t , "ill The Hood iver Glacier. vol. ;i. HOOD IUVKU, OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 23, 1802. NO. 34. 3food Iivcr (Slacier. ruit-UHIU IVIIIT SATUkli.T MORNINU IT The Glacier Publishing Companj. t'llflt IOPTION PIIICS. On jr - mnlh( ... Thiw tiinnllii. noy; V llMt GEO. P. MOROAN, Ut Chlif Vlt k II. II Uml (ifBr,. IjHihI :: I-itw :: HporialiHt. Room No, I, land Offli-. Ilullillii, Tim Dal.l.M, OH, O. D. TAYLOR, Real Hstalc Broker. Firs, life and Accident Iniurmsa. Money Loaned cn Real Estate Security OfHc, Krmi h Co ' uk I1iiilillii, THK DAM.M, OHKIION. THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. 8k oml St. , nrar Oak. Hood River, 0. Shaving and llnii i-uttiug atly dona. Satisfaction GuaiaiiUad. PACIFIC COAST. Indictments Dismissed Against Mormons. HIGHWAYMEN ROB A STAGE. Oregon's Board of Equalization Raises ' ( the Total of Taxable Prop ertyOther News. The grip has firm hold nt Sacramento and bin Angeles. All liiiir of Hoods in Oregon from the Willinmctte ia now hhhih1. The icemen at Truekeo have been fighting hard to keep their jtonda clear of SHOW. J'utics collected at Victoria the past year amounted to $1,000,000, the highest figure yet reached. Frank E. Hill, a young drugget, will have to answer at San Bernardino to the charge of bigamy. The Oregon Board of Equalization has raiaed the total of taxable property of the (state $. tu.ouooo. Anaheim is satisfied its sugar-factory project ia a success, ami the factory will be in operation next fall. Stockton haa now four flouring mills running, they having a combined capac ity of 6,1)00 barrels per day. The poaition of the wrecked aicainnr San Pedro in front of Victoria haa been unchanged by recent at rins. Throe creameries are to be established in Mason Valley, Lyon county, Nev. The milk of 0,000 cows will be used daily, Ohineae fishermen are charged with peddling in the streets of Sacramento fish caught in the foul waters of Sutter ville Lake. Annie Campbell, win passed counter feit money at Boise City lias been found guilty by a jury. Her male accomplices made their escape. The certainty of the completion of the gap in the coast road by the Southern l'acillc ia causing the pulse of the land owners to lieat stronger. W. A. Arlington of East Portland while hunting attempted to climb over a log, and in doing so the load in the gun waa discharged and the top of the head of the young, man waa blown olT. The Sheriff of Loa Angeles complains that he ia unable to reach parties who nave been Indicted by the grand Jury, owing to the publicity given the proceed ings. The parties in interest avoid the serving of writa. Highwaymen held up the stage near the Idaho and Montana line the other night, and collected $0,000 in jewelry and $100 in cash from the pasaengera. The jewelry is the property of a Chicago wholesale house. Indictments against nearly 100 Mor mons in Idaho have been dismissed at Boise City. The accused were charged with violating the election laws, and the case involved the construction of the Idaho test oath. Michael Flynn of Virginia, Nev., has applied for letters patent on an air ship, which he claims he can hold stationary in spnee while the earth revolvea be neath him, thus enabling him to circum navigate in twenty-four hours. Only seven of the lady bugs sent from Australia by Mr. Koebele are alive. It has not yet been proved that the insect multiplies rapidly enough to be of early service; so horticulturists in the south are advised to continue fumigation. EDUCATIONAL. Turning Mads Compulsory In All Girls' Schools in Cattel and Berlin, Germany. Heading (Pa.) workingmen have pro test, d against the Introduction of cook ing into the public schools. in the universities of Germany there are 1.IM10 foreign students. Among them are 4,til Americans, 'Ml Russians, 203 Aiistriana, 226 Swiss and 117 English. The new Harvard cuta'oguo shows her whole nuiiiler of students to be 2,tJ!S, and that she haa 121 professors and In structors in the faculty of arts and sci ences. The Mount llolvoke Aliiiiinin Associa tion of New York haa raised $4',U0d for an educations pro ect in memory of Mary Itiigham. the first President of the college. Vassar's share of thn l-'iivi'rvmntlii.r