Tt GxMt for breakfast.
Both tho method and icsulU when
3yrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the tnste, and let
?ently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem efl'ectually, dispels colds, head
tches and fevers and cures habituM
constipation permanently. For salo
in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
Portland, nrrgon. A. V. AnnstniiiK. I'rln.
Brrarh Srliixil : i iti lies. rm.i.iK, K ilnn. orrifou,
Sams counts of ttuitjr, same rat of tuition,
IstmnesN, Shorthand,
Tytnvrittif, Penmttnthi, ami b'.ngiith iffrtmtnti
siln MMion UirmtMlioul tht yr. HitKlrnUt sVlmtl
M nt nv t.m ('Maluku frum Itbcr chuol, ftv.
rryjSr rtrV'nrh
m mm
To Remark TKI-
ISTKe Proper Caper
Don't cheat yourself
out of a good smoke by
taking a poor irai tat ion
for the genuine Seal of
North Carolina Plug
Cut Tobacco.
. (a
Hoore's Revealed Remedy
Is nature's great remedy for livnr a id kldnns- illsnr.l
poisons, ll will Klve you appetite and make yon
THE n.iniMii asin nrainiMV
IaalM, Mk DniSKlat fbr C'A(lA.fl(.r'i
mm waim wltb bin. rUbon. 'J ake si
ll pills Id pMioljosnl bnof, pink sr. dancnroiia enunterA-lla. At Orusiliu or ssnd aa
iSiS.Jfiu"! 1'srHonl.r., twiliaoaUls, .nrl ''HfTer fur l.all, M Inur.H, return S.T
10,000 Ttlrao.,l.l.. M,m4 ly. CHICHETIH CHtMICSL Co., Sladl.iaMu?":
Sold by aU Looal Irarlata. WllLAOKLI'MiA. l
Ili t'ngea, liOO Fine Entrrnvlngs, llnndsnme
.nrormatloii. One of the numt rellahle outaloKiiits published. Describing nil hinds ol'uiinrn nler j
Jnrrien. fflnnrnr anil llM Hnmla. Knill anA lhpn,. m..,.n i m.7, u i:-.?t. J,.'rv
Rosea, Flowering I'lants and HiiIIin. Thoroughbred Land and Water Fowls. lt.LlLi.,VJ
m innf sirriiinn iiureivt ivoi nuni irrpa
"tH iy s :
Buy Your Own Goods if Your
sssaanasaaaTWusn '.i '"ffiSV''
t--- yn
u.X, ,gl?,ef.n.l -angulsliers. Fire Hore and Department Supplies, Bmam I anndre
Machinery, Pumps of all kinds, Brass Goods, iljre and Flttlnes, Hancock Wplrntora, Marine VVoJI
l?ilnl?? .H??' Wrenches, Lubricating Oils, Church, Bchool And Farm Belli. aSneinl HrX??
Blacksmith Drills and Forges, Bu
rite for price.
ui van in roniana. iieauera, w
L T. WElSiT, Fust of Msrrissa Strut, P02TLAK3, 03.
W.vii'.'ia-iMa.ViaHJi X, fl
I.AWRKNcit, Kans.,Aiih:. 9,'RS,
tietrjc Patterson fi ll from
n sccoml-Mtory window, strik
ing n fence. 1 found him iisin
He used it fieely nil over his
bruises. I saw him nct
morning at work. All the
spoilt rapidly disappeared,
leaving neither pain, scar nor
Sportsman, Attention!
If yon wsut to sliimt eceimtfiv. don't (all to
slxht your son with the tlbraut
Mu to ill any rllle. ri-eimi(!it..!; Ivory lived
Kronl Hlitht, fl; Ivory ItiinttiiK Kmnl Slulit, M)
cents. Sent bv mail on recelit of jirlcn,
H.T. HUDSON, 93 First Street, Portland, Or.
Keiul fur mm Illustraltl t'ataloxue.
nl 1
We niiiHt have room. We must kien liuav.
must linvv money ami ijuti k, too: anil this
sieans slaint liter, loss, rmlueiiis, saerlftre, Knlll
lo our iMtlnins ami ever) thins: I'Ul I'mllta to our
selves; tint stock must tx t.ui In iirtlor lor slin k.
lakliiit rlKlit away. Wenllxr:
20 llw. koo1 'lry ct'lioa fl no
'.HI 11. while siikiii is)
in llw. w hile or I'olorisl Ix'Hiin ,' J to
I.IOOsewliiK ami ilarulux nivillea to
'tl t. SMioi or Uiloi'a J no
S rails tnlile anrti ola, Hue tsj
S eans iiilile iliim, KrM s or hi1om 1 to
1 iwlr Inilles' line l' slippers is)
I jmlr liiisaea' line tljtloi.l ties i w)
1 pMlts mlHwa' nlee samtuls., on
I jmlr nlee laee eurtnlns no
Il. t'lirlntmns rniiiiy, iiilsixl j im
40 IhiIIos' II uu linen culiars or rull's 1 i)
Ml don. HMorti'il Inillolis (or family use i IM
i haiirtkerelilela for men, women, ekllilreu. I 00
.it Hps. Kn-ueli pi unr. kihhI, not Inru" i 10
I.' yils. Iniiiilsoiiie cashmere. ;ui In. w hie i W
reiiil lor full list fl liartinius of all ktmln Ui
Smith's Cash Store.
toeViUnI tun nut
'.dilroKi ot t'Mrt I
P.Hnrnli;iia,J.o I
71 Morrison Stroet. Portland. Or.
Plshlnr Tarklo, KI-. (Ire. t Varl. tv.
Oldunnsiniten In irarto. H;ind for t'l'tlahiKiin.
... r... .... . wtf nrsvrnv wi.,na.i rranuincu.
Klcctrlcltjr, thus applied, reaches the iliwao and
'llioveslt.. A liewllivetilloll. l.ntiNL una Ih.mI .,f..o
his KliTtrk' Unit cures dim uses that mi tlli lio-s se.
om cure, such as Itlieniriittinin. Ni-n-im, ii..i,on,.
Kliiney lilseasea, nackiiclie.Htomarh amlMnuul Ills.
eaws. A mild hi ream of Its power tlirouidi the silver
aiiHpensnrv Kleeirlc Hell never fnll. i ,.tio,ii,. i.
B'-i. Kwlory and office, 74 Htnrlc atm-t, J'oi I lainl.
Or. 1)H. WM, HILL, Inventor.
.. PKE
feel like work. For sulu bv vour drmrulat
RED C8088
W Diamond Brand A
Hare, snilMHael. rill Sir ssls. Vtf'
ipi.. .-I. a. a. a -
XnaUih Diamond ih-and In lied and (lolA
ether kind. Htfmi SuiaHniMonj and 7mMaxu.
Colored Plntea. Full of nsoful and,,n.
Dealer Does Not Garry Then.
Best and Cheapest in the World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, U lip.
Bg Kxprees Wagons, the largest nssortmeni'
For further Information call on or address