lK'llesta ($50,00 i) ia to Ikj used in build ing the new dormitory, which the in rreuse in the number of students has made necessary, The Hrokaw memorial at Princeton College is to take the form of a recrea tion Held, and the plans as decided upon contemplate one of the finest series of such grounds in this country. Th iiiiaa II. Swope, a wealthy rerdent of Kansas Iity and a graduate of Center College at Danville, Ky., has sent that institution a check for $35,000 to be used for any purose designated by the fac ulty. Seven girls have passed examination at Brown University, and will take up the freshman studies under the privilege oi ine eo-eiucallou law recently enacted by the corporation. The class will nnm her over 120 memU-rs. ri . . . . .... i in re are at present I m.ihi.i co leges ami schools In lmlta for men, with S.OJil, i'.H) students, but there are only to bo found a few hundred schools of low ver nacular standards and half a dozen col leges for women, with 21)4.201 students In Cassel, Germany, turning haa been mane compulsory In all the girls' school The dossier school reform bill, which will Isj up attain for discussion in the Prussian Landtag, proposes that turning snail be compulsory In every girls' school in PrustiH, as it is in Kerlin. The decadence of university educat ors is snown by the lact that at the col lege convention at Ithica but one paper on me opening nay was devoted to col lege athletics, the rest be-in on such an tediluvian tonics as mathematics, aeien- line philosophy, acone of aniruauea and the like. EASTERN ITEMS. PERSONAL MENTION. A MILLION A YEAR. Perkins Appointed Sen ator From Kansas. CHICAGO HOTELS CROWDED Secretary Traoy Promulgates a New Order Formation of a H uge Class Combine. In Reykjavik, the capital of remote Iceland, a t-harrahle lady has erected on her own land a high school for Iceland girls. Needing more fund-i for teach' rs salaries, books, etc., than her private In come would cover, she has sold her fam ily jewels, many of them heirlooma 700 -.11 ! . 1 . . . . . years oia. in order 10 Obtain the monev lor iter enterprise. NATIONAL CAPITAL. Bill Introduced to Admit Free to World's Fair All Who Served In the Union Army. the Representative Pickler Introduced a bill conferring the privilege of free ad mission to the World's Fair on all who served in the Union army or navy dur ing the war. Representative Stump of Maryland in troduced a resolution requesting the President to lay before the House any definite and poaitive information in the possession of the State Department rela tive to the famine in Russia, with such recommendations for action as is within the power of the government. Representative Enloe oTennessee has introduced a bill amending paragraph nni oi me scneuuie tarin law ot 188J ao as to provide that lead ores and lead drosa shall pay a duty of cent per pound, provided ores containing silver and lead, in which silver is of greater vaiue, tie considered silver ores and be admitted free of duty. Representative O'Neill of Missouri has intr duced a bill for theonforcement of the eight-hour law in all departments of the government and extending its provisions to laliorers under government contract; also a bill prohibiting the use of convict-made goods or materials in the departments or public buildings or unuer contracta with the Indiana. Senator Allen'a speech on the Nicara gua canal ha attracted a good deal of attention and elicited verv favorable comment. He aaid it waa the wish of his constituents that this canal should bo built, and pointed out the many ad vantages that wonld accrue. Sneaking oi wnnt ine t'aeinc northwest could send through the canal in deep-water ships, he referred to the gigantic forests, the walls of coal and iron, the immense catch of fish, while Eastern Oregon and Washington had a cereal belt surpassing any pari oi our country or in the world. The speech contained all the points in his recent interview on the same subject. Representative Wilson has introduced a bill for a lightship, house and flag sig nal at Gray's harbor, appropriating 150,000 for the purpose. He also intra1 duced public-buildings bills forthe three principal cities of Washington ; one ap propriating $500,000 for a building and site at Tacoma, another for the same amount at Seattle. The bill for Spokane appropriates $300,000. and it is the onlv one which can possibly be got through nun EeaBion, tta .Representative Sweet OI Idaho, who is a member of the Commit tee on Public Ruildings and Grounds, says that he will favor Spokane above the other different sites, and it is not possible for one State to get more than one building during this Congress. Mr. lr; i :i. . i . t . ,. iinuu win iiiirouuce a uiu ior a public building at Walla Walla, and will let It take its chances in the House. It will coat !I50,0'X) to put the desired wings on me White House. Baltimore ministers have taken a firm stand against (Sunday funerals. Duluth's receipts of wheat aim-e Sep Umiber 1 have been 32,173,043 bushels The Massachusetts naval battalion to be armed with the new Lee repeating una. Death notices in the Philadelphia newspapers fill from four to 11 ... - uauy. t,hlcao expects to have her Smith MMie elevated railroad in operation by April 1. Contributions to the flour fund tnr M, distressed Russians now reach 700.0M i. Kentucky's State Treasurer think. .Viuu is too small a salary, and he has resigned. jexarkana (Ark.) School Board is alarmed Btwut gambling among the sciiooi children. All the type foundries In the United htaus are said to have been sold to an r.ngiisti syndicate. Congressman Cutting is the father of a oiii to promote the elllciency of the miiiua oi the country. Mixed-blood Indians are organizing to uwinanu ine same treatment the govern ment gives full-bloods. The failed New York firm of Henry E. Titus A Co. ia found to have 5 ()On nf asseis nnu f 'uu,uuu debts. Maine sustained a biirirer lu In- uunng in ii man ior several vears nast. I he losses foot up more than $1,100,000. The strike of the Southern express messengers on the Illinois Central threatens toextend over the whole South. The total number of murders com mitted in this country durinar the nast year waa 6,900, as compared with 4.290 in 189J. Many Congressmen favor the d! win it of the grent ship canal from Ni river to the Hudson, to coat abont 000,000. $40,- At Philadelphia the work of W rnv. ing tho diea used for making coins dur ing 1891 has commenced at the United States Mint. Joseph Pulitzer is back of an enter prise to publish the Chicago World, which an incorporated company pro poses to establish. It is almost impossible now for f!hl. cago hotels to accommodate the tide of travel setting thither from all parta of the civilized world. Georgia cotton factors have called a convention of all those interested in growing cotton to take action on the proposition to reduce the acreage of cot ton next year. Representative Fitch of Ne w VnrV In. traduced a bill fixing the following rtw of duty : Barley, 10 cents per bushel : barley malt. 20 cents per bushel : hnn 3 cents per pound. The total value of the freight the "Soo" canal, leading out of Lake Superior, hiBt year was $128,178,208. which is an increase of 2fi.ooo .nort fmm the aggregate of 1S90. It is evted that the National Cordage Company, which controls the manu facture of binding twine in this coun try, intends to raise the price of its product 1 or 2 cents a pound next year. Representative Pattieon of Ohio has introduced in the House a joint resolu tion amending the Constitution bv mak ing the Presidential term five yea'rs and declaring the incumbent iuelnrihl fnr re-en-cuon. Kepresentative Newberry of Illinois introduced a bill authorising the 8ecre tary of War to detail for special duty in connection with the World's Fair such officers of the army as may be required iur me purpose. At Wheeling, W. Va., preliminary oreyo uave iwen laaen in tne formation of a powerful glass combine to oppose the United States Glass Comnanv. Thn combined capital will be in the neigh borhood of H,000,000. Under the recent decisions of the Chi cago courts any person of good character ia entitled to a saloon licenae in that city, no matter where the groggery might be located and no matter how objection nhl such groggery might be. Twelve breweriea in Cincinnati. f!no. ington and Newport have agreed to form a combination similar to the whisky trust for the Purpose of imnrovino- tho quality of the product and reducing the expense of production and delivery. Kansas Alliance men are suspicious of the National Union Company, a cor poration whose alleged object is to make cheap purchases for the benefit of the Alliance members. Thev think it U in reality a branch of the Jute Bagging Trust. Hassan Ben Ali of Morocco is seek ing a concession to make a Morocco ex hibit at the exposition. He says he will spend 30,000 in showing the people, manners, customs, amusements, etc., of his country and in brin 'intr to fih a tribe of Berbers. j Caroir.al Manning Does All Hit Liter. ary Work on a Pad, Which He Rests on Hit Knee. L.tt.rr and I'rli. Hchoine. t'.ed to Bell Alum and Ammonia Baking I'owd.r. A New York concern, manufacturer. of an ammonia baking powder, hoaxta that its yearly profits are over a million Edgar Haltns. the novelist. Is Dictured dol!ar"' wt,Ie perhaps, none of the as a small man with a sturdy frame, a "Jert of alum powders individually fine head, an observant eye and a mus- Cftn thow 80 lart?e earnings, yet their ptuuoi mo cuuruiuug. tache black as night. I i. .... : . . . i i Sir Edwin Arnold calls Zola's pen "the J? V'uZuJ W1" , y? poisoned stalpel" of the disaectmg room attnut0 ilf ,f H,0"e whose greed wid of liter.ture.'and vet the t preS L'ct" ht?rmtfHctttn'Ldreglird the.ff" to admire the novelint. V feet their traffic niay have upon the ... ii.. ii.. mine, iiliia uu nf ti.u iimnuu n.. v..l: i . . . M:. i r in 'i , . ,( ., . Am"' "'g powuers are introduced mister In Washington, can ta k Eni- .roi i. ,..;... i lishwell enough to go shopping, and, schemes. A piece of glassware or china. a ii.i iujo. 1LUII BIHWm. BUB UrHB.ll T I 1 Mil 1 m an, ,n U . - . some omer article oi attractive annnar. Ti, , . , . .1 l i. t . . . r aiio miiinuii oi ine eminent r rencn hl-b. imi oi email lninnsir va no nr neurologist, Cha'ccl, that all men of ge- coat, is given with each purchase, or a iniiB nro vt some oegree insane simply uumoer is aitacueu to the can which en indorses a popular be hef that has ob- titlea the cnatomer to a similarly nnm. ..!... i .t i i . . I l , i - . . . . J . . : niiiDu Binue me oeg'nning oi time. oereo ariicie or to a prize oi some kind. General F. RnrH n,M, ITnt.t 1U! ,n. 801118 uch W7 B this that the Minister to Spain, with his charmin A,m ana mmoi? baking young bride, who Was Miss Violet SopT . !" 1 V-1 Uine(l "UCh u.:.u . ft . . . . . I If 1 atlt DrODOrtlOnR find thfMr Pinanmn. wiui oi Msmore. AriJHn re. ijt and. i -.i V "i .77 . . . w i- i... i . . ' .. ' I LiuiJ uv Liin Dniiiin wnifri riaa raanhuH an I - - ,..VH mtw VWVUVU BU extent which is truly alarming. The highest authoritiesnf all Annntris. uueen v ictorla has Ion j been regarded condemn the ubo of a um in breao' with as more or less of a recluse, being nota- out reserve. In America the most dis bly indifferent to society. But of recent tinguished nhysiciana. chemist ami years she has grown mora social in her hygienists have declared that the traffic ways, and now shows a fondnesa for n Hiu,n baking powders should be sud making visits. pressed by law. In England and France The richest of the ne Senator i. where the eubject of pure fowl, and its eltn of California, who is said to have euecl nPon lu ayBtem, has been more one million to Stanford's three. He was tall7 con"idered and made the subject of a poor boy at the time of the d scoverv ewuueu experiments by the scientists. of gold in California, and made hi 80 eenous a matter is the use of alum in PORTLAND MARKET. I. f n J v u va a I is the leader of diplomatic entertainers I at Madrid. money in mining. the manuscript of "Home. Sweet Home," was given by John Howard rayne to Miss Mary Harden. Misa liar. den haa died, and the inann print haa ' , , ,. 1 i ,ui nit uuui. w.nu iv in ucucvcu io u to mane them lor use in food, or at sun in existence, and efforts are being tempted to use them for rai.in hr oiscuii or caae. would sutler severe nen allies. Dread or other food considered to be. that most stringent laws have been en acted to prevent it. These laws are rigidly enforced, and the eaie of alum baking powders would not be permitted for an hour. Any one who attempted made to discover it, John W. Mackav made his nannl Christmas gift of one-half a month's sal- ry to every employe of the Commercial uaoie tympany, of which he is Presi uem. inere are zi names on the cav roll, and the distribution amounts to The ill effects noon the system of food raised by alum baking powdera are the more dangerous because of their insid ious character. It would be less dan J0.01H), which Mr. Mackav nava ont n . i. i. .j u L hisown pocket. avoided: but their rldlftprmna a; Prof. William R. Ware of Columbian because imnercentihle at. first j. nn loci .i i i . .... . . ' ""i " vuni-Ke, wnose anowieage ana taste in certain. architecture have made him an author- The puckering effect which alum has ity in that art. haa recently heen in Tn-1 when tAknn in tho mnnth, in tamiii.. dianapolis to inspect the new eoldiera' to every one. Phyaicians say this same ..luiiuuicui in jiiuut-BB oi erection mere, eutiui is proaucea oy it upon the deli He is charged with the supervision of cate coata of the atomnrh and int.tinou mat worn. What housewife would take home tn Tennyson's dislike, not to sav hatred, her family a can 0f aum 0r ammonia of the common people growson him with Pahmg powder if ehe knew it? Such his years. His beautiful homeatHael- powders not only undermine the system, mere is so arranged as to exclude the P"1 't is pointed out that ammonfa taken " profane hnni " frnm a aiht nf tho iron, into the BVStem in even infinitesimal 1 " - - " 1 p, ' " W . . 'lt I . " ' .... . . . . ... . erable poet, and it is a rare thing for any d08t'8 da7 aIter day, imparts to i he com- ouisiuer to eaten a glimpse oi him as he H"iuu a sauow ana Dioicnea appear strolls about the garden with hin lnniT I ance pipe and slouch hat. aafe to discard all baking pow- Cardinal work on rOUt. nn hia k-noa Tka fnn.,... L- ..1 : n U prelate is now past 81 rears of age and Pwa.er8- iwo of the largest selling growing feeble. His fine, intellectual '"""u.'.uuo uiauB '.roin mm, me otner foi.o iii OQom,.,i ,wi. i:L. .L.i. .u containing ammonia, and both of these mvu .o DvnUJCll niVll fcUO 1IUCH L11HL 1,111 I . . . ' ' . ' . " age brings, and the skin is drawn tihtlv "ged baking powders have stamped across his broad forehead. ThefWinnl nP their labels and circulars these is nd slouch hat. safe to discard all baking pow- linal Manning does all his literary deI?,,8Jd wih a Prize or Rift- J n a small writing pad, whic'i he BJ fhf 1 a mnpmer are the words "Ab- n his knee. The famous English eolaty p"re," as applied to baking a very tall man. more than six feet in height when erect, but his slender figure is bent with years, and his white hair shows in scant locks from beneath his skull cap. words, absolutely pure ; as a matter of ikui iuey are Absolutely roar." shown by official examinations. as WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. The President of Ecuador Orders Complete Display of Women's Work at the Fair. The women physicians, nharmacists and dentists of Illinois intend to prepare Hn exniou to De made in the lllinou Mate building. The department of electricity is mak ing an effort to secure a complete collec tion of historical electrical apparatus in order to show the progress of the science from early times. The pressure exerted on the Rhenish manufacturers to induce them to exhibit at the World's Fair is likely to be suc cessful. Several prominent ones among them, who at first refused, are changing their opinion. The President of Ecuador has ordered that a complete , display of woman's work shall be prepared for the fair. This is to include a collection of gold and silver braid work, woven straw and other novelties. Two or three women may be sent to Chicago to take charge of the display. L. Takaqui and K. Ikeda, two repre sentatives commissioned by the Mikado of Japan, have been in Chicago seeking detailed information concerning tha exposition. They were greatly pleased and Baid their country would make a fine exhibit, and that in it would be a number of private art treasures of the Mikado. In the interest of the Persian partici pation in the exposition the Persian government has lifted the export duty on all goods which will be sent to the World's Fair from Persia, and it ha also lifted the import duty on all goods which will be purchased at the World's Fair and brought into Persia. These concessions have greatly increased the interest taken in the World's Fair in Persia. Electricity is to be the motive ferce in Jackson Park during the construction of the buildings. The electric plant has been completed and steam engines must go, lhis is done in order to reduce the fire risk. The saw mills, used in cettini? out building material, which have been run by steam, are now supplied by eleo trie POWer. fnmished. if doairarl nifrKt and day. Electrcal Engineer Sargeant is prepared with a sixty horse-power plant to supply eleetrio motor service. Fouthful Depravity. Carl and Ruth, brother and aster, aged I ana 4, are known to tneir immediate rela tives and to a good many besides aa "terrors." Tne other afternoon they were encaged in a very promising sparring contest, when their mother intervened with some violence, took both contestants by the collar and set them down sharply on the floor, one on one side of the fireplace and the other on the other side. Then she seated herself between thein. "There 1" she exclaimed; "now star there. xacuy wuere you are, and 1 forbid you to make a soauar There was something unusually peremptory. perhaps, in this treutmeut, and for a few momenta the "terrors" were cowed. Carl sat silent, bliukiug and looking puzzled. His Mother would have sworn that he was study ing up some means of getting around her com mands. And presently she was astonished Hi him extend his hand solemnly toward Ruth, with the remark: "Liet us pray I" And the two children fell on their w hue the boy repeated the Lord's Prayar. He knew his mother couldn't spank him for that. Listener in Boston Transcript Telegraphy In Conversation. An expert woman telegrapher was telling aa Mings connected with her profession. "Do you know how many more ways teleg- rapners uaveoi communicating among them selves than ordinary mortals have!" she asked. "Not Well, I'll tell you. Not long ago, in crowded house, I saw an associate to whom I ry much wished to say a few words. She was within easy hearing distance of me, but I could not get close enough to her to whisper wnat i wisnea to say, ana 1 could not even catch her eye. Suddenly I thought of some thing. 1 noticed that the frame of the chair in which I was sitting was iron. I took my latchkey out of my pocket and, striking the frame of the chair, tapped out her full name. Her practiced ear caught the sounds at once. She turned and saw tw. Then I tapped out my fall message on the rim of my chair. Sh took her latchkey from her pocket and sent an answer in the samo way. Not a word was spoken, and only two or three persons noticed the clicking, and these did uot understand what it meant." New York Evening Sua A Bacillus In Warta. Dr. Kuhnemau has found in sections of warts (verruca vulgaris) a bacillus which is always present in the prickle layer. It has distinctive qualities as regards its capacity for color, and is found both between and in the cells. Its form is that of exceedingly delicate, slender rods, the thickness bearing the proportion to the length of one to six. It is seldom found in th skin surrounding the warts, and is found most plentifully when the wart is recent. Philadelphia Record. Proline, fruit, Rta. WiffAT Vahey, Wai a W $1.57u (l.oO per cental. Fu.ua Standard, ij.oO, Walla Walla, $4.80; Graham, 4.00; fcupertine, $3.00 per barrel. Oats New, 40(a;-i5c per bushel. Hav vll'gi3 per ton. MiLLSTtri's liran, $19; snorts, $21; ground barley, $&2.&oti; chop feed, 4l8'ult per ton; feed barley, $20; mid dlings, $28 per ton; brewing barley, $1.101.15 per cental. Burma Oregon fancy creamery, 37) 40c; fancy dairy, 324ac; fair to good, 25ft27c; common. 1522Jc; Eastern, 25(?ai4C per pound. Chbehk Oregon, 14Q16c; Eastern, 15 10c per pound. Eoos Oregon,3032Jc ; Eastern,26(i 27,l4c per dozen. Poulthy Chickens. $6(36 60: ducks. $5.50(s.50; geese, $11 per dozen; to keva, 12ic per pound. v koktablks Cabbage, nominal. $1(4 $1.5upercental;caulih'ower1$i per dozen; vuiuua, m;uai percental ; potatoes, -KHg 00c per sack; sweet potatoes, 3c per pound ; California celery, 76c per dozen bunches; fancy Oregon celery, 60c per dozen bunches; carrots, 7ac per sack ; beeta, 75c per sack ; parsnips, $1.00 per sack; rhubarb, 3 4c per pound; rad ishes, 10c per dozen ; egg plant, $1.60(3 2.00 per box; cucumbers, 12bC per dozen. Ehuits Sicily lemons, $5.506.50 ; California, $4.60 per box; oranges, 4.5o5.50; apples, 75c$1.25 per box; -bananas, $3.oU4.00 a bunch; pine applea, $4t per dozen ; grapes, Muscat and black, 1.25(gl.60c per crate; cran berries, $10.iX) per barrel; Smyrna tigs, 1722c per pound; citrons, 27c per pound; Winter Nellia pears, $1.60(i 1.75 per box ; lady apples $1.25 per box. Acts California watnuts,U124c; hickory, 10c; Brazils, lOdllc; al monds, 10 18c; filberts, 1415c; pina nuts, 1718c; pecans, 17l8c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 6c; peanuts, 8c per pound. Staple Groceries. Honby 17j18c per ponn I. Salt Liverpool,$15.5uil6.75;stock, $ll(tl2 per ton. Cuffm Costa Rica. 21c: Rio. 21c; Salvador, 21c; Mocha, 30c; Java, soc; Arbuckle's, 100-pound cases, 20 he per pound. Kick Japan. $5.00: Island. $5.75 ner cental. Bka-ns Small white, 3c; pink, 2c; bayos, 2.kc; butter. 3'-c: liinaa. AUn per pound. Sugar V, 4.c; Golden C. 4Vc: extra C. 4f.c: granulated, (ice cube crushed and powdered, 6,c; con lecnoners' a, oc ; maple sugar, lfi.a I c per pound. bYRur Eastern, in barrels. 422 4v.. half-barrels, 4447c; in cases, 66t80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California, in barrels, 3oc per gallon; $1.75 per keg. Dried Ff.uits Italian prunes. S.as ic Petite and German. tK7c per pound; raisins, $1.201.90 per box; apples, Plummer-dried, 8,9c; evaporated peaches, 9llc: Smyrna figs. lTiaa-'Un; California tigs, 7c per pound. Uannid Uoods table fruits, tt.&va 1.80, 2s; peaches, $1.802.00; Bart lett pears, $1.801.90; plums, $1.37 VS 1.50; strawberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.5 tz.); Diact berries, $1.85(31.90: rasp lilies, $2.40; pineapples, $2.252.80; apricote,$1.601.70. Pie fruit: Assorted, $I.IO1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1 1.10; blackberries, $1.25 1.40 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.10 1.75; tomatoes, 95c1.00; sugar peas, 95c$1.60; string beans, 90c$1.00 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, 75c$l.ti5; lobsters, $2.30 (3.60. Condensed milk : Eale brand, -8.10; Crown, $.7.00; Highland, $8.60; , Champion, $5.50; Monroe, $8.75 per case. Meats : Corned beei, $1.90 ; chipped beef, 2.10; innch tongue, $3 0 1 Is, 5 53 2s; deviled ham, $l.f 0 2.65 per dozen Miacellaueon. Nails Base quotations: iron, 3.00; steel, $3.0U; wire, $3.50 per keg Iron Bar, 3jc per pound. Steel lO'c per pound. Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, $8.008.50 per box; for crosses, $2 extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime quality, $6.75 per box ; 1. C. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.75 per lwx. Lead 4c per pound ; bar, Solder 13. 16c per pound, ac cording to grade. Shot- $1.85 per sack. Horseshoes $5. Naval Stores Oakum, $5 per bale; rosin. $4 80(i).00 Per 280 pounds; tar. Stockholm, $12.t0; Carolina, $7.00 per barrel : pitch. $0.00 per barrel : turpen tine, 65c per gallon iu carload lota. Bides, Wool and Hops. Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 8V 9c; Wc less for culls: green, selected. over 55 pounds. 4c ; under 55 poiindB, 3c ; sheep pelts, short wool, 3(K-I50c; me dium, 60S0c; long, 0e($1.25; shear lings, 10ia20c; tallow, good to choice, 3 3HjC per pound. Wool Willamette Vallev. 17(ai9c; Eastern Oregon. 10(l7c per round. according to condition and ace. Hops Nominal ; 16'Ji8c per pound. . Tb.4 Meat Market. Bekp Live, 2c ; dressed, 56c Motton Live, sheared, 3Mc: dressed. 78c. Hogs Live, 4c ; dressed, 6c Vxal 4t)c per pound. Smokkd Meats Eastern ham, 11 c; other varieties. 12!c: breakfast bacon, lla12Vc; sides, 10c; smoke iwon, 1 1 yA at uc per pound. Lakd Compound. 9(i?10c: pure. 10i llgc; Oregon, 10il2Vc per pound. Bars and Ka?rtng-. Burlaps. 8-oz.. 40-inch, net cash. burlaps, 10-oz., 40-inch, net cash, 7c; burlaps, 12-oz., 45-inch, net cash, 7c; burlaps, 16-oz., 60-inch, 11c; burlaps. 20- oz., 7-inch, I3e. Wheat bags, Calcutta, 22x26, ep.)t, c; three-tuhel oat bags, 8c. Centals (second hand wheat bags), 8c